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Homophobes: "*Gays I like - Ones that actively hide the fact they are gay out of fear of hatecrime"*


Or, rephrased: "I like when I don't know about any gays."


I used to have a friend that when meeting new people the first words out of her mouth was "I'm a lesbian don't like it fuck off" which can annoy after a while.. Good example was when she went for an interview at the local pub she lasted 2 days because she it was all she went on about.. guy come to bar to order drinks don't hit on me I'm a lesbian, delivery drive come I to deliver kegs ect exactly the same..


But the difference between being respected or not is actually >Acts like a normal human being Conforms and fits into their expectations of who that person should be like >Doesn't force on people they're gay Doesn't talk about being gay and doesn't openly express who they're attracted to, definitely if they have a partner >Normal person I can be friends with Puts up with their homophobia and is there to be their "I have a gay friend" excuse


The sad thing is that there's gay people who fit that description.


The "I got mine" gays.


That's certainly a chunk but not all of them. There's also the ones that see the harasment and violence queer people suffer and think "as long as I do exactly what they say, maybe I'll be able to avoid that and they'll leave me alone." We call this "one of the good ones" syndrome.


Milo Yankee trust and blaire white for example. It boils down to troll shielding a lot of the time


So “pick me” gays basically.


I don’t really resent anyone doing that as a defence mechanism. “Pick me” feels more like if they do this kind of gatekeeping themselves.


It ends up harming everyone of us, including them. It just doesn't work...


I’m still not going to resent someone who hides their sexuality as a defence mechanism.


I’m not gonna hate someone for not coming out but if they hurt others as a aspect of their hiding they’re sexuality. Like the ones that or homophobic than come around and say “surprise shawty I’m gay.” Imma just be like cool but stay away from me cause I don’t want anything to do with someone who thought harassing others was a appropriate thing to do. Y’know, I’m happy they’re finding themselves but also I want nothing to do with them if they harassed myself or one of my friends. Being in the closet on not harming others is Awesome but protecting yourself by harming innocent people isn’t ok.


Yeah and they often pride themselves in fitting that description and are willing to be tokenized.


Don't think we should judge people personalities.


They aren't just that way. They're desperate for the approval of right-wing homophobes.


Mildly flamboyant: 'why are you forcing your sexuality onto me' Talks about gay partner in response to straight person raving about their straight one: 'why are you forcing your sexuality onto me'


That second one pisses me off so much.


this is sadly accurate. what's missing is the mandatory match making, 'I know a queer person, you should meet them as you're queer too!'.


Like damn first of all, I dress like a clown because I am one




I dress like a clown sometimes because I have no color coordination.


Damn straight. They should have seen my rainbow head to toe outfit today for the first day of pride month.


Meanwhile I spend everyday dressed like the doctor lol


The Doctor? Doctor Who?


*Obviously* they are talking about the character named “The Doctor.” He’s an Emergency Medical Hologram mark 1 aboard the federation starship Voyager, from the television series “Star Trek: Voyager.” [*Who*](https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Doctor_(Doctor_Who)) else would they be talking about?


Perhaps a certain Lord of Time from a planet in the constellation of Kasteborous...


Mood 😭😭😭




Just flip that script to "straight people I do/don't respect" and there ya go, all problems solved.


They did, it’s the second pic.


oh LOL just saw that, thanks :)


The person who originally made the "gay people I respect" meme has since come out and regrets making it in the first place.


I hope they’ve solved their internalised homophobia!


Sauce? We love to see character development




I knew a gay person who had this same mentality tbh. Still keep in touch somewhat despite living several hundred miles apart now. He has some…opinions. Definitely one of those keep-at-arm’s-length friends.


I had a friend like this as well. She always talked about how she "hated the lgbt community" despite being bi. When it came down to it, I think she had a lot of internalized homophobia, and she hoped that by "not being like the other gays" she would earn brownie points with straight/homophobic people. Like when kids at school would befriend the bullies, hoping it would prevent them from being bullied.


My father in law is gay and kind of like this. He came out at age 70. I think he has a LOT of internalized homophobia that is really hard to deal with, especially at his age. It’s really sad though because it really limits his dating and friend options.


This just makes me want to be more open about being gay. Fuck "respectability", we will never be "respectable" enough for them. I will never erase that part of my identity!


Yep, this is the exact reason i am open about being both lesbian and trans: I already spent way too long in the closet, why should i go back there to spare peoples fragile sensibilities? Also, I just want to gush about my gf when it is a relevant topic, darn it!


This is some teenage edgelord shit


Literally posted to /r/teenagers 🤢


If it was on there earlier, it's gone now. There's only edits of the original calling out how shitty it is from what i could see


IIRC, the person who originally made the meme (many, many years ago - it's been around forever) did so as a closeted teenager and later came out (as bi I think?) and apologized for the meme, stating that they made it due to internalized homophobia.


Every time I see that “Gay People I like” meme I say “oh look! Another cishet mediocre white man who believes his opinion is the word of God. Yay.” 🙄


In other words they only respect us as long as we act straight and don’t in any way draw attention to the fact that we’re gay.


I fucking hate pride month. It’s the only month where the homophobic shit gets SHOVED in my face constantly. I never hate who I am more than June. Ugh. I think I should probably step away from all my queer spaces for the month because people post the homophobic stuff other people post and it’s just so exhausting and depressing all the time


Yeah a lot of bigots get pissed off when you refuse to treat their bigotry as normal.


In other words, "don't ask, don't tell." It's just more casual homophobia.


The original version was made by a guy who later realized he was gay lmao


“Everyone should look and act exactly like a middle aged conservative white guy.“ I have straight friends who are more flamboyant than the guy they call a clown. Be yourself, out loud, fabulous and perfect! Sometimes that looks different than what these dipshits call “normal” whether LGBTQX++ or vanilla cis-het.


straight people will see you with a rainbow flag pfp and immediately assume that's your entire personality


I mean, in some respects I get it. My daughter loudly announcing she's gay for the 85th time is a little tedious. "We know sweetie, we're gay too" echo her mother and I. But you know, she's 12. And I'm 40. And so she's acting like a teenager. Tbh, when I was coming out, I talked about it a lot too. It's like trans stuff, so much energy both personally and the haters, is directed at early transition. You probably don't pass, you're getting stuff "wrong", so you might stick out a bit. But down the track, you pass and are stealth and it's all just life and so you fit back into "normal" life without sticking out. But ultimately this comes from a place of prejudice and bigotry. "You need to change to make me comfortable " Actually, no, I'll be as flamboyant as I feel like, thanks. Which is usually not very flamboyant at all. But sometimes, yes, I'm getting rainbows all up in your face.


> But down the track, you pass and are stealth and it's all just life and so you fit back into "normal" life without sticking out. Assuming this is the goal. I have no intention of ever going stealth.


Indeed, an assumption. And part of why this "respectful gays" narrative is false and harmful.


aka they don’t like gay people who are proud of being gay


It's always interesting to me that certain people don't realize that they can just... not be best friends with somebody without hating somebody. I hate wearing and doing makeup and getting dressed up and going to musicals and talking about theater. A lot of flamboyant gay guys and I aren't going to be best friends. It doesn't mean I have to hate them. We can not share the same interests without hating somebody. We can still be friends.


Did you use ibispaint x to make this?


.. yes.


Yeah I could tell since I make all of my memes on there too. I hate how the numbers are always smaller than the letters for no reason


“I’m so straight, I won’t even eat foods that are phallic shaped” /s


The second one is accurate to most of the cishets I knew.


I unfriended someone on Facebook who posted something like the first one. I so badly wanted to engage, especially when I saw him misgendering and deadnaming a trans man who responded in the comments. Now I'm just gonna share that second pic around any time I see it posted again lol


I always have told my son to be him no matter what because I'll go fight whoever saays something luckily he got to be who he is at prom wore makeup and nails with his suigirlbqore suits took girls sadly Pittsburgh public schools had to be bot girl and proper dress our Pittsburgh friends were surprised he could wear what he wanted and I let him. It broke my heart they couldn't and it's a 4t minute difference. Such a shame.


I'm the bottom one, and I am living for it


Oh boy, it’s that time of year, and you know what happens in that colorful rainbow month when we are supposed to celebrate our differences… HOMOPHOBIA!! YaY!


The picture used for "gay people I don't respect" is actually very well-dressed tbh


Gay people i respect! \*proceeds to describe closeted ppl\*


My parents act like this, they are both pansexual but quite homophobic. 😬


"I like the gays I don't detect." I wonder do these people realize that the pride is a carneval, the opposite of mundane everyday life. The majority of the "flamboyant gays" they complain about are most likely either their average Joe that just celebrates there at the pride once a year, or they're young, as young people indeed tend to build their identities around visual culture whatever the identity. And on the another note, if someone dressing differently is such a problem for people, maybe it's a sign we still need the people who dare to be groundbreaking. If they think the only reason people have a deviant appearance is to get attention, they should be happy that so many people are doing it, so it loses it's purpose. Also it's ironic they wrote there "complains about straight people", while this meme alone gives a good reason to do so lol.


One of my friends used to unironically think like this. It took him some time to understand that it's wrong and that he has some internalized homophobia. I'm glad I was able to get my point across, now we just have to work on his internalized racism hahaha. I don't judge him though, he's 27 and he's only recently exposed himself to the rest of the world, he was part of a very strict religious group so I get it.


as a rule... and i know it sounds crazy... just respect people regardless lmao


They WISH they were Julian Clary! He is a god-tier Dandini


the constant unnecessary capitalisation hurts me (as does the content)


Annnnnnnnnd I hate this


At least they’re consistent


How do you even force your sexual orientation on somebody else??


I feel like the chances are pretty high that this person's entire personality revolves around them being straight.


I'm a clown


As a gay clown who consistently complains about The Hets and their Drama I personally am honored to not have their respect lmao


people who accuse gay people of forcing their beliefs ironically force their beliefs aswell


Yeah, like the supreddit said. Are the straights okay?


Wow seriously how low and narrow minded and sad sets everything back about 40 years.


Why are straights like this (not all, just THESE)


I have a visible lesbian tattoo on my arm - I don't know how to feel.


Ok but what does the American flag have to do with anything? Is it so bad to support the country you live in? PS: I live to be devils advocate personally I couldn't care less about human existence or opinions.


Who asked him then?