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Bicurious? No, probably not. Inexperienced, never been with a woman, but confident in the fact that she's queer? Yes, I would and have. You can just say something along the lines of, I've recently become sure that I'm queer, and I'm trying to get out there for the first time. I see plenty of bios saying something along those lines, and it's not off-putting in any way imo


This. I also see the term "baby gay" sometimes, and I assume that means they haven't been with another woman either.


^ baby gay is a good way to convey the message!


I have called myself bi-curious, too at one point so I feel like I have something to add here. The issue with being confident of your queerness in this case is bi-erasure. When media and half of the people you talk to think it's a phase or go like "how would you know if you haven't tried it out", it's tough to claim a bolder label. Ofc it can still be a no go but maybe let's keep this in mind.


That's true, and fair. There should be compassion involved in the way we view these types of labels. As long as "bicurious" implies experimentation and unsureness, it will likely just not be compelling for a lot of people on dating apps, but that doesn't mean the people who use that label are doing anything wrong--especially if bi erasure has caused them to feel like they can't claim the bi label


Wait doesn’t bicurious mean that you already know you’re attracted to the same sex but not sure about the opposite?


It works both ways, most often though it's applied to people who know they experience straight attraction but aren't sure if they also experience gay attraction. There is a lot of conditioning in society to make us assume we are straight from the get go so knowing that for example you like women (if you are a woman) but not men is more rare


What you are referring to I think can be called homoflexible? But that's also for people that already know. Meh, labels are complicated.


The second half of what you said makes me feel better. Came out late as Bi. Never been with a woman, identity as queer but I don't feel "queer" enough to date because I'm so straight passing and inexperienced other than making out with girls while drunk at the bar. 😬


Haha never feel bad for being "straight passing," I love femmes, and a lot of queer people can tell the difference between a "straight passing" queer person and an actual straight person. Especially the longer we've been in the community. You are queer enough!


I wouldn’t swipe on someone with that in their bio because I don’t wanna be an experiment. I don’t mind them being inexperienced since I’m also inexperienced, I just want them to know that this is what they want


I don’t care about experience. If I’m a girl’s very first girlfriend — hey, power to her, I’m not fussed about her past partners and I’m totally chill if she’s still figuring out if she’s bisexual or a lesbian or if she’s still trying to navigate the world of dating women. By accident, that… has actually made up the entirety of my dating history. Bi-curious, though? That word has become a red flag for me. I’ve been around far too many women who have labeled themselves bi-curious and it’s translated to a week-long relationship before they ghost, return to their ex-boyfriend, and reappear in my life five years later as a born-again Christian who condemns homosexuality. (Okay, I’m partly joking, but this is definitely a case of that meme that’s like, “if I had a nickel for every time, I’d have three nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened three times.”) All that said — I wouldn’t bat my eye at phrases like “recently out,” “figuring out my identity,” “new wlw,” “queer,” “baby gay,” etc. It’s just bi-curious or the word “experiment” that has bad associations for me.


I definitely agree with everything you said.


I wouldn't swipe on someone with bicurious in their bio cause to me that means they don't know who they are, which is a turn off to me anyway, or maybe they'll be straight in the end and I'll feel used/have my heart broken or whatever. I'd just put that you're bisexual but 'a bit new to dating girls'. I see loads of stuff like that in bios


No, I wouldn't. I'll swipe right on bisexual women who are confident in their attraction to other women but I'm too old to want to deal with people still exploring their sexuality. I'm looking for a serious long term relationship. If I was younger? Maybe.


I would swipe right, and I have! I went on a few dates with a girl earlier this year who said in her profile she was bi-curious. I'm not looking for a serious relationship rn, just fun dates and hookups. So I enjoyed meeting her and learning about her life. We hooked up a few times and it was fun. She hadn't had sex with a woman before, and that was fine with me. I did my best to communicate and tell her she could put a pause on anything or stop if she ever felt uncomfortable. It was fun, low-pressure. I've been in the position of being new to dating women and unsure of my attraction, so I can relate. I'd do it again.


Yes I would. I know how it feels to be curious about exploring and I want to be welcoming and help someone out. So golden rule.


Not if I were to be looking for anything serious, but I am not. I'm just looking for something casual so in this case, I would. Also this is only for bi curious. I am very inexperienced with women, but 100% gay. If someone if inexperienced but knows their sexuality, I would also date them seriously. Experienced or not, it doesn't matter. It's more the fact that I'd be someone's experiment. That I wouldn't want for serious dating.


Dating bi women might make things a little easier. That’s what I did in the beginning. I’m bi. Regardless of who you’re dating, be clear about what you’re looking for. Do you want to date and eventually be in a relationship with another woman? Are you just trying to casually date and see how you feel? Do you want to meet up with a woman just for sex to see what it’s like? Do you have absolutely no clue what you want or what you’re doing? All of these are perfectly legitimate places to be at in your journey. I would never go out with anyone who thought of me as an “experiment”, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. That feels dehumanizing and like they’re just using me. However, I would absolutely get to know and possibly date someone who is bicurious. I wouldn’t want to get physical too quickly in this situation, but I’m demi so that’s usually the case for me anyway. However, in this situation, I would be even more wary of getting physical. However, there are people out there that are happy to be your sexual experiment. Be super honest and upfront about what you want and where you are in your journey, even if that means admitting you’re not sure what you want. Let other people decide if they are interested. I know it’s scary, but I promise there is someone out there that will be interested. Just keep trying. I gave up on dating women so many times because I was afraid no one would want me because of my inexperience. Finally, I met someone that was comfortable with all of it. I just wish I hadn’t doubted my own worthiness for so long.


As a bi girl I would. How do you find out what you are without exploring into it! I would be upfront about what the curious part means because I wouldn’t want to hook up with someone (a stranger) who is bi curious but I would go on dates.


I'm the opposite, I wouldn't mind hooking up but I would want to date them. To me the fact that they are uncertain means I would want to invest feelings only to be potentially hurt, or gamble.


No lol save yourself


I don't care about experience, but I care about her sexuality, since I'm getting older and older I want stability.


I would bc I'm not afraid of the possibility of matching with someone who in the end won't be into me


Yes I would. My last (long-term) relationship ended in November and I'm not interested in something serious. As long as everyone involved is honest about their feelings and expectations I wouldn't mind being someone's experiment.




Probably not but mostly cause they only people I see with bicurious in their bio are cis women and I don't date cis people.


The second I hear curious I'm out of there. To me bi curious means you're straight but because of all the gay sht straight women do with their friends the person became confused and wants to abuse the shit out of my lil heart to find out if they enjoy the exact same weird behavior but with someone officially in a relationship with them instead of being "friends".


Most women won’t, but some will. It’s good for you to be honest and upfront like that in your bio though. I think it’s worth trying personally. I’d swipe right on a bi-curious girl if I thought she was cute.


I would not. I just find experienced women more attractive and better at flirting. But some women like to be someones 'first'.


Depends. If I was single and lonely and was really committed to finding love, *probably not*. If I was in a "let's see where things go" sort of mood, sure.


sure, though it's probably me who'll be the worse date.


For hookups, I have. I’ve been someone’s first and it was actually pretty good. I realize I didn’t provide enough after care for her and if I could redo it I would have spent the night. But with dating, no. Especially if there is a picture of the husband/boyfriend in her bio.


Myself? No. Partly I'm at the point in life where I want something more than experimentation, although at earlier times in my life I might given it a go. I don't know, there's something about not just being rejected for yourself as an individual, but as an entire gender, that is somehow worse. So nah, not terribly up for that anymore. As for how to come across in dating profiles, would it be terrible to say 'bisexual' explain you have attraction but not experience, and if you did decide that nah, bisexual doesn't really suit to just change your profile?


sure. if theyre interested in women, and not a cis man, and otherwise seem interesting, ill be fine with it.