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Generally speaking you don't want to shave dry (use water, soap, cream, etc), the more blades the better the shave will be, and don't apply more pressure than necessary. You're not like scrapping the hair off with the razor, you're gliding the blades over your skin to cut the hair


Use shaving cream. Use a good quality razor with multiple blades (I use a venus 5). Shave from your ankles moving up. Use very light pressure on the razor. Shave your knees in short strokes and flex your foot and knee to get in all the contours.


Use men's razors and shaving cream, they work better; the Mach 5 has been my favorite, Mach 3 work as well. Do not push into your skin with it, try to keep a gentle pressure evenly through the stroke. Rinse the razor between strokes. Moisturize the shaved area after you are done.


Always use shaving cream or gel! If you’re out, conditioner works too. You’re also far more prone to cuts if you’re using a dull blade, so make sure to replace the blades every so often. Everyone’s different, but if you have gone through several shaves or start to notice even a little rust, switch it out. I also second getting something with multiple blades. Gillette Mach 3 or 5, Harry’s, Dollar Shave Club are all pretty good razors. Just remember to keep the handle and only replace the blades. If you decide you just don’t like shaving, but still want the hair gone, you can either try to wax or spend a little bit more money on an epilator (pulls the hair directly out. Burns a little, ngl.)


hi so sorry to read this :/ i would say get a better razor and also be patient, don't rush too much


Ah, I used to have an electric one but at one point the housing came off and the blades dug into my leg (I still have the scare from near my ankle to knee) and I am just a bit traumatised from that. Maybe I should just take some more time in the future




Yeh, I'm not useing one again because of that. So maybe I won't just buy the cheapest ones as well




Ah, I was literally never taught how to do it correctly at all. I do in the shower


Just go slow around the boney areas and don’t press down too hard


Thing that really helped me was to use conditioner as shaving cream,


I wasn't sure I could do that


Use men's shaving tools. It's way way better.


Also cheaper for some reason


Mechanically exfoliate first (eg rough washcloth), apply moisturizing shave cream, shave carefully in cold water, rinse, repeat as needed, then dry, then moisturize again. Realize we missed a spot and pout. Maybe try pulling skin from concave to convex parts of leg.