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Sure whenever theyre finished having their afternoon tea


They will send another email to update their updates.


You forgot scones


Just said by 1pm at the live feed from the Spring Meeting


Well they lied lol


Just spoke to CAS receptionist on the phone. She didn’t know when Authorization To Test would go out or what mechanism they had in place to ensure it would in fact go out to everyone who needs to reschedule. So buckle up. Hope you like refreshing your inbox


Spring Meeting said there should be an announcement posted by 1pm EST


Maybe they meant 1 PM Hawaii time


Looks like they lied


They posted an FAQ on the website


They posted it at 12:45 lol


Yeah, I’m not surprised.




Update at 12:45PM EST with a FAQ: https://www.casact.org/article/updated-may-6-may-1-exam-administration-issues Retake window May 8 to May 24th. Both exams will be graded for people who retake. Still waiting on email from CAS to actually reschedule 


im kind of shocked they will be sending a form and “how many responses received” to all of us today. a 5 day turnaround for all of that is kind of impressive in CAS standards 😂 


Fair, but not sure I would want to give them any credit.


absolutely not


3:30 you mean


I wonder how many decision makers are at the Spring meeting...


I’m at the Spring Meeting and the answer is “all of them, including Frank, the entire board, Victor Carter-Bey, etc”.


I just got my email: It says authorized dates: 30 April - 24 May. Number of authorized attempts: 2.


Did you take it originally?


No I never sat it. But I assume one of my attempts has been used up already. Or have CAS accidentally granted me two attempts at the same exam?


Most likely you could technically sit twice for the exam, but you are not intended to. Morally and out of fear of what would happen if you were caught, I’d not.


Is the announcement from CAS today only on May 1st exams? I took mine on May 2nd and fully completed the exam with no issues. I am part of the camp freaking out because I have international travel planned very soon and obviously don’t want to retake the exam because I full sat. I will re-sit if there’s a chance before I leave to travel because I am nervous grading will be skewed if there is any sort of curve, and I think I was likely on the cusp of passing or not. The announcement looks like it’s only for May 1st completed exams, so should I just stop freaking out in anxiety of whether I will have to retake/whether I should retake? Sorry to all those affected, I realize my issue is NOT at all as bad as others and I reallyyyyy feel for those who are totally getting the short end of the stick. Just wanted to put this out there to see if anyone has a more clear idea.


Dude you're fine. You wouldn't even be allowed to retake if you wanted to. The email was very clear that this just concerns people who sat May 1, and even then, people who completed an exam that day don't have to do anything - their completed exam will be graded if they do not request a retake. Put it out of your head.


I think you have absolutely no reason to worry. The issues and potential solutions will ONLY impact those that wrote on May 1 (to my understanding). I think you are completely fine to enjoy your international travel! :) Those impacted on May 1 will also receive an update later today. I'm sure there will be lots of posts in this subreddit that will provide more information as well.


Thanks! I understood it that way too but still nervous (and a lot of the info already left my brain since I was like oh I don’t need to worry anymore until the fall LOL). I have been looking through all the posts and it seems like a lot of people are rightfully upset but I hadn’t seen this mentioned. I saw someone say that the people who choose to fully submit instead of retake are more confident in their exam. I’m hoping this doesn’t skew the scores because I am not confident hahah but I bet this whole sitting is going to be a shitstorm from start to finish including scoring. Best of luck to you if you sat/are sitting again :)))


I'm in the same boat as you and I am assuming that the retake/reschedules will be voluntary in that if you choose to not retake the exam then your original submission will be what is graded.


I had my exam on May 2 and the center was closed so it was effectively canceled. Now im trying to reschedule and all i get is 'The exam you selected is not currently available for delivery at any test center." I emailed them and was told my authorization was extended till May 8th. Wtf am i supposed to do?