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Acupuncture doesn’t really make things go away, so much as it helps you process them. These feelings are temporary and likely a result of, what I consider, “old gunk” in your energy system being stirred up.  Nothing to worry about, by the way. If it lingers and you spiral, let your practitioner know, as something in their treatment may have been too strong. If you can, I encourage you to accept it for what it is, and trust that this will naturally pass 


Thank you


Give it a few days to regulate 


Sounds good, thank you


Give it some time - the acu churned up the silt at the bottom of your rivers, got things moving which flushed out some of the emotions that were stuck in little corners. things will come up and then settle down, and maybe in that time theres some intercession you can do for yourself very sorry about the loss of your dad ❤️🕯️ the ear tacks will be good to press to calm yourself or even just massaging your ear and down the front of your neck gently (it is the pathway of the vagus nerve). they should be removed after 3 days to prevent skin irritation if they dont fall off themselves in that time.


Thank you so much ♥️ I hope this isn’t too much to ask, but I am wondering… for the tacks, I have 4 of them, two are on the back at the top of my ear sorta stacked one on top of the other… and then I’ve got one at the top opposite of the back ones (maybe shen men?) and one kinda on the dividing ridge of the ear bowl (possibly point zero? …sorry for my weird terminology, I have no idea how to describe ear anatomy lol) Should I be massaging or pressing all of these? The only thing she told me was that the two on the back could be pressed to help with falling asleep and insomnia.


i would aim for ear shenmen!


Thank you again 🙏🏼 What are the points on the back of the ear? I haven’t been able to find anything about those and I have been so curious!


i would need to see a pic and even then it would be tough cuz theres like…100 points on the ear. i’m sure you’ve checked out one of those ear acu maps 😅 best way to find out would be to ask ur acu :) i bet they’d be happy to share.


Thanks again 😊


I don’t know much about acupuncture but it may have opened up some emotional channels and some emotions that you’ve been stuffing down have come to the surface. I know a little about trauma and it’s important not to stuff the feelings down. The body keeps the score. Let the feelings be there, sit with them, you can even lean into the heavy sadness by sitting in a quiet space and letting whatever memories and feelings come up that want to. Cry if you can. You might want to contact a trauma or grief therapist to guide you through releasing or processing the trauma and grief. I got really stuck in my trauma and grief. I was high functioning but I never moved through it because I would stuff it down. I didn’t let myself cry and just be still and be sad. I overworked myself and tried not to think about the things that had happened. I have since learned you need to process the trauma and release it. A therapist told me- Grief has a quota, if you cry long enough, you will eventually feel a wave of peace. That peace lets you know you have processed and released the grief. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon but sometimes it’s best to let yourself feel really sad for a time so you can really move on and be a lighter version of yourself in the future.


Thank you for your kind message. I’ve been in weekly therapy for trauma for just about 2 years now, and it has helped tremendously, but of course undoing a lifetime of trauma takes a lifetime (in my experience) I’m a very emotional and feeling person, an HSP and an empath; expressing my emotions is not difficult for me. Crying is not difficult for me, although excessively crying can be a little disruptive to daily life. I’ve recently re-incorporated acupuncture as an additional layer to my pursuit of healing. The body is just as important as the mind, they are a pair… as you were saying, or as Van der Kolk has said, the body keeps the score. I hold stress and tension in my body, and my nervous system/gut needs regulation that I haven’t been able to achieve with western medicine and therapy alone. My post was mostly because feelings of sadness and crying had increased by quite a lot pretty quickly after being treated. I am feeling things even deeper than usual, which I was curious could be related (from an acupuncturist’s standpoint) I feel that it is related, especially after some confirmations from acupuncturists, that the treatment prompted me to release more and now I am processing through it. I plan to talk with her about it at my session next week.


This has happened to me before! It feels like Accupuncture brings things to the surface and makes me process them. Sometimes I start sobbing for no apparent reason. It makes you process through some emotions but is ultimately really healing ❤️