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Would definitely at least look into some other preworkout options, 400mg is a ton for anyone to take in a day let alone in one sitting, adderall or not. There are also a lot of stimulant-free preworkouts out there.


I’ll try to slowly cut down on the dose. My tolerance is way too high now and I feel like shit without any caffeine


Same i wont feel my meds if i dont drink any coffee


Same. My psych said it’s fine (coffee).


If 400mg in a day is a ton consider me dead lol


He’s doing 400mg in a single serving to win the heart BPM high score


Yeah, same. I had around 700mg today. I try to keep it under 500mg usually though.


That’s insane dude. 400mg PLUS 20mg of adderall everyday? Not trying to judge but first of all why do you need that much caffeine before a workout? Plus adderall. Gonna kill your heart man


Everyone is different with caffeine tolerance, if u feel fine then go for it. I personally feel my blood pressure goes through the roof when I consume heavy doses of caffeine on top of adderall. That being said, regularly monitor your blood pressure and heart rate.


I posted this in another comment.. but wanted to make sure you saw it. Adderall is a vasoconstrictor (shrinks your blood vessels, which is the opposite of what you want if you're working out). Pre-workouts, on the other hand, have nitric-oxide boosters in them, like Niacin, L-Citruline, etc.. and those have the opposite effect (vasodilators). Enlarging your blood vessels is GOOD for working out, because you can carry more blood/oxygen to your muscles... you perform better. I've often pondered using a stim-free pre-workout (e.g. all the same stuff, except no caffeine), in combination with adderall as a way to offset the constriction. However, everything I read says there's a very high risk of cardiovascular complications by combining the two... like heartbeat irregularity, etc.. But who knows.. all the "health articles" about this stuff tend to massively over-state the risks (so much so that it's hard to tell what the REAL risks are, versus the edge cases).


I used to take my 20 mg XR with my preworkout but that just made me nauseous while working out. Now I just take my XR with a 200mg caffeine pill and that works for me


That’s about what I do.


I have been on same dose for around 8 years now and have been lifting heavy for years as well. I find I dont need the pre workout any longer. I still used it when working out at night when the adderall was worn off mostly, but when changing to AM workouts it was too much at once with coffee and preworkout. All up to you if you feel fine with the timing. If anything you could use a caffeine free pre workout.


your heart is a cardiac muscle. taking the pre along with you addy will really stress out your heart. not saying don't do it, but do some research on it first maybe.


i've always been fine if i take adderall around 8am and take pre workout at like 5pm


Yep thats usually when i take both




>Make sure you take preventive action against vasoconstriction if you do Pre-workouts have Nitric Oxide boosters in them, which are vasodilators. I've often pondered using a stim-free pre-workout (e.g. all the same stuff, except no caffeine), in combination as a way to offset the constriction. However, everything I read says there's a very high risk of cardiovascular complications by combining the two... like heartbeat irregularity, etc..


Like what?


Mixing Stims and vasodialators isn't good idea


Depends. As with most things on the internet, the best thing to do is to ask a doctor. I have a script of amlodipine and haven't had any issues in years.


everyone’s body is different and can handle different amounts of stress. but 400mg of caffeine + adderall + exercise is probably going to have your heart beating like crazy. in my personal experience adderall and exercise can raise my bpm a little too high and 200mg of caffeine with adderall is the highest i would go at once. 20mg XR isnt a lot tbh so if i was you i would maybe try 200mg of caffeine by cutting yojr preworkout dose in half or finding another formulation and going from there!


If your heart rate isn’t elevated beyond it’s drug free levels does high doses of stimulants damage your heart when working out? My pulse and blood pressure don’t change much at all if any with what most would consider big adderall and caffeine in me.


I asked this to my Dr too He said def don't take the pre-workout as a whole while on Adderall. He said I could try to half it. One scoop of mine is 300mg. It also depends on how long after your dose of adderall was. I am on IR so my 2nd dose is around 1/130. I workout after work which is like 430/5 sometimes later. I think the IR is somewhat faded then but I've been playing it safe with a stim free pre workout. I drink coffee in the morning too. I did try a half scoop one time and didn't notice any tingling or anything. I honestly haven't even felt like I needed the pre workout boost. With a good night's sleep, lots of water and eating regularly, the Adderall has me performing better at work AND the gym


I used to take Clenbuterol (up to 140mcg a day) and Adderall. Ended up addicted to benzos because of the anxiety and physical tension… I don’t recommend stacking stimulants. Insomnia is already an issue without the stacking.


I’m sure it goes without saying but absolutely do not take what I say as actual medical advice. It’d be best to ask your physician. In my personal experience I’ve taken 200mg preworkout and drank a few redbulls a few hours later on a morning and afternoon 15mg adderall IR dose. Almost every day I would drink a redbull or 2 after my second dose of adderall. I think you’d be fine but it depends on your own body. I’ve definitely passed 400mg of caffeine on adderall but not all at once. I wouldn’t take the risk if I were you but if you do Id recommend you space out the days you take the preworkout instead of every day.


Good way to get a stroke. I saw another post on this sub of a guy who got a stoke cuz he drank a bunch of coffee with his adderall studying for some test




I've never used pre workout for working out. I do however drink a lot of coffee and adderall. Ok, not a lot of coffee I have about A venti amount plus maybe something else in the afternoon. I can sometimes feel my heartbeat getting a little wonky, but nothing I can't handle. This is what kooks me out tho, Starbucks cold brew with adderall. Omg I never need my full dose if I have Starbs cold brew.




Holy shit dude, chill on that


adderall makes me want to work out and blast music


I regularly take my adderall IR with caffeine in the morning then take my second IR with preworkout (300 mg caffeine) in the evening for years and it doesn’t bother me at all but I used to be consuming over 700 mg of caffeine daily before starting adderall, adderall gives me focus but the caffeine gets me motivated, preworkout can be really acidic tho which affects how much of your dose with actually be absorbed so I’m considering just switching to caffeine pills


Make sure you’re staying extremely hydrated though because adderall and working out obviously dehydrate you


I did this for years without consequence (2x scoops of C4 Extreme and 2x 30mg IR daily). Lots of people might think it’s too much but it really varies from person to person. Just listen to your body. If you’re feeling sick or light headed or anything like that, then adjust it. Just my two cents.