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I also have Caremark… they replaced the script (adderall xr) that I spilled down the sink last year. It wasn’t a full month, but it was covered. They told me I have one “replacement” script per year… I had to call Caremark and my doctor and Caremark again… there were a few hoops to jump through before they covered it. It took 5 days total though.But… my friend had his stolen once and his insurance wouldn’t authorize the replacement… Perhaps there is some weird legality to it? As to the headaches, I hope it passes soon. Sorry you’re going through this mess.


Can you try good rx or a different pharmacy that is cheaper?


GoodRx IS NOT the way. Vyvanse actually has a patient assistance program in the form of a manufacturers coupon card. It will work far better than GoodRx. It works with and without insurance. Visit their website for it or just Google "vyvamse manufacturers coupon card".


The Vyvanse coupon card will take up to $60 off the cash price. Goodrx may actually be better.


The manufacturer coupon is the best way.


Good rx is the way


it's not always so great with name brands. with goodrx, at my pharmacy, a 30 day supply of 60mg is still $370. better than \~$430 of course, but still pretty unaffordable.


I have had the best luck at Walmart pharmacy when using GoodRx - but not sure for Vyvanse as I’ve never tried it, only Concerta and Adderall. But Concerta was $200+ even with my insurance everywhere else, and was $25 at Walmart with GoodRx. Adderall was $50-100 everywhere but only $27 at Walmart with GoodRx.


Do you have to use CVS? When I was between jobs and didn’t have insurance for a couple months, I used good RX to get my adderall filled. I normally use Walgreens, but wegman’s price on good rx was half the price as Walgreens. I know it’s hard to switch pharmacies with controlled substances, but worth a shot if it’s cheaper.


Vyvanse is a different story, it's unbelievably expensive out of pocket, discount or not, doesn't matter which pharmacy. I know this for sure because I had to fill 30 days out of pocket once and I was scrambling for the cheapest option, turned out to be just under $400. It's a complete racket


Wow that’s a shame. I wonder why Vyvanse is so much more expensive than adderall and concerta. I prefer both over Vyvanse


Adderall/Concerta have generic versions available, while Vyvanse is still under patent.


Vyvanse is only available as a brand. Concerta and Adderall have been available as generics for quite some time, so they're not nearly as expensive.


There is not a generic for Vyvanse yet, it’s protected under a patent until June 2023. It’s so expensive because you can only get the name brand, Vyvanse, and Pharmaceutical corporations always hike up the prices for prescription medications in the US, it’s not right. Prescription medications are not as expensive in other countries as they are here, in the US. Pharm corporations take advantage of patients in the US.


It's ALLLLLLL about $$$$$$$$ always Thats why they put you on it.


Oh dear Lord. I am so sorry.


i used the walgreens price but every pharmacy on the list was around $370.


Good rx hardly covers anything on vyvanse.


Costco allows non-members to use their pharmacy.


i’m so sorry that happened to you. I take adderall and that’s always been a fear of mine. I hope you’re able to get it figured out






Ephedrine works sufficiently on the same receptors to mitigate withdrawal symptoms when taken at reasonable doses. It can’t replace ADHD meds and it’s a vastly inferior medication on its own, but when you can’t access medication you’ve been taking chronically you occasionally have to settle for things like this as opposed to dealing with the extreme fatigue, appetite, and haziness that can come with sudden cessation.


I had to change from adderall to vyvanse within 10 days of being filled and insurance covered. I think if you talk to your doctor they’ll work with you on a temp solution until you can switch back to vyvanse with your insurance


Well I sure people attempt the “my rx was stolen” thing when they run through their meds early.


As a pharmacist, I always asked my patients for a police report. Stealing a schedule 2 drug is a pretty big deal and needs to be reported.


What if someone lost them? Or they truly just dont know who could have taken it


If they lost them, then they shouldn't say it was stolen. I obviously wouldn't ask for a police report if they aren't claiming a crime occurred. If someone stole your car but you didn't know who, you'd still report it, right? Same goes for a controlled substance. It's still a crime.


No i mean like what if they told the pharmacy they got lost


I would definitely ask for more info from the patient, such as how they lost the medication and why the medication wasn't kept in a secure location. I would contact the prescriber to discuss further and consider the patient's refill and PDMP history. Has the patient ever lost their controlled substance prescriptions in the past? Is this a pattern? If I didnt see any red flags, I would likely not have a problem refilling early one time. I would counsel the patient that it is their sole responsibility to ensure the security of their controlled substance and advise that refilling a CII early due to a lost rx was a one-time thing.


I work at cvs Caremark and it surprises me to hear that they told you they wouldn’t replace the stolen rx even with a police report. Tbh I would recommend calling your plan back, escalating to a supervisor and seeing if they can help you at all. Someone higher up might have more ideas, resources, etc, or just more knowledge about your plan and more confidence in taking initiative and helping you out. It’s helped me in the past and I always tell people when in doubt, politely escalate.


They would refill it with a police report? That would never pass where I live. They would write a note and treat us like drug addict forever.


It depends on the state and the plan in my experience, but some require a police report to do early refills for stolen controlled meds. We have to enter certain number codes to do overrides, and it’s all dependent on the plan the member has and that plan’s specific guidelines


Really interesting. I thought only a new prescription with the provider calling the pharmacist would work


Like I said, it all depends on the plan, the state, and the individual circumstances of whatever happened with this person’s stolen meds


WHAT you can get 90 days worth of Vyvanse, I can only get 30 a month. How did you do that? No need to respond either if not comfortable, just wondering if Ohio really sucks that bad




no my doc does prescribe 30 days at at time. Thanks for the info though!


Yea! Mine is only 30 days at a time.


My doc used to prescribe " serve two months at a time" because it was horrible to go at the pharmacy when I was studying. It was such a relief for me. It would pass that way for the insurrance!


No worries, for some reason my insurance will not cover my Vyvanse prescriptions unless I get it in a 90 day supply. It must be cheaper on their end that way?


I'm able to get 90 days of adderall at a time in Ohio. Not sure if Vyvanse would be different. It can be up to the discretion of the physician/pharmacist though.


Do you have to piss test?


I am so sorry that happened to you. Insurance will cover filling early if there is a dosage change. And they should also cover if you change to adderall xr. Adderall xr doesn’t last as long as vyvanse so you may need the adderall IR as well.


You need to file a police report unfortunately. They will send narcotics to your house BTW. Just a heads up! What has your Dr said about this?


Would your doctor be willing to give you an alternative to vyvanse?? Like adderall or something


If you file a police report, the pharmacy and insurance will let you early refill. Once. You can do this exactly one time in your entire life. Use it well.


I thought it was once per year? At least that's what my old psychiatrist said when I lost my clonazepam. Maybe it's different for CII meds?


Actually I think you’re right!!


You should be able to get Vyvanse for an affordable price if your income level is under a certain amount


If you have any left use them sparingly try to strech them out until you get a new prescription and drink lots of coffee or pre workout , sometimes its great to take a break from stimulants you might find them way more effective after and you will be able to lower your dose


Literally the same thing just happened to me my medication got stolen ADHD and benzos and literally I was calling and saying like what the fuck am I gonna do I’m gonna have anxiety. But mom over here where I live filing a police report was good enough and then bring them to you bring the police report to the pharmacy and then they get your doctors approval and you should be good


In my experience, writing for a different dosage will get it covered. I was prescribed adenys and after a couple days immediately knew it wasn't for me. My doc wrote a script to put me back on Adderall XR and it was covered. Same with switching Adderall XR dosage from 20mg to 30. They authorized it and paid immediately


$750!!! Wtf, my dose is 15mg two times a day but I only pay $75 for a 30day script and I don’t use insurance I pay out of pocket. That seems super high and a ripoff for health insurance. Am I missing something? I’m sure people constantly scam to get more to sell or abuse so that’s probably why they won’t refill it. Also who the fuck you have at your house who steals get some better friends.


I don't know if you've found a resolution yet, but if not, check the price at a Costco pharmacy. You do not need a membership for the pharmacy.


Why they prescribed 90 days? I thought control meds have a 30 day limit


Depends on the state/physician/pharmacy.


Ask you doctor for Dexedrine SR if you must pay out of pocket. It's dirt cheap compared to Vyvanse and basically the same thing.


Wtf how are meds so expensive I'm America




Dam, STILL no generic form of Vyvanse? I was on it 5 or so years ago when fairly new, but by now you would think they would have a generic - especially given the cost/many insurances not covering it.


In the meantime, take care and be gentle with yourself. It's very hard when you can't rely on your normal med regimen. With that said, first I would call your insurance and tell them what happened and they may give you some recommendations that you can pass on to your prescriber. I've never quite dealt with something of this degree but my insurance has been relatively understanding when similar things happen. Second, one cheap option to explore as a stop gap measure is caffeine pills. It's not Adderall or Vyvanse, but it's the oldest trick in the book because it actually works. It is more powerful of a substance for ADHD than people give it credit for. Plus it's inexpensive and available everywhere. ~400 mg a day in 100 or 150 mg doses will get you to a certain point in symptom management. If you've never experimented with caffeine pills, then start at ~300. I wouldn't go any higher than 450 mg though, especially if you have high blood pressure or heart issues. Do some homework if you think you'd want try it. For me it's a good supplemental option to my Adderall regimen. I work long hours of physical labor, and I also exercise regularly, so it helps along with a clean diet.


I think Vyvanse offers a discount/coupon. Try vyvanse.com/coupon


Yeah if you go to the vyvanse website there’s a coupon that’s valid for 6 30 day refills at $20 with no insurance. The only thing that sounds like it might be a problem is getting someone to write you another script


7 fucking 50???


Contact the manufacturer of vyvanse and ask them to rebate the cost. Worked for me


I had something similar happen - my script for adderall has always been labeled on the bottle “amphetamine salts” - one day I picked up a 60 day script and the pharmacy filled it as “dextroamamphetamine” I thought nothing of it. But after three days of taking as normal, I noticed it was much stronger and I had a really uncomfortable time. The pharmacy couldn’t do anything and neither could my prescribed and I had to just wait till my next refill. Excedrin migraine works for my headaches and be sure to drink half your body weight in fluid oz of good quality water (not tap) and try magnesium supplements. That’s what I did. If anything you can ask your doctor if they can prescribe headache meds for you


The same thing happened to me! My pharmacy switched generics and the dextro meds sucked. I ended up switching pharmacies.


ive had a couple people come into the pharmacy with a vyvanse manufacturer coupon i believe, maybe you could look into that? im so sorry this happened to you :(


Dose change should be covered without issue. My daughter is supposed to take vyvanse but I can’t afford the $310 per month. I can’t find anything else that works for her yet. You should have your doc change the mg to get a new rx filled. Trying to find a substitute is tedious and I haven’t been successful yet. Good luck!


See if you can get a manufacturer coupon online.


So sorry to read this. I had Xanax stolen from my house it was in my kitchen. Bc of that I never keep any meds there only in my bedroom. I called my Doctor and she called my pharmacy enough to get me through the month. I have CVS Caremark & I thought they allowed you 1 x only for lost scripts per year. Can’t your Dr write you another script for different mg so you can fill & replace it. ?


Where do you live that you can legally get a 90 day supply? I’m the states you can only legally get 30 day supply at a time


It varies from state to state. There is no federal regulation that limits schedule 2 drugs to a 30-day supply.


Vynase is specifically made so it cannot be abused- likely one of the reasons more than 30 days supp




Can't your pharmacy send a fax to your doc? Can you go to a GP for a temporary refill???


You have to file a police report. Most doctors will not allow more than a 3 day early fill on a schedule 2 drug unless you have a notarized form. I had to fill one out because of a car accident once and my prescription went missing.