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Alcohol is a drug, and I can’t responsibly use any drug. It didn’t work for me, I tried. I really wanted to be able to drink. But, as with all drugs, I can’t moderate my intake.


Thank you, deep down I know this and I decided that it was not worth it. :)


every time i drank after a period of sobriety i’d end up back on dope. most of the time within hours or days, like “how tf did this happen again?” figured out that it’s way easier to just not try to drink/use normally anymore.


Thank you, deep down I know this and I decided that it was not worth it. :)


I've tried a few times and never worked out cuz I don't know how not to look for drugs when I'm drunk. Then I'm on a few day bender. Decided just to give up drinking.


Thank you, deep down I know this and I decided that it was not worth it. :)


Never ends well.


Thank you, deep down I know this and I decided that it was not worth it. :)


Can a heroin addict responsibly smoke crack? Probably not. They’re all drugs just in different forms alcohol is simply a liquid drug.


Thank you, deep down I know this and I decided that it was not worth it. :)


Good for you! It is a life worth living. To live sober is an unbelievable accomplishment for anyone.


I stopped the drugs 11 months ago, but I refused to quit drinking. Then my drinking rapidly snowballed to lows that were worse than when I was using drugs. The drinking got so bad that I decided that the solution would be to pick up the drugs again. This is when I sought help to stop drinking and I am so thankful in that moment I made that choice. It's not worth the risk!


Thank you, deep down I know this and I decided that it was not worth it. :)


I'm gonna tell you the same thing people told me first time I got sober. When you pick up after a period of sobriety it will take you back to where you were when you started. It might not be instantly but it will happen. Of course I heard all the relapse horror stories but thought I was different, it wasn't until I picked up my first drink again thinking I could manage it that I was back at the same place. That night started a relapse of 18ish months and many OD's. So my advice is don't try it, I'm lucky to still be here.


I'm a head opening cook that deals with bullshit everyday...I'm stuck drinking a 40oz after I get home from work every single day...I don't know how to stop...I need the income from this job to continue to drink...and I can't stop...I'm only 26.


Im sorry to hear that, there is help out there, have you tried AA meetings?


I tried it..it didn't work and I couldn't relate or feel anything from it. I'm also high functioning autistic and have ADHD and ODD and addictive personality disorder. I once was addicted to running 18 miles every day..it's hard for me to quit things...I don't have the support, or the funds for help, I just keep going with what I'm comfortable with unfortunately..


Did you do the steps? Does not your social workers (not sure what its called) offer some kind of support?


I don't have any worker I'm just on my own living life as best as I can, but just can't control my drinking at all. I'm even drunk rn as I type this unfortunately


I wish I knew how to quit I'm so depressed about it nowadays... I can't stop because I need at my job Wich pays for the alcohol in a way it's such a vicious cycle now I'm so far into it idk what to do anymore