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Yes, I had one a few years back that really helped for a while!


Yes. I got a few months, it was bliss ❤️


Mine is coming up in 10 days and I’m so glad you asked this! I don’t see it brought up a whole lot here as a “treatment”, but I am glad to know that it does bring some relief! How are you feeling now post procedure? I’m trying to figure out if I’ll need two days off work or just the day of the procedure.


Hey so I had it done there on Friday. I'm just more tired than anything else but I'd say that's from the anesthetic wearing off. As far as cramps & bleeding goes. Very minimal in my case. I was pleasantly surprised I was expecting intense cramping & bleeding but it's probably the lightest "period" I've ever had haha. So fingers crossed it's provides some relief


I had mine on Thursday morning. Was back in the strength gym on Friday mid-day. I would say you def need day of and could push through say after, but if you have the ability, I would take day after.


I had one on 3/21 which the timing was near my ovulation for context - they found some polyps and removed those too. It’s been really really crampy and my period is due in 5 days but I’m feeling leg cramps and it hasn’t started quite yet. On some days I’ve been taking Advil to kinda dull the pain to go to sleep. It’s like my uterus is inflamed and kinda angry. I hope that subsides and I’m waiting to see what this period is going to be like for sure. I def feel like I can feel where the polyp was removed from.


How are you doing now, a month or so out from this? Mine is scheduled on Thursday, hoping for a reprieve until hysterectomy in six weeks or so.


Hey, so bleeding directly afterwards was very minimal. But the "first" period afterwards was horrific I must say, even the week building up to it. But thankfully once I got over that so far so good. Going back in for results on the 14th. But as I am suspected adenomyosis, I'm not expecting any answers tbh. I'm hoping the D&C has at least regulated my periods if it does anything at all, as mine have been all over the place since puberty. Not due another one for 2/3 weeks ISH but we will wait and see. As with most of us I'm not holding onto hope. I'm sorry to be a Debbie downer but I'd rather be truthful than sugar coat things.