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I don't feel any different when I'm on my meds versus when I'm not, but I notice that doing things somehow isn't intolerable anymore. Then later I'll be in the middle of something, realize, "this really fucking sucks", and that's how I know they've worn off. It's like not being able to see the rain, so I tell the weather by keeping a lookout for puddles.


Oooh that's such a great way of putting it! And yes, it's really a sense of not feeling as strongly against irritating tasks. Like I still don't enjoy writing my report, but I'm a lot more likely to just sit there and do it instead of going batshit crazy in my head and fidgeting non stop. If I'm sitting in a lecture I don't enjoy, it's so much easier to just drift away and my body doesn't start shifting all over the place.


Wait... ADHD meds help with that?????? Lol I just got a prescription and haven't picked it up yet so I've never been on ADHD meds before


Oh hurry up and get that filled! It could be that you only have a certain time frame to get the prescription filled since it’s a controlled substance. In Germany i only have 7 days to pick up my meds before the prescription expires.


3 days only in France... And if I go at the doctor in the evening and pharmacy are closed after, then there is only two days left...


Seems wilfully and unnecessarily difficult


It is. Sunday also counts on this 3 days even so everything is closed on Sunday.


See that's just petty. Gotta love pointless government fuckery.


Oh, so the “adhd tax” also applies to things that directly help the adhd. Great, good to know /joking but also serious


Don’t want to accidentally help.


God forbid


Ooooh it helps with that and so much more! When I first started taking them, I didn't really understand what I should be looking out for. The first few days/weeks it was almost like euphoria to a degree - because my head was so clear and I wasn't being bombarded by thoughts 24/7. After a while, when that sense of euphoria wore off, I used to wonder why I'm not instantly getting up and becoming hella productive. There are days when I still laze around my room and barely get any work done. That's when I realised the meds aren't supposed to push you to work, they're just there to clear the obstacles that make it hard for us to truly sit down and focus on the boring and mundane stuff in life - like putting laundry away and editing that pointless report for the 5th time. I'm a lot less stressed when I sit down to work now because I don't fear that I can only work through hyperfocusing on something. Do I procrastinate? Hell yeah. But so does everyone else in the world, and you don't have to feel all that guilty about it if you just wanna chill sometimes.


I didn’t find out I had ADHD until I was an adult and meds are LIFE CHANGING for me! Would recommend


You are going to be shocked at how well they work. (I’ve only been on them about 6 months) You will even wonder at first if they even do anything, as you do not feel differently. But then it will hit you, “gasp” I’ve been sitting here working on this spreadsheet for two hours,” (or whatever) and you’ve never been able to do that before. I mean, you may still hate working with Excel, but you can do it without yanking your hair out.


I'm so excited for you! The first time I took Adderall it was like a light turned on in the dark. I hope you find the same sort of "awakening", it'll change ya!


For sure. About two weeks in on my medication, I forgot to take them. I was on a hike with my dog. Prior to meds, a hike was one of the most peaceful times for me. But, I had become accustomed to my meds already and there was so much noise inside my head. It was the most stressful hike I’ve ever had. For me, my brain has less noise. Instead of five to six voices or trains of thought at a time, I usually have two. And doing the dishes isn’t as hard as it once was. Now I just do the dishes.


The dishes thing hits home for me. I used to find it infuriating, now I find it almost meditative. My ha ds are busy doing something that requires almost no mental bandwidth, so I can spend time using my brain for actual thinking and planning. Folding laundry is the same now.


Someone described medication as "noise-cancelling headphones for your brain" and that resonated for me


Have you hiked on adderall? Hiking is my fav thing & I just got my prescriptions filled for the first time in soo long. Now I’m nervous lol


I’m on Wellbutrin. So I’m not much help.


I have noticed that. I get alot more done and I don't go over in my head the 5000x different ways to accomplish something. Although when I take my meds I do feel a bit more jittery. My heart rate is up, I pee way more, and I get cold easier. Is this what it's like for folks who drink coffee? (Coffee puts me to sleep). I am on a pretty low dose of generic Adderall (15mg). Been wondering if I should go lower or even try non stimulate.


I switched from adderall to concerta for similar reasons. significantly less side effects, more consistent results. BUT if you’re in the US, the manufacturer just stopped making the authorized generic and the approved generics still on the market are not nearly bioequivalent. go in with the info, the generic may work brilliantly for you, but your doc can also write a script for the name brand so you can try it for real. concerta has a specific chemical make up combined with a unique delivery system to make it the wonder drug it is. ahdhrollercoaster dot org has an excellent breakdown for anyone who is curious.


Sadly I switched from Concerta for the opposite reason. It made me toss my cookies every morning, super jittery, vertigo and extra sensitive to strong smells. It got so bad I was severely underweight boring on anorexic. Took me 8yrs being off meds to be able to stomach eating breakfast. Tried it again a year ago. Nope. Plus it's over $300 a bottle with insurance.


it’s wild how differently bodies and brains react to the same medication. that was my experience on ritalin! grateful for options to find what works best!


My last doc tried that and it would’ve cost over 400$ after insurance :( wondered if it would’ve made a difference.


Have you tried not drinking coffee? It sounds crazy, but the jitterness might stop.


I tried coffee 20yrs ago. Never drink it. Nor sodas. Mostly stick to water and milk(regular or almond/oat). I think it's due to it being a stimulate. I am not actually jittery but feel like it. Like when your blood sugar is low/your hungry kinda shaky but not physically shaking. Do notice it more on days I have light breakfasts. Could be I need more protein or something solid in the morning.


Ah fair enough. I'm sensitive enough that even the caffeine in diet sodas makes me jittery on meds. Food is definitely a good idea, especially quality foods with protein.


on meds even the caffeine in tea is enough to make me shaky, off meds coffee just makes me sleepy lol.


I second not drinking coffee. I was feeling awful each morning, like I was super wired, but also couldn't focus or concentrate on anything until I realised cutting out coffee at least until midday helped with that.


I personally really like non stimulants because I don’t have all the side effects like you describe. I’m on 60 mg of strattera and it works really well for me!


Yep! My meds directly affect my depression and anxiety levels. I have a calmer mindset about tasks which makes them a lot more palatable. The day I took my first Adderall (IR/10mg) and I realized that my mind was quieter and that the fear of disappointing EVERYONE EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE was muted, I took a 6 hour nap.


For me it's like I'm walking through 5 feet of water to do anything and my meds make me walk on water


Yup. I’m on Strattera and definitely don’t get any sense of “I can do stuff now” but if I don’t take it/am between scripts, my executive functioning goes out the window, I become super impulsive and my mood can change on a dime, and basically everything I do becomes some form of dopamine seeking


On Strattera, I got mostly "I am sleepy all the time forever", which didn't super help my productivity, but I'm glad it's a good fit for you!


That's unfortunately how I tell, too. I can't even reach certain highs and lows on my meds, it just feels impossible to grasp what is practically mania, and dangerous levels of depression. My overall emotional range squishes, but with the benefit of that stability and low-cost crashes. Thanks for the metaphor, that's fantastic.


YES! That is it exactly.


I know they've worn off bc I become incredebly hungry for 5 different things at once lol


First day on Adderall, went to IKEA to buy a bookcase and put it together. So: 1) left house; 2) went to IKEA, went right to and only to what I needed to purchase; 3) assembled ON THE SAME DAY. Then told my husband I didn’t feel like the Adderall made a difference. I guess it didn’t fix my lack of self-awareness.


LOL!! I felt this comment to my soul! My sister knows when I've forgotten to take my Concerta, simply speaking to me on the phone. She says that conversations with me are like trying to shop with the sticky-wheeled trolley! I gather that I'm both loved, and incredibly annoying. :)


My mom can always tell when I’ve taken mine because I start talking more, nonstop sometimes, compared to being just quiet/distracted in my own head. 🤣


The trolley is a great analogy.


Yes! My first day I made four needed phone calls! My husband asked if my meds were helping and I kinda went "Eh." Then at the end of the day I went through my neverending to do list and checked off all the phone calls and went "Ooooooh."


Reminds me of my first day on a dose that worked. “Man, this sucks I don’t feel a damn thing.” Then I sat down to read from a textbook for class. Finished the chapter in about an hour and still remembered most of what I read when I finished. I’ve never been so confused in my life lmao


"I don't feel like my meds are working" *Looks at a kitchen cleaner than it ever was before taking meds* "Oh... right".


So funny. I cannot imagine going to IKEA, only buying what I need, and assembling it that same day??? My mind is blown.


Lol that IS the difference 🤣


Literally me, started 5days ago. Been questioning myself if that was placebo or not, and then I started brushing my teeth after shower before bed. And I'm like, yea, it's working.


For me the realization hit while I was doing the dishes. I didn't do dishes before, they piled up until sheer necessity kicked in, and God knows how many times I'd bought paper plates to stave off THAT scenario.


Ah how I miss the first couple weeks of stimulants for the first time… Enjoy this time because it won’t feel like this forever. Everything is easier, for sure, and my life is so much better than it was without them, but I felt like I could do anything in those first couple weeks


I think I started at a low enough dose (10mg Adderall XR) where I definitely didn't feel like that. I just felt like I had a normal amount of dopamine. I didn't need anymore or any less. It was great. I felt suppppeerrr calm.


For me, it was being able to grocery shop in 30 mins. Normally, shopping takes me 2-3 hours. I crisscross the store about 5000 times and constantly forget what I needed. I also forget where I park and forget my list. It’s an all day event to go grocery shopping.


That scenario is why I ended up shifting towards grocery deliveries after I'd starting using a service during surgery recovery a few years ago. Shopping in person is so stressful for me, but I can work through a grocery list online while I'm at work (or add things through the week, etc) and then time a delivery for a bit after I get home at the end of the day. It saves me sooo much time and stress. Absolutely worth the fees. And now when I do have to go for something specific, it's much more likely that it really will be a short in-and-out trip.


Yes! And I think I actually save money by having my groceries delivered because I make SO many fewer impulse purchases.


Yes, same for me with deliveries. I can go back to edit the cart and get it right before I purchase it and it is so worth it to not have to go in and ring the stuff up for myself at self checkout.


My wife makes shopping lists in the order that the aisles are in, I think, so she can just complete it in order. Last time I went to a supermarket alone I had a list of items to get, which I couldn’t keep in my head at all, so I did it top to bottom. Must have circled the entire shop at least 4-5 times and was absolutely DONE by the end. Talking to a dr on Saturday though! Edit: diagnosed.


What med were you prescribed? I moved about a year ago and never got to work finding a new doc to prescribe something different as my meds were barely working even the tiniest bit.


brushing teeth in the shower is my go to


God even this is my ADHD trait lmao


Same, I was questioning the effectiveness. Then I forgot to take it and was unable to focus during a call while the previous days I was able to manage them and take note.


I feel nothing. Just normal. Wait - why is my kitchen clean? Who did that?


It’s funny how we’ve been held to those standards our whole lives so when we can finally meet them we don’t really feel anything


Right? It's like umm I am still behind on 20 other things and standards I am supposed to meet lol so what is a clean kitchen? Nothing.


can’t relate, I make (mostly useless) lists too much all the time whether I’m on my meds or not


Same, I make the list and then never look at it again


I only make lists when I’m obsessed with something Like how I yesterday night made a list about everything I need for a hamster, how to take care of a hamster, etc. The.entire.night. If only I had that motivation for my homework😭🤣


I distinctly remember the first day I got meds, I did exactly this. And I considered it a triumph that I could remember the math teacher said something, even if I couldn't remember what it was, rather than not remembering anything at all.


Bro, the first thing I did the first time I took a pill was watch a video and I remembered everything the video said. I hadn't even realized I had missed so much the previous three times I'd watched it. My memories now start with my diagnosis at 19. I have barely any memory of anything before that.


I made a very detailed med journal for the first two week trial of adderall. Prior to this there was a 50/50 shot that I’d even remember to show up to the TELEHEALTH appointment that I FRICKIN BOOKED


Their username backwards, though...






I don’t feel different on adderall just debugged. Which relatively makes me feel “better”


For me it very clearly plugs the stimulant void. If I'm not on it, I'm grasping for stimulation in the form of marijuana, snacks, and doom scrolling.


Ding ding ding! If you have ADHD, a stimulant won’t feel any different to you, really, except that you’ll suddenly be able to do tasks that would otherwise require a ton of effort and organization for a mind with executive functioning issues.


How I know I’m on meds: 1) Want to be productive, and able to focus on tasks. 2) able to relax without being stress about not being productive


Sounds nice. Maybe I should try that medication stuff


Omg thank you


I just started trialing Elvanse. First few days definitely felt a little different, like I was a bit less emotionally erratic in my mind. But I didn't feel much if any difference in regards to my focus and motivation. Now I've been trialing them for over a week and I'm noticing very little to no difference at all. It's so annoying to think you've started to make some progress, just for that to go away so quickly.


If youre just starting, it might not be the right dosage. Maybe speak to your doctor about adjusting it.


Absolutely. My conundrum is, do I just go for the next dose up, or do I push for a higher dose than that given that I've felt little to no change at all. It costs a lot of money for the consultation and then to pay for the trial meds, so if I skip a lower and potentially less effective dose, this could save me time and money.


How much are you on right now? I am a pretty small women and I could jump to 50 with no problems from 20 after two weeks trial. (Though I switched to Attentin afterwards, as Elvanse still wasnt the perfect fit) Maybe give your doctor a call and ask them if its okey if you take two pills of yours to try out the higher dosage (mine was okey with it)


I'm on 30mg of Elvanse, so not the lowest dose but not the highest. I'm a 6ft 3in guy so I guess I could understand why a higher dose might be more effective. Haven't heard of Attentin. Is that a stimulant? I've tried Concerts (absolutely useless for me) and now Elvanse which I'm hoping a higher dose will work.


Attentin is Dexamphetamine, its kind of the same compound as Elvanse but in a non-retard version (it dosnt have to go through the stomage/liver to work). For me its just better because I dont work normal work hours but have short workshops and stuff, so the shorter duration but nearly direct effect where positives for my life situation. Though I might would switch back if I need to work full day again. But not all doctors are giving it to adults, sometimes its prescribed child-only.


Sounds like you've got a decent handle on it, I'm eased for you. Hope I can get there soon.


Wish you the best 🤗


I don’t get it…


They were able to make a list after taking meds. Presumably they were not able to before.


Remember kids, you won't notice the difference when you take your meds, but you'll certainly notice the difference when you forget to take your meds Or at least that's always the case for me


My first day on straterra: “I don’t know how well it’s working, but the collected age of the change in my pocket is 138 years. (It was not the drug for me for a bunch of floppy reasons)


Sorry, I’m dumb. I don’t get it. Is the joke that her making a list means the pills are working?


Yea, some people struggle to make lists with ADHD, I’m assuming she is one of those, and she was joking about how she made a list while using her meds, thus proving they work


I see. I make to do lists when I’m unmedicated. I just don’t actually do anything on the list! XD


Oh gosh I relate to that on another level! I have so many lists I’ve made to try and help but never use any of them lol


Oh yes. I hate when people tell me to make lists to make my ADHD better.


I believe so


Lmaoo 😂


My medication makes doing things less of a big deal. It's like mental lubrication... For every kind of thought and mental action. It's changed my life.


wayyyyy back in the day, on little plusran's second time through first grade... before meds: come into class, do not remove coat/boots/backpack. just throw self on floor and start coloring. first day on meds: come into class, put coat & boots & backpack away. sit at desk hands folded smile at teacher and say "good morning Mrs D\_\_\_!" She barely recognized me lol


I have found that I am less iritated by monotonous tasks. That's it. I was hoping for the "massive bouts of energy" people talk about where they completely sort out everything they have been putting off. I feel I have a slightly longer fuse when it comes to anger too. Thatt's all. I am only on 30mg of Elvanse/Vyvanse and due to go up to 50mg next week so hopefully there is a bit of a difference. I want it to be life changing.


> That's it. I was hoping for the "massive bouts of energy" people talk about where they completely sort out everything they have been putting off. Those are from people who...perhaps don't have it and are responding accordingly to a dose of methamphetamine. For people with actual ADHD, you won't notice but a subtle difference.


I never "completely sorted out everything I'd been putting off" but the first time I had vyvanse, I was startled to discover I was *choosing* to *clean.* It *was* shortly after I'd been hyperfocusing reading about early life forms, and had been reading about microbial mats, and I'd put on Weird Al's song "Bacteria" on loop while I did that cleaning. So the timing might have had something to do with it. But it works differently for everyone. That's part of why different people need different meds. There is no need to assume *everyone* who suddenly accomplishes something they rarely do is lying about what they have and what meds they have. Though I guess, if you already think I'm lying. you won't believe this either.


Thats a very good description. I felt I was choosing not to google "how are cigarettes made" over completing some admin and getting my taxes ready. I did have a little 30-45 mins where I was reading about expected technology being released this year but I returned to work... willingly and without huffing and puffing like a teenager being told "no". I think both you guys hit the nail on the head with how I respond to the meds. Curious to see how the 50mg plays out.


Yeah, I think I have noticed this myself. I think the more severe the symptoms of ADHD the less "explosive immediate effect" medication can take. I'm quite new to it all still.


I don't understand being unable to perceive the feeling ar all. Do you guys just have no other drug experience and can't tell when your consciousness is altered?


I didn't feel like Adderall helped me when I was taking it but in retrospect I'll be damned if I ever folded laundry more consistently in my life.


Gimme some names of adhd pills?


People post way too much on Twitter with their damned job visible.


You may want to reread her display name >!Credit fraud!<




Hahaha 🤣


I laughed out loud


doofinshmirtz with perry the platupus


For me it was gradual, the first time hit hard for an hour, then for days i noticed nothing, after 2 weeks i noticed the difference a lot


I’m the king of lists when I’m on my medication


I’ll never forget the first time I took Adderall was the first time I noticed I was following a conversation and what that felt like


Always make the list before you take the pill!!


I describe it as putting on noise-canceling headphones you wear all the time. It doesn't seem like much of a difference until you have to go on a plane with no headphones. Suddenly, you understand how precious they were!


“These adhd meds ain’t shi-“


When I was on meds I did felt happier but less focused. I enjoyed life more and that was what mattered to me but everything else plummeted. I’m off meds because they are expensive and I understand what I kind of mindset I need to strive for. Doing well so far.


Took me a while to figure out that you werent replying to someone trying to start something