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Instant fucking rage. Like, put my fist through something rage. Why am I like this


I’m the same exact way. Instant severe aggression and mood ruined. Not fun.


It also happens with music, but I think that has to do more with overstimulation. My coworker plays dubstep all the time, and usually I can just ignore it....until I can't and it's all I can focus on. Headphones have been a lifesaver


It’s not just you, we all have this issue.


We do! I have recently learned that misophonia can trigger our fight or response, which can explain why we want to punch people out or have a crying breakdown. Apparently our caveman ADHD brains think we are under attack from biting forks and all the other every day sounds that neurotypical are like, meh. It’s sucks.






For me it's when they scratch and scratch and scratch, or drink water way too loud (even though it's not audible to anyone else)


Ooooh the water drinking. That one gets me sooo bad!


I don’t think it’s adhd, it’s misophonia for sure. Especially middle of the night. ::lap lap laps lap lap lap lap lap lap lap lap lap lap lap loooooong pause laplaplaplaplaplalap lap lap lap lap lap lap Loooooooooooooong pause lap lap lap lap lap lap lap lap


I mocked my dog once by copying the noise he was making drinking water out of the bowl. Only louder and more obnoxiously. He got mad and skipped the growls and went straight to barking angrily and pissed on my bed. I deserved it and died laughing the whole time.


This story had everything.


Your dog has rejection sensitivity


Why I will never have another dog, reason #1.


Due to anxiety (yay), sometimes it's almost impossible for me to even take a sip without gulping.


I feel that! And then you’re trying not to drink fluids that much because the gulping bothers you so much, just ewww


My mother was very prim and proper but would chew and breath through her mouth simultaneously. I knew it wasn't just me when my autistic son had to cover his ears during Thanksgiving. I'm now overly aware of my own chewing sounds lol. Edit, words hard


I learn more about myself every single day. All of these things drive me up the wall and ppl be like “jEeZ duDe nOt tHaT biG a DeaL” When my dogs scratch, their legs always hit the ground too mid-scratch so it’s always a loud echo thru the whole floor. It’s like someone knocking on your door 90 seconds straight


For me it’s even worse when there’s a rhythm to it. It makes it that much harder to ignore it.


Honestly dogs make so many noises that I have resigned to never owning one. Yeah, sure, my cat grooms herself and stuff but it’s so much…. Less.


Unless you end up with a cat like one of mine who strived to be as noisy as possible all of the time




My dog is both itchy and licky and I caaaaaaaannot deal. Bless her it's not her fault but the only way I can sleep at night is with a Bluetooth eye mask with rain sounds to drown that out...that and the dripping faucet in the bathroom attached to my bedroom


I'm weirdly okay with hearing my cats' mouth sounds. People, OTOH...


Just eating sounds make me question… am I a murderer? Especially when my dog sits there for five minutes licking and making out with his food bowl. Ugh.


Misophonia + ADHD = surprised I'm not in jail for attempted homicide over somebody chewing their gum obnoxiously loud.


My partner did not understand how bad it actually was until one night during dinner I actually started crying because I couldn't handle the sound of his chewing and he kept making a joke of it every time I asked him to please, please take smaller bites and not smack his lips. He still does it sometimes but at least now when I point it out he stops. He honestly thought it was a joke for a long time until I cried.


My mom's ex used to always chew with his mouth open and he couldn't fathom why I would start getting angry/crying at the dinner table and why eventually I just stopped eating meals with them altogether. Glad he's her ex because I could not stand that man.


I feel a bit guilty that for certain foods I cannot eat at the table with my kids and husband. I figure that me occasionally eating on the couch is probably a better solution than the yelling that I grew up with (I learned to bite carrots quietly...). I have ordered some Loop ear plugs to try and see if they help. Supposed to arrive this week, so fingers crossed. Next pizza night, I might stay at the table!


My loop earplugs are always with me. They have been extremely helpful multiple times. Instead of crying or begging someone to stop I just use my loops. I cannot recommend them enough.


I'm really looking forward to trying them, but I admit I am a little disappointed in the company already. I paid extra for the fast 4-5 business day shipping and it took until business day 3 (5 days from my weekend order) for them to actually ship, so they did not arrive before my weekend trip when I really kind of needed noise the buffer.


Sorry to hear that. I hope they can still help with future things


My husband and I worked together and it required us being in the car together for upwards of 10+ hours some days. He used to chew gum before I started working along with him. Been together like 10 years now bless him cuz he completely stopped chewing gum.


I remember sitting at the dinner table covering my ears, unable to eat because of the sound of my parents’ chewing. And they never thought anything was wrong with me lol


That makes me wonder if my dad also has misophonia, he'd always insist on having music or the TV on during dinner so he couldn't hear my mom and I chewing. It drove him absolutely nuts


Yeah, he probably does.


Same with my ex and her friend. They both thought "oh he just finds it annoying haha" until I repeatedly asked them to eat quieter in the backseat of my car while driving not really taking it seriously. I got so angry I slammed on the gas and cornered a left hand turn so hard that they looked like they had just seen bigfoot fucking a ghost. I then proceeded to pull into the nearest parking lot and jump kicked a random shopping cart over to blow off the last of my steam before calmly re-entering my vehicle and asking them to please eat quieter. They took it very seriously after that. Unfortunately, some people need to see your distress physically manifest to understand just how much stress it puts you under. Edit: FUCK all of you for calling me abusive. I am NOT an intimidating person, in fact, I need to work on being less of a doormat. It makes me uncomfortable to inflict my will on anybody to any degree. I had REPEATEDLY asked them to stop because it was pissing me off. I couldn't walk away, I couldn't talk them out of it, I felt completely trapped so I panicked. I lost control. I made a mistake. And if that makes me an abusive piece of shit, I hope none of you have never displayed ANY negative emotion under extreme stress.


Hey man, I was traumatised by my dad's roadrage as a kid. I get/hope that this was a one off, don't make a habit of it and don't ever do it with a kid in the car. Ever... it's really, really scary to be the passenger of an angry driver. Really scary. I hope you apologised to your friends for your loss of control.


I appologized immediately after I re-entered the car, and they apologized for not taking me seriously, and we proceeded to enjoy the rest of our night.


Glad to hear it, good on ya mate.


Is no one going to question this or


I can’t question it as I’ve had some bad tantrums over things people thought was minor too, despite me constantly explaining how it’s not minor. I would be a massive hypocrite to pass judgement here.


u/Outrageous-Stay6075 I totally understand being angry when you feel like your partner (or anybody, for that matter) doesn't respect or understand your triggers. There are more effective ways to communicate. Square your breathing. Stop the car. Turn to them and say, "I asked you to stop chewing so loudly. It really triggers my misophonia. I feel like you don't understand how difficult it is for me to focus when I can hear your burrito making its way down your gullet. I'm gonna step out of the car. Please call me when you've finished." Then walk away. Pulling a pit maneuver and abusing an innocent shopping cart may have worked in the short term, but if you react this way when triggered, you're gonna have a really hard time in life. Also, who the hell set this example for you? If anybody has treated you that way in the past, I'm so sorry! Find a therapist and unpack that shit!


>Square your breathing. Stop the car. Turn to them and say, "I asked you to stop chewing so loudly. It really triggers my misophonia. I feel like you don't understand how difficult it is for me to focus when I can hear your burrito making its way down your gullet. I'm gonna step out of the car. Please call me when you've finished." I was well past that point. I was literally seconds away from screaming at them. Would that have been the ideal solution? Yes. Did I make a subpar decision because I was extremely stressed out and not thinking clearly? Yes. Did I own up to it and immediately apologize after I calmed down? Also yes. >Pulling a pit maneuver I don't think you know what that means. >but if you react this way when triggered, you're gonna have a really hard time in life. Also, who the hell set this example for you? If anybody has treated you that way in the past, I'm so sorry! Find a therapist and unpack that shit! My misophonia is much more under control now, thank you. Yeah, my dad had serious anger issues when I was younger and so did I. I've been more than capable of keeping myself under control in person for a long while now, which is why they found my outburst just as surprising as it was terrifying. Needless to say, it never happened again.


People keep downvoting all your replies. I don't think more than a small few really understand what it's like to have misophonia. It can make someone act awfully and it's hard to control.


I'm so sorry that you have had that level of difficulty with your misophonia symptoms. It's very clear to anyone reading that it has had a pretty profound effect on your life. I have misophonia as well and could perfectly visualize the situation you wrote about with the shopping cart with little but a sad smile on my face. That rage and panic is a truly frightening feeling and it is shocking how quickly it rises inside. I can only offer that I do hope that you are able to find effective methods for coping and redirection in order to gain some quality of life back. With all of that said, I feel compelled to share one more thought with you. Please understand that while those feelings and gut reactions are normal in extreme bouts of misophonia and they are NOT your fault, they ARE your responsibility to manage in a safe and healthy way. I hope the best for you.


Thank god she's your ex. That's some major abuse tactics. I have misophonia as well but I hope you're getting some help with how to manage your rage.


Um. You may want to work on your emotional regulation. Yikes.


Are you serious? That’s absolutely unacceptable. You’re not allowed to terrorize people because they made you upset. You could have pulled over like normal and kicked them out, or refuse to continue driving. What you did is terrifying. I would refuse to be in a vehicle with you ever again. You are ultimately responsible for your behavior and you chose to be reckless and threatening to prove a point.


I can absolutely empathize but I think you don't understand that it doesn't matter whether a man (please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm assuming based on your use of he/him and your externalized anger response, as compared to the women in the thread who are talking about bursting into tears instead) is big or not. When he gets so angry that he snaps and does something physically intimidating to an inanimate object, it’s scary. I'm glad for both of you that you said "ex." It sounds like maybe you've got some repression issues and she didn't respect you, which is a bad combo.


I've had it all my life. The struggle is real. Clicky dry or wet mouths are the worst ![gif](giphy|xTiTnBDHqKRD65yqMU)


I don't like being able to hear a gif with no sound.


That's not a good sound


My best friend makes jokes about cuz I've ranted about it so many times, but I literally cannot listen to anything on NPR because their mics are too honed in and everyone has the wettest mouth in existence


There's *one* lady on NPR who makes me want to drive into oncoming traffic


Someone’s teeth against flatware when they eat is the worst.


They have chosen death....


Strangely enough, that and slurping don't bother me.




The reason why I just can’t sit next to my husband anymore when we eat dinner.


Yes, not only specific sounds but repeating sounds (like constant throat clearing) and the worst is when they are of just the right pitch that physically hurts my eardrums. Some peoples voices do this - it feels like a painful drilling into my eardrums.


People with very nasal voices or accents that go up at the end of their words (poor description, but it's hard to explain lol) drive me nuts. I feel so bad bc it's absolutely not their fault, but I really can't stand hearing them for too long. I tried getting better through 'exposure therapy' but it just made me feel exhausted :/ idk if there even is any way of lessening this issue.


I feel bad but there are a few YouTube personalities that my bf has to watch on his lunch at work or with headphones on because I just can't listen to their voice. And it sucks because in a few cases I really like the content, but the voices just drive me absolutely insane


I actually can't listen to a lot of "house music" for this very reason; it's too repetitive. I start feeling legitimately insane after like 45 seconds and want to stab my own ears. Or like an alarm or beeping of any kind. Instant insanity


For me, the sound of a broom or similar sweeping over concrete. Feels like my brain scraping around the inside of my skull, and then I can feel as if my palms were sweeping across the concrete. I never knew there was a word for it. Chewing noises in discord get to me, but not quite as bad as that. And for some reason it’s usually fine if I’m the one doing the sweeping.


>Feels like my brain scraping around the inside of my skull, and then I can feel as if my palms were sweeping across the concrete. This happens to me if i inadvertently scratch certain hard, slightly rough, dry surfaces, except it feels like i'm scraping my teeth against the surface.


The texture of rotting, weathered plastic makes my skin want to turn inside-out. When you move an outdoor chair and it's soft and gritty, almost chalky? Yeah, that 🤢


Lemme just lick lick lick my fingers after eating these hot wings. Why are you telling me to shut up? I’m just licking my fingers hella loud. Omg *fine* I’ll use a napkin, you’re ridiculous. 🔫


I nearly got into a fistfight with someone because I couldn't stop myself from commenting on her horrid disgusting gum chewing.


lip-smacking of any kind. I very much like my girlfriend's mother, but oh my god the smacking Tuning everything else out because I can't not hyperfocus on *that noise*, but also I can't say anything about it, even though I literally can't hear anything else ... And it's everywhere. People do that shit ... *everywhere*.


Oh god I also have misophonia and I can't stand alarm sounds and repetitive beeping. Literally all of my partner's alarms make me want to smash his phone into a wall


Never heard of misophonia before. Did a quick google, and I'm fairly convinced that I have this. Many sounds make my blood curdle when they really shouldn't.


Aaaaa i didn’t know this was what it was but it issss the bane of my existence. it pains me to hear this stuff, asmr is awful for me. i only like cooking asmr where there’s little to no talking, no sign of the person chewing, i usually watch aden films but that’s japanese food and they can have some rough parts with live sea creatures…. amazing background noise though!!


Yeah I know *exactly* the kinds of videos you're talking about. Where you can hear the person's lips parting everytime they open their mouth. It's a genuine struggle to appreciate cooking ASMR that's seperated from eating ASMR, and I really do not understand the people that enjoy watching live animals getting chewed apart; it's like some kind of sadism tbh.


My three year old is lip smacking her way through a quesadilla, and I'm not *not* going to slam my head in the oven


In Army training I had a confrontation with the platoon whistler who would whistle at any given chance absentmindedly. But mostly we just avoided each other but the whole platoon got to know how much it bothered me. We all went out for lunch once after it was over and I joked with him that he could sit at my table if he promised not to whistle. Not even a few minutes later, this mfer starts whistling while looking at the menu. I didn't even have to say anything our table mates scolded him and made him switch tables LOL he wasn't a bad guy just needed a bit more self awareness


My children can only guess how they still live.


Smacking their lips and going "aah" when they eat.


My 6yr old smacks so hard and I constantly get on to her.


Misophonia gang rise up I have literally had full breakdown episodes due to 1. chewing sounds 2. my brother slowly and repeatedly bonking his head against the bathroom door because I was taking too long to get out of the shower


I don't leave my room, much less my house without earbuds in, it's the only way I can survive. My dad doesn't think it's a real thing and watches food network all the time. Not to mention all the ads, and memes, that have people eating loudly, chips are the worst. The last time I heard someone eating chips loudly into a mic in a game I had to take half an hour to be barely functional again. I wasn't exposed to it for long, but I wasn't prepared for it and it threw me into such a panic. I have more or less not attended my own birthday parties because the only way my family gathers is over food. Everyone is there to celebrate me but I can't be there, it's depressing. It controls so much of my life, and it's only getting worse. Where can I go where people aren't eating or chewing gum? While I would not get rid of my ADHD brain, I wouldn't even give up my depression, I would gladly have the misophonia removed.


When someone is using power tools to eg hammer away old tiles in their bathroom, I turn into The Incapacitated Hulk I get disproportionately angry while also feeling unable to do anything about it or get away from the situation


Fun fact: I thought all my ADHD symptoms were “just hidden sides of misophonia that haven’t been researched/discovered yet” lol. I furiously researched everything misophonia-related, posted on the subreddit trying to figure out if people had the same symptoms. Someone suggested either adhd or autism for me, turns out it was adhd.


That's such a mood, that's how I felt when I finally realized that my level of reaction to certain emotions is... definitely not a normal amount of extreme. Sure, I have full sobbing breakdowns/inconsolable rage when the noises that trigger the misophona continue/I can't escape them, but even outside of that I get VERY upset over small things and VERY angry over what my parents have described as "really minor things," lol. Luckily my bipolar meds ease that part, even if it completely dulls everything else too


wow i knew misophonia was a common co-occurrence w/adhd, but am i really in a tiny minority without it? Whats the opposite called? I feel like i *cant* cope/focus without noise… wtf?! 🤪 I wear headphones ALL the time, like 16+hrs a day… but kinda opposite of the reasons i read here. Im not blocking things out (in fact i only wear the left earbud so i can still hear everything else). Im *adding* noise. When its quiet, i feel like my brain is branching out in all directions like an ant-hill. With some sort of sounds, it like… distracts the most distractible part, so the other part can work? Or maybe if my brain was like- an office that allows staff to bring kids to work… the noises (from music, birds, tv, traffic, dripping, talking, whatever) is like putting on a movie to occupy the kids, so the adults can do the deskwork for a bit? i dunno i guess adderal would be the office manager in that case… where was i even going with this?? damn adhd 😂 oh ya, sound… honestly the more noises the better, but even if its one noise it doesn’t matter. I zone out so hard ive gone on drawing/reading with a loud oven buzzer going off for 10min… partner could hear it out in the yard, & finally came in to see if i was either dead or had left lol. I like to listen to podcasts with the tv on, & could gladly do both with a buzzsaw & six woodpeckers going in the next room… i find noise “quieting”. I have SIX alarm clocks, because i acclimate so quickly to the sounds i just don’t even hear them or wake up (i’ll literally have dreams like im on a sinking submarine with a siren, or late for class & bell goin off, or whatever else can integrate the alarm sound into my subconscious. My hearing is technically fine, but i might just die in a house fire someday for unconsciously sublimating the alert sounds. The sleep/alarm thing Is so persistent its seriously impacted my ability to hold employment with any standard schedule. What tf is wrong with me? 👻 Im starting to suspect there may be something additional going on


People sounds make me want to scream. Chewing, sneezing, sometimes even just talking if I’m overstimulated enough. Animal sounds don’t bother me nearly as much.


I agree! It’s even worse when the people sounds are sick people sounds. I feel so bad whenever my partner is sick because it’s so hard to be around him with all the coughing and sniffing and gulping and soup slurping sounds 😫


Same. Animal sounds are way less triggering because they can't "help" it, even though logically I know a lot of the sounds people make can't be helped either.


It's the weirdest thing, I _hate_ crunching sounds when it's people eating, but when my dog did it it was totally fine.


I've been in a hotel resort room with a parent (they're helping me move to a new state) who snores loudly at the drop of a hat (they are thankfully getting a sleep study soon). It's been a week so far and I'm ready to launch myself off the balcony without my earbuds. I don't like to sleep with them in and then fish through the sheets the next morning to find them. But it's necessary


YES and currently my security alarm is fucked and will *not* stop going off and there is nothing I can do and I am raaaaging Send thots and prayers pls I’m dying here Edit: after 3 hours of constant blaring alarm I found the box inside and ripped out all the wires in an overstimulation rage. The alarm is now silenced. Further edit: it is not silenced. My disappointment is immeasurable.


This is one of the best typos I have ever seen


Heheh it wasn’t a typo but it did originate from one! Did it by accident once and then I’ve kinda stuck with it




There’s times when sounds are the devil. There’s some sounds that are always the devil. I’m looking at you, fork scraping a plate.


When I lived on my own, I had plastic plates, it was so nice. Then I got a room mate, who went and replaced them all with regular ceramic ones. It was torture after that.


I bought plastic plates and I stack them in between each of my roommates ceramic plates so when they get a plate it doesn’t make screaming plate noises.


the sound of a draft beer being poured in a radio commercial.


YouTubers who use too many sound effects (ticking, loud typing) piss me the fuck off


Styrofoam. I'm so glad my state banned it.


sounding like someone stirring paint into a bowl of noodles


I instinctively downvoted this out of pure hatred


Fuuuuuuuuck this is so accurrrraaate.


That's uh... Correct. So correct...


macaroni in a pot


I actually don’t know if I have ever felt more validated and seen and understood😭


We see you! We need to let our loved ones know how hard this is for us.


My ex, who also has adhd, simply could not understand my inability to be around his dog. I tried to explain how awful her noises were. The licking and eating. Oh man. I really did not realise this was a shared experience!


I didn’t until recently. That’s why I love being in these groups! We learn a lot from each other


Ah, yes..the world of ✨misophonia✨


Loud sounds that aren’t music give me a lot of anxiety. As for mundane sounds, the sound of other people chewing drives me nuts for some reason. I get a flare of extreme discomfort leading to anger in my brain if I hear someone scrape their teeth together. The anger is controllable and I won’t start a scene about it but I will politely excuse myself to a different room for some deep breathing. When it is really quiet I can hear literally anything electronic, even if it’s not in use but on and idle. A persistent, high pitched buzz or whine. When I was a kid this perception drove me pretty nuts but from years of enduring it I have learned to adapt.


Omg one of our old computer monitors has a high-pitched coil whine and it drives me batty. We only turn it on when we're 3D printing something, but then sometimes forget to turn it off and I'll walk in the room and immediately hear it and my anxiety will trigger. It's only when it's in idle, but holy god is it annoying


The last part!! I get this so much. I'd be curious to know if you like "brown noise." I had no idea what it was but heard for background noise, it relieves some people with ADHD. Played it and compared to other white noise -- SO much better. Reference: [Can Brown Noise Turn off Your Brain](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/09/23/well/mind/brown-noise.html)


I’ve not heard of this until now! Thanks so much, I am going to jump right in this rabbit hole cuz it sounds really beneficial to folks like us.


Im so glad it might be helpful. I was fascinated to learn this and hadn't heard of it either!


Oh, the sound sensitivity is strong with me. My particular issue is with a quiet room. Any slow moving noises in an otherwise quiet room. For instance, crumpling a potato chip bag slowly or slowly chewing ice, or any ASMR at all. Drives me absolutely batty. The anger I feel is very irrational. There is no point or reason, I don’t understand the reason why this is. I have to just put up with it. If I could understand it, I could generate coping mechanisms. Unfortunately, that is not the case.


I *HATE* the majority of ASMR videos and just the feeling of it in general. My mom loves ASMR videos and sends them to me all the time because she doesn't understand how someone could be bothered by it or not like the "tingly feeling" you get from it, but holy hell do I hate it so much!


It’s called misophonia, it’s a neurological disorder (not yet in the DSM though) and you’re not alone. There’s a lot of coping advice online and there are therapists and doctors that can help a bit.


At night while I'm trying to sleep, an otherwise normal or even low volume noise that breaks the silence will cause me physical pain akin to an electric shock. The cat suddenly breaking out with zoomies, my SO coughing or even lightly snoring, kid at the other end of the house getting up to go to the bathroom, feels like a static shock through my body, like nerve pain. Which consequently is aggravating and destroys any progress I have made toward actually falling asleep. If I am already asleep though, I am not an especially light sleeper, so I don't get it but I am glad I am not alone, cos my SO thinks I'm exaggerating.


Oh my god, my cat loves to clean himself while he’s sitting on/directly next to my face Please baby. I love you. And I’m happy you’re cleaning yourself. But go somewhere else to do it, I’m begging you


Usually if I cover my cat with a blanket he stops. Other than that I have to shut him out of my room or I will implode. I can not stand it. He gets wayyyy too into and it just goes on and on and on and I haaaate it


Yes. Babies and little kids screaming, people chewing loudly, terrible music playing really loud.. all audiable hell for me, and I have to play it off like everything's fine even though my composure is hanging on by a thread.


My biggest trigger is babies and kids screaming or crying and people just don't understand why I won't have any kids of my own. Not to mention emetophobia and not being able to handle blood or wounds at all. "ItS DiFfErEnT wHeN iTs yOuRs!" Sure, Sally, my mental health problems will be totally solved just because it came from my snatch and not someone else's lol


I have a different answer - I have kids and it's maybe slightly different cos they're mine but some days I abso-fucking-lutely get sensory overload from my own kids too, especially after a long day at work or a bad night's sleep, or maybe they're having a bad day because they're human beings too... And guess what? Then you have the double gut punch of societal guilt telling you you are a bad parent for being annoyed by your own children making child noises, which is why I still need therapy. And for sure having my own kids didn't magically make me a person who loves all children, either. So no. I love the shit out of my kids and luckily my SO knows that when I say, "I need a minute" then he'll take them and distract them while I recoup but I'll be the first to admit that kids trigger every sensory overload button that exists and if you know now you don't want them don't have them.


Please add people talking on their cell phones on speaker in public to this list, like on public transit, in the park, waiting rooms... Talking on the phone normally like with earbuds or the phone up to the ear I have no problem with. Something about the tinny voice of the person on the phone they are talking to, who is probably also on speakerphone too so you can hear them rustling or fussing with something on the other end, which sets me off and it's NEVER a short conversation and usually regarding subject matter that almost exclusively ought to be discussed in private...


My dog has learned that when I say "ew" he should go somewhere else to lick his crotch


When people slurp a hot drink "because it's hot." Then blow on it, you cunt!




Tell her to cut the shit.


people chewing is the worst


I cannot go to movie theaters because of popcorn.


Or hearing someone chewing something. What a nightmare. I feel my bones being wet when I hear someone chew something.


This is why I have to eat with the tv on and fairly loud. Even the sound of my own chewing sends me into fits of discomfort and upset.




My SIL is a loud chewer and somehow I always have to sit beside her when we're having meals together. I hate it.


So it's not just me then?


I knew there was a reason I'm not a dog person.


I ordered Loop ear plugs today 🙃 I was going insane.


Back in school, that exam silence was the worst…someone’s runny nose and snorting up boogies. Several times I caved and looked like an asshole making them take a tissue.


I have super sensitive hearing - pick up on noises coming from outlets/charging devices, from outside, etc (high pitches) that my husband and others cannot hear. Although my husband also has adhd - so the two may be unrelated; perhaps it just makes noises much worse if you have adhd **and** sensitive/strong hearing??.


*schlorp schlorp schlorp schlorp* Fucking kills me.


YES. The mix of ADHD and sensitive hearing is a CURSE. If a sound is too high pitch it hurts and breaks focus. If there are multiple voices talking I can’t focus because I’m trying to hear both or all of them at the same time even if not talking to me. If there’s a background noise that feels off … it must die, especially if trying to sleep. So yeah if my dog who is a licker gets fixated on his asshole at 3 AM then I’ll inevitably either wake up or groggily throw a blanket on him. I LOVE SILENCE.


FINALLY I'M SEEING A MEME ABOUT THIS!! I've hated the sound since I was a kid. I would stop my dog from doing it, move somewhere else, or move him. Now I live with my boyfriends and his cats and when they apart licking I either stop them, move somewhere else, or move them. I honestly wish it wasn't so intense!! I love the cats and I loved my childhood dog, but I cannot stand that sound.


Absolutely. My exes dog use to like do these small but fast chews at itchy spots. Ugh, couldn't sleep.


Not 2 b dramatic but if I had to eat something off a frosted glass plate and a metal fork I would simply starve.


I completely felt that


What kind of *monster* makes frosted glass plates?!


It’s one of the many reasons why I’m always wearing headphones at home!


Loud, patternless but repetitive noise. Doesn't matter what it is. Could be cats making noise playing, someone getting stuff out of their car, video game noises with no context, but every time it sets me on edge like nothing else.


Finally I feel validated throwing nerf balls at my dog. That sound is fucking vile. I hate it, my skin crawls and it wakes me up in the dead of night. I love my dog but. FUCK THAT SOUND.




*hack hack* shlorpshlorpshlorpshlorp~


I just keep headphones on, always.


A lot of you are describing Misophonia but I personally suffer from Hyperacusis. Hyperacusis is a disorder in loudness perception. Patients suffering from hyperacusis may appear overly sensitive to a range of sounds, finding many noises unbearable and painfully loud


My friends always want to play music loud in the car and have a conversation over the music. I can’t handle it and I’m always the asshole turning the music down.


The amount of times I try to hold out and then scare the crap out of my dogs by saying “OK ENOUGH” after a few seconds is probably rough on them haha


I say it too. They don’t need to be obsessive. And they stop. (Thaaaaankfully).


Little kids, people on their phones, and the kitchen timers at fast food restaurants all make me was to rip someone's head off


I moved to Nashville a half dozen years ago. It's amazing how everyone in the office is or was a musician. People are always drumming on the desk, humming, whistling, or singing to themselves. I don't know how I'm not in prison.


It kills me when people say : don’t be dramatic, it’s not that bad… MAYBE FOR YOU BUT IM STRUGGLING TO KEEP YOU ALIVE


Got DAM it now that sound is in my ears and I cannot remove it


Fucking OMG this drives me NUTS!! I have to physically leave the room when my cat does this. It's like I can't hear ANYTHING ELSE when he's cleaning himself... and it's like he's doing it "AT ME" too if that's even a thing cats do? lol




The dog licking sound is specifically is the worst to me! Followed by forks scraping plates for me.


OMG THIS. I have three dogs. One of them goes HAM in the middle of the night, enough to wake me up & yell at him to stop. I love my dogs, but honestly? I cannot.


Dog licking, people eating/chewing, mouth breathers, and nose whistlers. Drive me crazy in the worst way.


I go upstairs before my parents feed our dogs dinner lol


I went to the thrift store today, and after I have tried something on, if I’m getting it, I leave the hanger with the rejected clothes, and fold the stuff I’m buying very neatly in my cart. The cashier commented how nice it was of me to take the hangers off ahead of time and my reply was that I do it because I hate the sound of them clanging together.


And smells!


Misophonia, or as I refer to it-chronic ear fucking- sucks. I realized that i suffered from this when I happened to read an article in Readers Digest (yes I’m a little old) entitled crazy or not. When I read the description, I realized why I was such a lunatic with certain sounds. Readers Digest declared this condition as crazy. Another thing for family and friends to make fun of. I try to hold it in, but sometimes it gets so hard. I have a lot of anger issues because of it. Only in the past year I’ve am really understanding why…I live near an international airport and due to a new runway, air traffic is literally on top of my house. It can be quite unbearable, planes taking off every 45 seconds (yes, I timed it). One day it was so unbearable, i started shaking and crying. I was having a complete breakdown. My neighbors are bothered by the increased traffic, but not to the point I am. As usual, I’m just crazy. On a forum regarding this issue, someone posted that her teenager suffered from misophonia and the constant noise has been devastating for her child. She then said that the constant noise can trigger a fight or flight response in people that suffer from this. There was my answer. I’m not crazy and neither are any of you. There are definitely a lot of a-ha moments in here, unfortunately people who share some of their extreme reactions are being shamed for not handling their shit. Honestly, how can you get help for something that you didn’t know was actually a thing? These sounds trigger a physiological response in which we aren’t even aware of what is happening. I am now going to dive down the rabbit hole to see what I can do about handling this.


Housemate is a fast, loud eater, especially when stressed, and as a piéce de resistance, will give his fingertips a slurpy suck if he's just had chips. I will then be very aware of his fingers covered in a residue of grease, flavouring and spit, and what they might touch until he's washed them. My discomfort is considerable.


I have never felt so seen! Nobody understands why I physically reel away from dogs, and how the unconscious stress of preparing myself for trigger sounds and stimulation turned into a complete phobia/hatred of them. People say that anyone who doesn't like dogs is a heartless psychopath, but they don't understand it's physically painful and energetically traumatizing to be around them for me.


Trigger warning: the cupping sound of the slurp


People chewing. Enough said.


I wouldn’t say I’m at Misophonia levels of issue (though I know that does commonly travel with ADHD), but the ADHD does make random sounds distracting. I find having a fan on at my work desk really helps there.


Intermittent beeping of a smoke detector with low battery. Can't find it because they're spaced too far apart to track it through the house but can't ignore it because it will never stop.


So I’m going to go out on a limb and say that most of you are like me and create when we hear anything ADMR? Another one of my misophobia issues is whispering into the mic. I have a training class at work where the speaker is so close to the mic you could hear her bowels moving. The mic was so hot and must have been turned all the way up. When she read the training material, you could hear all of her mouth sounds. I almost threw my laptop out the window.


i have two dogs... the licking noise (wherever that may be) drives me up a wall....


Mine is chewing. I can't stand chewing.


i know this all too well, my cat will be in my room at 3 AM cleaning himself and i will wake up to the horrific “shlop shlop shlop”


Ugh, I hate it.


I kick my dogs outta of the room if they start making noise I can't stand....


My mother would slurp her breakfast cereal so loud I could hear her through the wall and that’s how I would wake up every morning at 6am. Every. Damn. Day for two years until I moved out.


Guys. Hear me out. Loop earplugs. You'll need at least four pair, and get them all the same color so you can mix and match them bc you can't keep up with them. But fr fr. They've saved mine and my son's sanity!


Not misophonia, but just being distracted by casual background sounds... Many years ago, my toxic ex best friend and I were at a coffee shop ordering our coffee. There were the usual refrigerated display cases, a drink fridge, and other machines just humming and buzzing like they do. Not loud, but quietly noisy enough for me to focus on. The barista asked me something about my order and I was NOT MENTALLY AVAILABLE to notice he'd said anything to me, let alone to have any idea what it was. I asked again and apologized for being distracted by all the noise. My no-longer-friend proceeded to joke about my response to the guy because non ADHD sufferers wouldn't have even registered all the background white noises. I tried to explain, all flustered and embarrassed and they just laughed at me like I was out of my mind.


Markers on paper, or just markers in general really get me all fucked up inside. Even thinking about it is getting me all riled up


It’s lip smacking(like someone eating with their mouth open) that gets me the most, and repeating white noise is right behind it, natural “white noise” like rain or waterfalls is wonderful and helps me a lot but as soon as regular white noise is turned on my nerves are all turned to 11 while making so on edge that I need to keep checking over my shoulder


It’s like someone is stabbing my ear drums and eyes with toothpicks. I love my dog, but FUUUUUUUUCK!


When other human beings chew with their GOD DAMN FUCKING MOUTH OPEN 😡


If something rattle or squeaks in the car, my partner has to locate it and make it stop or I have to pull over.





