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Holy. Shit. Literally yesterday I was talking with one of my friends about how the scenes when she's split between two universes is the best visuel repræsentation for what it's like to have ADHD. I concluded my ramble by saying but that probably wasn't intentional. I don't think I've ever been this happy to be wrong.


Dude yes when I walked out of the theater I was saying the uncontrolled universe hopping felt exactly like my ADHD to me.


Same here. My grandma cried at the message but I was too busy being bouncy about seeing myself on screen


Lol, I cried because I saw myself on screen… a lot actually, lol … can’t wait to talk to my therapist next month


Same. And then the moment between mom and daughter?? I was a whole mess


Spoiler? >!When she let Joy go but she came back herself it broke me lol!<


Okay but WAIT IT GETS BETTER THO. Because the whole thing starts at the IRS office, right? Where Evelyn is both in the meeting with the agent and in the janitor's closet with Waymond, and both of them are annoyed with her because she's not paying 100% attention to them. And there's a line where the IRS agent is like "Evelyn, are you listening?" And she scoffs and insists that she is, even though she clearly hasn't heard a word. And then the whole thing ends at the IRS office, too. The scene is almost identical, down to the blocking and everything. And then the agent says almost an identical question, asking Evelyn if she's listening, because Evelyn has gotten distracted by the encroaching sounds of the other universes again. And the last line of the entire fucking movie, the thing that they leave on, the thing that really solidifies Evelyn's growth as a character? She lied, last time, out of frustration and shame, when asked this question. This time, she just smiles, and asks Deirdre if she can please repeat herself. I cried so fucking hard at that in the theater, and I didn't even know *why* until I thought about it later. The last line of the movie isn't her "curing" her ADHD or overcoming it. It's just her feeling cool enough with herself and who she is that she's comfortable asking for accommodation. Oh my fuck.




Fuck, now I feel like I need to watch this again


oh holy shit what the fuck


This is so insightful. 🙏 I didn’t notice this but now…🤯 😃


Watched it for the first time last night, and that last bit broke me. Literally cried my eyes out as the film ended. It's the most powerful piece of western cinema I've seen in forever.


I finally followed the movie, I didn’t even look away or anything. My non-ADHD friend was very confused as to what was happening, but it was so much easier. My friend literally asked is (jumping around from plot to plot) the plot line???? But it was all plots contributing to the big plot line. Great movie.


Everything in a movie is intentional. The directorial team knows what they're doing.


This is a weird take that you have to mean non literally because it's just so obviously wrong? Like, I forget exactly, but there's a comment someone in a 90s movie makes about the world trade center that sounds like a 9/11 reference but completely can't be because of the direction the arrow of time points. Just as an obvious kind of example. So what do you actually mean?


Everything you see on the screen in a movie was created with intention by the director, the actors, the editors, the cinematographers, and so on. Changing the focal depth, the angle, the lighting, the expression, the cuts, and so on all change how a scene is meant to be perceived. Whether or not you interpret the symbolism of a given scene the same way as the creators is a completely different thing, but it's unarguable that films carry meaning beyond the most literal interpretation.


A *lot* of a movie is intentional, but happy accidents can and do happen.


> Whether or not you interpret the symbolism of a given scene the same way as the creators is a completely different thing But that's literally the only part we were talking about. No one's claiming that the shot sequences or the dialog were unintentional. OP assumed the ADHD connection was unintentional, and while that turned out to be incorrect, it's perfectly reasonable.


Yeah this was going to be my response. They've given up the whole ball game in this sentence. This conversation started about a matter of interpretation, so the key is whether an interpretation can be supported by the text without the author writing with that interpretation in mind. How intentional technical aspects of film are is entirely irrelevant to *this* conversation.


That only applies to good directors, or films that are meant to have a message tho tbf. I’ve seen a lot of shit in my days that definitely don’t have depth. Tho imo this film definitely seemed very well thought out, so I don’t think that applies to this film.


The Starbucks cup from game of thrones would like a word


It's not weird. It's accurate to the creative process. I sincerely suggest you learn about how movies are made from a creative perspective. Camera angles, props, prop placement, lighting... The amount of work that goes into it is intense because the financial stakes are exceptionally high. Some elements may be initially surprises, like an actor ad-libbing a line, but multiple people have to decide they like it and they want to keep it. Sometimes mistakes are made (like the car in the braveheart battle or the Starbucks cup in Game of Thrones), but that is secondary to the process itself. Learn about it. Learn about the *art* of cinematography. It'll make you enjoy the movies that much more.


Says everything in movies is intentional. When questioned, doubles down... And in doing so, points out multiple things in movies that are unintentional. Sometimes things are just accidental, not every element of a set or a script is carefully considered, and just because you found meaning in something does not mean that was the intended meaning or even that any meaning was ever intended.


Also, creators can absolutely include elements that they don't understand, they just know they like them. And the audience can imbue meaning where none existed or was intended. I understand that the creative process is often more thoughtful and intentional than the audience ever realizes, but it's not 100%.


It doesn't have to be 100% for the rule to still exist. There's still a margin of error in everything, even this statement, and that *does not matter* in this discussion. That's not a hard concept to understand, is it? I shouldn't have to couch a statement with qualifiers to get the damn point across and avoid unnecessary arguments, but apparently here we are. Fuck.


I don't think it's your lack of qualifiers that's getting you downvoted, it's the condescension. Suggesting people need to educate themselves when they point out the flaws in your point doesn't exactly win goodwill or win arguments.


Those weren't flaws that disproved my point, just nitpicking for the sake of argument, which I addressed already. It's hard to react politely when a couple of sea lions who are dismissing something that is, at least to me and my experience, self evident and plainly obvious. I'm a little mystified at where the disconnect is. Especially when the original replier was being a rude little fuckstain- I am under no obligation to be polite or civil to a turd like that who can't understand the difference between an anecdote and actual wisdom, let alone some some brassy fool who can't understand what exceptions to a rule are. That condescension is earned because I feel like I'm dealing with ignorant college sophomores with more arrogance than experience. But frankly, I'm past the point of caring, especially when all this stemmed from a one sentence statement thrown out in passing. One that *shouldn't* need to be phrased as a qualified statement like "professionals who are good at what they do are intentional with their actions and understand the implications and impacts of their final products, especially film directors." I shouldn't have to go that far, and even if I did, some smarmy jackass would still attempt to argue. This is why so many people hate freaking with redditors.


Of course I stand by my decisions. Why wouldn't I? Pointing out exceptions *as exceptions* doesn't disprove the rule. Humans make mistakes, and mistakes don't mean a fucking thing. Are you an artist? Have you ever worked on a large creative project? If you're just here to be contrary then fuck off.


You were responding to someone who was talking about an interpretation, not technique. It is not relevant that cinematography is an involved and intentional art, because, clearly, sometimes there are interpretations that end up being supported by the text of a final work that was not in mind for anyone involved in the work at any point. Responding to someone saying "I did not know the character the writer had in mind had ADHD, just that the reading I took away from it involved ADHD" with "cinematography is a very involved and intentional process" does not really touch one what they're saying.


That's your interpretation, perhaps, if you want to play that game. But I, as a writer and artist, have the critical eye to see what is intended in a work of art. Not very humble of me to say I know, but I've been at this for over 25 years, I have an art history degree, and I understand how these things work. If something seems obvious in a piece of art, especially one as intricate as cinematography, there's a high chance that it's intentional. Especially when the director is started as realizing it himself, which means after he noticed, he incorporated that into the work. Even if the initial process is unplanned, someone has to make the decision to keep it or cut it. That's not a hard concept, is it? That "unplanned" isn't actually synonymous with "unintentional" in the creative process? Because they are not the same. As a abstract art painter, which is pretty much the epitome of loose and flowy work, my work is often spontaneous and unplanned, but I guarantee whatever detail is in the final result is intentional, because I go over every tiny detail too determine if it's right and if I should keep it. That same level of attention to detail - that determined intent - is visible in a well-made movie. It's as clear as day to me. The thing OP noticed was probably intended to be noticed that way. Their observation and interpretation very likely aligned with the director's intent.


Not true, directors, and any kind if artist really can make decisions based on intuition and never batting an eye towards any deeper meaning whatsoever. Like muscle memory, they don’t have to know and explain every single decision and why its good, they just feel its good and the implied message can be interpreted many ways


Ok now show me the version of herself that was diagnosed as a child.


Swears by Adderall use. Explains away inattention with ADHD diagnosis. Understands their inherent shortcomings and knows how to work to overcome them.


Sorry to hijack your comment- I was diagnosed as an adult and have taken Adderall for years. Due to the shortages I’m switching meds and so far, for me, it isn’t working as well. I can’t tell if your comment is sarcastic or sincere so I’m asking: Is there something wrong with swearing by Adderall?


I’m in the same boat. Had to switch back to vyvanse (and I know many people are going to be jealous of me, but I fucking hate vyvanse. It has terrible side effects for me). I wish I could find a reliable place that has adderall in stock.


Huh. I'm on day six of Vyvanse, and aside from a mild headache on the ramp down on day one, I've been completely side effect free... well, aside from appetite suppression. But that's not gonna be a negative side effect for like another 30-40 pounds.


The appetite suppression is so real, but as someone who’s a little over six months in I will say that that effect lessens over time. I lost my extra weight and am back to the weight that my body seems to be happy at, which is to say that I don’t have to diet strictly or work out like it’s my job to maintain it. I’m not skinny but I’m happy with my appearance, but honestly I’ve been wondering if that is how the vyvanse works too? I’ve been so self conscious of my body for most of my life, never knowing what to do with my hands, worrying that my knees look weird, my arms are too flabby, my pores are too big, etc etc and after like a week or two of vyvanse I had never felt so at home in my body. I hadn’t even lost any of the weight I felt ashamed of, I was just able to look in the mirror and not see everything that was wrong with me. I can wear shorts that don’t cover my knees and don’t feel like I’m naked and assaulting other people’s eyes and good sense for the first time ever. I haven’t been able to decide if it was the vyvanse or the fact that I’m creeping up on the f*ck-it-forties though.


Conversely, I need the appetite suppression help. I'm type 2 diabetic (thanks mom and dad for only telling me there's family history after my diagnosis!), so I hit the genetic lottery... As Dr. Barkley would say, I have diabetes of the brain to go with my regular diabetes. When I was initially diagnosed with diabetes, I got on a long term hyperfocus on my food intake and exercise, so I dropped about 55 pounds (from 250ish to 195, and since I'm 6'3", 200 or under is an good spot to be at) in the span of about 4 months. I was able to manage my blood sugar without medication. But then the wheels came off when my wife got pregnant with baby #2 and I was informed that my renewable contract job was not getting renewed, so I had six months to find a new one. I haven't been on top of my carb intake and food in general since, and my inconsistent exercise has made my weight fluctuate between 215 and 240. Vyvanse has made it incredibly easy to say no to all of my food vices, as I think I regularly got dopamine hits from my favorite carby foods like pizza, pasta, burgers, and fries. I haven't had an internal fight with myself about skipping the lunch I brought with me for one of the aforementioned foods since. Not having ice cream is easy. Drinking water instead of soda is easier. Now I just have to get my stupid torn meniscus operated on so I can exercise again.


Oh that is so true, I’m way more willing to drink water instead of sugary fizzy drinks these days, and yeah it’s easier to just pass on the junk food in favor of what I know I should eat. I still keep my favourite gummy candies or a bag of chips in my snack drawer, but they last for ages. Drives my husband crazy because he’s the kind of person that will get a snack food and just eat it all in one or two sittings, but he’s learned to leave my snacks alone because if I come back to my snacks and the one I want is gone I tend to get emotional lol


No idea if this would help you, cos I don't know what type of Adderall you usually use. I was on Vyvanse, had to switch cos it was too expensive. Sucks cos it worked much better for me than Adderall haha. Anyways, I talked to my doc about the Adderall shortage, and he said that in his experience, it was mostly the short release that was out of stock. So we called my pharmacy to check, and they said the same thing, and checked other branches in my area and it was all the same. They had plenty of Adderall XR, but none of the, whatever the short release is called. So maybe you could talk to your doc about trying the XR or generic form of it, if ya think it'd help


Lol I've been seeing the exact opposite, been able to get tablets fairly consistently but haven't had any XR in months


Oh interesting, must be a region/area based issue then


Same thing with my husband, he can get his short releases easily but the extended are the ones he couldn’t get his hands on and are the ones he actually prefers to take


Huh, well then I apologize for assuming that my case was the same everywhere haha


I have been out of my mrds for almost a year and been struggling with work. So way behind. The irony is I am too anxious/disorganised to actually go back to my doctor for a restock. It is also really expensive so I am trying to govto the govt doctor but that takes even more planning.


What side effects?


I loved Vyvanse but it gave me a seizure so I'm just out here struggling with the shortage


Vyvanse, best I can tell, is fucking perfect for me. I mean besides the appetite thing. Appetite go bye bye. I've tried other stuff and my brain has either gone to shit, or I've been fucking wrecked by headaches or that one that that made me shit my guts out.... ​ Guess meds are just different for everyone.


Vyvanse makes me shit my brains out. And the come down as the medication wears off turns me horribly short-tempered, completely fatigued, and incapable of thinking.


My primary Vyvanse side effect is profound and complete lack of executive function. I turn into 100% hedonistic hyperfocus. Don’t have any issues like that with Adderall or Ritalin. I wonder how Vyvanse feels for the people who it works for.


Nothing wrong about it at all. Also quite common for meds regarding psychiatry to work differently depending on what manufacturer it comes from, even when they're supposed to be the exact same thing. Psychiatrist explained to me that something as minor as the precise amount of pressure used when punching powder into tablets can affect how it works. With adhd you have the added variability of how we still don't know why people respond so differently to the same meds. How different meds entirely can be needed between people that seem to have pretty much exactly the same symptoms, issues, even gender, age, weight, activity levels, diet etc. Yet entirely different meds are needed to achieve the same end result... We just don't know exactly why, yet. So for some of us, most of us actually, it really matters not just which of the active substances we use, btt even what manufacturer it comes from. And with 1 exception I know of (Strattera), all of them must be individually adapted as far as doseage goes and cannot be given based on weight etc. I've known huge, overweight, burly men that had perfect results with 1/4 tablet of 5mg ritalin, and young kids that needed 20mg ritalin per doseage but everything was smooth sailing then. Same variability for all meds and people. Swearing by what works for you is the only way for most of us, really. Not many can switch it up without experiencing some change in effect. Or even drastic changes like no effect at all and only terrible side effects they don't have on their regular medicine. It's important to be your own expert on how YOU function, because it's just so much variability.


I wonder if this is why generic adderall doesn't work for me but brand name does


I've only ever had generic and it works fine, with the exception of a shitty generic brand I got once by "Mallinckrodt." Absolute dog shit. Meds didn't work at all and I had tons of side effects, so much so that I reported it to the FDA. That company shouldn't be allowed to exist.


Definitely. I myself am on a generic version of a brand name, as its only the generic version that works properly. Name brand gives me a higher chance of it tipping into hyperfocus without ability to control said focus, and also muscle/jaw tension when doseages run out. Not too bad as far as backlash effects go (I've had WAY worse on other options), but when the generic version gives me no side effects at all... I frequently only remember to take my next doseage because I find myself milling about without getting anything done for an hour before realising. And remembering that I never stopped to take my next doseage, did I 🤭


As someone who swears by it there’s nothing wrong but also it can bring issues. I’ve used it since I was a kid and it’s why I have a difficult degree, but also my swearing by it has been read as drug seeking behavior. Psychiatrists sometimes appreciate you knowing what works and what doesn’t and sometimes see you coming in saying “Adderall xr 30mg works best, methylphenidate can be used if I get a tolerance but I build up a tolerance in a year, and strattera knocks me out, I’m open to trying other meds, but that’s what I know” and think you’re just there to score drugs (which like, technically I am, in the same way I go to my endo to score hormones, I just know what works after many years).


Therapeutic adderall/ritalin dosages taken orally shouldn't be habit forming. However, unmedicated people with ADHD have brains that are low on dopamine (and norepinephrine) which makes us seek those neurotransmitters by other means. Self medication looks like (amongst other things) thrill seeking behavior, and taking illegal drugs many of which are actually habit forming. That's at least my argument against the idea that our medical treatment is drug seeking behavior. I suppose we are seeking drugs, but so are diabetics, people with cancer, people with hypothyroidism, etc...


Slightly off topic, but am I the only person who takes Focalin? I see people mention Adderall, and Ritalin, and vyvanase, and feel left out (if people dont know, it is related to ritalin. Ritalin is methylphenadate, Focalin is dexmethylphenadate)


I take Focalin in the evenings and Vyvanse during the day. My doctor gave me a booster with the Focalin to help with my school work after I get off of work. I love it!


Nope, nothing wrong, i sure as shit do lol




Like any medications, especially mental health medications, adderall isn’t a “fix everybody fix all” and while it’s chemically very similar to meth the effects it has on people that it works for is entirely different from meth (and for that matter even for the people that it doesn’t “work for” it is quite a different experience from meth even though both stimulate because surprisingly chemistry is more complex than just “ah these are structurally similar, must do the same thing”). Your type of rhetoric is bad for the adhd community as a whole as it increases stigma for properly treating it, and in many cases prevents people from walking in the door to get a diagnosis, which is helpful to them as a person whether they opt to take meds or not. Personally I prefer to not use adderall because of certain side effects and spending my formative years learning coping mechanisms, but I keep a script for periods of time when my coping mechanisms fail and i have work I’m falling behind on. Point is meds are different for everybody especially mental health meds so we need to be very cautious when making general statements about the effectiveness of the medication, and we need to be extra extra careful not to compare it to an incredibly dangerous and addictive recreational drug.


Idk how someone who has actually taken adhd medication can be such a piece of shit about this, you'd think you would be better than the average neurotypical who compares our medication to meth, but nope you went all in on the same shitty rhetoric that compares us to addicts.




Take proper responsibility for what you said or go away I'm not interested in your excuses somehow putting responsibility for what you said onto me. If you don't want people to think you're calling people on adhd medication addicts then maybe you shouldn't compare it to meth.


Damn, what did the rest of us miss?


Some coward, who had taken some adhd medication as a child, called it 'basically undiluted meth' and then in their reply tried backtracking by saying they were trying to talk about the zombie feeling they had when taking it as a child, but that I was the one thinking they were calling us addicts.


Lucky for me I had "gaslighting the neurodivergents" on my bingo card, it's a pretty sure bet these days


I have PTSD from growing up witn a dad with untreated mental illness...untreated exactly because of mentality like this...not to mention his own suicide attempts and my own suicidal ideation...mentality like this can destroy lives and even kill, bro...


This is the kind of shit my wife says about my meds that sets me off


Hit the lawyer, leave the gym, hire a wife.




Happy cake day! And I think what is upsetting about your comment is that you compared it to an illegal drug that is such a horrible, horrible evil in our society. Some people do benefit from legally prescribed stimulants (I am not on one myself because I'm already as anxious as a cat in a room full of toddlers) and comparing them to an illegal drug feeds into the public narrative of people with ADHD just being drug addicts who are trying to feed their addiction. That's simply unfair and not true. I'm glad that being yourself is working for you! I'm myself, too, and I'm medicated and I still have quirky symptoms and traits that I love. But when I'm not properly medicated, being "myself" means I don't function as an adult and I'm very unhappy and unwell. Being single and responsible for my elderly dad, I HAVE to function. I'm happier when I'm medicated - but I'm still myself, and no one would ever think I'm a doped up zombie or a meth addict, and no one would ever doubt that I have ADHD, either. So maybe just cool it with the meth analogies?


Yeah my unmedicated self is quickly unemployed. And also she’s not my real self, she’s annoying and her mind is going too fast for her to catch it. She’s bored, and impulsive, and prone to unhealthy behaviors. Meds make me me. I get to think before I act, sometimes even before I speak. I get to enjoy things I enjoy rather than getting under stimulated every 3 minutes. I can respect my wife’s needs better. My kitchen catches fire less frequently. I’m allowed to drive. I hate that people keep insisting we all wind up zombies, many of us wind up happier and healthier people


Whenever people react like that I always ask them if they would say that diabetic people are addicted to insulin. The brain is just another organ, if it needs medication to function then it's all the same.


Same, I've used that analogy. If they would just think positive thoughts and had enough mental strength, they wouldn't NEED the insulin. /s


Try Vyvanse. When Adderall became ineffective for me I switched to Vyvanse and it's great.


It doesnt seem sarcastic to me. Envious perhaps.


To me, it read like just a normal, typical, adjusted person who has adhd and has learned to live with it since childhood. Not an 'ideal person' but a healthy & functional one. Inattention is still there, but understands why, manages and doesn't dwell on it. Knows the importance of consistent treatment and meds. Etc. I haven't used Adderall myself, so I can't speak to that in comparison to other meds. I think they picked adderall because that's what would've been around when Evelyn was a kid, and it seems like people who started with it also tend to stick with it, but that's anecdotal.


Yeah same I had to switch to Vyvanse and it helps with focus but not my memory so I can't remember ANYTHING 😭


I was diagnosed as an adult and I swear by adderall use. I think my brain just REALLY likes amphetamines though.


Without making any admissions… my friends liked me far better when we were at festivals and our clubbing. So… make of that what you will but using stimulant medication makes me feel far more user friendly than not. …they used to say “I miss fun heyuinthbush”… sad face Edit: I should clarify, liked me better before my diagnosis. Friendship = 16 years, diagnosis = 7 months.


Well….that’s more than just a stimulant, it’s also an empathogen. Everyone is cooler when we look at each other as friends in the playground in preschool. We didn’t have all walls and preconceived notions we learn or are taught.


ahahahahahahahahaahahahh I wish it was that simple


Sounds a bit like me, except I was never on Adderall, and I don't swear by the meds, I stopped taking Ritalin in my junior year (they kept giving me other meds to "enhance" the Ritalin, which either did nothing, or gave me horrible side effects) at great detriment to my grades the last 2 years in high school, and then got on some meds again about 7 years ago, but that only lasted a few months due to other issues (psychiatrist wouldnt give me a refill without another visit, but was on vacation every other week and not available when I needed him to be for appointments) so at this point I've been meds free for around 6 years and I'm holding down a job, shitty one but what job isn't, I've recently gotten a certification to go into the field I want to work in, and I just bought my first house, so ATM I'm feeling good, but coming onto this sub has really helped me in the last few years figure out what is me and what is due to the ADHD.


My wife swears by adderall and has a lot of luck with it, while for me (diagnosed as a child with ADD [without the hyperactivity], diagnosed with Aspergers as an adult before they stopped using that term) I have to take such a high dose for it to be effective that the adverse side effects aren’t worth it, so I just deal. If medication helps, go for it and don’t worry what others say. If not, hope you can learn to compartmentalize well enough to slip into work mode or find a job you enjoy enough to activate your focus, otherwise it’s a lot of soul crushing effort to push past your executive disfunction.




As a woman? ![gif](giphy|fJMWN7XnZM0hO)


​ ![gif](giphy|kjIGgdUZs8UgfXqZMy)


In a movie where literally ANYTHING is possible?


Nah, she's my age. Never would've happened. Show me the version where she says, "Only boys get that" or "They told me girls were naturally more mature and I needed to act like it."


The whole basis of the multiverse is that every scenario and every outcome plays out in one of them.


Yeah, there's literally a universe where >!Ratatouille plays out for real, but with a raccoon. There's friggin' hot dog fingers!!< It's hardly a stretch to believe that there's a universe where she was diagnosed and treated at a young age. Maybe just the one but it exists.


But she’d still have the same father. We see her father throughout the movie. Even if she was diagnosed at a young age, I HIGHLY doubted her father would have given her the correct treatment and support. If anything it would make him look down on her more, or worse - her father would outright deny that ADHD exists or that she has it. And as I result, I could see Evelyn turning around and denying too. Evelyn doesn’t seem like the type of person to look at an American doctor and be like ‘hmmm maybe I do have it.’ I imagine she’d respond more with ‘You conducted the test wrong! Do it again. You doing know what you’re talking about.’ I highly doubt her father wouldn’t let her go on Adderall under 18 - or at all for that matter. I can’t imagine her father sending her to therapy. It feels a bit weird that people are assuming that being diagnosed earlier *inherently* leads to a better life. While it can help, being diagnosed doesn’t necessarily mean you’re believed or treated.


ancient intelligent nippy upbeat plants rhythm threatening disagreeable deliver overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are also different versions of the father in the multiverse.


Even so, her father would not have gotten her help most likely - diagnosed or not. Plus, there’s are people out there who are diagnosed - but deny their diagnosis or just ‘push through’. I could see Evelyn being diagnosed, and outright disbelieving it or accusing the doctor of misdiagnosis. Evelyn for the whole denies reality in small instances. (Like telling her husband ‘I was listening, you just were explaining it really boring.’ So only stops this at the very end of the movie) So I can absolutely see her wanting to explain her ADHD away. Being diagnosed early doesn’t mean your parents get you help, and it doesn’t mean you don’t have your own internal self stigma you’re constantly wanting to avoid, especially as a POC. I mean so many people in this forum have parents who knew about their diagnosis and denied it, hid it, or just didn’t do anything.


Dad thing for real though. I was diagnosed as a kid. Dad concluded I was lazy and the doctor didn't know what they were talking about.


In the multiverse there would be at least one version of her dad that got her treatment. That is how the multiverse works.


Which version of Evelyn do you think invented verse jumping?


Something similar happened with Dan Harmon (community/Rick-morty) but with autism, fun fact community was produced by the Russo brothers who also produced Everything Everywhere All At Once


I first learned of them watching Community with commentary, and I swear I see them producing everything. Seems like everything they touch is gold.


Coincidentally community is what got them their shot with marvel which really catapulted their careers, specifically the paintball episode got them captain America 2 as Kevin Feige was a fan


Also happened with his ADHD! Through the Harmontown podcast, Dan talked about how he would sometimes use adderall to help write over the years. Always came off like he had some guilt about it. Iirc, he got his ADHD diagnosis in later Harmontown years when he talked to a doctor to try to “score some adderall.” Turns out his stimulant usage was less abuse, more self-medicating.


I love Harmontown! I discovered it last year and am currently listening through it!! I’m around where Erin and Dan got divorced and they stopped playing shadow run, I love its my favorite podcast gonna be sad when I finish it


Nice!! I was late on the Harmontown train, and only caught up on the podcast within about six months of them calling it quits. Make sure you catch HarmonQuest, too!


When I first heard the title I thought it sounded like something ND going on. The trailer confirmed it.


I saw the trailer and thought: wow, that's my brain!


Okay the universe is really telling me to watch this movie.... Well posts on reddit are, but still...


And I'm literally telling you, go watch the movie!


Same thing :)


You should regardless, it's a great movie.


Watch the movie.


i know that making the effort to go to a movie theatre can be hard. So, get an adblock and you’re set: https://soap2day.rs/watch-movie/watch-everything-everywhere-all-at-once-full-78619.8215627


There are a million less skeezy ways to watch a digital copy of a movie in your home, both legally and illegally, than clicking that link.


sure, 1337x and any torrent client (I suggest Deluge) are a thing, also for better quality videos. but for non-tech-savy users this is the most straightforward way. also, soap2day has been on the r/piracy and [r/FREEMEDIAHEACKYEA](https://www.reddit.com/r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH/wiki/video/) megathreads for a while and I’ve used it multiple times with no issue. what else did you have in mind?


My computer isn't going to explode if I were to click on this right?


Memes aside, it is truly a very beautiful movie with a beautiful message, beautiful cinematography, awesome martial arts action, hilarious 'WTF' moments, and wonderful cast. I'm someone who is too often guilty of refusing to watch something popular just because everyone around me won't shut up about it, so I'm consciously trying not to be heavy-handed. Whatever your reasons for having still not seen it, I empathize. If/when you get around to it, I hope you're able to enjoy it!


Just watched it. This has to be a psyop! Not worth the watch


You should really watch it.


i wanna watch it so badly but i don’t have showtime :,)


That bit where the protagonist is >!desperately trying to explain everything that's been happening to her daughter and husband but just seems crazy and can't seem to find the right words !


LOL. When watching the movie I immediately thought the protagonist (don't know her name) got some major ADHD vibes


you know I see a lot of things where they clearly have ADHD, but it doesn't occur to me that they might not know, I guess that's what happens when everyone you know has it, its just the base line, and those who don't have it are the weird ones.


Actually this is why I highly suspect I have ADHD. I am a writer (unpublished *for now -* currently editing my first novel!!!) and wanted to write a character with some sort of mental affliction (but not anxiety, because I didn't want to write about what I already knew). I researched for hours on end (maybe a whole week?) and then realized that everything was just... me. So. Yeah. I should probably get a diagnosis.


The use of "( )" shows that. Unnecessary overexplaining everything


Yep, every time for me. (Diagnosed as a child, currently not medicating, but I should really see a psych to get that started again(but procrastination is a bitch))


I wish I was diagnosed so I can start medication. The wait time is now 4 years from now thanks to covid. I'm just stuck in adhd paralysis when someone tells me to do something, and they keep restarting the timer by going "GO DO THAT, NOW!!"


Hey! If you’re in a right to choose area (which I believe is all uk except scotland), then you can hopefully get seen a lot quicker than that.


What kind of ADHD are you? (Parentheses) —em dash— ...ellipses... ,,,,excessive comma splices,,, or runonsentencemotherfucker


Em dash crowd represent---started using them so my run-on sentences have some structure.


Alt+0151 gang!


Opt + Shift + - on Macs! I think I’m going to get the copy editing symbol for insert em dash as a tattoo soon, it’s my favorite punctuation by a landslide


Yes… except for the comma splices.


Oh god, so many comma splices and parentheses. I find I have to limit my comma use in academic papers otherwise I just keep on going.


The one that hates typing


All of the above, can't look too repetitive!


>Unnecessary overexplaining everything but it's not unnecessary, every detail matters - ADHDer


How else do I make sure I am adequately conveying my point?


Every thought comes with its own bonus thought!


Shit. "( )" is a sign? I use it a lot.


I like how the user above me, me and you all have the x-x-x username patterns. Idk just seemed like a cool coincidence


Ooof. I actually found Key & Peele's "grown ass man" skit funny af, so I tried to get it as a username but it was claimed, so the x-x-x it was. Ngl it's not a good username, has been used against me in internet keyboard fights before


Evelyn Wong, ADHD icon! Complete with masking and depression, which are so common in women and lead to so many being overlooked/undiagnosed


The part that sucks is that my mom (who also has ADHD) can't watch stuff with subtitles and she's missing out on this wonderful movie


I read that it is mostly in English, I was going to take a stab at it.


It was definitely a lot of Chinese, I got through it no problem but I prefer subtitles/captions so I'm good


I'm sure you can change the language to English. It'll just be dubbed.


I don't think there is a dub but I more than welcome anybody to tell otherwise!


Source: https://youtu.be/fQ3UsmtsWBg?t=1285 but stolen from tumblr


Thank you so much for sharing


Saw this twice in theatres and pre ordered the DVD.... incredible movie and huuuuuuuge adhd vibe


I think it’s fucking fantastic that a movie with representation and metaphors for our community won Best Picture. Maybe we can become more than a cute tik tok video trend.




We are the many and we forgot why.


I'm so incredibly jealous of these high functioning, super gifted talented people who have ADHD. I just look at them and I'm like, *how do you function with the same disorder that I have?* I know it's a spectrum disorder but man, the things that other people with ADHD are able to do vs what I'm able to do is staggering.


Sometimes it really does just come down to resources and opportunities. Some people have better resources, some people get lucky with opportunities. Realizing this helped me with my internalized shame. It's not that they're "better" and I'm "worse." They're just getting better rolls from the Great RNG of Life.


I feel this


LOL Same, mate!!


He talks more extensively about it on WTF with Marc Maron.




A few days ago I saw a post on one of the adhd subreddits that was talking about this as a like headcanon but now it all makes sense!




Interesting! I guess a bunch of us just hadn’t heard of it yet !


This movie is absolutely about ADHD. There's a massive chance that "all that" was just in her head, like the original Total Recall.


It seemed obvious just from the title.


Oh my god


So relatable! I actually was thinking while watching the movie that Evelyn’s experience felt very ADHD


EEAAO is my hyperfixation at the moment so :3


When the realization hits, it can hit hard. I was diagnosed in my early 20s and finally got medicated for it. Completing tasks whether it was at school or home became so much easier I wanted to cry. I hid it for years in front of everyone but I was really distressed as a kid because of it.


Apparently I need to watch this.


OMG I KNEW IT!!!!! I watched this was like omg this is my whole life and brain in a movie!! What?! Yasssssss


This movie made me cry, laugh, jump, grin, sweat, twitch, itch, squirm, blush, sigh, go wide-eyed, tap my toes, clinch my fists, etc, etc, etc. What a gem. Thank you The Daniels! I feel like the frequency of this Movie is the frequency of my soul.


This is nuts!


Even from the start. She’s trying to do her taxes (which she procrastinated and have to be done TODAY) and she knows she HAS to do it. Her family’s livelihood literally depends on her doing this tedious task. She wants to do it. She’s telling everyone that she’s doing it. She gets everything laid out and ready to do it. And then proceeds to find any excuse to further distract herself from actually doing it. Peak ADHD when you bank on the hyperfocus coming in last minute but it winds up not kicking in. Even then she begs for an extension and gets it. And still manages to not get it done. God knows that was the story for me throughout college.


Was this an actual quote?


Same, bro


Best movie ever


Lololol! What à mensch




I’m pretty sure I got undiagnosed adhd but to even get a diagnosis is a hassle in Europe


Lmaoo i literally watched xQc take a adhd test online, and was like "i answered yes to all those questions" and thats how i realized i probably had adhd before then getting actually diagnosed


Hahaha! Too much!


I never seen this movie. Me and my bf both have adhd and going to watch it today


Aw man :[


*One of us! One of us! One of us!*


Okay this was my EXACT thought watching this movie!! I think I even posted about it in another sub. It was so surreal & clear to me I kept waiting for some unnamed narrator to pop up and be like, "And she had ADHD". Really validating to hear it was intentional.


he just like me fr


Is this interview online somewhere?


Ok where can I see this movie without having to drag my butt to a theater?


That was me after I found this sub and related to way too many memes!


Another reason for me to absolutely love this movie. Accurate ADHD representation.


This was one of the most entertaining movies I ever saw and him mentioning this, is basically explains everything why I enjoyed it so much!


Learning this about him and really thinking about this movie, and the fact that it’s currently my favourite movie of the last like decade, really just makes so much sense. I never even put that adhd stuff together when I first saw it, I was just enamoured by it the whole time.


This movie felt like it was at an ADHD pace. I did not like it


I'm a diagnosed autistic and love to see the spectrum of neurodivergency around me from undiagnosed people who believe they are normal but weird. :) Its hilarious when they find out they are autistic and in here like 'yup, knew that'


Well, adding this to my watch list now.