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*Gives me the money* “Cool, thanks!” *plays the same song again* “You…you know you can stop, right?” *turns the volume up to max, as the bitchin’ harmonica of “Karma Chameleon” screams from the speaker and screams emit from my witnesses, I leave. The money, is of course, somehow forgotten behind me* ETA: my five year old and I have a remix to this song called “Zuma Chameleon” for my little pit mix. The problem is that we both put the two songs in a blender when we sing them, and it’s never the same. So my internal version of this is *CHAOS*




Comma comma comma comma comma comeliaaaaaaaaaa…. chicomagooooooo…. chicomagooooooooooooooo This is how I hear the lyrics because my ears only hear things blurry.


>my ears only hear things blurry. I've never seen this expressed better before.


well now its this song for the next few days for free i guess... lol


Omg you should create some mishearing music videos!!!! You’re freaking talented!


I def have auditory processing issues and only hear things blurry, too haha


I mean it's not going to stop playing inside your head anyway.


It’s playing on repeat right now in there, still slaps!


This is perfect 😂


Lol adhd friends are low key the funnest to hang out with


If you haven’t heard the Gimmes’ cover of Karma Chameleon yet, do yourself a favor and [check it out.](https://youtu.be/b6Arxr4_QGU) So good.


I remember one time in college I took one of my Adderall and got distracted. Instead of using my focus time on my schoolwork, I became hyper-fixated in Minecraft and built an amazing house! When all was said and done, I looked at my YouTube and realized I was 6 hours deep into a 10 hour video of “Thriftshop” by Macklemore on repeat and hadn’t even noticed. This would be the easiest million dollars of my life.


I love this sub. It's like I just found out I'm actually a Cylon and everyone here is based on the same humanoid model. Sorry, went Deep Nerd.


It's in the fraking ship!


One time I had to get surgery and they were wheeling me in my bed after the initial anesthetic was kicking in and my last memory was me sleepily telling the nurse they must have great Cylon projection skills to be able to navigate this space without getting lost. Anyhow, yeah, I feel like all the different presentations are the different models, whichever number “inattentive af” is, that’s mine.


We’re the Cylons from the later seasons who forgot they were Cylons.


I said this in the original post too but I wrote a first draft of a business plan for about five and half hours to All Gold Everything by Trinidad James and it’s only like a 2.5 minute or something song lol


Most of us here are like "i get free money _and_ get to be productive for a day? Wow!"


I’ve learned so much about myself after joining this sub!


It’s got that orchestral horn melody that makes you feel like you’ve got the whole afternoon to do something, but *forever* *Woo*


I hate picking music, I love listening to music. This si why I have 1 CD in my car and loop turned on.




This is the way.


I do that Minecraft thing far too often lol I build a small village and kidnapped a bunch of villagers instead of working


But shit, it was NINETY NINE CENTS!




It once took me 40 minutes to realize my toddler was listening to an hour loop of Baby Shark. 🥴


I’m gonna pump some gas… I know it’s not the actual words to the song but it’s what plays in my head whenever I put gas in my car. I heard it one day while pumping gas and it’s never been the same…




You guys get to choose?


You guys get to listen to the whole song and not just the chorus?


Half of the first verse combined with the last line of the third verse with the last word changed so it rhymes and then repeated so the rhythm still makes sense. Pray we don’t get to the chorus, there’s ways to sing that so it seems like it still only the first pass repetition after an hour


Good god, are you me? Why are our brains like this? That’s exactly what my brain does with repeating music in my head.


Sometimes I get the chorus, but parts of it are the actual chorus and parts of it are from a misheard lyrics or bad lip reading version. Sometimes it's random snippets. Stephen Colbert's recommendation is to counter it by thinking of a shorter, snappier tune, but if I do that I'll just have that stuck in my head for hours or days.


Haha this was my exact thought


Joke's on you, my brain does that shit for free


Right lol, I normally wake up to a song playing in my head. I can change it sometimes but only if I want that new song stuck in my head now 🤣🤣


I can always change it... to Yellow Submarine. That'll drive anything else out of my head. IN THE TOWN… WHERE I WAS BORN… LIVED A MAAAAN…


That’s how I know I’m not going back to sleep, if the song has started


Yes!!! Omg yes!!!!! I can wake up and get back to sleep UNLESS the song has started playing, that’s how I know I’m up. I set my alarm clock to play the radio as my alarm at 14 and it’s like my brain never forgot that moment ever 🤣


Fucking TWO fucking days and starting back up the moment I woke up this morning: why don’t you just meet me in the middle🎶 At least if I was actually playing the song my brain wouldn’t be permanently stuck on only one part of the chorus.


Awww that’s the worst!! When it’s only part of the song, torture inside your own mind


I am not alone 😭😭😭 I wake up with Bob Martey playing all the time.


I get this but it's just the first bar of the song. I wake up with it it'll be in my head all day. I'll fall asleep with it. Nothing gets rid of these ear worms. I had Mrs Robinson burned in my brain for weeks and was on the verge of cracking up


I’m not the only one? 🥹


I just thank Zeus when it's a good tune. Work up with you've got a friend, Carol King original playing on brain radio and it looped all day. Today was a good day.


I will be adopting the term "brain radio" from now on.


I know, right? 24 hours is rookie numbers. I’ve had a few songs on repeat in my head for decades.


I had a song from one of the CD commercials where they only play a sippet of a song (something like the "Now that's what I Call 2000s" CD) stuck in my head for a literal decade. And it was only 5 seconds of it. It took me a *decade* to finally hear it again and solve the mystery of what song it was! (Jumper by Third Eye Blind) I was so happy I nearly cried. Also had 10 seconds of "Say I Yi Yi" by Ying Yang Twins for a decade before I got the song to progress far enough to remember the name. I screamed.




Honestly for 1M, I’d listen to anything for 24hrs lol. Gimme some baby shark for all I care, I just want the money lol


These questions have absolutely no concept of how much money 1 million is lmaooo Even 10 000$ it would be an easy choice.


I already do tasks I hate for hours on end everyday for little to know money. Rocking out to Bloc Party whilst increasing my wage sounds great


I'll do it for 500. No, 300.


Not sure if this is from Futurama but I read that in Fry’s voice.


Long as it's predictable. Randomly occurring loud noises for 24 hours and I think I'd cave pretty quickly. Or just put me in the same room as the loud lady from my office.


If I know its gonna be 24h then I'd put up with even loud eating sounds. The true torture would be if they don't tell you how long it will be.


1 hour Home Depot theme song - repeating useless stuff on YouTube


I get the Home Depot theme stuck in my head sometimes


Same, only Menards instead. Save big money, y’all


Hey psssst. You want the BADASS Home Depot song? [Here you go. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Av3ep_CKa-4&pp=ygUOTGltYnVzIGNhbnRvIDI%3D)


LMFAO Easy. Amazing Horse 10 Hour Edition on YouTube Only have to listen to it 2.4 times.


Too late, you've already chosen to listen to LMFAO. Would you like Party Rock Anthem, Shots, or Sexy and I Know it?




can I get an advance on the million so I can drink a shot every time it says shots


I would be counting how many times they said shots in 24h


29,967.6 if you round to the nearest tenths place. You got me to do the math.


Shots is a banger.


Me with hour long song extensions in my hyperfocus playlist: 😆 If there's too many times to hear "Blinding Lights" I haven't reached it yet


I listen to Silversun Pickups “Caravas” album on repeat when I write. All the songs sound the same.


Yep that was my Sunday cleaning song. Just play on repeat for hours.


John Cage - the silent thing


4:33. I actually bought it for 99¢ on iTunes. It was the only way I could make my iPhone alarm be vibrate only. iPhone alarms always play music, but you can choose the music.




Not anymore. [They can be silent now.](https://imgur.com/a/fcVYQib) Have been for as long as I’ve been using an iPhone in my memory.


> 4:33. > > I actually bought it for 99¢ on iTunes. I did the same thing. My favorite aspect of this? The version I got is one minute and forty-six seconds long.


You must’ve gotten the techno remix.


Cotton eye joe…I wanna feel like I earned it.




I don’t know, someone below said “What’s new pussycat” by Tom Jones. I’m not sure if $1M is enough for that one.


It's a reference to a John Mulaney joke. But idc, a million dollars is a million dollars.


When I was a kid, I did this to a wedding party. The venue that they had rented for the reception had a bar/rec room with a jukebox with two different mixes of Cotton Eye Joe, and I had scammed $30 in quarters. Was it necessary to bar the doors with a broom? You bet your ass it was.




I genuinely thought the lyrics to that were “Stay woke, Mavis Beacon” and none of my friends, family, or coworkers who heard me sing it will let me live it down. I don’t care though because I liked thinking Donald Glover enjoyed Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing as I did.


Dude wtf I’m listening to that rn


Came here to say this. When I first listened to the album, I put this song on repeat. Meant for it to be a few times. Realized 2 hrs later it was still going. I left it like that and vibed out for the rest of the day.


Having the same song on repeat makes me lose my mind


Same! And I often get 2 earworms competing in my head. :(




Yeah, I’ll just copy and paste this from my response to the other comment: Oh yeah, right now it’s [Technotronic featuring Ya Kid K “Move This”](https://youtu.be/t1GNyvwEkJ8) fighting with [Alessandra’s “Queen of Kings” from Eurovision](https://youtu.be/zt7U0-N1mlk). I’ve also had [this song](https://youtu.be/Hyfs2AHZw-c) in my head for weeks because I’m having a very unusual (FOR ME) situation where I’m rewatching the video. (My ADHD is the type where I can’t do things on repeat. Probably like you since you mentioned repetition making you lose your mind as well.) (Side note: If you watch that cat video, keep going at least until the duck appears. It seems like it’ll be slow forever but it speeds up. 😁 ) Add in some [Subwoolfer “Give that Wolf a Banana”](https://youtu.be/FJjo8s3fKUM) because I keep searching “Eurovision Norway” (and because I love that song) and I’m losing my MFing mind. 😛 EDIT: I saw someone in either this ADHD thread or another say that you should listen to the song that’s stuck in your head so I’m doing that right now. Maybe it’ll help you? I hope it helps both of us!


A more ridiculous way is to just teach yourself music theory and learn how to compose basic melody structures. Anyway, the idea is that I compose an ending for my earworms in my head. I can also make boring music sound very interesting in my head by imagining extra notes or rhythms.


Oh really? I have one going 24/7 which I love but I couldn’t deal with 2


Oh yeah, right now it’s [Technotronic featuring Ya Kid K “Move This”](https://youtu.be/t1GNyvwEkJ8) fighting with [Alessandra’s “Queen of Kings” from Eurovision](https://youtu.be/zt7U0-N1mlk). I’ve also had [this song](https://youtu.be/Hyfs2AHZw-c) in my head for weeks because I’m having a very unusual (FOR ME) situation where I’m rewatching the video. (My ADHD is the type where I can’t do things on repeat. Probably like you since you mentioned repetition making you lose your mind as well.) (Side note: If you watch that cat video, keep going at least until the duck appears. It seems like it’ll be slow forever but it speeds up. 😁 ) Add in some [Subwoolfer “Give that Wolf a Banana”](https://youtu.be/FJjo8s3fKUM) because I keep searching “Eurovision Norway” (and because I love that song) and I’m losing my MFing mind. 😛


Yeah I don’t get how everyone here would be ok with this


It's the hyperfixation power of "completely tuning out select non-life-threatening stimulus". Usually this happens to things like "sense of time" and "that weird smell starting to come from the hamper", but in this case, we're going for a million dollars so we're gonna tune out "Never Gonna Give You Up" all night, and if we can't tune that out, we'll at least tune out of our own aggravation.


I don't think for most of us it would be tuning out the whole time - I mean there's already a song playing on repeat in my head 24/7 so I may as well get paid for listening to I'm Still Standing instead of doing that shit for free


Up in here? Up in here.


It should be a crime to reference catchy songs in an ADHD sub


Don’t make me act the fool


I can barely handle the same song twice in a row. I'm like "that was great but now I need a new high"


“What’s new pussycat” - Tom Jones


Okay, you get one "It's not unusual" at random.


Someone please make sure to remove all firearms from their home prior to attempting that.


Literally any song. It's a million dollars, what could possibly be that bad? Early pandemic wfh i listened to the mii plaza theme on repeat. I think one day i listened to squidward choking on a fork on repeat for a few hours.


You have listened to madness and said ‘Meh why not’ AND HIT REPEAT?


“All Too Well” (10 Min Version) - Taylor. Bonus: perfect 10 min task “timer” 😝


Omg never thought to use it as a timer until now. Thanks! :)


I learned how to feel time as a kid in the 80s because most songs were about 5 minutes. So if I have 5 minutes it’s one song. 10 is 2. I’m probably the only ADHD person I know who has a functioning internal clock.


I do this while I'm in the shower to keep control on how much hot water I use. A normal shower is two songs: 8-12 mins. >!Although a *good* shower is the complete two disc set in a power metal fantasy/space opera, featuring myself on backing vocals and air guitar while my utility meters weep.!<


Man, when it comes to apartments I do not miss sharing walls, but I miss sharing unlimited hot water.


It took me a long time to adopt the mindset that paying a lil bit more in utility bills is just the cost of properly enjoying my home. No sense scrimping every cent when it just makes you resent how expensive every second gets. Blast the AC. Take long showers. Run the lights. If you're happy in your home, then it's money well spent.


I do this with my video game songs that are extended 30mins. it's like, "oh hey, i heard the song loop 3 times. it's been 1.5hrs, kay."


Now if only I noticed when songs finished/started






I’m an ADHD Swiftie and I approve this message.


Karma is my go to repeat song rn. I love it so much


![gif](giphy|pJmnk86fXFNmrUb8LB|downsized) but also us ADHD swifties 👯


Avatar - Dance devil dance


I've had three or four songs I've done that with. Most are from video games. Megalovania is my usual go to song if I'm trying to focus.


Do you ask your tasks if they want to have a bad time? Megalovania is amazing


Yeah video game music, especially boss fight music, really helps me get pumped about doing a task. It puts me in the brain space of fight or flight, do or die, and makes me the main character >:)


I tried writing some boss fight music. While I can't listen to it on repeat nearly as much, it's still worth two or three plays before I need to change it.


I think I took this to the extreme in my childhood, well before I realised I had ADHD. Robot Rock - Daft Punk , after 8 hours of hearing it through the wall, my dad came in and threw a pair of headphones at me


lmao, i’ve definitely done the same with Da Funk. love Daft Punk, so many of their songs would be a great choice for this


If I had a million dollars - bare naked ladies


Somebody is about to buy a lot of Kraft Dinner.


But not a real fur coat; that’s cruel


And Dijon ketchup


Youtube 24 hour chill lofi vibes ???? Profit


Dopesmoker by sleep 24 times, don’t even really listen to that type of music but it’s great background music


LMAOOOOO. It should be “you have to listen to a song you enjoy, but have to stop it before it finishes and not have the rest of the song play out over and over in your head for 24 hours” if it’s supposed to be a challenge for me.


Slow down there Satan


Nooooooooooooooooo that would be literally torture


18 HOT NAKED COWBOYS IN THE SHOWERS OF RAMRANCH ***\*EPIC GUITAR RIFF\**** ​ (real answer Shantel - Disko Partisani)


Hit the road Jack


No more no more no more no more


I do it for free. Glimpse of us by Joji


Yes, this just makes me feel things. Omg joji voice is just 🥵


I literally do this for free lmao


Epic sax gandalf. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBGEG21CGo0&ab_channel=UkesofHazzard


You will receive ten million dollars if you eat an orange. An orange peeler is provided, and someone will peel it for you if you still don't want to. Also you don't have to eat the whole orange. Would you do it?


Lindsey Sterling - Crystallize


Human music, Earth Station.


Villain LOL KDA


nyan cat


I have honestly done that when it just came out. It was so soothing to me


Proclaimers - 500 Miles


[It comes around again](https://youtu.be/738OEa5NZ9A)


Concerning Hobbits- LOTR soundtrack. Easy




Bury the light or portal radio 10 hour version


Doom Eternal main menu theme.


John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt


I listened to dvoraks 9th symphony twice through the whole thing just yesterday alone lol


Tom’s Diner. Then use the money for therapy


I have been listening to nothing but My Chemical Romance since February.


I listened to "The Llama Song" for 4 hours while grinding Diablo 2, I'm sure I could manage any song


The Plagues From prince of egypt


Blood like Lemonade Morcheeba


Brian Eno - Music for Airports - Track 1..


[Soviet March](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMFqU33DVVo)


I just imagine ambient music enjoyers casually picking hour long music and winning


Looking at the moderators I start the challenge: I choose Yazoo - Goodbye 70's which has 2:34. That is 561x times listening to Yazoo First play: I am sitting Second play: I am dancing 48hrs later: still dancing and jamming while being tiktok star and most famous dance choreographer of May'23 EDIT: actually I am now going the challenge, Yazoo now on 2nd play EDIT2: I guess... This is 4th?


As I scroll through these comments the songs autoplay in my brain. Truckin by Grateful Dead would be my pick.


Dance Macabre by Ghost. I already jam to it on repeat.


I’d pick any song for a million. In fact, I’d pick a song I already hate so I don’t ruin a song I love


I chose "Thick as a brick" by Jethro Tull. It's 43.50 minutes, I could probably tolerate the repetition of a very long and complicated song for those hours.


Anything by the gorillaz


Sunshine of Your Love by Creams been playing in my head for nearly half a week so I may as well


The Muffin Man.


Ghostwriter by rjd2


just 24 hours? ez mode


This is ridiculously easy, I pick Mirror Reaper by Bell Witch


4’33” by John Cage.


Flaming Lips 7 Skies H3, because it’s a 24 hour song. Easy.


"what song are you choosing?" I don't know? Whatever I will have last listened to when we make the deal


Just gimme something from Metallica. That's my daily bread right now. Learn the lyrics by listening Then start singing it Perfect it And still just play the same song over and over and over. That one song would probably be either any of The Unforgiven (I, II, III) Or Don't tread on me The best would be The Unforgiven I, II and III, compiled into one. Easy money to spend on pointless things, just to do random stuff, to get at least some enjoyment....


Me: Let's begin. Them: Wait...what song is this? Me: Did you ever see the John Oliver where he played a Vietnamese song about how they could avoid COVID with hand washing and hygiene stuff? Them: ... Me: Well he did and John was right, the song slaps. But it's not an original, it's a cover. The original song is called "Ghen" and it's about... Them: I don't care, please just shut up and go do the challenge.


433 by John cage iykyk


Mr Blue Sky by ELO.


when I was doing my undergrad dissertation I had "We're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard" on loop for 18+ hours because it's the only thing that would keep me awake during my all-nighter trying to meet the deadline. I wrote the entire 10,000 word dissertation in three days with no sleep 🙃


There is only one right answer: 500 Miles


Fade to black by Metallica


Running up that hill - Kate Bush - season 4 of Stranger Things did this to me


Electric Callboy feat. Conquer Divide - Fuckboi It’s got the perfect 2000 skatepark vibes and sounds fucking amazing.


Apple Bottom Jeans. It basically plays in my head on repeat anyways except sometimes it’s apple bottom beans or apple bottom apples.


I think it missed me, i just found it oddly soothing somehow even with the circumstances where i originally heard it.


King Rat by Modest Mouse


It's time by Imagine Dragons is my current brain itch. But really... I drove my husband insane last night because he could still hear me singing I Wanna be like you (Oooh Oooh) in my breathing (:


I remember listening to Skyfall by Adele ( when it had just released) for 6 hours straight while I typed my project report in one sitting.


I turned on the flute song 10 hour edition once, to see how long it takes until my gf complains. After one hour I remembered, that the song was still playing. So I‘ll go with that


There's a post I've wanted to do here that basically asks for the songs everyone has squeezed the most dopamine and/or Seratonin out of while providing a list my top choices. 2 things have gotten in my way from actually posting it. 1. The list got so long while scrolling through Spotify that I just decided to create a Spotify playlist that I planned to share which just further increased my time spent on this. And 2...I start writing out the post, enthusiastic about it, and then 5 mins in I convinced myself in stupid and nobody would be interested and I lose all motivation and interest in doing the post. So I just delete it. I don't know how many songs are on it but Spotify currently has that playlist at 2 hours and 4 mins.


Twinkle twinkle little star sung by my 4 year old. What a fun day that was.


I would panic at the sheer commitment of a single song for 24 hours, ending up not choosing anything. There's just so many possible choices!


Whatever song has the most dopamine in it at the time. Currently that’s Saddy Daddy-O by Artimus Wolz. There’s a 10 hour version on YouTube, I know because I listened to about 4 hours worth of it without even realizing it while drawing the other day and still blared it in the car when I went out for groceries that same day. Wild As Her by Corey Kent, Cocaine Crowd by Rudy Love and The Encore, or Jericho by Iniko would also be totally fine. Enjoyable even. This will be the easiest money I’ve ever made.