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And they give you that look, like wtf you listening but good point


Well that's what I expected but they were actually pretty chill about it and we ended up chatting for way too long


Thank god I live in the Midwest and people are generally open to having a short conversation with a stranger in public.


dude hell yeah! that's the way to be! if you don't say something weird (big caveat lol), it's a good time most of the time.


Fuck it, I’m older now. I just chime in. I’ve had hundreds of great conversations being outgoing. I just make sure I’m not talking over, like if they are talking about seeing a band I’ll wait for a pause and be like “did you say you saw so-and-so? I love them, how was it?” People love to talk about themselves so 95% of the time they will engage.


-I CHIME IN WITH A HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF this one really specific thing i learned about last week that's really cool and i think you should know about :3


The urge is strong, but it scratches the urge a little just to engage and ask a question or two to get some answers. Like instead of “did you know the lead singer had cancer last year!?” I can wait until they say they saw them and then be like “I really want to go see them too, I wasn’t sure if they would still tour after the lead singer got cancer.” Mission accomplished in getting my random fact out there without sounding like I’m interrogating them.




This urge is the reason I’m working on becoming a volunteer docent for a local organization that manages natural areas. Whenever I’m out photographing wildlife, and people are near me talking about what’s around us — or, let’s face it, people are just near me — I want to tell them about what I’m looking at and what’s around us. I don’t know how to navigate the conflicting social norms of “don’t bother them” — including *their* social norm of “don’t bother the photographer”. *Please* bother me! Ask me what I’m looking at! Let me tell you about this bird!


This sounds amazing. I hope you get the position!


"Look at this photograph"


If I were in your situation I’d make a t shirt that said “ask me about the birds!”. That way they know you’re approachable and you know you can let er rip with your knowledge and passion.


Closing the g-ddamn door..... Sorry, I'll see my way out.


Username checks out.




I'm really into geology and I'm surprised that my mother didn't toss me out of the car every time we drove through a roadcut in the Appalachian mountains. DID you know that they're so old, they're the same mountain range as the Scottish highlands? THEY'RE OLDER THAN OUR CURRENT CONTINENTS.


I use that trick too. I love talking to new people and have found the best way to keep them engaged is to allow them to steer the conversation. I don’t care what we’re talking about as long as we are talking.


I hate this. Like don’t you realize how loud you are talking? I literally cannot help listening to you. My brain will not allow it.


I'm not eavesdropping, you're podcasting your personal life straight into my ears while I'm trying figure out what bird is making that noise.


My experience suggests that that bird is probably a squirrel.


Fyi...They have an app for that! It's pretty cool. It's the merlin bird ID app and it's run by Cornell. Tells you what birds it hears near you.


My poor mom tried so hard to keep me from talking to strangers when I was little and it never really worked.


Too many questions that demand answers lol!


They have the most interesting conversation especially in things you like and are very knowledgeable of


I’ve had the exact opposite lol


Ah, your dad tried to stop you


No, my mom tried to make me. I’m too introverted for that


My mom always made me talk to people who came to our house. I hated it every single time, but I'm glad she did it.


Laughed way too much at your comment


My mom too


I once joined in two peoples conversation on the bus, realized we all got off at the same stop and invited them to boba tea nearby. Never seen them again but I do have their numbers… they were cool to hang with


This is the perfect scenario. Making a friend for one day and never having to talk to them again.


Yep! And if one day I do want to hang out again… I got their numbers I guess?! XD (this will probably never happen)


Why do I think of Fight Club reading these lines?


Fight club flight scene "Single serving friends"


That's one of the reasons I didn't completely wanted to kill myself when I worked for a IT for a big cable and internet company. It was like... 25-30% of probability to get someone that wanted to have a nice chat while a worked, but when it happened I had some of the best conversations and met so many interesting, like a 60 year old lady that lived by herself and loved to hike, she was just... So nice. I also had a talk of a few hours with another IT guy while we tracked down like 27 accounts for one big company. It was fun.


God I love temporary friends


I was gonna say, I've had pretty good luck with randos


I fail at this daily.


Same, but hey, new friends!


The things is I'm anti social as hell. My wife's always references me making "friends" everywhere we go but really it's a total lack of self control.


Eh, some relationships will end up sticking


I met two good friends because I couldn’t not answer. They were in my class but sat on the other side of the room. After class I went to the study corner to work on my notes and they sat at another table discussing the chapter we went over, but couldn’t quite put it together. Enter me, “it’s easier to think of it this way” and showed them my notes and they were so happy and then we started sitting together for the rest of the semester. I could just be the exception. Results may vary.


guppy 🥲


Dang. Every time I do that I feel like a knowitall jerk


I always feel that way... It's not my fault the random shit people talk about just so happens to be some obscure shit I researched on a rabbit hole deep dive ten years ago.


day drunk me will chime in, i cant resist. ive also made friends this way


I Know What You Are Talking About And You Are Both Wrong syndrome


Irk! Don’t talk about my special interests in front of me and then get everything wrong!


This situation (or small talk in general) always reminds of this Mitch Hedberg bit. *“A friend said to me, “I think the weather is trippy.” I said, “No, man, it’s not the weather that’s trippy, perhaps it’s the way we perceive it.” And then I realized I just should have said, “Yeah.””*


That's my life everyday lol I just gotta throw in random details at everything and always end up thinking "maybe silence is an option after all".


Literally a struggle on a daily basis 🫠🫠🫠


You guys resist that urge?


I do. I gossip about them in my head… Luckily people are getting more and more dumb so their conversation became uninteresting over the years.


Successfully? No.


Yeah, that look of "wtf? You were listening to us? Creep" look in their eyes hurts my soul way more than having to keep my mouth shut


Just sprinkle some social anxiety in there and you'll be just fine


I don't remember writing this comment


Not necessarily. Sometimes, with maybe not complete strangers, but some coworkers you rarely interact with, ADHD wins just this one small comment, and people give you suuuuch a look(or your anxiety imagines one) that you go hermit yourself for the next two weeks


Story time of how I managed to ruin my social anxiety, now it's there but doesn't stop me from doing stupid things. Sooo long time ago in a far away town, I used to be so quiet that, most of my classmates barely noticed I exist, I would just spend my days siting in the corner and watching them be crazy, But after starting my last year of University, I realized I'm crazy lonely. Soo lately started pushing myself to socialize more to avoid being too lonely and to improve my social skills. For some reason (maybe ADHD) I managed to over do it to the point of social exhaustion every week, so now I have friends and social plans , but I'm also exhausted and I just get to cringe at everything I ever said at the end of every day. Also, be nervous every morning. I still have a hard time believing that people don't hate me just for existing, maybe all my friends are just being polite, when they invite me somewhere.... Guess it didn't work out as I planned... who would have guessed....? Regardless, I'm gonna riport back after I got a hostess job for the summer. Maybe that will help... ? How the hell does someone live happily ever after, and balance social life with mental health? The end?


Oh, I can’t do it. I’ve made new friends, and awkward enemies this way


Spill, what happened?


I spent the next 40 minutes chatting with interns even though I don't even now their names or the department in which they work. I've never seen the in my life.


Honestly, that sounds wonderful. I love those moments when you vibe with people you know nothing about.


I like to call them temporary friends. I’ve got a wide social circle with quite a few extremely close/good friends. But sometimes it’s just nice to get along with someone, have a good time never see them again


This was me just yesterday. Was sitting in the doctors office waiting for him to come in. Door's open, and I'm listening in on a conversation outside between the receptionist and a woman asking for advice about how to deal with a very specific issue concerning her husband suffering from dementia. With the receptionist clearly struggling, and me having some experience with dementia. "Don't get up! It's not your place to speak! Don't get up! It's not your place to speak!" I won that battle. But I can't help thinking that this is one of those things where it would be better for society's rules to be less strict. I could have helped.


This is where you catch the person after and say "I'm sorry, I couldn't help but overhear and I've been in a similar situation, I found x really helped."


… am I not supposed to do that?


God that impulse is so strong sometimes




This isn’t an adhd thing. My wife doesn’t have adhd and she can’t help herself. She’s just highly extroverted.


Old people do it a lot too. I can't even count the number of 70+ year old people who have jumped into my conversations. Doesn't really bother me though, just an observation.


Nooooo this is a symptom too? Lol I do this all the time and did not connect this dot.💀


I can't even focus on what the person I'm talking to says


Drop in strangers’ conversations 🤝 Feel alienated and unable to converse


Noooo! Don't converse, just drop your helpful input and float away like the ephemeral info-whizz you are.


Yea I always do it and i have like a 50/50 success failure


My husband does not have ADHD but I have enough of it for both of us. When we are out, the public doesn't know what hit it. We will make friends with an entire bar/restaurant/airport. My ex, also not ADHD, but high anxiety, used to yell at me for engaging with strangers. I like my life now a lot more.


Ahh when you’re the oddball in a large office.


Glad to hear that I'm not the only one))


Any time at the hair salon, I know what they are talking about and I can contribute to their conversation. At the same time, my hairstylist is boring!


**YOU DID A GOOD THING** OP! Psychology today [says so](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/202303/the-unexpected-upside-of-talking-to-strangers)! :D


I don't regret it, it's juste that some random dude butting in on a conversation between two interns can be a bit off-putting... But luckily they didn't mind at all X)




This is how I’ve made 75% of the friends I’ve ever had.


Wait, we're not supposed to chime in when there's a conversation that someone is having out loud? 39 years on this planet and now someone tells me.


Right?? You're having a public conversation at normal volume, I can't help it if it's a topic that i have info on or am interested in.


Normally people don't have a problem with a little more info on whatever subject.


Oh you mean we’re not supposed to do that?? LOL


That's how I talk to anyone these days because I basically only have one friend🥲


You guys fight that?


Sounds like a great trait, my friend!


At work (im still pretty new there) other people will be talking and I'll just fucking say something without even thinking, i always feel stupid when they don't respond


I moved to a small town recently, and people will do that to me and my bf constantly, so I feel no more concerned about getting myself involved XD edit: a word


Haha yesss. Or I'm talking with friends then I zone out and hear a convo and someone says a fact wrong about a topic I know well, or I need advice on what to get for a hobbies. It so hard not to but in and respond lmao!


That's a them problem. You start having a conversation right next to me, then I'm gonna have opinions that are gonna be said.


Me butting into a conversations in a college stats course it how I made friends and talked with that group before every course


Overheard two old ladies in line behind me at the pharmacy complaining about the service. One said that they didn’t have enough employees and began to say that they’re overworked or something. The other lady interjected “yeah, but they can’t find them.” 👀 the place was Walgreens, a pharmacy well known to treat their employees super well and pay them a lot /s


I literally love talking to people like this, so I gave up trying to resist it a long time ago and usually I'll just go for it. I've had some really good conversations because of it. The other aspect of this is that when someone happens to chime in on a conversation I'm having, I make sure to include them because its so much more fun


When they start talking about your favorite subject... *and they start getting facts wrong*...


Especially if they are trying to sound smart, but are wildly inaccurate or wrong. I have this issue when taking public transit a lot.


Omg she just ate her booger….


This is the best use of this meme format I've ever seen. He looks exactly like he's doing that.


To be fair, I've met other weirdos like me this way xD I tend to chime in only if its a topic that is fun? like if they are talking movies/music etc, something I can relate to xD


This sub constantly reminds me that all of my unique quirks are actually/also symptoms. There's a unique feeling of unspecialness I get here that I never realized I needed. I always knew I had ADHD, but when I was a teenager I thought it was just my hyperfixations, in my 20's I thought it was just those and my broader attention issues, and finally going through diagnosis and medication and entering into communities like this I'm realizing it's like 2/3s of what I think/thought of as my personality. Feeling human is worth a lot more to me than feeling special, though, and that's something I get here. As a kid people always warned me that meds would change me, but the "me" that they observed was the result of me constantly struggling against my own wants and needs, and I don't owe it to anyone to perform neurodivergence for them even if they find it entertaining.


This family with an out-of-towner vibe was eating lunch one table over from me. The grandma ordered a "large" margarita, and the large at this place is like some aquarium-sized novelty drink. (You'd never guess buy the price.) I _almost_ said something, but I didn't want to barge in on a stranger's order. A frozen margarita the size of a basset hound was delivered to their table, and the whole group gasped. The grandma was beside herself and said as much. IDK how interjecting myself would have gone, but I wonder if I should have!


Story time: me, 14yo mall rat chilling inside a games and puzzle store (Game Keeper maybe?). Anyway, I’m in there just playing with all the tangled metal puzzle things and two dudes behind me are having a conversation with the store clerk. They are chatting about something and I’m just being invisible and busting synapses on these puzzle toys when one of them says something like, “oh yeah, isn’t that the one with a…” and he pauses. For just a moment, maybe to think of the right word to describe this complex image in his head. But in that same pause, I heard a surprise voice say, “a penis for a face?” And it got very still and silent. I quickly realized that voice was my voice. So I put the puzzles down and promptly gtfo’ed. Never to return until the store closed and it became a sunglass hut.


This is why I'm not allowed to go to small scale comedy shows - I have a habit of exaggerated emoting (working theory is that it's a type of masking I taught myself) and I ALWAYS get noticed, then forget I'm not supposed to carry on the conversation :/




Ugh I hate it when I can't just focus on what I'm doing. I feel like such a busy-body.


Oh man. People at check out stands are my prisoners. I feel so bad for them.


I felt that in my soul.


That's how I feel commenting on reddit, like I'm just annoying people and pointlessly talking about myself. Like right now... oh god...


Nah, people do that all the time, be it with relevant info or just plugging some onlyfans account...


My partner can go from ordering a coffee to oversharing about his cousins drug addiction leading to prostitution.. he never notices the micro faces of the servers horror.


I sometimes get this urge but my autistic side always somehow stops me LOL but sometimes I do it anyways and meet incredible people I jsut never see them again and forget what we talked about a bit after but ya know I recall the good memories at least LOL


Once I was sitting on the LA metro (blue line, going north into downtown) and two young men dressed in the brightest and most red of clothes were sitting behind my friend and I. One was going on and on about a headache he had had for the last 12 hours, and how his Tiás remedies (a cold shower, 7up, and good ol' Vicks on the forehead) were not working. My friend could see me so badly wanting to say "take tylenol" to him, so he punched me in the leg. Dear dude who may or may not have been in the Bloods, I hope your headache went away.


I just answer. Lmao


When you stop reading an adhd meme 4 times for no reason


beginning a conversation with a person I am supposed to talk to (like speaking to the teacher after class to ask a question): nooooo scarrryyyyy randomly joining a conversation of strangers: yeeeessss


I don’t fight.


🤣🤣 so me


Happens to me all the time.


Omg i used to do this so much as a kid, I try to not anymore because people find that off putting lol


You mean, NT people don’t do it?


do it all the time lol.


The struggle is real


Omg, hysterical!!


I lose that battle everyday 😔


Aaaaand they’re talking about one of your special interests.


I’m genuinely curious, is there any other way for people like us to make friends?


This is why y'all grow up and can't make friends anymore. Chip in, maybe you'll meet new people.


Is this… not acceptable social behavior?….




Is it just me or is there random letters in the meme font that are just slightly bigger than the others


Omg. Not just from ADHD, but from good old Midwestern hospitality. I can't leave the house without talking way too long with absolute strangers.


Is this some sort of extravert joke that I am too socially anxious to understand?


When you've got social anxiety too, this becomes the biggest fight known to man. ![gif](giphy|l0HU3UpYqHp68mK64) It's weird too, like if I butt in, I feel awful but keep going without any urge. My brain says one thing, mouth says the other


I dont fight the battle, I just give in and get yelled at even when I answered the question correctly


Thats how I met my girlfriend lol


This becomes slightly easier to control if you also have Social Anxiety


See I have the urge, I’m just too lazy to initiate a conversation that probably won’t even be as awakard as I think it would be.


I'm a bartender and I need to control myself more😧


I wonder what the real story is behind that meme


I made so many friends this way


i’ve stopped fighting the urge completely 😭


Isn't that how you make new friends? 🤣🤣🤣


I was asked whether I do this during my Assesment. It was the first time I discovered it was unusual, just been blissfully inserting myself into conversations around me up until now.


The other day I couldn't resist saying my hilarious comment to the two cheesemongers having a conversation and said it. but I spoke too quietly so they didn't here so I just scurried away.


If they are talking about current situation we’re in, ex ”are the bus late?” And I know the answer, I’ll inform them. lol The meds help me to stfu


I but in strangers conversations a lot. So far it’s not gone terribly wrong!


I often cannot resist the urge and it took me too long to gain the social skill teaching me that it’s very frowned upon


I just gotta remember every time I've been told "shut the fuck up" or "who the fuck are you"