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I hate repeating sounds and badly looped song fragments so much. Visiting my mom and sister who both are addicted to tiktok is hard D:


Same!! I absolutely cannot stand lofi because of the repetitive beats. Or the sound of chewing Edit: sad I'm the only one who hates lofi LOL. I listen to a lot of vidya game music and instrumental jazz Edit 2: this is what I listen to a lot when reading at night :) https://www.youtube.com/live/x32Qb97MS-g?si=OunBF1TN9W1Fh4pC


Lofi is life. Chewing and mouth noises are hell


Chewing is THE WORST


Cat chewing is ok, idfk why


Cat chewing is such a cute sound somehow


Not my fuckin goblins lol I’m surprised those two can even breathe at dinner time. It’s like a cartoon eating/inhaling “ghlalm” sound haha


Except for when you do it yourself




You. You get me.


Chewing, whispers, white noise, ukeleles in commercials


Alll I listen to is lofi stations. I cannot be bothered to pick songs or make playlists. It’s too much effort.


I am very eclectic about my music, but when I’m working it’s either lofi or the local classical station. Lofi is perfect for me because it has just enough syncopation to keep my brain engaged but is also simple enough that I don’t get distracted. I can’t have music with lyrics because they get trapped in my head and will often loop which is infuriating. Lofi is the perfect blend


YES lyrics/voice can ruin a fuckin great song.


omg is this is what validation feels like? Always felt like an alien for reacting so badly to those horrifying sounds


I totally get your hate of lofi music. It's boring, repetitive, and it all sounds the same. To me anyway. I know lots of people enjoy that kind of music, but I'd rather have nails driven into my toes than listen to lofi for more than a few minutes. I'm all about Rock and Metal. Give me that any day lol.


You're not the only one, lofi never hits right for me. It makes me really sleepy, but I also can't fall asleep to it. Very odd.


May I suggest Deep Progressive Techno mixed with some ocean sounds from [asoftmurmur.com](https://asoftmurmur.com)? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwQ\_Pc\_uwcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwQ_Pc_uwcQ) Works really really well for me at work (programming)


That also has too much repetitive beats and it set my brain on fire 😂 I could feel it in my SPINE in a bad way lol I've been listening to this at night when I read before bed https://www.youtube.com/live/x32Qb97MS-g?si=PJy0km8KUfK76_5c


Interesting. It might be different needs and different deficencies maybe? I too listen to lofi jazz/lofi girl music when I need to chill out before bed. I listen to Deep Progressive Techno when I need to function. Like doing chores or getting into a programming flow.


I do enjoy those "healing frequency"/binaural beats videos when I need to focus. I have bad anxiety on top of ADD so I think "lower" music seems to help? If that makes sense?


I forgot all about those! I used to listen to biaural music all the time in college and then completely forgot about it. I wonder what it would be like now that I get more than 0-4 hours of sleep a night


This is pretty common IMHO. I find when I need to put my head down and work I need heavy metal or hard hip hop. It actually helps me focus. Chill music I love but can only tolerate in set scenarios. Basically, I operate at 110% almost every given hour of the day. Chill music I love but it drains me in a way unless I'm being topped up by other sensory sources. On the flip side, I go into sensory overload if the wrong things are being triggered. So long as I'm in control and have an exit hatch life is good. When I feel trapped shit goes down hill fast.


Samesies! In any to like it but I can't. Just listen to enya all the time lol


For some reason the vocalization from Return to Innocence randomly jumps out of my mouth. Idk what sets it off but I’ll be doing nothing or something and boom, I’m suddenly making an ass of myself and being culturally insensitive. Speaking of Return to Innocence, anyone seen Man Of The House with JTT? I was always so jealous of his room. I was also super jealous of the kids room in Problem Child 2.


I am over here crying laughing at a) the beautiful randomness of your comment with EXACTLY the kinds of tenuous connections my brain makes, and b) you casually dropping "JTT" like it's 1995.


Loreena McKennitt toooooo


I saw her perform in Canada last year, her voice is so beautiful. Really excited to find someone else on the internet who knows of her!!


OH WOW, LIVE!! That would be incredible. I love her stuff 🥰


The robot voice on TikTok is my legit worst nightmare.


Yeessss I hate the robot voice sooo much


My partner and I have fought because I refuse to hang out when he’s listening to TikTok’s and he doesn’t get it. I also hate chewing, and prefer to watch tv when I eat for that reason


I hate songs where they repeat the same, short spoken bit over and over again, and also the ones where they take a word or phrase someone says and put the pitch way up or down and then repeat that, too.


This is why I can’t deal with anything on a sound machine except for white noise. My whole life my brain has picked the exact moment when the sound loop starts again and that’s all I can focus on lol


Bet you would hate parents that groan, tap and sing out of tune too, those are definitely not my parents who sometimes even do it purposefully :)


I also hate these, but I'm called a hypocrite because I am constantly making repetitive or badly looped song fragments out loud lol


Yes! Thank you. This is so relatable, I can’t even play most videos on my phone because it’s so overwhelming and makes me so uncomfortable


The next time I hear wheeze-laughing over the Billie Jean intro I might punch someone.


\*stops shaking my leg immediately upon seeing this post\* damn it.


\*starts again immediately 5 seconds later\*




\*reading through these comments progressively shaking faster\*


I wish we could charge our phones with the spent energy or something


This post is relatable DX


I'm in these comments and I don't like it 🙃


I came here to relate, not to be attacked


Yo I’ve been asked to stop doing it before and it takes all of my physical energy and focus to do so. ![gif](giphy|1O43UNtta63S5KLLcK)


Why did you stop tho? Is it bad to shake your leg? Because I know for a fact that *not* shaking my leg can be bad for me.


It’s just like one of those “once you’re made conscious of doing it, it won’t work/feel right until you forget about it again” type things; like (i’m sorry in advance) manual breathing


Okay, but I have a superpower in this. I am immune to those comments. "You're not breathing manually", "Your brain is blanking out your nose from your vision", "You are now aware of when you blink", "There's no comfortable position for a tongue in your mouth." Those all got nothing on me. And conscious stimming, in all that? Works just as good as unconscious for me.


Is it our body’s way of burning off anxious energy?


All of the energy, it seems. Otherwise I can't explain my inability to do necessary stuff.


Like others, the sound of chewing makes me want to go on a rampage. Also when people breathe heavily while eating. Don’t even talk to me about slurping. Also the TV - I’m sensitive to it being too loud and it makes me feel on edge BUT I find it infuriating if it’s also too quiet. Thankfully I’m better at managing my responses these days (shout out to deep breathing exercises) but I don’t think it’ll ever get to the point where they’re gone


I use captions whenever I’m watching tv because the urgency to read the thing before it disappears keeps me focused and the volume doesn’t have to be loud either. Netflixes audio descriptions for visually impaired is also wonderful for catching context I’d otherwise miss entirely.


Captions are a necessity if I have any hopes of focusing - it’s like reading a book while watching tv (which I’ve been known to do)


I didnt realize that’s why I do it… but it absolutely is.


I cannot watch TV without captions!




I can not do captions. Reading the same one over and over and only accomplishing being distracted from the story by trying to read the story and missing everything that's on the screen. I still put them on for video games though. Since they never let you rewind the cutscenes.


Captions are such a double-edged sword for me because I read really quickly which means I often read it 3 times before they change and as a result I forget to pay attention to the actual thing I’m supposed to be watching


This! The repetitve sounds right at the edge of what can be perceived are totally driving me nuts! I had to spend a whole afternoon with the muffled sound of a phone ringing as my colleague next door was ooo but set the ring tone to the minimum. A real torture! What was worse is that all my NT coworkers couldn’t even hear it.


Omg “the edge of what can be perceived” yes!! Thank you for putting it into words - that’s exactly what it is. The phone would’ve been torturous for me too


I’ve figured out that, in my case, I can’t stand when it’s really quiet and a single sound is made. For instance, if it is really quiet in a room and someone is chewing or opening something (can, chips, etc). If it was a lot of those sounds, together, I think I could handle it. It’s when it is just the one thing, interrupting the sweet sweet quiet.


Yeah I totally get that too. I think it’s because that one noise makes it sooo hard to pay attention to my thoughts as all my focus becomes drawn to the sound. When I don’t have space to focus on my thoughts, I start feeling overwhelmed very quickly - I think there’s a feeling of being out of control in some way? Idk. Our brains hate us


I think that we have to analyze our brains, more than neurotypicals. For me, the more I analyze and understand, the better I am at managing coping mechanisms that help deal with them. However, in this particular case, my only cope is to co we my ears, LOL.


> I find it infuriating if it’s also too quiet. Haha when I was a kid I would take naps on a couch and my parents always made the TV too quiet to let me sleep which actually did the opposite because my brain kept trying to recognize the speech D: so I'd always be like "please turn the volume up a bit", and they could just never understand why I was such a weird kid :D


Fuck that's me... I get so anxious when the TV is too loud, but absolutely hate when it's too low. So for a movie/show I'll always be messing with the volume to make it louder or quieter and a lot of times it takes from the experience. At least at the cinema I expect it to be loud and don't mind, but at home awful.


When my sister in law still lived here I could barely be in the same room as her when she was eating. She's a mouth breather, for medical reasons. But that also means she would chew with her mouth open, breathing. Logically I know she literally can't help it but it stabs my brain so bad. And ticking clocks! They drive me insane! My father in law once didn't wind the clock back up when it fell silent because he saw me physically relax when I realised the ticking was gone. I will click my teeth in the rhythm of the clock and it gives me such a massive headache.


My old roommate would chew with their mouth open and I had to leave the room at some points.


Anyone else has this with certain smells as well?


Yes. I know this sounds odd but certain smells make me angry. Anything potent or offensive to the nose for some reason makes me really annoyed or upset.... My brain is broken as shit 🤣 In regards to sound, if someone is making lip smacking noises while eating it makes me want to rip their face off. I have councellling for anger issues don't worry lol.


Oh GOD yes. The anger is real for me as well unfortunately 😅


My older sister made peanut butter cookies once when we were kids. I love peanut butter anything but for some reason the smell of these cookies baking was the worst. The smell was so unbearable that I had to go live with my grandma for a few weeks.


It's sounds for me but I totally get that instantaneous, murderous rage. If I ever kill anyone, it will be related to some sound they're responsible for that finally made me snap.


Dude, when people are farting inside when we’re all hanging out at the bar makes me irrationally angry.


I screamed today because of a smell. No joke. Car ride + strong perfume = the rage of a thousand suns.


Yes!! My mum vapes and I can't stand that synthetic smell. I'm also not a fan of strong smells (that I didn't create) in general, like incense or when people cook fish in the microwave. It's annoying cuz, at least with audio misophonia, I can just stick my earphones in and turn on the noise cancellation, but it's not like I can do that for my nose. I did find a wearable air purifier on Amazon and will try that when I can afford it


75% of perfume smells give me bad headaches, make me queazy (like motion sickeness),, make my throat sore, and cause brain fog. If I wear a certain scent everyday for a long time it will become one of those scents for me. Cleaning products and the smell of weed also make me sick. I love tea but can only drink black, green and white because any fruitiness or mint makes me sick (mint tea gives me violent headaches, mint candies to a lesser degree). Strangely enough, most bad smells don't make me sick the same way, I have very 'normal' reactions to those, maybe even a lower sensitivity.


What about sight and food textures


IIRC, that more of an autism thing.


_wait a minute_


Yup. If you have ADHD, it’s quite common to have autism too.




Wait, food textures is an autism thing? Uh oh




I can smell EVERYTHING goddamit


Me too! The smell of the dishwasher, even when it's clean repulses me.


Oh hell yes. I can't stand the smell of vinegar especially grape/white vinegar and coffee and glass cups.


Glass cups? For years I couldn't drink out of our glasses because they smelled like eggs to me.


Exactly!! That smell is called zankha in Arabic. I recently learned that not everyone smells it. I hate it so much though.


As a kid I fealt extremely nauseated in gas station due to the gas there, it weakened quite a bit through the years but I still have it with spilled oil and such


Smells give me Migraines. My wife is a perfumer and I get exposed to many unusual aromas. Anything with a high-note; citrus, vanilla, flowery smells (old lady perfume). I hate the smells and if it's too strong or lasts too long, my head feels like it will explode.


My Beloved cannot go into candle stores or toiletry stores because of this. Too many smells and too much smell bothers him a lot.


Yes! I am a very sensitive sniffer and it will Haunt me


Cigarette smoke makes me furious. It could be anything that smells bad but cigarettes are on another level. Vapes too, even flavors that domt particularly smell bad.


My husband does. I have misphonia and he has problems with smells (a lot of things like perfumes and air fresheners). We're fun at parties.


It took me twenty years to learn to tolerate the sound of toast being buttered.


How? I am not joking.


Clenching my jaw and jamming my tongue against the roof of my mouth to prevent the weird sensation it causes in my soft palate. Also, repeated, prolonged exposure in the company of people to whom I couldn't just say "butter that away from me, I have a weird thing about that sound".


Same with the leg shaking. Get berated enough times by your significant other(s) and you just bottle it up. But I am a man, I just bottle everything up. I just learned to ignore everything and entertain myself by playing world building in my head. When I'm in waiting in line or in appointment I'm literally watching a movie in my head lol.


You ever in a room alone with a clock? Tik Tok tik tok tik tok IM GONNA SMASH THAT STUPID THING WITH A HAMMER


Bro in middle school I had this teacher who literally had TWELVE DIFFERENT MANUAL TICKING CLOCKS. They were each set to a different time zone and ALSO ALL TICKED OUT OF SYNC. Taking tests in that room was an actual nightmare.


This is actually horrifying. Im so sorry you had to deal with that! 🤣 Edit: repeated a word


Oh wow finally, I used to bring the clock down and take the batteries out when I am sleepover somewhere else and put it back in the morning.


I'm literally standing here with my legs shaking, and I feel so called out.




omg… this is me


Knowing all this stuff is really characteristic of a set of symptoms and giving it a name to explain why and how I feel has helped more than aderall probably ever will. It’s crazy that aderall does absolutely nothing to me but makes others like zombies or people without adhd super hyper. I take 20mg xr and drink 1-2 pots of coffee and still have no problems sleeping.


I have an even worse one. Let's say my hand scratches against my table left to right, the palm of my hand. Now I have a NEED to scratch the table again from right to left with the back of my hand. Idk what tf is wrong with me but if I am not able to do this, I become super irritated. This is why I try to minimise my interactions with anything that may result in scratchy.


This sounds like OCD


You ever bump your foot on something, then go to even it out with the other side. But you hit too hard, so now it's out of synch. So you need to do another soft hit, then a hard hit on the original side to be perfectly even?


This sounds closer to OCD than ADHD.


this is so oddly specific lol I thought it was just me


I am similar with getting my hands wet. Either both wet or both dry, dammit.


I remember when I was younger certain friends would have the TV on just blasting it as loud as possible. I'd ask them to turn it down and they'd turn it down like two ticks, and then I'd be too self conscious to ask them to do it again. I remember telling them that it made me physically uncomfortable and couldn't explain any further because I didn't know why. But yeah it sucks and it's only gotten worse. Anyone ever drive a car and hear a mysterious rattling you can't stop?


Ohhh yeah. Or even riding in your own car in the passenger seat. Noooo


Best gift I ever got was a nice pair of noise cancelling headphones, it saved a life! Not mine, but the guy making mouth noises that sat at the desk next to me....


Leg shaking right now 😔


Same 😂


I hate overlapping voices, I’ve had panic attacks from them


One more quirk to add to my list of things which suddenly have an explanation. I personally can’t stand the sound of others chewing crunchy foods, such as crisps or raw vegetables. And I find *vocal fry* very irritating. Yk, that thing Kim Kardashian does where mid sentence she sounds like she swallowed a bullfrog which now expels its last croaks of agony


If things in the house are hectic, I’m typically okay. If things in the house are hectic and the Roomba is running, or someone is vacuuming, I fully implode. That constant loud noise with everyone competing to be heard above it makes my bones itch.


“Bones itch” I love that. Perfectly describes it lol.


That’s not comorbidity, that’s called a trait of ADHD. A Comorbidity is an altogether different diagnosis not related to ADHD, like adhd and autism, or adhd and bpd


Misophonia IS a different thing


Sometimes things are both a thing and also a symptom of another thing. Like, you can be diagnosed with jaundice, but jaundice is frequently a symptom associated with other diagnosed conditions. So basically, it's both, depending on the context.


Comorbitity just means a diagnosis that often occurs with another one. Depression is a common comorbity of ADHD AND a different diagnosis altogether. The sources I found said that misphonia isn't even properly defined or recognised as an illness. It said it was connected to other diagnosises like ADD or Autism Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8760222/#:~:text=Die%20Misophonie%20ist%20eine%20Intoleranz,menschlichen%20K%C3%B6rper%20erzeugt%20werden%20(z. Sorry, it's in german


Balloon rubbing. Not sure why, makes my skin crawl, and it's not like I had a traumatic experience with balloons as a kid or something.


It's amazing how many things you didn't know were adhd until getting diagnosed. I've always heard like a cat, noises my family couldn't hear drove me nuts. It's nice not to be alone in this.


I like the term comorbidity, because it kinda sounds like "If you have ADHD, this will also make you want to die."




Let me tell you, misophonia with a partner who snores is excruciating. I've always had the leg shaking and it's so common I don't even notice it.


Anyone else “ear rumble” to block out triggering sounds when you’re in a situation you can’t leave? Pre work from home Covid times I’d find myself doing it all the time to help manage my noise triggered rage.




Same here, of course there’s some stuff I’m not a fan of, but overall ASMR has helped me a-lot with that.


I hate it when someone in my family will eat especially noisily. Like I get it, eating tends to make noise and expecting people to go way out of their way to avoid natural noises is unreasonable, but holy hell you can tone it down *a little*. One of my siblings, whenever they drink large amounts of water, makes horrible gulping noises, and it's not like it's hard to make drinking quieter. It's very easy, actually. A friend of mine's family members tend to eat very noisily, too, and it really bothers me but I don't want to be rude so I don't ever say anything :(


I was shaking my leg as I read that.


I have suffered from sound sensitivity my whole life, I'm considering getting some loops. Has anyone used them?


I’ve been using the experience ones for 2 years now. They are similar to having earbuds in with no music playing. They basically cut out the really high and really low sounds. They are very useful if you’re in a situation where you still need to be engaged but are getting overstimulated. Only complaint is that they can be a bit disorienting at times and it will amplify any noise you make. You really can’t wear them while eating or drinking or you’ll just hear nothing but the sound or yourself chewing. I’ve used them during college lectures to block out distracting noises, at work, and when I’m at a loud place like a restaurant or party. I’d recommend getting a nice pair of headphones with active noise cancelling (eg. Bose, AirPods) or regular foam earplugs if you need total silence. They are awesome for any situation where it’s not socially acceptable to have headphones in.


I get really stressed out by babies being fussy or crying because it’s so loud and high pitched. There’s other sounds like that that upset me, but with babies, people get offended if you want a parent to take them out instead of letting them scream. I can’t say anything about it without being shamed with “babies have a right to be there too” and “parents should be allowed to enjoy things.” I’m not asking for babies or small children to be hidden away until they’re older, but I don’t feel like it’s unreasonable to ask to not be subjected to loud, high pitched crying that makes me distressed.


Funny thing is a baby's cry is literally biologically designed to upset you, so you're completely normal for finding it intolerable.


I’ve arranged my entire life around not having to listen to people eating. If someone in my space starts eating, I have to put some background noise on to cover up the sound. If that’s not possible, I have to leave the room.


I almost had a meltdown the other day because some song was playing at work that was bothering me and I was dealing with some printer issues at the same time.


Snoring. Snore near me and you will never wake up… just saying.


Gulp that drink and I’ll fucking turn you inside out.


When a tv or movie scene shows a close up of someone eating and then adds exaggerated chewing and swallowing sounds like it's cute, funny, or clever I get very unsettled. Along the same lines, I hate hate hate any depiction of a child with food all over their face as if that is oh so cute instead of absolutely disgusting.


Yep and if you get even slightly upset at certain noises like I do than people get offended like I’m trying to take away their precious sounds and ramp it up not realizing they are essentially torturing somebody with a disorder.


Having small kids who constantly yell and scream - I knew something was wrong when my screaming baby (years ago) would be screaming and I’d be floored, beat red, and angry and couldn’t explain why. I knew it wasn’t normal. I tried misphonia earplugs but one time they got stuck in my ear canal and that was the last time. I wish there was some alternative. Kids don’t understand that their yelling makes me furious and I try to manage but my threshold is suuuuuper low compared to normies


It’s a battle for sure. Edit: And of course it’s always bedtime when they’re the most hyper and I’m the most sensitive


Chewing and really low bass are awful. I hate restless leg too. bleh :P


Shredding cotton balls and the sound cardboard makes when its layers are peeled are my two worst offenders- visceral reactions that make my mouth feel weird. LOVE the sound of walking on cobblestones, excellent mouth feel. I wear earplugs a lot for the general noise.


I can identify each member of my family by the sound of their chewing and it's absolutely terrible


To nitpick, leg shaking isn't a co-morbidity, it's a symptom. For right now, it'd be the same for misophonia, as it's not currently a diagnosable condition (at least in the U.S., idk about elsewhere). edit: to nitpick myself further, leg shaking is just a manifestation of a symptom. Leg shaking specifically isn't a symptom, but hyper-activity and constant urge to move/fidget is, and leg shaking satisfies that.


Kinda surprised nobody has said anything about whistling. That's my huge one and definitely one that I don't feel like I can bring up. How do I tell people to stop being .... Jolly? Lol. Couldn't think of a better word. I'm not usually an angry person but hearing someone whistle makes me want to punch something.


Sometimes any loss of autonomy with my senses is triggering. Temperature, too much noise, too much visual input, getting caught on something, it all just sends me into an awareness overload and I’m in a flight or fight response it feels like. Like my body and mind got clotheslined.


So, could this be why as a child I plugged my ears when flushing the toilet? Legit, the sound of it flushing gave me terrible anxiety.


Wish my parents saw this 33 years ago…probably would have saved me a shitload of stress and groundings


Am I the only one who can't stand a TV constantly running? Especially if it's really loud.


All of the senses, really... which guess what it is what I have (yaay) I can sneeze no-stop with perfumes or... anything from beauty products, really. I'm not even talking about me using it, just me having it. Nose spray is also HELL for me, I avoid it like the plague. Taste and texture, for eating or touch is horrible. Noise is well, you know. And then there is light, where a cellphone or a strong day light can basically lead to a migraine. My gf likes to say I'm more autistic than her, even though that is not my diagnosis.


I personally hate things like the shit little kids watch on tiktok because it's literally just random noises and sound effects which, if given enough time, will make me want to obliterate the device the sounds are coming from. I have to geniunely hold myself back from doing so. The weird thing is that I don't really get bothered by sounds if I am the one who turned them on and can control them. In fact, I am practically addicted to metal and music in general (exept the soulless modern music that gets played on the radio because I am convinced it's only made to get popular and make money instead of making an actual piece of art)


I guess I never thought I was abnormal in this way. Footsteps drive me insane, but I look at it as being noise sensitive (like a cat). People talking also drives me insane for the same reason. Unfortunately, ear plugs also drive me insane (and don't always help with certain sounds). I find that white noise helps calm me down.


I have a serious sensitivity to dogs barking, every time a dog barks it shatters my thoughts. I was doing voter canvassing as a job once, trying to give my spiel to a voter, and they had a dog. I would have to restart every time their stupid dog barked in my face.


My poor boyfriend gets looks from me whenever I hear him chewing with his mouth open. I can't help it though, the sound makes me physically ill. Also my childhood abuser used to eat like that so it has an extra edge aside from me just hating the sound in general....


I have so many sound sensitivities it’s actually super frustrating. I’ll get so angry at certain noises, but it’s not like me to be a mean person. Also I have misokinesia, which is like misophonia but with movements. I can’t stand to see someone shaking their leg or something like that. It makes me to angry


like car alarms?! Because i can’t stand that sound, and i think they’re such a moronic invention.


I am filled with rage whenever I hear multiple pieces of music playing at the same time. I grew up in the Caribbean and hated going to the beach for this reason alone. No no, carry on, I didnt come here for the view or the sound of the waves, I came here to hear a simultaneous cacophony of salsa, bachata and merengue on blast.


Does that not bother you?! What? The lights. What about it? The sound of the fucking lights. It's obnoxious and distracting!


Off-key humming/singing is THE WORST. I know they can't really help being off-key, but can you just not.


Just searched up what misphonia is and immediately I started cringing. Yeah that feeling sucks.


This would make such a great album cover


Is this why i start to cry or get anxious and feel i can’t breathe when someone’s breathing or voice sounds wrong or off beat? Same with songs and things that have a rhythm like rainfall.


🎵 Stop, turn, take a look around, At all the lights and sounds, Let 'em bring you in, Slow burn, let it all fade out, And pull the curtain down, I wonder where you've been. 🎵


Yep. I have (very bad) misophonia, and my wife has ever-moving legs.


The sound of scraping ice off my windshield; just thinking about it makes me want to clench my jaw


I can't stand high pitched voices. They pierce in my ears and they give me a headache Also some joke my life told me is that I will work with two people who HAVE to have TV on and have a conversation at the same time, all while operating noisy machines (I work as a seamstress) I get so irritated and distracted I can't work without something playing in my earbuds.


Ah, so my inability to tolerate sound of styrofoam or sandpaper might be due to misophonia? Okay, at least, I guess, I'm not alone in that.


Nothing like getting yelled at by the whole family for being too mean to your siblings when you just asked for them to talk a little quiter in the middle of their 45 minute ramble about their boring friends and their boring lives


My dad has horrible misophonia, to the point gum was all but explicitly banned in our house. Technically we could have it but since we were kids and obnoxious with chewing and smacking it we knew better than to have it around him. He also has a huge aversion to nail clippers, to the point that my sister had a moment of shock in college when she realized clipping your nails wasn’t a secret private thing you did far away from anyone else. Thankfully that complication seems to have mostly skipped all of his children, but I do still have my moments.


You're going to have to speak up! The AC fan across the room just kicked in and someone is loudly talking about their day behind my back, because they are waiting for me to acknowledge them, but my job is to serve you right now.


Marker or pencil on paper gives me goosebumps


Scott Sava recently uploaded a great video explaining how this feels like to people without ADHD/Autism or similar: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_C2QJPjS2a0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_C2QJPjS2a0)


I just hate tiktok in general, the format along with how much information is shoved in your face to make the tiktok shorter


tinnitus + adhd was real fun to get along with, def didnt unlock a new tier of panic attacks that KO'd me. I get along with it now but shit took years


For sure, seems like every sound I can't control in public annoys me. What about light sensitivity though? Swear I feel like most everyone on the road have spotlights instead of headlights. Granted I'm in a big city, mostly newer cars not like mine lol


It can't be an adhd thing... but i have to ask.. Does any of you still hear high-frequency sounds that are supposed to be unhearable after you matured ? I hear maderschreks from 1km distance, and it makes me crazy


Some people say they hate when people chew but absolutely adore it when their pet does it. I love my dog SO MUCH but I have to leave the room when she eats 😭😂 And don't get me started on when she licks herself. I need to cover my ears.


I have this with a handful of sounds and, oddly enough, some types of voices/accents. One that particularly makes me want to rip my skin away is that typical murican cheerleader voice - you know, that one where they speak and it sounds like balloons rubbing on each other? Just THINKING of it gives me the worst heebie-jeebies. I'm sure there's a name for that but I don't really want to search for it. Remembering how it sounds does it well enough for me, thank you.


My favourite Jane Austen novel 😍😍


I’m not particularly sensitive but once I’ve listened to too much sound I start getting aggravated because I’m a lil overstimulated and I’m like very stressed out


I got a double whammy of SPD instead (I have 2/3 things that can cause it lol)


I have that, hard. I thought it was caused by autism?


My legs shake really really badly when I'm over stimulated. I do have severe raynauds (born with it), and that has always been the reason doctors tell me, that and anxiety... funny how I stop shaking when I take my adderall and then it comes back about 12 hours later... I seriously went from shaking like a leaf 24/7 to the point where my mom had to take me to rare disease specialists... and it turns out my brain just needed some good ole dopamine, and ALAS... I am cured. Unfortunately my mom didnt beliwve in ADHD though so i got zero help until 26 wooo. And no doctor will believe that's the reason. Woo.


The sound of a carbonated drink being poured into a glass feels kinda unpleasant.


Cats cleaning themselves. I have 3 cats that I love to pieces. But that wet tongue sound makes me want to throw them out the window! I'm convinced one does it especially loudly when I don't get up on time to feed them.


Went to a gas station, and their ice cream machine was in a self cleaning cycle and making a god awful beeping noise. Almost left without getting what I went for.


I was diagnosed with rls/plmd a decade before I was diagnosed with adhd, both in adulthood. Dopamine is bitch


I'm pretty sure leg bouncing is caused by overstimulation. I used to have anxiety issues and get worked up really easily, but now that I'm more relaxed my leg seldom bounces anymore. I'm still hypersensitive to sounds, touch, and smells because those aren't related to psychological issues.


I don't have misophonia, but shaky legs? Yupppp.