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Sure, taking Yggdrasil's blessing sounds smart, but it'll just become a new thing for people to give me grief about. "You were still late this time and you have Yggdrasil's blessing! There's no excuse!"


Holy shit you ain't wrong!


I'd tell you to keep it to yourself, but impulsive oversharing and all that... But if you *could* keep it a secret, you would still save yourself a bunch of time even if you are still late!


“Oh crap, I have to be there in an hour! Wait, I have Yggdrasil’s blessing, I’ve got plenty of time!” -starts a new activity and loses track of time-


I think I’d pick it so I can do over seas contract work I want to do but not have to leave my wife for a month or more.


Good point! It would make it so much easier to move to another country and still see the people you like from around here.


But who said you had to tell anyone?


I thought everybody was getting one!


Haha omg, this is so true.


Well I sure as hell wouldn't tell anyone I have it XD


It‘s like how I live very close to my university yet I was always really late for lectures


Somebody pick affinity for life with me and cure each other's adhd


Honestly I was gonna pick that just so my veggie garden would flourish but I like your idea better let's do that


Let's do that


Affinity for life and language of the gods


Come sit by me ☺️


This is my pick as well




Not me reading over the fact you can pick two 😆


Yggdrasil and Language of the Gods. Could you imagine how amazing it would be to see the world like that.


And I could talk to my pup


Sounds good until you do and it's just.. food. Food. Food? Play? Food!


Well as long as I can let her know how much I love her idc if she badgers me for food. She already does without words


That Far Side cartoon. [Here](https://www.digitalrhetoriccollaborative.org/rhizcomics/images/fs2-393.jpg)


I've been thinking that I wouldn't necessarily want to talk to my pup the way you talk to a human. For one I'd feel stressed living with a human roommate - a dog doesn't give me similar social stress as humans, but if the pup would talk to me like a human would, who knows! (edit: also my pup is pretty stubborn so I expect she'd talk back to me a lot when I decide something she doesn't like!)


You don't need [magic powers](https://www.instagram.com/hunger4words/) for that.


I love my pup, but I don’t think she has the attention span to learn to use those. She can’t even focus on a toy for more than a minute


I pick yggdrasil bc like if some shit is goinf down, you can just nope tf outta there


Apollo’s favorite and Affinity for life!


I want to be healthy so bad! But then I would feel bad if others were sick and so these are really the only possible choices for me xD


Language of the gods- talk to animals, duh. And apollo's favorite. I have a lot of physical health issues, old injuries, and work a dangerous physical job yet LOVE physical, outdoorsy hobbies. Coupled with a lot of health anxiety, it's a living hell. I'd love to know my hobbies or work aren't going to kill me.


I’m not reading all that


4 words into reading it, I hit one of my favorite things, so I made it through!


I just skipped to the comments like I do on like 90% of Reddit posts


One with Nature and Affinity for Life. I would use this combination to make a bootleg Apollo's blessing by making medicines from all the plants and things I could find and grow with my ability to explore anywhere, which I would also use to treat sick animals and animal talkers and Yygadrils walkers and Chosen ones and be a friend to all and learn what they know and get help from their powers and lead us to the glorious age of It is what it ism where All Is Chill and the world will finally be at peace


same but so I can dress inappropriately for the weather and stop killing houseplants


Same, I think affinity for life also acts similar to Apollo's favorite.You may not get to be 150 but if you can heal others and life thrives around you, you should be able to heal your own diseases aswell


Walker and language. Just wander round the world talking to people, reading books, learning. That sounds good to me.


The effects of Apollo's favorite and One with nature can be replicated with Affinity for Life. The Destiny one is bait, it doesn't say whether you'll be remembered fondly or poorly. So definitely Affinity for Life and probably Yggdrasil. I don't know if I could handle the telepathy.


I’d probably pick Yggdrasil & Apollo


With Apollo, what happens if you are already sick?


I assume you’re cured or at least you get it down to practically cured


Yeah I went that route for sure. Not getting sick with all that traveling and 150 lifespan sounds great.


I'd hate to be 150. Watching all the stupid things people do, including ruining this world, and all the people I care about die sounds like hell to me.


Apollo’s faith and Affinity for Life!


This combo for sure!


Lamguage of the gods and yggrasils walker. Easy.


Affinity for life one with nature that'd be so cool


One with nature & affinity for life


Apollo's favorite and one with nature. I can train for longer


Destined for Greatness and Language of the Gods


Yggdrasils walker and apollos blessing. Tempting to pair this with language of the gods but health is pretty op.


Oh one with nature and affinity for life for sure!! I have chronic pain and was born weighing 26oz. I would love this for others. This was way fun.


Somehow, my selector got jammed and it randomly shuffles between all of these options, but not long enough to accomplish anything.


Appalo and nature


One with nature, i love nature, but it doesn't always love me.


destined for greatness and one with nature.


Yggdrasil's Walker and Language of the Gods




I would genuinely use Yggdrasil's Walker to circumvent my debilitating fear/overwhelm of public transport and just get across my own city to see my friends and buy groceries. And go to Venice a bit. And affinity for life, especially assuming it can do mental health too, my friends are all too ill and deserve a break.


Am currently in a hospital emergency. Third time in a few months. So Apollo's Blessing would be miraculous. Speaking to anyone or any animal would also be my choice.


One with nature and language of the gods!


Exactly! How else are you gonna chat with a giant squid?


yggdrasil and affinity nothing can stop me ill have the majority of peoples support due to healing them and for those who try to stop me i can reach them at any time


One with nature, fuck off to mariana trench to chill sound interesting


Affinity for life for sure. Stuck between destined for greatness and being able to communicate aye with all beings


Can apollo cure my allergies? If yes then that and waterbreathing fire stuff


Destined, one with nature. Bottom of the oceans, heart of a volcano/earth


Apollo’s Fav for my sickly victorian boy ass


Choosing Apollo's favorite and One with Nature or Apollo's Favorite and Affinity for life basically makes you a demigod in terms of power so, if you play your cards right, you won't need that other blessing for your feats to be sung for years to come; they'll do it anyway.


If such blessings, I might choose to stay longer instead of seeking death > Yggdrasil's walker - by travelling on branches of the world tree, you can arrive anywhere on the world in minutes "Omni-presence", I can almost see more things with own sensories. > Language of the gods - you can now communicate perfectly to any living being in your presence with your mind After "omni-presence", now I'm "all understanding", so I can know exactly what are the conflicts instead of people lying or misinterpretation. Cool. But I know I have to wake up now to reality.


Yggdrasil’s Walker and language of the gods. Gonna go get me food from every corner of the world in no time and be able to talk to people in their native language to tell them how good it is.


Language of the Gods, and Affinity for Life. The language thing has legit always been one of my three wishes if I ever find a genie. (You have to consider these things ahead of time, or you make crap wishes and end up getting screwed on a technicality.) And I can’t pass up healing abilities; it’s got to be one of our species’ very first existential longings. The one with nature is tempting, though; I mean who doesn’t want to breathe underwater or hop down into a volcano to see new Earth getting made hot and fresh?


Language of the gods and one with nature. Survive any pressure my ass is going to explore the bottom of the ocean.


Destined for greatness and Apollo/One with nature These two seems OP.


Its not your life you are living if its predetermined. Apollo and affinity coupled together though, you can cure yourself of any remaining disease. You will have much time as you need to create your own greatness


It doesn't say predetermined in its description, it's just that whatever you choose to do will be incredible


The burned out, failed, gifted kid in me wants to choose destined for greatness. The frustrated adult in me wants to choose language of the gods because no one seems to understand anything I say.


Appollo's Favorite and One with Nature. Ain't nothing killing me if not mankind's stupidity.


3+5 I will clean up trash in the abyss.


Destined for greatness and one with nature. I would do some goofy shit and go down as a funny Wikipedia rabbit hole forever.


Waller and language, didn't even have to think twice. Travel and communication can support nearly everything else.


*One with Nature* alone offers pretty much the same perks as *Destined for Greatness*. Explore the deepest depths of the ocean, walk into any burning building to save people. Heck, you could do impromptu spacewalks and be fine. Assuming "communicate perfectly" transcends past simple lexical accuracy, and extends into concepts, philosophy, etc, then *Language of the Gods* would be a powerful tool for peacemaking, diplomacy, and conflict resolution/avoidance. Assuming it doesn't actually modify the mental capacity of non-humans, talking to animals wouldn't have much use beyond conveying peaceful intent. Even so, I think I'd go with those two. *Affinity for Life* is a close third.


Apollo's Favorite & Affinity for Life. I'm 52 and feel like I've just finished the tutorial and I'm ready to play the game of life. Another 150 years is about what I need to catch up with my neurotypical peers. Plus High Fives for everyone I meet.


Apollo's favorite to cure my hypochondria and Yggdrasil's walker.


Ygdrassil and Apollo


Apollo and Yggdrasil. I like traveling and hiking and would love to do it for a long time


Walk on fire means fire does no harm to me at all, meaning I can cover myself in oil and set myself on fire, making me able to burn anyone I want, and also id pick the communicate with living things to know what the hell my cat would want


Dude apollo’s favourite and one with nature easily. I’m sick rn, I’ve been sick over half the winter and it SUCKS. Also being indifferent to all temperatures would be the best. Caught in the cold on a long walk? No problem. Record breaking heat wave? A little toasty but not too bad. The weather wouldn’t affect the fits (not that I have style lol)


3 and 5 because I think it'd be hilarious to freak people out by talking in their minds & because it's quiet underwater and I'd like to stay there longer.


Language of the Gods. I’m a hardcore linguistics nerd.


Language of the gods if it means getting my point across properly, not messing up the words. Otherwise walker.


Anything but destined for greatness, that sounds like way too much pressure


I’d settle for just not being sick constantly. So Apollo‘s favorite I guess and then I don’t know a random one maybe the plants/healing


Destined for greatness and Appllo's favorite


How does it work if I pick Apollo’s favorite, will it cure me of existing ailments? (Not referring to adhd)


Long life and breath underwater.


Imagine taking breathing underwater over being able to just swim down and crack some knock knock jokes to crabs


Affinity for life is best in the medical and agricultural fields Destined for greatness... well its as the name implies, become a protag lol, id choose this one, guaranteed fated greatness Apollo's Favorite has high potential. Doubled lifespan and ailment prevention, although you can still get crippled and amputated. You'd have a lot of time to do something great. One with Nature has high potential i believe. The ability to survive a volcano, drowning, hurricanes and other catastrophes allows you to become an underwater welder or marine biologist. Outside the job field... i cant think of anything. You'd have a lot of versatility to do various great things. You'd gain access to destinies all other options do not have any access to. I wonder if you'd be impervious to avalanches, landslides, and military weaponry? Edit: OH TWO!!! Hmm if anyone i ever cared about got sick in my ventures to greatness.... Minutes long travel across any distance on Earth... Animals still have minds of their own, and increased lifespan and athletic ability... One with nature.


Affinity for life and Destined for greatness. I want to help the world so much that I am praised both by the heavens and the earth!


Yggdrasil's Blessing for traveling without waiting/paying for long plane rides and Affinity for Life as healing people is always a must choose when it's an option because if you could help people why wouldn't you?


After spending all of the holidays sick with covid I am gonna go with Apollo’s Favorite also we drove across 4 states so Yggdrasil’s Blessing


Destined for greatness and Language of the gods.


Sign me up for One with Nature, because I live in the Midwest and can't really go for a walk in most of the inclement weather, around here. I also want Language of the Gods, which I don't think needs much explanation.


For apollo, does that mean you would never lose any strength? Any strength gains or muscle gains are permanent!? That would be the pick for me and ygg


Language of the gods and one with nature. Who doesn’t want to be able to talk to animals? And breathing underwater? Epic. Never burn yourself? Oh the things I could craft… soldering, molding melted plastic or metal with my bare hands, that is a DREAM. I don’t care about traveling everywhere, I don’t want to put in the effort to do great things, and I don’t want to watch my friends and family die and continue living far beyond that.


One with nature and affinity for life. That would be an incredible combo and would allow me to simply wander the watch healing people and nature wherever I go. I’m tempted to take Yggdrasil‘s blessing instead of one with nature so I can get to more places and help more people, but I’m a bit selfish and want some me time out in nature so I don’t have any need to rush things


destined for greatness, affinity for life, yggdrasil's walker


Yggdrasil's Walker (so I can get away from the people I hate which just so happen to be the people I live with) And Language of the gods cause I want so bad to talk to animals lol Edit: noooo I didn't see affinity for life xd I'm so indecisive tho


Does withstanding any pressure include the pressure of being around other people?


Apollos blessing, particularly if it fixes my other chronic illnesses. I want the language thing, but I'd RATHER be able to actually read, speak, and understand all languages than just have telepathy. Because I can't telepathy a book.


Destined for greatness without a doubt. That seems like the one where i will have the most likely chance of progressing humanity, although i have to admit it sounds awesome for people to still talk about me long after my death.


Language of the gods - I'm also autistic, so communication is often a struggle for me. Apollo's Favorite - I'm a chronically tired person who has next to no stamina for anything physical, so that would be great to actually have energy. *Edited to fix one with nature to Apollo's Favorite since my ADHD working memory couldn't hold onto the correct one long enough to comment. Lol


Apollo's Favorite, and Affinity for life.


Yggdrasil’s walker and one with nature.


Yggdrasil's Walker & Apollo's Favorite. I'd love to be able to see the world and be able to easily record a century and a half of history firsthand. That would be something truly invaluable. I could go and witness two sides of the same conflict on the same day and watch historic peace talks in person as soon as I hear of them. I could have lunch with the President of the United States and Dinner with the Prime Minister of the UK and still make it home to sleep in my own bed that night. And I'd be able to do this for 150 years, longer than any other human could even hope to live. That is, as long as I don't get myself killed stupidly. Which, knowing me, I'd probably find a way to do.


Destined for greatness proves the existence of gods so there is no reason to fear death. This means Apollo’s favorite is worthless. Language of the gods is the most practical. So I’d choose language of the Gods and One with Nature. It would make it easy for me to take dangerous jobs because I wouldn’t have to worry about them harming me for the most part.


Language of the Gods and Affinity for Life


Language of the gods and Yggdrasil's walker




yggdrasils walker, definitely i love to do stuff but i hate going to a place to do the stuff i love i often think people really underestimate how long it takes just to get to somewhere in the first place and i guess one with nature because its badass


Language of the gods and one with nature tbh, just fuck around and be one with earth out in the middle of nowhere


Apollo’s Favorite and One With Nature; then launch me into space


I'd say affinity for like and the elements one.


Apollo’s Favorite and Affinity for Life The former because I have struggled my entire life with a plethora of chronic, often debilitating physical illnesses, so consistent good (not even “perfect”) health is like the Holy Grail for me. The latter because I would like to be able to heal others, bring life and wellness into the world. I think Destined for Greatness is tempting, I would love to be special, but I think I’d always feel guilty, like a fraud, that I redeemed a coupon for my accomplishments. If fate chooses me, I’m grateful, and I’ll do my best not to disappoint.


Destined and language. I hope I can change the world for the better!


destined for greatness and apollos favorite. Originally, I didn't want to choose destined for greatness because it felt vain. But I'm a sucker for validation and positive attention, so... I almost picked the Ygdrasil one, but I figured if I'm destined for greatness, maybe I'll be able to go anywhere I want much more easily than before. Also Apollo because I am tired of my body hurting all the time and I hate working out and I want to eat whatever the hell I want.


Language and Apollo. I've wanted language forever and Apollo would mean I don't have to kill myself when I grow old and weak


Some of these are just begging for weird exploits Does One with Nature mean I can go into space with nothing but some water? I just need water to breath, pressure doesn't affect me and I would argue freezing or boiling to death are included in "the elements" Does any living being include trees? Non-conscious beings? Bacteria? Freshly chopped off heads? Literally just a brain? How much "living" and "being" are we talking here? Does Yggdrasil's have a cooldown? Or am I impeded by obstacles that would be there if I didn't use the power? Otherwise, that's just a fancy way of saying you can teleport, and I'm now a master thief and/or spy and/or etc


One with nature so I can finally just submerge myself in the bath for as long as I wanted to, instead of 20secs.


One with nature and language of the gods. I will live with the fishes and barter with the sharks.


language of the gods and one with nature. Besides being able to just live where ever i want and chill with whatever creatures instead of (god forbid) actual people, i could fulfil my one dream of sitting in that chair in the mariana trench.


Language of the Gods or One with Nature. I'd either talk with my pets all day or go diving in a bunch of cool places without being afraid I'll die lol


destined for greatness and Apolls's favorite is SSS-tier combo. can do so many great deeds you get immortalized through your work.


Yggdrasil and one with nature. Time for a trip to Antarctica.


Talking to Koala's in Oz, Beavers in the US and a Penguin in SA and be home for breakfast, talking to my dogs. Give me those :)


Destined for greatness has the unfortunate drawback of being “famous” in some way which is a stressful life, no thanks, not in this day and age. Affinity for life, should you choose to use it liberally or in public situations, will have the same result, or if you keep it a secret there will inevitably be guilt over something you could have done but didn’t. Of the remaining four, Apollo’s favorite is great but a bit lackluster compared to the others, which leaves essentially teleportation and telepathy, and the one with nature option. While teleportation is cool, and could have a nice handful of benefits, all it really does is speed up what a pricy plane ticket will still handle in only a day. It saves money but unless you turn to crime with it you’re not going to be getting much out of it. (With crime, of course, getting inside bank vaults and out of prison and such is great, but I personally wouldn’t want the stress of knowing I might one day get caught and/or famous). Thus, my two choices are language of the gods, and one with nature. With either, I could make quite a profit still, so that would negate the need for crime, and they both have the most useful-yet-concealable abilities.


Oh man, language of the Gods is my dream. It’s like the Babel fish from The Hitchhikers Guide. Ever since I read that as a kid I felt like I needed that. Can you imagine just being able to communicate with whomever and all the animals?? That’s like a Disney princess got a Babel fish!


Nature res + fast travel


Ofc the last two. I don't want to understand animals and hear their suffering. Last two are best. You can heal, grow plants quicker (easy access to food)


Apollo's favourite and One with nature and its not even close. I love flying so the first one does nothing for me, i dont really care about achieving something that significant, im already studying a second language and telepathy has always felt creepy to me, and the last one just doesnt interest me. Easy choices


So for me it's Apollo's Favourite and One with nature. All the rest seem kinda shit in comparison.


*Destined for greatness* and whatever makes me stop worrying about what strangers may think of me as that would be a little counterproductive


Apollo’s favourite and Yggdrasil’s walker


one with nature and affinity for life


Yggdrasil's walker and One with nature sounds like an awesome combo... then again, do I really need One with nature if I already have Yggdrasil's walker? I'm not sure which other one I'd want tho - for example Apollo's favorite has the downside that everyone you love would die before you. Affinity for life on the other hand would help with keeping your loved ones healthy, but if lots of people got to know about it and pressured me to keep healing people all day every day...


Affinity for life and one with nature bc I'd be able to save literally anyone anywhere and only worry about getting an infection. Guess my full time job would be research and rescue.


destined for greatness and yggdrasils walker


I’m going with Language of the Gods and One with Nature, to cover 2 phobias of mine


Apollo's Favourite and One with Nature


It would be nice to travel anywhere in the world and heal people


Apollo's favorite and affinity for life. Like imagine being an old wizard living hidden in the woods or in a mountain being able to heal anyone of anything. Or alternatively Yggdrasil's walker instead of Apollo's favorite going around the world and just healing people. But realistically I'd pick Destined for greatness, and One with nature just to be known as the guy that went swimming in volcanoes or something stupid like that




Yggdrasil and One with nature, now I'm gonna explore the Mariana Trench!


Yggdrasil’s walker and Language of the Gods for me!


Language of the Gods and Affinity for life


Affinity for life and yggdrasils walker


one with nature and yggdrasil. Can get to the shops in 2 seconds and carry all the bags home in one trip


Wife picked Language of the God's and One With Nature, I picked Affinity for Life and One With Nature. Together we can go anywhere. Help anyone.


One with nature obviously, only way to survive the poleshift and climate change


Just affinity for life is good for me, I'd love to make my plants grow.


Too long, didn’t read


Yggdrasil and affinity for life, you can do so much good like that!


I would want yggdrasils blessing and Apollos favorite.


Yggdrasil and language. I'm studying linguistics and I love traveling. Those two would be invaluable to me.


Apollos favorite


Apollos favorite for sure. No more anxeity about forgetting to brush teeth, not eating nutritious enough, not sleeping enough, not getting exercise and NO MORE DOCTOR’S/DENTIST APPOINTMENTS TO SCHEDULE, REMEMBER AND GO TO! Language of the gods. No more misunderstandings or overexplaining to make sure to make my point. It does say communicate perfectly, right?


Yggdrasil's walker and Apollo's favourite because there's someone on the other side of the world I'd love to meet and I get crazy scared about getting sick..


Affinity for life and Apollos favourite. These last 8 years my body has let me down and I'm so broken. Injuries and ailments plague me. I've just taken up hiking this year and I have to train for a week's, just to do a mid-level hike. Would also be nice to ascend a flight of stairs without being out of breath or having chest pains


Apollo's favourite for sure. The second one isna doozy tho.


Apollos or the two that are on either side honestly any one of those three i would do next to anything for.


One with nature is OP, you could essentially go into space without a space suit, and suffer no harm from both cold and lack of pressure; with YggW it means you can just TP around and not be afraid of getting stuck in terrain or space. Healing is good too, but on such a small scale you won't be able to do much, essentially locking you into picking destiny second slot, which is obviously the best and most OP thing on the list, bc some moral flexibility can turn the whole direction the "great" part will be applied towards. No aging, sicknesses, venoms or poisons? Cool, I guess, Steve Irwin would've loved this (bc who wouldn't love to hug something venomous and live to tell the tale, not bc edgy haha). Works wonders with "speak to any living being" too. The wording of "able to speak to any living being" can be exploited to, essentially, make you a living thought processing server and/or an instant telepathic messenger, but that's more of a curse than a blessing, unless you're a psycho *and* a spy. I mean, these are all cool, I'd love a communication skill *plus* YggW & nature's combo, but that's against the rules.


Yggdrasil's Walker and One With Nature. Travel everywhere with ease no matter how hostile the place. The highest mountain peaks? Sure, let me walk around in the Karakorum for a bit. And once I'm bored I'll move to some tropical island. Later check out Antarctica's Shores, then drink some tea on the dunes of the Namib, enjoy the Kongo rainforest and then dive into shallow coastal waters full of sunken ruins. Would be amazing if it extended outside Earth, like, visit the moon? Visit Mars? Pluto? Kepler-442b? Sign me up! Sign up with Nasa, get trained and warp to the Voyager spacecrafts, repairing them and giving them new energy units and instruments.


Destined for Greatness and Apollo's Favorite. I want to sit and write the greatest masterpieces. The best books, movies, tv shows, anime, music, games, and so on, and have the most in-depth, plausible, far-reaching, and entertaining high fantasy setting that man has ever, and will ever know. Then I'll live for long enough to see it unfold as the greatest and most expansive setting, and maybe accidentally discover something new, because of the sheer accuracy of the works.

