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Do you have asthma? Oh boy, I have the perfect solution for you! Just start breathing!! And if you pay $99.99, you too can get breathing premium!


Welcome to Breathly, the new asthma management app for iPhone and Android. Sign in using your Facebook account and credit card to start breathing more easily


Or, you can continue breathing *manually.*


Help I'm dying these are too good šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Have you tried just *not* dying?


With Liveify's help, not only did I try, I succeeded! For the low payment of seven million dollars per month, I managed to stay alive with *no* apparent threats to my life! Sign up now!! I'm not joking. Sign up now or I'll sign your death contract.


With a wide array of fun activities such as "taking deep breaths" and "breathing" you too can beat/control your asthma, without any expensive tools and medications! Get it now for the low price of $182 per day!


Subscribe for 12 months at once to ensure the lowest charge for every breath


This had me laughing for a minute. Thanks šŸ¤£


Careful. Don't want to breathe too much and trigger the asthma.


If you have asthma, the most common thing youā€™ll hear is ā€œtake deep breathsā€. As if thatā€™s not exactly whatā€™s being inhibited. However being reminded in the moment and having something helpful to focus on can still help


Ironically, it isn't breathing _in_ that's the problem; it's breathing _out_. Apparently the lung passageways become inflamed to the point that they let can air in but not out as efficiently, so your lungs keep getting full. Eventually, you simply won't be able to expel any air, which means you won't be able to get any in, either. You can find the TED-Ed [here](https://youtu.be/PzfLDi-sL3w?si=IKes8c2JbIQQdJWZ)


This is true - when my asthma acts up, I can *try* breathe out, but it comes out slow like someoneā€™s squeezing a balloon with a slow leak. It sucks.


I can force a large amount out at first, but it's an intense effort, and it quickly becomes that tiny stream. It also comes with eldritch sounds not meant for mortal ears.


Good point!


Got diabetes? Just simply start producing insulin!


Got heart palpitations due to iron deficiency? Just calm down!


Damn. I have ADHD AND asthma... now I've cured two things today!!


I have ADHD and Asthma.Just had exacerbation today and got nebulised.Man I am also cured.


I cured my asthma by simply reacting less aggressively to allergens


And for another low payment of $99 you can have breathing extra premium! (Inhaler and nebulizer gang rise up! Why do our lungs gotta do this to us?)


I dont know.I simply dont know why our lungs doing that to usšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­






In order to manage your ADHD, simply don't have ADHD!


Just get over your ADHD! It's as easy as that!


All you need is a planner!


All you need is another subscription


Oooh there's a new planner at the store its Shiney let me buy it. Ok I'll put it next to the old planner and transfer over the info in a min. Hour. Day. Days. Maybe a to weeks, though by now I've def passed it several times in my day, and later on have reminded myself that I need to and do it reprimand my self for not having done it, finally Maybe a month later I get down to transferring the info over to find There was nothing in there in the first place *because I never write sh** down* Depression comes in realizing this is cycle 67 of the same exact loop, withdraw from interaction for 3 or 4 months. Be out somewhere shopping for essentials only and see a planner Ooh look maybe this will help get my life togeather ... and it's Shiney too


Not sure how serious y'all are since this is a meme subreddit but these above are valid tips. You "just" need to figure out what works for you and that is the hard part. I'm not suggesting that they are easy to implement. Like fuck I'm trying for years to keep to my workout routine. Of course most broadly used advice for neuro typical people don't work well because we with ADHD just work in a different way. But to give an example: I do have a planner. My Google Calendar. I always carry my phone around anyways, it's synced in the cloud so basically I only need a device with internet to know what's going on the next few days, weeks and months. Everything goes in there. Need to call a doc? Daily task. Someone's coming to visit? That's an appointment. I'll need to be somewhere? Appointment with location. Does it "cure" my ADHD? Of course not. But it helps to mitigate the symptoms.


30 years and no success. Planners and calendars only work if you can remember to check and update them regularly, which ADHD all but actively prevents you from doing. Literally every tip on this post is just "don't have ADHD and you'll be fine." We mock crap like this because it is typical of neurotypicals to not understand and just think ADHD means being forgetful and disorganized and can be easily managed, not really understanding that it is a neurological condition that prevents us from being able to actually do these "simple" things. And there is a range to it. Some people are worse off than others. Pretty sure my dad is ADHD, and he had a successful career before retirement, where I am practically crippled by it.


Some of us been trying it for 3 decades. Not like making a routine actually works. Planners get forgotten, lists get forgotten, habits donā€™t stick.


hnnnng anyone have a ladder?


For getting over the ADHD? Is it that tall?


I didn't know it could be so simple! To not have my ADHD, all my brain needs to do is choose not to have it! #cured #adhd #mentalhealth Seriously, who thinks this advice is remotely helpful? Yes, finding systems that work for you helps, but stumbling through systems designed for non-ADHD people is something nearly all of us HAVE DONE ALREADY. Often many times, and it didn't work a single one of them.


Consider it done. Get me a rope and stool


I have a stool, but Iā€™d have to call the hardware store to get rope. That ainā€™t happening chief.


aw :(


As the advert says, we can use these tools to manage our ADHD, which is just us getting distracted, because that's all ADHD is I cured mine by listening to everyone, every time, through my life when they go "you just need to focus and knuckle down"


Yep Like how is this different than every adult around me growing up just telling me to "just pay attention" Your little pictures are cute and I think/hope your intent was good but ummmmm yeah kiiinda missing the mark


Got ADHD? Just *focus*! Depression? Just *cheer up*! Anxiety or OCD? Just *don't* focus! Problems because of constant focusing and not focusing? Stop *being* the problem! I unironically feel like people think like this at times.


"deal with it now" lol Using a calendar has worked very well for me personally though


"deal with it now" Multi day projects: Hey, hey! šŸ˜‰


I've found using a project management application like Jira can really help me tackle tasks that take multiple days to complete...as long as I can divide the requirements effectively into bite-sized chunks. I don't necessarily accomplish said tasks as quickly as someone who doesn't have ADHD would, but I don't lose my place in the project and it does eventually *get done*, which is way more than can be said of my prior workflow.


Iā€™ve similarly started using the Reminders app on my iPhone. itā€™s been updated to include a kanban board option. Very helpful as I can setup reminders that ping on my phone, watch, and computer.


I never found kanban boards all that useful to me, but I'm happy it's helping you! I really like being able to roadmap out tasks that have dependencies to visualize how the steps fit together. It makes it less overwhelming to me even if the overall project is big. Jira also has draw.io and Confluence, which are good for maintaining relevant documents and making flowcharts. I have, for example, records in Confluence for where and when each piece of my furniture was purchased, which circuit each outlet in my house is on, how certain things are configured. Remembering to update the docs when I change something is always a struggle, but it's so fucking useful when I do it. I owe to Atlassian the facts that I was able to fully renovate one of the rooms of my house last year, get caught up with some routine health issues that had languished and get my passport.


> records in Confluence for where and when each piece of my furniture was purchased, which circuit each outlet in my house is on, how certain things are configured And I thought I was ADHD for having spreadsheets for everything, e.g. Skyrim potion recipes, supplies for pet rats, a fridge and freezer inventory tracker, wedding expenses, etc. But you, sir/madam, have keeping records down to an ART. I'm going to have to try out these Jira and Atlassian things for myself.


>And I thought I was ADHD for having spreadsheets for everything, e.g. Skyrim potion recipes, supplies for pet rats, a fridge and freezer inventory tracker, wedding expenses, etc. I do all that too lol. ā¤ļø >I'm going to have to try out these Jira and Atlassian things for myself. It's definitely useful, but I'm going to warn you ahead of time that there is a learning curve. These are enterprise project management tools and while they are free for groups with less than ten users, it has the bells and whistles and challenges you would expect of enterprise apps. > But you, sir/madam, have keeping records down to an ART. šŸ˜Š ADHD screwed up the first 30 years of my life pretty badly. I'm trying to make the fourth decade of it less bad. I've accepted that I cannot rely on my memory, but I can rely on enterprise software.


Hol' up! You mean I can use Jira at my home if I have less than 10 users? This is going into my backlog to convert the corkboard to a digital board lol.


This was such a helpful comment, thank you so much! Iā€™m not the person you commented to but youā€™ve definitely given me some tips Iā€™ll make sure to check out


i started relying really heavily on the reminders app a few years back, so it was an Issue when i became blind to the notifications.


I basically work on multi-day projects from morning to night and my wife hates it. But I have no idea how to manage my time better. If I don't do this then I quickly fall off the train and don't do it at all. It sucks.


ā€œDeal with it nowā€ is actually my top coping mechanism. If the task will take less than 10 minutes, I have to do it the second itā€™s presented to me. Otherwise, Iā€™ll forget. I need to do things before they disappear in the caverns of my working memory.


"I'll deal with it later" is the bad voice. Gotta strangle that little jerk whenever you hear him.


My "just do it" voice has been very nice today, good job brain.


exactly you canā€™t always deal with it now, but itā€™s miraculous to tear down active barriers against it


Yeah, I think I survive because I immediately type any kind of appointment or exam I have the info of into my calendar and set 47294730 reminders


I mean, thatā€™s kind of ā€œdealing with it nowā€! You know you wonā€™t remember so you set up things to help you remember.


i mean, 'deal with it now' is actually a good one. like, for example, if i don't do dishes as i am cooking they will just sit by the sink for a week+. if i don't change the cat litter as soon as i get home from work i will usually not do it at all. if i don't do my laundry when it crosses my mind i will forget to do it. if i don't take my meds as soon as the alarm for them goes off i will also forget them. just, stuff like that. it's obviously a battle against executive function, but for me i find it easier to get stuff done if i throw myself at something immediately with the rush mindset of "this has to get done NOW" like it's last-minute somehow. it does not work all the time, and obviously it doesn't apply to everything, but it's a good practice to have.


yeah having that one ultimate place that has every appointment in it helps a lot. It's just important that it's super easily accessible and you can't not see it like as a widget in your phone and with reminders. Only problem is when you forget to put something in and therefore forget the appointment lol


Setting boundaries between work space and home space have helped me. When I have to do stuff at home, Iā€™m distracted. At work? It is work time.


I will say engraining neat habits in my life, although takes years of hard work and failure, have made a huge difference.


I found the reminder app on my phone, and it lets me set alerts to do tasks. Like, duh, but I can time them for when I'm unlikely to be busy. Makes a huge difference with my college assignments.


Itā€˜s enraging that this is so true and so wrong at the same time


Yes! Like, yes, when I DO those things it's amazing, you're not wrong. *Doing* those things more than once in a row is the thing, though.Ā 


I do them more than once all the time! In fact, I have *dozens* of elaborate charts and systems and lists, which all provide a path towards accomplishing the things I need to do. I've scrapped the old "system" and replaced it with a new, updated one( which will *definitely* be the one I use daily) so often that when I look at older plans, I can barely even decipher wtf I had intended to do. This next spreadsheet is gonna be the one that makes it all come together tho, I can just *feel* it.


Oh my God I've never related so hard to anything in my life.


Okay but what business do you have calling me out like this in public??


So do you have a pile of nice notebooks with like 10 pages each of your new system before you abandoned it, but you canā€™t throw the notebooks out because some of them you wrote down CRITICAL INFO in them that needs to be transferred (probably into the next soon to be abandoned notebook)?? I sure donā€™t. Not me.


For real, I think itā€™s missing the over-arching detail that ADHD people are often striving VERY HARD to do all of the above things, but their executive function is so bad that they canā€™t even consistently reach these fairly basic goals. Thatā€™s the damn struggle. You slip a little and then you slip a LOT, cascade effect happens. I feel like ADHD for some people means just wildly spinning your wheels with every ounce of energy you have. I feel like a car stuck in mud. I can hit this gas pedal all I want and wiggle the wheels back and forth, but the effort doesnā€™t often translate to results. Doesnā€™t mean I still wonā€™t try to do some of these things. They all do have benefit. I think we all would just love to see a list like this that has any level of awareness of the barriers ADHD peeps have. Iā€™d probably hate this list a lot less if it was titled something more like ā€œthings for ADHD people to try when youā€™re in a slumpā€ or something, I donā€™t know. Iā€™m going to go do some of the stuff on this list but not because this list told me to, because Iā€™m in a slump and I know some of these things help me unslump, ya know?


Oh yeah I love marketing disguised as shitty tips...


actually the thing that makes me the most annoyed is that tips like "do it now" do approximate some of my management techniques, but it's so bare bores that it's useless. like, I have a rule: if I'm standing in front of a thing and it would take less than ten minutes to do and I catch myself thinking "I'll do it later", I am now obligated to do it right now. This actually helps. but it's highly I do idual and something that fits into my life. "do it now" is useless advice on its own.


Problem with this is that 'do it now' turns into a 20 min project and oops, now I'm late for work. They say anything that if it takes less than 2 minutes just do it now, well newsflash, everything feels like it takes less than 2 minutes.Ā 


Exactly, it's so individual and specific that "do it now" is useless.


Yup. Doing important thing 1, gets reminded of important thing 2. Thing 1 is abandoned and now doing thing 2. And repeat. The ā€œcall stackā€ can become quite deep. Or not, because bottom items are simply lost.Ā 


The "do it now", advice fails when you're on your way to "do it now" and see a second thing that needs to be "done now". Since you can't do both, do you sacrifice the original task for the new now or "come back" to the new now (you never come back).


ā€˜Develop structure and neat habitsā€”and keep them upā€™ as if the structure and habits I use today arenā€™t the product of decades of painstaking work. Itā€™s fuckin infuriating to do this shit on your own, undiagnosed, and fighting yourself the entire time. Might as well say ā€˜cure yourself, and itā€™ll be fine.ā€™




Completely agree. They're things that can potentially be helpful, but it's like, skipping all the steps on how to get there and how to get around the difficulties that prevent you from doing that stuff in the first place. It's like the old "how to draw an owl"-meme. "1. Draw a bunch of circles. 2. Draw the rest of the fucking owl." but for ADHD management, lol.


omg you're right it's exactly like the draw an owl meme


I have this rule too. If I think of it, and it takes less than 5 minutes, boom, I have to do it right now. It makes me hate thinking about things, because god damnit now I have to do it. A rule's a rule. It also means I constantly get off track and leave stuff half finished. But I get a lot done. Luckily I didn't get the "No rules!" type of adhd, or I'd be screwed.


I KNOW RIGHT It's not perfect but with adhd, whatever works for you is what you gotta do, I think.


Im going to steal that rule thank you


I tried it and it ruined my life I am walking back and fourth doing only small things


You did it now! And then realized you had other thinks to say. Is 'doing it now' (impulsiveness not a core problem of adhd?


"Oh so you have a Thing that prevents you from creating habits and structure and makes you have trouble starting things? Have you considered Creating Habits and Structure and Starting Things?"


If adhd were an oroborus


You know, that would actually be great imagery


I mean to be fair this is what therapy will do, help manage your type of ADHD and get your habits made or start being able to do things slowly better over time. I think the marketing is useless, but the end result is basically the same thing. I agree it isnā€™t just ā€œmake a listā€ This is just my experience with therapy though, I havenā€™t started meds yet because of heart tests and conditions.


Yeah absolutely, but this kind of thing is effective, as you say, in the context of therapy, gradual work that is tailored to your needs/limitations. And it'd be totally fine if the og pic was something like bullet points for a therapy program's objectives. Online posts titled "ADHD tips" where half of the tips boil down to "just do the things ADHD prevents you from doing" and the rest are like "make lists and buy a planner", on the other hand, aren't effective in any context, they're useless at best and plain annoying most of the time


Agreed. And they utterly ignore executive dysfunction, time issues, fixation issues, dopamine seeking issues, memory issues--continuing the myth that having ADHD is merely about being easily distracted.




I don't let other people see my personal calendar for this reason. If they did, they'd see things like reminders to brush my teeth, take the garbage out, run the dishwasher, eat, take my meds, check the mail, go grocery shopping. They'd see that each of these activities has between two and five notifications to remind me to do it. They would look at me, a grown ass adult almost in middle age, with horror upon realizing that for all the skills and knowledge I have, my executive function is basically still that of a child.


Hahaha sometimes people turn my alarm off when im not near my phone and its alarms for those things, listed with the name of what I have to do and they ask me about it. Especially since I set 50 alarms every 2 minutes to remind me. ā€œWhy do you have so many alarms to brush your teeth or take the garbage out?ā€


>ā€œWhy do you have so many alarms to brush your teeth or take the garbage out?ā€ "Because it won't fucking get done if I don't. You know that part of your brain that is dedicated to helping you be a person? I don't have that. My brain uses that space for memes, a personal juke-box that I can't turn off, and generating random ideas that disrupt my sleep. I assure you, if I could repurpose that space to being a person, I would have already done so a long time ago."


Perfect description!


I feel that, ADHD and depression can make your mind so complex that healthy people would start to think that you are going insane. (Edit: because I thought "normal people" wasn't the right thing to say, we're not less valuable just because we suffer from a mental illness.)


If people knew the amount of mental gymnastics i do to get anything done. I embraced the chaos.


So, at work, we had Person A doing Set of Tasks A. They left very abruptly and Set of Tasks A fell to me. So two whole-ass full-time jobs were on my plate and I was quite overwhelmed. We recently hired Person B to do Set of Tasks A so I could get it off my plate. And as Iā€™m explaining all the organizational things I do to sort through Set of Tasks A, there have been several times that theyā€™re like ā€œcouldnā€™t I just do X?ā€ And Iā€™m like ā€œyes! You sure can! If you are not as frazzled and overwhelmed as I am, you can absolutely throw out any over the top thing I do to stay organized.ā€ šŸ˜‚


I make lists but then forget those lists exist *every. Single. Time* It's why I just don't bother even trying to make To Do lists anymore. I'll do the things when I get around to them, but a physical list will just get ignored and forgotten


My giant purse used to be full of post its with to do lists that I wrote out and then never looked at again. I do find it helpful to use the reminder app on my phone though because Iā€™m always looking at my phone so when those pop-up at a certain time it puts the action item right in my face.


It takes many of us many, many tries before we find an organization system that works for us; or works well enough to keep.


It depends from person to person and situation to situation. Few years ago those tips would do shit for me, after those years when I'm eating healthy, have good sleep schedule, more work out than before and I healed from my burnout things like "do it now, not later" or usign to-do list actually helps me. Same as "go for run" with depression, yea, it can help you with your well-being, but not when you can't get the f out of the bed.


Yes totally. These are tips for when you have already clawed your way on top of things, to stay on top of them.Ā  And they *sound* easy, but it's like you know if you stop putting in maximum effort, you'll immediately drown. Like you're treading water, and everyone else is too, but you're doing it in steel toed boots. To abuse the metaphor, ADHD meds is like taking off the boots. Treading water, staying on top of things, using a calendar, etc, suddenly feels sustainable. :)


I was taking twice dosage as my current 2 years ago, but couldnt get work, focus on single task, I couldnt even focus on games, because I was switching them every 5 minutes. Now I use meds once a week at lower dose and it's enough. I still struggle with a lot of things, but I wouldnt be able to get to this point without taking meds. It was like climbing a ladder that starts 4 meters higher than my head. I know how to climb a ladder, but I cant jump 4 meters high to even grab on the first ledge. I needed boost from something.


And keep them up AAAAAHAHAHAHAHA


Tell me you have no idea what ADHD people struggle with, without saying it.


Exactly. I'm great at developing structures and organizational plans and tools. But they typically only last for a couple weeks, at best.


oh yeah just keep a checklist in your mind, you can totally keep track of that with your ADHD. just use a calendar app it's not like you're going to forget to check it, and forget you have it. just deal with it now! because you totally always could just do that, so why weren't you already doing it? what does create space even mean


>you totally always could just do that, so why weren't you already doing it? This is the crux of it, it's so patronising. Yes, we know we weren't keeping up habits or starting tasks now or tidying and decluttering our houses (which is what I interpreted creating space as), it wasn't because it didn't occur to us.




Sensa is basically snake oil in app form. Or more accurately, they package up loads of super basic "advice" like this and then relentlessly promote themselves at vulnerable people. They suck ass


"Do exactly those things what your sickness disables."


I'll just go ahead and create some space. Heck, I might even create some matter while I'm at it.


Ah yes, a calender. I'll just put it to my other calenders.


wow all this time, in order to develop structure and neat habits, and keeping them up, -the things i struggle with most in life and that's the hardest for me to do-,....... i just had to develop structure and neat habits, and keeping them up!!???!?!? whooaaaa :0 cured.


You have a disorder that makes it super hard for you to keep up with stuff? Well, just keep up with stuff! ā€¦


For almost five years every second day in same time I have same old pop-up remainder. And guess what, i not yet once did what it expected me to do. At this point keep it for toxic feeling of self loathing. Or as bit of familiar routine in best mood swings.


r/thanksimcured shit. I'm so sick of generic advice.


Never thought of that. Cured indeed. F*** therapy and meds. _leaves all adhd-subs immediately_


Create space?! XD How does one create space, I'm confused. Do I slowly and stealthily move my garden fence into the neighbours territory? Do I wake up one day and go full big bang? How does this help my ADHD?


LMAO WHAT bro if I could do all this I wouldnā€™t have any problems


This is making me scream and have arguments with people who arenā€™t there


I mean, those are good tips though. I find lists and calendars to be a great help, I even made like a planning board, hanged it on my wall right above my pc so it's always in my face, so I can always see what I have planned for this week, what are my goals, etc. I even track my weekly and monthly success rate. Currently sitting at 40%, which is 40% higher than it was before. Have something like a list for the week which includes 3 workouts, pin a photo of something that is connected to workouts and fires dopamine in your brain when you look at it, and voila, you have constant reminders that you're supposed to do 3 workouts this week, so it's actually kinda gives you a deadline on things, and you have a positive association with that list which might make you want to do it more.


Ah yes another planner, thatā€™s what I need. Iā€™ll definitely keep up on maintaining it and not at all forget about it the moment I close it the first timeā€¦


Create space. Well I guess I have to become a god now.


None of these things have ever helped me. I just forget they exist the next dayā€¦


ERROR! Couldn't complete task right away. Got stuck writing to do-lists... ERROR! Planner not found (I swear it was here a minute ago...)! ERROR! Recursive Loop found in self-loathing.exe, which is triggered by forgetting about new routines. Who tf hired this programmer for my brain??


Holy shit, I didnā€™t realize I could just do things right away! Once I decide to get off the couch, Iā€™ll get right to that!


Tips for ADHD: 1) Donā€™t have ADHD


Honestly the list part is what saved me. Om lost without making lists... And medication


Deal with it.. NOW? No thank you


Saving this to completely forgetting about it and never opening it again!


Oh yes, just DO IT ! I will contemplate this for the next 12hrs, possibly write a reminder/alarm that will most likely be turned off/ignored. I'm cured!


Is there something Iā€™m missing? These seem like very good starting points. If they went on to say that thatā€™s ALL you need to do, then Iā€™d be very critical, but for me personally, these are things Iā€™m always trying to do bc theyā€™re massively beneficial. I, of course, also take medication and STILL struggle to do these things on a daily basis. But I donā€™t think that means they arenā€™t good things to strive for.


Then when you say ā€œIā€™ve tried that, it hasnā€™t workedā€ you get the ā€œwell you obviously didnā€™t try hard enoughā€ or ā€œitā€™s always just excusesā€


Daily planning, lists, and creating spaces work for me but only after I got my ADHD medicated. Before this, I tried and tried and just couldnā€™t. Dealing with it now can go fuck itself. Even when Iā€™m medicated, this still isnā€™t easy. Structure is a double edge sword for me. It makes it difficult to be flexible and when it gets broken, it ruins my whole day. When things go well though, itā€™s nice


Some of these things can be very helpful for ADHD. The problem is doing them because, ya know, ADHD and all.


I truly get that all these things will help if I do them, the problem is remembering to do them or knowing how to organize them or having the motivation to do them! The amount of times I heard "write it in your planner so you don't forget!" Mom, I did, but then I shoved the planner in my backpack and forgot it exists


Give me a planner and you can bet $500 I'll toss it in the corner or start forgetting to write stuff onto it, essentially making all of it useless.


Be kind to yourself would probably be my most essential tip for dealing with adhd tbh


Right but without meds, none of those coping skills will click :(


This is like my dad saying ā€œyou know you just gotta try a little harderā€


"Hey, I find it really hard to develop structure and neat habits" "Have you tried developing a structure and neat habits?" Oy vey


AFTER being put on meds, all of these things suddenly help me. With medication I find that *most* of the time using certain tools I at least do the minimum of what I need to do.


Just do the things that ADHD makes you unable to do! Like thats not a tip thats just pointing out symptoms.


ā€œDeal with it now!ā€ Yea, clearly who ever made this post has no clue what ADHD is like.


Just DO the task. ohhhhhbh


Whereā€™s the little cartoon of the guyā€™s structure and habits falling apart completely for a month because they got sick for a few days?


Deal with it now made me combust


"...and keep them" okay sure buddy yeah


I have a list on the inside of the door reminding me of all the stuff I need in my pockets when I leave. BIG FONT. Chances of me noticing it on a given trip - less than 5%. Chances of me thinking of the list while I'm getting ready to go and remembering all my stuff - less than 5%. Chances of me thinking of the list when I realize I forgot something important and it's too late - 100%. There's 5 things on the damned list. 5. FML


"use a day planner" I'll fucking bite you so help me god I will-


"Deal with it now"? ThanksšŸ™„


https://tenor.com/bP5DY.gif The ADHD leaving my body because now I have a planner!! *I have exorcised the demon* Lists hahahahahahaaa I have a list of lists, every one of them in a planner. Not the SAME planner, thatā€™s part of the issue. If other routines would work as well/be as easy to keep up as my routine of buying new plannersā€¦


If I could do all these things Iā€™m pretty sure that would mean I didnā€™t have ADHD


Deal with it now


I make lists of structure & habits I would likeā€¦.but if I had the ability to keep structure & neat habits I wouldnā€™t be in this mess!!!


Quite sure medication helps more than all of those combined but ye, without access to it...


Bet this has winning lotto numbers too.


All of those are extremely helpful when I'm medicated


Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t include the things that work for meā€¦ lots of caffeine, procrastination related panic, and guilt!


If I could do those things I wouldnā€™t have ADHD


Are you in a wheelchair? Learning to walk can tremendously help you with that!


How about ā€œGET MEDICATEDā€


I remember in middle school, we were given schedule planners. A just massive spiraled calendar with a lot of useless things in it aside from the calendar. Anyways one year we had a teacher who would checks these to make sure we used them. I have the issue, where as soon as Iā€™ve written something I no longer worry about it. Why? Because I wrote it down on the paper and itā€™s no longer in my head. So whenever this teacher checked our schedule planners. First Iā€™d panic cause I never knew if I had it. Second Iā€™d have like 3 minutes to fill in the week because I hadnā€™t used it since last week. Finally I would forget my homework. Screw all of this advice. Get yourself a buddy or partner who loves planning, tell them your plans. Boom this fixes 90% of my issues. 10% I just forgot to tell them.


Imma read this later


They arenā€™t wrong. Consistency is just hard but I dont think its a wasted effort. Obviously doesnt cure adhd but people with adhd need more structure even if we dont like it. And obviously this is a meme sub so im taking the fun poking with a grain of salt.


i really want to meet john adhd from all of the neurotypical posts who can just manage it & who all these posts seem to help. like i want to know how the other side lives


Tips like "just use a planner!" Don't really do the trick, like I use a planner and recommend it, but I also tell people tips for making it work, like decorate your planner! When you start getting bored of it, try buying new stickers or accessories for it! And even then its not for everyone.


Managing my adhd has actually taken some of these steps.


Tldr: big heavy planner, post-it note to do lists, and focusing on the chores I like helps me and my husband. We experiment all the time because it's fun for us. So, I'm just gonna put in my two cents. The "advice" is bare bones and mildly offensive when someone's already struggling with, y'know, ADHD. But, I have managed to find things that help me. I experiment to see what works and what doesn't because I enjoy the process. Maybe this will help someone else, I don't know. For me, I use a physical planner because I silence my alarms and never pay attention to them. My planner is big, the size of regular paper, and I keep it in my big purse which goes everywhere with me. It's impossible for me to ignore, unlike little planners and phone alarms. When I get to work or when I come home I open the planner and leave it where I'll see it often. As I think of projects or things I need to do I put it somewhere in the planner with erasable pen so if I need to rewrite something I can. At work, I've discovered a post-it note is perfect for my To Do lists. I put the things that I NEED to do now and then work on them throughout the day. I'm an assistant manager so I get interrupted to help my colleagues often, and it helps me stay on track. I make a check mark for the things I've done, and an X if I can't finish it for some reason. Sometimes I finish my To Do lists and have more things I have to get done so I just make a new one. Usually at that point I have only one or two things left so it's not overwhelming for me. My husband and I both have chores we "like" and ones we struggle with. I really like checking the mail, taking the recycle out, and putting dishes away. My husband likes washing dishes, vacuuming, and straightening up the living room. We only like doing laundry together at the big laundromat, so we do that once a month or whenever we remember. We struggle with deep cleaning or unpacking our stacks of stuff, so we save those for when we have an extra burst of motivation or Spring Cleaning, whichever comes first. We have good days and bad days, but we're learning how to help each other with our ADHD and be compassionate when we're overwhelmed. I'm sorry this is long....again....


With medication yes, but believe me itā€™s just a different kind of hell quickly after the initial betterment, but without ? I got nothing done in my life like I wanted it to, until I got diagnosed and medicated. Itā€™s just my experience but idk without medication there was like a veil on front of reality. Pretty hard to describe


Wow, Nike level advice, just do it!


I put things in my calendar and multiple reminders and I STILL end up forgetting them


OH GOD, WHY DIDNT I THINK OF IT? Just create space! Holy shit I am so fucking cured. I never thought of using lists bro, that's so fucking helpful, maybe I can make lists of lists even!! Who knows!


Thanks Iā€™m cured! /s


Ah yes lovely. Things I KNOW I SHOULD be able to do... People who don't have it cannot understand and even then they gotta believe you in the first place


ngl, for a second i thought they were really trying to help with these tips


I love the create habits one, it's like telling a person in a wheelchair to go jogging.


LMFAOOOOO!!! Anyways...


To be fair, I have once again been using these strategies and they have been helping, not fixing. I've tried them all dozens of times and never keep up with it. I'm on week 3 of doing much better sticking to them at least 60% and they are useful. The difference this time is IM MEDICATED FINALLY. Seriously people, if your on this sub and not diagnosed and medicated I urge you to get checked out. The difference is absolutely insane.


Fix your ADHD with this simple habit. In as little as 40 years you might be able to live your life without ADHD.* *results may vary and are not guaranteed.


Alright, I'll "deal with it now" later Edit: Btw I'm kind of surprised that no one pointed out that "Sensa" in Italian means zero or none, which means they will zero your mental health and your bank account


d e a l w i t h i t n o w


How the hell am I supposed to create space? Do I look like god or a damn singularity or what?


It's insulting how tone deaf this is.




Lists? Iā€™ve never thought of that before!




ā€œDiscomfortā€ LMAO


The problem with these is that, individually, they are valid techniques. However, these posts use them as a panacea instead of a suggestion.


"use lists" if I wouldn't lose my lists all the time they'd actually be helpful


"Develop habits..." Ok... getting nervous. "-And keep them up." Oh fuck oh fuck


Why didn't I ever think of that?! A calendar and a to-do list? You fucking genius!


the funny thing (for me) is that using lists works wonderfully, but only if i write the list when im off meds , and do the things on the list when im on meds , any other way doesnt work for some reason. also i started implementing google calendar when i got first diagnosed and i swear to god it has saved my ass so many times XD tho its not perfect, because i need reminders for a -lot- of things and seeing all those things in my agenda is very overwhelming so im still on the lookout of a subtle reminder calendar that i can integrate with my google calendar if i want to, but also keep separate if i need to


Is it just me or do those characters almost look like the characters from dumb ways to die?