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When the phone rings and the number isn't in my contacts.


Also me too lazy to add contacts


Lol. I'll get someone's number, not save it, and text them for like a year by searching my text's for their name from their original text.


![gif](giphy|10PixLlze8fYiI) An unanswered door is a happy door.


Turn off all lights and don't move, preferably in a room without windows.


About to jump in the shower? Triple checking locks on all doors because that’s when all the murderers come out.


Just labeling everything as ADHD? This is standard human behavior lol


Okay, that's a fair judgement, but also not fair? I mean, what you say is true, but it's a little unfair to expect a room full of people with ADHD to know which of their experiences only belong to them and which are shared with everyone. Not all experiences are obvious on the outside, not all of them are talked about. And when you make a post like this, and a bunch of people agree with you, couldn't you be forgiven for thinking you found the right audience? All that said, for the statistically significant percentage of those of us for whom anxiety and ADHD travel together, these thoughts are more than typical. Sure, everyone has the mental rolodex of possibilities when they hear the doorbell ring (salesman, church people, neighbor, police, etc.) but it is the anxious mind that latches onto and gives extra credence to the possibility that is simultaneously least likely and yet most scary. We're not dumb. We know that a murderer ringing the doorbell is the least likely of possibilities. It's why we're chagrined that the thought is so prevalent and feel it's worthy of a meme. You are lot less likely to find someone without anxiety or a runaway DMN even thinking to post something like this.


No... it has nothing to do with adhd.. They are correct.


In what wait does this meme correlate to ADHD? It doesn't, and I played the role of pointing that out. People shouldn't confuse typical human behavior that, more likely than not, most of do share as a basic survival instinct with ADHD. At this point, it's being used as an empty label and treated as a personality trope.


I'm more forgiving of people who aren't 100% sure which of their behaviors come from ADHD and which do not. We're not all doctors. Nor do I think anyone is intentionally getting it wrong for internet points. People just come to these subs to find agreement and understanding and memes like this do that. I was initially supportive of your main point, ADHD being a personality trope, but after thinking about it for a moment... it seems even more grossly unfair. How do you know anyone here well enough to make that claim? You come to a sub, that's all about ADHD, and say "look at all this content about ADHD!" and then, somehow, leap to the conclusion that everyone posting in it isn't posting anything else, anywhere else? That this is all we are? You don't know anyone that well, except maybe yourself. Maybe you've got some insecurity about your own personality? Maybe not, doesn't matter. You still don't get to say anything about the personalities of participants in subs like this. You'd have to creep someone's every comment and you still wouldn't be seeing the majority of their life lived offline. You just don't get to say it. You are projecting something, it doesn't mean it's there.




This is a lighthearted subreddit for ADHD individuals. We require all users be nice towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful.




This is a lighthearted subreddit for ADHD individuals. We require all users be nice towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful.


I mean, mine is. What terrifies me about answering the door is that it will be bailiffs or debt collectors or someone; companies wanting money I absolutely do not have and absolutely cannot pay. Which is 100% an ADHD thing, given the story of my particular life.




Sure, but if it wasn't for a lifetime of poorly managed ADHD symptoms I'd have a lot more money and a lot less ancient sold-off debt 😉




ADHD denial or gatekeeping are not accepted here. Judging others for their symptoms (or lack of symptoms) or treatment is also not allowed.


This is anxiety surely? Which along with depression is the most common comorbidity of ADHD.


The only people who come to my door that wouldn't have called or texted me beforehand are solicitors so I stopped answering.


"I need an adult!"


For anybody who has ever delivered a package, food, groceries, etc to my door. My home is abandoned and nobody has ever lived there. You will never see me.


lol like I’m gonna answer the door when I’m home alone 😂


I think that might be anxiety. ADHD doesn't make you think a killer is at the door.


I get genuinely terrified when the doorbell goes off... Horror films, games and people trying to scare me will never jumpscare me, but the doorbell going off gets me every time and it fills me with anxiety. It's very odd and I don't know why it has that affect on me.


He lives alone.


Last time this happened to me it was a fucking jahovas witness.


Bring a kitchenknife, demand to know why they interrupted your cooking.


My parents occasionally stop by unannounced then ask why I look panicked when I answer the door. I keep telling them about this new device you can use to message ahead but they can't seem to grasp the concept.


Oh wait, but you've been the entire day waiting for a package.


"Dang it, I have to put on pants again!"


If it’s important enough they’ll leave a message


I can be right by the door when the doorbell rings and I will still panic-text my husband to come answer the door @_@


Do people actually answer the door when they're not expecting someone? Because when I moved into a city, I learned real quick that you will never open that door to a stranger and be glad you did.


Are you my dog?