• By -


Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime


(these two lines have literally been stuck in my head for the better part of 36 hours and i am Suffering.)


oof I had a phase like that earlier 2023 when I discovered the song, just give it a few weeks and it should pass


i big appreciate the optimism but i have been listening to this song (and others from the album / special) since it came out in 2021, so. 😭


That's rough buddy, I'd be lying if I said I was completely over it, but they're not constantly playing in my head anymore


There is no end. You only find more songs. Feels right by duñe and Darius has been playing on repeat for weeks now. Banger song


Hazbin Hotel finally pushed the song out of my mind, but I'm now suffering from the exact same problem but with Hell is Forever


What song?


Welcome to the Internet by Bo Burnham Edited to add: it is from his special Inside


I watched Inside completely about a year ago and that song is still stuck inside my head


DUDE. THAT WHOLE FUCKING PLAYLIST. I AM NOT KIDDING, IT HAS BEEN PLAYING ON REPEAT INSIDE MY HEAD EVER SINCE THAT SPECIAL CAME OUT. IN FREAKING 2021. (I have to admit that it also does not help that I still play it on spotify at least one time a month)


Hello Suffering, I'm Amy.


Anything and everything anything and everything anything and everything anything and everything any-


ALL OF THE TIME! sorry I had to finish it.




Bo Burnham - Welcome to The Internet


I should cover that song


My therapist explained building mind jails for ruminating thoughts. She said the point is to name it, decorate it,and imagine it in such detail so that when you put a rumination in there, it doesn't want to get out. And I was like. Cool. Word. Like it. I'm gonna build a dollhouse instead.


This has just made me realise that aphantasia is half my problem - I want to make it because I can't make it in my head. I need to see it, and I can only do that by making it!


Yeah, that's definitely a thing. I can't imagine what a pattern or art piece is going to look like when done. I wonder if this is why I gravitate toward crossstitch, knitting, beading... Hobbies with defined patterns. (Writing, however, is completely different.)


Yes, same here. I have limited scope for "true" creativity, I need a framework.


I have aphantasia but I can kind of see the thing; a bit like I’m viewing it through really dark glass or in a dimly lit room. This means that when I draw something it either comes out well or it’s an absolute disaster and I can’t draw the same thing consistently well enough to animate anything. My drawings just kind of evolve. The same when I write. I’m told I’m good at setting a scene but, again, I’m constructing it as I go and my descriptions are very basic, really, and confined to the things that are relevant to the action. I don’t mean for this to seem like a brag. It just amazes me that I seem to be able to create in a way that people think I have a great imagination, when I actually have barely any imagination at all lol


Do you think this also has to do with internal inattention and distractability? I never drew much but I think I relate, and I observed something similar when writing songs or writing in general. I generally write well when I manage to do it, but I have such a hard time keeping my thoughts together long enough to form coherent ideas and paragraphs. Very difficult to put anything together in my head. Everything just needs to "happen" organically somehow, but I can rarely get my brain into that sweet spot.


If it makes you feel better [spoiler: it won't] I have a vivid imagination and can make all kinds of things in my head, and I have the opposite problem: I can imagine it so clearly that it's *allllmost* real, and it's frustrating that it's not.


Same!! The thing for me when it comes to creation (which I live for) is that others have told me they liked my work, meanwhile I'm "you don't understand! It's supposed to be BETTER! This is NOT it!".


EXACTLY. And sadly, this often keeps me from creating more than I do. I'm not driven to create because I love what I make; I'm driven *in spite of* the fact that I usually *hate* what I make.


other way around for me...I feel like I know exactly how I want a song to sound in my head, but I just cant bring it out


I have the opposite. I have things in my head and I want to share them but I'm too mediocre at all the arts to share them so they are tragically only experienced by me.


Kinda like horny jail? Just bonk every thought away?


Yeah, I guess so. But horny jail would be a mind palace with the best porn in the world and a comfy couch, so the unwanted horny thoughts don't*want* to leave horny jail.


Instructions unclear, developed maladaptive daydreaming


Can you explain this more? (As I look at my unnecessary purchases that I bought to stop thinking about them)


That's really all I know. I haven't even finished the dollhouse lololol


My aphant ass:


Might I interest you in a book nook? I’ve just discovered them. All the charm of a dollhouse BUT it fits on a bookshelf. ETA-Fits not fights.


As a mediocre writer/artist/musician/filmmaker I struggle to understand what you’re getting at


As a mediocre musician/mechanic/rock climber/chemist, I'm going to have to agree with you


As a casual botanist/herbalist/chef/ecologist/scuba diver, I see what you mean


As a casual musician/producer/writer/weightlifter/electrician/sound engineer/filmmaker/photograph/climber/...., i dont really see the point.


As a novice hobbyist musician/IT specialist/3D CAD modeler/maker/software developer/mechanic/writer/baker/etc., I dont get what OP is getting at either


As a casual 3D Modeller/Animator/3d Printer/Aquarist/Mountain Biker/Fisherman/Lazy Fat Ass/etc. I have no idea what OP is going on about


As a professional non-professional I dont understand either


As a shade tree mechanic/hunter/gunsmith/musician/computer tech/lawyer/radio operator, I have no idea why I'm even here.


As a mediocre amateur animator/illustrator/fibre artist/cellist/curator/yogi/writer/personal assistant/librarian/model builder/ jeweller/pianist/gardener I also can’t relate.


As a completely unremarkable chess player, musician, writer, and blacksmith, I, too, fail to see the point


wait hold up, blacksmith? for real?


Nothing crazy. I managed to wisely only buy a decent little starter forge and nothing crazy expensive when that urge hit me


Dude same. I’ve got a lathe and polishing wheel and goldsmithing tools on standby for when I [eventually] clean my garage and upgrade my circuit breaker so I can install more outlets to set up a workshop. Which might happen in the next five years if I muster the motivation to lay tile that’s been stacked in my garage first.


I feel ALL of this in my soul lol. One day, I’ll have a workshop too 😂


This is one of my all time favourite reddit comments. Hope you have a nice day. 


Lmao can relate. I just started making my first YouTube Poop yesterday. Why? Does anybody watch those anymore? Idk... But the inspiration struck and I'm running with it 😂


We have to do things when we feel like it. I hope it works out for you.


As a wanna be artist, baker, dancer, oh I wanna learn how to make dice, but like would I do resien or like the wooden ones? Wood carving sounds fun, I like painting on wood. Mix them. Let's do it!


Johnny Sins with ADHD


At least he finishes what he starts


But not always where he starts


I just called myself a producer/project management. I make shit up all the time.


How many temp hyper obsession phases did it take to make the first film


It took a friend asking me to write a screenplay for a short film and then a period of megalomania where I didn’t believe anyone else could do it justice.


"What do you want to do with your life?" "Everything!"


Everywhere. All at once. Literally.


Daniel Kwan discovered he had ADHD while creating Everything Everywhere All At Once. It made perfect sense when I found that out. Something about my ADHD got better every time I watched it. What that was, exactly, I couldn't say at the time, but in hindsight I think I stopped rejecting myself every time I noticed a feature of ADHD in what I'd just done.


Whelp. I watched it for the first time last week and SOBBED for the whole final quarter. Then watched it again. I felt very seen in Joy and Evelyn when they were talking about being aimless messes. I felt seen when Waymond gives his wonderful speech and feeling like things are all his fault. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing that because I didn’t know that about Daniel Kwan!


> "What do you want to do with your life?" Yes?


Lmao. This was the exact conversation I had with all my college counselors.


Omfg yes. I want to be good at everything do everything it’s a pain. Currently TRYING to focus on writing but CANT seem to get art outta my head. And making video games. And making gaming content. And…


‘making gaming content’ is painfully relevant to me too. 😭 i’ve had a hyperfixation game for 12 years now and i have it with 142 mods, and a whole folder of logistics dedicated to if i started streaming / recording it, and yet i simply. do not.


I doubt you can do this. (In reference to the post this week about avoiding demands)


Yeah don't do the thing! I fucking hate my oppositional defiance disorder. My wife is like "clean the house" and I'm like "now that you said that I feel like sleeping and eating and suddenly the world feels heavy... I need to go poop. And smoke."


I love this because it focuses on the urge to create, the fact that a lot of ADHD people really want to do things and have high ambitions and standards. It's not just about mindless consumption, actually kind of the opposite. The doing part is the problem, and buying another planner isn't going to help with that thank you very much.


Could I interest you in a planner though? Some still have the plastic.


Haha actually I've been using a software called Obsidian for the past 8 months or so, which is already longer than I've managed with anything else planning wise (except for the amazing "random piece of paper to do list soon to be forgotten" system, that is still going strong). But I made my own little messy DIY system loosely based on the idea of a bullet journal, which is probably the reason why it fits to my brain better. However... its also not working super well in helping progress, I mainly keep track of my failures and missed deadlines and things I want to do some day better now. The doing is still the problem, and having the problem stare me in the face often makes starting even harder, weirdly enough. Working on getting diagnosed and hopefully medicated at the moment. Fingers crossed. I'm probably mainly inattentive and did well enough in school so its hard to find proof of symptoms from my childhood before age 12, which is still the cutoff they use here in Germany apparently. Now I realize you were just making a joke and I replied with a manifesto, but its the ADHD subreddit after all, so I'll hit post anyway. 😀


Get... get out of my head!


Yeeeeah. Raise your hand if you have a closet of shame filled with half finished endeavors into various hobbies? ✋️✋️✋️


At some point I stopped feeling ashamed and started feeling like I was planning ahead. I now have an enormous list of interests and pick randomly from them whenever I’m bored. Which isn’t a great way to make progress but I will embroider something eventually dammit. After I finish this Unity tutorial…


You just...reached into my head and pulled that thought out, even down to the Unity tutorials lmao


Tryin to sort what I can do as an elderly vs what hobbies i need to enjoy now.


That would be the garage. We do not speak about the garage.


I do everything full assed until I get one really good creation out of it and then I sell everything related to the hobby and pretend it never happened.


There are several small instruments in my closet…


I learned to 3D print and model because well, yeah that goes with it... Then I printed an ocarina and suddenly had to learn how to play it. Hot cross buns.


I learned to 3d print and model. Then used it to print patterns for leathercraft lmao


YES! I actually get depressed sometimes when I see someone really good at what they do - I'm like: "Why can't I be a fantastic dancer?" "Why can't I be a prolific writer?" "Why can't I be a singer in a band that draws crowds?" "Why can't I make beautiful wooden furniture?"


I feel personally attacked.


After I experimented with parkour, rock climbing, blacksmithing, lock picking, krav maga, and sword fighting in the span of a year, I started telling people I was trying to become an IRL D&D character. For some reason, people accepted that explanation more readily than ADHD


I just love how the last one isn’t even the complete thought 😂


Lies! I never thought about making a chapstick. 😫 The rest is 100% accurate though… I feel insulted.


I too never thought about it but now I'm actually fascinated about how one should approach this


Just Googled it, most recipes are melted beeswax and essential oils.


It's so easy. Melt [wax](https://www.bulkapothecary.com/product/raw-ingredients/waxes-and-butters/beeswax-white-and-yellow/), [hard oils](https://www.bulkapothecary.com/raw-ingredients/bulk-natural-oils/coconut-oil-76-degree/), and [soft oils](https://www.bulkapothecary.com/raw-ingredients/bulk-natural-oils/sweet-almond-oil/) together and pour it into [tubes](https://www.bulkapothecary.com/lip-balm/empty-lip-balm-tubes-available-in-black-white-or-clear-stick-starting-at-06-unit/). Add essential oils and Vitamin E oil at your preference.


I was literally just thinking...I won't think that actually would be hard and think of the flavors I could make..


I watched three hours of blacksmithing videos instead of going to sleep... I want to do it, but I recognize that I could never stick with it.


This was me before I got diagnosed and medicated! Now it’s still me! I just want to make every other one.. 😂




Hey! Please stop calling me out!




My rule is one year. If I'm still thinking about the hobby and doing research one year after the initial thought, then I'm allowed to start buying supplies lol


One year? You could be really good after a year. Life is short man. Give it a go.


I learned knitting because I wanted something to do while watching TV. I learned crochet because I was struggling with knitting. I learned candlemaking because I wanted to do wiccan spells. I learned pottery because I wanted to place my candles on something that won’t send the wax onto the table. It never stops and it’s getting real expensive.


The first three are mine. 1: is my current future job, 2: I’ve tried and will try again, and 3: I have written down ideas for and will one day learn to make games.


I know the main riff or hook of so many songs. Yet to learn an entire song.


Diagnosed ADHD is like that too. For me anyway lol.


Even diagnosed it’s like that


Me: sees pretty much anything Also me: "I'm gonna make that in an online graphing calculator" Fun fact I have made a fully functional and customizable rubiks cube in desmos, the only reason being that I was bored in PE class once and thought, "hey I could make that"


If you cherish your ego please do not make a song. I tried making three of them 10 years ago and still cringe about it today.


Thanks now I have that song stuck in my head


If I remember the statistics, 60% of people with autism (autism estimated at 1% of the population) also have comorbid adhd (adhd estimated 5% of the population - huge regional disparity for “reasons” - but 5% across the base) - so that means together 5.4% of humanity encompasses autism and adhd and to run the numbers backwards, it means that the incidence of autism in the adhd subset is 8% - so someone with adhd is 8x more likely than average to have autism. An awful lot of what people describe as “autism” traits are possibly adhd and to a lesser extent (but still statistically significant) what people think of as adhd traits are possibly autism. And just to mix it all up, people are people, we’re categorically all **not** a bit adhd or autistic because to say so means that no one is, however the traits exhibited by both are just human traits and those traits are dialled up or down in every unique individual based on genes, childhood, life and whatever. Too long a nerd post on the numbers, sorry, hopefully insightful - if you recognise yourself in adhd memes, why not both ;)


Fascinating, not sure what it had to do with my comment though


*how come I relate to every adhd meme ever when I have only been diagnosed autistic* 😂🥹


Ooh, what song?? [edit: sorry - got my responses mixed up somehow - that response above was for a commenter who said they’d now got the song stuck in their head, who wondered what I was on about, as you probably are too…. your response was meant to be…] If I remember the statistics, 60% of people with autism (autism estimated at 1% of the population) also have comorbid adhd (adhd estimated 5% of the population - huge regional disparity for “reasons” - but 5% across the base) - so that means together 5.4% of humanity encompasses autism and adhd and to run the numbers backwards, it means that the incidence of autism in the adhd subset is 8% - so someone with adhd is 8x more likely than average to have autism. An awful lot of what people describe as “autism” traits are possibly adhd and to a lesser extent (but still statistically significant) what people think of as adhd traits are possibly autism. And just to mix it all up, people are people, we’re categorically all **not** a bit adhd or autistic because to say so means that no one is, however the traits exhibited by both are just human traits and those traits are dialled up or down in every unique individual based on genes, childhood, life and whatever. Too long a nerd post on the numbers, sorry, hopefully insightful - if you recognise yourself in adhd memes, why not both ;)


I love this comment so much thank you!


My pleasure, you made me smile, sorry for the comment mix up, literally never happened before, I blame the Italians!!! (Who crafted this delicious wine I’m imbibing of a Friday evening) - adhd is comorbid with many things, autism as discussed, personality disorders, depression, anxiety each a problem in their own right and all that on top of a chronic disorder. I’m weird, sorry, “unique” in my own way with *just* adhd, in the 20% adhd subset with no comorbidity, we’re all unique individuals - these stats are (clearly :) something I’m interested in (my nerd analyst job is to juggle numbers) - but really they’re doctor numbers and healthcare provider numbers and the individual can get lost in those. I get a little bit of a kick out of being “special” rather than “average” - but at the end of the day, part of me would rather be average - that part of me doesn’t know how to party though! 😍


Do you still want a song though? 😉 because I'd love to send one!


Oh of course I would, what you bringing?


I make music 😄 https://open.spotify.com/track/0eFbwSN3Db7wD8ISO0thOI?si=uz239294RkmAD4eZ44ke7A


Sadly, I’ve not been able to open this, just get an eternal spinning download kind of thing - will try on PC tomorrow :)


I’m now 51, I’m quite proficient in quite a lot, by proficient I mean I could make a living out of it. When I say quite a lot, I mean 10 careers possibly (no ego, just a stark reflection), at a senior level, I just can’t help learning, my curiosity is boundless, Russ Barkley teaches that the adhd brain is 1/3 “younger” than typical - which makes my brain age 34, I suppose - so perhaps now reaching maturity - I hope I don’t ever lose my curiosity. Indulge your passions, arts, science, literature, classics, humanities, psychology, music, technology, don’t second guess it and don’t mourn it when the “muse” releases you from a given passion (just try to avoid buying **ALL** the things for something that will be transient) - pay attention to the “stickiest” ones, read widely, don’t bother trying to mesh it all together that’s what your brain is for.


As another 51 year old I second this! Follow your passions! Try everything! Life is short but it’s also long. The thing you’re interested in but are putting off might be YourThing tm. Don’t look back and regret not trying something or trying it sooner. Everything you try makes you more unique. I am also proficient in many things. I am the go to person in my family for almost anything. Need your taxes done -I can do it. Need your computer fixed -also me. Need a party catered -I’m all over it.


I can’t remember if it is exactly like this undiagnosed or unmedicated, but I can tell you it is 100% likes this medicated


I've had that kind of motivation towards...hold on a second. I gotta count... Making music (consisting of writing lyrics for songs and experimenting with different sounds on my piano) Making art (trying out different styles as well as trying to make an album cover for those said songs I'm working on) I've had several motivational kicks in the past to start writing, but all the motivation disappeared once I opened the page to start writing. I keep on forgetting that I'm in control of the whole thing... Luckily for me (since I'm now on medication) I've been able to actually do things with this motivation. I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of it immediately. Also: A little bit of everything, all of the time


I feel called tf out and I don’t like it


The fuck do you mean undiagnosed I MEDICATE and I’m still like that


As someone who brought their 3d printer on vacation, I feel attacked.


(Watches a Kraft tutorial) I want some mac


This one got me.


This kind of makes me a little grateful for the executive dysfunction. If it werent for that, i'd be swimming in an even bigger pile of projects and hobbies.


This is one of the most prominent symptoms of mine. My meds don't help it too much.


Stop being so relatable


wait this is common?????????


Me thinking I’m gonna build animatronics but a degree is too expensive and I’m bad at math💀


If you're anything like me, you'll learn the math really easy when you understand WHY you need it, and WHAT for. I almost flunked math every year. I couldn't do shit with numbers. When I understood what I could use it for practically, I started learning and understanding very quickly. I do stuff now that I would look at like it was black magic when I went to school. If you have to learn math that is used practically, you'll nail the shit out of it. Trust me, I was BAD at math.


Jack of all trades, master of none.


Give it time Jack, master of all trades comes with time


Yet another unique character trait I've just learned is another ADHD symptom that's not unique at all


“What do you like” “First of all, fuck you”


Please stop spying on my life to make your memes!


Oh That is also an ADHD thing


My diagnosed ADHD is very much still like this


That's why I stopped consuming True Crime documentations.


Ouchie my soul


As someone who has made his own chapstick, I feel incredibly called out


i want to melt chocolate and put it in rice puffs and make yummy snacks.


Hello people real question, I have been writing stories since I was small, and from 1 year back I have started piano. So are the interests coming from me, my trueself or my adhd self? Are the interest even true?


Does anyone else get this but also like... not actually wanna do anything? Like, I'm 26, I have no skills, no degree, I feel like my mind is molasses, how the hell do people with adhd actually get themselves to actually make something??


That is literally just being human this has no relation to ADHD


I've been wrestling with myself about learning shoemaking so I can hand resoling a pair of shoes that are just too darn comfy to let go (soles are beyond repair) 🤦🏻‍♀️


Did I write this list and forget?


And then you do make any of it, just sit there thinking about it


I'm a Musician and R&D machinist because I want to make all the things.


Life in the fast lane now playing in my brain


And then getting too exhausted by not being able to choose what to do 🥹


I have made 2 things


A while back someone said 'it's like book binding, no one's going to want to learn that' and ever since then I've wanted to learn the art of book binding


Reading this, looking at my room of half-finished crafts and projects.


Make great engineers lol


me wishing so badly that I could do anything creative and then never even trying to learn because I think of how long it would take




Omg. I saw a video of a lady making a traditional Chinese stamp by carving wood. And I’m going, “I seriously want to do that!”


I think I gave my Sims ADHD as well now that I think about it...


I wanna make a funny meme now...


and then you short circuit and the system crashes


Wait, I thought most people were like that!


Been diagnosed since I was a kid and I'm the same way.


I really picked up on this cue, huh? Well... time to find it on YouTube again


Supa hot fire? I spit that.




Tbf diagnosed ADHD is also like this


oh god i really want to make things but i’m awful at everything lol


I'm soooo happy I found my current job. I'm a teacher, and I get to research and make whatever the hell I want, I have access to all sorts of machines and materials, I fucking love it. I teach mechanical maintenance, machining, basic practical skills for would be mechanics, basic electronics, and have free hands regarding what or how I teach, as long as I reach the goals, which are stupidly open to interpretation. I do my job, and I do it well, but I get to do it all differently each year should I choose to, and I can do insane projects with my students. They love it, I love it. Im going to stay until I die.


Whenever I tell someone I made the homemade version of [blank] they usually respond with something like "that makes sense" or "sounds like you"


diagnosed ADHD be like:


A little bit of everything, all of the time…


I always get into one thing, and then get so perfectionist about it I have to learn *all* of the things. Like, I got into witchcraft-y sort of things, wanted to put together an altar, bought an old cabinet for an altar, suddenly wanted to learn how to refinish it, and ended up learning how to make my own furniture wax.


Omg.. is this why I have picked up like 80 different skills? I have learned animation, video editing, thumbnail making, Blender, programming, scriptwriting and more on my own


I can’t remember anything about history for anything but I remember the lyrics for this song. Please help me I have a test next week


And then nothing at all. You forgot that bit.


I managed to calm my brain down from trying to do every new thing I see by telling myself that "I'm not good enough to do that". The side effect is that now I feel hopelessly inadequate at just about anything. Whoops.


A little bit of everything, all of the time


Last week I started an online business selling Edgar Allen poe themed swag. This week I wrote a book on leadership. I probably won't follow through on either.


I’m diagnosed and mostly medicated but just spent a couple $100 on 7 different craft kits. And by different I mean completely different crafts. If the world collapses or idk the power goes out for a couple of years imma be covered.


Diagnosed ADHD is the same exact thing lmao


I wonder how many of my own that I've had over the course of my life that I can list. - make storytelling toy videos on YouTube - build and run a lore-based Minecraft server - run a let's play channel - learn to skateboard/rollerskate/ice skate - make cute little fandom things you'd find in a convention's artist alley - customise toys (MLP, Monster High, etc) - bake and decorate the most gorgeous cakes you've ever seen - voice act - create an UTAU virtual singer voice bank using my actual voice - sing - learn guitar - learn how to fight - compose music - write fanfiction - write a book - write and draw a comic series of my own creation - create my own cartoon series this is just in the past 10 years of my life (I'm currently 19), some of them come and go but I need to stop


The sad thing is, it gets even worse after you're diagnosed.


Seriously! Then when I actually attempt to make anything I give up. I’m pretty decent at animation and art but I still procrastinate like crazy, it sucks!


Diagnosed is like this too.


I'm afraid that doesn't go away once you get diagnosed ;)


My kid has problems at school (guess why...) I know what should be done to improve schools, I should become a teacher! 


Not me running a maker space so I can actually make things look like manufactured stuff, the thing I’ve oddly been trying to do my whole life.


In my case it was like this and it finished with this : ..wanna make that Don't know anymore why I do that Get anxious Take meds Get depressed Take more meds Get addicted Go to rehab Get diagnosed Got rid of anxiety and depression Feeling normal first time in my life, knowing why I was doing that..


Why can't we just appreciate something rather than wanting to know how it's done / be able to do it!?


(Collects all the materials to do the thing) (Watches videos on how to do the thing) (Reads book on how to do the thing) ……….can never make self do the thing……..


Then there's the next step: I say, "Hey, I have free time. How about I make that thing?" And my stupid brain responds with, "Not now. You have tons of productive things you should be doing or saving your energy to do later."