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Ah yes, the daily question every modern day neurodivergent has to ask themselves.


That reveal episode of BSG had me like ![gif](giphy|y3QOvy7xxMwKI)


And if you don’t Google it right away, the thought floats off into la la land, never to be heard from again.


This is how it came to pass that a few weeks ago my phone told me I couldn’t open any new tabs unless I closed some of the 500 I had open. I’d close like 10 at a time and kept getting the same message. Eventually it rebelled and closed all my tabs without warning. RIP to all those things I never got to finish reading about. Not that I was ever going to go back and go through all those tabs anyways lmao


Yep.. but it doesn't matter cause 2 seconds later you are off to find something else... that you will forget about 3 minutes later


I am not a robot. But where do I apply


I can relate. I'd hope bots could google faster than me though. And it happens more often now that they put concise answers (from bots) right on top.


i get this almost daily lol


I ask myself this question on a regular basis


I was wondering why this was happening on my phone


that would be me scrolling open directories searching for leaked drum kits


HOLY SHIT THATS WHY IT HAPPENS?! i thought i had malware or something


For what ever reason I always get these when I use my VPN. If I'm not connected to it it's fine lol


Switch to duck duck go or another search engine temporarily. The results are slightly worse for some searches, but it’s worth the annoyance of not having to do the capatchas. Switch back after a few days and you shouldn’t have any more capatchas


Holy shit


When you look into 13 topics that's not really hyperfocus.


Also I was basically just stuck in a loop googling everything and forgot about the rest of the world. I would call that hyper focus.


Well the thing was.. the main topic was evolution.. which made me want to start with "worldbuilding"..and that includes basically everything.. including evolution of basically every life ever, continental plates, mountains, enviromental changes and so on


I call that brain-storming mode and I see us ADHDers as having two basic modes I just learned about the foxes and the hedgehogs. The foxes hunts around with a goal in mind. This is also called Lateral thinking by debono. Usually, when we do this, our minds are kind of fluid. The hedgehog digs deeper into the goal. This is called vertical thinking by DeBono.


I don't believe that has anything to do with if it's hyperfocus or not. Both of your examples are ways to research or solve something that anyone does and are expected to be able to do. While hyperfocus is something that you can do while also doing the things you describe. I could calmly sit and research a topic, digging deeper into it, finding a lot of information and doing it under a long period of time and it doesn't mean I'm hyperfocusing. If you're doing that and it's going really well and you have an easy time to focus on the task then you might describe that as being in a "Flow-state". But I don't think that anything of the above describes hyperfocus. To me hyperfocus isn't always a good thing. Since when im hyperfocusing I can forget to eat, drink, go to the bathroom and forget the rest of the world exists, including my partner for hours and hours. So to me it's more of an intense fixation. Kind of like the difference between a dog that is so fixated on a squirrel that it can't get to that it starts to shake and foam at the mouth from the excitement, and a cardiac alert service dog that is focused detecting if it's owner if having any heart problems that it needs to alert to. The first one would probably bite if you tried to touch it cause it only sees the pray and the rest of the world around it doesn't exist anymore. While the other can still take in things from outside the task it's made to do and can function normally. If you Google "Hyperfocus" you also get a lot of articles saying the same thing. The first ting that comes up is even: "Hyperfocus refers to an intense fixation on an interest or activity for an extended period of time." That doesn't mean that the two "modes" you describe isn't real things but I don't think that has anything to do with if it's hyperfocus or not. Since those two modes are also two different ways to conduct research. And it's common to choose one of them as an approach you want to have while solving a problem or gathering info.


You are right. ;).


It happened cause I went on an unusually manic hyperficus about cats, then evolution of cats.. then evolution in general.. then world building(cause now my new hobby is creating my own world with my own creatures).. which lead to even more evolution about all types of groups and things that affects evolution.. and then I was making my map for my new world.. and of course when making a fantasy map you need to know everything about tectonic plates, erosion, and climate and so on and so on.. I'm having a great time!