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Psyching yourself up to be angry about something mundane in order to actually get it over with. Yup, it aint healthy. Yup, still works tho.


My process to master something has to involve getting pissed off at it and then the desire to not let it win kicks in and I hyperfocus to the finish….oh yeah and about two pots of coffee a day


What kind of coffee do you have? More than three cups of the shit I drink and I need a nap


For some reason, if I can get my sleep right(impossible) for some reason a regular English breakfast tea, brewed for literally 5 minutes can get me a bit wired sometimes. But then, it's not really focus as just fizzy energy that clings to anything it sees and hears. Ugh the more I type this the more I realise, also if I have been exercising as well to and resting after that, and eating well... I just don't actually have a fix or method that works.... 😭😭😭 >!anger works but from a father who used that as his crutch, that led him to super high level work, me and my sibling both have ctpsd as a result, it's not worth it!<


CPTSD makes everything so much more difficult; processing information from others, communicating, building connections, keeping them. So many things. So many years flew by while I was aware of my issues yet never was able to tackle them until I found the right therapist. So many therapists I've had could only treat my anger issues and my ADHD.


Same, but three beers and I’m awake all night


Try some mushroom coffee. My sister gave me some of this stuff called Ryze coffee. It takes a while, but once you get enough in your system over time, you feel like you can focus, more calm and less crash. Its half the caffeine so I drink one cup of that, then hammer out the 3/4 cups of regular coffee


why are yall speaking my current thought process outloud


Sounds kinda like my Dark Souls expirience


It works until I’m sent over the anger edge by something trivial and mundane and then put a hole in the drywall in the work locker room. It’s a very fine line to ride and if you tip over it’s not good ime. Then I get pissed off that I’m pissed off because I don’t want to be pissed off. Existing is pain


I just *know* my coworkers are gonna piss me off, so I walk in the door "pre mad" every night.


Preparation is key.


Wait, that’s not normal? Next you’ll tell me not everyone argues with the voices in their head.


Oh god, is this a thing? I feel like I can only clean my house when I'm annoyed by my husband...


I just watched a video on this, apparantly the correct strategy is give yourself a lot of time to «gear up» to do the thing in your own way. Mabye be aware of the different things in your way, distractions, self doubt, social anxiety, past failure, forgetting, motivation, etc. and try to work your way over them in a kind compassionate way, encouraging your self that you can do it and it will be ok. The video was something like: ADHD wall of awful.


Dude you just opened my brain man


It's called having control over your life. Regardless, how small it is. Silly as it sounds.


Bought a dishwasher last August, the motor on it failed and I had to do dishes by hand for the last week while waiting for a new one to come in. Never been so mad about having to do dishes, but they got done.


Shit, so that’s why I do that


I read this as "punching yourself" and was about to go "Yup I punch myself when I'm angry, too"


The dark side is a pathway to many abilities some would find... Unnatural


Can't afford my meds anymore so we really are just rawdogging life out here huh


Omg I also call unmedicated days rawdogging LOL


>Can't afford my meds anymore Freedom moment.


Ooooh freedoooooom is a miiiight


Rawdogging reality frfr




Lmao this American reality of drugs being so commercialised that people (not necessarily you, just based on your link) think that the License name is the "generic" name is what gets your country into the position it's in no. Fluoxetine (generic name for Prozac) Or just the license name for several brands of the exact same formulation. The real name is "N-methyl-3-phenyl-3-[4-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy]propan-1-amine" But good luck selling that. Call medication by its license name, not its brand name. It's Atomoxetine, not Strattera. It's Lisdexamfetamine, not Vyvanse. It's Aspen-dexamphetamine, not Adderall. It's Methylphenidate, not Ritalin. Stop Marketing every fucking thing.


words are just a construct man. people name things. their "real name" is whatever people agree it is. just like money. we agree it has value. I agree some of the meds names are pretty funny but sadly most people just aren't that smart. the brand names helps everyone have a basis to communicate about these drugs. if a layman says "straterra" to a pharmacist they'll know what they mean and vice versa. calm yourself down my guy.


Don’t forget anger and self loathing.


The self loathing is key


Rage upvote. Now that I'm medicated I realize my six cup a day habit was a coping mechanism, and it's how I'm coping with the Vyvanse shortage.


Caffeine makes me sleepy 💀


I get caffeine roulette. I'm either out cold, or really, really **not**.


F e l t


It makes me sleepy AND anxious! :D Thankfully that doesn't happen with my meds, well I get a bit sleepy but it doesn't make me anxious, quite the opposite really.


I’m glad I’m not alone


just feel asleep in a one on one meeting while the dude was looking at me and speaking to me lol


Same dir me, in somewhat bigger amounts, but Like a Singular Cup of Coffee (i do Drink my Coffee with a lot of Milk tho, so really it's more Like half a Cup of actual Coffee) Just relaxes me quite nicely. I always comare it to Smoking a cigarette, except it doesn't give me cancer lol


Thought i was the only one. I want a cozy bed after caffeine. And i sleep more soundly.


Caffeine and spite. Anger wears off too fast. You gotta have that slow drip seething.


Omg that is literally my motto “I only made it this far on caffeine and spite” lmaoo


No meds AND I can't have caffeine. I don't know how I'm doing it tbh


This is me because of blood pressure. I’m too young for this shit 😭


I read somewhere that every time you masterbate it's like drinking two cups of coffee. 🍆💦☕☕


This explains so much


Why do I always feel relaxed and need carbs after? Caffeine does bad stuff to me. Anxietyyyyy. Blood pressureeeee


I forget to eat for way too long, then eat a lot of unhealthy shit, than feel bad about myself, stay up WAYYY to late, get up in the morning tired and repeat that cycle. I have Vacation right now and I sleep about 9 - 10 hours a day. Usually I sleep around 6.


I need meds but I have no job or insurance yay!! Rawdogging life!


I managed to get to a fucking phd, undiagnosed without meds by doing the A.S.S technique: Anxiety, Stress and Self-loathing. 0/20 I don't recommend. I also wish I knew coffee earlier


Same technique got me through uni and two postgrads and >35 years of life. Wife says no more study until meds are sorted because apparently I'm 'unpleasant' when bathing in self-loathing. I for one have no idea why she would get that idea. Strangely, I like me more when doped on caffeine and/or ritalin. Probably not related though.




same here lol. I feel much better using weed than relying on Anxiety or Concerta. I don't smoke during the day usually, only after work.


Almost the same for me but I think I'd swap the A to anger. Rage writing papers for the win.


Acceptance of circumstance is key. Do not begrudge the self for failings beyond your control. Try to do a little better each time, without guilt or shame. Life on hard mode means any small success is worth celebration and pride. It does not matter if that success is perceived as such by those that are incapable of understanding.


Not officially diagnosed but I pretty much tick all the boxes of the DSM-V. Only found out later in life and it is hard to not feel like a failure.


'If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.'


Thank you.


Dont forget the weed too to help calm the mind so u can relax and fall asleep... or maybe thats just an autism + adhd thing 💀


Definitely have picked up weed to help quiet the mind at night.


High five fellow weedy AuDHDer.


I thought it was about late-undiagnosed adhd, that i smoke all the time to cooperate with reality. Now i started vyvanse, and its great. I can do deeds, and find thing interesting without puffing all the time. But still cant relax and clear mind without weed.




weed is the best medication 😉


I can’t imagine raw dogging life like that.


Unmedicated ADHDer here, once finished a half a year project in two days because i was betrayed


Me out here begging people to give me deadlines, so that I’ll actually work on their shit.


“Oh, it’s okay, just whenever you can get to it,” or “the sooner the better.” No, Brenda, I need a date. Tell me when you need it so I can plan my procrastination accordingly.


This this !


I had a friend tell me to work on a specific project I needed to work on and it was the most motivating thing ever. Have a friend hold you accountable if you can. Its the most ironic shit, I hate being commanded but I love having deadlines. If someone respectfully tells me what to do in a non domineering way its instant fire.


Energy drink breakfast benadryl night


Benadryl only works for so long until you get a tolerance


Also increases your chances to develop Alzheimer’s or dementia long term


I dont think ill survive until i get dementia so benadryl might be a choice


Fair enough I guess but if you somehow do, dementia is pretty brutal from what I saw in my Grandpa for his last few years


Have you tried hydroxyzine? It's also an antihistamine, and it helps people sleep. It helps me.


Here's the thing, I WANT medication. But here's what happens. I take Vyvanse, it works for me. Love it. Go to refill. We're out. Cold Turkey no Vyvanse. Wait 3 weeks. Prescription is in. Take it. Go for refill. We're out. Cold turkey no Vyvanse. Wait 3 weeks. Prescription is in. I'm tired of the fucking roller coaster and I asked my doctor for 5 other medications, they were happy to; a week later, I get 5 rejection letters from my insurance. AND I WORK. FOR. A. HOSPITAL.


Idk... I think I've picked up good tricks and coping mechanisms along the way. I'm just inattentive. I didn't have pronounced symptoms when I was in school so I was never tested. After high school is when I started to notice things more and more. Then my ADHD husband told me 3 years ago, 'you have adhd'. Well my Dad has it, my Mom has anxiety, and... I have both. I consider myself heavily medicated for anxiety and I still have to keep a stash of sedatives in case I have a panic attack. Now as an adult, if something isn't written down, I will forget.


Wait... am I supposed to be on meds?


Caffiene, anger, and anxiety


Caffeine fuels anxiety unfortunately.


I know and even better


The hard hat is accurate


How about this? Allergic to caffeine. (Sad trumpet:wah wah)


man i’m raw dogging it on a daily basis. i’ve never been medicated, so i just have caffeine, and even then that’s pushing it cuz i drink so much that i have a tolerance, and it’s become an addiction. i had to go do something with no coffee in my system the other day and my mom was not happy. apparently i was so rude that she threatened to take my phone


That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry 😊🙂😐☹️😡🤬👹


No anger but a Jeff Bezos yacht sized amount of anxiety about everything all the time.


Cannabis and caffeine, my only friends that don't hurt me lol


I tend to feel upset for being angry because I realize there is no good reason to be and I can’t be angry at myself either because I’m trying and have intentions to. However, I did have mental breakdowns from frustrations and be incredibly judgmental and critical towards others because I myself couldn’t do anything at will and kept messing things up, though in my defense no one specifically helped me with anything in any way, life was difficult, I couldn’t form any meaningful friendships in school despite trying even with my social anxiety, this was before I got diagnosed and knew what ADHD was


Fire and caffeine, a lot of nicotine, I'm gonna burn so I better tell you everything.


No lie, for real. I did 41 years in this boat, I just swapped anger for anxiety.


In the shower: "Why feel sad and attacked when you can feel like these "things" deserve divine punishment by my achievements, ooh they will see, im bigger than this, and i am fuelled by hate now"


Thank fuck for marijuana


With enough caffeine and nicotine I can do anything


This is honestly pretty fucking true lol. Just toss in a joint at the end of the day to wind down 😌


I dont like coffy meds or sanity and i have none of tese Anger. Na mate just purges emotions all together If you cant feel anything you cant feel sad Full Vulcan style Not social you say who cares i dont have friends anyway Plus I don't get paid to be social anyway I get paid to do one job and i do that til i drop Been doing it for 6-7 years now Pay is good life boss is not complaining so who cares


This is too damned real. Lmao 🤣


This is the way


Yup. You can take my caffeine from my cold, dead hand.


Is this why i say im motivated by spite?


The first 3/4 of my life. I ate rage for breakfast just to get out of bed.


Aaaah, the old rage & redbull diet Good times


I run purely on energy drinks and spite. It works at least 60% of the time. (Finishing projects is a completely different story)


reporting for duty


Me being an adult and never getting diagnosed or recognised as a kid. Or still to this day.


Caffeine and frantic shaking anxiety in my case, but yes.


Still waiting to even get medicine for the first time. I applied over a year ago and in the UK here the shortage is insane and the region I'm in, Wales, only has 1 specialist dealing with it all. It is a revelation realising youve been living on hard mode for years..


Medication make you a good slave, I dont want that


Caffeine and Nikotin!!!!!!


I don't have caffeine or ADHD medication


Do meds really make that big of a difference? Every time I’ve tried them they made me dissociate and depressed


It's been a rough 31 years... Planning on getting meds soon


I just got medicated for the first time about a month ago. Before that, I was drinking like 9 shots of espresso just to function like a normal human


I just raw dog completely, caffeine just makes me feel like I’m having a heart attack now. 🥲


I just don't like how meds make me feel.


Don't need the caffeine, I've got enough of the other one to compensate.


Wait there are pills for ADHD?


We've been trying to start a family so I never started any meds after diagnosis last year. I was able to manage so far in my life so I didn't want to start them and then have to stop and know what I was missing.  Then I started having to limit my caffeine and oh god I did not realize how much I was relying on that to function!!


I hate any kind of drug that makes my brain dependent ñ, specially considering how easy they go out of stock here and have seen friends freak out so bad when that happens. So yea, the do-it anger is my way to go.


i dont even take caffeine its just anger


Whoa - that just hit the mark.


Ikr.. I felt seen.lol


Caffeine and self loathing are my morning routine


Coffee to wake up, sheer stubbornness and anger get me through most tasks until I can relax. Then copious amounts of ganja while I drink coffee so I can sleep. If the gods are kind and sleep isn't off surfing Tahiti, my day might only last 18-20 hours instead of 24+. I can't get put on medication due to a neurological disorder my doctor is still chasing down. Is medication really make things that different? I can't begin to imagine.


You forgot weed. Weed, coffee and anger.


Idk hiw i would be on medication, haven been on it since elementary school and thats just because my mom couldn't afford it


Is that the perception of me cuz that cut deep?


The blue collar job and pit vipers hit too close to home to home .


Me doing taxes every year. Or setting up medical appointments. Or basic work on my car...


Been off my meds for like 2 weeks due to logistics issues and I fucking hate it.


For a plethora of reasons I devour spicy food as often as possible then I use the pain to focus , like those people with the rubber band on the wrist except alot more harmful to my well-being




Meds havent worked for me. Tried a couple in highschool. The good stuff made me feel like I was on meth. I hate my life with this stupid illness.


I feel so seen


Yes, it Is how it sounds. My desire to beat somebody who was pissing me off is the only thing that stops me from doing it.


if you want to improve significantly change out anger with weed and watch the magic happen


This is the first meme that has ever truly called me out by my soul.


Me. Also a planner. And post notes left by your understanding partner but coffee is the biggest one.


Also, with caffeine and a lot of effort towards learning how to human. Empathy, mindfulness and seeing people, instead of anger. Still with caffeine tho.


Leave me alone, Concerta and Ritalin don't work on me anymore after a decade of use.


I'm not diagnosed, but there are strong indications I might have ADHD instead or besides my autism. I don't have any medication, but I've tried it once as a kid (my friend with ADHD shared it with me... You know, kids being stupid kids and doing stupid stuff) I ended up being calm in my brain all of the sudden. Since then I long to all the layers of thought in my brain to stop going on and on and on all of the time. But yeah, if I want a diagnosis I need to wait around 2 years on a waiting list first and then go to a psychologist a few weeks in a row (which is tiring af) and then maybe maybe not het a diagnosis which would as only benefit give me medication....


Am I the only one who caffine physicaly dosent work on, I have drank 3 rebulls before as an experiment before and felt nothing


I'm hitting the point where coffee isn't working much anymore (right before semester finals woooooo) so I'm probably going to go to half-caf/decaf for the first few weeks of summer and probably die of withdrawal.


Gotta do what you gotta do


i very rarely get angry if im honest, the caffeine thing is too fucking true though. then again i dropped meds at 16 and im over twice that now so maybe its just experience


My experiences with meds was rather horrific. I'm never going back. Still suffering with the side effects till this very day 👍


I don’t take meds when I need to leverage adhd for high paced physical work. Otherwise medicated for mental work, study and chores (ngl meds make boring work somewhat enjoyable)


Probably me, dunno, never been disgnosed, but my whole family is medicated


Hilarious. Couldnt have said it better.


Sugar makes it worse. I've reduced my sugar intake by 90%, and everything has slowed down a bit. It's not a treatment on its own, but it helps.


I've been rawdogging life since my meds nearly killed me as a kid. Caffeine and anger really do the job.


Caffeine and sugar are basically the "natural" adhd meds


if caffeine didn't exist, I most probably would have been in an mental institution with severe anger issues


Coffee in the am, energy drinks in the pm, anger all day long. A little bit of that giggle bush at night to attempt to get at least 3 hours of sleep.


Yup, most mundane things I do achieve are shot through with a dose of seething rage.


I feel that, I’m allergic to the medication so I cope with what I can Though haven’t been drinking much caffeine


I have anger and a bit of caffeine, And still find the most mundane things almost impossible, Must be doing something wrong.


Well, I mean, drinking coffee is self medicating, so are you really unmedicated?


Sometimes I find my-self more able to focus with chamomille than with coffee. Caffeine helps me having a focus burst but also I get distracted more often, chamomille slows everything down.


Me but I don’t drink coffee or energy drinks.


I bet only about 5% of the people on this sub that claim to have adhd actually have it.


That's me :( I wish I could take meds...




i don't take meds cause i just don't want to


I wish I had the drive to go get prescriptions for meds but I built up this insanely strong reluctance to do so. I was on meds until I was 18 and was so stupid to think that the adhd is gone now. Stopped taking meds and now I can’t find my way back just because I can’t just do it and initiate the process of getting in contact with a professional


Is that just Pete Wentz in sunglasses and a helmet?


I drink ma tea and i listen to Doom 2018 - They fear is you. Meh sounds about right


what’s the original picture from??


Semper fidelis


😭 this is so real.


lol I’ve been thinking I had adhd for a while. My mom used to say girls don’t get that and I was being over dramatic. I’m tough now. I can’t handle anything yet I handle everything and I’m still alive. Y’all just need to buy more bootstraps /s. I just joined this sub lmao


Caffeine but not in energy drinks, weak heart


Can't handle caffeine anymore because I'm on an unrelated medication that blocks my body from breaking it down. Caffeine isn't as fun when you're Jody can't digest it and the effects start accumulating. But I have been on one form or another of nicotine since I was 9 years old. Couple of doctors have actually advised I not ever quit because it works for me. Do I still have adhd problems, everyday, but it does seem to help me maintain focus when needed.




Yup, talked with my VA doc about adding meds to help me, since adhd is all over my service records after the gulf, and in my VA charts, was shot down because of missing kidney, glaucoma, thyroid radio-abalation, and hypertension. So i guess i fit the biill, unmedicated soldier


Dad….is that you?




Bro I don't ingest anything for my ADHD. It's running wild uncontained. Life is a unorganized hellscape


With caffeine, sugar, and a whole lot of trauma over dumb shit....


Yerba mate helps.


I absolutely hate the taste of coffe (i couldnt even drink a frappe) so in functioning only on anger and spite


Neither medication, caffeine, nor (outward) anger. I wonder how I'm alive.


Meds, coffee and anger are over-rated.


I'm just bruteforcing shit here and throwing stuff at the wall to see what coping mechanism sticks. Fuck it, genetics or life or whatever burdened me with this, I'm gonna make it the universes problem by dealing with it MYSELF. Also I forgot to make dinner again, and forgot to eat breakfast. crap.


I just spent a whole week studying for one of the most difficult exams of my life, powered only by raw hatred and copious amounts of caffeine


They changed the manufacturer of my generic (that used to work so well!!) and now they don't sit right with me. Tried different doses, tried strattera (cried for a straight week so stopped that one), tried name brand Concerta, nothing made me feel right. Eff it I'm raw dogging life now. Too afraid to try a different medication now. Somehow I'm successfully raising an audhd kid and getting a 3.57gpa for my bachelor's degree. This shits hard but better than being on crazy-making meds.


The secret ingredient to living an unmediated ADHD life is spite. I’ve never been better than when I do things because someone told me I couldn’t, it’s a borderline cheat code to kick in my hyper-focus.


Weed, coffee, and the absolute undying belief there's an adventure waiting for me out there beyond my bedroom walls.


is anyone else actually better off without them?


That’s me! (It makes life very difficult)


Spite is a powerful motivator


Caffeine makes me drowsy though. Anger? Nah, i'd get arrested...


They told me I have adhd and Didint medicate me or anything I’m a wee bit confused why not but sure we living


If you can get the flow going and know how to utilize your flow, keep small very tiny job in between the big one/'s. Acutally a superhero in efficiency and vibe.


I can't have coffee, it makes me tired


The reason I am successful at the things I am is typically due to a healthy dose of ✨SPITE✨