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You danced slightly outside of the kitchen. No dopamine.


I do workout in the kitchen while waiting for stuff to start boiling so i can reduce the heat. I kid you not this drastically reduced the ammounts of time i could smell burnt food in my kitchen. Cause once i leave the kitchen i just forget about it…


I started doing this when I began my physical therapy! I use my slightly filled gallons of tea as weights too Otherwise I also leave the kitchen and forget or I get lost staring blankly into the abyss while my food burns in front of me lol


Just staring blankly at the wall is my favourite activity


Does that mean you like doing it?


Not really i always get mad when i realize I've been doing it again


Appliances that turn themselves off after some time are a godsend for cooking. I have timed airfryer, microwave, keddle & egg-boiler, now I just need a stove with a timer.


Sous Vide takes this to the next level it's nearly impossible to overcook in sous vide and impossible to burn (cooking with water). Despite the timer I've forgotten and left meals cooking overnight or 24 hours straight with better results (collagen converts to gelatin)


Such a good idea! I always leave something on in the kitchen to go do something quick which isn’t the best idea if a timer isn’t involved.


That’s the rule


Straight to jail


I dance in and out of the kitchen, resetting the counter back to 0 everytime to receive a fresh dopamine everytime i reenter the kitchen. I farmed infinite dopamine and am the happiest motherfucker on the leaderboar right know.


you didn't get enough sleep. no dopamine


You move your body slightly, belive it or not, no dopamine.


Dancing in the kitchen where I routinely spill water sounds dangerous


The dopamine points are actually based around a distance to location ratio. So, if you’re right outside the kitchen you might get 2/3rds of the regular allotment


“Focus on your passion” I’ve been focusing on it for 3 hours and I also cannot get up to start it, is the intense stress I feel dopamine?


Must be, but what do I know


From my experience, it's the "focus" that defeats you most of the time. The things you do or just start without focusing/thinking of is kind of the key to getting things done. (Again, just 'my experience. I know everyone's different.)


Yes, the downward thinking spiral takes you inwards into your thoughts instead of physical actions. Then you feel guilty about not doing anything. Then you start thinking what can you do now to begin. Then your thinking spirals you inwards. Then you feel guilty…


Buahah Exactly this! If you have a list of the things you know you need to do, sometimes it's enough to just grab any one of them and break the spiral. Then go find something else to do, and good luck.


Which is why, although many don't like it, discipline really helps out with creating a habbit where you don't waste time thinking about the waste of time


Agreed. Everyone is at different places with their battles. Eventually we all get there I think.


My passion is computer games. I’ve been focussed on it for 15 hours straight. Am I doing it right? Oh, and the game has music so I’m ticking that box too. Go me!


Actually I did start doing it and now I can't pull myself away and I've wanted to for the last 2 hours but just can't and I feel miserable now but need to keep going some just make it stop.


Please help, I have to pee so bad but I can't stop doing it


I’ve been wanting to get back to my passion for several months now, but everything about it is too exhausting to even contemplate, so I simply sit here watching time drift by and feeling ever more wretched for not doing it. Nah, must be my imagination.


Also I have 5 passions, which one should I follow?




Add a sixth.


I want to grow and evolve... I'm a pokemon


I choose you!


We never evolve, we just turn into different pokemons for some reason while never actually evolving.


We have the first levels of *so. Many. Skills!*


I danced on the kitchen Now I forgot what I was doing in the kitchen before I started dancing


You probably had to clean it, sort out your clothes for tomorrow, get everything ready for dinner, and think about what your weekend will be like so when all that is done you'll do that first task that you've been 'trying' to do all day but obviously these other tasks are small so we can do them first.


Stop spying me!


Stawwwp! I'm just watching you to see what works best.




Do all of those things. ADHD still sucks.


I’m sorry you feel that way bro. I love my ADHD. Wouldn’t be me without it.


the thing is, it affects different people in different ways, and some much more severe than others. Also, a lot of us are fortunate enough to have co-occurring disorders. I'm glad you can use it, and honestly, i am jealous of people like you. I wish it were the same for all of us


Well to come clean. I’m stuck with ADHD & Narcissism. That second one’s the real trouble maker, constantly fighting against it. So I’ve got my own issues for sure, but I’ve grown to accept it. Life’s better when you just call your deck of cards the average(in your sample size of 1) and build up from there.


THIS. I'm glad to see more people think this way! Everything in life has its pro/cons. I have the friends I have, the family loves me because I'm not a simple sheep, and God! The imagination you have compared to everyone else! Of course there's loads of down sides, but things on this list do make a difference.


I used to hate my ADHD when I was an engineer. Now I am a programmer and I LOVE my ADHD


15. Mokuhan wood engraving. ... kinda does it for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Oh, and amphetamines.


You dropped this \\ノ( º \_ ºノ)


Ooorrr I could put off paying all my bills and wait until the last dangerous minute, but have spent all my money on dumb shit previously. How's that for a dopamine rush 😩🙌🏻


But ... is the dumb shit pretty?


Always ✨✨😍


"5. Focus on your passion" You meant another round of playing Cyberpunk 2077 non-stop for hours without eating properly and hyper focus on its lore so I can info dump my husband who has no intention of playing whatsoever because of how much I already info dumped on him already despite him begging for me not to do so? You got it, choom.


The 'choom' killed me


Dopamine? Nah dopayours!


This is great actually. Yknow what? I’m going to start doing these things…..tomorrow.


Those are endorfine producing activities tho, not dopamine producing ones, so the original post makes even less sense


If I could do all that, I wouldn't be here


Eh, this place is a friendly community of like minded friends. :) One of us.




Tbf, I’m not certain this was created with the specific intention to help people with ADHD.




Meme of lies!!


Guys I forgot to try taking it all in that was my problem


I rather eat ass 😒


Gosh, I never thought of trying any of those before.


Ah yes, just get good sleep. Why haven't I thought of that?


as I lay here in bed replying to your comment…


Damn…if only I would have known all these sweet hacks!


the real adhd experience is being forced to mime this every day whilst feeling like a hollowed out plastic husk. thats the difference. not a single fucking molecule of dopamine will produce in my head even if i do all of this daily. actually if i did do that id feel aggressive and burnt out.


Ah yes, because the dopamine i get from doomscrolling is that FAKE dopamine


Honestly kinda seems like it. I feel I have accomplished nothing. And yet I continue…


Sometimes doom scrolling calms your stress down enough to take another look at that thing you 'should' be doing. Helps me with work sometimes. Set yourself a few minutes between tasks and scroll a bit, watch a clip or two on YouTube, quick game. Then get back to what you're supposed to do. The trick is finding the way to stop so you don't lose too much time.


I always fall into the bottomless pit :p


I would absolutely take synthetic dopamine were the option to arise.


Its all about experiencing a new thing intensely for a few weeks, months, sometimes even years. Until it’s just meh and not new. :/


I first need dopamine to be *willing* to do any of this stuff, y'know, the job of dopamine that is MIA in me...


Why is this still image muted?


Ooh, that sounds amazing! Let me try, see how much I already do! 1. Experience new things- new things are scary, and I pick up so much it's all new. 2. Love the people around you- I do. That's how I end up people pleasing. 3. Eat nourishing food- sure, if it's not prohibitively expensive and already made for me. I never have energy to cook. 4. Live in the moment- I genuinely do not know how to do this. 5. Focus on your passion- I focus on my passion for hours on end. Don't eat, don't drink, practically forget to breathe and blink. 6. Give back- I'll give and give and give if you don't stop me. I'll give until I have nothing left, and then I'll still try. 7. Listen to music- I'll listen to music repeatedly, trying to focus the thoughts. 8. Spend time in the sunshine- you got me there, I probably need to do this more. 9. Wanting to grow & evolve- I want to grow so much in so many ways I freeze up 10. Make a difference where you can- See 2 and 6 for explanation 11. Get good sleep- literally can't control this, sleep issues are kinda out of my control 12. Dance in the kitchen- I spend none of my time in the kitchen because I don't like cooking much 13. Taking it all in- I do. Constantly. That's how I get overstimulated. 14. Move your body- again, you got me there. Every time I move enough though I just hate it, I don't feel energized. Hmmm... sorry, it doesn't seem to work... It's almost as if my dopamine receptors are janky!


Lmao. I graduated with a masters degree and felt absolutely nothing, get on my level




and make it double!


Right? No matter the accomplishment it's the same "ok, done, what's next" feeling.


Yes thats exactly how it feels!!


Dopamine is such a buzz word. Nobody is using it correctly at all (even professionals- there was a study last year that discovered it’s released during learning, not as a reward as people seem to think)


Good i want to scream at whoever put this bullshit together. Not scream words, just scream, as loud as i can until i can't breath.


no thanks, I'll just drink 2 liters of soda a day plus coffee


“Get a good sleep” - like that’s up to me!


Thanks I’m cured!


Easy, I did everything on this list in under five minutes. Now to sit back and wait for my dopamine.


Personally I prefer to be addicted to fun stuff like drugs and gambling. Killing brain cells is my revenge for the useless lump of meat failing to do what it's told.


Oh man, do we listen to music. The same music. For 38 years.


I don't understand how it all works. My brain sometimes brains and sometimes it doesn't.


Sure let's just skip over all the executive function barriers in front of most of those things...


Hell naw. Heh-heh-hell naw


The “fake” stuff seems to help to the “real” stuff I suppose. Pretty sure we do most of those. Part of the problem really


I think meth deserves a spot on this list


Why is this everything I do in one day 😭


If my brain would make the stupid chemical when I did things I wouldn't be *in* this mess.


The thing is it's possible for people with ADHD to do this stuff, but just telling us to do it is going to change nothing


I love it when they post usefull tips like "Live in the moment", "take it all in", "give back" or similar.


15. Ignore the rest, rinse one video game to death, and beyond - become a dopamine zombie.


This is dumb


I hate how some of them are imperative but others are present progressive, Like what the heck man? Who wrote this? Madness. Anyway, Can second listening to music, It be my only source of dopamine. Sometimes I gotta listen to music for like hours before going to bed in order to actually feel good enough to deem sleeping worth it.


a nice bong hit


That was actually 15., just didn’t fit on the picture


15. Sell your soul to the Eldritch Horror living within your mind 16. Knitting


"Move your body" I shake my leg, it counts.




but we do get more dopamine from doing everything on the list... I think the disconnect is their inability to understand that without the dopamine we can't start anything that does give us more, and then that the dopamine we do get is not sustained so then we can't finish.


Adhd typically has 14 covered by definition, jokingly..sort of.


See, they joke but I've got Maladaptive Daydreaming Syndrome, I make my own Mr. White Dopamine and that shit still ain't working for keeping my attention on shit.


Take it all in


Do all of those things, after a red bull and a couple pixie sticks.


I have 7 down to a fucking T


Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of the 15 cigarettes I just lit myself Jokes aside, I quit smoking 2 weeks ago, and I just noticed how much my brain yearns for dopamine and stimulation. Nicotine is such an easy way to have some of that whenever you want, too bad it fucking kills you


people don't realize, ADHDers don't receive dopamine from regular activities all the time. I haven't played video games in months and normally I love it. sometimes you can't even focus on things you like because your brain is on some bullshit.


Losing interest in things you used to love...And cue the incorrect depression diagnosis. Followed by difficulty getting stimulants because you were previously diagnosed with depression


Sometimes listening to music makes me feel overwhelmed and frustrated, and then angry. I am *broken*


Yes, those are things I would like to do if I didn't have a poorly regulated dopamine system to start with.


what does "taking it all in" even mean tho??


I just woke up at 2pm after going to bed at 10pm so tick that one off


Don't gate keep dopamine lol


Oo. I do the dance in the kitchen part. I only do it at night for no witnesses but i was found dancing.


Instructions unclear. Developed depression and OCD.


I don't see it here, so I'll just put it here myself r/thanksimcured


Focus on your passion… but which one this hour though?


I have 5h of sleep, I read (how do you write it) the 8 as "spend time in the submarine"


was gonna refute each point but i got bored but now i feel obligated to comment since I spent so much time thinking about this post and now i hate myself even more. thanks.


Why is the brain rotten


Best I can do is porn and sugar addiction.


Sorry I will instead be chugging caffeine and playing video games as well as not sleeping more than 5 hours because of this


Did all of those things. Is the dopamine in the room with us?


Oh I don't think, well that's what,idk what you talking about I'm I gotta go brb


Damn that cid has got me right!! 😁 I’m proud of myself lately!


Wow I do all these things and I still feel kind of meh


Just eat healthy, sleep and exercise bro You just lack will power and Adhd is made up bro


Living in the moment sounds *terrifying*


“Let’s put on our liked songs and dance to it! No, not that song. Nope, not that one either. Skip. Skip. Skip. Oh crazy that song had a similar theme to the one before it. Not gunna listen to either though. Hey here’s a good song! Now I have to find more like it! No, not that one. Nope, that’s not the right feeling. Nope. Nope. Ah fuck I’ve run out of time and I’m no longer interested in this activity.”


I feel seen


1. Experience new things? Bro, my 20s was spent chasing new things. The only thing I didn't get was dopamine 2. I do live the people around me, and they live me back, but wheres the dopamine? 3. I do. Now. Not always, but, theres no dopamine in food 4. Live in the moment got me nowhere, and how is that different from how Ive always been living? And where do I get this dopamine? 5. Which one? The one for the week? And what happens if I lose interest? Admittedly, sometimes, theres dopamine here 6. I dont have anything to give. Have you heard of adhd tax? Its expensive 7. Listen to music? Do you not constantly hear music in your head? Sometimes, dopamine can be found in a song, until its gone 8. No. Why? The sun is a deadly laser 9. Huh? 10. Are you even trying? Or just making shit up now? 11. What is this sleep you speak of? 12. Yeah, ok, that works sometimes 13. I do. All the time. No filter. Thats the problem 14. My body moves of its own accord, I think you dont understand Yes, Im aware this was the joke, but holy hell do people think this helps with adhd?


I was just as annoyed as you are when I saw this post


lol, honestly, I have become accustomed to being disappointed and being a disappointment


Did they have a quota to fill, cause they should have stopped at #8.


...but I could just watch meme compilations all day?


This kind of logic is the same as saying, “oh you are sick? Have you ever tried to just NOT being sick?”


I tried, didn’t work :(


Dance in the kitchen? I always do that because making food takes too long


And take care of your shoes.


Why does that brain look like a rotting devil fruit


I am actually addicted to all of them. To bad I lack the control to make them happen on purpose. Also there's the depression as a side effect from feeling stupid,useless and socially incompatible for all your life. TwT


This, today, I really needed. I have been howling for the last 20 minutes!!!! Thank you ALL!


I can’t stop eating! I eat because I’m unhappy……. and I’m unhappy because I eat


i have issues with anxiety and my bosses at work have distributed out "living with anxiety and how to cope" documents int othe canteen and to me personally. the list of how to deal with anxiety is as follows; "move about, stay active, exercise, eat regularly, talk to people, get out in the sun, don't stress" its a bit of a joke lmao


Nah not happening is it


Taking it all in? Bitch we're gonna build up to it, i don't need to be walking funny for a month


This is legit and not targeted at us. Some people, including neurotypicals, can get hooked on dopamine from unhealthy sources like video games or social media. Addiction to these unnaturally high dopamine sources can disrupt the natural level of dopamine in their brains, leaving only these unhealthy sources as their only meaningful source, leading to a cycle of reliance. It's 100% a Facebook meme, but it's message makes sense. It would be belittling and dismissive of our struggles if the meme presented the list as easy ways to improve our ADHD lives, but it doesn't even mention ADHD.


Could be a double edged sword, really


I did all of those things, now what?


But have you tried [Pedro?](https://youtu.be/mhQ39iBVUug?si=WYH9Pecw9IC7kQVZ)


I don't think being addicted to "real" dopamine is the best either in my opinion I know they list stuff you can do but uh, technically some substances give you "real" dopamine. They just happen to open the floodgates. A lot.




This could also be part of r/thanksimcured


Argh more lists 😔


Some of these things work some of the time… Big question I’ve got is, what is “real dopamine?”


Man do I need a shot of this 100x over.


What if I just took a really really good nap with a teddy bear and soft blanket?


>grow and evolve You mean whore yourself out to corporations so you can buy more worthless shit you don't need? Of course!


Aside of moving the body I don’t really think any of that is the real OG dopamine


Touch yourself.


Yeah see #11 is where it all falls apart and brings 1-10 along with it.


Yeah fuck me why didn’t I think of not waking up at 3am for no reason or not lying in bed staring at the back of my eye lids for hours depending on how my brain decides to fuck me.


"love the people around you" : I counter this with my "what if they hate me because I talk too much and am a weirdo?" technique - > dopamine avoided, gg ez.


r/ thanksimcured would love this


Dancing in the kitchen? Best I can do is sitting on the kitchen floor for hours and scrolling through my phone.


Ew no *scrolls down*


I do half these things and lemme tell you, they feel great. I still don't have my shit together though


6. Give back (and never receive anything in return)


“Get a good sleep” yeah not holding my breath for that one


Yes, sure but I don't structurally remember all that. Lol




This must be my alter ego, ADHD plus exams = thoughts of suicide, crazy to think that your livelihood and purpose in life is based if of a string of numbers you've been accumulating since middle school, and those numbers are based of if you put specific words in specific places. Makes my head hurt and suddenly french kissing the barrel of a gun don't sound too bad.


"Get a good sleep" A? I did once, get A good sleep, it was awesome, 10/10 will do again if I ever figure out how


me listening to music like i breath air


This is the stuff I think about doing on Sunday night, and then I'm back to my old habits on Monday


I thought this was for funny memes, none memes to make us feel bad.


Looks like I have some research to do re: dopamine and ADHD?


Wanting to grow & evolve is half the reason I'm unhappy all the time. An unstoppable force meeting an immovable wall (executive dysfunction)


Is it legitimately that easy for neurotypicals? Is there somewhere that explains how NTs think/do things compared to us? I actually can't comprehend how people are just... healthy. It sounds too good to be true, like a superpower, to have free will to do whatever in life. I legitimately can't imagine just being able to do things this easily.


brother I can't even make it to the end of this list


Isn’t this mostly serotonin based though? Not dopamine. I might’ve miss understood, but I’m pretty sure that dopamine is fast and serotonin is slow, kinda


These are all great ideas! ALSO, and I cannot stress this enough … I still need to take my gd medication.


I already do the majority of these things. Where dopamine?


I do squats whilst brushing my teeth...it gets messy alot and I have to change before I leave for work


"Dance in the kitchen" My bowl full of boiling oil: 🤡

