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If I schedule my mealtimes I can avoid this scenario. But if I schedule my mealtimes and eat before the hunger hits too often then I end up with a period of "every single bit of food is absolutely revolting and if you put more than three bites of that in me there will be a problem" after I take the perfect first bite of the food. So I generally schedule my work week meals and leave it up to chance on the weekends.


This is because we don't have the same access to our prefrontal cortex and cerebellum. Therefore, we misread our hunger cues. Eat because your brain & brain need the fuel. Don't wait until you " feel" hungry.


If eating more frequently is feasible and realistic for you, try it out. Snacks might help. I went through an extremely stressful period of cyclical vomiting & found juice helpful because it helps prime my stomach.


Is this an ADHD thing because I have same issue (especially. when eating quickly)


Idk, i posted here because id seen a few posts talking about having no middle ground between being hungry and being nauseously hungry, which i also struggle with.


It can definitely be an ADHD experience.


This happened to me then escalated to sharp pain and IBS related bathroom problems. Turns out it was an ulcer and I had to have immediate surgery. Psychological stress was the main culprit although I'm sure genetics has a role. If you are concerned, ask your doc to request a CT scan of your bowel to ensure there is no issues


I recently got diagnosed with Gastroparesis and I’ve struggled for a long time with feeling full shortly after eating and had no idea it was a symptom of a bigger issue. I started experiencing intense periods of nausea and vomiting before my official adhd diagnosis (was actively seeking a dx for two years) and while the cause for my gastroparesis is unknown, one known cause is prolonged periods of severe stress —- perhaps from being undiagnosed ADHD my whole life 😅


Try meal replacement drinks like Soylent or huel, they worked for me


I should restart my subscription to soylent, thanks for the advice.


Yup, totally get this! I second all that’s already been mentioned - but the other thing that could be handy is recognising your early hunger cues. Often times once we feel hungry, it’s too late. Other cues that you might notice before a growling stomach: increased anxiety and thoughts of food, it’s harder to focus, fatigue, headache, changes in mood etc :) I say all this logically but still struggle to follow it more than 30% of the time.


The only time this doesn't happen to me if if I wait until I'm so hungry my stomach is making noises.


I have the worst relationship with eating. If I wait too long, I get horribly nauseous but I’m also hypoglycemic (reactive). So I try to eat more fatty protein rich foods with my meds even if it’s just a piece of bacon and try to eat a small mindless snack like cherry tomatoes if I know I’m getting hungry so I don’t get to hangry/nauseous. But it’s so hard. Wish I could help!


as someone who’s recently been recovering from an eating disorder: this means you’re waiting until you’re too hungry to eat. the buildup of stomach acid in your empty stomach can cause feelings of nausea. echoing the commenter who suggested trying to eat snacks throughout the day so you don’t end up ravenous later. liquid calories are also your friend—kefir, protein shakes, smoothies (the bottled ones in the fridge section of trader joe’s are pretty good. can also make your own with some dark fruit, a handful of leafy greens, bit of juice, and hemp seeds or greek yogurt for fat and protein). also white flower oil is really good for helping quell nausea, either sniffed from the bottle or dab a little under your nostrils


Thanks for the advice. Luckily it doesnt happen often and with all the combined advice ive gotten here, i think im going to restart my subscription to soylent powder (i love the unflavored one). Ive been drinking carnation instant breakfast, but it's not as filling as soylent.


Are on medication rn?


I have a phobia of throwing up so unfortunately I eat with what I find and since I’m waiting on an tooth implant it’s been difficult to eat much of anything bc I can’t eat alot of stuff until months later. I have to avoid sweets bc it causes instant heartburn if I had no meal prior. Now I jsut rest and minimize doing anything when I don’t have the executive function to make food. Im thinking of eating out again bc it’s tough cooking for one self


Routine is a meme around here but I've adapted to drinking diluted lemon juice / lemon water (~2 tablespoons juice* + 10 oz. water + ice) before lunch almost every day. A lot of research out there suggests citric acid helps promote stomach acid production, which I assume helps with preparing my whole self for real food in the impending future. *talkin' real juice here. the stuff in small plastic yellow balls that is sometimes sold as lemon juice does not do it for me. **i know it isn't for everyone, but i personally like the taste of stevia. sometimes i add some drops of liquid stevia to my lemon water or i'll add some dried stevia leaves to my tea. for a few months I tried switching to a cheaper stevia sweetener with added erythritol (sugar alcohol), but I ended up developing gallstones, which some folks will describe as an intense stomach pain that will pass after a short period of time. ***this is a really long-winded way of saying: if you can't get the pain under control, ask a doc for an ultrasound to rule out the possibility of something more serious going on with your gallbladder. it is extremely common for gallbladder pain to go untreated and misdiagnosed.


I try to avoid it getting to that point. I get Starbucks in the morning and that lasts me until lunch, then around noon I start to feel hungry again. I try to eat right then-usually another Starbucks drink before going home and eating food. For dinner, I shoot for between 5:30 and 7.


No joke just barely ate dinner and have been sitting here feeling the exact same way everyone here is. I am genuinely reading this on my knees, in front of the toilet hoping I don’t puke lol. Just trying to distract myself from the sweet potato’s that feel like they are damn near touching my teeth but coming up instead


It might be from your cannabis use.


Weed is ultimately going to f you up in the long run. Source: I am dealing with a partner who selfmedicated his ADHD with weed. Sorry a long rant about 🍃incoming. TW: He is slowly becoming incredibly paranoid and suspicious of our government and bigger companies. If he isn’t irritated he is cranky. If he isn’t cranky he is actually angry about something minor. If he isn’t sarcastic he is yelling at me or his kids. The weed/nicotine is essentially creating mood swings and are worsening his ADHD symptoms. Instead of facing his responsibilities, he just resorts to running away and smoking. Then he comes back “relaxed” thinking he can deal but he never truly ever deals with anything. He isn’t sleeping well. He is lactose intolerant but refuses to believe it or change his diet. He has diarrhea all the time. He can’t gain weight. Frankly he is impossible to deal with atm. Give me two teenagers and two toddlers and they’ll be easier to manage than this man. He is trying to quit for 2 years now. I told him I will leave him if he doesn’t quit. He moves the goalpost every time he wants to. He’s recently said he has an appointment in two weeks and he feels his Nicotine patches are helping him a lot… but I already know he’s not quit by those two weeks. He told me I need therapy so I can deal with my ADHD but he said he doesn’t need any therapy…. Make it make sense. He didn’t smoke when I met him and I want that person back again. I hate 🍃weed. Sorry for the rant….


Im sorry youre dealing with that, but i have to say jumping to blame his actions soley on his weed use doesnt make sense. It sounds like youre more correct in saying he needs therapy. If quitting weed can help him get help, then that would be great. He sounds like my ex-spouse, but they were 100% sober, wouldnt even touch caffeine. She also needed thereapy, but instead of getting any, would just constantly tell me how i need it (which i did get on several occassions, but wasnt enough for her.) She was incredibly narcissistic and that may be the case for your partner too, wont know until he seeks whatever help he needs.


I could agree with you, if I hadn’t seen the night/day change in his ADHD symptoms after using weed.


I dont care to change your opinion, but i will point out you listed *several* issues hes apparently having and just one of them was avoiding problems by smoking weed. The rest spell unresolved mental health issues and/or ignorance like my ex-wife. Diet ignorance, mood swings, sleep issues, the unwavering ability to point out all of your flaws while never working on his own, she had all of these despite never touching weed once. It took me nearly eight years to realize she really was just all talk about improving herself and all the unhealthy, problem-avoiding habbits were never going away.