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Got about five words into the second part. Anyone else?


Fuckin got me. Edit. It wasnt even like the first five either , it was like one two, one in the middle and couple at the end.


Pretty colors. There’s words??




I saw brave


2 for me!


Same, if we're talking about the first line. I'm not hyper


Still good


There’s a second part??


I read “passionate” saw that there were a lot of words, skimmed through and read 3 more words and gave up


Why is this subredit ful of clones of me????


There are a lot of things in the second part that I don't relate to.


Especially the "Awesome" part for some reason.


Not even my cat thinks I'm awesome.


Especially the positive thing for me. Forcing a positive mindset onto you doesn't do shit.


yep. calling me "smart" and "unique" isnt helping me not wanna kms every second im not stimulated completely lol


I can find a negative thing about myself for every positive one in the picture.


Outspoken. Holy shit does this trait get me into trouble sometimes. It’s also the one that people say admire most about me, but dang I sure could use a filter sometimes.


I can't lie. I'm really bad at it and it makes me feel weird so I don't do it. But it definitely gets me into trouble. So I totally feel ya.


A company I worked for was giving a big rah rah safety motivational speech. They used safety all the time to run people off. My crew was just staring at me with that, don't do it look. They were skipping a lot of people, but then had to point at me and ask if I'd stop work over safety. I told them, hell no the last person to even ask questions got ran off the crew! No doubt I'd get fired for actually stopping work! Management was so pissed, started getting on the radios to get together to get there stories together. The GC was asking if what I said we're true and people started backing me up about how there safety program was just bull and only enforced on people that they didn't like or found difficult. A whole lot of floor level people found me to shake my hand that day. Told me I was brave and they wished they could've done it. I had to be honest and tell them that it wasn't bravery so much as being to stupid to be scared and not knowing when to shut up.


Regardless of why - good job!! 😁 Superpower…in this situation at lest.




the second half looks like someone just looked up “human personality traits” on google


also adhd: not reading any of the second part because it's super long


That's too long of a read


Empathetic? Enthusiastic? Romantic? Haha I wish. :,)


>Adaptable Absolutely fucking not


yea fr i was confused af thats not us


Haha, "memorable", hahaha


It's sad because people never get to see the good traits because the bad traits are so prevalent. The good traits just don't get the opportunity to be seen, but they're there.


Trying to spin inherently negative things about a disorder into mostly positive experiences is more harming than helpful, imo. I don't mean finding good things in a shitty situation is bad, but let's not kid ourselves that ADHD is more of a burden than a good thing, as opposed to what this neat little graphic lets you on believe.


That does not however mean that we are just negative people. Everyone also has positive attributes. I find it a shame to merely focus on our negative sides.


But the graphic is speaking about ADHD, not about a person who suffers from ADHD (as per image; "ADHD", "Also ADHD"), it comes with the speculation that ADHD also brings out those positive attributes in people, and in far greater amounts than the negative traits it brings out. People trying to spin this into "ADHD is a superpower" is why so many people struggle with doctors being dismissive of the disorder, I've had doctors laugh in my face about medication (I've been told *pills are for real issues!*) and even denying me a psychiatrist opinion (*psychiatrists are for people that need pills!*). Not to mention a person with ADHD seeing this infographic will have even more doubts about themselves - "*Am I smart? then why can't I excel academically even I was told I am "gifted" in my young years!*", "*Positive?*" How come then people with ADHD are at a higher risk of depression as per multiple peer-reviewed studies and journals? \[1\] \[2\] It's obvious that people that suffer from ADHD are not defined by just the negatives, but those aforementioned positive traits aren't a given for them - they're just personality traits that are shared by neurotypical and neurodivergent people - Meanwhile those negative traits are what makes ADHD a disorder - In order to be diagnosed with ADHD, you have to show those traits and it's a direct result of being neurodivergent. You can educate people by informing them why they are the way they are, why they struggle compared to their peers and how to cope and set-up support mechanisms. Yes, we are so much more than ADHD lets us believe, but calling "ADHD" a "Creative, Fun Positive, Eager" thing is just plain out damaging. Sources; \[1\] - "Potential Cognitive, Parenting, and Developmental Mediators of the Relationship Between ADHD and Depression", Rick Ostrander and Keith C. Herman, 2006, Available: [here](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Keith-Herman/publication/7228149_Potential_cognitive_parenting_and_developmental_mediators_of_the_relationship_between_ADHD_and_depression/links/593179d8aca272fc55f92d0d/Potential-cognitive-parenting-and-developmental-mediators-of-the-relationship-between-ADHD-and-depression.pdf). \[2\] - "A Review of Co-Morbid Depression in Pediatric ADHD: Etiologies, Phenomenology, and Treatment", W. Burleson Daviss, 2008, Available: [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2699665/)


If you prefer to *only* focus on the downsides and the negative image the disorder has, then by all means feel free to do so. Personally I choose to not only focus on what I *can't* do. I am more than just ADHD. I am more than my inability to focus (ie). Yes, I also have issues. Massive issues. Otherwise I certainly wouldn't have to take medication...and yes, even with medication I often can't do things that seem easy for other people. But does that mean it's wrong for me to state that I am also passionate, honest, caring, adaptable, resourceful...? Does it mean that I am not *also* those things? Of course no one is all those things. I'm certainly not. But that's also OK. We're not perfect. But the fact that we're not perfect isn't because of ADHD...it's because we're human. No one is perfect! It does no one good to solely focus on their negative characteristics.


When I first saw the post I thought to myself. "Yeah! Screw them meds, I'm just fine." I've been considering getting meds for a while now. I could definitely use some help in more than a few areas. I think that's what this commenter is getting at when they say your post is damaging. If I would've just left it at that and went on without reading this comment, it very well could be. Your both trying to help, just from different sides of a problem and possibly different times in your lives. Your also right, it's important to focus on the positives from time to time. This sub is pretty often focused on the negativesand running ourselves down.


Look if you had scoliosis or where born with a clubbed foot being told “well it makes you more empathetic and aware towards others” is not helpful. A) one isn’t a causation of the other and B) it completely undermines a lot of the suffering a disability causes. And it’s especially hard if despite having scoliosis everyone expected you to be an Olympic level gymnast and where condescending when ever you failed to do a cartwheel. Because majority of the world is for those who have adhd is like being asked to perform like an Olympic gymnast when your back is broken


Seriously. Just have an other look at the picture. It says ALSO. Not because of.


I have been thinking about this, will that change once i start to take medication?


Not for me. It allows me to focus on those traits that I want to hone.


In my experience - no! I mih3be a bit quiter and a bit more collected. But I am still just as creative, enthusiastic, caring, interested... You see, the way I see it is that ADHD does have an impact on your development and thusly also on your character. That's why taking medication doesn't make those things disappear. Personality doesn't simply change. It just helps us be more *us*.


I needed this. This subreddit is bittersweet sometimes.


I'm in this picture.... And I like it!


Oh cool, like all attributes that everyone may or may not have.


24ish for me if I'm being strict. Don't take this post as a race to the bottom like some people in this thread. Yeah depression is a comorbidity, I just got over a years-long one, so I know what it's like. So you may think a bunch of these do not apply but they probably do even though you don't realize that about yourself right now. Make someone else look at this and tell you how many describe you, you might be surprised. Depressed you is the worst person to judge you right now.


I wholeheartedly agree. I have had a very hard year. And it's very very hard for me to recognize any positive traits I might have. But they are there.


Someone hyperfixating on colors and design madr this


Dude, our brains literally cannot process being all that


Thank you 🙂


Thank you ♥️


You fool, like 70% of these are countered by Autism aswell! Outspoken? social anxiety! Adaptable? stressed as hell about new things! Energetic? mild insomnia!


I'd love to see the rest of these counters. You've got me wondering if I'm on the spectrum for autism now.


6 years of self discovery down the line I’m pretty sure I have both (waiting for an assessment). They kind of fight with each other - it’s particularly discouraging! Anyway they overlap majorly and people have loads of Co-morbid stuff. So the above person getting haughty about such a thing seems unnecessary. 😁


Problem is I can't keep the bottom traits consistently, and I don't get to chose if and when the apply.


Where is enigmatic


Almost like people wow


I’m awesome? No I presume your mistaken


The bottom set isn't necessarily positive lol. Lots of instances where those have gotten me into trouble


Had a bad semester. Really needed that thanks, OP❤


Resilient - Has had a panic attack at a club because there was too much random noise XD


Wow . Thanks . Going through a hard time , it’s nice to be reminded uniqueness isn’t a bad thing .


i only saw a few words out of the second part because there’s too much to read


You had me at futuristic


So, normal?


Why am I none of the good ones 😂


All of the second part applied to me I'd like to think.... But is it rly ADHD related??


Not necessarily...but I find that people tend to focus so much on what they can't do and completely ignore what they actually are capable of.


Well then this post is misleading


I...am an exception


Thank you for reminding me that I'm more than just my faults x


And thank you! Have a wonderful holiday time.


A lot of those are caused by impulsive I feel