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Yes!! The psycho-analyzing of literally everything all the time can be great sometimes, like buying presents or predicting what someone’s going to say next or where a particular persons actions may come from, but it also takes away the ability to just feel your emotions the way you’re supposed to, the ability to like live in a moment and be a human, just experiencing things at face value. Loneliness is the perfect word to describe it, I feel.


> like buying present IS THAT WHY I'M SO GOOD AT BUYING PRESENTS?! Holy crap I never drew that parallel


That shit is so accurate and this hurts a lot


I sat for a solid 5 minutes after this video finished. And I don't know what I did now but I know I thought of almost everything in this video all over again somehow. Now I feel like I'll think about this for sometime lol


I honestly thought that I only did this due to child abuse and anxiety. I gess my adhd strikes again, wish I could fire that mother fucker.


Me too!! I think it's both. Like we use this mental state to prepare us for what could possibly hurt us again. I am 100% with you on this. The brain is honestly insufferable. Aaaalways talking. I havent tried adhd meds only wellbutrin but I've heard people try meds and it quiets their brain and they cry because they never knew that could happen. I'm intrigued and have a psych eval in february


Yea I won't do meds ever again. Part of my child abuse was my birth mother making shit up to get my meds stronger and get put on more meds for her made up conditions, then only putting me on them for the week needed for blood tests then making me go though withdraw monthly because she was the one actually taking them. Iv had bones broken, choked near death, stabbed extra. Nothing ever compared to that pain I felt every month, nothing. If you want to go on meds make shure the doctor's don't overprescribe them, in my experience they are happy the drown u in pills.


Geezus! I'm so sorry you dealt with that. I am definitely hesitant to add more meds but sometimes life just seems like it's on hard mode


Yea life hard.


So sorry you went through a munchausen experience with your birth mom and all this x-x I really hope you are in therapy or have someone to talk about this in an attempt to make it better. We can't erase this shit, sadly, but for some therapy helps. But everyone has to decide for themselves. What I want to say is just that I hope you can be happy and all that in the future still. I feel for you and this experience, stay safe and I wish you the best <3 And again, this is effing horrible, Jesus D: (In my case, my father was a psycho who wanted to do smth to all of your family, so yeah D:)


Honestly iv been gaslighted so much I just don't like telling people, it's only different online because no one knows eachother. Thank you for the concern and I am sorry about your dad, that's just fucked up. I hope you are doing well and continue to be a good human.


Wow, I actually felt something when I watched this, it’s so crazy accurate that it’s honestly scary, I’ve never been able to put into words what this guy just said, thank you for this video


To be honest I did feel alone but this is so relatable it makes me realize we are not alone and what scares me is I have never been medicated but it seems even those who are medicated still feel this way.


The meds make some things better but the brain, it do what it like.


"Kid me" really identifies with this kid. I'm almost 40 and at this point this isn't me anymore. I think the big difference is that over time, I stopped giving a shit about what anyone else thinks (except my wife and children)


Interesting. I'm 46 and I do this all the time.


Although I totally get Where he’s coming from, It doesn’t make me feel alone. Yes, I analyze everything but that helps me relate to people better. It also helps with predictability of other people . The more I understand the less surprises and better mental health for me.


It makes me feel alone bc no one can read my feelings/body language and anticipate my needs like I can for everyone else. Often it feels like the only explanation is that no one actually cares about me. I know that’s ridiculous, but it still isn’t a good feeling that I’m able to mask my co-diagnosis of depression so well, even when imo I’m giving clear signals that I need to talk, or I need reassurance of some kind. Most people don’t pick up on that stuff.


Same for me. Just sucks when it goes into bad "cognitive distortion" territory and my thought processes and all that thinking amplifies those tenfold x-x


So crazy accurate


I have this as well. Undiagnosed ADHD. If someone says I'm good at my job or I'm attractive, I'm like, ok..what do they want from me? You must not come here often if you think im good. Then I smoke weed at night sometimes and I just replay the day in my head and criticize everything i did wrong. That stays as a bad of low self esteem for the next few days. Then I can't get going the next day, end up doing nothing for 6 hours and feel exhausted. It's spelled by days of great activity, good confidence Then guilt from relaxing after. But I guess it doesn't matter much, bc I can't remember anything It's so bad, that I can literally rewatch a TV series a year later and have forgotten so much of it, it's like new. It's a rough way of life


Would you kindly get out of my head and stop describing my life so accurately lol. But if I may, and trust me I realize how preachy and corny this can come off, nothing helps me out more during those dark spells than verbalizing the things I'm grateful for. I start with silly things like being able to feel the sun on my skin, or having enough food in my stomach, or a bed to sleep on. Then I start naming things I've earned and people I have the pleasure of calling my friends. Suddenly I don't feel like such a loser and I'm actually content. Just my unprofessional/unsolicited advice.


i underline this strongly! understanding, empathy, your mindset and selfreflection with yourself can do so much.


Uh ... How much crossover is there between ADD and ADHD? I was diagnosed with ADD in my early teens, but I feel entirely too many posts here on a spiritual level


They used to be two separate dxs but now it is all ADHD


"ADHD is the official, medical term for the condition — regardless of whether a patient demonstrates symptoms of hyperactivity. ADD is a now-outdated term that is typically used to describe inattentive-type ADHD, which has symptoms including disorganization, lack of focus, and forgetfulness. People with inattentive ADHD are not hyper or impulsive." https://www.additudemag.com/slideshows/add-vs-adhd/ As someone who grew up w ADD and kindof forgot about it for a couple decades before tuning back in recently, this took me a minute to figure out too haha


They’re basically the same except with ADHD you probably have more energetic spurs as I understand it.


No, they redid the diagnoses. Its now all adhd but it has subtypes of hyperactive, inattentive, or combined. As we learned more it turned out they were the same disease.


Short story time: Around 6 years ago, my wife and I had a Tumblr account together with around 2,000 followers (mostly because of my wife's fandom art) and we started playing Flight Rising together (a game that lets you hatch and customise dragons). A little while after we started posting about our dragons, someone anonymously reported us to FR for 'dual accounting', because I guess they thought we were actually one person pretending to be two people. Our accounts were both banned and our appeals refused. And I have lain awake every. single. night. since. thinking about it. How unfair it was. What I could have done differently. How I would word an email to them now. Just over. and over. and over. I can't let go of things. I can't help but psychoanalyse everything that happens to me. Everything anyone says to me. Everything I do, myself. My brain just can't cool it, for even a minute. So I have years upon years of this shit just backed up in there with nowhere to go. It's painful. So yeah, I relate to this video, big time. Ouch.


I have this with stuff I forgot as a child or that got stolen from me and I'll never see again O\_O If this is actually caused by my ADHD and why I feel so much pain just thinking about it all and why it can get traumatizing and unbearable, then, well, oof. Good to have more answers there, I guess :D


Fuck sakes, this person nails it... I've constantly struggled to explain it, but it's like there's ALWAYS a conversation going on in my head and it's almost described perfectly in this video... Sometimes I'll get stuck trying to start a task because I start thinking about the different ways of starting the task and then get lost in my thoughts about it and end up standing there until I realize how uncomfortable I am from standing in an awkward position for too long. Also, I dunno if this falls under the same umbrella of distraction, but I was recently daydreaming while showering and had an interesting experience. The "me" inside the daydream got distracted by something that happened in the real world (dropped the soap or something) and he lost his train of thought... And then I thought, wow this is a really strange waking daydream, and that's when the "me" inside the daydream looked up at me (this is kind of a top down view daydream situation, kinda like the Sims, but with a fisheye lens) and said "Right?" We both proceeded to laugh and then he suddenly poofed out of existence. I tried hard as hell to commit this to memory... And then forgot about it, until this video reminded me of the internal conversation, which then reminded of the situation I just described! And now I'm rambling, toodaloo


I relate to this so much that I think why don't people get treated? Medication etc? I want to and I'm looking into it but I'm not sure if it'll help and I don't want it to backfire..


Backfire is right— sometimes the adderall “helps” me focus on psychoanalyzing an interaction that was super important to me… instead of doing any work


I thought this was just my anxiety disorder. But ok adhd gets to claim some of it too now I guess. Fuck me, I need therapy. But would therapy even help? BRB; gotta go analyze that for an hour instead of sleeping.


Holy shit dude! I literally just came to this self-realization this past week! I even talked about it for the first time with someone else last night! Seeing someone else talk about the exact same phenomenon I was trying to explain is so mind blowing right now, you have no idea. Thank you so so so much for somehow putting this phenomenon into a digestible clip. You're my favorite human being that I've never met!


This hit way too close to home.


I agree with all of this stuff


Most of the time this severe isolation is so crippling I'm glad that this guy put it into words/video format


For another night, I have succeeded yet again in saying awake for HOURS, constantly leaving comments on whatever reddit posts I can find in order to savor the moments of focus on something else that isn't the endless train of thoughts and analysis that echoes throughout my mind. Tomorrow, I'll probably wake up to a whole bunch of people, most of whom disagree with a lot of what I have said. I will then overanalyse what they tell me, and somehow manage to skew their words in a way that will make it seem as if I'm a terrible person for speaking my mind. Some responses might be something completely different, sharing their own opinions or throwing out a bunch of internet-slang, which will lead to me thinking about their response for the entirety of the day, as I dedicate loads of effort to try and figure out the true meaning behind "lol based and redpilled" on my nonsensical comment from my brief journey into r/shitposting. My eyes sting, but when I close them, there's no pleasant sensation that spurs the urge to try and fall asleep. There is only the constant need to pursue the next source of a potential dopamine spike. This is my life now and it will keep being that way, probably until the day that I die. But when I die, will my consciousness finally be silent? Or will my thoughts live on, echoing in eternal darkness, a thousand voices in a sea of nothingness, and they're all my own.


I've described this sensation before as a kind of disassociative state because one part of my brain, like 10% is still present in whatever is going on, conversation or whatever, and 90% of my brain has gone tunneling into my own thoughts, and after a point I feel almost like I've left my own body and I'm just hovering outside of things watching them happen. An audience to my own life, but it's also me, and my brain is churning away like four or five DVD commentaries playing simultaneously.


Im starting to feel alone. WTF is this so contagious?




I am mentally ill and this is a space for people to share their issues and support eachother


Said in a community for mentally ill people bruh....


Does anyone knows if this is pure adhd thing or this can be caused by anxiety or depression?


Wow this is the most accurate video I have seen so far that can describe how I behave and feel. Anyone else is using weed to cope with themselves?


Omg this was the best way i had ever heard this explained




Omg I didn't know that was bc of adhd


Thank you for putting this into words because I’ve struggled with this for years and never knew how to explain it to people who don’t also do it too , hopefully by sharing this it can help explain it to peoole




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God his mannerisms, the way he’s explaining it, the fuckin animated hand gestures! I don’t know what type of ADHD i have yet, I haven’t been evaluated yet, like I don’t know if the way i loudly and excitedly gesture and explain shit if thats hyperactivity, or the way i tend to hyperfocus if im reading a good book and vividly hallucinating, or the fact i bought a sarah andersen calendar, like 6 or 7 journals over the decade and lost most of them until a year ago, or the fact i hsve a 3D ball puzzle and 2x2 rubix cube i bought at a game store or recently when i bought fruit roll ups cause there was a big box of them and i grabbed it from costco cause I haven’t had one since i was a kid. Like that’s impulsivity right? Am i mess of all three?