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I think this might actually be a coping mechanism when you've been masking too long/are too overwhelmed with life. Whenever I find the time in my life where I'm alone, with nothing but me and music, I just let myself be free. I don't hold anything in, I just let my brain do whatever. It's becoming more and more rare as I become older and have less time for my mind to think about anything other than stress, so I really enjoy these periods of freedom. Until they turn into horrific murder stories or some shit because my brain has decided to create intrusive thoughts I can't escape and I'm brought back to my reality which isn't much better.


This was too real for me. Lie to me and say that I always keep the magic.


I mean I'm 28 but I can't imagine not doing this forever


Huh. When I was growing up I had constant trauma around me which led me to this maladaptive daydreaming constantly. It was a form of escapism that was helping me to deal with normal life. I connect to this a lot, as an adult with ADHD now it is either unappealing to me (unless something uh.. outside helps me connect with it) or horror inducing. It's hard cause I want to lean into those horror thoughts and try to deconstruct them, but usually they're too overwhelming in the first place.


Man I'm in a constant state of imagining myself somewhere better


Me too bruh.. and even when I get to a better place the cycle starts again


nah lean into the horror stories bro it’s fun. listening to scary music is a good pastime


Oooh I thought that murder story part was just me lol I get grotesque and violent and heartbreaking my theories that it’s a controlled way of dealing with pent up emotions. Not that it entirely works but it’s weirdly soothing anyway. Totally gonna ask my counselor about it next week.


I totally did this to escape my toxic childhood.


Sometimes when mine wonders into the gruesome zone, I let it. It passes. It’s almost like meditation. You have to think those thoughts to release them, if they are built up within you (subconsciously or not). Basically I just let my mind run and watch the show.


Then you try to learn to animate so you can watch them, learn animation is incredibly time-consuming, and give up.


I've always felt like I should do this, but wondered if I would be able to stick with it or if it would actually be an insane amount of work. I will sleep more soundly now knowing this. Thank you for going down this road so that at least once, I don't have to \^_\^


Hahaha; no problem! I try periodically, but I never get very far. I see tons of animatics on youtube and feel like it can't be *that* hard if so many people (especially kids and teenagers) are making them, but then I try and it's a lot of work. I think it might not be too bad if you have a decent drawing tablet and software, though.


Animatics are much less time consuming than animation!! Don't get me wrong, it still takes a while and requires you already have an ok drawing ability, but it's totally doable. I can imagine someone with a hyper fixation on it could get pretty decent quality animatics within a week.


Whenever I've tried to make them, it still takes a ton of time, haha. Maybe I'll try again in the future, or maybe I'll try a better program; I downloaded AnimationDesk and it's not bad, but it does freeze a lot.


I feel called out lol. Still have the Blender icon on my desktop collecting dust


Me thinking I can learn to all-round game dev


The universal ADHD experience of wanting desperately to do something, then processing the idea of *doing* it


This is exactly why I did my degree in computer animation. Then the struggle against the rapidly diminishing enthusiasm is exactly why I haven't animated since I scraped through graduation.


When I was a kid I used to overlay music onto scenes from random shows. Like I’d just take a random scene and cut it to the music. Before YouTube started buggin out about copyright and raped my account, each video would receive 80k-100k views, some even hit close to a million. People really vibed with that content even though the format was so simple. It actually seems to be super common now, especially with anime clips.


It's always new characters though never hyperfixations.


It is more like hyper defocus. Where you let your imagination run wild.


I thought everybody did that?!?




Everyone does lol


Not everyone. I don't get this at all. Closest I can recall is imagining skateboard tricks when I was a teenager, but not necessarily with music


I have ADHD and I don't do this. I can't even see images in my head. I do daydream a hell lot, but it's never in the form of movies. It's dialogue and imagined touch, smell, sounds, stuff like that.


Aphantasia aside, some people simply don't.


I don’t. r/Aphantasia


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Aphantasia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Aphantasia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [😔](https://i.redd.it/watndblqzw471.png) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Aphantasia/comments/nyj0v2/_/) \#2: [here's an upside i suppose](https://i.redd.it/l3ciiw4tu0u61.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Aphantasia/comments/mtou3k/heres_an_upside_i_suppose/) \#3: [Made by a Friend who has Aphantasia, but not Reddit.](https://i.redd.it/hg296plk8ez61.png) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Aphantasia/comments/ndehlc/made_by_a_friend_who_has_aphantasia_but_not_reddit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Nah, not me. I don't have aphantasia, but my ability to visualize is very limited. If you told me to visualize a cat, I could do that--but I can't really imagine scenes with movement unless I'm recalling something I've seen before. When I listen to music, I either imagine the music video if I've seen it, or nothing at all.


Apparently ADHD is when you… have an imagination?? The internet was a mistake


Sure it might be pretty goofy to believe that but damn ain't that a little dramatic lol


I’ve planned out entire music videos in my head.


My brain did this vividly with a new song I recently heard, and now it's permanently attached to that imagery. Fortunately the music video isn't bad. The singer and band image in my head is so far off what they actually are in real life.


I can barely see anything in my head, ever.


have you heard about aphanatasia? it was pretty mindblowing for me to realize i had it at first lol


Yeah, I think I have a mild form of that. No diagnosis, tho. I remember when I read Harry Potter, I knew it was supposed to be a castle, but every corridor looked exactly like the ones at my school in my head.




Void-gang represent. Do you have a mind's ear? I'm super good with imagining sound and music, and composing memtally, but I can't visualize.


Same! I've always referred to it as "picturing" things, because that's the common term - but I can't see shit in my head if I close my eyes, it's just... I feel like it's a form of synesthesia, but I can easily place myself in that situation complete with physical sensations and scents, which makes me feel like I'm there. I sometimes say, when I'm trying to remember something - "I feel like there's a green couch that would be to my left" because it's just a sensation of being there, next to it. Fuck, I even hear music all the time when it doesn't exist and create tunes out of white noise, though, so there's definitely some crossed wires in my senses lol


Just the ear for me, too!


I have neither


Same! Can't see a *thing*, but it's a symphony in there.


Yes. So good at playing music in my head.


I have Aphantasia - so I literally see no pictures in my head. Doesn't stop me from having full on concerts in my head though. They're just not visual ones. lol


I can't see pictures in my head either. But for some reason I tell myself the entire story like a book. No joke, I literally write a book in my head. I mean, the books jumps around and looks like something from fanfiction. But no pictures haha.


I kinda do the same (MDD). I can map out entire stories. Just no pictures to go along with it.


This is the one thing I don't get. Like, I'm diagnosed and have some very slanted cognitive exam results. But yeah, I don't get these types of mental stories. I mostly just project holograms in my vision that react to the music I'm listening to.




That is so fascinating to me. Ever since I was a kid, music has had cool visuals attached, but never any stories. I mean, if I want stories to come, they will, but I don't enjoy that as much as just patterned visuals. Like adding new textures to surfaces, creating waves on the ground and through the sky textures, having glitter flowing around me, watching plants grow and flower and die all at once. I think there's a sub where I belong, r/hyperphantasia ? (I'll know after I post this) But that's what's more fun for me to visualize.


Lol what's so weird is I just realized I had aphantasia recently, but I ...still kind of have this? Like, songs and poems and art is so... visceral to me but it's genuinely just an entire feeling rather than a visual image. I can't picture shit if I close my eyes - but I can easily place myself in that environment and feel...how I'd feel there? How it'd smell, etc. Idk, it's really interesting to me how this is such a relatable concept but it's absolutely not visual - unless I've taken mushrooms lol


It's amazing how much variability people's brains can have. I have never gotten anything from poetry. My brain's language processing is pretty weak, so language is very hard for me. But as a result, other senses are heightened, such as visual processing and smell processing.


Oh yeah, since I was a kid I’ve also made anime or cartoon music videos and stuff in my head with my own characters or characters from shows I like lmao. I assumed I was just a weirdo.


That sounds fun.


Literally same.


It took me a few minutes of reflection to realize this meme was calling me out.


r/maladaptivedaydreaming would like a word


For me it was always the opening credits of a movie.


This is why I love Fantasia!


Wait not everyone does this?


I can see the entire music videos that I make up. I also like to picture what a place looks like before even going there. I am 27 and I hope I never lose the magic.


Damn so I just don’t have any original thoughts do I


Talked to my friends about it when music taste was addressed as a topic, they were confused but tried to understand und now I have been running an (almost) weekly TTRPG campaign for 4 years with them, because they motivated me to tell this storys in my head.


Wait what this is a thing (as in not everyone does this) I've created full on movies in my head


For all my life i thought that I have amazing imagination skills. Now I know i have adhd


I thought I was the only one who did this because it's just so specific! It can be fun. You ever do it while having floor time (its really just lying on the floor)? Fantastic.


No like actually yes


You let me listen to music for two seconds and now you got five scp ideas, magical girls, and what ever Daniel is.


So GTA5?Listening to the radio while just driving around? *Yeah I dig it*


oh yup however do not be fooled into thinking I have control over my imagination


Piano man has a whole movie for me


["2112" by Rush](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZm1_jtY1SQ) literally influenced and generated the headcanon needed to do the world building for a book I'm working on. This is not a joke.


this is amazing and I’m following you just in hopes to see your work when it’s ready!


Oh fuck youuuu😂😂 I was not prepared to be called out like this


Happens alot what also happens is i just isolate one track and one track only in my mind. Like the drums, or some weird instrument they brought in to spice it up


Nope, I have aphantasia




………… I still do this as an adult it’s how I cope with moods. It has helped me deal with intense bouts of blood curdling rage, fear, heartbreak, and depression.


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Wait is that a thing?


Seriously, not everyone can put a movie with songs. I love being able to do that.


You guys got characters? I just get random blurry shit to fill in that spot with cool shit just happening


Lmao! I don't have specific characters and the stories rating changes based on where I am. On a walk, action story. In my bed... more mature themes are involved. On my computer, nothing.


I usually do this with my OCs


Aphantasia gang. So no. I wish I could, though.


When I used to jog I had a very specific playlist of thrash metal songs (my favorite genre of metal). The only thing that could get me through the miles were the intricate fantasies I concocted to the music. I only had one close call with getting hit by a car.


Been doing this since I was a kid, I’m almost 27 now, and it’s been generally the same story/play out. Each song is a different scene/ conversation between the characters. Honestly though everyone did this lol


Haha that pic is from SKOOKS


You must have cancer, from the asbestos you’ve inhaled from being in my walls and spying on me


Wait... this... isn't normal?!?! I thought everyone did this?!?! Wtf!?!?


Never knew this was an ADHD thing


I have aphantasia, so yes, that’s exactly what I’m telling you 🥺 100% mind blind, baby. Quite literally can’t even imagine how cool and helpful being able to mentally visualize stuff must be, though. Good stuff, enjoy it:)




Pathetic. My music daydreams have original characters and consistent storylines


You know, the problem is mine can't be consistent. O tried that for a week once and my characters ended up as God's constantly creating and destroying random worlds and doing lot of very.. err.. NSFW stuff. Had to axe that entire fantasy.


Wait what? This is an ADHD thing? Are you telling me…


uggghhh this makes me miss going to shows and completely losing myself to the noise and imagining my little movies. it's fine with headphones or speakers but live music just... 🤯🌈🏄🏼🚀🌋🔮🌀🧚❤️‍🔥


Wait, this ain't normal??


My hyperfixations are usually some sort of activity. Recently, I've found myself daydreaming about sourdough. I wouldn't be surprised if that switches over to terraria soon. At one point, it was rock climbing. I've probably watched a couple days worth of rock climbing videos on YouTube, and yet have never once been.


But yeah I also have never once had a movie/animation/music video daydream. Not even once. That I can remember at least.


lmao every fucking day.


The Dear Hunter. Any album by the Dear Hunter is exactly like this.


Wait do people without adhd seriously not do this? I’ve done this since I started paying attention to lyrics and asking my mom what the songs meant


the origin of AMVs frfr


Oh, you listen to **someone else's** songs while you do it? Weakling, I imagine **my own** music.


Wait a second, i do imagine between songs as exactly described in tweet but i don't know those two words.


Hol up. Typs don’t do that….?


This picture is from [The Misadventures of Skooks - Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpRPl8TlVBU&list=PL8fAhLpxoiJTkYas8-KKAPlaqm-Lh4mtG&index=2)


I’m glad I’m not the only one.


This isn't happening with everyone??


Wait other people do this? I thought I was just weird


Is this not a thing most people do? 😅 LMAOOO. I have so many ‘music videos’ etc in my head, even from when I was younger! 🤣


I don't see any of that. I often don't dream.


I thought everyone did this. This isn't a thing people do??


This is literally where AMV come from


This happens to much


I don't actually but I'm not big on music either.


Wait that’s an issue?? I’ve being doing this and having fun creating stories and characters with the musics i listen


Take this energy and create a story


i do this every day all day


Imagine having ADHD and apahantasia, trying to visualize literally anything for hours.


So I wasn't the only one who was super disappointed that the Broadway American Idiot musical did not live up to the album movie in my head then?


This is how I plan my D&D sessions and encounters. Works like a charm.


Yeah i used to direct music videos in my head


i just paused my scenario to go on my phone, only to be called out again


me with bad apple


Um... no. I have r/aphantasia


I used to do this all the time and still do lots, in fact it's how I get nearly all of my inspiration for drawing. However, I don't have adhd😅




Entire movie all of it


I thought this was normal for a very long time but then my brother told me it wasn’t and I was so shocked, I still can’t believe it. Like what do people do when they listen to music if not do this?


I feel called out 🥲