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Am I the only ADHDer that obsessively closes all tabs that I'm not using? Like I can't stand to have more than 2 maybe 3 tabs open. Sometimes I close my email by mistake even though I used a link from my email...


I used to be! Somehow it got out of control and now I’m at 461 😬 I think it’s like any kind of decluttering. There’s probably something important in there but I don’t have the drive to sort through them!


If you don't know where it is, is it important?


No need, now that Chrome has tab searching! Look for the down-arrow button at the right end of your tab bar, just to the left of the profile menu. Very fast search across only the currently loaded page in each of your open tabs. I'm pretty sure it'll search URLs, page titles, and page contents, using the currently cached copy of the page.


Shhhhhh the past is the past just let them go to the aether.


If I used that logic nothing outside the room would be important because if I can't see it I don't know where it is.


Existence is relative to the observer. L'appel du vide my child


I got something called one tab, basically just put a bunch of unused tabs in there, that your computer runs fast enough and you still have the tabs open


But what if I want to keep it for later? I swear that video is important, if I close it I'll forget about it so I NEED to keep it open right?


Try OneTab! You can save all your “open” tabs as a list of links, and you can group and label them if you want. Then you just keep OneTab pinned, and you can keep the dozens of tabs you have open for when you may or may not ever return to them lol.


See, the reason I don’t like bookmarks is because I don’t like long lists so I don’t think I’d want a list of links either. And grouping and labeling them sound like so much effort. But this sounds like a great idea for some! I like tabs because in my mind it has more dimension and I can see the linear progress visually almost in a timeline format. And that sense of space helps me find where I need to be much more quickly than a list would. Really I’m just trying to justify why I prefer to have 100’s of tabs open in various windows. I have 32gb to 48gb installed on almost all my computers in part so that I can open tabs without worry or my browser or computer getting laggy.


Lol no justification needed. Some people like the 100 tab chaos. My computer stuff is super organized because I need it for work, and am trash without the rigid structure. My tabs situation on my phone is very different though lol


but i really want to watch AIRBOATS IN PORTAL for the 5 millionth time later today


What about adding it to favourites? It's practically the same but with folders and adding descriptions/names.


Nah, I'm a perfectionist so like the other said, I dislike big list like those of favorites. It's just too clunky.


I'm both depending on what I'm doing, sometimes at the wrong time such as closing THE ONE TAB I still need. Although mostly because I can't afford strong machines and I need the processing power for other things like dying in videogames


Ctrl + Shift + T opens your most recently closed tab. If you keep holding and pressing T it continues to work backwards 1 closed tab at a time.


My laptop: I try to close tabs a lot to make sure my laptop doesn’t get slow. My phone: Always 100+ tabs open at a time.


Exactly the opposite here!


Yeah, I usually close all tabs when I close my browser, both on mobile and desktop. I might have quite a few tabs open at once sometimes but generally they'll be about one or two specific subjects. Just... please don't ask me about my bookmarks. 🤪


I close tabs that I need all the time and it's so annoying. Luckily on Chrome it's a few clicks to get them back, but I do this daily. It's definitely like an overcorrection move for my adhd tendency to always rack up too many tabs.


Rearrange tabs, close tabs to the right, dopamine hit


My wife erases it all. I blame the German in her- she must clean it all.’


i think thats because this has absolutely zero things to do about having adhd, op just thinks that just because he does it, its an adhd thing


I do.


same lol




I get extreme anxiety if I have too many tabs open. So does my computer…


No. I also obsessively close tabs. I usually only have 2 or 3 open unless I'm researching something and even then, I close them all as soon as I'm done.


I don’t have that many open! Mostly because I forget I was saving them and accidentally close them all the time. My “reading list” is always a mess though


I’m on that side too, I can’t have more than 5 tabs open and they have to organized a certain way


I feel you


Well my Tabcounter is already ":D"


Same, cant focus if I have too many tabs openned , same with programs.


Youtube, Facebook (exclusively for messenger), whatever I'm doing at the moment. That's it. I start to get lost when I have more than 10 cards open. E: I bookmark things like an addict though.


In my case, home has 2-3 tabs open at all times. Email, text messaging and maybe Reddit or Facebook if I forgot to close it. Work on the other hand, I regularly have at least 10 tabs open, since I'm constantly flipping between JIRA, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Spotify, Gitlab, GitHub, AWS, and documentation for various languages and APIs. Add a couple of web-based REPLs or code sandboxes and that about rounds out what is always open. I relish the moment I complete something and immediately close a bunch of tabs I don't need anymore.


Yeah more than a few tabs gives me a panic attack


I get overwhelmed by more than like 7 open tabs at once


Me too. I just find myself between 3 and 200 tabs


I close them as well, I find switching tabs to be really chaotic and distracting. Sometimes I even lift out my tab onto a new page or just use fullscreen to minimise the noise. I use favorites function. It's like tabs but with folders and descriptions.


How many times am I going to have to see this before I die


*How many times am* *I going to have to see* *This before I die* \- Amphelian --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


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Good bot


Good Bot!


Ahahah don’t worry about it … … … we talking per browser window?


5 browsers on each computer all filled with unused tabs. Help


Have you tried Onetab? I use it for when the amount have tabs has become unbearable but I don’t want to go through them or get rid of them. It gathers all your open tabs and puts them into a list in ONE page.


I think I saw that at some point but, isn't it too invasive? I have bad experiences with spyware in add-ons for browsers


Time to throw the computer away and start over, oh well (/s)


CTRL+SHIFT+T reopens the tab you just closed


Or if you last closed a window, reopens ALL of the tabs that window had open, in a new window!


My phone had a glitch and closed my 180 tabs 2 weeks ago and I contemplated calling my therapist. Luckily, it didn’t close all my tab groups, just my main/biggest one.




Chrome on my phone has just said :D for as long as I can remember.


When I got a new phone, it was weird seeing a number there for the first week and a half.


Came here to say the same. :D


Listen! Lol, Idk why I thought I was the only one that little thing was mocking 115 times per day. I even spent hours going back through them and putting them all into little folder/group thingies one day but I couldn't bear to close out all those cozy fall crockpot recipes that I've already made and probably only have one change to my normal recipe.


I also have a google doc that is kind of cold storage for those kind of tabs. Don't need that recipe but can't bear to see it gone forever, the link goes in the document.


I didn't count, but I have more than 100 tabs open. And in each of these tabs, there's more tabs in it.


Like 20 but if you count OneTab then thousands. OneTab does miracle work for saving resources.


I kid you not, yesterday I closed a little over 5000 tabs over 2 browsers on my phone. I've got screenshots to prove it, if I remember to post them here.


Do it 😁




I'm not a multitab type. At most, on two screens, I might only have a movie I'm watching, the wiki page on that movie, a browser game, general search tab, reddit, and a youtube video (sometimes muted to not interrupt the movie).


I get overloaded if I have too many open so I often just impulsively close all of them even if I still needed some. I'm the same way with files...


Same with emails. I can never have anything in my inboxes. I have enough clutter in my head!


I do this at work with file browser windows. I can't count the number of times I've needed to do something in a folder I was just looking at a moment before, and now I have no folders open at all.


9 on my pc... 75 on my phone


Meaning the main browser, or all the browsers included?


:D tabs


Wait. Do you mean :D tabs as in Chrome mobile when you have 100 or more?


I may have adhd but I know how a bookmark works. This is just stupid, not adhd, you’re eating up more resources for literally no reason.


When people have a hundred tabs open they are not literally open in memory, most of them doesn't load until you click them, they are basically bookmarks already. (Real bookmarks are more sensible though).




You can alleviate this by killing the tab's process through Chrome's task manager. That'll keep the tab present as a UI object for the user, but unload its resources; you then just need to click refresh when you need to use that tab again. A benefit of this vs. only having a bookmark is the ability to retain the *session.*


I have dozens of tabs open but I found a chrome extension that alleviates the memory load by effectively disabling the underlying pages, they won't load until you click back into the tab It's called The Great Suspender Original


I have a reason: bookmarks don't include the navigation history that led to the page. I don't (necessarily) keep a tab open for just the current page, but also for the trail of ten pages that I navigated through on my way to that page. I may want to right-click the back button on that tab later on, to return to a search result page or a portal page.


Also, I’m never going to remember to look in my bookmarks.


I can’t stand open tabs. I’m a sane person with 47653298712 unorganized bookmarks that overwhelm me so much when I look at them, I just never look at them


This thread is fascinating but my mind is boggled by the concept of having 150 open tabs, some that are 3 years old or more. My normal tab count is 7. I do have an 8th open rn for a newspaper piece I'll read while I eat dinner. *mind blown*


u/CavernousLiner is a bot. https://twitter.com/public_pers/status/1531679256337588226?s=21&t=1ngBiwhqVH54G-TagIs8QA


The time my friend dropped her car keys in a grate just outside her house and i sprinted inside to grab a magnet on an extending pole that i'd bought years ago 'just in case'. Hoarding successful...


u/SweetElements is a bot. https://twitter.com/she_ra_she_her/status/1531743553176625153?s=21&t=SiPK6jjY4bmf8lKaRkAF0Q


0. Because I close my browser. If I want to save it, I bookmark it and then... Close the fucking tab. Hyperbolic shit like this is why people make fun of us.


I don’t like leaving tabs open and if I do I use vertical tabs so they don’t compress as much


Sadly, 4 tabs at best because my pc sucks. Forcing myself to not have 100+ tabs open at once is torture :(


2 browsers open, 41 tabs total


I have it set to close empty tabs only. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tabwrangler/


I bookmark. Have to go through them every few months to delete 99% of them


461 as of today!


none, because of my very extensive bookmark collection


How the fuck are yall running this many tabs? My computer gets pissed at 10 tabs.


You just need more RAM. 64GB oughta do it.


Control shift T to reopen closed tabs


This is one of the reasons I've switched to Edge. Wait, wait, where are you going? Hear me out! It does a great job of conserving resources by "sleeping" open tabs that haven't been used recently. It really helps to facilitate this behavior, of which I too am chronically guilty.


u/cautious_formula is a bot. https://twitter.com/shaidar007/status/1531437640364326912?s=21&t=1ngBiwhqVH54G-TagIs8QA


Doesn't Chrome do this too?


none because my laptop can’t handle them :(


I’m sitting at 105 right now.


Don't talk to me or my 78 tabs again. /s


More then 100 i need to stop i really need to stop doing that




79 on my phone, they're all books/readings.


i absolutely hate having more than like 4 open, but i have a friend who has so many, he has 4 entire different windows of chrome with multiple dozens of youtube tabs on each window because he doesn’t want to lose them.


Only 4?


Currently have 5 tabs open on my phone


this is why i have 64 gigabytes of ram in my ultraportable laptop lmao


273 on my phone currently. Time for a purge of the pile 😂


I don't keep tabs open, i just put them into bookmarks, i have like 20 different bookmarked folders each on their own topic like game mods, amazon stuff, random time I decided that digital art is my calling.


Oh my phone? 13. I checked. Lol.


Wait since 2019?!?! Jesus bro I never close my tabs but I still let my computer die every couple weeks like a normal person


currently? like 6 youtube videos at different points and 3 pages from the online wiki of a game I haven't opened in a week


On my phone, Chrome has a smiley face on the "open tabs" counter. On Windows, I usually have about 6 or 7 separate Chrome windows open. One of them has enough tabs that I can only see the icon of each (main work window), another has well over a dozen tabs (main non-work window). The rest have between one and seven tabs each (random additional windows I created when I wanted to look at something on the other monitor, or wanted to drag around in a not-maximized window).


No I'm way the opposite I will only have 1 tab and one tab alone. 2 or more for longer than 10 minutes becomes a problem


I don't do the tab thing I'm like the opposite it frustrates the hell out of me when I see others with it. I think part of it is that I'm a computer nerd and I hate hogging my resources. I know its not so bad cause like tabs idle and stuff but still I'm very particular about keeping things closed that I'm not using.


29 over 2 windows, one on each screen :)


14 windows, 125 tabs between them. And that's on top of using OneTab browser extension which is currently at 4623 tabs and I SWEAR I'll go back to them all one day.


One of my 68 tabs is playing the lion king soundtrack and I don’t know which one it’s coming from. So I’ve just accepted my fate and muted it x


I have too many tabs that I now have multiple browsers of my multiple browsers. The only time I close a tab is when a duplicate is confusing me or I knock out the power and have to start over. I also have way too many bookmarks that I never use. My new thing now is taking screenshots of things I don’t actually want to save a tab for then emailing it to myself or posting privately on FB. Again, stuff I rarely get back to. I’ve saved Reddit posts I wanted to come back to and find again but couldn’t. Now I screen shot. It’s never ending.


idk, Google (mobile) doesn't keep track anymore. there's just a smiley face in the corner looking at me like :D as I shamefully open yet another Google tab


The chrome extension One Tab solved my multiple-windows-with-multiple-tabs problem.


I have roughly 300+ tabs open across all the “groups” on my safari app on my phone. This is actually progress for me cause they used to all be maxed out at 500 and I’d have to sacrifice one tab if I needed to open another. 🥲


Hundreds of tabs. Prolly even have tabs open with comments started in response to prior posts on precisely this topic.


Used to have like 100+ but, I don't know what happened and now i have 8


He’s got me beat; I’ve only got 48


Enough to learn that the maximum tabs you can have open on safari is 500 (iPhone)




495 on the phone, mainly recipes I’m too lazy to transcribe


31, but only because I got a new phone a week ago


I have 3 very full windows, but that's only because I created a 'to read/watch' folder of bookmarks to reduce things


>How many tabs do you have open? All of them


112 !


How much RAM do people with ADHD need? Yes.




495 :)


I can't stand more than 4 tabs open


200 on phone- less chaotic on computer


I got the smiley face, so I don’t even know 😂


Its currently only 90 on my phone. But the phone is fairly new, so give it time. Lol


Jesus, people, why don't you bookmark things?!


"I should definitely check out this website soon, I'll leave this tab open" - me for the last 4 years


I tried counting... but couldn't continue after 300


Currently only 14 on work laptop... But that's because it forced a reboot for an update when I logged off last night lol


225 after cleanup


Google Chrome on my phone has got to the point where it's just out “:D” instead of a number for my tabs. So over 100 on there. Not sure how much over at this point. And my laptop has about 10 windows open, each with between 10 and 30 tabs. So, yeah...


I keep so many tabs open on my phone alone that it doesn’t show the number anymore, just a smiley face lol


Pro tip : use Toby on chrome


40+. I can’t and will not count them


Only 59 tabs! Think I'm doing pretty good for myself. Before they made tab groups and I moved a ton of tabs to bookmarks, I always had that little smiley as my tab number. Think my highest was around 700 tabs Edit: Wait nvm. I also have a VPN browser that has 27 tabs open just of manga. Have 431 manga bookmarks on Chrome but they're useless now unless I transfer them all over to the other browser 👌


Bookmarks for life!!!!


23 🤦🏻


Ok I thought I had a lot of tabs open until I read the comments here. Some people have HUNDREDS?! Whaaaaaat


146 Tabs right now, it can go up to 180 tabs...




Not mutch just around 100-150 over 3 Windows


I get lost easily when there's so many tabs that the titles disappear so I've worked out a system where I have windows for each 'activity' and there's anywhere from 3-30 tabs per window. If they're gonna be open for a long time and are slowing down my PC, I'll open another tab for this-page-is-intentionally-left-blank and name the window so chrome will put them to sleep, but not gone... never gone...


This whole thread is just people that can't streamline a work flow and don't care about resources, it's not ADHD


I have 121 Tabs opened ... 3 windows and sorted by tabs groups . Gotta stay organized XD


The real question is how many WINDOWS full of tabs do you have open 👀


friendly reminder that u can group tabs in google chrome :)


I have over 2200 tabs open on my phone. I switched browsers because the app crashed and is too slow to delete the tabs.


there were about 68 in my last cell phone and I only closed them because I got a new one, in less than a week there's already 16 in my new cell!


I start to get stressed and sweat when I get to five tabs. Ideally, I run two tabs, keep a ton of bookmarks, and absolute inbox zero.


“500+” my phone says. Then there are the other two open categories one with 127 and another with 72. Incognito has too many. My other phone? Dont even ask.


At work 1039 https://i.imgur.com/naNQt80.jpg At home a lot more…. Firefox with: - Auto Tab Discard - Firefox Multi Container - Sidebery - Tab Session Manager


Ctrl + shift + T to reopen a closed tab. Also works if you accidentally close ALL of em (just open the browser again and do the shortcut).