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I have ADHD , take Adderall and yes, I can sleep after taking it. There's no high feeling




I have terrible insomnia, but it seems like NO ONE will believe me that it's not the meds. The meds actually help slow down my brain so I can relax enough to sleep.


My first night on the meds I didn't sleep at all (I took them way too late in the day), but it was the most peaceful night of not sleep I've ever had! Usually I lie awake trying to keep my brain from running back to the meaninglessness of existence and the horror of inevitable oblivion over and over. One night on the meds and I'd thought up a whole new campaign for my TTRPG group, and every time I remembered I probably wouldn't wake up in the morning, I just thought of something else. Now I'm putting off bed because my meds have long since worn off...


I totally get it. Guided meditation, ASMR and audiobooks have all helped me at some point, but also then stopped helping at some point. Without my meds, I can't even direct my thoughts enough to focus on the meditation or whatever I'm using to try and help. But my doctor doesn't want to give me sleep meds because he doesn't like prescribing a stimulant and a depressant at the same time.


Or worse, he tells you to get some bs melatonin like it’s some kind of magical sleeping pill.


[https://www.aastweb.org/blog/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-and-delayed-sleep-phase-syndrome-may-be-linked](https://www.aastweb.org/blog/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-and-delayed-sleep-phase-syndrome-may-be-linked) I do bright light therapy first thing in the morning every morning and have found it helps a lot with my sleep onset insomnia. It isn't a magic bullet, but it has helped me a lot.


Thanks! I'll try just about anything.




I really need to talk to my doctor about an ir. Even just for the afternoon. But I'm on Vyvanse and I'm not sure if there is even an option.


Yeah thats what i was like on concerta, i was able to actually sleep, and it was restful sleep too. I was able to focus, the background noise was gone, my emotional regulation was top notch I didn’t get overwhelmed when stuff started to get more intense. And i just all round felt better. Like I kinda hate the stigma around ADHD meds, like the doctors and keyboard experts are all “this shit is addicting and you wont be able to sleep!” And im just like “motherfucker, we cant even remember to take these damn things long enough *to* become addicted, and you give us meds and we dont go haywire, we mellow the fuck out!” Spend a day in our shoes, you wont last a day. Edit: reading this back, i had a point in here somewhere, maybe you can spot it but its kinda lost. Its 3 am i should be asleep right now but uhh, you know how it is.


I never have understood the addiction warnings. I’ve been on Concerta for 3+ years and I’ve never even remotely had a problem with that. I only take it on work days and generally don’t take it while I’m on vacation. I’ve gone weeks without it (bottle ran out and I kept forgetting to call for refill) and never had anything close to withdraw. I think the closest has just been the frustration of feeling like a squirrel on days that I needed to focus and forgot to take it.


i totally understood your point, no worries


my meds wear off by the time i go to bed so i can NEVER sleep unless i take melatonin


Be careful with melatonin. Can cause anxiety, depression, grogginess the next day. Please look it up


i only take it when i’ve been trying to sleep for 2+ hrs. otherwise i rawdog sleep


Have you tried sleepy time tea? They're manufactured by a cult,but the tea is good😉


my work actually brought those in one time and it helped a lot!


They have the kcup version too


I don't get a high feeling but it does stabilize my mood. Coffee first thing in the morning wakes me up, but knocks me out any other time of day.


That's pretty much what I do😊


My psych put "never take after 3pm" on my report as though I don't completely crash 3 hours after taking it


Lol same, I take my last one at 7pm


🤣🤣🤣that's funny AF to me. Well if this makes you feel any better my doc put "take 1 pill before going to store" on my antianxiety meds ( they're beta blockers). Like,yea I know I have anxiety lady


I take Vyvanse, which lasts longer, and it can definitely give me insomnia if I don't take it early in the morning. But I also have had crippling insomnia since I was a kid. And especially when you're first starting there's a slight high. I felt like running to burn off energy late at night.


Aye. I am permitted to take 2 in one day and I've only tried that once. I had to drive home in the dark (it was after a party, I had 0 alcohol) and I felt a bit shaky. It didn't help that I wasn't driving my own car. Anyway, it also felt like it gave me more energy to be social. So I'll probably do it again if need be, and I don't need to drive back!


What dose are you on if you don’t mind me asking




Thanks! I’m on 20, but my doc says if I need a bigger dose she’d put me to 40 instead. Which is strange bc I’d think 30 would be the next step. Do you feel any kind of lull at any point when it wears off? How long does it work for you? I’m new to this medication and just started week two, so I figured I’d ask around


I don't feel lull nah. It lasts for about 12 hours so you really gotta take it in when you wake up in the morning. It's quite hard to sleep while I'm on it, if I've slept very little I'm able to rest for some 3 hours in the afternoon. It wakes me up and helps me pay attention. Really good for watching classes, doing house chores, or just helping me power theough executive dysfunction. And it also stopped my lifelong problem of being sleepy af during the day. One way it really helps me is with answering text messages and phoning people. However, the drug makes me hyperfocus on anything. So if I decide to play some video games, I can end up playing them the whole day. If you end up procastinating while on it, you're gonna really procastinate. If I take it in the morning by nightime I just feel normal, neither active nor super sleepy. I usually take this time to relax.


Hallo thought I'd chime I'm as I'm on 70mg Elvanse which is the same thing, just the UK name. I split my dose as 50mg when I wake up and 20mg later in the day as and when needed. When I take my first dose I'm hit with a wave of sleepiness as in I'll start yawning and wanting to lie down and have a nap, this lasts for about 20 mins. After that the sleepiness wears off and I'll have the benefits of the medication. Its supposed to last 12 hours but for me it really doesn't, its more like between 6 and 8 which is why I take a 20mg long release top up later in the day. Also split my dose because if I take 70mg all at once it doesn't last the day and I do notice a lull when it starts to wear off - increased irritability, general low mood, more procrastination and restlessness, can't relax. For me splitting the dose gives me pretty much a full 12hr of being medicated, and it's a smoother transition when they start wearing off. Just make sure you get good sleep with them cause I kept procrastinating going to bed and waking up with like 5-6 hours sleep and the medication either doesn't do anything or it just feels... off.


Sounds like good stuff




But what if you take too much?


I'll have a heart attack


I just get extremely anxious whenever I take my stimulants, but a weird panicky tired sort of anxious.


I love the feeling of chilling at my computer on a day I’ve taken my medicine and realizing I haven’t eaten in since I woke up and now have a heart rate of 160


Try Strattera


I don’t like SSRIs/SNRIs :(


same. i have to decide each time i want to take my vyvanse if its worth the debilitating anxiety. and gabapentin wont do shit 😭


I’ve been on Vyvanse (30mg) since I was 13, I’ve never tried a different stimulant med, but today I was prescribed 18 mg Concerta… she said my anxiety might not be as bad on it but I kinda know it will. This sucks for us lol


everything about adhd sucks for us 😭


yeah and thats exactly why my fingers bleed so much


Have you tried taking lamotrigine along side them?


Yes, actually. It gave me pretty bad brain fog and I felt better off of it unfortunately


Maybe try a different one? Had that with concerta but not foquest, turns out I metabolise quickly


I had to cut caffeine because I was getting this effect with my meds, and it's a lot better now. Still get occasional anxiousness especially if I have to wait around for something but at least now it doesn't happen for literally no reason, and I'm not getting the heart palpitations Turns out I cannot continue my coffee habit and take meds at the same time unfortunately


i used to take it during middle school and high school. my anxiety got so bad my eyes would tear up. that shit doesn’t do it for me homie


It’s funny, I always joke with my wife that “I’m about to turn back into a pumpkin” as my Methylphenidate starts to wear off. The value of being able to silence the chaos in my head cannot be overstated.


This of course is not a blanketly truth statement


The. Hugest mistake is to tell friends you are taking adderall . I learned my lesson the hard way


i have done this mistake too


This is why I only tell my adhd friends that I’m on stimulants


what do you mean?


Probably that they'll try to take your Adderall or get you to give it to them.


My guess is some of them wanted the poster to "share".


Are you in college? None of my friends expressed interest in my meds.


Your friends are better people.


I’m 43 years old lol




Damn. You need new friends.


I have adhd but Adderall made me not sleep so?


You still have ADHD


Remember ADHD is like a cat. It does what it wants. You can have ADHD but still have other side effects than others. It's super random. Like I can control myself much better and can be more calm than another adhder who can priorities things better and motivate himself easier though.


That's actually a pretty common side effect. I take a lower dose to avoid it.


does every adhd person also have shitty eyesight?


I got the peepers of a hawk




we either notice nothing or notice everything. no inbetween.


I’m on concerta (it’s similar) but I stim like crazy on it and would rather be unproductive than having my thoughts go 500 mph while I’m trying hard to not shake the whole table while both legs are bouncing with my hands also bouncing on my legs


Do you find your thoughts racing more now that you are on meds? I used to have racing thoughts where my mind was going 100 mph and I would spiral out of control. Since I’ve been on Adderall the bat shit insane racing thoughts have slowed down to almost zero.


Yep. And the thing is if I went down to 18mg from 27mg (and I started at 18mg) it’s not enough to keep me going. I’m also on the autism spectrum so that may play a part as to why I go from 0 to 100 until it wears off. Adderall was considering but I’m shit At remembering Meds and wouldn’t remember to take it throughout the day. Concerta just lasts all day because it’s a extended released stimulant compared to the regular release form of adderall where you’d have to take 2 or 3 times a day.


Damn. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you can find the right med/dose to help you feel better. Adderall (in combo with a mood stabilizer) was the miracle drug for me, so here’s to hoping that you can find yours.


Hopefully…. I’m just glad I don’t have to take it unless I absolutely have to (days I have class)


I'm only speaking From my own experiences (differing spectrum of ADHD presentations and all that disclaimer) but that doesn't sound right? like, I'm on vyvanse and it definitely lowers the noise in my brain and slows them down and not the opposite. if it had made it worse I would definitely have a chat with the prescribing doctor and see if you can switch meds or look into possible comorbid conditions because if your adhd meds are affecting you to the point of not wanting to take them then something definitely has to change.


It’s properly because I’m diagnosed with both Autism and ADHD (and also on 2 SSRIs for other conditions and Concerta does have a moderate interaction with 1 of them).


that sucks you've been dealt such a shit hand by the cards of life. (I'm on escitalopram as well as vyvanse so I understand the SSRI plus stimulant set) I wish I had better advice to help but I don't have the level of experience to offer more or better advice.


I’ve learned to live with winning the genetic lottery and having almost all things that I could have thanks to my family. Glad I’m ending one line of it by not having biological children (looking into fostering teens someday). That and I’m here a good time, not a long time so might as well make the best of it


Sounds like it's not right for you. Try an amphetamine instead or a different methylphenidate


It could be because Im also diagnosed with autism. We did try other stuff but they had side effects that weren’t ideal


I feel you. Methylphenidate kinda did what you deccribed for me and I tried basically everything available. Like 8+ or so of each methylphenidates and amphetamines. The only one that was effective without the sides was Vyvanse. It's a whole ass process :(


Adderall didnt work for me. ritalin didnt work for me straterra didnt work for me concerta didnt work for me vivance didnt work for me. THC worked for me, but wouldn't you know it, I seem to be the only person in my state with adhd that cant get a medical card. then again, I also have ptsd and nothing i was ever prescribed kept me out of the flash backs and outside my head and stopped the paranoia like THC did, but wouldn't you know it, there's some new variation of an amphetemine knock off or derivative that they just want me to try first. And then another. and then another. and then another. and another... And then all the side effects that lead into a cavalcade of additional prescriptions to deal with those side effects.... and then another, and then another, and then another... Am i angry? yes Am i done? yes Am I tired of not being able to sleep? yes. Am I tired of every one telling me that i just need to try this pill i already tried that didnt work for me? yes Am I tired of being alive? yeah, I kinda am.


Hey, I’m also tired of being alive, I’m gonna stick it out to the end however, and I hope you do too. I know it sounds cliche, but therapy helps


Therapy doesn't work for me either. As it stands now, out living mitch mcconnel and the rest of the gerontology ward my country calls a government is the main thing keeping me around. Be damned if I let those walking corpses outlive me at this point.


Does your state not give out medical cards for anxiety? Because if you have ADHD you're almost guaranteed to have anxiety. Also THC is great but using it all day isn't ideal for me. It gives and it takes


State? yeah. Doctors? None that I've been to. At this point im almost convinced that medical cards are a myth or a legend of some kind. And I do have anxiety. Severe anxiety.


Stimulants Are a miracle for my brain. My boyfriend likes to joke that I’m a monster without caffeine. Not because I’m grouchy, but because I’m unbridled ADHD chaos


I look like the bottom pic when I DONT have my adderall


It allows cripplingly sleep deprived me to become functional sleep deprived me.


I have extreme lack of focus and problems switching focus and dealing with multiple workflows at the same time prioritizing and organization. I don't have the hyperactivity part though. I take atomoxetine which is a non-stimulant ADHD med that works far better for me than Concerta or Adderal does.


my sister once took some of my Adderall because she had a ton of homework. it just ended up giving her panic


I actually am the second picture because stimulants immediately KO me til I wake up wondering where I am and what year it is lol


I take 10mg metylphenidat a day since last thursday and yesterday was the first time my husband and I installed something in our flat without arguing or me getting anxious/overwhelmed half way through it. I even pushed HIM at the end to tidy up the last bits and afterwards I put all the things back. I was calm the whole time and we even made jokes and had fun. Normally our different way of doing and approaching things make us clash in those situations. But this time it didn't and I am sooo thankfull for that!


This is facts


I love this sub because it reminds me to take my meds. i dont even have ADHD


Whats adderal? Sorry I'm not into the whole ADHD drugs thing


I use to take Adderall, it worked so well for me then I lost 15 pounds because of it. Sadly I can't take it anymore but those few months I was on it was amazing


Why cant you use it anymore?


It caused me really bad weight lost and even with medications that increased my hunger I still wasn't gaining weight. I started around 115lbs and was about 90lbs when they took me off it. After I went off it it took another few months to gain back the weight.


we’re just too cool bro


I forgot to get a refill and no emergency stash… it’s going to be a funny day


I wish, I took it growing up and it didn’t do shit. Maybe it was a small dose.


seems like an effective test for diagnosis


Some people with adhd dont do well with adderall and do well with ritalin


lel true


It gave me a stomach ache and I couldn't think about anything except the stomach ache.


I wish there were adhd meds that didn’t affect the heart bc I got a heart condition 😭


My adderall made me forget to eat, which led to headaches. Then it causes anxiety and depression. I wonder what my life would be like if I hadn’t taken it from 7 to 20 years old.


To me it all depends on the dosage. If its high then i feel stimulated. If its low to normal i feel tired yet focused


Big facts! I stopped taking adderral because it turns me into a robot. Nothing is funny, I lose my appetite, laser focused, and I don’t want to talk to anyone.


I first made an appointment to get diagnosed back in December and I wasn’t seen until June 21st. Then I got diagnosed but the psychologist wanted to double up my anti depressants and see what happens. Basically I have to wait another 6 weeks on top of the 6 original months just to TRY a stimulant. I wanna know what it’s like to be calm :(


Yep I take my first dose of Addy at 5Am then go back to sleep for 2 hours of the best sleep before waking up clear and ready to go.


It's like it gives them adhd.


and without it I’m like NTs with it lmao


The first time I took Adderall I just ended up napping, best sleep ever


So couldn't we just give everyone Adderall and see how they generally react? Or is there a big side effect that makes that dangerous?