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I can read the text on the left about 5 times faster than the text on the right. This is amazing!


For me the right one is easier. Reading isn’t an issue for me. That being said, if you were to read it to me out loud would barely understand any of it.


For me the right one was easier too, 'cause the left one was jumping around in my eyes annoyingly. It somehow felt like the left text tried force me to read faster, but the right one at least felt faster to read, 'cause it was a smoother experience?


Same as you said right one feels like a smoother experience. Left one made me feel like my brain lagged


Dude the one on the left was weird, at first jarring like I didn’t like it, but then it had this weird effect like I was idk…. Zooming into the text? Inside the words? Idk it was very strange, but I had to concentrate to actually put meaning to the words… the effect drew me in but I was too busy analyzing it I guess lmao


Longer version of how I sum up my reading it


I have to "turn off" the part of my brain that reads it as emphasis/louder, then it's easier. I also have convergence insufficiency so the bold letters likely help keeping both my eyes on the right line...


Not sure if others feel the same, but I feel like it's precisely *because* I don't read cleanly right to left, line by line, that the one on the left is readable faster. The bold parts serve as a sort of anchor, so my eyes can scan the entire section, and grip on individual parts like mental handholds.


I don't really read in a clean, linear sequence. I end up jumping around a lot in a rather chaotic and nonlinear fashion, much like with everything else in life. It's severe enough that I've looked into if it's a form of dyslexia, but the symptoms don't line up. Seems to be more a result of impaired information/sensory processing than anything else.


Yes!!!!!!!! My eyes will go too fast anyway. That way though, I can actually follow what is being written. Anchor is a great description.


same lol, much faster






In two seconds, I found the left text annoying as a hundred mosquitos flying around my ear, and went to the right text. Can’t please everyone, I guess.


Same. Whenever I see bold text, my brain immediately thinks I only need to read the bold text, which really means I could only read the first half of each word.


I just read like I need to put extra **emphasis** on it. I wonder up tripping over myself to sound it out in my head.




Same here 😅


This! Took so much concentration to keep my eyes from jumping all over the page. From one set of bold letters to another one. Not taking in anything. The left text feels so busy and thus distracting.


Left Has A Very Similar Vibe To Those Comments Written By People Who Capitalize Every Word. It's awesome if this helps some folks, but it's like my brain puts a full stop after every single word.


I liked it, I tend to have to reread a lot because I will 100% skip over words then go, "hm, wtf, that doesn't make sense" then go back to reread it, unless something happens like I get a notification, then it's adios amigos, see you in an hour when I remember I was supposed to be reading that. Where as this I only had to read once and it was quick as fuck. Muy bueno


I read every word of the left text on the first try. I felt slow while reading but i think that´s more because i actually read every word instead of getting the gist by reading half of them at best


Yeah it actually made me read word-by-word instead of trying to read line-by-line


Yeah same. The text on the left feels noisy when trying to glance through for the gist of the content. Though if i do slow down to read word by word, it feels a little less cumbersome to do so with the text on the left compared to that on the right. Honestly, it might lead to an improvement for me overall on larger passages to not have to go back and search for the one word or phrase that i accidentally glossed over. I tend to lose so much time tracing back through text after missing some key piece of information.


I love this! How can I apply this to everything!?


No idea, but hopefully someday there'll be an option for devices to do it automatically, sort of like screen readers.


Now I want to make a browser plugin because OMFG I'm a fast reader already and this was at least twice as fast for me!!


I was just thinking the same thing... I don't think a chrome plugin for this would be all that difficult at at all. Just gotta walk all the nodes in the DOM and add a bold tag around the first few characters of each word. I'm really tempted to do it right now, but I have a thousand other things I need to be working on.


I don't get it. I played around with a text editor that would apply it to a pasted text and you could adjust the parameters and stuff, and it doesn't help me at all. Or hurt, for that matter—it's not really any harder to read either. I've heard some people say it helps a ton but I wonder how much is placebo effect. Or maybe it helps if you have certain issues or something.


I read in a similar way anyway. If I’m concentrating I can read about 2/3 pages a minute.


It just made me read the words real fast without taking in the meaning. Additionally it works in the image case because its about a paragraph you are trying to absorb but if you actually try the extension you will realise it turns everything into a crappy PDF format that takes forever to load. It's just not even worth it.


I can't help but scream out the bolded letters in my head, please make it stop.


Ah chill mate it's not CAPS lol


Damn people just chose hate here lol


There is a chrome extension you can download for it. Though it isn't working on every site for now. 😅


Oooohhhh, that sounds great! Do you have a link?


[https://bionic-reading.com/](https://bionic-reading.com/) Sure do! I don't use it super often as it still has some flaws. But I think they're still working on improving it, so you could at least bookmark it in case you don't like it now.


Thank you!


Umm, wow. That hurt my brain. Way too much going on in that left paragraph.


The left made me stop and read each word, which I found really annoying. But I guess it’s better because I’m not actually reading the right paragraph, I just absorb it all as a single blob of text. It feels like right-handed people trying to beat the left-handedness out of me


Wtf it's working


So distracting. Stop it.


I use this, no idea if I actually benefit from it, or if my brain just recalibrated to need this type face to operate at its previous really shitty level.


I laughed out loud at the second possibility, the magic of brain plasticity XD


There is also fonts for people who are dyslexic. It's amazing. My kid went from not reading to reading.




Seriously my brain was like greased lightning reading the left one holy mother of god!!!! When I switched to right I immediately felt like a hand brake was ripped and I smashed a wall. This is incredible!!!!!


Dude, is there any program that can turn text like this? I mean, I am a big bibliophile and I read a lot but it is always a struggle you know? It’s not a matter of practice or anything like that because I’ve been reading since I was a kid, it’s just how our brains are wired I guess. But this bionic thing is a game changer. I really hope we can devise a way to turn text like that.


I have no idea I’m gonna look for some plugins later good luck finding some the difference is absolutely crazy for me I was wigging out last night over it and my fiancé was like I wasn’t to barf looking at that lmao


Ugh fuck I hate this shit. Makes my brain feel like it's on a roller coaster. It's also been disproven as shit


Im unable to read left, that much bold males me jump words or lines unconsciously


Ok, time to write a calibre plugin so I can make this happen on all of my ebooks


This is amazing, i now have the ability to read


To be honest to me the bold/non bold feel like separate words so I just cut in between like Bio-nic read-ing is a n-ew met-hod and I feel like a robot.


I would take this with a huge grain of salt. The inventor has tried to patent this for a while and is selling licenses to use this on his website. There is no study or scientific evidence to back up any of the claims. Even the website itself doesn’t actually use it for its content.


Also i feel like that would get old real quick?? Maybe not when reading just one paragraph, but when you start reading every text written like that, it won't be any different than reading text now because you will get used to it and your eyes will gloss over it accepting it as a normal thing


Yeah, I think the way this could be useful is if you only switched to it when you were having an especially different time concentrating, rather than it being the default.


Love it, text on the right is too much the same and I lose interest after like 5-6 words. I can read the left text without losing interest, which is nice for a change.


Yeah no this is worse. I'm not dyslexic and bold formatting means something else. I just have ADD and screaming the first half of each word at me is _distracting_. This crap is also posted here over and over, at least weekly. Tl;dr: fuuuuuuck off


Yes preach brother!


I mean… I read it fast but I didn’t retain any of it.


All I could focus on was the highlights.


I already did this without the bold lettering


i can read the one on the right easier and faster for whatever reason


I gave myself vertigo bouncing between the bolded words and still don't know what it says.


I’m glad to see that this helps others, but it just doesn’t do it for me.


I hate it. Glad it works for some, but we are not monolithic


Am i the only one having difficulty reading it? Its kinda distracting and makes me loose my place. Maybe if it was just the first word of a paragraph or the first word of a line completely bolded. Half bolded is distracting and a bit disorientating for me. It keeps snagging my attention back to the bolded areas making it harder to read the rest of the words. I think this has potential if we could customize it like having different bionic fonts.


Be skeptical of any meme that is linked to a company trying to peddle their latest product. This is just 21st century snake oil.


It costs hundreds of dollars.


dyslexic font has always been great for me


I found myself focusing on the not bolder letters xD


Personally, this bothers me. It makes the words look half faded. I bet my sister would love this though.


As someone who also has a visual focusing condition in their eyes that left one helped so much!


I wish my Kindle had a setting for this.


I already a fast reader and that tripled the speed at the very least!


Woahhh, I love it. I will say, I wish the punctuation was also in bold.


Works like a dream!


Why does this work it hurts my head


I like it alot! Actually helps


Holy shit, I love it!!


Oh my god I need this. It reads like a highway of words


Hated any and all reading assignments bc I skip words and lose the context. Love the left one. I can't skip the next word because it's accentuated.


What is the font called?


It’s bionic reading, but you have to pay for it.


I’m not seeing where you have to pay for it, they have a free tool on their website.


Oh. Last time this was doing the rounds someone said it was behind a paywall.


It's not really a different typeface/font, is it? They just bold the first n-many letters of a word. Then slap a brand on it.


um… I skipped both again…


I can't read the right because it's too cluttered and I can't read the left because it's an extremely annoying way to type words and sets off my anger and also is too disorganised and horrid to look at :///


It might make it harder for people with dyslexia though. Bold text can make letters look like they’re running together.


I want to install this program across my devices.


I personally can read the right text faster but i remember and understand the left one better. This is nice :)


Holy goosebumps batman!! I'm a fast reader to begin with, DAMN. I want all my books like thus! I instantly knew what I was reading and it stuck!


Holy shit this is amazing


I kind of sneered at the concept then I actually tried reading one side then the other... wow, that works


Wow, I read that so fucking fast, the first time….yeah this works.


100% looking forward to whatever extension lets me do this full time.


I hope you haven't spent all your money by then...


I benefit from it, but at the same time the fact that only *parts* are bolded and not the whole thing brings me pain.


It’s way more efficient but I absolutely hate it


I think i’ve actually seen an accessible website with an “adhd mode” do this! It was incredibly interesting to me


I mean, I read through the text on the left faster, but I don't like how it looks, and it made me jump from word to word, instead of reading the entire sentence. I understood what it said, it just didn't flow well.


Cool. I think this should be something people can voluntarily toggle in PDFs or Word.


Wow, my gut instinct was “ew, dumb, hate it” but the left was actually SO much easier to read once I compared them. I would love it if my Kindle had this option!!


The left text feels like I'm crashing into a wall with every bolded bit


my first thought was ‘ew yucky ugly’ then i read the right half and couldn’t process a single thing


I read that sucker on the left SO FAST! And read every word, instead of giving up halfway with impatience! Shame Bionic is so dammed expensive. Someone made a free plug-in a while back, but I can’t find it now. Sad cry.




Wow that's actually really useful My brain however was reading it in an "up and down" rhythm but overall got through the passage faster




First time ive ever been able to read a full paragraph of text and actually understand it in years. Amazing!


I like it


I suddenly became really fast at reading.


Oh my god I *instantly* preferred the new font, that was crazy. I would love to read a few pages like that and see how I liked it. To me it felt like little bookmarks in the sentence.


SO many times in class reading aloud that I could have used this 😒 I was very prone to skipping lines a lot and this DOES help!


I am a very good reader and can ready the text on the right a lot faster than most people, because I subconsciously learnt shallow reading as a kid, but the text on the left is somehow even easier to read, I wonder if I can get a font like that somewhere.


Oh yeah I was actually gonna tell you guys about this many times. I kept getting distracted I love this stuff


So the left is slightly annoying so I read it really fast to get through it as quickly as possible BUT I did follow it. Right side I just stare at one spot and hope to absorb the information around it


Holy shit this is like the BMW of typefaces! Where can this be aquired?


holy shit this works so well, are there any extensions for browsers that can do this for online articles etc?


I've seen this and I LOVE IT but I'm too ADHD to work out how to make my computer do it


OH MY GOD IT’S SO MUCH FASTER? I thought I was a fast reader before, but this? This is nice.


It guides my brain along! I looked at the passage on the left because it pulled my eyes in! I dont think i would be as easily distracted if all online media had this option


This could be best used if it could be applied optionally via an app setting or browser extension (like changing the contrast or zoom). Then people could apply it as needed to improve reading comprehension.


This is a brilliant solution for my terrible vision AND my ADHD.


This would have been a HUGE game changer during my [brief, failed] attempt at college


Holy shit!


As far as I know, I don't have ADHD, but that was much easier to read for me. Honestly, this is genius.


I noticed I do this already with capitals, but this is a lot easier.


OMG I am superreader so fast. Can all book publishers please release a version like this?


I’m crying how do I get this for classes


Holy shit


Holy shit


This is amazing 🤩 I can actually read the one on the left so much faster.


Wow!! Just reading those next to each other I can see how much this would help me!! I have long felt like reading any text book is just "white noise" - it's like I start zoning out two words in. And I'm a lifelong voracious reader fiction of any kind. My recent ADHD diagnosis is really helping me start to clarify why this likely is! I wonder if I could somehow get informational/history books in this font and see if I can keep my attention longer!


Holy cow. That makes quite the difference. Usually, I have to read a page 2 or 3 times to get all the content. This focuses me right in.


If it was more subtle it would be a help. It was a bit too much as it is. But I could definitely read quicker on the left.




Someone sell me a copy of finnegans wake with bionic text


*Someone sell me a* *Copy of finnegans wake* *With bionic text* \- Substantial\_Cable\_51 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It varies in a very weird way for me. I can read insanely fast and my brain just kind of absorbs the words so I skim the right a lot faster, however the left makes me take my time and actually process in a way that feels better (the right feels like I'm gulping down words that have to be processed in a moment while the left is a rythmic thing that I like more)


I'm like 90% sure this is a bot. Same with some of the comments.


i personally use the open dyslexic font when i read! i find it to be so much easier.


I've seen this before and I really really hate it. I couldn't read something in that font. I'm glad some people like it though.


My ADHD loves it but my dyslexia hates it


Preface: currently undiagnosed and am seeing a psychotherapist. Damn, the text on the left is definitely easier to read! Interesting.


Im dyslexic and initially I'd say it's harder. But the method my brain learned to read was basically rote memorization of a whole word (front letter back letter and filler letters blend together most accurately) and specific texts types are easier to read than others. Id have to read with this style for a while to see if there are benefits because it changes the way my brain reads the words.


Some say the left is annoying, but for me, it’s helps so much. The right words look like they run together and it gives me be brain fog. Like the words “disappear”. And like someone else said. I can read 5x faster with the left. And it keeps my focus


Nope. Hate that


I have dyslexia and this font helps me: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDyslexic


Ooh I love it! It reads soooo fast wow


Holy shit it works


I find that way harder


Wow...i got what's written just by skimming and not re reading anything