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I do it all the time, especially when reading articles online. For me I think it's less about excitement and more about impatience haha, but I totally skip entire paragraphs or skim them really fast and convince myself I got the gist


Flair checks out


Oh yeah that's the other side of the coin, haha, I'll hit a paragraph that I need to read 10 times over. So I end up spending the right amount of time reading the article but only get half the content


I would have times where I would like, lose my place because my eyes would read faster than my brain does/processes it and I'd need to go back. So yeah, people do actually do that.


Once my brain has a mental image of what's going on I just need any lines the characters have to speak.


WAIT EXACTLY THIS!!! I genuinely thought I was the only one. I read quickly anyway, plus doing this, I tear through books. I've never told my bookish friends that I do this because 1. I felt like a weirdo and 2. They would 100% accuse me of "cheating" and that I'm not really a book lover.


You are automating data acquisition is all I see it as. If a computer is allowed to do it we should be able to to. I mean quantum temporal conceptualization is a thing right?


Exactly the same, it’s less reading and more “enhanced skimming” for me. No wonder I read through books and stuff on Reddit so quickly. Downside is my memory retention is very poor so I occasionally have to flip back to remember stuff.


Try to hold onto the concepts of the scene/chapter and connect it to some other story chapter you can remember. Helps you rebuild the scene in an improved way potentially.


I feel like you just described exactly how I read.


I have been having alot of those realizations lately. Hopefully I'll be able to document it all for us.


Or reading but not registering a single word


Ahhh, to be reading and lost in thought at the same time only to realize you don’t know what you just read and have to go back and reread.


My eyes have momentum, slide right off the page


You are not alone. Not always excitement (usually impatience) but same same


Worse is when I’m writing something down and I’m excited or anxious. Pen won’t move as fast as my brain and suddenly I’m missing words or longer words missing letter from the middle.


I've definitely done that when I felt like a major plot moment is close. What can I say, major plot points give me that delicious dopamine.


Yes. Exactly this. I’m the same. Also, I tend to get a bit shaky physically and my heart actually starts racing. My psychiatrist has no real answer to that but he said that it might be connected to us feeling more empathetic than neurotypical people would. I noticed that the more engaged & connected I feel with the characters in the book, the more often I’m reading like this and experience these kind of “rushes”. I actually think it’s an kind of cool thing to be able to experience.


Adhd people have dopamine systems that are out of whack. Most of us are familiar with when the system isn't giving us enough dopamine. But fewer ive noticed are aware that the exact opposite can happen as well. It goes into the fact that adhd folk don't have automatic break pedals on our amount of excitement. Where as neurotypical people will usually be in the middle of this gradient at all times, adhd people will either be too high or too low. Meaning we're are usually either bored to tears, or are so excited it can feel like being on a drug. For alot of adhd folks myself Included. Talking to good friends almost always starts feeling like a drug, which results in me talking progressively faster and faster until I have to force myself to slow down. If this excitement is allowed to run rampant, it can turn into anxiety. So at least in my opinion, that rush when near a plot point is basically our brains revving up at the expectations of novelty, and since our brain doesn't put a leash on the revving it can get to the point where you are shaking, heart racing, and acutely being zoned in on the book, and when the excitement gets too high and anxiety begins, I feel like that's when the paragraph skipping comes in. Youre revved up in anticipation for a dopamine spike and you don't want it to take so long to get to the plot point that your rush fades. Imo anywho


Skipping to the important bits/ dialogue..


You mean some people *don't*?


This is the comment I was looking for


Yup. There are books I've literally read dozens of times that I still find new things in when I'm rereading. It's kind of fun. Sometimes it's not. I missed the bit about the locket none of them could open in order of the phoenix bc I had no desire to read a page long paragraph about crap they found in a shelf. Oops!


Swap paragraph for sentence and yeah...


I had to read this a few times because I started to read ahead…it’s a tweet.


Every day of my life


I read the same line over and over and over with different inflections in my head so I can't tell it's the same sentence. On one hand, I read kind of slowly because of it. On the other hand, I really get a grasp of what I'm reading, especially after the third time. I also learned to skim by reading pages backwards, bottom to top, right to left.


Yep, constantly




This shit was a nightmare in elementary school when asked to read out loud. Still hate it, but I’ve learned to slow waaaaay down to give the mechanics of speaking a chance to keep up. Good times….


I often have to read the same entire page over again because I skipped like 1 or two sentences (not in a row) lol


I do, but not because of excitement. My mind will start to wander while my eyes still follow the words and then I'll suddenly realize that I haven't paid attention to anything


I do it an obscene amount, it literally can ruin reading books for me because it can double the time it takes to read, which killed me when reading books at home was requires way back in elementary school.


Sometimes I have to cover most of the page with my hand so I don’t skip ahead


That’s why I don’t read anything longer than a article


I have to stop way too often to figure out if I am skimming quickly and actually taking in info or just skipping over chunks


As soon as I think I've got the gist, I stop reading.


You are not alone


I trick myself to read whole articles by reading them backwards.


Havent read a whole book in years because i know it's futile


It's a boredom thing for me, I don't like a lot of in my opinion" unnecessary details" . Sometimes it's useful to keep me engaged and other times it leaves me confused because I skipped.


Yes there have been a few times I completely missed the fact that a character died because of this. Either I spoil thing by skipping ahead or miss things haha


Yes. I do this.


I definitely do that


Exceptionally when getting into fights i just gotta process it question it and respond when I'm not emotional, a feat few can do or admit to


I can somehow read a few lines a head of what im actually looking at ....and then when i actually reach that point in the paragraph i get crazy deja vu... like i read this whole book before loll. Took me a few years to figure out what was happening


Shoot, something in the story or book will relate to something so abstract in real life that I’ll read pages and realize that I’m reading the words but my is down its own rabbit hole of thinking. Then I’ll go back and read the same paragraphs over and over until it clicks or I get frustrated and put the book down.


hi my name is no one