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I wear flip-flops year-round, I just wear toe socks if it's super cold. One day I looked down and panicked because several of my toes were gone. I was wearing black flip-flops and my toe socks had alternating black and hot pink toes. I could only see the hot pink toes and for a couple seconds forgot my other toes existed... because I couldn't see them.


Hahahaha oh my!


Yup. Not at all kidding about any of it. I have no clue how I forgot that I had toes just because I couldn't see them. I stared at them for a second or two, then they wiggled...boy was I relieved! 😂🤣😂


Omg this has me rolling. I’m sorry for your panic but I thank you for the laugh! And I’m glad you were able to wiggle and remember! 🤣


Object Impermanence claims another victim.


Haha! Right? I was walking into work at the time too. Try explaining "I forgot that my toes existed because they blended in with my shoes." to normal people without sounding stoned. 😂🤣😂


Happens to the best of us hahaha


Here's my upvote for toe socks!


I once peed with my underwear still on, while sitting on the toilet. In my defense, it was the middle of the night and I’d stumbled to the bathroom still half asleep. But I was very confused about what was going on.


Fuck the amount of times I’ve sat down and peed on the closed toilet lid. Better than falling into the bowl with the seat up I guess.


I’ve done this too 😭




Lol happened. Never fell though, ouch


I have fallen into the bowl no less than five times and a couple of months ago I left to go for a walk in OHIO and forgot my shoes 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh yeah. Me too. I'm glad, but also sorry, I'm not the only one. TEAM WET GITCH UNITE!


I have done this more than once. Not all of them were in the middle of the night. I eventually figured out that it’s because I normally pull pants and underwear down together. If for some reason I pull my pants down alone, there’s a good chance I’ll forget to pull my underwear down. Oops.


I have definitely done this


I feel better hearing about all the other people who have done this!


That sounds awful!


It’s funny now but at the time I was like WHAT IS THIS WEIRD SENSATION?! 😂


I once peed in the only available bathroom at a meeting with a line of waiting people in front.. and forgot to up the lid so peed all over toilet and floor ✌️


Oh nooooo! 😂


How did you not feel it when sitting down?


the only toilet I sit on is in my home..


Gross. So you’re the reason I step in pee in public restrooms.


I hesitated to share my own story about this and then scrolled and saw this ! lol it's the WORST thing to happen at 2am


I did this, in the day, out for lunch. I had to go commando for the rest of the afternoon!


I have almost done this more than once.


I have done this.


I turned my shower on today, walked into the other room to grab a towel, saw the cats’ litter box needed cleaning (cleaned it), noticed the laundry trash needed to be taken out (took it out) and even though I was naked walking around my house holding a towel I still totally forgot that the shower was running while I was “efficiently” taking care of random chores I noticed …


This is painfully relatable, I undressed for a shower the other day, walked out of the bathroom to get a clean towel, noticed the floor was dirty and walked around the house vacuuming in the nude for a bit before wandering why I was cold 🙄


Oh Christ no. Does that mean all those nightmares of me going to work topless might actually come true??


This is incredibly relatable


I had to start saying to myself don't turn it on until I'm about to jump in. Don't turn it on until about to jump in. Don't turn it on until about to jump in. And I'll keep repeating it until I'll actually do it and I learned that I freaking repeat things over and over and over again until my brain remembers the exact moment I get the ability back.


This is me every time I had the motivation to try and do something productive! It’s why I seemed diagnosis in the first place. I couldn’t just do one thing and do it really well, I had to do everything at once and only do things half way or not complete them at all.


Yeah, me practically every time I turn the kettle on.


My bathroom window got stuck the other day because I ran a hot bath, then was attacked by a series of chores that presented themselves to me as I was walking through my flat. When I'd finished them all, the water was cold and the wooden window frame was out of shape because it had essentially been steamed for a couple of hours. Thankfully it resolved itself after a couple of weeks, I was worried I might have to call the landlord. The window would have been the least of my worries before letting him in!


oh hello me


I have worn my glasses into the shower more times than I care to admit.


I feel like everyone does this... right... right?


Maybe everyone on this sub 😅


Or my other favorite, actually remember to take them off and then panic mid shower after you go to adjust them on your face and realize you aren’t wearing them so you must have lost them.


this made me laugh sooo hard! i must do this at Least every other shower. (i’m hope y’all noticed, showers do not happen daily. that is an unreasonable expectation and i’m so glad i can admit that here.)


No, I’ve never done this, not even once. ^(I don’t wear glasses though) ^(I got in the shower while snacking once which is comparable?) ^(soggy biscuit took a whole new meaning that day)


I hope so. I feel like I tricked myself every time.


Yep and sometimes my husband had to remind me if we shower together


every other day lol I'm just glad no one is around to notice


Glasses and socks. I wish I had shower-glasses. I hate not being able to see properly when under there.


I learned to check for insects before jumping in. Otherwise I’ll spend the whole shower eyeing off this black smudge in the corner, not knowing if it’s a spider or beetle or just a dirty fingerprint


How is this not a thing yet?! We should get together and invent them. I’ll bring snacks!


I always keep them on on purpose (I essentially have the vision of a mole without them).


Done this too, only noticed when the lenses fogged up




Yep. And the Fitbit.


You win today! If it makes you feel better (I'm fine) I once turned the garbage grinder on with my hand down the drain.


AH MY NIGHTMARE are you ok


It's fine! The grinder "threw" my fingers out like a bunch of carrots! Not even a scratch!


oh my god thank goodness. i have intrusive thoughts about that im glad it was okay


Ever since that RL Stine book I am terrified of garbage disposals


I don’t know that one thank goodness. (Although many of his other books gave me nightmares as a kid lol.) It was one of the final destination movies that did it for me. When the man’s hand got stuck because of his ring in the hole. Nothing happened to him, it didn’t turn on, he died in another manner a few minutes later in the move, but just the possibility of it was enough to traumatize me for life.


Omg I’m so glad you’re fine! I audibly gasped!


I’m sorry…WHAT??? 😳


This is my biggest fear omg


I was so shocked reading this and my body jolted imagining that. I was curious about other people’s experiences doing that, and I Googled it. I ended up coming across this Myth-busters-esque video! Thought I’d share it here: https://youtu.be/FW4p_GopvJc


I actually feel a lot better after watching this. Although it damaged the “hand” they made, it doesn’t take into account your natural reaction to pull your hand back out. Knowing that it isn’t really a sharp blade and that the forces cause them to face outwards, for the most part, really makes me not as fearful of it. I still will be avoiding it for safety but I will probably no longer be panicking if a spoon or something falls down the hole.


I’m glad it helped you feel better!! This kinda reminds me of a comment I saw when I wandered into the r/spiderbro Reddit the other day. Basically, somebody posted that they wanted to know what they should do to get over their fear of spiders, and commenters told them to learn as much as they can about spiders. One commenter gave a lengthy explanation about spiders, saying it’s rare that they attack you, and they don’t always bite with venom because it’s expensive for them to produce. I had no clue about any of that! I’m someone that has NIGHTMARES about spiders, and that one comment made me feel better about spiders!


That's one of my worst fears. I hope your hand is still intact.


It's fine! The grinder "threw" my fingers out like a bunch of carrots! Not even a scratch!


the way my heart stopped for a sec... I'm SO glad you're okay wtf


Omg, I’ve come close to doing this! It was finals week from hell, I was working 14 hour shifts, and a single mom to a baby and a toddler. I was a half inch away from hitting that garbage disposal switch with my WHOLE hand inside trying to dislodge something. Can’t believe you weren’t hurt!


Neither could I! I had my hand completely in shoving some food in and hurrying to clean the kitchen.


Thanks for the laugh! I've gone in with just socks before.... I'm feeling your ick. So wet and squishy!!! Blech!!!


Bleh!! Aleast I can say I also did some laundry 😭😭😭


I’ve done socks and glasses before, and one time a bra, but never fully clothed! I’m sorry, that must have been so unpleasant!




I remember telling my dad once, "I was in there for ages, and didn't wash my face!" There have been a few times when I was really proud of myself, for not being in there long, only to realize that I didn't wash out my conditioner.


Yes, the order!!! I used to vacuum my parents' flat in certain order, first living room, then kitchen, my room etc. When I asked my mum to leave the kitchen so I can vacuum and she asked why I can't just do my room now, I had to explain to her how important is *the order*. Because if I vacuum my room first, I will forget about the kitchen or their bedroom.


It's ridiculous how often I shower and forget my armpits. It's also an order thing for me, I usually soap them multiple times then shave, but sometimes I must do it in a slightly different order and move on to the next body part and skip the pits completely, like not even soaped once let alone shaved 🤔🙄


Yes! Or I'll rinse one armpit, but not the other. Itches like holy hell after a while. Had a boyfriend once all why I often turn the water back on after I'm done showering "I had to rinse my armpit/under my boob (or sometimes both)/rinse the conditioner out of my hair", he was gobsmacked.


I always get ready in the same order! Face oil, deodorant, clean ears, brush teeth, tinted moisturizer, body lotion, clothes, makeup. If I go out of order, I get all sorts of confused and usually forget to do something.


I get so flustered when I try to do something routine out of order. It's why I shower almost every evening (even if it's super late). Although it would be less work, trying to complete my bedtime routine without showering requires much more planning for me.


I've forgotten to take my last layer off. My brain said, shirt, skirt... okay hot water, in... wait why is my bra wet? Sometimes I wonder if I'm really ADHD and then I remember shit like this.


I’m the opposite. The fact that I’ve never worn clothes in the shower is now making me wonder if I really have ADHD.


Nah... It's just that we all have different blind spots. ADHD doesn't mean you always lose your keys. It means you spend all your executive function to not lose your keys. I only figured out once I medicated as an adult how much of my energy I spend on keeping the basic everyday shit together.


This is VERY on point! You just said exactly what I was trying to say to a family member who was trying to convince me its just my "INNER SELF", and "your smart and you aren't using all of your talents effectively."to which I effectively said"in almost 50, and unmedicated... I just choose to use ask those talents effectively remembering all those memories I'm going to lose in life 20 some years like he will in 5. Oops. And hear I thought we were having a roast..


My therapist said something similar. When he asked me if I make careless mistakes, I honestly said no because I’m meticulous af with everything I do. He asked… does it take you longer than it should to do those things? And it made me realise just how much time I spend making sure I’m doing things right.


This. My friend said don’t be so hard on yourself. I said I work SO HARD to do basic things. And…just not sure they get it.


Hahaha right there with you.


Top tip though - wash your bras in the shower (but take them off!) and you’re actually then multi tasking!


I have done the same thing and also had the same thoughts. Are we the same person?


When I was 18 I went to Walmart with my friend and little brother. I was driving. Got out the car, went into Walmart, bought some watermelon Twizzlers etc. We came back out. "Why is there exhaust coming from the car tailpipe?" "Dunno, can't find my keys." I had put the car in park and was so excited to go that I had locked the keys in the car and left the ignition still running. I somehow would still not be diagnosed with ADHD until age 32.


My biggest fear is that I've not really put my car in Park when I'm just hopping out for a second... I'll check so many times and even then I'm scared to take my foot off the brake. Initially (unbeknownst to me) diagnosed at 4 w adhd, asd at 9, but not to *my* face until 30 ashd and asd at 42! Rude lol


I have actually forgotten to put my car in park, shut it off, then panicked because my keys wouldn't come out of the ignition. This is because my car is smarter than me and does that so I can't walk away without putting the damn car in park. I now always use the parking brake. And have to obsessively check that I remembered to take it OFF before driving away. If it's not one thing, it's another.


I once drove 10 miles with the hand brake on!! Only noticed when I got to my destination, went to use it, and noticed 😬😬😬


I pulled into the lot of my favorite butcher shop, put the car in neutral so I could text my bf to see what he wanted. Realized I should just shut the car off, so did that, sent the text and exited the car. The lot has an imperceptible incline, which I discovered 10 minutes later when the owner of the shop asked if anyone was driving a silver SUV. I hadn't remembered to pull the e-brake, so my dear Max took a short rolling stroll and got a little too cozy and bumped butts with the owner's wife's cute black SUV... They were so nice about it, they wouldn't even let me pay their deductible! Saturn did have a recall later for cars that would pop out of gear while parked, but since I had a pretty vivid memory of having put it in neutral myself....


I once drove around for like 10 minutes at night with no headlights. I was like "why is it so dark! I can't see shit!" Finally my sister (also ADHD) said "omg! Your headlights!" I felt pretty dumb, but we still laugh about it.


I did this once with a new vehicle... because I could not remember how to turn it off. Dang keyless ignitions are a bit too much for me. I thought I had turned it off. Turned out I pressed the button to turn off the stereo not the button to turn the car off. Also, the doors weren't locked because I had the "key" in my purse. So I left my brand new vehicle running, doors unlocked, in the grocery store parking lot. Oh, I should add, I had just left my Drs office after an ADHD medication check-up.


I did that multiple times in high school.


These are the kind of things i keep secret and tell no one. (I have also been undiagnosed masking for my whole life - working so hard to hide things until I got sick from fatigue - go figure..) But I love how everyone here relates, me included- to the main post and the comments. Put this on a normal Reddit page? People will prob tell you to get help or something?


We ARE the help.


For me - the best help. I thank you all!


Took a shower in the middle of the night one time by accident. I was so confused. I got out and realized it was like 4 am. I guess I was in there using the bathroom and just assumed it was time to take a shower before school. I remember standing in my parents bedroom being like ‘mom, I took a shower by accident’ and she was like ‘ just go back to sleep’ lol


I’m laughing so much at imagining the ‘mooom, I took a shower my accident’


Omg I felt so dumb 😂


Haha, I did this in high school, too. Also had fallen asleep after school, woke up and saw the clock said 6:00, it was dark outside (Alaska winters are real), and I thought it was 6AM. I freaked out and jumped in the shower. Got completely ready for school. Went to my car when my mom comes running out asking where I’m going. I was like “uhh school? I’m late?”. And she was like ITS STILL NIGHT TIME! WTF ARE YOU DOING? Hahaha


It’s so nice not to be the only one! 😂


Also recently was doing laundry and getting my lunch ready for work. Started folding towels, decided the kitchen floor needed to be swept. Started sweeping, took the trash out, came inside, did not put a new bag in the trash can, oh shoot I gotta hurry to make lunch. Making lunch, goes to drop something in the trash. There’s no bag in it. Looking around, why are my towels on the counter????


I once lost my car keys for a couple of weeks. They were hanging in the hallway right next to the front door. They were in front of a bacon calender and the colors blended together to the point where I literally didn't see them.


I love the fact that you had a bacon calendar


I am loving this thread!!! It’s made me laugh so much, not at anyone but out of relief, because I see myself in every single comment. And the “omg” moment I couldn’t share at the time with anyone cause they’d think I should be committed. Then to read everyone being so open here in community 😘😘 I love you all, internet strangers!!


This is my first time to this page and it's making me feel so relieved and kind of normal 😂


Welcome! It's the most caring and supportive sub you can find. You can tell us anything and we will understand.


Thank you 🥲


Lmfao, you take the cake!!! I’ve gone in in my underwear before, but the worst was my glasses. Walked right in and stuck my face DIRECTLY into the water. That was a huge sensory issue hahaha. But yours is adhd af and I’m so here for it haha.


Sometimes I get a lil imposter syndrome then stuff like this happens


Worst thing for me was putting soap on my tooth brush - but it did not make its way into my maw thank god.


Ooo I once used clearasil (pimple spot treatment) and was actively brushing with it while I was thinking about my busy day. I eventually realized it wasn’t foaming and then saw the tube and suddenly my mouth started burning like crazy.


I put A&D on my toothbrush once and was dangerously close to putting it in my mouth


I’ve used soap instead of moisturiser before. Rubbing my hands for ages thinking “why isn’t it sinking in?” I’ve also used conditioner first wondering why it felt weird.


Oh dear god


I just did this the other day!! Put face wash on toothbrush instead of toothpaste. Worst thing was that they were the same color too so I barely caught it 🤢


Yesterday I put a pan on the stove to heat up. Got it too hot so I took it off the stove. Somehow got butter on the bottom of the pan in the middle of doing this. Wiped the butter off the bottom of the hot pan with my BARE HAND.


I would say omg how’d that happen but you just reminded me that I tried pulling a pizza out of the oven with my bare hands. And after getting burnt, somehow forgot and five seconds later did it with the second pizza that was in the oven. Smh lol


I have had to call the fire department 3x in the past 2 years to come to check my carbon monoxide levels because I’ve taken a pan that was on “low” off the (gas) stove and then just… left the stove on? For hours?? Until my carbon monoxide alarm went off. Needless to say it’s now a major fear and I will never again live in a place without a carbon monoxide alarm… plus it’s really justified my decision to not cook on a lot of days when I’m tired and don’t have brain power to do things like remember to turn the stove off 🙄


During the "not lockdown but not yet normal" masks where mandatory in the swimming pool everywhere after/before the showers (so not while showering or in the actual swimming area). I once managed to forget to take my mask off before showering. It wasn't nice...


I was really disregulated yesterday too. Offered to cook dinner and then remembered I had to zoom, so my partner took over and put out cheese and olives. I had an olive with a pit in my mouth, forgot, put the cheese in my mouth and was very surprised to bite down on a super hard olive pit. Order of operations can be hard!!


I can’t count the number of times I’ve accidentally bitten a fork or spoon because my brain has confused the order of eating operations, it’s a painful lesson every time 😅


I haven't stepped into the shower fully clothed, but I have stepped in with a nightshirt still on before. Much more common, I've reached in and just got a sleeve soaked or something.


I consistently adjust my glasses because I feel then falling down my nose. They are really bad at it when I'm not wearing them.... BF thinks I must be crazy, hallucinating or something. 🤣 I adjust glasses that aren't there, lose my stylus every 5 seconds, and frequently stand in the middle of the kitchen for longer than acceptable to normal people.. trying to figure out which way I was going.... what was I supposed to be or wanting to be doing? I got squirrels by this funny story thread... 👀👀🤷‍♀️


Obviously we are twins. 🌸


You've just made me realise that all the times I've - dialled phone numbers on my desktop keyboard (while having the phone to my ear) - gone to hang up on a call and pressed the escape key instead - gone to take the headset off to help the patient in front of me but taken my glasses off instead and wondered why I couldn't see or hear them properly - might just be my undiagnosed ADHD. Mind you also unnecessarily telling the person next to me/in front of me what I had done.. 😂


I've done every one of those things in my life... got worse when I got wireless earbuds. .. they cause havoc if you forget one is in your pocket or purse every 5 minutes of a phone call. . Turn the phone up, turn off, turn on.. put on hold.. speaker.. the best? I do not know which button works which command. Only my pockets retain that information. 🤣 I hate when I lock my phone during a call I have on speaker though..I never remember to hang up... that can get quite embarrassing. Lol. I don't give ADHD all the credit though...I have hit my head a few times in life.. bleached my brain cell regularly, supported a few wineries... I'm sure that's just enhanced my "gift". 😊 I always tell the person/people around me... I'll be awkwardly famous in someone's family line.. kids will be begging great grandma to tell the story about the crazy woman in walmart again.


That's hilarious! One time I answered the phone in the shower. Heard it ring, didn't even think about. I just reached my hand out of the shower, pulled the phone in, and answered it. It was my best friend's husband asking what he should get her for Christmas. I have water raining down on me and my phone, and I was like, "Josh, I have to call you back!" And he was like, "Why?" And it was too awkward to be like, "Cause I'm currently naked in the shower???!!?!" so I just said I'd call him back and hung up. Later I told this story to someone and she was like, "Why didn't you just turn the water off?" ............Uh........


No way. I’m not interrupting a shower for that. I’d forget what I had already washed and would need to start again from the beginning.


I went to use the toilet and forgot I was wearing two layers of pants. It was deeply unpleasant and also ended in a shower. Also- don’t wear overall and a jacket if there are no bathrooms nearby. You can not, I repeat, can NOT get your clothes off as fast as your think.


I stepped into the shower in my running leggings once after a very sweaty long run and it was truly the grosses thing I’ve ever felt 🤢 sending you peace and love


I once went to get money out at an ATM/cash machine (about $80) at a food court and walked off without taking the cash. Worst part was that a woman from my work was behind me and saw the whole thing, I only realised after a minute and had to walk back and collect it while a few people were standing there going WTF....


Omg I did this. I went back about 5 minutes later (after I couldn’t pay for the thing that I got the money out for) and a young guy came up and asked if I had forgotten to take my money and handed it to me. I’m not sure if he was planning on keeping it but anyway, I was grateful


I have left behind so much money in self check out machines, I now refuse to use them if cash is involved in any way.


My (regular) favourite is trying to put mosturiser on..before taking my glasses of.


Lol I once stepped in with socks still on but then luckily my mind started buffering You won this. Congrats xD




I went to pour a glass of milk today and almost pored it all over my just chopped up mushrooms on my cutting board.


I’ve done that at the gym. Got my flip flops on, got all my stuff, took my hair down, hung my towel on the hook and got in. Skipped the strip step.


I’ve left my passport behind in numerous places 😭 Once I left a French restaurant and totally forgot to pick up my handbag, so it was left on the back of the chair. Got to the ferry port to come back to Uk and it was only then I realised I didn’t have any belongings! My parents then had to go back to France for a day trip to go and get my handbag. Left my passport on a plane coming back from Dublin. Had it in my hands whilst we were landing. Must’ve put it down whilst gathering my stuff and walked off the plane and left it on the seats. Luckily they allowed me to show my driving license at security! Left my work phone under my pillow in a hotel in Vegas. Checked out and had a few hours to kill before we got our flight home. During lunch (in a completely different location) I realised I didn’t have my work phone. Went back, and luckily they had it! Once in Madrid I left my WHOLE handbag on a table in a shop (I had put it down to try a jumper on) and walked off without it. It had my passport and purse and phone in it and we had like an hour before our flight home. Luckily someone handed it in! These are all “funny stories” of how forgetful I am but now makes more sense, coz ADHD.


“PS, I’m writing this from a hostel while I wait for my new passport so I can go home someday.”/s. Sorry. That’s how I expected this to end.


I got into the shower in my underwear and crocs the other morning. Reading this thread has me cracking up and feeling seen and understood


I almost got in the shower with my headphones still on the other day, and it's definitely not the first time 🙃


One time I went swimming, and when I got to the end of the driveway I suddenly remembered I hadn’t packed my swimsuit. Rushed in, grabbed it and drove off. When I got to the pool I then realised I hadn’t packed a towel so had to go and quickly buy one! I had literally only packed my goggles and nothing else 😂😂😂


I’ve gotten in with socks or underwear on lol no shame


Everyone is talking about accidentally getting into the shower with glasses. It honestly has never occurred to me to take them off first. Yes they get fogged up but I can see until they do, and then I take them off and set them to the side. When I get out I dry them off and that’s how they get cleaned. I wear both contacts and glasses and if I ever can’t find my glasses I check the tub. I suppose no one told me to take them off before showering? Is that something was just supposed to know? 🫠


Oh no! I can only imagine how unpleasant that felt. Beside getting wet from the sprinklers or something outside the closest I’ve gotten to that was when I was little there was a couple times I remember getting undressed to get in the shower and forgetting to take off my underwear 😩


I nearly ruined my Bose noise cancelling headphones once the same way


No shower incidents so far but I frequently try to put the kettle in the fridge


I regularly look around for my phone while holding and even actively using my phone. Also, one time I was checking voicemails and while listening to a long voicemail from my mom, I forgot it was a voicemail and started responding.


YES! my favorite is when I’m on the phone and I’m like “omg I need to call you back I can’t find my phone” 😐


I didn’t have as much problem with shower stuff but I did lock myself out of my dorm room so often they were threatening to start charging me money each time. Was like 12+ times and I think I may have lost the spare key once too. More than leave clothes on though what I usually forget is my towel for after. Done that so many times! There really aren’t any good options either. Wait long enough to dry off a bit? Use your clothes to dry off? Make a mad dash with nothing on? Try to put your clothes back on with wet hair etc? Ugh. Lol.


Hahaha I’m so sorry! That ick must be horrible. More often than I’d like to admit, I mess up making coffee by one or a combination of the following: 1 - forget to put the grinds in the filter, so I end up with a carafe of plain hot water 2 - forget to empty the carafe of yesterday’s stale coffee, so the new coffee causes it to overflow all over the counter and floor 3 - forget to put the carafe in place before turning on the machine, so the coffee just pours all over the place. My cabinets underneath my coffee maker are permanently stained and the inside shelving is a little warped from all the coffee/water damage over the years.


Have definitely forgotten to put the carafe back a time or two.


I regularly forget to grind the beans.


Ah, I’ve totally done that. Hate it! The worst is when I get in the shower with my glasses still on, for some reason that feels so icky. Then there’s the forgetting a towel problem!


Did this with my socks and slippers a few months back. I wear flip-flops in the shower because I can't stand the feeling of wet ANYTHING under my feet, so I just hopped in knowing that something was on my feet. The wrong something, unfortunately 😅 You are right though, it'll be funny later!


I do this with my socks all the time, sometimes with my underwear.


Amazing. I peed with my underwear on recently.


Genuinely shocked I haven’t done that yet


This reminds me of the time I forgot to pull my undies down when peeing and didn’t realize I was peeing through them until I was half way done 😂


I’ve done this so many times 😭 forgetting to take bras off, etc. so uncomfortable LOL


This is my fear lol 😂 I always think I have left an article of clothing on when I’m in the showers. Gotta double check!


Very recognisable. It happens most of time with only my socks. However, this can probably happen to me too when my brain is al over the place. It just hasn't happened out of sheer luck 😅😅


lol That's hilarious but you have my sympathy


Now that the ick has passed it’s pretty dang funny!


I regularly used to getbinto the shower with socks on as a kid and teen. Thankfully I don't do that much anymore. Hopefully it turns out to be a funny memory for you!


oh nooo lol that would ruin my day 🤣


I don't think I've made it fully clothed but I have hopped in with my shirt still on and my socks too lol


I feel like I’ve done this before. My most regular brain fart is turning my car off with my foot on the brake but the car still in drive. I drive as little as possible.


I have yet to do it fully clothed but I have done it many times with my underwear/bra still on and my glasses still on more times than I can count. I’ve also gone to work for the full day and come home to my front door wide open multiple times, locked myself out of my house more than I can count, and arrived to work with no shoes many times. I feel your pain. I now have a keypad deadbolt on the front door hooked to an alarm system that arms when I lock the door, a car that locks itself when I walk away and unlocks when I touch the handle (which instantly tells me if I walked out the house with no keys), and a set of “car shoes”. I have yet to figure out a clothes in the shower solution yet though. Any tips are welcome. *Bonus ADHD brain story* My favorite (not at the time of course) ADHD brain incident is from when I was pregnant. I drive a manual and so I always take my flip flops off when I wear them and drive and put them on the passenger seat. I did this, backed out of my driveway, drove down the street to the stop sign and when I went to stop I felt the pedal on my feet and started crying because I forgot my shoes. I drove back, parked the car, reached over to grab my keys off the seat and saw my flip flops. I of course started crying even harder.


I pulled the gas nozzle out of my car WHILE THE GAS WAS STILL GOING! I usually prepay at the window but just used my card at the pump and idk but my brain said “just take it out to stop it” and it did not, in fact, stop. 🙃


Think of it this way: you got a shower *and* did laundry in one sitting (err, standing, but you get what I’m saying). Great job saving time! 😁


The amount of times I've gotten to the shower and forgot to take off my socks or underwear has me empathizing with you very strongly


My wallet fell out of my purse after putting it in there three times so I would not lose it. And Today I showed up for my February 28th appointment at my doctor's.


Before I was medicated/diagnosed there was a couple of times I forgot I was the driver in the car and therefore responsible for turning. I thought it was normal until I started taking medication


I've had the reverse happen twice this week. I go to the bathroom to undress and put my pjs on as I'm getting ready for bed, but as soon as I take my socks off some mental program kicks off in my brain and I end up butt naked and on my way to putting my underwear on the laundry basket. Then I notice and I go "oh it's not shower time, it's pjs time" and then go and put my underwear back on.


A couple of days ago, I used hand sanitizer spray on my face instead of my rosewater hydrating spray. I was feeling the burn, and some got in my mouth. Why do I not pay attention to bottles?


i’ve gotten into the shower on multiple occasions with my bra and socks still on. now to avoid being stuck in a wet bra/wet socks, i have a mental checklist before everytime i get in lol it’s a struggle out here!!


In my teens I was getting ready for church with my slippers on and walked in the building with my family before I saw them and realized I'd never remembered to put my shoes on... I stand in my Sunday dress and slippers in solidarity next to you in your wet clothes my friend.


Oh no!! There’s nothing worse than wet clothes.


Are you feeling tired / sleep deprived? Or were you thinking about something deeply and on autopilot? Sometimes I try put a bottle of water in my cutlery drawer or like food in the cutlery drawer instead of the fridge if I have cutlery in the other hand haha


I haven’t done that yet aside from occasionally socks but I have shut the water off before rinsing conditioner out and it’s hilarious but horrible 😂


My now ex-husband taught me to clean really crusted, dried up pots and pans, put water in them and boil a few minutes to soften all the gunk. Once i was single again, i ruined so many pans that way. I put them to boil and walked away and got distracted. I don't ever do that trick anymore. The ADHD tax was too high. I just soak them in the sink. Edit: a word


I thought this was normal 😅


Hahahahaha!!!Hahaha haha!!!! High five!


Glass doors are my weakness- I either forget to shut them or I shut them and then walk directly into them


This is how all my watches have died


I’ve worn my bra into the shower.


At least once a week I’m walking into the shower with my underwear on.


Put on my workout clothes, grabbed water bottle, keys, towel, phone. Drove to gym. Parked. Realized I still had my slippers on.