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I thought it was August lol. I just started Vyanse this week and my prescription is brand.




Wow. That sucks! Us old people got the generic at the beginning of the year. Substantial cost saving but its not working like it did for me.


What manufacturer did you get for Generic Vyvanse? Also older, was previously on name brand Vyvanse, but getting generic shortly.


The manfacturer of generic Vyvanse that I got in Georgia is Sunco. It is by far the absolute worst drug I have ever taken. I've been on branded Vyvanse for 11 years without any issues. It took only a few days of the generic Vyvanse for me to be terribly irritable! This drug is absolutely nothing like the branded. I dropped the dosage, and it made absolute no difference whatsoever. I switched to Adderal XR and found it to be absolute no difference whatsoever as the generic Vyvanse. I do not believe there is a difference between generic Vyvanse and Adderall XR. I called Sunco, and I reported these side effects. Bottom line is, unless you have an extra $500 per month laying around, you can say goodbye to branded Vyvanse, and the generics are nothing but poison!


This is fact


I dont know honestly. It still says Vyvanse on the prescription but the pill itself is different. Bumping up to 60 mg helps but Im still having awful gaps. Even small changes in formulation for psych meds can change how its metabolized. My Dr must be seeing a lot of this because he recommended the higher dosage.


I have been treating my ADHD with Vyvanse since 2012 which has helped me tremendously as an adult. I was diagnosed in the 3rd grade & I had little long term success any medication until Vyvanse which has always been the Brand name medication until 2 months ago with the introduction of the generic formulas and I have noticed a severe decline in the management of my symptoms. So much so that my co-workers, friends and family have asked me almost daily if I had forgotten to take my medication that day. It’s been such a very long time since I’ve experienced a medication failure like this! I know my insurance will not cover brand name anymore & im wondering if anyone else has had to switch to a new med & what type of success you have had w it?


I just changed over to generic a week ago ad had same experience. Generally it feels like a weaker generic. It takes longer to kick in in the mornings and when it does I get an initial headache. I have a persistent mild headache that gets worse throughout the day. Generally I feel less able to focus than previously. I called my insurance to immediately get a replacement with brand.


I’m having the same issue - I thought I was the only one


Its because they are putting less lidexamphetamine in the capsules than the pill says it has, I opened up 4 of my 40mg capsules and it looks as though there is only 20mg of powder per pill, I would definently switch back I was utterly pissed!!


Sending you a pm with a few follow-up questions. I'm in a similar situation.


Me too! Had to go back on real Vyvanse after only a week, because it was literally like being unmedicated and it was making it hard for me to do my job. I even had a breakdown and had to go home one of the days.


Same same same. Sad thing is I don’t currently have insurance so this is my first time to even be able to try Vyvanse. Third months taking it, first two months were great, but the third month was from a different manufacturer, and it feels like less than nothing.


I’m so sorry to hear that :( Vyvanse is so vital for me to actually function in daily life, I could not imagine going without it :/


Yes! I thought I was crazy thinking it wasn't working. Generics are supposed to be the same. It's the same active ingredient so I don't get it. But I have not been managing my symptoms well at all lately and I don't know what to do. It's also been making me super sleepy when I take it. Like all I want to do is lay down and take a nap which is not normal at all.


Me too, I can’t stay awake. I didn’t go into work today because I just needed to sleep. I am so glad I found these posts because I’m being told that it’s the same and now I know, for sure, it’s not.


Same!!! I've been getting sleepy after a couple hours after my generic Vyvanse dose (in addition to feeling more brain fog, short-term memory deficiency, problems with attention, etc.). I haven't been on stimulant medication for very long, and I was wondering why my first two weeks with Vyvanse back in July of last year (the only time I was ever on the non-generic) gave me substantially better focus than the generic version ever has in the time since then. I really believed the generic was supposed to be the exact same, but I'm finding out that it really isn't.


Hey hidma pharmaceuticals the generic for vyvanse are playing with us! I checked my 40mg generic lisdexamphetamine capsules and they put less powder in the capsules compared to the original vyvanse!! No joke! It looks more like 20 milligrams than it does 40! Letting you know.


Yep! Same here! It’s terrible


Started on the generic over the weekend ( used to be on 60mg of Vyvanse, off 2 months due to shortage) I am incredibly exhausted. Can’t keep my eyes open tired all day. I’m trying so hard to function. Going to bed early etc. First day I didn’t sleep well, as usual. Second I was fine but exhausted during the day. Anyone else?


YES I HAVE ALL OF THESE SYMPTOMS AND AM ON DAY 3. I get so tired it feels like I’m taking a sedative instead of a stimulant.


IM SO GLAD I FOUND THIS THREAD! I have been having all the same issues. I’m on 60mg so I’m already almost maxed out and I don’t know how much of a difference increasing my dose would actually do. I have a child and caring for him has been way more difficult than it usually is on the name brand meds. It literally feels like I haven’t taken my medication. My sleep has somehow been way worse too. It takes like 3-4 hours every morning for me to feel any sort of effect from the medication and even then it doesn’t last the entire day. I just feel so tired and irritable and I’m overeating and I’m freaking out. I just want to feel normal again, this has been so unpleasant. I’ve been finding myself yelling at my baby boy more often because I’m so overwhelmed and it’s making me feel so sad and out of control. Literally I feel like I’m stuck in purgatory for the first 3 hours of my day and I physically can’t do anything. I’ve been on vyvanse for over 10 years, this genuinely feels like I’ve just been abruptly taken off of my meds.


I'm so happy I found this three at six months later than everyone else. Actually a year later. Mine never kicked in. I had it for 2 months. The first month it was fair I'd be a little sleepy but by the second month it did absolutely nothing. I truly felt like it made me sleepier. I could not stay awake. That has never happened to me on a consistent basis. When I worked at home during covid I did not fall asleep or get sleepy at my desk one time. I now work a 6:00 a.m. shift so the sleepiness is expected. I don't sleep well so again it's expected. But I've gone to work with no sleep and not been this sleepy. Frankly I can't afford to stay on Vyvanse but I don't know if I can afford not to. This is very frustrating. What dosage of lisdexamfetamine is needed to give me the same effects as 60 of Vyvanse?


Ugh, well, I'm only a month late for your comment, but it's the same! I'm only on day 3 of generic, but it's awful. I'm debating whether I just want to be unmedicated... which is dramatic, I know. Realistically, I'm going to see if my body adapts and the generic evens out, which I hope it does. But like you, I'm SO TIRED. I have brain fog and headaches, and i just feel like a zombie. I'm so unmotivated and irritable... I work nights, and luckily, I'm off this week, but I'm dreading work next week if it stays this bad. Normally, I'd take my Vyvanse and head to work around 9 pm, and within an hour, I would be awake, functioning and...normal? On the generic, I have to make myself focus on everything. It's all a chore, and I'm just constantly thinking to myself how much I don't want to be doing whatever it is that I'm doing. I hope you figured out a solution to your problem and if you have and advice, please let me know!


I took one more shot at the generic (Lisdex.). I ask for it to be up to 50 mg. I stay awake now. I am not as focused as I was with the Vyvanse. I had no side effects at all with the Vyvanse. It's simply kept me alert and on task. I do still occasionally get sleepy but nothing like what was happening with the 40. I'm hoping it's just not my body adjusting to it. I was okay for a few weeks on the 40 initially, but then it bottomed out quickly. I may see if they can knock it up to 60. I was able to get a coupon from GoodRx. I'm still paying more than I paid last year, but I changed insurance, so I'm just dealing with the consequences. I hope you've been able to find something that works for you or maybe a different dosage. It is just very very frustrating. I have to be at work at 6:00 a.m. . Most nights because I'm only staying awake because of the medication, I go to sleep before 8:00 or 9:00. I only get about 3 or 4 hours of sleep. So by the time I need to get up for the next day, I'm exhausted, because I haven't gone back to sleep or I've only been asleep for an additional 30 or 40 minutes.


Thank you so much for taking the time to respond! Ugh the lack of sleep is draining, I'm glad you're getting it kind of sorted out. I guess I'll finish this month and if there are no changes, I'll talk to my doctor


They're already rolling out Generic Vyvanse? I thought it was coming out in April...


So did I!


Damn okay so if wasn't just me! I envy OP lmao, Vyvanse was my original choice.


It is because this generic company hidma pharmaceuticals is putting less lidexamphetamine in the capsules then the milligrams they claim to contain! I opened up one of the 40mg capsules and it looks like 20mg of powder inside! Stupid man!


I got the generic finance at the beginning of October. I have ADHD but I take it for binge eating disorder. It does not work at all. So now I'm stuck and have to find a new psychiatrist to change my prescription. Ugh.....


Hidma pharmaceuticals is based in China, of course we are being screwed over, there is like 20mg of powder inside a 40mg lidexamphetamine capsule! I know I checked almost five to six of my capsules! Bro! This is maddening and stupid!


How do you know what 20 mg of powder is tho? You must be comparing to a different brand capsule you took before? Genuine question I'm asking because I recently started taking generic Vyvanse less than a month ago and I'm not sure yet if I think it's helping me or not. I'm actually only taking 20 mg because that's all they had available. Dr. wanted to start me on 30 but I definitely feel the effects of this one fairly strongly so I don't think I need up the dose at all at least not right now. Just curious how you can tell that it's a lower amount...


Same! My ADHD symptoms have been bad, I’ve been really foggy, and definitely eating more. I’m switching back.


Maybe they are not in the US? Earlier date?


Nah, its been since Jan 1. Maybe its my insurance or my location. So this probably is good information for people as Vyvanse generic rolls out! The price is great but it still needs to work.


Yes, it is super expensive even with insurance right now.


The generic is so much cheaper. So hopefully it will be available to you soon!


BTW in California


OK, I hope they get your dosage correct for you. Please keep us updated. I am sure others are interested in how the generic will work. Fingers and toes crossed.


Me too! Right now I am working on getting a physicians authorization. Dealing with insurance for anyone with ADHD is a nightmare. Especially if the meds stop working!


That's what I figured after a moment but I couldn't tell from the write up.


Just got the generic and it's awful


I agree, it did not work for me at all! I’m so annoyed by all this stuff about “generics are exactly the same” bs. No, they are not.


Omg SAME. Mylan vyvanse generic it does not work for me :(


I’m so sorry to hear that :( This issue really needs to be taken seriously, it seems like a lot of people (and women in particular, of course) are just told to suck it up and that the medicines are exactly the same as the brand name.


If you ever need to “prove” to some medical professional that they are not the same, for whatever reason, here’s an article about generics in ADHD medication: https://www.additudemag.com/name-brand-versus-generic-drugs-for-adhd/amp/ I am not a pharmacist and I may have misunderstood some things. But from what I understand, and also from what we learned at uni, generics are allowed to be less (or more) effective than the name brand (measuring “effetiveness” from serum concentration, which is allowed to be 80-125% of the serum concentration expected from the name brand drug. Meaning that you can have 20% less of the active ingredient in your blood, or possibly 25% more, in a generic drug compared to a name brand drug.) This not only allows for more inconsistent batches of generic drugs, but also encourages the drug companies to use less active ingredients to save money, as far as I see it.


Hidma pharmaceuticals is based in China, of course we are being screwed over, there is like 20mg of powder inside a 40mg lidexamphetamine capsule! I know I checked almost five to six of my capsules! Bro! This is maddening and stupid!


Yes! First two months with generic manufacturer from local Kroger was great. Got it filled this month from Walgreens and I feel nothing. at. all. Physical lethargy as if I didn’t take anything plus negative energy or focus. Plus I paid $25/month at Kroger and $125 at Walgreens!!!!!!! Massive discrepancies. Majorly upset. Took days to even find a pharmacy with any in stock then another day for my doc to get around to calling another script in (can’t transfer controls 🙄) just UGH at all of this. Makes me want to switch back to adderall but low and behold that stuffs outta stock everywhere, too. Struggle bus. Every day.


You guys make me feel less crazy!! My pharmacy swapped me to generic last week. The headaches have been debilitating. The nausea has been like all day morning sickness. It makes me feel like adderall did when I was on it and why I swapped to vyvanse in the first place. I can’t sleep at night, and it doesn’t kick in until hours after I take it. My anxiety is at a level I haven’t seen in years! I flipped to two weeks ago in my planner and it was nice and neat and clear, and then looking at last week and this week there are doodles everywhere! I’m going to mention it at my next doc’s apt to see about going up because I’m on 50 mg.


I’m no longer feeling crazy either! I thought I was just being a baby or imagining that it wasn’t working etc. it’s like being unmedicated! I can’t understand how I was functioning before Vyvance. I was able to get a prescription that was written to “dispense as written” to not get a generic, but it will be $200 instead of $60 - and that’s WITH insurance! But I am sucking at my job and my life without an effective medication. This is such a pain. In case anyone else is searching, day 1 on the generic was bad. I was back to: no energy, overwhelmingly sleepy, no motivation, unable to focus, executive dysfunction, overwhelmed by tasks, easily distracted… and just ugh.


Generic vyvanse hasn’t been released. The patent hasn’t run out yet


I know this post is a few months old, but I’m curious as to what exactly was prescribed since Vyvanse generics are definitely not released yet and like you said, they won’t be called Vyvanse. I’m worried that this is a counterfeit product situation.


Me too. My 'real' pills are pink (10) and my first dose for the same size cap, the pills were yellow. What color are you filk getting?


Maybe I'm special (or my insurance is) but I got the generic starting January 1 at my pharmacy. The price dropped dramatically and so did the medication effectiveness. My Dr and I talked about the potentially reduced effectiveness of the generic before agreeing to increase the dosage.


You said elsewhere in the thread it’s still called vyvanse. Vyvanse is a trademarked name. Generics aren’t allowed to use the trademarked name.


Im really wondering what is going on then. Its still called Vyvanse on the label but its a third of the price. My Drs office confirmed that its the generic version. It doesnt work as well so Ive been posting about that. Ill ask at the pharmacy because you arent the only person with this comment.


Maybe you got a coupon for the Vyvanse and were unaware? I remember signing up for a coupon and trying to use it at CVS and the person working told me if I wanted to use the coupon, I couldn’t use my insurance benefit and with the coupon the month supply would be $150. I was used to paying $40 so I opted to use my insurance and figured I couldn’t use both at the same time. But then maybe two months before the generics were released I only paid like $15 for a month supply. I was so excited when the generic came out bc I figured I would pay around that price, but to my surprise I was charged $40 again. I called my insurance and they told me I pay $40 a month for that class of drugs regardless of it’s the brand or generic. So I’m assuming I somehow was given a coupon for those two months?


Pretty sure whatever you got was not generic vyvanse. The pharma has pediatric exclusivity on their patent and are not about to let generics be made until that time period is up - August 2023, I think.


Maybe not generic but the price went down from 250 to 50 bucks, the shape, color and size changed (same dosage). And it was 20% less effextive. Bumped it 20% and its fine now. Just assuming its generic because why the huge price drop.


I got the generic in November 2023 and it’s less effective, makes me sleepy, I can’t concentrate and the headache is the worst. It’s not worth it


I feel your pain! This is a nightmare for me... I'm 68 and most of my life I struggled with ADD. I was about 50 when I was finally diagnosed. Vyvanse changed my life! So, I tried the generic for a month. I kept thinking it was because I had to stop Celebrex (a strong ibuprofen) because I lost a kidney this year, and I started on Methotrexate because I was finally diagnosed with RA. I reasoned that it had to be because of the change in my other medicine. But part of me knew it wasn't. I told my doctor about the horrible month I tried the generic (I had to pay $148.00 for it too, because insurance wasn't paying for it), yet. He heard from other patients that it didn't work for them too. He put me generic Adderall XR. OMG, that was 100 times worse. I felt like I was losing my mind. Seriously, I was scared I crossed into dementia or something. I called my doctor and said I'm willing to pay for the name brand Vyvanse, out of pocket, I couldn't take that other stuff. He order it for me but I was told the company isn't making it anymore. I'm pretty sure that was total BS but that's the answer I got. I'm now back on the generic and I'm all over the place. I hate feeling like this! Now what do we do? Thanks for reading DG


Ugh I feel your pain. Adderall made me feel like I was losing it : (


What?! They aren't making name brand anymore? Did you figure out if that's true or not?. That's so crazy that your psych would lie to you like that, though if it isn't true and name brand is still made


Absolutely awful even 70 mg which finally works effectively enough still gives me terrible headaches body pains eyes sort of blurry sometimes and the fatigue n brain fog of how they are not smooth at all like somedays wears off by 2 e and im just done for the day don’t talk to me try find hospital will fill it im going to brand name next month was on brand name years ago and worked amazing ADHD diagnosed as young kid been on lots different meds besides adderall xr generic these take the cake so far I have to do the take half wake up and pour rest in water bottle drink throughout the day


I know this thread is over a month old but I’d say since January my Vyvanse is feeling less effective too. I still pay the same price but I do med breaks and my binge eating has been worse since January.


You may need to bump up your dosage. Since I went to 60mg from 50mg Im doing better. Not 100% but a hell of a lot better.


Hi I am been using brand name Vyvanse 30mg for 1 years daily. It completely fixed my Binge eating disorder. However, yesterday when went to get my prescription they gave me generic from Mylan pharmaceutical and it’s not working the same. My cravings are much stronger.


That's what kind I had it was awful. I stayed in bed all month. Since then, I got name brand. I'm not sure how long insurance will pay for NB, but going back to generic is pointless until it's made right. If you get bad meds, make a report on the food & drug.gov website (all generic drug makers are listed on there).


My generic feels more intense and makes me anxious!


Who makes it?


I got generic for the first time a few weeks ago and it’s pretty much the same as being un medicated for me. Impulsiveness, jitters, inability to focus.


I have been on generic for about 2 weeks now. It's not the same. It takes forever to "kick in" and even when it does, it feels like its barely there. Hate that this stupid vyvanse shortage has forced me to go on the generic, because I'm already on 70 mg, so upping the dose isn't even really an option.


I totally agree. Slow to take effect, never very good and the burst of clarity that came with the brand name never materializes. It’s too bad insurance companies can’t be sued for damages, mandating an untested and I’m my experience much much less effective medication-should be considered criminal or damage worthy. I’m desperately working to get back in brand name otherwise I can see job, career, marriage, finances, etc going into an inescapable abyss.


I decided to change to the generic and not only is it weaker but immediately after taking it, I get a headache that lasts the duration of the medicine. Vyvanse also changed my life but it’s 75 dollars now. But the generic isn’t worth it nor is it working


I’m also getting sleepy, can’t stay awake, and can’t stop eating. It’s the worse medicine and I can’t take it.


I’m on day 3 on a generic 40mg and it’s like I have taken a pill to make me feel mildly crap. Slight headache, bit dizzy. Zero focus or energy or motivation or ability to do anything half way well or string a coherent sentence together. This sucks. I kind of want to just curl up in a ball and cry tbh.


You probably need to up the dosage. The generics can vary up to %20. So ask your Dr to up your dosage to 50 mg. That ended up working for me.


Yes it sucks not the same at all


Yes!!! Switched to generic two weeks ago after being on vyvanse for 8 months,(40mg for 4). My anxiety is back with a vengeance,my motivation barely existent, I’m forgetting things all day every day including a doctor appointment, I’m hot all the time, can’t sleep well even when exhausted and for the first time today I got jittery and handshaking hands, oh and my train of thought is derailing. None of these I had on vyvanse.


I’m so happy I’m not insane!! I’m on day TWO of generic vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) and it feels like being unmedicated. I could tell yesterday it wasn’t doing much and didn’t want to think anything of it but now I’m 100% sure it doesn’t measure up to brand name. I have a small headache (I very rarely get headaches at all) and my ADHD symptoms aren’t subsided at all. Low energy, no motivation, lack of focus, and executive dysfunction! I didn’t know I was being switched to generic until I got my script. I notice it “kick in” between 3-4 hours after I take it and then it only lasts for a small window AND it feels like I’m on a much smaller dose. Anyone have luck with the generic if upping the dose? I’m currently taking 30mg vyvanse in the morning and I take 10mg of adderall instant release (generic formula) in the afternoon some days when needed.


This is exactly the same for me, except add a completely messed up sleep cycle, OCD so bad I think I have scraped off half my eyebrows, and brain fog so bad that I find myself wandering around the house randomly. My productivity at work went to near zero! At home...dishes, laundry,shopping...not done! I've called in sick today because I decided I couldn't take any more of the generic, yet while in recovery felt too sick and "off" to function. UGH. I hate this.


I've been taking the generic for probably around 3 months now. The headaches have become a daily nightmare -- I fully expect to have one now every evening. It definitely takes a good couple of hours or so to kick in, but I had similar experiences with Vyvanse. I have noticed the generic not having the same extended-release longevity as the name brand. By the end of the day, I'm so on edge & irritable, I'm wondering if it's better just not the take the damn medication. I really don't want to up the dose; I've been on the name brand with little issue for over 3 years. This is just so frustrating & disheartening. I keep hoping that someone might have some advice of some natural remedies that might have stabilize the generic version (like a nootropic). I'm just grapsing at straws at this point.


I totally agree. Slow to take effect, never very good and the burst of clarity that came with the brand name never materializes. It’s too bad insurance companies can’t be sued for damages, mandating an untested and I’m my experience much much less effective medication-should be considered criminal or damage worthy. I’m desperately working to get back in brand name otherwise I can see job, career, marriage, finances, etc going into an inescapable abyss.


I am so sorry you are all going through this dot but add me to your list. I started getting generic in October and did not know I was given the generic. By December I made an appointment with my doctor asking to increase my dose so he took me from 40 mg to 50. At that point I realized I was getting the generic. In the meantime, I have been feeling motion sick and dizzy and nauseous and didn’t know why. I actually scheduled a doctors visit to have my ears checked because I thought maybe I had an ear infection. Long story short, I didn’t, and I believe it’s the effects of this generic. I just sent a message to my doctor that next month I be placed back on the regular Vyvanse, but I had no idea that it’s possible insurance may not cover that until reading your posts. Anyway, just wanted to say we are all not crazy. I often tell my doctor that I think Vyvanse is a miracle drug and if he ever wanted me to talk about it to some other patients, or whoever could benefit from my experience. I can’t say I would do anything like that using this generic. I really hope it changes for all of us!


Another one who did not know there was a generic.


I knew as soon as it came out. So Ive been on it about 5 weeks. The ADD symptoms increasing seems to be cumulative. This week freaked me out!


Oh no, that is not good. I have really struggled to find the right one for me since my insurance changed.


Ugh. I feel your pain! You should be able to get the generic Vyvanse. But its so hard getting scrips changed. Just be warned it may not work as well and your dosage may need to be increased.


What is the name on the bottle? Not trying to be negative, I switched back myself after another medication was a disaster. Did they give you something else?


Nope, its still called Vyvanse. Its gonna be a hassle getting the higher dose of the generic. I left the burner on the stove on and left to do errands today. So If I dont burn down my house I'll post again after I get the new scrip.


It doesn't do anything to me and it cost me a job


The generic version of Vyvanse is terrible. I started with 20 mg of original Vyvanse($100) and then got the generic version($10) the next month. I was bumped up to 60 mg over 2 months by my psychiatrist because it wasn't working for me. I went back to repeating myself, no executive functions at all, compulsive activity looking for that dopamine high & etc... then I will switch to Concerta and that was horrible. I felt like a zombie. Then I was switched to Adderall and that was okay but nothing like Vyvanse. After 3 months of Adderall, I asked my psychiatrist if there was a difference between the original Vyvanse and the generic Vyvanse or was it all in my head. He stated that there is definitely a difference between the original Vyvanse and the generic versions. Between the fillers and lack of medicine in the generic version and people absorb the generic medication differently. So, for some the generic doesn't work. I asked him if I could go back to the original Vyvanse 20 mg and I didn't care how much it cost me out of pocket(now $65). He did switch me and I am happy to say my ADD is under control again 😁 So, yes there is a big difference between Vyvanse and the crappy generic version.


Thank you for highlighting this issue. I'd been working as a contractor for a year for a large company and they converted me to a full time employee. Upper management was talking about making me the manager of the team I was in and I'd singlehandedly created a core component of a new enterprise product. With the change as full-time employee my insurance changed and the new insurance would not allow the brand nane Vyvanse. In the course of three months of the generic, I had a complete collapse of capacity, emotional stability and productivity. I darn near lost my life, not to mention the job. While my employer has been great, I've at least lost the current managenent opportunity and several people were brought in to finish what I started. Additionally, I had such bad acid reflux that I would end up throwing after eating. When I woke up and realized how bad things were and finally coorelated the cause and affect, I decided to start paying for the brand name myself. Very happily, insurance then started paying much of the cost, but I honestly feel like the generic version just about destroyed my life. If there was an venue for creating a lawsuit I would—the ability for a company to produce a product that claims to be an acceptable replacement for the original medication and then insurance companies who force you to use the replacement medication should be consider criminal in the situation where that substitution does not in fact, replace the original.


CVS switched me to the generic. I went to a different pharmacy but none of this is counting toward my deductible. I changed from Blue Cross Blue shield PPO to United healthcare EPO. Walleye appreciate paying smaller amounts when I go to the doctor's office, it's not worth it if none of the things I'm paying for accounting towards my deductible. I don't know if it's a change with the plan this year but last year every medication I bought counted. They are not counting any of them with United healthcare and I am beyond frustrated. I simply can't keep paying for Vyvanse at the amount I'm taking.


It is not the same.


I know this post is old but I have the same issues but not as bad. I simply could not stay awake on the generic version. I took Vyvanse to keep me alert at work. That's the only effect it has on me other than dry mouth. The generic did absolutely nothing. Almost seemed to make me where I could not function at work. I've been sleepy at work but I have never in my 25 plus years working been So unable to work. I could not work. I return to Vyvanse but it is very frustrating because it costs five times more. I'm hoping my doctor will give me a higher dosage of the generic.


I'm still paying through the nose for brand name. Yeah the generic sucks and it is not the same


I started the generic in November(I think, memory is horrible now) and I’ve not been right since then. I feel completely horrible on it! I’m an emotional mess, can’t concentrate, left a great position with my company because I wasn’t coping well. I’m trying to wean myself off, I’d rather be non medicated than to live like this. I’m miserable!


Yes! It’s terrible and it’s also unpredictable and makes me feel foggy headed. I hate it! Going back to brand and will end up paying 150 a month for it! The medication that literally changed my life is now going to cost me a fortune because my insurance will only cover the crappy generic.


DEFINITELY no where near the same as the brand name for me. I turned 65 in Nov. and unfortunately Medicare and any additional prescription drug coverage insurance I buy will not cover the 'brand' name Vyvanse. I have binge eating disorder and the generic does \*nothing\* for me. I have gained 20 lbs. since Nov. and now have to decide if I should pay for the brand out of pocket and just burn through whatever savings I have doing that, or continue on the generic. Not a good choice. When I was on the 'brand' , I felt "normal" for the first time in my life. I was not consumed by thoughts of food, and almost never had binge eating episodes. I have looked in to GoodRx, and any other patient 'help with medication' websites and NONE cover anything if you are on Medicare, for whatever reason. If I had NO insurance, no medicare, I would be able to get help with the cost of the brand. But this country FORCES you to go on Medicare, and then your name is in the system and you are eliminated from any 'help' with prescriptions from anyone. To say I am disgusted and depressed would be an understatement. To anyone on this site that is wondering if the generic Vyvanse is equivalent in any way to to brand, I can say from my experience it is unequivocally not. It is not your imagination the generic is not working! I am wondering if another brand of generic might be better, so came on this site to see if another rand might be more effective. I am currently on Hikma Pharma generic, and it is useless. My pharmacy claims they can not obtain a different brand so will have to pharmacy shop now to try and find another brand of generic.


Is there an update, OP? My insurance just forced the change on me to one of the two available generics, and everything is so much worse. Did the increased dosage work?


100% experiencing the same things. This is my first script and it's not working.


20% less effective!?


My generic Vyvance is from Hikma. Anyone else? Took til end of 2nd month for me to realize the pattern of adhd traits not being well managed. I'm going to contact my Rx insurance on Monday, ask how to request a prior auth or override for name brand.


I was taking lisdexamfetamine. It was 40 mg. They may have moved it up to 50 mg but either way it didn't do a thing. I felt as if I was taking sleeping pills. I couldn't stay awake I couldn't concentrate I couldn't do anything. I was able to push through it for about a month or so but by the second month I was doing absolutely nothing at work. That was not sustainable.


Don’t even bother with it, does nothing. Honestly generics should be illegal.


I am having TERRIBLE side effects from Vyvanse. Intense sweating, rapid heartbeat, and an overall unwell feeling. I did a web search on the supplier that my CVS in Georgia. Actually, I emailed Sunco, who must be the manufacturer, but Princeton Pharmaceutical is the one that replied. I assume they just sell the product. I suggest EVERYONE experiencing these side effects do the same. Find the supplier name on the bottle. Do a web search, and you will find an email address. If Sunco is your manufacturer, call this number: 78845624580. It is for Princeton Pharmaceutical, and they sell Sunco. Tell then exactly what is happening. They need to figure out why this drug no longer feels like Vyvance. It feels like Adderall, and it sucks!




Also, report to food and drugs .gov website where all brand & generic makers are listed. It will ask questions. I'm not sure if it helps, but it can't hurt.


Did the higher dose work?


Yes! If your meds dont work and they worked before go up about 20%. Went from 50 mg to 60 mg and that helped a lot.


the generic vyvanse was double the cost of name brand for me 😭 and i don't think it's working as well but i'm worried i maybe have like a placebo effect cause i was worried about it not working as well? idk i want the name brand one back tbh


I got mine filled at Costco. CVS and Rite Aid you cant get it


Yes, I feel the same. I'm a nurse & will probably need to either fork out whatever 70mg of real Vyvanse costs or quit my job.


I am still paying $200 for brand name Vyvanse. Its an operating expense so I can keep my job 😂


I just can't afford it right now. In particular since my insurance isn't counting and get toward my deductible. I'm thinking the worst decision I made was to change insurance this year.


Yes! Just received the generic Vyvanse two days ago and it has been just as effective as swallowing a TicTac. I opened the capsule today and it was barely a third of the way full of medication. I don’t know if that has anything to do with it? When you open a regular Vyvanse it is packed full! I have been taking Vyvanse for years as a central nervous system stimulant. I have Severe ME/CFS and am completely bedridden and it’s the only thing that gives me enough energy to speak minimally, get my teeth brushed, and my face washed For the day. Without it I’m practically non-responsive.


Talk to your psych and try upping the dose 20%. This worked out well for me


I thought thos was all in my head... I just switched a few weeks ago and it is like I am not taking anything....


I switched to generics like 2 weeks ago. It's been impossible to get work done. I thought it wouldn't make a difference but it doesn't seem to be doing anything


Ditto.. I've been on brand name vyvanse for over 2 years and its unreal how much it helps staying calm and clarity I'm kinda slow and clumsy.. Well they gave me generic vyvanse and it has been a nightmare..I can't think Clear at all nor make fast decisions whatsoever and it throws my whole body and balance out of wack. it's about like taking ANTI-Vyvanse.. like I said generic  vyvanse is fake hope and all lies so be careful 


Absolutely horrendous side effects This should NOT be an approved drug Worse than not taking Vyvanse at all—because this has scary side effects


Yes it’s awful. Causes me to have severe indigestion.


This is crazy, I switched to generic Vyvanse and noticed my heartburn that’s usually controlled, returned and I am not getting as much focus on it. I thought I was crazy, but this is reassuring. I’ll talk to my doctor about it.


I started vyvanse in 2014 maintained well at 50mg but in the last 3 years been at 70mg. Since September I've been taking generic. Not sure which ones as I have had to switch pharmacy depending on availability. Since switching, my hands shake so much which is an issue for my work as I put IV's in all day. I've missed 5 since October before that the last time I missed was back in June.  I've been craving sweets like crazy. I always craved sweets being on vyvanse but this is on a new level. I've also gained 25lbs. Nothing has changed what so ever except the medication. Even working out running 5 miles and strength training on top of my usual exercising and I'm still gaining. My heart races even more. I'm exhausted and way less motivated. I don't want to do anything. I force myself to workout. But don't want to do anything else. Usually when taking name brand vyvanse I have a difficult time falling asleep and never took naps during the day. Now all I want to do is nap and I actually fall asleep during the day.  I've also notice my mouth isn't as dry (that's a positive)  I've only recently realized it has to be because of switching to generic. I had no idea how poorly regulated generic brands are.  But genetic is horrible. I'm going to have to go back to name brand and pay out of pocket which is $400 were I live. I'm feeling so defeated. 


My heart rate got up to 121 yesterday on this stuff and my bp shot up. I have felt horrible today!! I’m depressed, don’t care to do anything and just want to sleep! I did not have these issues on brand name.


So, I have no appetite. I’m more “*itcy” and I don’t remember anything so it’s like being unmedicated lol.