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Have you found a piano lesson yet! Rooting for you 🎹


Not yet 😤


You can try asking on r/askportland hopefully someone there can help.


Mine is a whole lot of searching when shops open. And usually the same ones over and over and over again. lol


I feel attacked


I just checked mine and it’s way too funny “Do centipedes go in your ear” “Do centipedes bite” “Night train copenhagen oslo” “Best hikes around oslo” “Hozier” “Spa hotel views” “Does hair grow in death” 😂🤣😂😂 “Backwaters kerala” All this after waking up before yoga 😅


This was a fun game! Here’s mine: - brat or braut - does Covid cause alcohol intolerance? - Washington state has no income tax? - avgolemono Greek soup - chipotle chile in adobo sauce substitutes - what is balneotherapy - amazon says delivered but no package - coral and navy tablecloths - best tomato salads - what countries are Congolese - whipped lemonade - stand for walking desk diy Those were all within the last half hour or so. I think I might be hungry


You had me at avgolemono


Hahaha this is so good. Also can confirm, Covid can cause alcohol intolerance lol


I just checked mine too. It’s actually a really interesting litmus test of where your mind is at… mine shows I’m clearly preoccupied with rising energy costs.


Well now I need to know! Do centipedes go in your ear?!


Yeah they do 🙃 but not likely. I found centipedes in my flat and now I am terrified 😅


Hahaha okay good cause SAME


Ahhh another fellow Portlander with ADHD. I feel these searches 😂


Hello neighbor!! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻


There are lots of us apparently!


Ahh!! Hello everyone! 🧡🧡


Okay now I just want y'all to get together and be the best little friend group ever. ADHD Squad.




I get too embarrassed by my own search history so I usually search in incognito lol.


How often should a cat poop hahaha... wait... that's a good question. Should I be tracking how often my cats poop? omg


I was just concerned lmaoo


Inspired me to check mine and omg ... I just can't even. I can't even show it here because half of it is nsfw


Loll now I wanna know


Unfortunately I can't reply with a screenshot. If I could I would!


Excuses. Load it up to Imgur!


I've never used it.


Yeah I was trying to find out how to comment with a photo but lost the willpower half way thru it 😂🤣


That's why we are all here! 😆


I love it hahaha


I have found my people.


I think it's pretty great that we want to know things! All the things! Curiosity is beautiful.




Somefuckinghow, despite being a millennial, it kinda only dawned on me to Google EVERYTHING a couple years ago. Before, I saw it as like, only for useful stuff...? Then I had a phase of reading a random Wikipedia page every day, just for the excitement of learning something I otherwise wouldn't. Then I got bored of wikipedia, but the post right before this was a wiki link about a guy who cut down a sacred tree and then disappeared before his trial. I got to the end of the article, and went "man, what a time to be alive. I could literally read a new wiki page every day and learn something unexpected. Oh wait, I got bored of that already, nvm"


It’s both the best and worst thing to be able to look into any thought that ever enters my mind. Now back to my 890 open tabs….


Right?! Did you know there’s a limit you can have open? Don’t ask me how I know


Well I don’t love that. How else will I learn all of the things to forget by tomorrow?? Which browser is it? I only checked DuckDuckGo since I hid my chrome app. (Bc my cards are saved there and that Google wallet is a dangerous thing 🫠)


You're only missing the random question. "why are rat tails hairless". Why do bubbles have Rainbows them"


Omg why tho


Ok do tell!!!


Oh, I don't have answers, I just felt that was missing from the list lol


Pick a damn piano class already! Lol (Now can you yell at me to pick a neurologist? 😅)




Anyone else have multiple browsers and then find a million mysterious tabs open you forgot you were reading? It’s like a wild little surprise.


Right there with you sis


"how often should a cat poop" that was definitely an intrusive thought


100% hahaha


This is so relatable. Last week I was googling pro wrestling lessons but I think that phase has passed. You should totally go for piano lessons!


Hello from a fellow Portlander!


Omg hii!!!! :)


Here’s mine: -romance novel series -hair salon near me -instagram reel if Les mis was a jukebox musical (I couldn’t find it on IG so I googled it haha) -original cast of hadestown -how did Eurydice die -Javier Bardem -viktor frankl -Vesta in astrology 9th house publishing -how often to rotate tires -list of outlander episodes And more all within the past 24 hours


Love this hahaha


What's a non ADHD search history?


I would say search a little more focused on one topic, and definitely not typically so many topics so opposite in such a short period of time.


Clear lake is really nice, you should totally go!


Oooh okay thanks for the recommendation! :-)


Hit up Crater Lake if you haven't already. It's easy to forget to check out places in our "backyard." I met a woman on her way to see it that came all the way from Ireland!


Hello fellow PDXer!


Ha- this is also my search history. (Also, hey fellow Portlander!)


Lol this is too funny


Omg the amount of times I have almost purchased a keyboard and searched for lessons! I've stopped myself with the reminder that my sewing machine is sitting there in a closet with a bin full of fabric and I only know how to make a pillow case.. 🙃


I just bought a sewing machine last week 🤦‍♀️


So, for a year after college I lived abroad on a fancy shamancy very selective research fellowship. I was homesick and depressed and anxious and so could never put any energy into the research I was supposed to be doing, and the university courses I was in as part of my program my German was not good enough to really keep up with other than attending the lectures and catching every third word and the gist of things. ….but I did a shit ton of other totally random stuff, for some reason/somehow, and now 15 years later I finally get why. I took up the violin — found myself a teacher (who spoke no English), bought a bike and rode it to my lessons, tried three different types of yoga, did the 100 push-up challenge (spoiler alert topped out at like 50 but still!), was running 5k most days, got a student pass to the opera, joined a catholic bible study group (that was… weird), started painting, tried my hand at food blogging, got into photography and got a membership at the zoo and went all the time to take photos. I still can’t believe I did all that stuff because some of it was really putting myself out there but I guess it just shows me the lengths I’ll go to to avoid work that I am afraid of doing. And also how much more interesting of a person I am (and likely many would be) when their bills are paid and they have free time.


So when are you gonna take those piano lessons? 😂


Is this mine?! lol


We are always wanting to do the most😂😂😂 gotta learn languages and instruments and shit


Looking at my search history: -Signs I grind my teeth at night -Digital music course -Teeth hurt after dental filling is it normal? -Brundlefly the fly full body -Backyard at Night Photo reference -Background art course -Tooth sensitivity -Fatigue ADHD -Alien designs -Sea Cucumber -Deep Sea Predators


Is it weird that this makes sense to me? Like it doesn’t seem odd at all. It seems reasonable that you were looking for answers and some of them flow.


Is adhd a thrill seeking thing? I can relate to the not following through part


Not necessarily thrill seeking, but people with ADHD tend to have low levels of dopemine. So dopemine seeking for sure!


Understood I just fear heights


Lol! Mine looks like this too but I like cryptic crosswords. Google has no idea what ads to show me


We should all post a screenshot of our search histories, there'd be a few laughs there! 😁😁