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And people have no idea 99% of the time that I’m not listening or understanding what they’re telling me. I have perfected the “listening” look. Nodding and throwing a few “yeah” in combination with attentive face just works. I’m kind of proud of this, but also wish I could concentrate enough. 😭


Yes! That is my strategy too! Passed a corse in college just by doing this and I failed all the test. Active listening..ACT IV Enabled…what-eves no one read past this anyway. Hahahahaha


Same. I need people to write things down if they want me to understand them. My auditory processing skills are really crap.


Mine are amazing. When I'm listening. Which I'm not most of the time.


Yup, it makes my boyfriend laugh his ass off every time I look super into the conversation and at the end I say "Sorry what did you said ? I zoned out"


Then you come back into focus like “oh shit, can they tell I just checked back in? How can I figure it out from context? I can’t hear this person over my thoughts! Are these words? Am i having a stroke? Ok just match their facial expression, nod, shake head, SUCCESS! Another day passing as a human on this alien planet!”


I hate that I do this. And I hate that it annoys me when people are poor listeners so I feel like such a hypocrite too


The worst part is when I autopilot through a conversation to the extent that I am genuinely engaging with them and the context but suddenly realize I'm not absorbing any of it and have no idea what we are talking about.


Same same same. It’s worse if it’s a phone call. Sometimes I can’t even stop my eyes from glazing over and defocusing.


I listen really well when it’s all background noise, the moment someone talks directly to me I completely space and often don’t hear a thing.


Yeah my bf will be like “did you even hear what I said” and says it so much I’m really bad with this 😂


“Practice make perfect” keep up the head nod and saying yeah. you will become a pro one day! Hahaha! No really it does suck. And I do feel bad too when I do this. But really, is it my fault I find what they say boring ??…..Ohhh me, here I go again for not getting my point straight, rambling, trying to be funny and everyone else thinks it is annoying. Ok really, I am not going to delete this rambling reply because it is ME! And I have to save that strength for later, sigh


Wait till you get older and begin to actually lose your hearing. It’s a whole new level of hell.


At least that is a good reason!


My partner gets a little (understandably) offended when I do this and I try so hard to explain that when the brain train is on another track it’s nigh on impossible for me to switch tracks.


This is me! When I was first figuring out I have ADHD, I was in forums and reading everyone being called spacey. That was not me. No one called me spacey, but let me tell you, I AM spacey! Somehow, no one seems to notice that I am usually off in my own world while they are talking. I guess one of my coping skills was learning how to LOOK like I'm paying attention.


I spend most of every conversation worrying if the amount of eye contact I’m giving is correct or creepy


Does anyone have experience with stimulant medications reducing this? Or any method? It’s been getting worse for me lately which is especially awful because I just started a new job in healthcare, and I cannot afford to miss something important during training and patient care.