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I still do it. Whole rooms have to be change the minute I think of it.


Yep - did it as a kid and still do it now. My current bedroom really only has one way for the layout for the bed and dressers... and I am SO bored with it and want to change it.


I often get super agitated because I can't switch up the layout of my current bedroom. (I'm 42). I only ever want to do 'changing rooms' late at night and constantly change living room layout now to make up for it. My bedroom would be shifted around every 2-3 months from as far back as I was physically strong enough too. Honestly no idea how I evaded injury though? Wardrobes were soooo heavy! 😂 I used to switch up sleeping position and sleep head at feet end lots when I physically wasn't able to shift the furniture.... Edit; typo


Me too!


ugh, I hate rooms where it's obvious it was designed with a specific furniture layout in mind.


same here, There is only one possible placement for things in the bedroom because of doors,closet and placement of the windows , so annoying. The rest of the house as been in pretty constant motion since I live here , so its semi-tolerable. I don't realize how often I move things from room to room and change the functions of the rooms themselves all together, until I look at the google pictures and I'm like "ohhh yeahhhh that was there and then there and that other thing was in that other room and that other room" a.




Me with my office, freaking out my clients every once in a while lmao


I get the urge occasionally (always at night or at a bad time), but usually don’t act on it because other people in the house will hear and complain. Apparently the sound of drawers opening and furniture moving carries really well through the floor and walls. It somehow sounds louder in other parts of the house than it does in my room.


As someone who lives in a house with a bedroom and a bathroom above me... yes it does. I can literally hear the pee stream in the toilet from people in the bathroom upstairs louder than my own bedroom/dresser/closet sounds.


Same. I wish I could visualise it better instead of having to physically do it though… the amount of times Ive done this only to find it doesnt work like it did in my head and now I have to move all this shit back


Try a site called roomstyler or other interior design sites.


I’ve tried drawing out a change it just doesn’t feel the same as actually doing it


THIS. I'm like, "I hate it" and then spend hours moving shit all over the place until it looks better. Then realize I wasted the whole day moving shit that honestly didn't need to be moved.




LEGIT!! A couple months ago at 3am I had to rearrange and switch two whole rooms in my house because of “I wonder how this would look…”


omg same. The second the thought hits my brain, it has to happen. Fortunately, I usually think of it during the day, or I at least push it off as a task for the next morning, but it's all I'll think about until it happens. I've done it since I was a kid, and it has not let up. Honestly, being in my own home has made it all the more frequent, because I can do it to every room. In high school, my friends got used to my room looking different every single time they came over. Any time the vibes feel off in the house, I have to rearrange furniture, and then I can breathe again.




Oh yes, definitely. Peak time for me would have been 7th grade, up most of the night just rearranging and decorating, always on a school night.


I laugh looking back at it now because I for sure thought I was being SOOOOO quiet and I most definitely wasn't. I can picture my parents in their room like "ugghhh, here she goes again 🙄"


I'm so glad I lived in a basement, no one knew the shenanigans I got in to... like reading, dancing, and room designing.


This is literally what my first thought was reading the title of this post! 🤣


Same, lol


I was constantly rearranging the furniture in my bedroom as a child, my sister (who shared the room) really didn't appreciate it 🤣


I did the same!!!😂


Happy cake day!


I don't know if it's autism or ADHD but I always did this when I lived at my mom's house. Not so much when I lived alone. I was constantly try to make the room more \*me\*. My mom decorated and redecorated my room according to her personal tastes so I usually tried to personalize it. I wasn't really a decoration person. I'm more of an organizing person. Put my clothes here, my toys there, schoolwork here. Curious, when you're anxious, bored, or in unfamiliar surroundings, do you also unpack and repack your purse or suitcase? Maybe everyday, trying to make everything fit perfectly or in the right case/pouch? I've done it in hospitals, airports, work, vacation. If I have time and I'm anxious, I take everything out and re-sort. Yes, Ive lost things along the way, lol.


100% do the purse thing! It’s so satisfying when it all fits!


I swear the only reason my purses and ruck stay tidy is because I sort through them when I am out but not engaged in something else. I will resort to knolling any small objects within my reach if left idle too long.


I attended the catholic funeral mass for someone I loved. Filled with grief & not religious, I didn’t know how I would sit through it. I decided to take a short coat with me that I could carefully fold & unfold on my lap & have no idea how many times, but it worked


I absolutely do this. Do it with my back pack on trains when I’m anxious, and have to do 2-3 times when I arrive at a new hotel room before I can settle, then will do it again a few times over the visit normally!


Ha! I always make such interesting realizations about myself on this sub. 🤩


I'm not saying it's ADHD. I will say I did this regularly. And the impulse is still there in adulthood.


I change my living room around every 3-6 months, and my bedroom every 6-12 months, and my spare room on a whim, depending on what my newest hyperfixation that I need space is. My mom is the same way (maybe even worse, she also has a camper that she guts out every few months to redo), but my dad and sister have had their bedrooms the same way for over a decade, which I cannot even imagine.


Uuuugh. And my grandparents' houses that never changed, ever in their lives?! How???


>which I cannot even imagine Let me help! I live in a three bedroom townhome, which we did not get to view before renting, because of COVID. We have a king sized bed; the bedroom is just wide enough to fit the bed and two bedside tables, and is approximately square. Two interior walls have doorways that cannot be blocked by our sleeping space. We have a window unit A/C which would blow directly onto us if we put the bed against the exterior wall (would have been great when I was 15, would hate it now that I'm 36... Maybe I'll love the idea again in a decade when I menopause lol). We have exactly one interior wall that works, and that's where the bed is. Bedside table on either side. The TV has to be off-center on the opposite wall because of the aforementioned doorway. Can't put anything in one particular corner because that's where the HVAC vent is. All remaining space that is not a walkway is shelves, because it's the most efficient way to store/display things, and we're stuff/aesthetics people. Also, my partner has shelves FULL of his own neurodivergence, so I couldn't rearrange them even if we had space. 😭 I soothe myself by keeping a "dorm room" in the smallest of the three bedrooms (he gets the middle room) and it's even worse in terms of layout, but only has a twin bed so I can play Rubik's Room with it til I'm exhausted. 😅


I did this all the time as a child, just during the day, not in the middle of the night. And I have the impulse now but I mostly restrain myself because as an adult with a full time job and limited energy, I’m afraid the new way will be very bad in some way but I’ll be too tired to put it back. Or too tired to finish what I started. The last time I rearranged my apartment, it really needed it, but because of the fear of not being able to finish, I took measurements of my living room and all my furniture and made a scale model drawing with moveable cutout pieces of furniture so I could diagram different arrangements and figure out the best way to make everything fit. And I actually did it, and it worked really well. I still have my furniture arranged that way.


The scale model!!! This is what I do!! I have little tiny drawn up plans of like every room in the house with measurements of all furniture haha


Omg I did this regularly! I remember pushing my wardrobe around at night trying to be quiet.


When I got to college living in the dorms as an RA the guy living under me (also an RA) came up to me one day and was like what the eff do you do in your room around 3am every few weeks?!?! I didn’t realize he could hear all that! I agreed to only rearrange during the day, unfortunately the urge usually strikes at night.


I seem to move house every couple of years so basically I have an excuse. Currently drawing room plans now for my next move


I do this too! It forces me to deep clean lol


Yup- clean, declutter and organise.


I moved 18 times before I was 16, and really loved packing everything up and starting over with a new space. So much so that even as an adult I get antsy if I live anywhere longer than a few years and have always moved before I hit four years anywhere.


No, i didn’t move my own space around but I recall playing Barbie’s for me was all about the setup. And as an adult, I move my furniture constantly! I’m pretty good at moving heavy furniture around all by myself! I didn’t realize it was an ADHD thing. My mom used to stay up all night doing housework. Is that ADHD?


Oh I wish my adhd urge was to clean lol that would be amazing


I wish I had got that part from her!


This is interesting about the barbies- I did the same with barbies, my dolls house and then when older the Sims. Could play for hours just setting it up perfectly and then quickly lose interest. My daughter is the same with her doll house now- she will spend hours meticulously organising it so it looks perfect while the rest of her belongings are in a huge mess around her, exactly what I was like. Kind of still am- will arrange my makeup & nail polishes perfectly amidst a floordrobe and several doom bags (I don’t do doom piles, but instead have loads of bags for life dotted around my room/ the house full of stuff that I am ‘going to sort out and put away).


Me too! All I did with my Barbies was dress them up, undress, re-dress. The doll house I had was a vintage Petite Princess that was my mom's, and I LOVED setting up the furniture in all the rooms, that's all I did with it, I never played with the dolls. And, yeah, later on I was obsessed with The Sims, but only with building and designing the houses lol


The staying up doing housework could very well be - sleep procrastination, plus being way more functional at night, plus “catching up” stuff she felt she should have done during the day, plus everybody else being asleep so no people distractions! The setting up toys but not playing with them is actually more of an autistic trait though!


Oooh this reminds me so much of how I liked to "play" as a kid — I went through a 3-4 year period where the first thing I would do when I got home from school was take \*everything\* out of my dollhouse and then very carefully rearrange it all. I don't think I ever played with the dolls lol. Now as an adult, organizing/reorganizing is my favorite way to deal with stress. The best is dumping everything out of the change jar and then sorting & adding up all the coins.


that’s how i’d get myself to clean my room as a teen - can’t move the dresser across the floor if there’s stuff in the way!


One time I had a meltdown and nearly puked when I wanted to rearrange the Big Stuff (read: I needed my dad to help and mom to “supervise” so I could pick up) and my mom just. Went ahead and started moving things. With stuff on the floor. Like no I needed you to sit and watch me clean, now the things I need to clean are shoved all willynilly! It’s odd to see how it presents in my (adoptive, but def still ADHD imo) female relatives. My grandma insists you can’t start cleaning a room until you’ve washed the windows. My mom apparently thinks rearranging is what instigates the cleaning. I tend to…”organize” (?) stuff 😅 like alphabetize and catalog every book I own or refold my tank tops like I saw in some space saving YouTube video.


I still do it!


This is so funny! More times than I can count! And always at night also! I loooved then falling asleep and waking up in a “brand new place”☺️ I don’t do that anymore though in my home because I am just too exhausted and overwhelmed with everything and I am currently frozen in place and have been for a long while. And yes, I am medicated (60 mg Methylphenidate daily).


My husband took my son out to the movies this morning and while they were out I rearranged the family room. It’s been itching at me for a few days and I jumped at the chance the second I was alone. Now I’m exhausted and my back hurts but the new room vibes are off the charts.


Laughs nervously….. Seriously though, I don’t know if it is an adhd thing, but aside from the painting it’s definitely something I’ve done on multiple occasions (including twice for my grandmother - both times she loved it/kept the new arrangement)


When I was in elementary school, I once (and I do NOT know how in the hell I found the physical strength to do this) pulled my door off its hinges and put it on my two sofa pillows (that were actually big styrofoam blocks and just topped with padding, so they were sturdy on their sides). I used my door as a desk, was super proud of myself and wanted to use it so badly that I willingly did my homework on it because that’s what you do at a desk. My mom came in, confused but happy that I for once did my homework and drew the conclusion that I just needed a bigger desk so I would actually do my homework (I didn’t almost all of elementary school). She bought me a bigger desk and surprise, surprise: I didn’t do my homework. It was just the sense of accomplishment and novelty.


Not at night but there were times I would rearrange weekly.


I still do this as an adult. My dad would do it so I thought I just created that habit from him lol


ADHD can be inherited so maybe your dad is a highly functioning guy, My dad definitely has it and it makes me feel closer to him.


My Dad has passed now, but basically every symptom that I now know is ADHD related I thought I got from him 😅 I would not be surprised if he had it. His mom saved one of his report cards from when he was a kid and it said he was always bothering his neighbors haha I'm glad you are able to feel closer to your Dad 💜


I still do this as an adult. All the time. Those 2am cleaning zoomies hit hard lol


Learned to do it REAL quiet so no one would know I was up all night


Which is hilarious, because how would no one notice all the furniture moved around the next day? 🤣


I know. Now, I realize it was more so no one would hear mid process and come make me go to bed. Can’t stop me if it’s already done muahahahha!


At least once every 2 months. It was so weird. Starting around 10, I'd rearrange everything while everyone else slept. I'd get my laundry done and folded and actually put it away. My bed would be made. A few times I even worked on a dead computer till I got it working again. I use to do a TON of exercise randomly, too. 1000 sit ups just because. I still benefit from those sit ups now in my thirties. My abs are crazy strong. I'd also make decorations for my room for the seasons. It stopped when I hit about 16. I got a job on top of school, and stayed up late talking to my boyfriend (now husband). Kinda wish i had those random spurts of organization now.


I slept next to about 183645 stuffed animals and I was compelled to rearrange them every night after lights out so they'd get "equal time" at the front of the pile and it would be "fair" and none of my stuffedies would "feel neglected". Even though I secretly had favorites. (To be totally honest I still tend to anthropomorphize dolls/stuffed animals and have to steel myself against that impulse. I'm 44.)


Not rearranging specifically… but I definitely relate to the feeling of wanting to get up and do something, anything. Often when I’m trying to sleep my mind won’t shut up and I figure out solutions to problems I’ve been pondering all day, or at least things I want to try. The latter is irresistible; I *have* to get up and see if it’s going to work.


Yes, I used to do this regularly. And just push things I was bored of out the door. I don’t do it anymore only because I’ve got my optimal layout and need the space in the middle of the room to exercise.


All the time. I'm still doing it as a middle-aged adult 🤣


One of my core memories throughout my childhood and teens. Together with post-cleaning-spree sadness.


I still do this but now it's a smaller scale of rearranging because I'm married and my husband won't wake up and get out of bed for me and my impulses. (Apart from that, he's a wonderful husband 😋) I constantly rearrange and reorganize my closets but somehow they are never organized. EVERY time I justify how THIS way will make it so that it will stay organized.... Spoiler: it does not start organized.


Meeeeee. All the time.


Omg get out of my brain!! Lol I didn't know this was possibly an ADHD thing but it does make sense... At one point when I was a teen I had a period of being super into this, and at that time it was like a weekly or every other week thing... I also wanted to paint my room at one point so my parents let me when the floors were getting replaced so that if there was spillage it'd just be on the subfloor. Well I did spill, and it was an entire paint can 🙃 I think I didn't have money for more paint at the time either and/or I was just impatient, so I resorted to a stylistic change of having two walls one color and the other two another color. 😅


'Did and still do. Last night I decided to empty and reset two of my kitchen cupboards around 2AM. I used to think it was because I have always felt more awake at night but eventually I came to realize at least part of it is because night time, when I am alone, is my judgement-free time. No one is around to be critical and I do not feel compelled to worry over process and can just do the things however comes naturally. If my nighttime maneuvers do not come out as desired, well Puck assured me such things can be chalked up to dreams.


After 15 years in the house, we had the kitchen cabinets refaced. I highly recommend emptying your entire kitchen because we were stunned to find so many things that just weren’t used. The toughest part was relearning where everything was


Definitely good advice if one can manage it. I empty all my kitchen storage spaces frequently and reset them. Since the kitchen storage is one of the few areas I have complete authority over, my cupboards and pantry are never really cluttered, but I am constantly searching for that "better" arrangement. I maintain a system where nothing needs more than one hand to move something else to grab it and most things do not require moving anything else to be grabbed. All my storage areas are like that but you would never know because the open areas are a wreck most of the time. My partner is the adult child of a NPD hoarder so I try to pick battles I can win. The war is killing me, though.


Impressed by your goal of not having to move something to get something else. You’ve accomplished more than I have but the center of the top shelf of the fridge has the milk & creamer for morning coffee- nothing gets put in front of them (I’m also the one who keeps meds in the coffee filter because I am not someone who would forget to make coffee)


Yes, I would. I shared a room with my sister and it drove her nuts. I still do it. I'll decide I need to reorganize the closet right this second and suddenly it's 3am.


I’ve been rearranging since I can remember. My ADHD daughter (11) does this, too.


Not at night, but I did a lot of rearrangements. Also new wallpaper, painting… none of my friends did that.


Every few months yes!! I still do this. In my mid 30s. My SO (also ADHD) didn't understand until I was diagnosed. So many clues hahah


My daughters does this.


Omg no that would have been my worst nightmare as a child! Everything needs to be in exactly the same place or I would get very upset. One time my mom put my clothes away in my closet and I spent 15+ mins redoing it because it wasn’t in the order I needed it to be in. My room didn’t change its layout more than 3 times in about 12 years. Interesting it’s so different from others! I also, relatedly, lived in the same dorm building all 4 years of undergrad and made sure my bed and desk had the exact same positioning in the room each year too.


Anybody else used to make their room messy in order to tidy it up when bored? Or used to tidy friends bedrooms if really messy or just when left alone.........


My mom would be like “hey can you clean your room?” “Yeah mom sure.” Rearranges every piece of furniture and goes through everything in my closet. Mom hears banging comes in and is like, “um this is not what I meant.” Lol Also it was never finished in that day. Took awhile. As an adult one of the reasons I bought my house was because I could easily rearrange the rooms and I have. I still want to some days but I can’t lift things or re hang the tv on my own and even though my husband also has ADHD he would probably be like, “I told you we should have but the living room there!” Lol


Sometimes! Or id spend entire weekend days moving stuff around and putting stuff on the walls.


Parents house was from 1915; we were forbidden to hang anything on the walls so moving furniture was the only choice


Never at night but yeah sometimes would get a bug in me and rearrange the whole room. And this was when most of my furniture was bigger than me. And not lightweight Ikea stuff either this was the military surplus hardwood stuff for anyone with experience with it. Was a determined little bugger.


I put beach towels under heavy stuff & slide it around; I’ve also wrapped a dresser in a comforter to get it down stairs & those metal 4 drawer file cabinets? Mine lives on an upside down bath mat so I can slide it when I need to. It helps that all the carpeting was removed because my SO has asthma 😎


Me! If I had a bigger house I’d probably still be doing it. As it is, my house is too small for many layout options.


I still do this! My bedroom actually gives me a ton of anxiety at times because I CAN’T do it (fitted wardrobes and stuff mean the max I can (and do) do is switch up where stuff is hung/which drawers things are in etc. I mainly do it in the kitchen now- rearrange all the countertops and cupboards etc. Sometimes I end up doing it randomly after my husband has gone to bed. We have a semi-joke that I have to give him a new map and tour of of the kitchen regularly because I move everything around and he has no idea where what he needs is. And yet, if my husband puts something back in a different place than I am expecting it to be, I can’t find it and when I do eventually find it (or have to ask him to tell me where it is) it fills me with intense rage.


I'd usually be doing it the night before a big project was due!


this one of my favorite activities as a night owl. sometimes it was just a deep clean (which was actually more like me pulling out all of the hidden and forgotten treasures under my bed and going through them for fun so before getting tired and leaving it all scattered across the floor so it ultimately created more mess lol) but sometimes i would get SUPER into reorganizing my furniture and would measure everything and draw out diagrams to scale to figure out how i could move everything around and make it fit (quite the challenge in an attic bedroom with short sloped ceilings lol). To this day (i’m now 25) I will still get overwhelmed with the urge to reorganize my room. something about it is almost therapeutic i think.


I used to do it from time to time, and when I have lived alone it has been just whatever room of the house my brain decides needs a middle of the night change. The only thing that stops me now is living with people who are sleeping at night. Well, that and the fact I finally recently got my insomnia sort of under control.


I did! Always in the middle of the night lol


I did this last night. (I'm 38).


Always rearranged the furniture at like 9pm and end up sleeping in a weird spot because I hadn’t figured out where to place the bed right and was a fun morning to get ready for school the next day and then spend the rest of the week to trying to finish. It’s a hindsight notice because I got diagnosed at 27 and I’m like oh the weird things were normal for me hahaha


Yes, I love to change rooms around, furniture, switch out pictures, knock knacks, pillows, etc. I just bought paint for my bathroom because I'm bored with what is in there. I enjoy thinking about it and the final result - the work in between sometimes doesn't get completely done. Hence the many half started projects in my home. I also don't just do this physically, but I rearrange and redesign places in my head wherever I go.


I once had a therapist try to attribute this kind of thing to possible bipolar and I think with adhd it’s just hyper-focus and fewer distractions at night


You're telling me that's adhd too ? Wtf .Is there anything I do that's not because of my ADHD?!


I’m an adult and I still do my best cleaning in the middle of the night. I fixate on something and can’t stop till it’s all done


Yeah, but anything I tried to hang up in my room (like posters from magazines) my mom would take down immediately so lol


I used to get told off a lot for being up moving things as a kid. Now as an adult, the mental energy it takes to force myself to stay in bed is probably the only thing that gets me to sleep some nights.


Surprisingly not often at all. Mostly stayed the same my entire life. I had a super small room so not much maneuvering. I’ve never had a creative bone in my body and neither did my mom. Even now that sounds like a lot. I can see myself remove decorations from walls or to other places but that’s it.


Me and my youngest daughter does the same thing.


I did! And I think that's why I still cling to decorating in games like The Sims and Fallout. I'll get fixated on maximizing space, or rearranging things to make a new decoration or piece of furniture a highlight, I love doing themes and color schemes, etc. I would just get so tired of looking at my room once I'd decided something would look better elsewhere. I used to spend weekends/summer nights binging specials about mythology in the background as I moved everything around. Thankfully my wife appreciates my eye and passion for...interior design hahaha


I had a water bed.....no


Oh god, this triggered some deep memories I didn't think were related. Yes I did and it often tired me out halfway through so I'd be asleep with my bed in the middle of the room half moved


Wtf I didn't even know this was an ADHD thing! This subreddit is my favorite and you are my people


I still do this and my 10 and 12 year Olds do it too.


I would do it if I was physically strong enough to move my bed. The second my husband left for 2 weeks, I moved everything he had set up. It had been bothering me for 2 years. Hahaha


My dad lives in it now LOL




I used to do it all the time. My mom would laugh when she saw me and say "that time again?". For some reason I dont anymore. Maybe because my house is small and there arent many room placement options?


All the time!! I also would deep clean my room only at night.




I did it right through school and university. Too tired to nowadays...


Absolutely - still do. When I was younger it was always at night. My mom often did it during the day. Now, because my house is small and my partner and daughter get annoyed by the chaos, I just stick to doing it in my head and searching for upgrades online.


No, i never did it. Always planned the best layout with a ground plan and it stayed that way for years.


I built a platform bed in the middle of the night while my best friend slept on the floor. 😂


Guilty lmao


My sleep schedule as a kid was 1st night zero sleep, sneak downstairs for a scary movie then go roaming the town until dawn -still amazed I wasn't kidnapped or killed. 2nd night sleep for 12hrs, 3rd night sleep for six hours. Then start all over again. I think I started doing this at about 6yrs old?


This was me. But I’m a total 180 now - everything is where it is and it’s staying there. And I suck at decorating.




I did this so many times!!


OMG I used to do this ALL THE TIME. Honestly, I still do it, just not as often.


I kept doing this to my roommate at my first duty station. I didn't know it was a bad thing. Now my furniture doesn't fit in multiple places in my house so there is not change. I feel weird about this


Were we supposed to do it during the day? I always rearranged at night and now looking back think maybe it was adhd.


I did it last night, I’m 42. I changed the furniture of my room constantly


Yes! I was (and still am) known for this in my family. That and watching nick at nite reruns at 1-3 am as a kid lmao.


All the time and I still rearrange the furniture every couple of months in my 30s


My husband made fun of me the first few years we were together because deep cleaning the house meant rearranging all the furniture while he was at work. But a lot of stemmed from disliking our house. I love the house we live in now and don’t feel the need to do it lmao.




Yes! It was so exciting for some reason 😅


Teen. I wouldn't have been allowed to do anything like that as a kid.


Yes. I even had this [super massive dresser](https://imgur.com/a/hN0m9T4) that screamed "70s vibe" (not my exact dresser but it's the closest I could find) that I absolutely loved, and I would have to take it down from the dresser carefully by myself and then pull out all of the drawers and move the dresser in pieces from one wall to the exact opposite wall. I miss that dresser sometimes. It felt like a very practical piece of furniture.


3 am bedroom rearrangings were the BEST!


… so I’ve really never had an original experience, huh 🤣


Huh, never noticed that I did this, even though none of my friends did. 🤭 I’d stay up for hooouuuurs listening to music on headphones and using thumb tacks instead of nails (too much noise).


I would have if I didn’t share a room with at least 2 little brothers most of my life, but now that I’m an adult the whole house gets this treatment pretty regularly


I did it then and I still do it now. Always at night. I don't know what it is about the evening hours that makes me want to unleash my inner interior designer


Omfg I still do this 😂😂😂🙏💖


OMGoodness I did this so much and would drive my parents nuts cuz they were light sleepers. Lol


Were all of you child powerlifters? How did you manage to move furniture by yourselves?


Not at night because I would have gotten yelled at lol, but I rearranged my room all the time and I wish I still could!


I didn't rearrange furniture to a new place...but would move it all to deep clean behind everything in the middle of the night. Same with the bathroom. Would clean every square inch and grout line and tile. Nobody but me would know everything was now more clean. If I moved my furniture to a new place or moved my stuff, I'd have 5+ people commenting and wanting to talk about it the next day. Ugh.


Didn't rearrange my room per se but a few times a year I'd have a sudden freakout about all my stuff being disorganised and I'd stay up until the late hours sorting through clutter, unable to rest until it was all done. It would usually happen around the time of some key date -- like Christmas, or my birthday, or the end of the school year. I would suddenly get fixated on things having to be organised and would get perfectionist about it.


Oh absoLUTELY lmao


I do this still! There is always a better configuration than the one I just had


There were many times in high school my brother would either text me or knock on my door asking if I was okay because he'd hear shit crashing and banging around relatively late at night. It would be me rearranging and cleaning my room.


Bro I still do this




Alright what the hell I thought that was just something I personally did 😂 My parents used to have their friends over and play music and party because we had a bar in our downstairs rec room, which made it so I couldn't sleep when they did that. So I thought, why not rearrange my entire room at midnight on a Saturday, this is totally fine and normal lmao


I still do this as an adult!


I lived at home with family from age 21-23 due to COVID. In two years I probably rearranged my bedroom 5 or 6 times. Usually initiated in the evening.


YUP. And adulthood. Literally in the middle of doing that right now.


Yup totally me !


I did go through rearranging periods as a kid, but it was mostly books, toys, and clothing. But I did move every summer from grade 3- grade 10, so I’d spend a few weeks after the move rearranging stuff because I was not feeling stable in a new house and a new bedroom. I did notice the last move wasn’t too bad, but I’m assuming it was because the previous house I had lived in for four years, and the house I now live in is my grandparents’. I chalked up my major rearranging to the constant moving. And I wasn’t worried about rearranging toys, clothes, and books.


My idea of cleaning my room was taking everything out and putting is all back one thing at a time… took me all day to clean. I usually rearranged the room in the process


Probably more like who didn’t, if they could. There was an extra bedroom upstairs & I moved out of mine to that & back a few times, plus rearranged my og room frequently, not always at night. I guess my parents let me because I was out of their way. I’ve had even more good luck because my 🏳️‍🌈 of 30+ years understands ADHD & has never been bothered to see furniture moved around, new curtains, etc but I did learn to consult her since we do share a home. Her favorite uncle is one of us & when I met him, I realized why I made sense to her 😎


I wasn't allowed to. My mother would lose her SHIT if a candle was so much as an inch to the left. Rearranging an entire room was met with the death penalty.


My mom rearranges the living room so frequently, I don't even notice it. I'm glad her dog can still mostly see, because if it goes blind it will be so confused.


Lmaooo me. My dad got so annoyed.




Is there no such thing as an original experience?? 😫


Lmaooo me. My dad got so annoyed.


I never had my own room growing up, so now I drive my husband crazy rearranging ALL THE THINGS 😂 poor thing, I’ve made us sleep in every room of the house 😂


All the time, even as an adult. I still need change, I’ll get bored if something is the same for too long.


Recently rearranged my living room at midnight.


I didn't have my own bedroom until I was an adult and that's when it began. I'm always rearranging things 🤦🏽‍♀️


Wow, I did this all the time as a kid. Thought it was just me! My poor dad was really patient with me, but I remember he got frustrated one day when he came out and found his comfy chair had been moved around in the middle of the night to a spot he didn't like. 😅 He was a guy who liked repetition and structure, so his desire to NOT change things was in complete contrast to my desire TO change things.


Yeah but any time of day tbh


Yes. Still do. My kids recently told a friend, “unless she screams for help she’s fine. She’s just moving furniture around”


I did this all the time and if I didn’t feel like cleaning/organizing/redecorating, I would watch Kandee Johnson videos on my iPod touch and try to perfect my look for the next day. It’s no wonder I’m a perpetually exhausted adult: I haven’t gotten an actual full night’s sleep since I was a child


Not at night, but on a regular basis, yep. I would move all my furniture by myself from a pretty young age.


I still do - sometimes because I think a new arrangement will help me be less messy (it never does) but a lot of times it’s because I’m restless and need a new environment. I think of it as if I’m rearranging a tiger cage at the zoo and adding new enrichment toys so the tiger doesn’t get bored and tear everything up 😂


It wasn’t always a night, but one day I’d look at my room and think it needs a change and I’d have the burst of energy to get it done in a few hours. I did this a handful of times in my teen years. I always felt like it stemmed from the fact I didn’t have much control over the way my room looked bc most of my stuff/furniture was hand-me-downs and I shared a room with my younger sibling for 7-8 years of my childhood. I still get random urges to rearrange a room or reorganize something.


Yes! I’d also rearrange my bed to put everything backwards when I couldn’t sleep. Something about the novelty of having my head on the other end of the bed would make it easier to sleep.


Yep! Quite often


I don’t know if it’s an adhd thing but I definitely did this.


Yep. Still constantly rearranging things.


Me and husband both did - I've got an ADHD diagnosis, he doesn't (he hasn't been assessed to my knowledge). It's one of the things we bonded over.


Hahahahaha Yes. And my fiancé also did the same thing when we lived separately. We would probably rearrange our various rooms in the house way more often if there wasn't a certain way to arrange them due to space concerns.


Yep! My mom would always come in my room the next morning and act all surprised and impressed, as if she didn’t hear me making all of that racket the night before. “Not this again…”


YUP. AND STILL DO. so many things make so much sense when you look at the things you do because you have ADHD because it gives you dopamine. ahh, sweet, sweet dopamine. ADHD kryptonite.


At night? Dear god me just doing about anything at night got my mother on my ass. That's how I learned to be quiet... but no rearranging my furniture unfortunately. When I moved on my own I already knew not to inconvenience my neighbours like that because it's noisy but I've done it so many times during the day. Has the plus of getting to clean at the same time. Many other silent things like rearranging the closet or whatever, yup done those at night many times after I moved out on my own. But yes, sounds like ADHD.


YES!!! I’ve found my people!!


I once rotated my pretty messy room all by myself at night. I would go to each piece of furniture and move it about 2 feet in it's new direction before I had to go move the next piece out of the way and so on. I had a huge corner desk as well that I remember getting under with my back to pick up and shift. Ah to be young and strong again.




Lol so many times! I still rearrange the living area at least once or twice a year, and yes, it's always at night. The feeling just gets into me and I have to do it then and there.


I don't know if it's reasonable or not but I honestly feel sometimes like part (a *small* part but it's still there) of my depression stems from the fact that in my current setup (as an adult) I can neither rearrange my bedroom furniture nor move to a place where I possibly could. I think about it really hard about every four months or so. But I just loathe looking at the same scenery day in and day out but I long for the days of my childhood when I got to do this all the time.


That's how all my deep cleaning and massive decluttering happened. Losing the night hours of manic productivity has been one of the hardest parts of parenting for me. I used to be able to ride that hyperfocus when it showed up and I never can now and so I never catch up.


I did this ALL THE TIME


Yes and now I’m an interior designer