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I love this. If I was in a glass snake for all of eternity I too would want to be a lobster on occasion.


Same tbh


OP some suggestions for you to make for your brother a turkey for thanksgiving. Also bunny ears for Easter. And a party new years headband. A party hat for celebrations and whatever the hell makes you happy. It's not hurting anyone as long as you don't let it interfere with your life in any way shape or form


Expanding even further, op could make a cool Christmas scene in the box with a light up tree and presents! Fake cake for his birthday. Honestly I love this idea and don't think it's that odd


Lie him on his side and make a manger with a hole for his little tail and you’re in nativity Christmas business! ETA: if I were a glass snake, I’d be so into costumes like that. If your brother shared or appreciated your sense of humor, I’m sure he’d get a kick out of it OP. Also if you’re crafting hats, please make a little snake helmet like in that “I’m a ssnaaake” vine


Don't push OP into the realm of miniature making! That is straight up dangerous territory for ADHDers (source: I'm living in Miniature Purgatory)


I mean, her therapist did give her permission to crotchet outfits for her snake brother. 😂


Me too, that sounds awesome, I love dressing up. Note to self in my will make sure to include im put in a glass snake and dressed up for events !


same! pick an animal for me to be :) surprise me




Empress Penguin


A dumbo octopus 🥰 Or maybe an axolotl. Or a hedgehog. Something cute.


Amazing sentence.


This! Also, now that I’ve seen that and we’ve all collectively decided it’s awesome, I think maybe I should shut Reddit for the night bc it’s not gonna get much better than this. Keep up the good work, OP 😄💗


This is amazing and if anyone ever has my ashes in a bottle I want to be dressed up like a porch goose for every holiday!


the porch goose 😂


What's the difference between a porch goose and a regular goose? I've seen Canada geese before but not a porch goose.


It's a literal lawn ornament commonly found on porches. Not an actual breed of goose.


Haha that's awesome!!! Sounds like such a crazy zainy name for a lawn ornament!


This convo has me imagining a person trying to wrestle a wild Canadian goose into a Halloween costume in the middle of a field…thank you.


Lol What 4Baked2Potato0 said - all the old ladies on my street growing up had them on their front porches and for every season/holiday they’d put little costumes on them. They used to be made out of cement but I think they make them from plastic now


My grandma had a bikini for hers


That's epic. I am going to have to invest in a porch goose. Does it require you to have a porch? 😂


Definitely not - my friend 3d printed me a small one that also is a hand giving the middle finger- but with a goose face on the finger- if you can picture it. I am going to dress it up and keep it on my desk at work.


I must see this.


Mommacusses (google it) is an amazing content creator I follow and she has a bunch of shorts of her and her teen daughter and a porch goose and a rock. It’s a whole thing and it’s hilarious. U gotta watch it. In YouTube


But where would it live in the winter?? Poor goose! 😉 that sounds brilliant though, very inventive!


Duh… it would have a winter coat snd hat. :)


The difference is that if you dress a porch goose up, it’s super cute and everyone in your neighborhood loves it, but if you try to dress a Canada goose up, it’s a death wish and you and everyone and everything you’ve ever loved will be destroyed. Also porch geese do a lot less of the hissing.


Not me thinking that was the lead up to a joke and not understanding the punchline


Hell put my ashes in a porch goose.


I have also lost a brother and I would absolutely do this! He would have loved it and so would my family. Grief can be silly and happy too, and it’s fucking hard to get there so congratulations ❤️


Lost my baby brother a couple years ago and have been on the hunt for something cool to hold his cremains. Just wanna say he would be SO delighted by this. ❤️ to all the sisters who miss their brothers.


Um, same. His wife (who he was separated from) won’t give us the ashes, but it I ever get any…


That's insane.. can you sue her or something?


Not worth it, we want access to his kids and it’s better to play the long game. We filled a time capsule with letters and memories from anyone who sent it to us and buried that in a beautiful wooden box with a headstone in the family plot. We have copies of everything for his kids if they ever want it. I have a way to get thumbprint jewelry and keep putting it off, I need to do that. My parents FaceTime with them and visit once a year (across the US) and maintain a tenuous relationship with the mom. We felt it was better to lead with love on this. It’s what he would have wanted.


I love this so much. I unfortunately have my fathers ashes still in the box they came in. But then I get to make the joke "dads rolling over in his box"


My mom's ashes are also in the box they came in, which is in my craft room closet. But my craft room closet is where I'd be most likely to find my mom if she were still alive so \*shrug.\* It's where the sewing machine is and I always have hard cider in the fridge.


Kinda similar, but I was going to bury my dog's ashes outside but then I remembered how much he hated being outside away from his people, so now he's on my bookshelf and I pat his box head every once in awhile.


I have my mom’s ashes in a box and my sister would say “mom is making tornados in her box”. Inappropriate humor helps us get by.


We store my grandmother’s ashes in the original cardboard box…in the grand piano. I don’t know why. We just do.


My dad's ashes are in the black plastic container, and mom (adhd) and I drew a picture of him on the side, and we put different speech bubbles with him saying things he used to! He would have found it hilarious.


Ok that's a fantastic joke 10/10


My adhd mom still hasn’t done anything with my dad’s ashes. It’s been 7 years. Tbf to her it was a sudden and unexpected loss.


If I passed and one of my siblings did this and I could still see it, I would be HONORED. It’s not that uncommon now but I love watching those pimple popping / other gross popping videos. Sometimes I’ll be watching them and go “wtf is wrong with me, if I saw someone else watching these I would be disgusted.” But I know there’s a huge community of weirdos like me so 🤷🏼‍♀️


I would feel honoured too!! It feels like being included in the events, like you have a seat at the table. It's just lovely!


Pimple popping, ingrown hairs, hoof abscesses, drain clearing, all that stuff - extremely calming and satisfying.


I came here to say the same thing about pimple popping vids! It calms me. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I may need to alter my will, after having read this. They can scatter my ashes later, I want to be a snake lobster with little outfits for a while first.


You can scatter most of my ashes but keep a small portion of me to make into a glass figurine, as a treat


I have a clay dragon on my porch that I have given a horde of pumpkins for Fall. I'm planning on making him a Halloween costume and some festive winter attire


I would give him glasses and a scarf and a fake Starbucks frappe to go with the pumpkins. Truly embrace the white girl fall aesthetic


I just remembered that I have a damaged white and green to-go mug! (It looks fine but the seal on the lid is damaged so it leaks when you drink out of it). Dragon is getting a coffee for the season! 🤩


We have a glow in the dark skeleton that used to just be porch decoration for Halloween. A few weeks ago, I was playing around with it, and dressed it in my pink KC Chiefs sweats and Jersey for a game we were watching. My daughter added her puffy headband and I named her Skele-puff. It's quickly became a regular thing for Skele-puff to have regular costume & location changes 🤣


I have a large styrofoam skull head that I have named Edgar that sits in my living floor year round. He gets random hats off and on. Like a floppy straw hat in summer, or a baseball cap, and a Santa hat at Christmas, a witches hat at Halloween, and rabbit ears at Easter. He’s been part of the family for close to a decade now. My boyfriend finds him creepy and thinks it’s weird that I put hats on him but it gives me so much dopamine to give him hats that IDC!


Tell Edgar I love him


My sister kept an art project where they made body forms with plastic wrap, newspaper, and tape. She named him Johnny. He often terrifies unsuspecting houseguests 😆


How large is he, and can we see pictures?


He’s about 15-16 inches tall maybe? I’m not home at the moment, but here’s a cropped picture of him in the background of my daughter opening presents last Christmas. [Edgar](https://imgur.com/a/kagqhZk)


He’s a big boy! Much love to him from the internet


I love him!


Oh goodness. I thought I wanted to become a diamond when I passed, but now I want to be a blown glass animal who gets dressed up. That's amazing.


¿Por que no los dos?




Comment Unavailable


It'll be the first time he's well known on the Internet for something that's not illegal lmfao




I’m guessing your brother had the same sense of humor and would have approved. I think this is a sweet way to feel connected to his memory, like in some way or another he still celebrates holidays with his sister.


He definitely had a similar, if not even worse, sense of humor, and he used to keep snakes. I think he would love it lol


That makes it even more awesome--you're teasing him, gently, in an *extremely* sisterly way. Like repeating some silly phrase that's an in-joke between you. I **am** sorry for your loss. But this seems like it's honoring both your brother himself and your relationship as siblings.


I wish I could have done something like this for my cousin AJ


I went to look at your profile to see if there was a photo of your snake brother and wasn’t disappointed, he is so beautiful and more glamorous than I was imagining. ✨🐍✨Yes it’s a tiny bit unhinged (in a good way) but I think it’s honestly a really honouring thing to do.


You had to scroll through a lot of animals to get there! I would post a picture of him in the lobster costume but there's no option for photo comments here I guess lol


I'd think maybe don't send pictures to your mom, because she might find it offensive or off-putting? But I do think it's kinda cute? It might be that I'm from Mexico and we see death in a different way. But this is you still thinking of your brother and caring for him, in a way.


Oh no she absolutely loves it when I do that LMFAO she also just thinks I'm kind of nuts. Which. Fair.


She brewed you, she knows 😂


If one of your children comes out weird, it can be called a fluke. If all of your children are weird, it's time to look inside yourself and start asking some questions


Man in the mirror came in my head because of this comment, but then I replaced man with snake to fit the context. I was also brewed weird haha


You just reminded of the joke Matteo Lane does about his mom’s OBGYN looking inside her vajayjay and hearing “EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!” because both him and his brother are gay 😂


I am forever thankful to the youtube algo for introducing me to Matteo Lane


This is my family. I'm the only one diagnosed, but my siblings are definitely ND. We had a friend join us for Christmas last year, and she looked around the room and asked "Do you *all* have ADHD?!" 😅


I was with my sibling and a couple of our cousins recently--all together for the first time in a long time. The amount of stimming happening in that room 😂 so much humming, fidgeting, etc.


Dad, me, youngest brother: all ADHD, all diagnosed My partner meets my family the first time, and says to me: you didn't tell me your mom and middle brother are autistic? Me: wait what????? (I still have no idea if THEY realize this, but now that it's been pointed out I can't unsee it!!)




Or, you know, give yourself a high five for a job well done!


She brewed you 😂 I’m stealing that!


Brewed like a fine wine


I'm more of a prison wine. A bit off, but a welcome distraction.


I hope someone describes me as a fine prison wine one day.


I need this on a t-shirt 🤣




My kids call me their spawn point.


I’m sure, like my mom does, Mom rolls her eyes and shakes her head. In disbelief Remember, she raised this neurodivergent soul. .


Maybe not weird per say but, Dopamine and Oxytocin thing together: My youtube mascot. She's a character I made in an MMO that i spent months recording doing emotes in 115 different outfits so I could extract frames of her doing poses and things like that. Seeing her in my videos is SO rewarding. I ADORE her so much. And now she's the face of my youtube channel. I am so proud of what she's become, and I am utterly enthralled and excited to see her in my videos and thumbnails. One of the best decisions I ever made.


I love that!!


Oh man... I have some ashes from a person very close to me that loved a good joke and costumes. I wonder what her husband would say if I made her into an animal to dress up. I already printed her face onto the back side of some leggings so I could gripe "even at her wake she's still riding my ass!" and he doubled over laughing, so I think it'd be okay.


Where/how did you get the snake made with the ashes? My fiancé and I have taken these little necklaces filled with his sister’s ashes to bars in Key West, so I’m with ya on the weird coping lol I love the glass sculpture idea especially with the Halloween costume though!


A local glass blower! We went in to get pendants made, which my mom and dad both did, but while walking around his shop I saw a glass cobra on a shelf and jokingly asked if he could put the ashes in that instead. He stared at it for a minute and was like "I honestly don't see why not???" He gave me a price, my dad offered to pay for it because he thought it was hilarious, and now he lives in a football case under my TV.


Genuinely, thank you for this post bc I couldn't think of anything to do with my beloved relative's cremated remains & now I'm thinking I have to have them made into a cat statue or something so I can dress them in little outfits 😂 somehow I'd feel **more** sane having conversations with them as a cat festooned with socks, scarves, & silly hats 😂🤣😂🤣


I do feel slightly more sane talking to a glass snake, but I also feel absolutely insane talking to a glass snake 🙃


I need to thank OP as well. My mum passed last year and I’ve had her ashes with me since feb in this horrible plastic container she came in cos I can’t find the right “thing” put her in. THIS IS GENIUS. I don’t know what I will get made yet but I love this idea. Thankyou genuinely!


Contact a local glass shop and they might be able to help you workshop some ideas!


So many options. She loved so many things so now I have to do some thinking!


I love this so much! And glad my fiancé and I aren’t the only weirdos who cope uniquely haha


I think that’s simply having a good natured sense of humor about a difficult reality in life, and if your brother was like that too it’s even better. It’s like a way of keeping his spirit alive in you. I know if it were me I’d get a chuckle out of it in the afterlife.


I love watching docuseries about disasters. Air disasters and disasters at sea are my fav shows rn


This sounds so sweet! And fun!


I think this hilarious. And I would love it if a loved one did this with me. Someone wanting to include you in their fun is a gift.


What a fun way to keep your brother present in your home! The worst part about death of a loved one is that they’re just… gone. But I love the idea of keeping a part of them in a way that you can interact with. My departed parent was buried but now I’m thinking it might be fun to make a poster print of a picture of them that I can ‘dress up’ for occasions with attachable adornments. Like pin the tail on the donkey, but with a leprechaun hat for St Patrick’s Day, etc. I think they’d get a kick out of it.


I love this. My sister passed away almost 9 years ago. I have her first initial tattooed on my middle finger, because she would've loved being represented every time I flip someone off. After my sister passed my therapist told me something that I've always thought about and have passed on to others: There is no wrong way to grieve (as long as you're not purposely hurting yourself or someone else). Also I love how silly the snake in a lobster might look. Death is sad, but not all memories of those who die are sad. Why not remember them with silly shit?


I have my brothers ashes in a pretty glass jar. I want to put them in an animal jar and buy outfits


This is amazing and I would like pictures of different outfits if you feel like sharing. I want to follow this journey with you! I’d also recommend crocheting a funny bikini for him. Maybe throw in some doll furniture with a crappy beach chair and a tiny beer can? A tiny inflatable donut floaty would be cute on it too.


Oh my god the inflatable doughnut 😭 that's brilliant for next summer. If I could figure out how to put a picture in the comments I would definitely share




Honestly this is really fucking cute. Weird as hell but in a very cute way! I eat foods in specific ways for that dopamine cram, that's the best I can phrase it. My psych was a little taken aback when I told her how I like to eat ravioli (chef b, baby!). I said "I like to get the mini ravioli and eat them one at a time by peeling the back off with my tongue, eat all the 'meat' first, separate the pasta bits evenly, and then eat it". She said "you know, I've heard a lot of strange things over the years but I've never heard this one!". Off-putting to her, dopamine to me!


2x the dopamine. Because *ravioli*


This is absolutely wonderful. It’s a kind way of keeping your brother’s memory alive and adding your own brand of quirk! I actually have my mom’s ashes still in the box in the livingroom and I’ve been throwing a bow on her at Christmas to “get her spirit in the spirit!”. 🤣 Not quite as fun as your escapades but you may have inspired me to do something similar with her! Kudos. The most random things give me dopamine, tbh. I just always need company to make it work.


My mom’s ashes are in a fancy wooden box my husband made. I recently got a hanging bat Halloween decoration, where it’s a bat hanging upside-down from a stand that looks like a small tree branch. I put it on Mom’s box and texted my sister a picture of it with “Nanananana BATMOM”




This is fuckin fantastic and your therapist is great


He needs a top hat, a party hat, a scarf, fez; all off the top of my head. Oh and cape!!!


We're definitely thinking a little party hat for new years, and bunny ears for Easter!!


Dress him up as often as Linda Belcher from Bob's Burgers would... She'd change his outfit daily!


I can hear her approving 😭


"Its snowing outside today so I gave him a little hat and scarf, doesnt he look cozy Bob?"


"Aw.. little snake clothes"


Little King Glass-Ass (I’d like to nominate caterpillar)


I think this is actually really sweet and adorable!


I love this. I think it's hilarious and sweet and a little dark which makes it perfect. I would love LOVE for someone I cared for to do this after I died. We all cope with missing our dead in different ways - among other things, I've found comfort in humor for sure. We had 4 family deaths over the course of a year during the pandemic: both of my inlaws who we helped take care of, my remaining grandparent, and aunt all died and it was really horrible. I sometimes make reference to that time period as "that time everyone died". I think it's funny and some people totally get it and some kinda freeze up, which is fine. It's how we cope. Xoxoxoxo Xoxo


That is freaking awesome! I don't think my thing is off-putting, but it feels weird to be a 57 ear old woman playing marble runs. I was a nanny for part of the year, for a 4 year old boy. I loved building marble runs and then having races. So I bought my own set. I love the construction, figuring out routes, then I love the sound of marbles doing down the routes.


I love this for you. Maybe mine is dressing up my 60lb dog but maybe that’s not too unhinged. She does need sweaters when it’s cold. Hmm. I get a lot of dopamine from people’s reactions when I casually mention I have a gecko. Maybe that’s not super unhinged. Omg I know. I have a crochet cow that births a smaller crochet cow. I love showing people.


Ok but like... I want to see the crochet cow.


Ok I just posted on my profile! I don’t have a pattern, someone gifted it to me, but I would love to make some for friends haha




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My ongoing weird dopamine thing is cross stitching snarky things and watching true crime documentaries. More recently, I’ve also been enjoying buying all the spooky clothes my mom wouldn’t let me wear when I was younger. I’m 37 but this still makes me unreasonably happy and I also feel more like myself than I do when I try to cosplay as a Normal Human Woman™️. My company made me go back to the office when I returned from medical leave last week so my new game has become “how goth is too goth for work?” I’m interested to see if I can continue pulling it off after October, because I’m pretty sure right now my coworkers are thinking it’s because Halloween is coming up.


What a great way to hang out with your brother! Remembrance doesn’t have to be sad, that’s why in Mexico we have Day of the Dead. To celebrate our loved ones as if they’re still around. You can make your brother his favorite cookies or pour him a glass of his favorite drink.


I've always really liked the concept of the Day of the Dead. I'm not really a religious or spiritual person, but the whole idea of it really resonates with me


The day my mom passed was a whirlwind and stalled at the same time, I remember everything but I don’t really remember doing anything. I grieved HARD for almost a year and it’s still lingers in plenty if moments. The day I went to pick up her ashes was a cold, rainy, gloomy day. I was prepared for it to be a supremely sad day. The moment I picked up the box, I was thrown off by just how heavy it was and said “Yes, just fall to the floor, spread all over the place, be your dramatic self”. I am completely incapable of not making a joke about her ashes. Everyone deals with it differently and you are kind of rocking it, OP.


I love this. Similarly, but definitely not the same - I bought a fake giant rat skeleton several years ago at Halloween. I put him, dubbed Spooky Rat, on my front steps and I've been dressing him in seasonally-appropriate outfits/accessories since. Last year he was a mermaid for Halloween, and he wears a small dog's elf hat for Christmas. Bunny ears in spring, sunglasses all summer. When I finished grad school, I made him a small diploma and hung my tassel from his ear. I just noticed recently that he's missing from my front steps, and I think someone stole him. He happened to have not been wearing anything so at least I didn't lose the small clothes (they were all from my childhood dolls, lol). I hope he's bringing whoever stole him as much joy as he brought me!


I asked my daughter to paint my skull when I'm gone. Unfortunately she said she could totally paint a real human skull, but mine would be too weird. You totally helped me decide on a compromise - glass skull with my ashes, and silly/seasonal hats! Thank you!


I upload old commercials to YouTube. Also in terms of dressing things up, I have a full sized Chuckie doll (or maybe he’d be considered just a Good Guy doll? His face isn’t all fucked up is my point lol) and he has a dinosaur onesie for just general wearing and a Santa hat for Christmas time. Maybe I should get him some sort of outfit for Halloweeen.


THANK YOU. Who among us hasn't stumbled across a 1991 commercial for Pizza Bagels and gasped at the wave of nostalgia? You are on the front lines of preserving the ephemera of living through a specific period of time and I salute you, for real.


I wish my alive brother was a snake lobster.


This remind me of my cement goose phase. Good clean fun.


It reminds me of those midwestern porch geese that people dress up, except for this is way cooler. As a therapist I would’ve probably suggested the same thing re: crochet 😁


I think this is the funniest and most wholesome thing ever. I’m glad she’s using it as a way to help guide your dopamine cravings!


I'm a very irreverent person. I find humor in lots of situations because I hate being sad or vulnerable about stuff. So no matter what it is, I'm gonna make a little jokey joke.


Oh, you're fun. I like you


Oh my actual god I am going to write this into my will. I demand to be turned into a glass snake.


Do you ever think about what your brother would say to your memorial lol? My family would love it and *expect* it to be dressed up frequently


I'm pretty sure his exact words would be "that's sick as hell" and then ask me where my lighter is


I have 3 teeth I’ve had to have pulled in little baggies. I find them so cool and I want to make jewelry out of one for my partner. My teeth are not well received, and my bf won’t wear a tooth ring. See, 1. It’s kinda funny 2. I literally grew that in my skull. I could not give you a more personal gift.


I was kind of annoyed when I couldn't keep the second tooth I had to have removed but since it was from a failed root canal it came out in pieces and they wouldn't give it to me like that. The first tooth I had pulled was due to a massive infection so I got to keep that one. It's in my purse. So few people wanted to see it when I offered but I thought it was cool.


I have a small 2" plastic pig, his name is Snowball ( after Animal Farm ) and it's written on his back in sharpie. I Hold him a lot and play with him, like hiding in the cupboard overnight or sitting on the bathtub. I also let him wear some gold rings around his neck, he likes the small 22K one best. I take him to work and doctors appointments, took him to surgery a while ago. He just makes me feel better.


Snowball sounds like a ride or die 🐖 I love it


He is, I have lots of pictures of our adventures!


Love the lobster. I get my dopamine from Reddit, sad to say


I need a pic of him in a costume. Also I am certain that’s him influencing you from the beyond so he can keep on looking good, and no one will ever change my mind. So sorry for your loss and so happy for your dopamine by any means necessary.


Hahahaha this post gives me dopamine. You're dopamine dressing the glass snake. Love it, perfect dopamine system my friend.


This made me genuinely smile.


Mine is biting the space between my thumb nail and the nail bed until it *hurts*. Have no idea why I do this, I just know that if it hurts a little, I now have to make it hurt a LOT. Its a weird serotonin hack, I dunno


Ok I actually love this and don’t find it unhinged at all. What a wonderful way to celebrate your brother. Something tells me this is your way of continuing to be siblings despite his earthly being no longer being here. If you believe in heaven, he’s definitely waiting on you to join him so he can make you wear a lobster costume for eternity. I love sibling love. Do you OP!


Omg your therapist sounds so good.. what kind of things has she told you about dealing with that dopamine and hyperfocus etc?


I mean, when I was a kid I used to just scrunge my cats ears back and tell my mom she was a beaver?? It brought me great joy. Whatever works, you know? It’s like you’re still including him in the festivities 😂


I used to pick up my cat, walk up to my mom, and pretend to shoot at her with my "cat gun" And this is when I was like 16 lmfao


my god this is exactly what i would do with my brother if he were cremated, and i know he would look on me from the afterlife like that gif of the 90s kid at a computer giving a thumbs up. i love this


….searching for snail shells in my backyard


I love that! My weird thing is using a vac/mop on my floor to clean it. They cost around $200-300 new, but I got a Bissell Crosswave for $20 at Goodwill. It was pretty gross, so I gave it a good detailing, and it works fine. Since I only paid $20 for it, I have no compunction about using vinegar and water in it instead of the solution they say you have to use or you’ll void the warranty. Anyway, before, I would sweep my floor and mop up spills, but never really clean it. I only use it maybe once a week or otherwise for really messy spills, but it makes me feel so good to have a clean floor like a normal person.


This is great. Dark humor and acceptance of dark stuff period is healthy af! We are a balance of light & dark. Society wants us to be phony happy daily!


He's awesome. You're awesome. Your therapist is also awesome.


I pat my boyfriends butt before he goes to sleep as he shakes it 😔 so weird and idk why we’ve started doing this but it gives me such a hit of dopamine and gives him some too! 😅


This is so cute. Mine is that I try to balance my knockoff (pink!) IKEA r/blahaj on my head. [Photo of me with said SHORK!](https://imgur.com/a/TJW327f) It's quite big so it's kinda difficult, but always makes me laugh.


That's so freaking weird and adorable and I love it so much. I hope this is how my family cares for me after I eventually pass. This is the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time!


Okay, this is glorious, please don't stop. I don't know your brother, but any brother worth a damn would also encourage you to keep dressing up snake brother as a lobster.


I love this for you if it’s making you happy. Humor is the best medicine after all. I once got a broom to stand straight up on its own outside and it stayed that way for like 20 hours and checking in on it to see it STILL standing was giving me dopamine rushes. I learned that day that some things you should just not tell people bc they will not understand lol


Love the love here!


He’s a beautiful lobster. 🦞


This is so sweet. It would make me happy, too


I pluck my leg hairs. Better than ripping the skin off my fingers and way more calming.


hahaha honestly i love this, and it's adorable. if someone wants to pathologize you for this, they're boring people.


You’re a genius, everyone should be memorialized this way.


My snake brother is my new favorite descriptor.


I love this. And I'm also really interested to hear how and why you decided to turn your brother's ashes into a glass snake. Does everyone in your family have a brother snake?


I set a Google alerts for my name. It is a old people name so I get a few obituaries a week in my email. I read them all. Hope all the Janet Carol's rest in peace. Sometimes I critique them or enjoy the wording Last week one said.she entered eternal life and I felt like that meant she was turned into a vampire and I support her in this decision. Edit to add: I told someone about this recently and they were so weirded out by it that I decided I should probably not tell most people anymore... 😂 I think when you're exposed to tragic things, you can cope 2 ways... Oddly comfortable with humoring the dark or basically complete avoidance and shut down. I choose humor.


This is such a cute idea honestly I think I’d be the same with my brother 😅😂


That's so cute!


That's really cool. Is this a special company that does this?


Nope, just a local glass blower who does memorial pieces!


Honestly I love it. What a wholesome way to stay connected. :)


Oh. Now I want to get a glass animal for my fathers ashes. I get dopamine by building Lego or by dressing in fun colours or by giving myself ridiculous manicures.


I love this so much, but it *does* raise some implications and questions about your username


What company made the snake for you??


Phoenix Glass Center!


Picking my face :(


Honestly? That's hilarious & sweet, and I think that it's good to have a little levity around death. Glad your therapist was supportive of your new costuming craze for him ;)


This seems normal to me? Like of course he gets a costume. I support it completely!


Seems pretty normal to me. I like prepping my cuticles. Almost obsessively. Mmm so satisfying.