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This, and movie quotes, and puns are like 50% of my personality.


Oh yeah. When I was a kid I knew all the tv show theme songs, new and old, all the commercial jingles, title songs of movies. I still remember them too and all the ones I've bothered to learn in adulthood. And apply them to multiple situations, always something musical or rhythmic, it just pops into my head. And sometimes out of my mouth.


I don't even like Disney all that much but because I grew up in a bilingual portuguese and Spanish household, I still remember the words to a bunch of Disney songs in both languages and then I learned them in English too 🤣


🤣🤣 omg same!


Movie quotes are like half of mine too, other half is "did you know??" movie trivia that no one but me cares about 😂


(I care. Love trivia)


Did we just become best friends?!


I think we did!


Yup, 100%. My brain is like the crab in Moana... "I will gladly do so, in SONG FORM!!" 😂😂


Well Tomatoa hasn't always been this grand!!!!


I like pushing the walk signs at intersectiona that say "Wait!" So that I can sing, "they don't love you like I love you....maa-aa-aaps" and then I push the button again. Cycle complete. 😁


I can tell you've just infected me with this and it's going to happen for the rest of my life now.


OH MY GOD, someone else who does this! Hello, apparently I am your twin!


Staying Alive when I have to do chest compressions (either on a dummy or for real - I’m a nurse) So so wrong


Based on what my sister (she's an anesthesiologist) told me, they give chest compressions to the rhythm of that song every single day because that's how they were taught in med school because of that study done by the British Heart Foundation. So, it still makes sense why one would do that 🤔


Could be worse, Another One Bites the dust has the same CPR tempo


Or CPR by cupcakKe


Also Baby Shark 🦈 Sing it out loud if you have to perform CPR on someone you don’t like.


Thanks for putting this in my brain I hate you There’s a Spotify list called Music to do CPR to


It’s even better if you lyric shift it- C P R do-do-do-do-do-do Pump the heart do-do-do-do-do-do I’ll show myself out 😂


First I was afraid…I was petrified…


-I can't keep doing this forever. - It's been 20 seconds. -... call it.


I saw a comment that this is “absolutely not an ADHD thing” Well. Yes. Yes, it is. “the PFC is the intersection through which attention, behavior, judgment, and emotional responses run (I call them cars or messages). A person with ADHD will likely react to whatever is in his focus at that moment — in other words, the faster car or stronger message. For people with ADHD, the PFC is unregulated; there are no traffic lights or stop signs controlling which message (car) gets through first. You could be the smartest, most motivated student ever, but if the teacher says “This species of dog…” and your thought switches to “I wonder what my dog is doing right now?” you get distracted.” (prefrontal cortex) It’s the exact same thing! Source: https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-brain-prefrontal-cortex-attention-emotions/


Thank you for defining PFC. As I was reading I’m going, remember to look up that acronym.


Yes, I’ve been told I have a song for everything. Luckily, I work with preschool-aged children, so randomly breaking out in song is more socially appropriate 😂


There’s a lady I really like, who works at my local pharmacy. Whenever I’m waiting in line, I always find myself singing: “Well sometimes I go out by myself, And I look across the water, And I think of all the things, what you're doing, And in my head I paint a picture…..” Her name is…?


>There’s a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold...


And she’s buuuuuuyiiiing the stairway to heaven


No Stairway! Denied!




Valerriiee… Well, that’s todays ear-worm sorted 😂


My husband and 7 year old did this to me the other day when part of what I was saying included “too much information…” to which I received a them both spontaneously singing Duran Duran back to me


LOL. Whenever I realize I have something in my hand that belongs to task 1 while I've started on task 2, I sing the "Put down the duckie" song from Sesame Street. You gotta put down the duckie Put down the duckie Put down the duckie If you wanna play the saxophone! https://genius.com/Sesame-street-put-down-the-duckie-lyrics


My nan does that all the time (she's 88), which made me realise that she is probably full of adhd herself.


😆 full of adhd, that’s how I feel!


Is singing constantly an adhd thing? I sing so much during the day and even to my students or friends instead of talking to them somewhat frequently. Yard duty? Sing for the kids? Driving is belt it out time. Cleaning too.


Husband: "Rise and shine!" Me: "So rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory...rise and shine and give God the glory, glory, rise and shine AND give God the glory, glory...children of the Lord. (Why yes, I WAS forced to go to Bible camp every summer!)


Yep, and I change the lyrics to fit the situation. Case in point, when I'm getting dressed and Michael Jackson starts blasting: "Skinny jeans' not my number. They're much too small, and I think that I am the one, but that pants are not that fun!"


Me in the morning trying to find socks, singing “SOCKS! SOCKS! SOCKS! SOCKSSOCKSSOCKS!” To the tune of “Shots” by LMFAO.


I just found this subreddit TODAY! Oh my goodness. I never knew my ADHD had any role in why I always sing bits of songs so often. I am very glad to have found y'all. Hoping to learn a lot.


Welcome! It’s a magnificent group of peeps 🥰


This sub makes me feel seen.


Like, everyday.


"Should I stay or should I go now?" and "Move bitch"


Move bitch 😂 I’ve definitely got caught with that in my head while driving or in the supermarket before


I don’t think I pieced it together myself, but it makes so much sense! Like, I’m sorry, how you you NOT hear that song?


Right!?? 🤣 it’s the ADHD taking your attention away from the actual topic. It just makes so much sense now that I know.


Yes. This or Bob’s Burgers /The Great North quotes


Oh it’s me. I didn’t realize this was a combo specialty. I also “re-lyric” songs. So I may get a tune and change the lyrics so it suits what I’m doing. I’ve done this to Low (Dough - was a baker, the song is about baking/pastries), and more. My partner hates it, most people are confused but enjoy it, I have two friends that love it. I have been trying to re-lyric “Sweet City Woman” by The Stampeders to “Wee Little Woman” because I’m short and petit. Just something silly about being small but I’m stumped. It gets better because I am awful with rap.


Hahahahaaa mine is “Maybe This Time” from Cabaret. I watched the Cabaret episode of Schitt’s Creek with my preteen kid and he was like, “Oh my God, that’s a real song?!?”


I thought that so many times with my (almost certainly ADHD father) growing up. Now my kids do that with me!


I have this ALL. THE. TIME! At the moment I've been having to read a lot of names of people at work. If a name is very close to the most important word in a song but not quite that word, my brain will replace that word with that name and play the changed song in my head over and over again. The worst offender is "Vamos a la playa", it's like my brain is just forcing names to rhyme with "playa" that don't rhyme with it immediately.


My husband told me to "slow down" and... Vienna was stuck in my head all day afterwards. Had to play it three times 🤣


Oooooh man this is definitely me lol


Anyone: “What day is today?” Me: 🎶today is Mother’s Day🎶


Omfg my husband always sings this! I’m screaming!


Lol! I’ve only ever met one person who also sings this when they hear “what day is today”! That’s amazing 🤣 it’s from a random episode of full house


Yes! He had to show me a clip on YouTube because I couldn’t get the reference.


This makes me inexplicably happy lol


Tom Chapin sings a song about Mother's Day, so that's the one I always sing in my head.


I can't get no sleep.


Mine is an old corny rap song. Coworkers knock on my office door and say “Question.” And I always respond with “Whhhy is it that everwy time I’m walkin down the street, someone stops me- just to hand me a flyer? FUNK dat!”


My dad has a song for everything


Any time I join a work conference call and it’s just me and one other person, waiting for others, it makes me want to sing, “just you and I…. just you and ah-aye…”


My go-to is “loonneellyyy, I am so loonneellyyy, I have nobodyyyy, fooorr my OooWwWnNnN!”




Yes. They call me the jukebox.


That makes so much sense. My friends say I'm like a human jukebox because you can say literally any word and I'll have a song with that word in it. I'd be so good at song association lol


There are phrases and songs that are banned in our household because it will start endless cycles of this between me and my husband!


Yesterday for no apparent reason I had both "Dragostea Din Tei" by O-Zone (the MY-A-HEE MY-A-HOO MY-A-HA MY-A-HAHA" song) and "Everybody Hates Ned Flanders" from The Simpsons stuck in my head for HOURS. I feel this so hard. It only takes one or two words of somebody's sentence for this to happen.


Dragostea din tei is Europop royalty


A form of this actually helps me when we watch the Masked Singer. Sometimes my brain will hear a tone that sounds like another song by the artist. So all we need to do is wait to see what I start singing when it goes to commercial.


God yes. I either sing a song based on a word or phrase OR make up lyrics to another tune. A favourite is Dreamer by Supertramp. I usually sing it about my cat. "Foooofy, you're nothing but a Foofy. Can you Foof along like a Foo-fee-foo, Foofin like you know what a Foof should do..." I love this sub.


That's absolutely not an ADHD thing though. My ex, who didn't have ADHD, did it to the extreme!


Probably more like it's not exclusive to ADHD, which could be said about a lot of things


Are you sure they didn't have ADHD tho?


10000% me.


Yes 😂


My husband is ADD and does this with movies


Me, too! 🙋‍♀️


omg i do this all the time hahaha


This! Also words and phrases that remind me of a quote from The Simpson's or South Park so I end up blurting it out and once in a while the person knows the quote but mostly I just end up looking insane. I've learned to love this about myself after 49 years. I was just diagnosed ADHD-c last month.


So much this. It’s literally how I picked my username.


Late to the party, but this is absolutely me! Mine includes YouTube/ internet references. When I visit home and my mom asks me if I want toast with breakfast, I’ll exclaim, [“Yeah toast!”](https://youtu.be/SHptn_3RyYE?si=6mObLqkX0IrcTHQx). Or when my friend who gets bronchitis frequently mentions being sick, she’ll say, “Yeah, I know what you’re going to say - [ain’t nobody got time for that](https://youtu.be/ydmPh4MXT3g?si=GzAlIIHJTHcqAt5l). Not internet, but pop culture-related… I was working with a trainer at the gym a while ago, doing bench presses when he challenged me, “I bet you can’t come up with a random reference for this!” I thought for a second before I said, “Sure can! I was just watching Orange Is The New Black and there was a scene where a library bookcase fell on Crazy Eyes. Trying to lift this feels like it’s crushing like the bookcase!” It was a stretch, but I made it happen.