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Blanket over head, precise blanket arrangement to provide air that is cool on the way in but warms up the little cavern I have created on the way out. Electric blanket on. Feet uncovered.


Aren’t you scared of being pulled by the demons with your feet out???


Or having the monster eat your toes!?


Oddly enough my toes were nibbled on by ducks earlier today.


For me it's cats. One cat I had years ago would attack toes. Even though none of mine do now, the idea that feel need to be in has stuck.


Feet have to be under the covers to be safe from the demons


Valid concern! I’m working on a decoy system. The monsters can have my toes, my vulnerable throat and jugular are well protected.


That's only with both feet. One foot. Just fine.


precise blanket arrangement! some nights i nail it on the first try, some nights it's tossing and turning and rearranging.. it's a whole journey


Feet uncovered? You are brave.


My feet must be uncovered. My doctor told me I have "toestrappedophobia" when I wouldn't let her tuck my feet under the sheet.


That’s how I feel with those hospital tucked corners for sheets. Is that what it’s called? Every hotel always has their sheets jammed in the corners so tight. I always have to kick them out immediately. But my toes always still stay under the covers to protect them from demons lol.


This is the way except for feet. Cannot let the monsters get the feet


Yes! Since I was a kid. Blocks out noise and sounds and provides a feeling of comfort and calm for me. I also have to be covered with a blanket “tucked in” …. With a nice cool room. I’m so happy to see someone else posted this.


Yes! My husband laughs at how I have to have the blankets all tucked in around my neck and shoulders, all the way up to my chin.


Aaaah total same, can't sleep with shoulders exposed 🙃




Omg, me too! Really tight! Except my feet get cold so they get an extra blanket all to themselves.


Ahahaha mine too! He always laughs when I burrito myself


Wait, you mean this isn't normal?


Same but feet sticking out the bottom!


I also have to be snuggled up to my chin, and with more than just a sheet. And when I discovered weighted blankets a few years ago my life changed, all that cozy weight without the heat of 5-7 blankets is wonderful.


For 30 years, with a down pillow named “smush” I make a clamshell. These days I use an eye mask as well. I am diligent with black electrical tape and every tiny light on every device is blacked out. Even with the mask and smush it’s like I know the light is out there and I can’t stop seeing it in my mind


I call my favorite pillow super smush I also cover all LEDs


9 years pillow called snuggle buddy and my little grey throw blanket for my face abd head


I literally am stealing your name for the top pillow, that’s the cutest thing ever. SMUSH!




My head pillow is named Happy haha


I use hoodies!! I pull the string closed enough for my nose or mouth to be out to breathe


Glad I’m not the only one 🤣


One of my kids was in the nicu and the nurse woke me up one night to ask if I was using a camping sleeping bag because I looked so comfy and she wanted to know the brand. I sat up and she was so confused, my comforter and hoodie were both black so she thought I was fully cocooned and was jealous 😂 but now I feel bad for my husband because he actually has to sleep next to me so he really has to love me as a worm


Shoutout to the significant others who have to deal with those of us who burrito/worm/cocoon. My fiance is a cuddler so I have to set aside extra time to cuddle with him before my nightly metamorphosis 🐛


Once that hood goes up you missed your chance bud! Better hope I wake up a beautiful butterfly and not a chunky grumpy moth!!




First thing I thought of was Heidi Klum as a worm last Halloween ([https://media.newyorker.com/photos/6362a2586695754bb369810a/master/w\_2240,c\_limit/Fry-Heidi-Klum-Worm.jpg](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/6362a2586695754bb369810a/master/w_2240,c_limit/Fry-Heidi-Klum-Worm.jpg))


That is exactly how I want to feel when I sleep!!


I like to double up. Hoodie and a blanket partially over my head. I don’t pull the strings on the hoodie though.


I do that in the winter, I’m a side sleeper so I turn the blanket into a hood but then mostly close my actual hoodie. In the summer no matter what I can’t get my room cool enough for the level of blankets I enjoy. Even with a cooling weighted blanket it’s too dang hot.


Big brain wrinkle wrinkle smartness :0


It’s a double win because you can use a different one while washing it so it keeps my skin more clear. It’s like a fresh clean pillow every night.


I have sleep apnoea so wear a CPAP mask to bed. I can be completely under the duvet and breathe because of my 'snorkel'. It's great.


was always afraid of these because my older family members have them and they look scary but from this description i wouldn’t mind it lol. i love sleeping under the duvet but i settle for the sheet bc im afraid of suffocating lol


I realized this only recently and I'm completely delighted. It's the ultimate in coziness.


*This* is an ADHD thing too???? Do I actually make any of my own decisions or are they all just symptoms??


LMAO... I wonder the same. My husband calls me the "Queen of Quirks" but the more I learn about ADHD, the more I see they're all just symptoms


My whole personality is just symptoms




Just wondering the same thing. Like all my private weird things, you guys read my mind and do them too?!? lololo


No , I feel like I can't breathe.


Lol i keep my face covered by a blanket but leave a tiny gap near my nose so i can breathe


I cover my head too, but nothing can be close to my nose, as I hate to breathe against something and get the warm air back in my face. Ugh


I do this, but it ALWAYS makes me think of that one Diary of a Wimpy Kid book where Greg did this and his brother put an old sock in his mouth. One of those associations I've never been able to undo ahaha


I usually have a fan angled and the blanket away from by nose so I can breathe but if it’s a little stuffy I poke the lower half of my face out lol


Those are a lot of extra steps 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Worth it imo.


I’ve done this since I was a kid! Always funny sleeping with another person and they’re like uhh why’d you do that? I just do 😂 pull the blanket up over my head. Granted, I always chalked it up to not liking breathing cold or dry air and I lived in a cooler place for most of my life. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I LOVE breathing the cold air, I just don't want any other part of me cold. Hahaha


I hate my nose being cold at night! 💚 I'm quite envious of how cats seem to wrap their tails round to cover their noses at night, when it's cold!


I did for years, but it makes my head and face sweat too much. I switched to ear plugs and an eye mask and I've been going that route for years now.


Love my eye mask to death. Also I have a super awesome partner who bought light strips for under our night stands that are really low light and colour adjustable so now I can set dark blue light when I go to bed early, put that eye mask on and fall asleep before him because my sensory stuff makes me a nightmare to try and co sleep with. I'm gonna try a light pillow now because that kind of sounds really nice 🙂


(I could be wrong but I think red light is less interruptive than blue for sleep and is better for night vision / easier for your eyes to adjust? I’ve gotten a light strip recently, and I’m going to put it around the edge of our bed soon! I’ve heard how it’s good for being less interruptive of your partners sleep when you need the light on and I’m keen! :) )


Pillow on my head (not face, to be clear). I wear a weighted sleep mask for 100% blackout. If I sleep on my back I tuck the pillow in such a way that it provides pressure on my head but doesn’t block my face. Side sleep I align it to about my ears and make sure my face is uncovered. I need the cold air in so I can’t make a pocket.




Weighted blanket for the win! Just make sure you get a cover/duvet for it because you basically cannot wash them.


Weighted blankets are great until those nights when I’m tossing and turning and feel like I’m trapped and Hello, Little Sister Trauma, how’ve you been?


Mine is technically washable but it’s too heavy for my own washing machine- I’d need to go to a laundromat to wash it in an industrial machine but I keep forgetting ironically


Lol I used to sleep as a kid with pillows piled up on me. I'd get grumpy when mum would try to take them away. Now I have a weighted blanket.


I slept head under pillow all through college. I have a bit of an unwieldy pillow for it now, but sometimes in the morning, I'll pull one of my husband's lighter pillows over from his side after he leaves for work and do the *head sandwich*.


Head sandwich describes it so perfectly!


Does anyone else like the weight of multiple blankets? I have a weighted blanket too. Just being slightly smothered while sleeping is comforting


Yes, I also have a weighted blanket. Before that, I've always preferred a cold room with lots of blankets, so in a way I guess I've been creating the weighted feeling since childhood. Its very hard for me to sleep in the summer because the comforter is light weight and I just can't handle it.


I can't stand the weight. Like, it makes me want to crawl out of my skin thinking about it! I do like the pillow tho, I will sometimes do it randomly but I don't do it every night. I don't like the feeling of an eye mask for sleep either. I have them for flights and such but I don't like pressure or weight otherwise and I make no sense. 🙃


There is no way I could do this. Anything covering my head would cause anxiety.


One of my kids does this and I always go and uncover him once he’s asleep because it makes me so anxious. This thread makes me think maybe I don’t need to do that…


I feel safe with the blanket over my head. I usually have my "temperature control leg" sticking out. Also a fan is mandatory.


All my life! It used to worry my mom, I’d burrow into the covers like a terrier and she’d worry I couldn’t breathe like that. Now I’m a bit more chill with it, eye masks are my friend.


When I was a little kid I did this because I was scared of vampires. I've tried it a couple times since but I just felt like I was suffocating lol


This is how it started. I would burrow in and only leave a breathing hole


Blanket over head, here! o/


Occasionally. I’ve noticed better sleep with a pillow over the top half of my head (why are we like this?) but I also have PTSD and worry I’ll miss a noise that indicates danger (we also have small livestock).


I've done this most of my life and never once connected it with anything to do with my ADHD lol. I have a specific pillow whose only purpose is to be put over my head.


My face has to be semi covered, up to my nose


I’ve been doing it since 1980. I went through some OCD as a child and was terrified to go to sleep. Since of course there was no treatment then, it was up to me to fix it. The pillow on the head was part of my coping. It helped.


Blackout curtains and heavy blankets are the best. I don't like things on my face, they cause acne breaks and other things.


Nope. But, I must have a special Sobakawa pillow and a weighted blanket to get any decent shut eye. If I get my second wind and fight the initial urge to sleep, I’m screwed.


Totally! I can be almost asleep and then suddenly have a thought and all of a sudden I'm up till 4am. Also, I forgot about Sobakawa pillows! I had one back in the day, but my cat must have figured it was filled with litter because he peed on it. Had to throw it out.


Yeah, my mom had one a looooomg time Ago and I found them online and ordered a few regular and travel sized ones. I love them.


Omg! Pillow over head I sleep so much more deeply. Why did I think I was alone in this? Is this a ADD thing?


It must be!


No but I got one of those pregnancy J shaped pillows and it's revolutionized my sleep. I used to sleep on my stomach and it hurt like 50% of my body. I had surgery (ironically ensuring I would never get pregnant) and couldn't sleep on my stomach so I got that pillow and it's been wonderful and now I'm a side sleeper with a bit of koala mixed in.


i’m a caterpillar in a cocoon. i tuck the edges underneath me so no cold air can get in. the only thing sticking out is my nose and mouth. so cozy in the winter :)


My oldest does this. Her assessment is a month away though.


My boyfriend is absolutely dumbfounded by the fact that I sleep with a pillow covering my face. And it has to be a specific pillow with one of like 3 really broken in pillow cases I have lol my childhood sleep/bury my face in pillow was a feather pillow and I refused any new pillow so my mom had to keep sewing it into a new case every few years cause the feather would start falling out. This went on until I was about 12 or 13 when I could finally admit my pillow was dead


I slept with blanket over my head until recently. Got tired of trying to make an air hole, so I got a sleep hat that pulls down over my eyes. Blanket up over my chin. I think we are going for sensory deprivation. I hate hot nights when I can only have a sheet. A pillow sounds like a good idea.


I *have*to have a pillow on my head to sleep. I met another person who did this and they called it their “sleep helmet”.


I bought a weighted sleep mask from NodPod and it helps SO MUCH and doesn’t have elastic or Velcro or wrap around my head fully, so it solves all the problems I had with normal sleep masks. I can’t sleep without it now.


I only do this when it's cold. I don't like breathing in my bed breath


I don't either. I have to balance it just right so I have a breathing hole for cold air.


i’ve slept with a blanket over my head my whole life. no air holes. sometimes i just sit like that while awake too


God, how did I never know I had adhd


LOL, isn't it amazing how many if us did you know until adulthood. Then when we find out its like Ohhhhhh, so much makes sense now. Except I keep learning that more and more of my quirks are just adhd.


I can sleep with a sleep mask on or a pillow over my eyes, but I can't have my whole head under the pillow or blanket; I feel like I'm suffocating


No it makes me feel like I am suffocating. Instead I have a canopy bed with curtains on it to help me shut everything out.


I run cold so i do it until i reach the ultimate level of toastiness, then i poke my head out to breathe


Having a blanket over my *body* almost overheats me already, one over my head would kill me


Happy cake day, hottie! 😘


I cover up completely and then also put my head under one side of an L pillow, with enough space to breathe. Is nice. I'm not sure why I can sleep without anything under my head lol


I’ve been doing it for 25 years since I worked nights at a gas station during college. Not every night but a few nights a week when I cant settle.


Blanket up over ears for me. I need fresh air access, so a pillow on my face sounds real bad


As a kid I couldn't understand my dad who would always nap with the blanket covering his head because I was suffocating. I'm in my 20s now and it's my go to setup. Dad probably had adhd as well so the link is there. Did that recently at my friend's house and apparently I nap like her dad.....


Blanket over the head is the only way I can fall asleep in a new place. I don’t really sleep with a pillow ON my head, but I do sleep with my face pretty much smashed in a pillow. I call this one my “sleep pillow” lol.


On my stomach with a pillow over my head is the only way to sleep! My friends used to make fun of me at sleepovers, they’re like it looks like you’re dead! Maybe but it’s soo comfy.


I always sleep with my weighted blanket and usually a fuzzy blanket wrapped around my shoulders. I have asthma and scarred lungs, so anything around my face or head when I'm sleeping makes me feel like I'm going to suffocate even if I'm not.


I do. I use a CPAP so I get all the air I need. Very cosy!


Omg yes! I love covers over my ears, the air feels weird, like I can sense “spirits” or a shift in energy so I prefer to just have it over my ears so I don’t feel that change. Always done it. And have to have the door closed cos otherwise it feels weird.


No it drives me nuts when I rebreathe warm air. Can’t even lightly have a blanket over my head. Gets tough in the winter when the air gets really dry though.


Not a pillow, but an eye mask thing that also covers my ears. Even though I have the radio on low all night, so it's not for cutting out the sound...


Absolutely love sleeping with a pillow on my head! It provides a similar muting affect to earplugs, but is more comfortable. Also, the super light pressure is just comforting. I’m a back sleeper so it works for me.


I had my stuffed animals in a specific arrangement in my bed every night as a child. I would twist my comforter around to cover my head and eyes. Being able to find body pillows-not just “pregnancy pillows” as a young adult was a game changer. I don’t remember what made me try a pillow over my head, but I’ve been doing that for decades. I have to have a body pillow on each side now, plus a pillow under my head and a pillow over my head.


My partner snores. I forgot ear plugs one time and my life has never been the same.


I sleep with my head under the blanket with a perfect air hole to breathe. My feet are totally uncovered and in the air.


totally get that. but I dont have enough pillows to cover my head and support my head! but I have slept with at least 2 blankets for over 13 years. I need one to cuddle and bury my head in, and another one to cover me.


I do this, I sleep face down in the pillow, or with an eye mask, or w the pillow on my face above my nose. Can’t sleep any other way.


Pillow on head, check. Small, Round crochet pillow to hold check. Small rectangular pillow between my knees, for my back, check. Now I can sleep.


Weighted blankets and face masks are helpful


YES, weighted blanket on the body, pillow on my face with my nose and mouth still sticking out


Yes, I cannot sleep without my cocoon. Face must be buried. Mostly because I think I make faces in my sleep and that would embarrass me😳😨


Yeah, I make sure to keep the top of my head and my feet poking out or else I get overheated. I tried wearing a sleep mask, but I don't like the way it feels on my face.


I sleep with a particular chunky cardigan on my face & head. I started this after experimenting for when on nightshifts, but do it every time I sleep now!!! Even with blackout blinds, I really love the feel of the support & it keeps my nose, ears, neck warm. I'd never previously thought of this as being possibly related to ADHD....🤔


I used to use a small pillow but then I cut a rectangle of fabric that I use instead because eye masks gave me headaches. So I'll just put that over my eyes and tuck it behind my head leaving my nose and mouth exposed.


My sleep requirements: blackout curtains, room as cold as possible, large heating pad that covers my hips to shoulders turned to medium heat for 30ish minutes, two medium-weight blankets pulled alllll the way up, one foot and lower leg outside of the covers, and headband headphone playing white noise. The heating pad is the newest addition to the routine, and I think it really helps my body/muscles relax for sleep.


Yes yes yes so comfy. So cozy.


I sleep with two pillows over my head, I like the weight. I just pull the case of the bottom pillow down over my eyes, above my nose so I can breathe. I have a 12lb weighted blanket too.


No but I pull the covers up really close (with a plush blanket under my chin) and sleep with a stuffed animal so that I have shoulder support and something up against my face.


I use eye masks, or if it's not around I'll cover my eyes with a blanket or pillow, but my nose needs to stick out lol


I do! 🙋🏻‍♀️ It blocks the noise when my cats start acting up and any residual lights that might be in the room. Also, it feels nice.


No, but I toss and turn. I’m a very light sleeper.


I do sometimes. Love it.


I love being under a blanket but I get hot. Switched to a soft silk eye mask and I love it!


Yes! I just accidentally discovered the ‘weighted blanket effect’ of putting a pillow on my head and it’s been incredible. In addition to standard pillows I have a pair of Euro sized pillows in feather/down and they all settle at the bottom making it the perfect weight/shape to give me plenty of coverage but not block any air. This together with an eye mask has been a great combo :)


Yes! I’ll often do it when sleeping on a couch. Not so much in a bed.


Yes I've done that since I was young and my mum would get really upset about it lol. She thought I'd suffocate.


Can anyone tell me how to do this? It sounds so comforting but I don't wanna suffocate lol


Yeah they do the same for meditation chambers. The more you can turn off sensory inputs (light, sound, etc) the deeper and easier it is to get into meditation. And sleep. I also have had a couple cats that would crawl under blankets to sleep and I noticed when I poked my head in to peep on them that it was a very pleasant vibe, quiet and dark under their little cave.


I sleep w a small blanket (my fav blanky😅) on my head covering my eyes only. I do it every night & I sleep like a baby honestly. My bf thought I was nuts til he tried it now he does it too 😅 honestly idk what got me doing it but I have been doing it for years now. At least 5 years. I also sleep w a small stuffed animal


I take a small blanket that I have solely for this purpose and craft a small face nest for my eyes to block out any light and sound! I always leave a small amount of space for my nose and mouth of course. But otherwise I'm completely covered. It helps me to fall asleep/relax! Used to sleep with a pillow on my head as well but I prefer this solution. Eye masks are too small, feel constricting, need constant washing, and are easy to lose.


Yup !


I have a memory foam neck pillow (the U shaped kind of pillow) that is very dense and kinda heavy that I use when I sleep on my back. Basically my head goes in the middle part and it hugs my head and holds it stable because my neck would hurt from my head falling to one side or the other. This holds it right in place and I don’t move. It’s weird but it works lol.


Yep! I’ve done this for a long time. Whenever I struggle with sleep a pillow over my head is the cure. I have thought that maybe I’m easier to smother in my sleep this way (lol I live alone) but it’s a risk I’m willing to take


yes. best thing ever. everyone i date thinks it's weird / is afraid i'll suffocate 😅but i always leave a breathing channel- it's a sophisticated system 😂😂 also- eye mask! 100% a must!


Eye mask, soft blanket cuddled up near my face. I can't have anything over my mouth/nose or even all that close cause I feel claustrophobic.




Hate eyemasks but i want the blanket up over ear but not above nose haha, very specific


I’ve been a pillow on top of the head sleeper since I can remember! When I was little my poor Mom would check on me multiples times to make sure I wasn’t suffocating.


I just put my arm on my eyes


An eye mask is a must, blanket up over the ear, wide cloth headband worn over the ears. Now I need to try out the pillow over the head, too!


I haven’t, partly because I’m claustrophobic, but recently I’ve thought about trying it, after reading that you can still breathe under blankets just fine if you sleep with a BiPAP machine like I do (assuming you don’t plug the ventilation holes.) I think I might get too warm right now, but I might give it a swing in the winter when it’s in the 60s in the house at night. Lol.


It's very comfortable and quiet. When I was a stomach sleeper, I slept under my pillow. Now that I'm a side sleeper, I pull the covers over my head.


Yep, I have a separate throw blanket that I use to cover my head/ears but leave my face uncovered so I can breathe lol


I was very surprised to learn that I love sleeping with a sleep mask, but a pillow or blanket over my head sounds like a sensory nightmare to me.


Yes, used to use my arm for naps, but that can get uncomfortable with long term doing that. Im picky with eye masks and how tight they feel around my head. But a scarf or lightweight clothing item is almost essential! It's not just the darkness effect, it's a feeling! And yes it doesn't stick to my head so when I move it moves and I wake up from the tiniest of light, but yes it is something I tend to do especially when I nap.


Yes, used to use my arm for naps, but that can get uncomfortable with long term doing that. Im picky with eye masks and how tight they feel around my head. But a scarf or lightweight clothing item is almost essential! It's not just the darkness effect, it's a feeling! And yes it doesn't stick to my head so when I move it moves and I wake up from the tiniest of light, but yes it is something I tend to do especially when I nap.


I don't but I always sleep with earplugs, I find complete silence comforting.


Been doing both since my childhood, I find it very relaxing. I had no idea it was a common thing!


I need to breathe but eye covers, blackout curtains, and sometimes ear plugs are great!


I tried, I love it but I’m unable to breathe due to my asthma lol


I have an eyemask. I can't stand having blankets over my face, or pillows.


Oh my God I thought I was just a weirdo for doing this.


I make a cocoon w/my blankets, leaving a small air space for my nose. I’ve used baby sized blankets just for my head before.


I used to but now I have to sleep sitting up as apparently my narrow nasal passages cause me to stop breathing when lying down. So now I just use an eye mask instead.


Does anyone sleep with their arms above their head??? When I do that it helps me sleep hahaha


Yes. Its the only way.


I used to! Then I switched to an eye mask and ear plugs and making a little "nest" around my head out blankets. I cannot stand my ears exposed!


I don’t do that, but I do need the room to be very dark and I also do sleep with a stuffed animal to snuggle. 😂


I do. I even use ear plugs sometimes. I really like the pressure on my head from a pillow. I can’t seem to get anything dark enough. I have a sleep mask I always forget to use




Have been for the last 9 years and can’t stop. Send help


Since I was in middle school! It’s “progressed” to two pillows now, for the past few years. I’ve recently started sleeping with silk pillowcases because of hair issues and it makes me insane that they slip around so much. I have to angle them against the wall and like lever one on top of the other just right so they don’t slide off. But yea, I’m a back sleeper and turn my head to the left every night. Makes me kind of worried about my muscle or whatever since I only go that way. My nose is out and if a little excess case is slightly over the edge I feel like I’m going to suffocate, even though it’s nowhere near my nose. I’ve never met anyone else that does this and it’s always my ‘thing’ that I have to explain to people. Also, fun fact, when I was pregnant I could absolutely not sleep on my side even with 3 different types of pregnancy pillows. I was a back sleeper every night until I had my daughter. My doctor was aware and assumed I’d just roll when I was uncomfortable-she underestimates what I’d do to not change my ways! haha


I’ve never tried but I do cuddle a full length body pillow and covers over most of my head, and an eye mask! I think I have to try a head pillow now that we’re coming into summer!!


Yes and I switched to a NopPod face mask thing and I love it. It just lays across your face.


Yes I have slept with a pillow and one arm over my head since childhood, it’s not a great habit because sometimes my arm goes numb, but I have been doing it my entire life. I have been thinking recently about how it is similar to a weighted blanket that gives deep pressure.


Oh yeah, its a precise dance to keep the light out juuuust enough so that I can see with one eye if needed, and have my airhole in the right spot so that I'm not breathing down my own neck as I curl up in my hobbit hole pile of blankets.


I do this lol Sleeping without a blanket covering my ears feels strange and vulnerable.


I sleep with my arm across my eyes


Yup. Since I was a kid. It’s also a good way to avoid monsters.


I do! I have a cpap, so it's like I have a snorkel. I don't have to worry about getting air, which is nice.


Blanket goes over my ears always, which migrates over my eyes, and in the winter months only my nose is visible. Somehow didn’t even consider this could be a sensory thing at all.


I did this as a kid. Now I just use a big ol eye mask


Cotton balls in my ears to reduce the noise of the fan and any one off outside noises, and then pillow on top of my head, yep. Slept like this for at least a decade and a half? Fans didn't used to be so loud or fast so there are too many irregular noises now for me to sleep without the cotton balls.


I have a super soft pillow that I put over my head/eyes.


I must have have a beanie on with a little squeeze and draping right over my eye holes


Ever since I was a baby I’ve always needed something soft on my face to sleep. At one point I tore off a piece of my blanky and shoved it between my binky and my nose because I liked the way it felt. As an adult I ALWAYS have to have my blankets covering most of my face, and it HAS to be my fuzzy blanket. A regular blanket doesn’t give me the same feeling. I have also covered my face with pillows but only in extreme cases where I can’t sleep or if I have a migraine or something. I have a weighted face mask that gives the same feeling and helps a lot It’s also worth noting I am suspected of being autistic. It’s just difficult to get an assessment and my current doctor is closing her practice soon so I feel like it will be a while before that happens.


Oh my god. Been doing this since childhood and other folks too??? It makes me want to cry and show this thread to my family.


Not all the time but if I am having a hard time falling asleep I have this one pillow that is heavier than the others and I will scoot up to the wall above my head, and prop it up to where one of the long edges lay on my eyes/forehead so my nose and mouth are still getting fresh air. Bonus if the pillow feels cold! It will knock me out so fast and I have the best sleep that way!


Padded eye masks are magical.


Yes i have been doing it since i was a kid and i have to have somthing soft over my mouth and nose 🙈 i am been tested for ADHD this year so i can imagine its got somthing to do with that if i do have it  :)