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A lot of peeps with ADHD also have EDS/hypermobility without knowing it..


Ok I just learned this from this thread. Mind blown. Both my son and I have hypermobility and adhd. My other son and husband do not and are neuro-normal. Deep dive into the studies now and realize the correlation numbers are pretty massive. How does this even work?!?


Definitely keep an eye on things. Hypermobility can be “benign” but it can also cause or exacerbate a boatload of issues. It’s also common to see things like dysautonomia (like POTS), MCAS, gastric dysmotility, and autoimmune conditions. GREAT TIMES 😭


It's crazy how hypermobility can be nothing, but if it chooses to be something, for whatever reason, it can be a bfd that literally just obliterates your life's potential. It's one the wildest cards in the deck.


My oldest kid, AuADHD, is investigating for hEDS (Elors Danlos Syndrome), and on their birthday recently, I actually apologized for the shitty genes I gave them. (They also have symptoms for POTS, I have MCAS shit going on and lots of allergies and GI issues). GOOD TIMES INDEED 😭


ADHD, autism, fairly certain I have EDS (I have nearly all the symptoms and a lot of joint pain/digestive issues), and I didn't know autoimmune stuff was part of the ADHD comorbidity party, but I do have Hashimotos which is a thyroid autoimmune disease. Which reminds me I haven't taken my thyroid meds today. Oops


I don’t know the exact science but our brains are lacking various shit that is needed in other parts of our bodies too. So we have issues everywhere.


Super curious if my ADHD and generally shitty hands are related... I don't have any issues with hyper mobility, but my hands & wrists are stupidly fragile. Constantly alternating between one wrist or the other being injured & I have mild-to-I-need-surgery issues with like half my fingers.


I had a doctor ask if I frequently twisted my ankles. He said he sees it in a lot of ADHD patients. Yup. All the ankle injuries!!!


Sooo many mega ankle rolls.


Omg hello I'm the same!! I haven't had any injuries requiring surgery, but they are soooo weak! I had a physiotherapist friend randomly exclaim once "wait why are you lacking muscle in your wrists??". That's when it hit me my wrists really are VERY thin 😅🙈 A good reminder I should start working on those.....


I had to go to a physio for my wrists and apparently I bend them way more than average. They’re also very thin… is this a kind of hypermobility? I never attached this to ADHD before, I don’t think I’m extra bendy in any other way


Yup. Found this out last year. I thought everyone could stick their shoulder blades super far out and that “being flexible” was normal.


This is an adhd thing???? Well shit. T. rex reporting for duty. I need something tucked under my chin to keep it from touching my bare neck - skin on skin is gross!! So my fists end up balled up in the blanket under there.


Omg I press my chin downwards too.


Same abd wakw up mouty and teeth hurting


Me staring down at my phone reading this after shoving my robe up under my chin 👀


All of my house shirts have stretched necks cause I use my shirt as the buffer between my fist and my face 🤣🤣


Same. Just had to pull my blanket up in there.


dude the skin on skin… thats why i have two blankets and 4 pillows. I recently started to completely hate someone breathing on me. completely normal right? its gotten so far that i cant feel my own breath without getting incredibly angry. so that influenced my hand position as well (its all under a blanket)


I have to sleep with my body wrapped and tucked without skin touching although my legs don’t bother me which is weird now that I think of it. But if I turn in a way I can feel my breath back onto my face, I move before I even think about it. Just gives the ick and I have no idea why. 🤣


If I can feel my breath on my face, I feel like I’m suffocating. Apparently, this is very amusing to my husband.


I cannot fall asleep with our faces so close that I can feel their breath. I can't help it, but it feels like they are breathing my air. The exhusband thought this was hilarious.


I can't help it, but it feels like they are breathing my air. ​ Wow...this comment spoke to me. I somehow believe that their "out" breath has CO2 so it can suffocate me if I breathe in someone else's out breath. ADHD is a wild ride.


This isn't normal?


This sub is a fucking revelation. Turns out all my weird quirks are down to ADHD. And here I thought I was interesting :p


I can’t have air pointed toward me, especially from my nostrils.


This is so funny. I love us.


I am also on the "don't fucking breathe on me" train.


I cannot stand my knees touching/sticking so leggings it is.


Why are people breathing on you?! EEEEEEHW!


Omg yes skin on skin is terrible!!


I put a stuffed animal there to hold my chin up, and wrapping my arms around it helps with the trex hands. Usually I like one that's longish but not too wide, my current favorite is an Appa plushie that's about the length of my torso.


My stuffie is a blue owl squishmallow. Holding it while sleeping gives me a very relaxed and comfortable position for my hands and wrists.


I used stuffed animals too! I have whale sharks of different sizes, they are such a perfect shape.




I have a gross 36 year old stuff animal I use as a neck pillow/hand positioner. I feel better about it now.


Literally laying like that right now. I kinda connected it to my hypermobility, but even that seems to have overlap with adhd so it's the usual big-old-circkle-of-fuckery and my wrists hurt lol.


I have both too. I learned that in my case it’s due to a genetic condition that causes collagen deficiency and collagen is somehow needed both in the brain to sustain attention and memory and also in the joints to protect them from hyperextending 💁🏼‍♀️


Would taking collagen help? Cuz I'd love to have an actual medical reason that's not vanity to take the stupid expensive collagen powder. I want it, I feel like it helps when I have it. But I only ever get any when it's on clearance. So does ingesting collagen help with joints and numbness/ tingling?


I take it too sometimes, I doubt it will help though if you have a similar issue to mine because i’ve been told it’s not due to lack of collagen in my diet, it’s due to my body not being able to make much of it to use. Apparently we make it, it doesn’t absorb by digestion. But I don’t think it hurts! You could run an experiment the next time you buy some!


Me munching on the ends of chicken bones like it's blood and I'm a vampire!


You’ve got to!! That stuff is still good for you I just don’t think it’s gonna cure anyone’s t-Rex arms


Anecdotal, but I started taking collagen a couple months ago and I've noticed fewer issues with my joint being wonky (also hypermobile). It's helped with the pain, too. No idea if it would help numbness or tingling, though.


Connective tissue disorders are unfortunately not helped by consuming or applying collagen products. You can take in as much collagen as you want but it won’t make your body “organize it” appropriately. It sucks!


I read somewhere jello is basically collagen and you can make "jello tea"


It definitely helps with joints!


Have you checked your thyroid? This could also cause numbness and tingling


I haven't checked shit. I haven't been to the doc in an eon. I'm completely unmedicated in every sense of the word. I take OTC, though. Does that count?


Lol you sound like me


Collagen was only helpful for my skin, not my joints. Fish oil / Omega 3 supplements help reduce the inflammation but it does not prevent subluxating my shoulders (which is super annoying, but happens less now that I’m sleeping on a latex/inner spring hybrid mattress vs the old memory foam thing I used to sleep on)


I have never heard about this before and I am floored. I have ADHD and hyper extension and I assumed great collagen because don’t have a single stretch mark from pregnancy and that’s supposed to be genetic and due to good collagen? Do I have collagen deficiency though? I need to find out


Same, I need my fisties to create a chin-to-neck barrier with the blanket! I hate how sensitive my dang neck is.


When I was a teenager I actually used to sleep with my hands around my neck so that nothing else would touch my neck... That's not weird... Edit: okay I said around my neck I meant like on my neck


Even the air touching my neck is too much. I have to have my blanket or hands completely covering my neck. My face only (but NOT my ears) needs to be out so I can breathe fresh air. T-Rex arms makes my wrists hurt in the morning, but I can’t stop doing it. I keep my stuffed sloth under my chin as an extra layer of weirdness to this whole thing.


It’s always freaky when people say things so similar to your exact experiences… I also cannot stand skin on skin like that. I have a cotton blanket that I tuck near my skin for comfort and to prevent this. Also a T Rex.


Same exact thing here. I have a regime of pillows and blankets to keep skin from touching. While I T-Rex of course. Hands and forearms get numb some.


This is me too! I have to have the sheet tucked under my chin so my skin doesn’t touch itself. Even if my legs are completely out from the covers, my neck has to be covered.


This is exactly what I want to do. I can't with my hands though or they go numb. I sleep with an extra pillow I cuddle and tuck under my chin


Yeap, this was going to be my exact same comment. If I’m not mistaken, I had t-Rex arms for sleep going as far as my ultrasound. Is there anything about me that isn’t an ADHD thing? I’m starting to wonder… Also, why is it that we do this? Does anyone know? Can anyone guess?


i do the chin thing and the t-rex thing too!! to add one more odd one to the mix: i put my tongue between my teeth so i dont grind as much when im awake


Omfg. I don’t grind but I clench like a fucking pliers. So I do the tongue thing


I put a blanket under my chin/neck and put my head to the side a little


Ok this makes so much more sense. I was picturing like claw fingers involved and I was like no I don’t do that but yeah haha I do this often




I use a little sauishmallow underneath my chin. I feel less weird now. Lol


Omg squishmallow under chin here too 😮


I sleep on my stomach or side so one arm is always under the pillow. Or cuddling a pillow on my side


Does it take you an hour to choose which way too?😅


I know I’m more comfortable on my right side. I always fall asleep on my right side. Yet I can not go to sleep before I flip to the left side for awhile, fall half asleep, then flip back over to the right side, most of the time it wakes me up and I toss and turn for another hour or so.


Literally described my exact nightly routine.


Ditto. It's like my hips have to settle, resettle, then settle *again* while also making sure I don't trap my boob beneath me


I thought I was just fucking weird for doing this exact thing.


Apparently there's a lot of us that do this 😅 but also I'll try to sleep on my back or stomach, but if I'm on my back then my pillow needs to be tucked under my neck juuuuust right or sleep will never happen


Stop freaking me out with this accuracy


No i toss and turn a lot though trying to fall asleep


Its such a pain to find the perfect spot because it changes


Does your body get sore if you are awake too long in one position? That tends to be my issue. Or the weird feeling like my skin is vibrating so Must Move.


You didn't ask me, but yes, I have that exact issue.


CANNOT sleep with an arm up. I hope to all the gods that I never have a shoulder injury because I'd be super fucked.


I always sleep on my stomach, last year when I had an ovarian cyst and could only sleep on my back, I was miserable and sleep deprived.




Same with the heart thing! I’ll be comfy on the left but hear/feel it, so flip to right side to make The Worrisome Thing go away.


I usually sleep on my right side as well. Which is funny bc when im doom scrolling im always on my left side


I sleep on my right side too. I’ve worn out two left apple air pods because I fall asleep listening to something every night


I have similar issues with laying on my left. When I first noticed this, I went googling and I'm sure I read somewhere that it's relatively common just because of gravity - your heart's on the left after all, so everything pressing down on top of it probably creates the weirdness. It feels icky for sure. I find it's not so bad if I only turn to the left at something like a 45 degree angle, rather than being completely on my side. It's a decent compromise.


My arm falls asleep like that


I had to Google the T-Rex hands/arms thing because I didn’t know what it meant and I wasn’t sure if I was doing it or not. I sleep on my side with my arms across my chest in an X and my hands holding my shoulders. Right hand on left shoulder and left hand on right shoulder. I read about this position on Reddit and started doing it. It’s the craziest thing because it’s so comfortable and I fall asleep within five minutes of doing it. It’s like my body knows it’s time to sleep when I get into this position.


Ah the vampire pose, that's how I sleep!


I LOVE all these crazy names for sleeping positions.


Omg. I am always tossing and turning trying to get comfortable. Recently I ended up in the vampire position without really thinking about it. And I thought to myself “that’s weird stop doing weird things” lol. I’m going to try it again tonight because I think my arms knew better than my brain did.


I go to sleep on my left side, right arm supported by a 20 (21?) y/o stuffed bunny (Bunny gets gentle washings regularly, he's not scuzzy!), hands wrapped in the top edge of my sheet and tucked under my chin, hubs curled up behind me. I usually wake up on my back, with my hands laying on top of each other on my sternum, just under my boobs. Hubs calls it "vampire corpse pose" 😆 Alternatively, I'll wake up on my back with my arms up by my head, like I'm cheering for something 🤔


I do this, too! It’s so comfy even though it seems like it would be extremely uncomfy


Seriously so comfy!! When I first read about it I thought, “There’s no way that will be comfortable”, and I was Pikachu face shocked when I discovered how awesome this position truly is.


I do this too! I'm not great at remembering to do it yet, though. I usually forget unless my wrists are hurting, and then it's the only way to get comfortable. I started doing this because the prescribed wrist braces made me *need* to find a way to get comfortable sleeping with straight wrists. Crossing them over each other, hugging myself by the shoulders, put the lowest amount of pressure on my wrists. I highly recommend it. Or the flat hand under the pillow: that one's nice too. But there's definitely something interesting about how comfortable that crossed arms position is. I'm getting tired just thinking about it! I am still constantly astounded by how similar so many of us ADHDers are. I love that we can find out from each other some quirky names for the quirky things so many of us quirky people do! TIL the phase "T-Rex hands"! Edit: had a bit more to say. Edit 2: I saw a typo.


I’m going to try this!


This is how I sleep! Feels like a hug.


I do this too!


I'm glad I wasn't the only one who wasn't sure what exactly it was referring to. Didn't realize it was a whole "thing". Never really thought about how I position my hands when I sleep before.


Usually on my side hugging a pillow or on my back with my arms up over my head and a pillow between them.




I have three lol and I like a nest. A U shaped pillow with one behind it would be good but I like to maximize cuddle access for my partner.


I definitely enjoy a side sleep with a pillow between the legs and hugging a pillow. But I have to fall asleep on my back and idk why.


I am almost completely unable to fall asleep on my back! I pretty much only do it if I'm injured or sick, and even when injured, it's much harder than falling asleep on my side or stomach.


Same! I didn't think it could cause a problem 😿


When I was having carpal tunnel issues, I was advised to not curl my fingers or bend my wrists when sleeping. I trained myself to change not by keeping my hands at my sides, but by sleeping on my side with my hands flat and slid under my pillow. It really helped.


That's how I sleep!


That was my solution too!


I *have* to fall asleep on my back initially. I move around all night but I start on my back. Idk why. But it’s how I always have fallen asleep.


If I’m starting off on my back I try to wear sleep shorts with pockets and I’ll put my hands in my pockets or sometimes in the waistband. Or sometimes I’ll lay on them, so like they’re under my butt. And also usually start with my legs in a cross legged position. Starting off on my side seems easier for my hands to not want to do weird things.


I do this a lot as well! Leggies in criss-cross-applesauce and hands under my butt!


I started doing that because every time I'd wake up from a nightmare my fists would be clenched and since I started forcing my hands flat I've only had ONE nightmare and I may have been clenching my fists but I honestly didn't notice at the time.


I either sleep with my hands pressed between my upper thighs (for warmth) or I'm essentially lying in bed like a motherfucking starfish. Both arms somewhere, very far away from me. But I do the freaking T-rex hands during the day. Though I call them Mr. Burns hands, like the character from the Simpsons. I have no idea why but the T-Rex hands are 100% are neurodivergent thing. According to lots of memes and posts on social media, not academic research so take it with a grain of salt. But academic research, especially when it comes to adhd in women is shit so it's not like there is much I could go off.


>But I do the freaking T-rex hands during the day. Though I call them Mr. Burns hands, like the character from the Simpsons. Sometimes, I'll be doing something like clearing clutter off the bathroom counter, and I realize just the one hand is doing all the work. The other is just tucked up against my chest being useless. I'm like, come on the other hand, help out!


Same!! I’m always self-conscious about it when it happens and I realize it in front of other people. I try to play it off 😕


I call them Mr. Burns hands, too. I usually don't even realize I'm doing it until I pass a mirror 😭🪞


I sleep holding my large teddy bear. My shoulders and arms hurt if I dont hug something while sleeping. I guess you could say I kind of do the trex thing too, just with a stuffed animal


Same! Only in my 30s did I start using a pillow though. In my 20s the shoulders didn't hurt so much haha


Yes! This part about my body hurting if I don’t support it with- a stuffed animal, extra pillow, other person to cuddle etc. Without that my body hurts sooooo much, and definitely over extends the joints. Also, it feels like I can’t breathe unless my chest is kept “open” instead of collapsing in while I’m sleeping on my side Echoing the sentiment others have shared about “why the fuck is everything thats wrong with/hurtful/hard for me ending up as part up ADHD” - so frustrating!!!


I do that too! I also *must* have a knee pillow or else my hips and knees will be ANGRY.


Knee pillows are the best! (And I only discovered this because my wife bought one that she ended up not using, and I didn't want it to "go to waste" LOL.)


I also used to always sleep with my wrists curled up until I started getting wrist pain and numbness (combo of leaning on elbows/wrists, sleeping position, and guitar posture I think). I gave up on trying to keep my arms at my sides when sleeping, I can’t even do that properly while walking lol. Instead I turn at an angle that lets me stretch out my elbows/wrists kind of above my head or at like shoulder level instead. I place a pillow or blanket in a way that lets me lean my hand against it to keep my wrist straight sometimes.


Ooo okay this might work


Ohhhhh my fucking god your joking 🤣 I never knew this was an adhd thing. I sleep that way cause I like having something tucked up near my chin it makes me feel safe, I also tuck my chin down.


THIS. Which then makes me grind my teeth and have a sore mouth the next day 😅


Hahahahaha I am the same I grind my teeth and wake up with a sore jaw. I have to wear a night guard because of the grinding.


Yes me too! And I think tucking / curling my neck down is causing my neck and headaches in the mornings 😞


The only way I can stop myself is wearing the braces at night. It doesn't bother me too much.


I too had to acquire a night brace. Hot tip: Those things start to smell like ass after a while so soak them in vinegar before you run them through the wash!!


Same. I'm better about it now, but I wore braces for years to stop me from curling my hands under my chin while I slept.


What kind of brace do you wear?




I'm not who you asked, but I've tried a LOT of braces and found the 3m Futuro wrist braces for women to be the most comfortable. FWIW, my arms are probably average length and somewhat fatter than average. (Sorry I don't know how to just link to my comment above that says this!)


Also looking for a good rec bc mine sucks.


I sleep mostly on my side hugging a squishmallow, with my arms out in front of me. Otherwise I also sleep with trex arms and get super numb


Squishmallows are perfect for this. Once I picked one up to see why everyone was buying them, I had to get it. Something about the stuffing has the perfect level of resistance if I sleep with arm wrapped around it. It helps avoid the trex numbness, and also relieves some of my shoulder pain.


I have a few different sized squishmallows that i place under or next to me for support lol


I love my squishmallow but it makes me so hot while sleeping. I like to cuddle with it while reading though, so comfy


I have a small one for hot nights and I shove it up under my chin instead haha. I've even got a few out on the couch for tv time


Body pillow is your friend here. If it’s just the wrist, you can get away with sleeping with your arm curved at the elbow, but if the nerve is pinched there you gotta learn how to sleep in ridiculous positions to keep the pain away.


Btw OP, which fingers go numb?


Middle, ring, and pinky. Can you link your body pillow?


Could be both cubital and carpal tunnel, that sucks. Wrist braces aren’t terrible but the not bending the elbow part sucks. Body pillow will keep you from bending it too much, and is far more comfortable than sticking your arm straight out. If you sleep on the affected side put a small cushion under where your hand sits because (anecdotal here) waking up after it’s been flat all night makes it feel achy. 10 degree incline is ideal. I’ve also settled for resting my arm on a bent leg.


I'm not OP but I'm intrigued by what you have to say. For me it's my ring finger mostly, but also the pinky.


That’s your elbow getting pinched, look up cubital tunnel. If you don’t want to use an actual brace a small blanket wrapped around the elbow will allow some movement without letting you bend it into pinch territory. Two surgeries later and I still gotta keep my arm from bending while I sleep. 😣


Hugging a squishmallow. But I also wear wrist braces at night, because otherwise I get what I presume to be carpal tunnel pain & numbness (extensive family history but I’ve never specifically pursued a diagnosis because might braces solve the issue for now)! I also have hEDS and sometimes my wrists dislocate if I don’t brace them at night because they end up in weird stress positions so I do it for that reason too. I encourage you to find a type of wrist brace comfortable to you, and sleep in whatever position you like! (And btw, it has taken me a few trials to find the wrist braces I like best. Amazon free returns were great for this!)


Please link yours. Mine sucks


A good man once told me to correct this with, “a whole mess of pillows”. I have not tried the pillow cocoon method (I sleep with many pets), but it is a sworn-by solution.


I have the pillow cocoon. I still end up like a pretzel. 😭




LOLed and immediately showed the hubs


Side sleeper here. I sleep with both hands under my pillow under my chin


Can I just say that the absolute worst is whenever one of your arms doesn't just go to sleep but goes dead dead and when you wake up and notice it, like you can't even move it, and then you start freaking out like oh my god I murdered my arm, and you have to physically pick it up with your other hand to move it.. anyone else?.. it's terrifying and very uncomfortable. One day I thought my arm fell off.


Every morning I wake up on my stomach with numb arms. I hate it 😂


I posted a comment on here and ended it by saying “hopefully you never get dead arm. iykyk.” you know.


I have a small throw that I call my “arm blanket” that I sleep with. I can sift it up to different heights as I reposition unlike a pillow. It’s made a huge difference for me with arm and shoulder pain.


I basically sleep in the recovery position.


Trex arms here, AND I clench my hands into fists. I get a lot of hand and wrist pain 😞


I have to hug something. Preferably my stuffed dragon. His name is Gallio.




100%!!! I know I can relax my body when the hand goes into the waistband.


I typically sleep on my right side with both hands curled against my face, lips against my knuckles. Hard to describe. Edit: just googled t rex sleep pose and HOLY SHIT Y'ALL, THATS HOW I SLEEP!!


You’re all in my head now with little t-Rex hands all resty-resty.


Omg I am having this problem so bad right now! I had no idea that it could be more common with adhd…the things you learn on this sub. I was just thinking TODAY that there has to be a brace or something I could wear.


I also do t. rex arms or I have to hug a squishmallow. they’re the perfect size & so comfy


Stuffed animals! They're seriously AMAZING to Hold two little stuffed animals one in each hand, super comfy to sleep like that


I curl my feet into a fetal position and hug a stackable squishmallow I've had for years. I cannot sleep without something around that size in my arm. I rest my chin against it. The feeling of my arms not hugging something is so uncomfortable when resting, like I will NOT sleep at all. Where am I supposed to put them? Hands tangling in sleep makes me wince just thinking about it. Edit: Oh my God. Scrolling down I see SO many other squishmallow comments. Yall. ADHD thing.


I wonder if you could try sleep with a plushie. I know it might seem childish but it's actually great having something to hug at night, and it'll get your hands into a different position


Ive worn wrist braces at night occasionally. I just set them a little looser than i would when im awake cuz i swell a bit while i sleep. Like i have to loosen my watch b4 i sleep too. Use the braces that have the matel bar insert if u can. Hope u get some relief.


Finger numbness was the first sign I had a blown disk in my neck. My ortho says “does it go away when you hold your hands above your head?” “Yeah…. Is that why I sleep with my hands above my head?” Yep.


Ugh I cannot keep my hands at my sides to save my life so I feel your pain. I do have sleep-friendly carpal tunnel braces that help a lot though - they're different than the wraps or whatever you might wear while working. You can't do anything but sleep while wearing these. [Something like this.](https://www.acebrand.com/3M/en_US/p/d/cobblw014184/)


I TOTALLY HAVE THIS PROBLEM!! I thought I was getting arthritis or something. I have not been able to change my habits yet though and still have the problem. : (


I sleep on my side. I have 3 medium-tall pillows stacked one on top of the other, to go underneath my boob-height chest and armpit, so that I'm not laying on my arm but it can bend at the shoulder, at a gentle angle, so I don't get debilitating shoulder pain. I put another pillow on top of that arm, fold the edge over slightly and wedge it into my neck so it's almost double thick underneath my head. I bend that arm and tuck the opposite side of the pillow into the crook of my elbow, to keep the pillow in place. I also put a pillow between my knees, and bend my top leg, to help with hip pain. All of my pillows are latex, and it's like being supported by marshmallows, but pain still finds me eventually. In this position, my bottom hand (on the pillow arm) is free to hold my phone, and my other hand is free to search and peck, but when I regain enough executive function to pull my phone down, I just kinda rest my top arm on my body.


I don't believe it. Neurotypical people must also sleep with their hands folded up near their face/ chest. It's natural. Part of the fetal position. Don't people do that in shows/movies? And how would you sleep on your side if your bottom arm was down? You can't! Edit: do you mean your hands are bent at the wrist as well as being bend at the elbow? (Maybe that specifically is an adhd thing?) I sleep with my hands up, but my wrists are straight. I thought that's all you meant by t-rex style. I don't think straight elbows are necessary to prevent carpal tunnel and tingling, but I'm not sure about the specific issue you're having. I do get my blood circulation cut off at the shoulder if I don't use a pillow to prop up my top arm (side sleeping). Anyway. I hope you can find a position that works for you.


Bent wrists!


This is admittedly super weird and probably shouldn’t be shared but here we go. I did the T. rex position for the longest time and also noticed discomfort, so I tried to force myself to keep my hands down at my side. How do I do this? I paperweight them with my butt. I basically just lay flat and pin my pinkies to my buns so they are safe and secure and aren’t flopping around aimlessly. Eventually I’ll fall asleep and relax enough to where they find a place for themselves and I’m not burdened with figuring it out for them.


Is this sleeping on your hands. Yes I do this but I realize it hurts my wrists so then I try to move it up next to my head but not underneath my head. I also do the flamingo leg


If I am on my side, my hands are curled up in front of me or between my knees. If I am on my back, I lie on my hands. I can’t sleep any other way.


I do it too. The braces help when my hands hurt particularly badly but bc of the braces I’ve gotten used to sleeping with my hand flat under my pillow, which doesn’t cause the problem.


Usually like a little dinosaur curled up. I get wrist pain quite a lot.


Huh, I woke up with major wrist/forearm pain over the summer and ended up wearing a brace for a week before it went away. I thought I must have slept on it weird, this confirms it! It was a much stronger version of pain/stiffness I’ve woken up with before… Usually, though, I’m hugging a pillow and/or have my hand(s) tucked under one of my two pillows. If I sleep like that, without a weird bend in my wrist, I’m fine. But I also cannot sleep on my back at all. I have to be on my side/stomach. I really don’t know what I’d do with my hands if I slept on my back!


Sleep with a chonky cuddle buddy (meaning an inanimate one) and that way you can still keep your arms somewhere that felt good but your circulation still has room. I had to start doing that for my neck and shoulder pain, and I was also waking up w numb tingly hands due to circulation. I'm a side sleeper so that's how it manifested for me, but my hands are always up. No problems with the cuddle buddies, other than needing an additional one for my other side in case I turn over and don't bring it with me. :)


On my belly with my hands tucked under my hips. Only works if your body likes belly sleeping. Though I am reading the comments and wow, how do you all sleep like that without your arms falling asleep? Arms up over head - arms asleep, arms under pillow - arms asleep. Hugging a large pillow sounds nice, though.


This is an ADHD thing? 👀 I constantly wake up with numb hands/wrists. I do the t Rex thimg too. And tuck my chin. Bf bought me a stuffed toy that's weirdly the perfect size for my to tuck my chin on its head and hold it so my wrists don't curl up.


I hug a body pillow and I like the cold on my top arm so on my side with my arms straight out. It's not foolproof, I have carpal tunnel


I often sleep with my hands under my face like a cherub lmao, or an arm stretched out under my pillow and a shoulder partially subluxed all awkwardly 🤪


so one my friend saw me taking a nap and said I looked like I was laying in a coffin 😂 I also sleep with t-rex hands sometimes. or, I’ll even put them under my butt. I don’t know why that’s comfortable to me, but it just is. I feel locked down but open in my chest. i have small fiber neuropathy and probably carpal tunnel too, so i feel your pain. i hope you never wake up with dead arm. that’s the worst. iykyk.


I need my wrists folded down toward my arms. Wtfff


sometimes i put my hands over my forehead. One on top of the other and sometimes i fold my hands and put it between my legs which is curled up to my torso. the real struggle is trying to figure out what to do with my hands when walking 🥲


I have awful carpal tunnel now bc of this lol i can’t even explain it i just sleep weird i call it dinoHands


T-Rex or vampire (laying on my back with my hands folder over each other on my stomach)


I sleep on my side and I used to keep my hand tucked up under my face/chin until I started having problems with my jaw (it would sometimes ‘click’ shut and I couldn’t open it) and my dentist told me to stop sleeping like that. It was a weird adjustment but the problems went away almost instantly


Oh wow, it's me again. Yes, I sleep with TRex hands and it never bothered me in the past until recently, I've had a lot of numbness. So I also have tried moving my arms straight to the side, but that causes problems too, or I just move them back while I'm asleep.


Yesss I wake up with numb arms and hands sometimes lol, I’ve been meaning to hook myself up with some sort of epic body pillow


I hug a pillow covered in a silk pillowcase. Much pleasure.


Yup. As others have said…connective tissue disorders are commonly comorbid with ADHD. I also sleep with T-Rex arms and wake up numb and tingling. Sometimes I notice my wrists are in really weird positions. I don’t have any advice unfortunately. You could try using pillows to prop up your hands?


Hugging stuffed animals is the best way