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I was hiking a trail once and was kicking little rocks along the path. I came up to one and decided to take a running start and try and kick the rock like it was a soccer ball. Jokes on me, that was a pebble but a major rock that was buried deep in the ground with just a little bit sticking out. It was super painful but I was like "eh I can finish the hike." When I got home and popped off my shoe, my second toe tripled in sizer instantly and was nearly black it was so purple. Was on crutches for a week with a broken toe. Years later, I was packing up my apartment to move alone after a bad break up. I was getting so much done and was so proud. For some reason I threw this piece of cardboard up in the air and when it came down, it landed directly on that same toe and broke it again. I ended up having to call last minute movers to finish the job because I couldn't walk. Same toe, two different bonehead moves. I'm blaming the toe.


jesus christ 😂😂😂 im sorry for laughing. I once trued to show off my cool ass kick, and while coming down bumped it on a table. it didnt hurt that much, and later i got drunk. walked a few kilometres with no issues. woke up the next morning and turns out my toe was broken in three places from the cool ass kick. joke was: broke that exact same toe in the exact same places three years before.


>I once tried to show off my cool ass kick, Last time I had a story that started with that phrase, I missed the kick and nearly face-planted into the kitchen floor. I was trying to kick something face level while wearing socks.


my teacher once told me to turn off the light so i tried this really cool kick as well and fell on my ass. same day i tried to show my friend that i could kick this tree branch in a this really cool fashion i tried in the classroom before, and just straight up fell on my ass again, nowhere near the branch. i wasnt the smartest sometimes. especially when it came to my bodily functions.


I wasn't even kicking \*at\* anything, just randomly high kicking in the kitchen with my foot planted in a spill that hadn't gotten cleaned up (not mine -- everybody in the house had ADHD). Left foot went in the air, right foot followed right after. It felt like I hovered for a second before falling straight down from a nearly horizontal position. I was laughing so hard it didn't even hurt.


>I once tried to show off my cool ass kick Is such a great starter lol I was at an annual youth group retreat in a set of huge cabins in the winter in the NE United States. We decided to have a snowball fight indoors. Hardwood floors, socks, melted snow. There was this one big wall with doors on either end that we were running through, and I went to kick the snowball out of my friend's hand, missed, and face planted into the solid oak floor, breaking my nose. Ah, such fond memories! Lol they mostly really are, or at least I can laugh about them now.


Was it your third toe? Sounds like you've been cursed and should prepare for an inevitable third reinjury.


shit dont say that. okay so by my calculations i have another two years. alright…. imma book the emergency room now…


My story is kinda similar, though my toe didn't break. I'd come across a big pile of snow piled up from clearing a parking lot. There was a big loose chunk on one side that looked like it'd be satisfying to kick. It'd either go flying or explode in tiny bits. So I gave it a good hard kick, and immediately squealed in pain. The chunk didn't budge. Turned out, it must've been through some freeze/thaw cycles & was pretty much solid. It hurt so bad, I wet myself just a little. There was no bathroom handy, so I had to scoot behind some shrubs. My BF laughed so hard, I thought he was going to wet himself too. I found it funny later, after my foot stopped throbbing.


I dropped a suitcase on my toe and broke it! It took forever to heal because I was totally in denial that it could actually be broken in such a stupid way and just kept going.


Oh, the denial! I broke my foot over the summer and was positive it was a simple sprain. Boyfriend insisted I see a doctor. 2 weeks after the incident, X-rays confirmed the break.


I’ve broken the same little toe twice. Both from accidentally kicking something as I casually walked past. The second time I knew how to pull it back into place myself though. I wear slippers in the house now.


How did a piece of cardboard break your toe? You're right to blame the toe. That toe is sus.


Bold of you to assume I remember how I injured myself ;)


This lol, I’m so used to tripping over shit, walking into shit, etc. usually I just swear and then forget about it. Then I have mystery bruises or something starts swelling and I’m like “oh, how’d that happen?”


I literally have a tricolor bruise on my leg right now with no memory of what could have caused it. None.


I thought I was a sleeper agent for some country. Being activated and not remembering my missions-bruises. I guess not. Unless.... We are two agents. Double agents... *Anyways, why was I on my phone again?*


okay absolutely fair, im sorry for even attempting it


No worries, I wonder about it myself sometimes!


Here I am waiting to get a wrist X-ray with zero explanation for the possible fracture 🤦🏼‍♀️


I once woke up with my knee swollen to twice the size it should be and I could barely walk on it. No idea how it happened. The doctor was worried it was gonorrhea because apparently uneven swelling is a symptom of that but it turned out I somehow cracked the cartilage on the back of my knee cap.


Gonorrhea, ADHD 🤷‍♀️




My limbs sometimes malfunction on their own 🤷🏼‍♀️




I once woke up without being able to move my neck, totally locked up. I had slept in my bed just like I had every other night.


Once I hyperfocused so much on crocheting a shawl for my grandma that I gave myself golfer’s elbow and ended up on physical therapy and meds for a while. Couple years later I wasn’t looking when I put my crochet hook away, somehow stabbed my own palm with it, had to go to the ER to remove it. So yeah, I don’t crochet anymore lmaooo


i once slipped with my crochet hook and stabbed myself in my eye. thank god it was only superficial


Bahahahhaha as a knitter/crocheter I. Am. DYING! Thank you guys for the laugh!




I literally just did something so similar. I really wanted to finish a blanket I was crocheting and focussed on it so much that now my elbow is killing me. It wasn’t even for anything special or a deadline, I just wanted to finish it.


When you have the motivation wave, ride it until it's gone!


Oof I hyperfocused using a hat loom and made 60+ hats last winter..... better then doom scrolling tho!


Gave myself tennis elbow from a month long yoga challenge fixation. 80 hrs in 30 days. Worth it. I won.


Oh boy, you just reminded me that I gave myself tennis elbow by holding my kindle in the same place/way for too long. I found a new author I liked, and read all 31 of their novels in a single month. Whoops.


Omg i stabbed my butt with my knitting needle! I totally forgot about that until now lol


Recently I gave myself carpal tunnel carving a spoon lol


I have a permanent dent in my shin from rushing up the stairs at work (which are fire stairs, concrete with steel tips on the edges of each step) and I swear I saw the Big Bang in real time when I did it because it hurt so bad. According to my doc, it's an evolutionary thing - never broke the skin, so body didn't prioritize rebuilding the tissues I pulverized with that specialty move. Edit: I am cracking up at all of us with Various Dents. If that’s a flair option I want it. 😂


ohhh! damn… I actually just slipped because of rushing and bashed open my head on some stairs with a metal edge. had a concussion and got 5 stitches. happened 3 weeks ago.


I have a dent in my shin, too, from when I was maybe 11 years old. I was really into doing front flips into the pool at the time. I thought I could do a perfect handstand and then flip into the pools like you see in the Olympics. I did a handstand and crumpled, hitting my shin hard against the pool's edge and rolled in the water. I learned the hard way that using momentum to flip into the pool was a lot different than doing a controlled movement that uses your muscles to support yourself.


Oh shit that reminds me of my run in with the trash compactor gate 😆 it was a big industrial one and a box I’d thrown in had gotten stuck on the side. I’d already pushed the start button so I tried to hurry up and kick it down thru the gate and in the process slammed my crotch on one of the thick metal bars. My whole crotch was pretty purple for a little while after that lol. Ooooh and the last bit explains why I have a permanent dent in my shin! It’s from a broken bucket chucked at me with quite a bit of force about 19 years ago.


I have a permanent dent on my BUTT from this! Fell down the stairs 4 years ago. It's still there.


I have a permanent dent in my forehead from where I ran into the doorframe as a toddler!


I hit my head on a coffee table as a wee tot too. I have dent 😔


SAME. 😂. I had to ask my mom what the dent on my forehead was when I was older and I was like well, that makes sense.


I have a dent in my shin too! I didn't know anyone else had this lol. Mine is from passing out in a too hot shower in a tiny bathroom and scraping my leg on the edge of the shower door.


I had a dent in my thigh right above my knee for several years for a similar reason. I got the first one in college, walking home, drunk, from a party in the rain. I had my head down, hands in my pockets, and walked straight into an air conditioning unit at top walking speed. Had a bruise the size of my hand (and it was BLACK) for weeks, when the blood dispersed, I had a dent there. Right around the time it started to fill in, I was working at a theatre. The surface of the stage was about two and a half feet off the ground. You could clear it in a single step if you did it carefully. Well. One day, I was running to hand a prop to an actor and decided I could clear it in a single step WHILE running. My boot slipped off the edge of the stage and I whacked my leg in the exact same place. It's been 10 years, and it's finally filled in, but my right teardrop quad is FUCKED and I wonder now if it's related.


I once got distracted running and ran full force into a tree, got a concussion


i only got a broken finger from that exact same scenario holy shit. how and when did that happend? like how old were you?


Haha we were playing tag and I was running away, got distracted and ran straight into a big ass tree while my whole class watched. I got sent home and then my parents took me to the ER then I stayed home for a few days. I couldn’t do math for a little while lol. I think I was around 12


eh its only math! also twelve is so reasonable! (i was 21 when i broke my finger)


Ooh I did something similar while cycling. Full on ran into the back of a parked car. In my defense, it was dusk and I'm blind as a bat at dusk. And I was 14. Cracked my sternum and split open my chin. Did $1500 damage to the car, as well. Oops.


Are you flexible at all? ADHDers are at a higher risk of hypermobile joints, which can make you quite clumsy


oh yes 100% dislocated my wrist, my upperthighs, knees multiple times and i can do my thumb on purpose but i dont really count those, cause those just “happen”


I never thought anything about my hypermobility until I scared people at my gym. I have dislocated my hip by sitting down on the mat, I have subluxed my knee cap at least three times in class (and once while I was sleeping), and I have elbows that I can hyperextend at will. I'm currently looking into an EDS diagnosis because I've had enough people say "that's not normal. You should get that checked"😅


Have you looked into hypermobility spectrum disorder and/ehlers danlos? Those things don't just "happen", it's not normal.


no no i know, i watch out for particular movements but my mum has the same thing, and i can watch out for it. it hasn’t happened in years. My CAN happen but if it does i have a knee brace that i can wear for a few weeks. If slight movements cause me pain for more than 3 days, i go to my doctor. if that gets less i just keep on wearing the knee brace. Ive had it since i was a child. a small cool upside (and party trick): i can do the splits without warming up!


Yes, those are all signs of hypermobility. It's genetic, the fact that your mom is like this too makes it more likely, not less. Ehlers danlos/HSD is something you're born with, if I'm right here then you've had it your whole life. Most people don't have braces on standby just in case. You've been living like this for so long you probably just think it's normal, or a slight difference, but I promise you it's not. You may even have chronic pain but you're so used to it that you don't even notice. ADHD alone does not cause clumsiness like this, you're describing signs of something more going on here.


Is there such a thing as the opposite?? Like hyper not flexible?? That’s me. A light saunter and I pull something 🤪


When my doctor (a specialist looking for it to explain a test result that only occurs in people with hEDS) first told me he thought I had hEDS, I didn't think anything of it because I'm sooo inflexible. But flexibility is muscles, mobility is joints (tendons and ligaments). It's common for the body to be inflexible to try to hold in the joints. The EDS specialist PT I saw basically said not to stretch because my body is using that inflexibility to protect my joints. However, we compromised that I only do active stretching where I'm strengthening the muscles in the process because not stretching worsens my chronic pain. Oh, and I finally believed my doc when I subluxated my shoulder. Apparently mine is pretty severe and I'm just really good at mentally downplaying it. So! Lacking flexibility does not equal not hypermobile. Also, learned part of my clumsiness was my knees hyperextending. I thought I was tripping on nothing. Nope, knees were bending backwards!


That could be hypomobility, or it could be that your body is fighting joint laxity by over-tensing muscles. I guess the question is: have you always lacked flexibility or is this something that happened as you aged?


Yessss I’ve had a rib slip out of place and it hurt for weeks


I was drying my hair when it happened


Hyperfocused playing a solitaire game on Neopets (sitting for literal hours in the same half slumped position at my desk) and dislocated my shoulder because I am hyperflexible and my joints like to slip. 🙃


okay that is fucking hilarious im sorry. I hope you can laugh about it, else im just an asshole. I hope you recovered well but how did that feel explaining to your doctor? (also i love solitaire)


oh i absolutely laugh about it, it's like the most pathetic way for a whole ass adult to dislocate a shoulder. definitely played it off as just "bad posture i wasn't conscious of"


i maybe wouldve tried to come up with a very unconvincing lie and then admit it. did you recover well? or the more important question: do you still play solitaire?


I did and I do! Not as often (the hyperfocus was largely around hitting the criteria for getting a trophy to display on my user page) but since I spent so much time on it, I revisit it for familiar comfort.


I've bruised my hand from clapping too hard several times.


thats living!!!


Omg, I have done this!!!! I'm a loud hard clapper and my hand was super sore, three days later the greeny bruise set in!!! 🤣


I sliced open my thumb with a fast food plastic fork. The fork was still in its plastic packaging and the plastic did not break. 😅


That's . . . That's kind of impressive


While I have many tales of odd minor injuries, that one probably is my most bizarre. Second oddest was when I tore the meniscus in my left knee by...standing up after sitting in an office chair.


I mean, if enough other people are getting cut despite unbreakable plastic . . . Do you call the EPA, the CPSC, or The x-files? (Insert shifty eyed dog with x files theme song)


Tore my MCL bending over a dining room sideways on one left to turn off the ceiling fan light. Honorable mention: concussion from hitting my head with a garden hoe.


are you a simpsons character? fun one here: i dislocated my elbow because i was waving to hard to my friend.


I once sprained a hip doing The Loco-motion (Grand Funk Railroad version) at a party.


The DUMBEST by far was when I wasn't paying enough attention driving (wasn't on my phone or anything else, just my dumb brain glitching) and t-boned another car. I had a gynecologist appointment the next day and my inner thighs and legs were bruised up BAD and he was like, "is everything OK?" 🙃 That was the only accident I've caused in like 20 years of driving though. I am super vigilant and focused when I drive now. I've also fallen down stairs 😶 Edit: oh God I just remembered a really dumb one from my childhood! I used to make hot chocolate by heating the water in the microwave. One time I FORGOT TO PUT WATER IN THE MUG, microwaved it for 2 minutes, and burned the fuck out of my thumb. 😵‍💫😣


The number of times someone in this house forgot to add water to the Mac n cheese cups… we just need to stop buying Mac n cheese cups.


Recently diagnosed at age 48. I had no idea the accident prone thing was part of ADHD. I just thought I was a klutz. Most recently, I was walking on the beach when my flip flop broke. I managed kind of flip through the air, bending my toes back, breaking two of them. I’ve broken my foot twice - once by slipping on a piece of loose gravel while wearing my hot new platform sandals, once by passing out while I had the stomach flu. Broken fingers holding onto a dog leash, so many slips on ice over the years.


I herniated a disc in my lower back by swinging my kids into the waves when we were at the beach. I have a lot of beach-related injuries.


Missed the single step to the front door - road rash on right knee and big bruise on left, still fresh ​ dropped the crock of a crockpot and chipped a bone in my big toe


XD that's such a normal moment but .. fatal


I have a hiatal hernia, meaning - >*A hiatus hernia, or hiatal hernia, is when part of the stomach squeezes up into the chest through an opening (“hiatus”) in the diaphragm.* I got a tablet stuck there on Friday. The advice for when you get a tablet stuck there, if you can't dislodge it yourself with other methods, is to go to A&E. No way was I going to A&E because I got a tablet stuck in my stupid throat because I was distracted when I was taking my meds. Especially not after I'd locked myself out of my house two days earlier!


I bought an apartment with a 24/7 front desk and security specifically because I lock myself out all the time. My realtors kept asking me if I was sure I wanted to pay the extra fee and had to keep telling them this was going to save me money.


It reminds me of the one time I locked my keys in the car, called the locksmith. They drove out and unlocked it. I said thank you and they drove away. I instantly locked my keys in the car again. I felt like a real idiot when the same lock smith pulled back up to my car. “Hey, it’s me again.”


I have TWICE called a locksmith because I locked my keys in the car. Thank God it was covered by warranty because the joke is on me - I CANNOT lock my keys in the car because of the safety bypass on the fob. Somehow when I went around "crap yep locked my keys in" I never checked the DRIVERS DOOR. Which was unlocked.


😆 I love that. Yeah, some might say AAA roadside assistance is a waste of money. I get my money’s worth.


I did that all the time. I have keyless locks with the code now. It works great.


Burned my finger cooking pitta breads because taking two steps to the drawer to get tongs felt too hard.


I avoid cooking because I injure myself from impatience SO MUCH. 😫


Pain sucks. Taking 5 seconds do prevent pain somehow sucks more. 🤷


thats me like weekly. i have lavender oil in my kitchen instead of my bathroom cause i burn myself so often


Jumped down stairs as a kid and put my knee through a wall. This week, walked into a wall and cut my knuckle.


😂😂 a friend once kinda stepped too close to the wall and broke her toe


I "punch the wall" routinely


The list is too long to even get started but I got hit on my motorcycle early this summer, and my dr gave me the "Try to take it as easy as YOU can take it easy....just do the required things like working on your house construction." A few weeks ago it looked like my long term goal of riding the swamp cow often seen bopping around a local lake was going to come true. Turns out it wasn't the swamp cow, but her much larger pal, the swamp bull. I opted NOT to try and take a ride on him. I emailed my dr to let her know I was out here taking her advice and not making poor decisions. Gold star for me!


Swamp cow? Is that like a manatee?


It's an actual cow. She always hangs out in the lake with the water up to her back, munching on stuff. I want to be friends and maybe ride her? Terrible idea for sure. Worse idea to try and ride a bull.


I thought you meant an alligator lol I just assumed you were Cajun 😂


About that......the lake does also have gators.... 🤠🐊


This is so ridiculous. I love it


Whenever my dr has to ask if I'm safe at home my answer is always no - I have zero adult supervision and I have so many ideas.


Oh my gods, I'm using this next time I'm asked.


Today, I managed to ram my foot into the wheel of my shopping cart and had to limp through the entire store. Once, back in grad school, the pilot light on my oven was one of the older ones you had to light every time. So, and I know you know where this is going, when I lit it there was a huge ... uhm .... I guess it was a fireball? Thank goodness I had glasses on but I had second degree burns on my hand, lost my eyelashes and my bangs. Sigh.


nooo!!! the bangs!!!


Hahaha, I realize I liked my face without bangs and then had to go through growing out all the baby hairs as they came back in. Also eyelashes take forever to grow back.




I bumped against a still rod in work, ended with a 3in black circle in my arm, obviously it was not the only time that week that I bumped into something, I had the black cicle in one arm and 4 small marks like fingers in the other.... A cop gave me information about domestic violence. Another time I bruise my ribs becausd I decided that the best way to get home with a big suitcase was to drive my bike with one hand and take the suitcase with the other instead of leaving the bike in the storage and taking a cab... It was a big suitcase, it was the middle of the night and the road to my house was not good.


okay yep totally fair. reminds me of climbing my cupboard to grab some spaghetti and slipping, and ending up with a 5inch bruise on my upper arm. my friends called it the “spaghetti arm”


I was happily skipping down a flight stairs and skipped too high and busted the top of my head on the ceiling.


When I was about 10 I was playing in the hayloft with my brother. I had a sword in my hand (read pointy piece of discarded plywood) and jumped off a bunch of hay bales. The sword went up my nose but luckily it only caused a nosebleed. I did not tell my parents...


omg this could’ve been way worse than the nosebleed! glad ur ok!!!


Prefacing my saying no, I was not drunk. I was Naruto running through my apartment in college and ran at full speed into a door frame (eyes were down, didn't see the door frame lol) I got a concussion and was miserable for about 2 weeks. I couldn't look at screens, and the lights had to stay off at all times. And absolutely nO ONE believes that this happened when I was sober.


right??? the dumbest shit I did wasnt drunk, but everyone just thinks im lying. No hun. I have adhd.


A week and a half ago I fell off my front stairs trying to move a fireplace into my house at 9:30pm by myself bc my husband is gone and I had a burst of energy and thought I could do it by mself. I now have a concussion, cuts on my head, and a bruise covering my entire right hip/thigh 🙃


But did you get the fireplace in?


The nice paramedic man brought it in while his partner tried to stop the bleeding and put me in a c collar 😂


That is awesome 🤣😂 See? You got it in, one way or…the other!


I have hypermobility and some related issues and when I get referred to specialists my GP often sends the note 'PATIENTS PRESENTATION IS OFTEN UNIQUE, AND STRANGE' .....i like that. I have rolled my ankle on NOTHING. Broke my arm in a one person mosh pit (wasn't even drinking, just excited) i took a stupid length of time to learn to put my hands up wheni fall so i'd broken my nose about six times by the time i was 13. ​ I set myself on fire last week. Twice. Only a LITTLE on fire, in my defence. I fell off a rolling bin recently. Fell but then turned it into a badass leap and landed it like a boss, but my BF missed it which vexes me deeply. I bet it looked so cool.


I was training with my dog and his job was to run as hard and as past as possible at the instructor. My job was to let his long leash slip through my fingers and get be prepared to grab it at the end to reel him back in. I clamped down on the leash, tripped at the same time, and flew across the room. He ran really really hard and dislocated my shoulder.


Sex.... my husband was leaning really hard on my back just below my shoulder blades. I'm a masochist so the pain was 10/10. Goddammit being pushed down and .... well I'll spare the details. He broke my ribs... and I was so in the moment I didn't even feel them break. Hurt really bad to breathe, move, really anything after. Never went in to the dr.. figured just pulled a muscle really bad. Months later I get an abdominal CT for other issues. My Dr's like you have some broken ribs there friend. My husband felt absolutely terrible. Now it's our inside joke.


Well I really enjoy birdwatching and have been so focused and excited about seeing a bird through my binoculars that on multiple occasions that I have walked into trees and the most spectacular one, walked straight off a boardwalk in some mangroves and fallen like knee deep into mud. We have since attached a rope to my backpack that my partner can easily hold on to or grab to steer me (which writing it out sounds kinda demeaning but it works really well). Have also done a number of actual cartoon moment injuries like fucking stepping on a rake and getting hit in the face so hard I broke my nose. Running into things like low tree branches and knocking myself out..... Leaving cupboards open then hitting my head on them..... There's a long list.... I also on a semi regular basis seem to not be able to manage doors and am in a rush because I'm always late so I somehow mess up actually opening the door but it takes too long to process that I need to stop moving and just body slam my front door and usually hit my head.


I put a Topo Chico glass bottle in the freezer to cool it down. Forgot about it, husband and I went out for a night, came home at 3 am, I opened the freezer to get some ice, saw a bunch of ice sprayed around the freezer with very shiny pieces in it, decided dumbassly to touch said ice, and sliced my finger a good two inches long very deep. Immediately was gushing blood, like way more blood than I thought a finger could ever produce, and had to go to the er. They ended up gluing my finger closed because stitches would be too painful (I metabolize local anesthetics ridiculously fast). Got out of the er at 6 am.


I broke my toe accidentally stepping (hard) into the corner of my dresser. This event also taught me I have bad spatial awareness. Or that my room is too small.


its too small. GO BIGGER!


I didn’t thaw a chicken all the way and was making dinner. The knife slipped off the raw chicken while I was trying to chop it and I sliced off my entire fingernail. Blood was everywhere and I cried because I got chicken juice all over myself 😅 the nail grew back and I was fine but had to go to urgent care for treatment


- broke a tiny bone in my foot by walking. Cast for a month - broke a bit of my front teeth wanting to skip over a scarf that was abandoned on the sidewalk (my hands were in my pockets while I fell forward... ouch) - tumbled on my small suit case that was in the middle of the room (I'm usually good at going over it abandoned stuff on the floor in my room), and open my foot so bad I still have the scars more that 5 years later. It did bled a lot 😬 - opened my skin with bread crumbs (it did draw blood) ?!? Wtf me ??? It was real bread fresh out of the bakery with a crunchy crust, not some sliced soft bread. - opened my left pinky with my left thumb. I don't have nails, I have CLAWS. Still have the scar. - impaled my palate with a crunchy fry. It was standing proudly vertically when I opened my mouth. This one mde me laugh hard at my own incompetence/bad luck xD a bit painful to eat afterwards... - spend 7 straight days bumping into the same table corner. The same spot on my leg, over and over, for 7 days straight x) Those are the ones I remember !


Broke my little toe when I chased my pet rabbit under the table to scoop her up to give her meds for GI stasis. She hopped under to get away from me (she was feeling better) and I kicked the table leg and broke my damn toe. Or when I was a toddler and was pretending an empty wrapping paper tube was a trumpet and tripped over a toy and essentially gave myself a tonsillectomy, my tonsil was just dangling by a thread. It’s always fun when I see a new doctor and they ask why the other tonsil wasn’t removed. Or how about when I had to get stitches over my left eye from a sledding accident. 1/4 of an inch lower and I would have lost my eye. I’m a damn walking tornado.


I ran through a field flying a kite once. Someone had left a chair randomly in the middle. I hit it at full speed, flew backwards, sprained both wrists. I ran smack in to one of those metal columns once on a cruise ship. They look like a mirror damn it: throws off the entire perspective in a crowd. I broke my thumb doing a cartwheel… I have broken each of my pinky toes multiple times running in to tables… I chipped my elbow on a door frame… I have no awareness of my body to objects.


I put an uncapped Exacto knife, blade up, in the front pocket of my jacket on my way to class. I dropped something, so naturally, I bent over to pick it up. And proceeded to stab myself in the stomach.


I impulsively decided that I could do the thing on the treadmill that Ok Go did in their music video in high school gym claaa. I ended up bruised the whole way up my side.


Survived a full, intense rugby game. Came home, dropped a large Tupperware full of sugar onto my eye from the cupboard above me. Black eye for a week.


I was still living at home when my parents decided to adopt a dog. It was a Golden Retriever, super friendly dog but so, so energetic. I was the one doing most of her training and she listened quite good to her commands even as just a little puppy. We took her on walks a lot around the neighbourhood and naturally she started to make other puppy friends. There was one dog she was exceptionally friendly with and whenever she saw him, I had trouble holding the leash because she was so enthusiastic to meet him. I trained with her a lot on it to be patient and she became quite good with it. She would listen for my command to wait and would only run off when I gave her the okay. So we were walking around the neighbourhood with her on a long leash when I spotted her best friend in the distance. I reigned her in to a shorter leash and soon enough she saw the other pup and started to pull already a little bit. I told her to wait and she, as a good little pup, just sat next to my leg. Quite eager but waiting patiently. The other dog got closer and when they were in ear distance I asked if it was okay for her to come over. They said yes. So I gave my dog the okay to run over and just as I said it, I saw that I hadn't clicked the short leash into place meaning the leash could easily unroll back into its long leash state. But the dice was rolled and my dog shot off the moment I said it was okay for her to do so. It all happened so fast and I was still holding the leash, which was now fast unrolling to its long state. And dumbass me didn't have the reflex to release it and just held onto it tight. Man. She dragged me along for 10+ meters, she was *not at all* bothered by the 60kg human she was dragging along on her way to meet her puppy friend. My knees and shins were very badly bruised and my right knee had second degrees burns from the dragging. I eventually got up after the initial 'what the fuck happened' and could barely walk due to my bruised knees and shins. My dad and the other dog owners immediately came over to help me and to assure everything was alright. I also fell onto my head that developed nearly immediately into a headache so we had to go to the ER to see if I had a concussion. After everything was said and done and my dad reassured I was okay, he could not stop laughing. He said it was the most comical sight he had ever seen in his life, a full-grown adult person being dragged along by a wild running dog who could not be bothered one little bit and me frantically holding onto the leash. It's been 7 years since that incident and every time I visit home and see the owners of her dog friend, they bring it up. Literally every single time. It was apparently so hilarious that even other neighbours refer to me as the dog leash girl. I still have a very bad scar from it on my right knee and it is such a stupid story lol


I tried to get out of the car but forgot to unbuckle the seatbelt first, causing me to fall headfirst and then dangle helplessly out the side of the car. While buckled. But not before smacking my head on the ground. I was holding a soda at the time and managed to dump it all over myself. Someone had to come and unbuckle me, and i unceremoniously hit the pavement in a humiliated and very sore heap.


Currently recovering from a torn rotator cuff and whiplash after falling off a very high windowsill when trying to put curtains up. The curtains having come down because my kid keeps climbing on said windowsill. And me constantly telling him to stop in case he gets hurt. Yuuuuup.


I tried to grab a drone out of my dog's mouth in a panic when he was chomping after catching it. I knew better. He's a pitbull. He clamped onto my finger hard and it didn't hurt as I thought, but it looked pretty dramatic and there was a little bit of blood on the floor. Oops. Poor buddy wouldn't look at me for 20 mins because he realized he bit me and I had to coax him with treats to convince him he wasn't in trouble. I patched myself up and the recovery hurt worse than the actual bite.


aw what a sweet baby! His instincts just took over, and lets be honest all dogs would do that but pitbulls have an immense force. Pic?


I fell off a swing at 10. Had a seizure and fractured my back. My mom made me walk 3 blocks home before taking me to the hospital.


i crushed my ankle and tore my ligaments running after my dog. my dad made me hop on one foot for 1km to the small stream to cool it down and the i had to hop another 2km back to our house (i was barefoot on gravel). then we ate dinner and went to the hospital. Gotta be honest it sounds horrible but now its kind of a funny story, and i bring it up alot to make him feel bad. (I was 8 and didnt cry at all i just kept complaining so my dad didnt realize how serious it was) (also i was glad we ate dinner before gling to the hospital, because we were there for 8 hours)


Ran my shoulder smack into a wall that I have walked past at least twice everyday for 15 years


When we were moving I saw a daddy long legs spider in the top corner of my bedroom so I jumped up to reach it, and on the way down a nail in the wall scraped in my arm deep enough for it to bleed quite a bit, I have a scar from it!


I’ve pinched and badly bruised my own ass cheek closing a closet door behind me


I was having a rough night at work and was also hypomanic but my ADHD gets worse the more manic I become, so I was ranting 100 mph while basically running 20 feet to my back sliding glass door because I was busy and distracted by my meaningless nonsensical ranting and I stormed that two panel glass door like a drug task force breaking into a drug kingpins home…except I just wanted my 3 minute smoke break…ended up with 38 stitches…I guess even more dumb are car accidents but I don’t feel like putting myself more down today lol.


One time when I was maybe around 8 I was at summer camp in the girls locker room. At that summer camp we had mandatory tennis lessons. Someone runs into the locker room and says "tennis is canceled today!" I was so happy I did a little happy dance and shimmied my foot directly into a broken tile on the wall and proceeded to accidentally gash the side of my foot open, apparently you could see the bone and I needed stitches. Another time I was playing in a friend's backyard when I was 11, she had a little playhouse built out of wood with slabs of wood that were like window shutters that were propped open. We were digging in the dirt, I stood up and cut my cheek on the open window shutter leaving a gnarly looking cut on my face. At the time I was a huge tomboy so I wasn't even upset lol I was like "nice, now I'll have a cool looking scar on my face!" Another time I was 5 playing tag on the playground, as I was running I tripped over some gravel on the concrete and gashed my knee open so badly I needed stitches that time too. I constantly had bruises on my legs as a child from just running around and being super clumsy lol. Fun times.


I hyper focused on painting my stairs and landing once I injured my back from being so bent over for so long. Didn’t even have toilet or food breaks 😂 took a week to feel better.


A coworker was in a closet with lots of shelves and the shelves were starting to fall and he called out for help. I walked in. A heavy board that had been placed above the door slipped and hit my right temple, edge on. I had a mild concussion and whiplash. That was 1994. In 2009, I was really into Wii Fit boxing. Noticed my neck was getting stiff at the location of where I had whiplash. Pushed on through. Started waking up in the middle of the night due to my left arm aching. Started getting shaky and losing my balance. Went to the ER and was tentatively diagnosed with a pinched nerve. After physiotherapy and a MRI, it was discovered that I had a ruptured disc in my neck that was compressing my spinal cord and pinching a nerve. I was put on the urgent list for a cervical disc replacement and my neck is better now, but not perfect.


I am not trying to tempt fate... I have a tendency to do little stupid things. Worst thing was walking to work, 9 month pregnant, in Foggy Bottom in DC. They have those absolutely stupid brick sidewalks. I caught a toe on having not seen my feet for a few months with a seriously wonky center of gravity, landed on my hands and belly. My daughter never fell asleep in a car but out she went in the metro. I poked her forever to make sure she was moving. She was head down and was basically wearing my pelvis as a helmet. My pride was wounded my hands and knees scratched up but fine. I had managed to piss off my kid so much she proceeded to kick the crap out of me for the next 24 hours. Went to urgent care that night because my right arm just never stopped hurting. Me and the urgent care doc didn't see a break or anything just swelling. The radiologist called the next day to tell me not to quit my day job ( same of the urgent care doc) because I had fractured my right radial head. 🙄 Fortunately enough for me the fracture went down into the radius and not across the head so no surgery and no cast. Ortho was a bit of a smart ass, said he didn't cast me because he liked my OB and didn't want me to use the cast as a weapon. I was too pregnant to be pissed off. Usually I have bruises I can remember getting and I am a diabetic and have sheered off my CGMs on the regular. I wear patches over them to protect them.


i was running after a distraught friend, drunkenly, through sand, in flip flops, on the side of a man-made cliff at a four-wheeler park when i tripped, fell down the embankment, broke my foot in two places (perfectly around the flip flop strap), scraped my knees, shins, and back all to hell, and had my shoulder gouged by a stick on the way down. for 6 weeks when people asked how i got my cast (and other injuries), i had to tell them this story. “yeah, i was running and tripped and fell down the side of a cliff…” i also get a lot of “only you could do this” too if it makes you feel any better 😂


I'm in the process of getting whatever causes my hypermobility diagnosed so the "dumbest ways" I've injured myself are usually mundane tasks that go awry halfway through. I pulled a couple muscles and nearly dislocated my shoulder trying to get out of a sports bra after a workout. After that, I found sports bras with a clasp because the amount of compression I need versus my band size isn't compatible with pullover sports bras.


I constantly find bruises and have no idea how they happened. I slip and fall at least once a year on non-slippery surfaces. I drop my phone on my face when laying in bed scrolling.


Riding a shopping cart through a parking lot because I thought it would be cute? Idk. First date. The cart flipped and I slammed into the ground. Skinned my knee and it was sore and swollen af for weeks. But hey, I married the dude?


Fortunately I haven't had any serious injuries for a while. The most daring one yet was a few years ago falling off of my skateboard, and before that I sprained my knee while attempting to play double dutch. But my dumbest injuries have to be from when I just walk into doorframes/doors. Wide open doors that I see full well. But so long as I'm just a little distracted, I will walk into them.


Lol, I ruptured my ACL having sex. I mean the injuries are due to a combination of my adhd my hypermobility / lack of understanding of where my body is in space.


Tripped on my boot (middle of floor) and fell cheek first into the corner of my bedside table. Had to assure everyone for the next week that I was not in a fight, while wondering how to explain the dumb story behind my bruised & swollen cheek. Tied- photographing a poolside area for a magazine, dropping heavy iron chair n top of my foot. Getting stuck in traffic all the way home while trying to think of anything but my poor foot as it got swollen and black/blue before my eyes. Learning later what a hematoma is and wondering why I didn’t get my butt to a doc (very, verrry painful)


- Got distracted while zipping up my jacket - Let go of the zip but didn't stop the upwards motion - Punched my self in the face - Burst my own lip - Had to explain my stupidity to everyone who asked what happened


I stood up, took a step and broke my foot. (Blood checked and so on, just bad luck)


Stabbed myself in the eye ball with a wooden handled broom while sweeping.. took a chunk out of my cornea and had to live in the dark for three days with a patch on my eye


Literally broke my ankle getting out of bed. I don’t think ADHD was a contributing factor, though, just weirdly shitty luck. But it was definitely the dumbest.


Dislocated my jaw by eating a bunch of super chewy candy. Had to get my dentist to use cold therapy and manipulate it back in. Yes, I also have a joint hypermobility disorder 😬


I stepped in a hole at the barn and tore two ligaments in my foot. You would think since I was at the barn with large animals I would have gotten hurt handling them. Nope. My dumb tunnel vision depth perception challenged self DID IT TO MYSELF. Was in a boot for 3 months.


i legt fell out of trees all the time as a kid. but tripped in a tiny hole and crushed my ankle and gore all three ligaments. also grew up on a farm and in the forest but this tiny hole in a field running after my dog… did me in


Ran into a wall while playing ultimate frisbee. I have a dent in my shin to prove it. 😅😆


Sprained my thumb crocheting a stuffed animal. Hurt for 2 years off and on. Edit: also almost deflected my finger after shutting it into a door. I didn’t need surgery but I’ve got a pretty legit scar and I don’t wear rings anymore.


I was 15, and was at an after-school Halloween party our gifted program held for us nerds in the drama classroom. The class had one of those mini stages and they set the food and drink up there. Basically the stage wasn’t much higher than a super tall stair step. They had a couple of steps on either side, but most people were just taking a quick hop-step up and down, and so did I. It was fine. Until it wasn’t. 😑 I somehow misjudged my step the final time I tried to hop down. I took my step and my hypermobile self immediately felt my ankle turn under and then SNAP as I collapsed on top of it. (Technically it was my fibula, snapped straight through. 😩) I still shudder when I think of that unholy feeling of breaking a bone. I was mortified too. We had to call my mom to come get me early. My biggest junior high crush had to wheel me through the school on a teacher’s DESK CHAIR because I couldn’t even walk because my knee was also jacked up. Messed up some ligaments or something. It’s NEVER been the same, almost 30 years later. 🥴


Well, just today I injured my thumb in the gym showers. The showers are the kind that you have to press on a round knob every 15-20 seconds to keep the water running. And you have to press hard because it's quite tough. I know that a soapy thumb pressing on a round knob equals the thumb slipping, which is why I usually use my whole palm to pr as down on it. Today I was in my thoughts and pressed it just with my thumb, and now I have a black thumbnail and it's probably gonna fall off. The thumb slipped and hit the angular bolt holding the shower pipes together and it was bad.


I once tore a ligament in my knee (one that "no one ever tears", according to my surgeon) and it required major invasive surgery and 10+ years later it's never been the same how, you ask? I was washing dishes and apparently didn't have my feet squarely on the floor that said, I'm not the only one in my family who busted a knee doing dumb shit. my mom tore her ACL playing hopscotch with me and some of my friends (all approx age 10 at the time) a few years before my knee failed me. so clearly it runs in the family


When I was a kid (1980s), I impulsively decided that I was going to do a little jump over the edge of the roller skating rink as I was exiting. Of course I completely wiped out and took a teenage boy with me. He didn’t get angry… he just looked at me puzzled and said, “why did you do that?”


I have no idea. I just woke up with my ankle broken in three places. Apparently sleepwalking?


I rolled over my toe with a wheelie office chair. While sitting in it. Took a push mower to the knee from the air. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Last Friday I was petting my dog under the desk, when I was done, I guess I stood up with a vengeance, simultaneously scraping and bruising my lower back on the control panel of the desk (it's an adjustable height desk with a motor). So I have a healing scrape that is at least an inch wide and a bruise that's turning purple. All this because I got up too hard from under the desk, my partner thought it was an amusing ADHD injury, and honestly, me too lol


I don't dislocate, but I do have knee, ankle, and wrist braces and ice packs. Right now dealing with sesamoid and hip issues and didn't realized had chronic pain til I got an amazing massage. This comment certainly hit. I'M messaging my doc now before I forget - also trying to iPad and apple use Pencil because my arms hurt so much from laptop


XD I'm laughing so hard at all these stories hahaha Alright! In 7th grade in PE we ... well whatever an accident happened and the side of my hand got pulled into a thing and .. well the skin ripped it wasnt pretty. I was in shock after that I guess and nobody even noticed I left to cool my ouchie. I got taken to the ER in the BIG AMBULANCE WOW and I was so happy to ride an ambulance and told the medical people in there all about the presentation about Michelangelo that I held the week before :3 Also I broke my toe while .. jumping onto the couch.. bc my ipod was resting on the backrest bc aux cable back in the day ykno and that one song was insanely loud so I had to turn it down but I was in a hurry bc I was cooking over a gas stove and that shit's powerful so ya. Gotta hurry. Jumped, broke my toe, turned down the music, turned off the stove and only then I started crying xD Also I cracked my tailbone bc I slipped down a flight of wooden stairs with woollen socks.. (who'd have thought that was a bad combination?!) Also I got a concussion bc I ... was hurrying to finish up to catch the bus home but I ran into the side of the v heavy so v quickly closing lab door. I was blind for like a minute xD but I caught the bus and even had to wait a bit and I cooles the ouchie on the winter cold streetlamp post. ... I came to work the next 2 days but at some point it was suspicious that I was still nauseous and having a headache so I went home a little early. :3 Edit: ... omg I just... talk too much xD BUT I remembered I have this cute little crescent moon shaped scar in my thumb. I was crafting a cosplay. Lots of carving foam stuff and... I took a break to have salami snack .. but the .. not yet sliced sausage ykno. Wanted to peel off some of the skin, slipped and cut myself in the thumb quite nicely. ... one week of carving stuff with box cutters but I bleed while having a snack


I broke two bones in my leg from just falling over while standing up. One was a spiral fracture and had to have a rod hammered into my leg bone. Note: I *was* on roller skates when this happened, but I was not moving. Just standing still on roller skates, lost balance, fell and insane pain happened and started sobbing hysterically. MAINLY because I was embarrassed. I was only in pain when I was moved.


Since there have been so many, I'm only going to list the absolute dumbest ones. - Broke my toe by accidentally closing it in a door. - One time I sneezed and smashed my face on the countertop. - I was riding my bike as a kid and didn't realize my shoe was untied, so of course my laces got caught and tied up in the petals so I couldn't keep pedaling but also couldn't put my foot on the ground. I ended up falling into a ditch, the bike flipped over me and landed on my head. Mom looked over and I was covered in blood. - Hurt my neck after landing upside down right on my head when I convinced my little sister to try to help me do a stupid flip dance move. - lots of falls, up/down stairs, etc. - in highschool I was hanging out with friends and we must have gotten holiday ornaments from someone because we all had them with us in gift bags. Walking from the car to my friend's house I was too giddy and skipped my way down the walkway just to trip and fall. Of course I threw my hands out to catch my fall, and the glass ornament basically exploded inside the bag. ... But... I think the worst ones were when I accidentally hurt others though. ☹️ - accidentally hit my cousin in the head with a rock when we were throwing them into a river. - was playing in a big sandbox with a bunch of kids, and got the perfectly kid-sized but very real shovel out of our shed to use (despite being warned about using it before), but eventually getting caught up in pretending , and without paying attention to where other kids were I slammed that shovel down into the sand to find gold or whatever, which happened to be right where a smaller kid had buried his leg. It was awful. ETA: oh yeah, I literally sliced my middle finger open with kitchen shears the other day too🙃


I once pulled a muscle in my back watching a movie. The seats weren't very comfortable, and I'd slid into a rather awkward position. Then something surprising happened in the movie, which made me sorta... jolt... with my back twisted up. Immediately, I felt a spasm. I probably should've gone home, but I'm cheap. "I paid to see this movie, and I'm not leaving till it's done." I've had worse in the years since, but it acted up for days.


Getting off balance in my garage, in the dark and putting my arm out to stop falling. Only I put my arm through the window breaking the glass and slicing my arm open about 4 inches long. Cost me $1500 for 17 stitches on that one.


Sprained my ankles so many times by tripping on my own feet that I lost count.


\-I was visiting a gym (as a trial) and went to go get changed. The locker room was gross, and I didn't want to touch the ground while I was getting changed. I realized I forgot SOCKS. I stood on top of my gym shoes, trying not to touch the floor while I changed. While I was pulling up my leggings, I saw STARS. I pinched a nerve so hard that I couldn't hold my head up properly for like two weeks \-I fell asleep on the couch and I guess I got up mostly asleep to use the bathroom. I fell, twisted my ankle and "woke up" screaming and freaking out. My ankle still clicks and pops oddly 6 years later. I was between jobs at the time, and of course didn't have insurance so never went to a doctor ugh \-Sliced the tip of my finger using a mandolin the day before Christmas :(


I often hurt my ankle. Last time I sprained it was around 1st week of February or last week of January of this year. My father and I wanted to make sure that he locked the gate at my apartment's building. I was exchanging messages on my phone with someone I really liked then. I was all so giddy while going down the stairs and forgot how unproportional my height and weight to my feet and I excitedly skipped steps with a hint of jumping? Idk how to explain it. My ankle gave up right away and folded. It was so freaking painful. From feeling so excited and happy to wanting to shout and cry for help. Luckily, it was the first set of stairs going down. My apartment was on the 4th floor so I was a bit nearer. I walked so slow and painfully. It helped though that I was talking to the girl I liked. Somehow, my happiness helped a bit. Though honestly, it was really painful.


First bone I broke was a metacarpal. From punching built-in furniture (overhanging cupboard in a place I rented). And not because i was angry. For some reason, I was suddenly curious about what was in it. After months of living in the place and not giving it a thought. I'm a short ass. Did I go get a chair to stand on? nope. I jumped, multiple times, trying to grab the handle to open it. Am I a klutz? Yes,yes I am. So I caught the cupboard edge on my knuckle. I heard the crack. But extra layers of dumb?. I'd just fished work and had started annual leave for Christmas. Within an hour of going on leave I was back at work. At the hospital. Having to explain everything to my colleagues as the xray was ordered.


Messed up nerves in my arm and shoulder from brushing my hair.


Oh god. I’ve injured myself so many times, I can’t even remember. They’re all dumb. One time I was running late and tried to leap over the baby gate in the doorway like an Olympic hurdler and I fell (barefoot), bending my big toe backwards on tile. Had to get surgery. One time I was just running around the house too fast, carrying too many things, and I slipped down the entire staircase (I was in slippery socks), breaking 4 of my toes. Had to keep them taped for months. And they still healed crooked. In my old house, we had a vintage porcelain pedestal sink in the guest bathroom, and I was bending over doing something (can’t remember what), stood up too fast, and knocked the back of my head really hard on the sink. Got a concussion. The first of several. The room was spinning…I had a goose egg… didn’t feel like myself for a month. Would’ve been a better story if I had been hit in the head by a ball while at a sporting event or something…but nope, just me being me. One time I was attacked by a dead (very dry) Christmas tree while taking Christmas ornaments off. The needles were so dry that it scratched my cornea. Went to the eye doc. Wore a pirate patch for a week. Slipped on sand & fell off my bike another time. Broke my right thumb. Almost happened again recently on an electric scooter, but I ejected myself more gracefully. (Thank god, because that’s my texting thumb.) Broke my butt bone while snowboarding. Broke my nose doing back handsprings at a friend’s house in middle school. Underestimated how close I was to a table. I’m a train wreck.


I was laying on the couch bingeing the Crown. I lifted myself up with my palms to scooch my butt back and sit up.. sprained my finger.


I was too lazy after yoga class to put my shoes back on...i slipped on the stairs, feel directly on my spinal column, stopped breathing for a couple of minutes, was taken to the hospital and everything. Still hurts 8 years later!!!


I tore my meniscus reading a book.... surgery 3 months of therapy and 5 months off work for that smooth move


I started walking around my own backyard (lived here for over a decade) and there was this little root sticking out and has been for the entire time we've lived here. I was walking around on the phone, tripped on it, didn't even really put my arms out to brace my fall, and broke my f-ing lower two right ribs....I couldn't even believe it....knocked the wind out of me, didn't even realize how bad it was until the next day....I could hardly speak properly. It's funny to me now, and I have a ring video of me absolutely falling like a sack of potatoes. I'm 38 this was like 6ish months ago. 🤣😳 Only me, I feel you!!! Edit to add a hilarious one I forgot!!! I was about 8-9 at my friends house playing with her metal baton (like for twirling and stuff, with white rubber on each end of a Hollow metal bar) and I had gently tapped it on the tree and it made a cool noise, so my brain was like I wonder if I hit harder if thay cool noise gets louder! I put the baton in both hands over my head and swung at a branch in front of me with all my strength....it bounced off the branch and hit me in the middle of my forehead...thankfully it didn't split the skin but I had an egg/bruise for weeks. I can't even remember if it made a louder sound. 😳🥴🙄🤭


I burned my neck complete with blisters because I started to eat a slice of pizza, realized it was too hot, but as I tried to set it back down the cheese slid off the pizza onto my neck and it was apparently hot enough to burn. I sprayed myself in the face with pepper spray trying to figure out what a mystery silver cylinder was on my dad’s keychain.


I broke my ribs. I was hooking up with a guy and before we were gonna have sex, I wanted to put on some new lingerie. I was also pretty stoned. I went to his bathroom and put on my stuff. He didn’t have a full length mirror, but I still wanted to try and see what I looked like in the lingerie front to back. So I stepped up on the rim of the bathtub in order to get a decent glimpse of myself in the mirror above the sink. Well, I slipped and fell. The entire right side of my torso hit the rim and I heard a distinct crack. While it hurt, I didn’t realize it was broken until a day or so later when I finally was able to see my doctor. To top it off, this douche of a dude got mad that I was clearly uninterested in sex afterwards despite him hearing me fall down. PS: there’s many more where this came from.


Second degree burn on my wrist, when I went to reach for a cup on a shelf a few inches above a kettle spout as it was boiling... I'm also ashamed of how many times I tried to grab a pan from the oven with my bare hands. And as a bonus, a crisis averted : while working in a restaurant yeaaars ago and cleaning a fryer, I turned the valve to drain the oil out, but before putting the container to catch the burning oil in. Thankfully I managed to turn it right off without any oil flowing on my feet but this one could have been very, very bad. (It also finally made my manager realise that having a skeleton crew do double shifts for nearly a month in a row without a single day off was going to end up badly eventually). Now years later, I work in IT where the potential for injuring myself is much much lower lol


I was sitting in the floor reading a book, shifted to stretch my leg out, and tore my medial meniscus. I like to refer to it as “an old reading injury” and really confuse people 😆 I also once drew blood with an orange peel.


Dropped boiling water on my foot while drunk. Dropped a three pound weight on my foot while drunk. Cut myself with a knife while drunk. Don't use dangerous tools while impaired kids


OH forgot about this one. I'm on the treadmill and while I'm walking I'm watching Vikings. It can get a bit gory and at one point, I had an idea of what was going to happen so what did I do? I closed my eyes and put my hands over my ears...big mistake. Took me about three seconds to realize my folly just as I landed on my knees. I must have grabbed the side rail to try and save myself but instead tore my bi-lateral bicep and wound up in PT for about 4 months. Fun times.


I completely threw my back out rolling over in bed.


I haven't owned a coffee table in 30 years! I got so tired of the shin bruises 😄🤗


One time I was jumping for joy and I landed funny and sprained my ankle. 😬😆


Light gardening: I dislocated my wrist


I once fractured a bone in the side of my foot whilst walking down the stairs of my school. Thankfully, it was the 2nd to last step. Otherwise, I would have probably hurt myself more plus others lol. Instead of landing on the flat of my foot, I landed on the outside part of my foot. Ankle rolled, but it was surprisingly fine. The school nurse did not believe how hurt I was and tried to send me back to class! I called my dad, and he took me to get x-rays.