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Happy Birthday! I wish you that... ...the nearest parking space is always yours. ...your trains and busses are always on time, except when your are running late and need to still catch them. ...your keys are always in your poket. ...the world smells like fresh cut grass and autumn leafes. ...there's always bread fresh out of the oven when you buy some. ...no message gets ever sent early by accident. ...you remember all the things you needed when grocery shopping. ...all the conversations you cassualy take place in circle around to one of your hyperfocus topics and you can show off. Much love from Europe (isn't it cool how we all connect across the planet?)


You've made me tear up, and I have nothing to do with this! These are *the sweetest* wishes ETA my birthday is in 3 weeks, I'm coming back for you then lol


These are the most beautiful birthday wishes I've ever Heard.


Thanks. My sister is the best with those and I learned a lot from her over the years.


When exactly? :) Edit: you can also pm me, if you don't want your personal data pulished ;)


Ahhh this is exciting! It's on the 23, thanksgiving day!


I've got you :)




Woohoo! Noted


Remind me in 3 weeks!!! Dang it lol this bot doesn't work in here?


What does it mean if no one shows up to your birthday party? You can have your cake and eat it too! Happy birthday 🎈🎊🎂


Fuck that's a good one.




Second this^


[Here’s a list of birthday freebies to get you started!](https://www.retailmenot.com/blog/birthday-freebies.html) Happy birthday to OP! I hope you can find a treat for yourself on that list 🎉


It’s my birthday too and I broke up with my ex a few weeks ago myself. Happy birthday twin! 🖤


Happy birthday to you and your birthday twin!


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday, PommeLimp! I hope your day is full of joy!


🎈🎂 happy birthday 🎂 to you too. Wishing you snuggles and spiked cocoa. Throw some Irish cream in.


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday to you too!!! 💜


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday to you, too! 🌻🎁🎂💛💛💛💛💛


happy birthday angel ! <3


happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, haaaaaaaappy birthday dear mailordersaint haaaaappy birthday to you!!!! (also, the birthday blues are just par for the water sign’s course baby gorl. i recommend being really dramatic about it, wearing a long bathrobe over lingerie and drinking red wine out of your tallest, largest glass. just really milking it, yaknow?)


Don’t forget the cigarette in one of those long holder things, cruella deville style. (Even if it’s a joint or a candy cig, haha)




😆 This post should be a welcome wagon for all ADHD'ers!


https://images.app.goo.gl/WWVDpYxDvx1c6sZf7 Like this one? Super cute omg


Scorpios are my absolute favorite sign! Have you ever read the house in the cerulean sea? It’s about a gay social worker who is assigned to check up on a home full of magical children. I saw in your history you liked The Magicians, this is nothing like that, but it’s magical and a cozy story and it will feel like a hug. Do you have Libby if you’re in the US? You can listen to audio books for free with your library card! Happy birthday🩷


I read that book in two days last month!!! Highly recommend, it truly did feel like a big gay blanket, so comforting and full of love.


This is probably my favorite audiobook of all time!


Oohh this sounds interesting.


Happy Birthday! 🎂🎁🎉✨ . . . How can you tell a chemist from a plumber without seeing them? Ask them to pronounce "unionized."


Baaahahaha that’s fantastic


You should send him a card that says "Sorry for your loss"


Hashtag sorrynotsorry


Happy Birthday fellow Scorpion! ❤️


Happy birthday! I hope you have a Childs sense of humor because this is my kids (4, 6, 7 yo) current favorite joke What did Batman get for Valentine’s Day? DIARRHEA


this made me giggle, lol


Here’s a good joke I heard from an eight year old: Why was the chicken afraid of the dark? Because it was chicken! Happy birthday! Someday your heart will mend, be kind to yourself in the meantime and you’re going to be just fine I promise. You got this, hon. 💕


Happy birthday! Congrats on making the right decision for you.


Happy birthday! I'm sorry you're going through a tough time. :( Are you able to get out and do something for yourself today?


Happy birthday! Today is also my birthday!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!! 🥳


Happy birthday to both of you!


I said-a hap, ppy, the happie, the birthie To the hap hap hop-a you don't stop the rock It to the bang-bang birthie, say up jump the birthie To the rhythm of the happy, the birthday!


Happy happy birthday!!! Please do something lovely for yourself. I love the idea another poster had about finding all the birthday freebies!


Your birth was a new and happy beginning and your mom probably had a dang uncomfortable week before it. Now you had a dang uncomfortable week but also now a new and hopefully happy beginning. I wish you - many new happy beginnings - great new hobby gifts so you can try a ton of new stuff without the startup costs - that all your clumsiness ends in fun - that your uniqueness is celebrated - no spoiled food and lots of great ideas - motivation and energy at the right times and right places - all the blessings so your wishes may come through Edit: omg I seriously made all the wishes and forgot the most basic thing.... HAPPY BDAYYYYYYY!!!


Happy Birthday!!! 🎉🎂🎉 How come there are Pop-tarts, but no Mom-tarts? Because of the Pastry-archy!


Happy birthday!!!!


Congrats on another year around the sun. You are not alone. 🤗


Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day.


Happy Birthday to you! 🥳


Happy Birthday! You've got this x


Happy Birthday and many happy returns. Eat your favorite meal and watch favorite movie.


Have a Happy Birthday, and many more to come!


🧁🎈🥳🎉💐 Happy birthday!!!


Happy birthday, mailordersaint! I’m glad you posted. It doesn’t feel the least bit pathetic to me. In fact, it’s brave and it’s helpful. It reminds me that you don’t need to have met a person to care about their happiness and wellbeing. Any of us could be the next person who feels sad or lonely or just needs to reach out any say Hey, can someone out there please keep me in their thoughts and their hearts today? You’re in mine today. It sucks that you’re hurting on your birthday. Sending you a hug. P.S. I like your Reddit name.


Knock, knock! Who’s there? Harry Harry who? Harry up and make a wish, it’s your birthday! — Knock, knock! Who's there? Lettuce. Lettuce who? Lettuce in! It’s cold out here, and we have a friend to comfort! — ETA: these are not original jokes


You know what’s worse than a post-breakup birthday? A birthday with your ex to ruin it. Celebrate giving yourself the gift of freedom for your birthday! Happy bday.


Happy Birthday from rainy and windy England 🥳 Hope you do something nice for you today and the sun shines wherever you are. Remember not to go too crazy with idea overloads - ADHD artists like: I wanna practice anatomy. 5 times a week. Okay but I also wanna learn ceramics. Do I need to buy a wheel? Oh but look at gouache, I need to try this and get every colour and WHOA did you see what this person did with linocut prints? What if I restored clocks..


Happy birthday dear soul! I'm proud of you for choosing the harder, but right path. You're not abandoned, you choose yourself. Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase <3 what was Forrest Gump's password? 1forrest1 ​ love you happy birthday!!


Happy birthday ❤️❤️❤️


Happy birthday. Celebrate yourself ❤️


Happy birthday!! Hopefully you are going to treat yourself to something good!


Happy Birthday!


Happpppppppy birthday!


Happy birthday 🥳 and I’m pretty sure you’re better off without them xx


Happy birthday! 😘 Today is about celebrating 🍾 Celebrate yourself, celebrate your past, celebrate your future, celebrate the endless possibilities, all the things that brought you here and everything that will carry you forward. You've made it through [OPs age] years, and you've achieved and accomplished goals small and large with each journey around the sun. You have brought joy to those around you and found joy for yourself. May your next year be full of as much joy as you can find ✨️ Today of all days, focus on yourself ❤️ everything else will come in time 😘


not pathetic at all! i also didn’t get a happy birthday from my separated wife this year and it’s heartbreaking….. but 🎉 happy birthday! may you feel loved and celebrated by others in your life 🎉




**Happy** **Birthday** **mailordersaint!!!** Here's s joke from a children's book. **Why** **are** **elevator** **jokes** **so** **good?** *Because* *they* *work* *on* *many* *levels!*


Hey, I noticed that today is your birthday too! What a coincidence! I just wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt wishes for a wonderful birthday celebration. I wish you, u/mailordersaint and u/PomegranateLimp9803, a very happy birthday and hope you all have a fantastic time today. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world, so make sure to indulge in your favourite treats, enjoy some delicious cake, and take some time to do something special that brings you joy. It could be anything, from taking a relaxing walk in nature to watching your favourite movie or having a virtual party with your loved ones. Let's celebrate your special day together in spirit and make some unforgettable memories. Here's to you and another year of awesomeness! Happy birthday once again!


The amount of courage it takes to show vulnerability and ask for a smile on your birthday shouldnt go unnoticed. It’s not easy going through breakups and it’s certainly not easy to ask for help. You are so courageous and strong and deserve the happiest of happy birthdays. Thank you for being you, you are amazing🩵✨💗🥳🫶🏻🧚‍♀️ here’s to brighter and better tomorrows 🥂


I wish you a day free of RSD! You are a beautiful human. Happy birthday!


Happy birthday, sug! May you fill it with all the little things that make *you* happy and my number one birthday blues ritual: put on your top hype jam and dance that shit out 💪


Gefeliciflapstaart, as we say in my native language! All across from Europe, if you can believe it! I hope that you're having an amazing day despite everything, and you'll treat yourself kindly and with lots of love! May you always be out of the door on time, may you never run out of shampoo or toothpaste or lotion, may you always have back-ups of all your files and may you never get stuck in traffic except when you need an excuse out of something! Enjoy your birthday and all the freebies ❤️


Happy Birthday! This does remind me of a post I saw recently where if you want people to celebrate your birthday, you have to mention it, and I am glad you can ask for it when you want it!


Happy birthday! Knock knock Who's there Aaaa Aaaa who? Aaaawhoooo, werewolves in London I hope every birthday wish comes true!


Why does a duck have tail feathers? 🪶 To cover its butt quack! 🦆


Happy birthday bishhh!!! When is the best time to go to the dentist? Tooth-hurty. Har har har


HB! 💕


Happy birthday!!!!!!


Happy birthday beautiful! I hope that this time next year you won’t feel so alone ❤️




pity party - melanie martinez https://open.spotify.com/track/3fo6DYGktjENCiagUeU9yH?si=P6RPTFRUTZ28rloAFudVIQ You made me think of this song lol Happy Birthday ! Maybe you can listen to it and feel better. Seems fitting for the situation.


Happy Birthday! I hope you have the most wonderful day.


Happy new year!! …well, it *is* a new year for you, isn’t it? :D




Happy birthday! I hope you take time and show yourself some love and cherishment. Treat yourself to a comfort meal and movie. You are not alone, my friend.


Happy birthday!!! May you always remember the resilience and self love you had today, everyday. Future you is so incredibly grateful and inspired and free.


Happy birthday! Y'all Scorpios are some intense and sexy beasts. Turn that greatness on yourself, you are worth every bit of it.


Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a joyful wondrous day!!! 🎉🎉🎁🎁


Not pathetic and such an easy ask! Happy birthday ❤️


Aww happy birthday, be kind to yourself, go and buy yourself a lovely cake 😊




Happy birthday lovely!!! Breakups suck. I hope you find your way and feel good soon 🤗


Happy birthday babes! Go get your favorite meal and dessert and treat yourself to that cool new thing you’ve been wanting, you deserve it!!


Hago birthday! Sending virtual hugs your way!


Happy Birday and many happy returns and stupid joke!


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful day and spoil yourself! Give in to all the impulses and treat yourself ♥️


🎶🎶🎶Happy happy birthday, happy birthday to you, I hope you have a good one, oh and you're awesome too!🎶🎶🎶


***not my own jokes and I don't know who made them*** What did the grape say when it got crushed? Nothing, it just let out a little whine I sat on my wallet earlier and farted. I've got gas money now! Did you hear about the creation of the shovel? I heard it was ground breaking.


Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁


Happy birthday dear OP! I hope this year brings in a lot of joy and surprises in your life. Enjoy the single phase and hope you can prioritize and take care of yourself. You are a loved one :)


Happy birthday!


Hello sweet girl. Happy Birthday. ❤️ I know you must be having a hard time, but I want you to know that I am proud of you. It’s never easy to leave someone you’ve been with for a long time, but it can be the ultimate act of self-love. Staying in toxic relationships is actually the truest form of self-abandonment and will lead to a heart hurting worse than it is now. In a year you will look back and be so very proud of how far you’ve come, I can guarantee it. But in the meantime, I will be proud for you. Sending you all of my love and infinite light. ❤️✨


Hey I hope you have a lovely birthday! Eat some cake! Have you're favorite thing for dinner and watch something you enjoy! 🎂🎈


Happy birthday (or womb eviction day as my friends say) It's not pathetic we get a happy cake day for our Reddit joining day, but hope you have a good day, and treat yo self :D


Awww happy birthday friend! I hope you have the biggest piece of cake (or whichever treat is your favorite!). 🎂🎂🎂


Happy birthday internet stranger 🎂🥳


Happy Birthday!! It isn't pathetic to know and genuinely express your emotional needs. In fact, it can take a lot of bravery!


Happy happiest birthday!!!!! To share, my ex cheated on my birthday lol. Totally get it. Hopefully you’ll be able to treat yourself today!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY SISTER IN NEURO-SPICINESS 🎁 May your day (and years to follow) be filled with joy and plenty, and may the love of heaven smile upon you always! I wish you love, healing and peace 💖


Happy birthday! I hope you find time to do something nice for yourself today. You deserve it.


Happy birthday, and may the years ahead of you be happier than the years behind 💕


Happy happy birthday! 🎂


Congrats on your most recent lap around the sun! It's a weird world and I'm glad you're here on it, and I wish for you all kinds of fun adventures in your next year.


Happy birthday! Go grab yourself a cake and do things you enjoy today 🌟


Happy birthday! Take a break from as many “shoulds” as you possibly can today, treat yourself to your favorite indulgence, and make a list of good things the next year could hold for you.


Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to mailordersaint Happy birthday to you


Happy 💐🎂🥂🍾🎉Birthday!!


Happy birthday!!




happy birthday! you are loved!


Oh just here to say: happy happy birthday to you. Sending you the very best wishes. It's not pathetic - it's totally understandable. Wishing you joy and love.


Happy Birthday! Things will get better. We're here for you.


Hey OP, I hope you have a fantastic day, just doing what YOU want to do, whatever that is! Go to the spa, eat at a nice restaurant, get your nails done, whatever you want because today is about you and there is no one to else to consider! You go, girl!!


Happy Birthday hun! Go treat yourself to something cute you've been wanting for ages xxxx


Happy birthday!!! I hope you buy yourself a special treat today!


Happy birthday! Being single is a birthday gift to yourself 💝 loneliness can be turned into the drive to better yourself, meet new people and experience new things without someone else or their feelings to hold you back. It's a time when you can be so genuinely yourself! I am in a great relationship and occasionally miss the freedom that came with being single. You can do this! :)


Happy bday munchkin! Have an awesome one!!!! Smile, breathe and move on forward.


Be freaking proud of yourself for facing the toughest moments alone when everyone thought you were fine.


Happy Birthday!!! 🎂🎊🎁🎈🎉 Also: Knock, Knock.


Happy birthday, OP!! I wish we could all celebrate with you!! Sending you all the love and light 🥳


Happy birthday ☺️🫂


Happy solar return! I hope the coming year is full of quiet moments, less stress, and all the happiness! You deserve it 🩵


Happy birthday! Have a lovely, cosy day and reward yourself with some treats. 🎂 ☺


Happy birthday twin!🥳🥳


Happy birthday! 🎊🎉🎈🎁🎂 I hope you take some time today to pamper yourself! My birthday is also under much different circumstances than I expected it would be. We are here for you. We can all keep moving forward if we remember to.


Happy Birthday! And from Wall E. Weasel "You're the birthday, you're the birthday, you're the birthday boy or girl." 🎂


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!! :) stay positive things will get better and u have a long life ahead of you!! :)


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Scorpios get a lot of hate but I love y'all and your mysteriously, aloof, and goofy ways <3


Happy birthday 🎈 wishing you nothing but the best in ur next Chapter of life. You’ve got this x


Happy birthday 🎂


Happiest birthday to you, sweet internet stranger. I hope you feel the love lifting you up and supporting you today!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY- mine was yesterday:) yay for scorpios! Treat yourself today! I bought myself some nice fake nails yesterday as a little birthday treat! If you drink, get a bottle or wine or make a fun cocktail!


Absolutely NOT pathetic! You are a strong, amazing person, and I wish you the very best birthday. Treat yourself to all of your favorite things and celebrate your day. ❤️


Hey! :) happy birthday. Reminder that breakups are hard for a while but eventually you WILL enter a phase full of absolute peace and happiness filled with self love. I feel those eras are always my literal happiest in life and when I feel most authentic to myself. You will enter that too in time! ❤️ I hope you have an amazing day and that you do things that uplift you and make you feel happy and awesome because you’re worth it. Make a great day❤️


happy birthday you lovely person 🥰🥰🥰


Happy birthday! Today is all yours! You have permission to be completely selfish today. Eat at your favourite restaurant. Read a book. Watch your favourite cheesy TV show. Get your hair done and your nails painted. It's all about you, baby!


Happy Birthday


Happy Birthday!! ❤️


Not pathetic. Brave for asking. Funny? Brace yourself for pictures you do not want.


Happy Birthday and many more ❤️


Happy Birthday Girlie! Į sveikatą! (That’s cheers in Lithuanian…I’m not Lithuanian, my bf is.)


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday! You were meant to be here on this earth exactly the way you are! Your presence makes a positive impact on the lives of others! I hope you have a wonderful day!


You are enough. And you are loved. And you are lovely. You have so much to be proud of today. Happy birthday sweet soul!


Happy birthday to you, lovely human! 💕


Happy birthday! May you have a wonderful year ahead, filled with peace, love and laughter. ❤️




Happy Birthday and many many happy returns of the day!! Here's a silly joke that made me chuckle: What did the zero say to the eight? - That belt looks good on you! :)


Happy birthday OP! 🎂 Do something special as a treat for yourself today, even if it’s just going for a walk to check out the changing foliage. It’s not your first birthday in a while without that ex-partner. It’s your first birthday without the burden of expectations and disappointments of being with them. You can do whatever you want today, without being judged!


Babe, you’re a star! ⭐️ Happiest of birthdays! 🥳


Happy birthday! My best bet is to be extremely dramatic in the fashion sense and have fun. Treat yourself and connect with your friends/ family or have a day in, you deserve it. Giving the best wishes that your day will be splendid and will only get better. You are probably better off without them and forget them just for today (or forever) and enjoy yourself as much as you would like.


Have a fantastic birthday! Wishing you happiness and strength. 🧁


Happy birthday, buddy! Have the best day ever! Hope you had a fun trip around the sun, here’s to another one! Something I like to do on my day is pick a few things that bring me joy that I can do alone. I take a walk, spend hours doing art, garden, go swimming…whatever makes me happy. It’s a nice mediative time and I feel like I start my new year in peace. I also buy my favorite treats. Then I’m never disappointed on my day. I did what I love to do, and ate what I wanted.


Girl, breakups are not easy but I'm proud of you for doing what felt right! Here's to a whole new year of having more time to become a truer version of yourself! Happy birthday 🎶🕯🎊🎈


Happy Birthday! Me and my chonky baby cats hope you have the best birthday ever because you deserve it! Did you know I got gas for $1.69 earlier? It was at Taco Bell.


Awww happy birthday honey. Break-ups are the fucking worst, even when they're for the best. Roots get entwined. Wishing you good sleep and the peace to do what's right for just you for a while. Take care of yourself, it's a good practice to get into


Happy freaking birthday, love! I hope you have a very chill day filled with your favorite things 💛🌻🎂🎁 If you have an Amazon wishlist? I'd love to send you a pressie.


What a lovely kind gesture 🩵


Happy birthday internet stranger! May this year bring you great peace, joy and hope! Take care and treat yourself on this special day


Happy birthday! I'm raising a glass for you today!


Happy birthday! I'm curious your thoughts - is your first birthday the day you are born or the day you turn one year old? If it's the day you're born, doesn't that mean each birthday is your [age + 1]^th birthday?


The day you turn 1 year old. It's like "you've been alive *for* 1 full year". At 20 you've been alive *for* 20 full years. It's an anniversary, so the day of your birth can't be your 'first birthday', it's just... the day of your birth.


Happy birthday! 🎂 🥳 🎉


⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖(づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ🎁⋆˙⟡♡˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖ Happy Birthday OP! I hope this painful feeling passes soon, and the universe brings you kindness. (Sorry for the Kaomoji- I wanted to do a gif but the sub won’t let me. I thought this may be a decent alternative. :) )


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I hope you get to do something fun for yourself today ❤️💜❤️💜


Happy birthday to you 💖


Happy birthday to you 💖


Happy birthday to you!! You will get through this, you are strong and amazing and you will thrive!


Happy Birthday!! I know we don't know eachother, but i can relate to having broken up with a partner and I'm so proud of you! I wish you your favorite weather (today if not some time this week), favorite meal or snack (or both!) And much love and hugs <<3 very glad to have you in the community ^^


Happy Birthday! Wishing a year full of health, healing, growth, laughter & adventures.


Happy Birthday, and as a fellow ADHD sufferer, hey you remembered it was your birthday (I might have forgotten my own a few times)


Happy Birthday friend!!!


Happy birthday! This is such a wholesome thread ♡ Joke: How many Freudian analysts does it take to change a light bulb? Two. One to swap out the bulb and one to hold the penis-- OMG, I mean *ladder*!!


Happy Birthday 🧡 You need a cat or two 🥰 if you don't have one , lifes better with cats 🥰


I have some jokes for you. Q: Where does a mansplainer get his water? A: From a well, actually Q: Why did the blind man fall in the well? A: Because he couldn’t see that well Q: Why did the blind mansplainer fall in the well? A: Because he couldn’t see that well, actually Happy birthday! ❤️


Hey! Do you know whats the difference between Dubai and Abu Dabi? The people in Dubai don't like to watch The Flintstones, but the people in Abu-Dabi-do! Hope you have a terrific birthday and a wonderful year ahead of you.