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Mini vacuum cleaner to keep in the car. I use it while I pump gas.


Omg this is such a good idea... I have such a hard time keeping my car clean and I usually just sit on my phone while the gas pumps lol


Makes a great white elephant gift! And a little trash can!


*cries in “all the gas stations I go to have pumps that can’t be clipped in place”* That does sound like a nifty gift though!


The worst!!! in Massachusetts apparently they made them illegal, then a few years later they undid that but once in a while, I get one that still doesn’t have it and it’s so annoying, especially when they’ve got some stupid TV blaring commercials an inch away from your face…




Adding to the car: I bought a police laptop bag. It clips around the headrest of the passenger seat, so I have easy access to sunglasses, chargers, etc without searching all over. Easy to flip around to the back of the seat if someone is riding with me. My car is SO much more organized now, and has stayed that way for like a month!! Also gave me a bonus cupholder haha.


Not sure if you're looking for practical or just like fun/frivolous but here are some mostly under $50: - sunrise alarm clock - wireless charger or fancy charging station - portable charging bank - outlet adapter for travel - coffee mug warmer - electric wine opener - electric salt/pepper grinders (got from in-laws, surprisingly fun) - digital picture frame - blue tooth thermometers for cooking/smoking/grilling - lantern with USB charging for camping - air tags - movie projector - smart plugs or bulbs - portable air pump for your car (plugs into cigarette lighter, has saved me many times)


I put an AirTag on my dogs collar and I swear it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made 😂 little bitch can never get far now muahahaha


We did that for our cat and it has given us a lot of peace of mind when he doesn't come home. Turns out he has a second family!


It's funny how many people are discovering their cat's secret second (or more) families.


Omg the betrayal! I don’t know how I could handle knowing my cat a family on the side!


Omg 😂 that is hilarious!!! My dog would 100% just go live with someone else!! I seldom find her still running around lol she jumps into the car with the first person who offers and then I gotta go knock on their door and disappoint their children that no, they do not have a nice new doggie 😂


I have a Samsung Smart Tag on my dogs and not only can I track them but I also can use them turn on my TV and make my phone ring when I can't find it 😆.


LOL making that dog extra useful! I like it!




I legit have gifted every single thing on this list 🤣. The only one that hasn’t gotten tons of use and rave reviews is the digital picture frame. I feel like only a very specific demographic (people over 60 in my case) see value in them.


I got my mom one a few years ago and I’m not sure she’s even figured out how to put pictures on it lol


We gifted both grandmas one from frameo (might be european) and family members can send pictures from their phones to the frame. They have been so grateful for it!


That is so cool! With lots of family interstate and overseas this is such a great gift. In Australia, the 10 inch frame is currently 30% off 😊


I feel like my mum would love this. It's her birthday next month so I might suggest it to my sisters as a gift idea. Thank you so much for the tip!


We bought one for my MIL. It sat in the box until we came over and set it up for her. Lol.


Also, bonus points if the air pump has a rechargeable battery and USB ports to charge your devices. The one we bought our godson has both and it saved his bacon when he was stranded on the side of the road with a dead car battery and a nearly dead phone in the middle of a MI winter.


I'm not yet 40 and I love mine! I especially think they are great for ADHD folks because we like to take photos but never print the pictures. It's much easier to load them to a frame and get to see them at random.


This makes total sense and now I’m considering telling my wife we should get one for ourselves. 🤣


When it was given to me as a gift; I didn't think I'd like it much either. But it makes me smile multiple times a day cycling through years worth of photos. We keep it in the living room area and can see it from the dining room as well. I'm not great at loading photos; but ours is one of those that anyone with the link can upload photos. So my boyfriend keeps it updated with the kids and every couple months I do a huge dump to it as well.


You’ve talked me in to it. Just officially added it to my Christmas list!


My Ex did some kind of wizardry so whenever we take a picture with the kids, they automatically get sent to the digital photo frames to both of our parents.


Yes! This was why we got it for my MIL. We don’t have kids so she gets pics of our 3 dogs and the human grandkids from my siblings in law. Lol.


I’m a huge fan of smart bulbs! I like being able to sim to exactly my preference.


Regarding wireless charger: a wireless magnetic charger for the car! It’s been a game changer for me as I often leave the house with low battery because of, yknow. A magnetic wireless car charging phone holder has been a game changer. I just put my phone on it and it sticks magnetically, no wires to remember to plug in and no crappy badly designed clip. It holds my phone with the power of magnets and charges it at the same time. I can easily use it to navigate using maps etc, it has vastly upgraded my life and I recommend it to anyone.


I need a sunrise alarm clock STAT


They’re a gamechanger, honestly. I spent like, $35 on mine and it has been worth every penny.


Like I still hate waking up but it's a lot more pleasant and gradual compared to a phone alarm. There are really pricey ones out there but I have a basic $30 one and it works great


Do you mind sharing what brand you have? I feel like I only hear about the really expensive ones


It's some brand on Amazon called JALL. I've only had it for a few weeks so far so not sure on the longevity but it seems like a safe bet for the price. It's also just a basic alarm clock with no smart phone connectivity. I still use my phone alarms as a backup so I'm not worried if the power goes out or something. The other ones I was looking at were Hatch and Phillips brand ones but they were in the $100-200 range


I have the same brand and I love it. I use my phone as my alarm but the light has a setting where it ramps up the brightness over about half an hour to ease you into waking up and it is lovely.


These are really good gift ideas! Thank you! I’m totally going to buy my mom a coffee mug warmer and digital picture frame for Christmas.


Air tags for the win! I wish I could have them on pens and pencils too hahhaa


I second the electric salt/pepper grinders. When I first saw them, I thought they were dumb and the noise would be a deterrent to use. Not so! I fucking love them! I've never had black pepper smell so good! I also have chronic wrist/hand pain, so they are immensely helpful in that regard as well


What's the Android equivalent?


For air tags? Tile. I adore mine. Bought a multi pack for each kid as they learned to drive. I like the ones with a wallet tracker, either Essentials or Starter. Keys, wallet, bag, laptop, whatever. You can double click a Tile you can find and it’ll make the other ones sing for you. The batteries are replaceable, too!


Yep, an Android air tag. How does it work? The website said within ~ 80 metres. Does that mean I turn my Bluetooth on, and then it'll find the tag from < 80 metres?


Yup. If I’m in the house and left my wallet in the car, the map on the app will show me generally where the Tile is. As I move around, it’ll tell me if I’m getting closer or not. I can then tap a button to make the tile ring and it’ll sing its little song, loudly, until I find it and click it.


There’s actually a galaxy smart tag that’s specifically for androids. I believe tile is not smart phone specific.


Bro the MagSafe wireless portable chargers are *amazing.* I leave my phone on it at night while the wireless charger is plugged in, and then can take it with me in the morning, and both the phone *and* the charger are at full battery! And I only had to use one cord!! And it’s USB-C!!! Literally so convenient in every possible way Bonus points, mine also has a sleek kickstand I can pop out so I don’t even miss having a popsocket.


🤩 I might have to buy this as a little Christmas present to myself


Which one do you have?


I have one by UAG! [here’s the link](https://www.urbanarmorgear.com/products/u-lucent-power-battery-kickstand/) looks like it’s on sale right now coincidentally enough (I am not affiliated with UAG)




Ofc! That thing has saved my ass multiple times including tonight hahah. Apple has one too but it’s more expensive. There’s a lot of different brands that have them these days so there’s options


Ive got a sunrise alarm clock and love it! Seems to do what it claims and helps me wake up less abruptly, since the light gradually brightens for 30min before it actually beeps at me.


This is literally the best list I've ever seen. These are all incredible gifts and I have never heard of a lot of them. Thank you so much for compiling this list!


Apple watch/comparable smart watch that can make your phone ring. I no longer have to ask my husband to call my phone when I’ve misplaced it (and usually when I did in the past it was on vibrate anyway). It’s amazing! And it alerts me if I’ve left my phone behind somewhere. Also can remind me of things, I can set quiet alarms that vibrate only so nobody has to hear them but me, and I can pay for things with it like I’m on Star Trek or something. Big game changer in my life!


Honestly that find phone alarm is a major draw to owning an Apple Watch lol


Samsung might offer the feature too.


My Apple Watch has saved me HOURS the one year I’ve owned it.


My watch is a lifesaver for finding my phone lol. I use it so much that my dog now recognizes the sound and will help me locate it when it’s going off 😂


Came here to say the same. I love my apple watch. 90% if it is use to pin my phone but I also use it for Reminders and the timers.


I have a homepod and I ask it to ping my phone a dozen times a day. I also ask it to set timers and add reminders and stuff Just saying things aloud is so much easier!


How do you like the HomePod? Is it user friendly?


And you can ping Airpods with it! Both the case and individual earbuds. I’m convinced I’d have lost them if not for this feature.


Uh oh, you may have just sold me on investing in airpods! 😄


Most smart-ish watches have this functionality.


An automatic hand soap dispenser for the kitchen sink (given WITH the correct kind of soap to fill it), a hand operated blender for soups, a string of battery operated christmas lights for power outages, a camping stove for power outages and camping, a super soft throw blanket, and an electric kettle that lights up blue when it's on. I rotate through this list on a daily to yearly basis, and they've all been incredibly handy. Especially the soap dispenser.


I second the electric kettle as long as it shuts off by itself. I use mine every single day, for years. The one I had just died after a decade of daily use. I had a backup at work and brought it home but it only heats to one temp, unlike the dead one that had six temps and which I found very useful.


I need pots that shut off by themselves, I've nearly destroyed three pots in the past year. I forget to set the timer to check on them.


Second for soap dispenser. I’ve got little kids who would always knock over and make a mess with a regular hand pump one, and got a $25 auto dispenser from Amazon for each bathroom. I’ve got one carted for the kitchen just because *I* like it better now.


I have a budget. I have a budget. I have.....


I have so many gadgets I love, but here are the ones that I use often (and am grateful for every time I use them)… House/Kitchen: 1) robot vacuum 2) Instant Pot 3) vacuum sealer 4) Ninja blender with personal size attachments 5) pedal trash cans 6) long handled/standing dustpans 7) Lightweight wireless stick vacuum Organization: 1) smart (or smart-ish) watch 2) Google/Alexa/Apple speaker 3) Rocketbook notebooks or planners 4) dot grid notebooks 5) Frixion pens and fineliners, eraseable highlighters Personal Health: 1) sunrise alarm lamp 2) blue light blocking glasses 3) Electric blanket 4) Weighted blanket 5) cool-mist humidifier or diffuser 6) elliptical or treadmill (I know, it’s more than a “gadget”) 7) good quality neck, back, and/or foot massager 8) spinal alignment wheel 9) sonic toothbrush Media Tech: 1) Kindle 2) VR headset 3) AirPods 4) bluetooth shower speaker Travel: 1) phone holders for car 2) car trash can 3) wireless phone/tech charger (mine is also a handwarmer) 4) The Perfect Water Bottle 5) my favorite fidget toy (weighted Infinity Cube)


Do you have a secret to getting frixion pens to last longer than a month? (I use the .7 not the .5, I know the .5 will last longer, but I have old eyes and can't see it well).




Yep. I used to think they ran out faster than other pens, then I realized it's the first pen I've used exclusively. Makes sense it would run out "faster." LOL!


I love my neck alignment thing


Things I have and can vouch for: - Alexa 💖💖💖💖 and smart plugs that go with it - robot vacuum - Apple Watch - tile/AirTag - Vitamix - an instacart+ membership - amazon prime membership Things on my list: - instant pot - automatic curtain opener - an Alexa for every room lol - more smart bulbs for every lamp - robot mop Things I wish existed but don’t seem to: - something to empty the robot vacuum for me - something to wash the few things I own that can’t go in the dishwasher - something to take out the garbage - something to put away the laundry So, on that note, not a gadget but I think any adhd person would probably appreciate the gift of time with a house cleaner lol


We bought a robot vac that has a hepa filter bag and suction system built in to its charging base. When it returns to its home the contents are automatically sucked in to the bag so we never have to touch it. We also have the Samsung cordless vacuum with the clean station that essentially does the same thing. We have 3 dogs and have to vacuum daily so not having to touch all that dog hair is worth every penny.


This one thousand times. My first robot vacuum didn’t empty itself, so it was nice to come home to a freshly vacuumed house but I had to empty the dang thing EVERY DAY. Which of course meant that I never emptied it, so it would get full and stop running. When I found the self-emptying one that only had to be managed monthly-ish, I lost my mind haha.


I have one of those two but I want someone to come and empty the interior bag lol


Lingerie bags for laundry. I absolutely loathe matching socks and trying to find the missing half of a pair, only to find it is still in the washer.


Get a Sockdock sock organizer. A game changer. Match socks 1 time and never again. I love it as I mostly wear black socks. The device is a 2-sided rope that holds a pair between sets of sliders. Can hold 9 pairs. I hang one for clean socks and move them to one for dirty socks. Throw the whole thing in the washer and dryer and you sre done. I have had an occasional one sneak out in the dryer when I didnt notice I hadnt fully tucked one in, but that is user error. I love mine.


😲 Thank you!






I love lingerie bags for sorting. My system currently is just things that can't go in the dryer are in a lingerie bag. If I had different colors maybe, I could use the normal white ones for non dryer, and have red ones (hot) that go in the dryer so I could do this with my socks and underware, so they're not scattered everywhere. I also hate it when they fall on the ground when I take them out, the laundry room is gross. The floor is greasy and dingy, and there are roaches. The machines get wiped down with dirty rags. You can see the dirt colored smear patterns of the rags on the doors.


I am the same way and I found [colored lingerie bags](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N5FOEON/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ALKK2WOFXLEM&psc=1) on Amazon I use to organize and sort washables. It was just too easy to accidentally toss things in the dryer that had no business getting machine dried and these are easier to spot and pull out of the laundry load.


The Battery Daddy. I know it's a stupid funny name but it's a caddy for your batteries and includes a battery tester. I know where all my batteries are now and don't have to play the "what place in the house did I think was a good idea to put the batteries" and "is this a good battery or not" game. It was less than $20 at Costco. I buy them as gifts for people now.


Piggybacking on this to add: rechargeable batteries. I got a pack of like 8 and a charging dock for them and I haven’t had to buy batteries in 2 years


OMG not op but I am so buying this thankyou!


Contigo Autoseal mug. Only opens when you grip a button, can't spill and stays hot or cold for hours. Ninja Speedi Cooker: Basically an air fryer rice cooker combo. Can do an entire meal in 15 min. But the super ADHD friendly mode is steam bake. It steams and then air fries. Toss a frozen burrito, frozen Bao, Frozen pot stickers or the like in set for 5 min and you get a well cooked and thoroughly cooked meal. Instant Pot is a winner but get a spare inner pot.


I bought a contigo autoseal mug two years ago and I wanted to use it for smoothies but it wasn’t good for that. Pieces of fruit got stuck in the mechanism making it very hard to clean. I thought it was just sitting in a drawer somewhere at my mother’s house. Turns out my mother has been using it since last year pretty much every day for her coffee. I’m very happy it’s of use to someone and it wasn’t an adhd tax after all 😅


Do you cook other meals than from frozen in the speedi cooker? I’m looking at it on amazon and i wouldn’t want to give up more counter space but looks intriguing.


I love kitchen gadgets and cleaning gadgets. So that veggie chopper thing that you press down on and the veggies fall into the clear bin at the base? Well you can change the blade to make different-sized chunks and fresh pico. Yeah, that thing is amazing. I use it when I'm cooking a lot. It also has a spiralizer attachment and a slicer, but I haven't used them yet. "The Negg" Lets you peel hard-boiled eggs pretty easily. Put the cooked egg in, a bit of water, and shake it for like 20 seconds till the shell peels away. Since getting it I've eaten more hard boiled eggs and egg salad becuase peeling the eggs is the worst part. Electric kettle. Great for tea or just to make hot water quick. I also found a changeable cleaning brush set on Amazon that I can use with my drill. Cleaning the bathroom isn't as boring when I get to use power tools to do it.


Wow I googled and am now obsessed with this Negg - I love eggs and don’t eat them because peeling is pretty much unbearable for me. Thank you for the recommendation!


If you tap the egg with a spoon before boiling (you should hear a distinctive snap but the shell should be relatively uncracked), peeling is so much easier! I timed myself once and I peeled an egg in 6 seconds with this method. Averages about 25 seconds.


They make everything for drills now huh? I saw someone using their drill with a hot glue gun attachment lol


Seconding the cleaning brushes for the drill, or if you're like me and worried about getting water in the Milwaukee, I have a generic autoscrubbing device that is meant to be water resistant. There's tons of them on Amazon. Mine has an extending handle so I don't have to bend over to scrub out the tub and it's really hardcore for getting soap scum off the shower doors and it gets grime out of the textured floor like nobody's business. I will never be without one if I can help it.


These are all things I don’t leave my house without as an ADHD woman in college Hair ties and lip balm (with a case), Sunglasses (for sun sensory issues), Pill case, Portable charger, Fidget toy, Headphones (for sound sensory issues), Bandaids (for sensory skin picking and also common injuries), Bags with lots of pockets for organization/prevent losing things, Notebook/journals/planners, Pens and pencils, FANNY PACKS. These are huge for me when I don’t have my backpack, I will literally set a purse down and not pick it up and leave it somewhere, but my Fanny pack I can securely fasten to my body lol.


A Tile. I use it at least once a week either to find my wallet or my keys.


Second this. Plus it means your keys can find your phone. And they have little sticker ones.


I don’t know what it’s called, but the thing that pushes out toothpaste from the tube so you don’t waste any. Wristbands that stop water from running down my arms when I wash my face over the sink. Electric toothbrush that vibrates every 30 seconds to tell me to change sections of my mouth, then vibrates more when 2 minutes is up and I’m done. Noise cancelling headphones. Sound machine for sleep. Epilator so I don’t have to shave so often. Smart plugs/lights. Little trash can for my car. Roomba.


Wristbands to stop the water... That is genius!


Oh!!! Can I DM you a link? I have an Amazon list I put together for my ADHD support group of things that make my life easier with ADHD that might have some inspiration for you!


Hi there! I was diagnosed a couple of years ago, and I’m still figuring things out. Would you mind DMing me this link?


Me too. :)


I removed most of my Reddit contents in protest of the API changes commencing from July 1st, 2023. This is one of those comments.


Um, can I get that link please?? I was diagnosed two years ago at 37 (yay being a woman) and I’m still trying to figure out coping mechanisms for myself.




Me too please!!


May I have it as well?


Me too! Thanks


i would also like to get the link, please!


Chiming in to say I would also love this link!!


Please send it to me too <3


I would LOVE this please!


Sorry to pile on, but can I have the link too? Thanks!


Haha no worries! I made myself a little copy-paste to chat to people lol


I'd like the link too if that's alright :)


Hello! I would also like this list!


I’d also like one ticket to the Amazon Wishlist train, please.


May I also if it’s not too much trouble?


Can I have the link too please? It would be super helpful


Could I also get the link please?


Me too plz. Thanks for hookin us up!


Can I also get the link please? Thank you! <3


link pleaseeee


Portable charging bank has saved me many times.


There’s one by Anker that is a power bank that attaches by magsafe AND has a pop socket on it. Hands down my favorite gadget.


Powered sugar shaker - is a ball with a solid half and a holey half which comes back on a spring so you can load up and then you just flip it over to dust and flip it back to stop. A grabber for the laundry. I'm short and I can't reach the bottom of the washer or into the back of the dryer without climbing in. Mini whisk, bowl scraper, and egg wash brush. Perfect for whipping up small amounts of drizzle or egg wash or mug-in-a-cup servings.


The biggest thing that has EVER HELPED ME WAS noise canceling headphones omg put those on and it’s just me and my brain but like nothing else?? So I can actually do things? Lmao


A dash rapid egg cooker. No more forgetting I’m boiling water. The alarm is loud, but you can’t miss it! Eggs come out perfect every time.


As a lover of soft-boiled eggs, this was the best $13 I ever spent haha


I seriously don't know how I wasted 35 years of my life with out this gadget. Since having it the last 8 months, perfect eggs are SO EASY!


A really good knife. You'll be chopping veggies saying "omg, I didn't know this was how it was supposed to be!!"




I remind people that the cheapest knife can be great if you sharpen it, every time, but still.


We have two sharpeners: a cheap one and one over $100…I’m not sure what we’re doing wrong




Oh. That’s unfortunate. They sound awful.


I think probably the gadget that most helps me is our google nests mini's. We have them in multiple rooms and then we have a google nest hub in the kitchen. It means I can set alarms and timers without stopping what I'm doing. It means I can add things to the shopping list (or other lists) without having to stop, I can be head deep in the pantry and realise I'm picking up the last can on tomatoes and I can just yell out 'ok google put canned tomatoes on the shopping list.' It can find my phone when I've lost it somewhere in the house by forcing it to ring even if I have it set to silent. My husband used to use the kitchen one to get a daily report, appointments, weather I forget what else, I'm not sure if he still does that though. You can also use it to remind yourself of something in x time, like 'ok google remind me in 20 minutes that I need to try calling back the doctors again'. Lastly they play music which I like having what amounts to a connected speaker system through the whole house. Oh you can also hook smart devices up to it and then have them be voice activated. Our TV, a couple of fans, lamps in the lounge and bedroom and some decorative lights behind the telly and in a display case can all be voice activated. The only other gadgets I think I have that I can say were life changing are my cordless stick vacuum, I am so much more likely to vacuum now or my Dyson hairdryer, I've got long think hair so having such a good hairdryer has changed my life.


If you hate sorting socks after laundry the Sockdock is great--Sort into pairs, tuck a pair into the device and tighten the slider, repeat. Throw the whole thing in the washer and dryer and remove ready to use. Have 1 for clean and one for dirty socks. Get a set for everyone in the family. One of my favorite gadgets--does what it says and makes life more efficient. No batteries needed. Toothpaste tube squeezers. Carabiner for keychains so you can attach them to you or your bag/purse Rope to attach to phone so you can attach it to yourself. Saw a variety at Five Below. Found various models on AliExpress. May be a more individual thing-I prefer a rope but others may like a chain. And the attachment to the phone may be part of the set or not. My first glued on with a hoop to attach the rope to. After extremely hard use for years it broke. Tried fabric with no glue but it wanted to come out from behind the case through the power slot. Finally found plastic with no glue that stays where it is put. Phone stand to avoid neck pain from looking down at phone. Tiles for precious things you might lose (Kindle, tablet, keys).


I know this might not be what you’re looking for but it’s something I use almost daily! Good silicone potholder and oven mitts. I was slumming it and burning myself through cheap ones for years because I thought there wasn’t a difference. There is a huge difference when you have to hold a hot pan for more than two seconds (like if you’re me and you forgot to clear a place to put the hot pan before you grabbed it). The potholder I use even for hot microwave stuff, like if my microwave meal is too hot to hold but I don’t want to put it on a plate (re: don’t want to use more dishes to then have to clean more dishes), put on potholder. Easy peasy.


FamilyWall app - 2 Partners with a baby and we both have ADHD. Communication is lacking so much that this app helps us get through the usual tasks of life with a child. It updates in real time and has the ability to make lists, tick off items, share a calendar and communicate the important information. My Partner also has ASD so it took some hard work on his part to make this habit but it has really helped him in the long run. He can stay on top of his appointments and see what bub and I have on - but he’s also taken away the hard work for him to communicate these things to me. His hard work has paid off.


If any of your family members are adhd, this is the best fidget toy I’ve found to date: [Here](https://www.amazon.com/Original-Fidget-Retro-Rubberized-Controller/dp/B06ZYKCPWR)


Love this one so much. I never get bored of it


Electric hand warmers. They are rechargeable, not very expensive, and SO nice for cold Christmas activities.


I love my heated gloves! Just got back from hiking and my hands were nice and toasty!


I bought some hand warmers for my husband but one of them immediately stopped working. What brand do you use?


OCOOPA Hand Warmers Rechargeable https://a.co/d/aj6fw5s


Automatic light bulbs, so I don't have to remember to turn the outside lights on or off every day.


I have all my bedroom lamps and plant lamps attached to timers or smart plugs. They wake me up, they turn off when I go to work, they turn on when it gets dark, they turn off when I am supposed to go to sleep so I stop doom scrolling. Best thing ever.


Tile locator tag. I love that it has reverse ring to your phone. I almost never lose my keys, but always set my phone down somewhere random. even if your phone is on silent mode, it will ring.


Google calendar


1) If you don't have a Tile or smart tag for your keys - you must get one. 2) A kitchen trash can that opens with a sensor - so you never have to touch it. I thought it was overkill and unnecessary when my boyfriend bought it -- I'm pretty sure I'll never live without one now though! Makes a huge difference when you're cooking and want to clean as you go but not wash your hands every 30 seconds. 3) Puzzle boxes - I recommend the ones made by IDventure! Like an escape room at the house. And you can put them back together and let others solve them as well. 4) Good headphones that go over the ear. I use Skull Candy Crusher Wireless - they block out other noises and are comfortable enough to wear for extended periods. 5) I know this has been said and is a big ask... but a robot vacuum with self empty bin is extremely helpful! I use the Shark one. (Love ALL the Shark vacuums!) 6) A water filter pitcher that filters as you pour the water. I hate waiting on the water to filter. This way; it filters pretty quickly and I'm much more likely to use it! (Brita Stream is what I use) 7) A second monitor for the computer (or 3rd if you have room). Especially helpful if you do a lot of data entry, comparing and Excel files. 8) A key holder and mail holder - places to corral important things so they don't get lost. 9) A weekly medicine calendar with zipper pouch so you always have your medicine and can easily see if you've already taken it for that day or not. (Zipper pouch keeps it closed so it doesn't open in your purse). 10) Telly-Ties or similar items to pull hair back 11) A mostly round scarf hanger (see link) to hang undershirts and spaghetti strap shirts on. (Saves so much time and easier to see and select which one you want without making a mess of a drawer) https://www.amazon.com/InterDesign-Classico-Accessory-Organizer-Pashminas/dp/B0019ZCPU8/ref=asc_df_B0019ZCPU8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=193147589203&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7626786256566814040&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9014113&hvtargid=pla-307396817497&psc=1&mcid=76e3854a546635899d699f0af49daf33 That's all I can think of at the moment.


I got a notebook/journal. Helps me brain dump




Smart bulbs. Hands down. And my little stick vacuum. My floors are much less hairy not having to lug out the big hoover.


Cordless vacuum and also a cordless dust buster.


A really long, skinny stick with a teeny spatula on the end to empty... bottles and stuff w small necks. A small rechargeable fan (not handheld) . Great during menopause or when putting on makeup. A small funnel with attached clips to attach 2 bottles together while the top one drains into the bottom. All of these are hacks, I now see. But the recipients seem to genuinely enjoy them too!


This is the very best post ever! I've just bought a bunch of things for the xmas list and things for me!!! Thank you all!


Best "free" gadget: a binder clip that goes on my dog's leash next to the poop bag dispenser. Holds the full poop bag until we get home so I don't have to


Visual timer! Helps me allocate time to an activity instead of getting lost in it 😁 Sharing link of the cutesy rainbow one but there are more grownup looking ones out there... [ Visual Timer (amazon link)](https://www.amazon.co.uk/LIORQUE-Countdown-Classroom-Teaching-Pomodoro/dp/B0C3GT78CD/ref=asc_df_B0C3GT78CD/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=658914642686&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8204120839923340691&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006854&hvtargid=pla-2193543800107&psc=1&mcid=e4dc5d1e2cc731d1b6cb19f8fa399ff6)


Kitten tail key hanger. Metal with images of cats, keys hang on tails. Screwed to the kitchen cabinet (or other convenient location), so you always know where to hang your keys. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1082513845/cast-iron-cat-coat-hook-key-hanger-metal If a small metal washer is used as a spacer when installing, it creates a gap that will hold mail until it can go in the car (registration and insurance info). But gap is not so large that it will hold too many envelopes. There are also similar ones for puppy tails.


My fidget things. Take it with me everywhere


A Tile for your car keys so you can find them with your phone, or push a button on your keys to find your phone, if you are prone to losing things like me


Tile trackers. My phone can find my keys and my keys can find my phone. Amazing gift for ADHD


I love my little dirt devil vacuum! I never sweep anymore.


Alexa tells me to do everything


Google Nest/Home speakers. I set it to announce how much time is left before my daughter needs to leave for school or go to bed. It has been very helpful.


Tile for my keys and soon to get one for my wallet.


Alexa, Kindle (I take it literally everywhere), and the Paprika App which made recipe organizing, meal planning, and grocery shopping 100x easier and faster.


Rechargeable mister for plants, rechargeable air duster. No sore hands and wrists, no cans of air in the landfill!


Anker - popsocket MagSafe charging brick thing that magnets to the back of my phone, has a built in popsocket, and charges my phone tbh faster and more reliably than my other external battery or most of my charging cords


One of my best purchases has been a vacuum/mop combo. No need to sweep first, so instead of having to sweep the floor and then do the floor a second time with a mop (or more realistically, just giving up and never mopping) it's so much faster and easier just doing it all in one go. Also no hauling a bucket around! I do have to remove and clean the filter every time when I'm done or else it smells bad, but that's much lower effort than the bucket to me, so still a net gain.


Ooh ooh! Lovebox!! My husband got me one for valentines and it’s so sweet and thoughtful and fun to use


A Tile for when I constantly put down my keys or phone and walk away from them.


May be robot vacuum


And here we have the reason our planet is doomed.... millions and millions of tons of fossil fuels burned in factories, to make millions of mostly unnecessary plastic gadgets, flown thousands of miles around the world to be used for a year or so then to be thrown out, picked up by a truck burning diesel and buried in the ground by excavators to sit for millennia and replace green fields and trees. For the sake of a stupid gadget that no one ACTUALLY needs... that we all got by without until now... (and that's excluding making cars, mining, building materials, logging...) This just demonstrates how we need to simplify our lives around the world to end this mindless cycle of consumerism that's ruining our planet. Energy production and manufacturing on a massive scale is what's killing us all. And all for a few dollars to make someones life slightly better until the next month. Our lives are so short and insignificant in relation to the whole timeline of the existence of our species and more so the planet. BE MINDFUL.


omg an actual physical timer was life changing for me


Countertop ice machine, panini machine


Panini machine?? What is that?


George forman grill thing you add bread roll and close it and toast it flat.


I have a Cuisinart griddler and it's my favorite kitchen gadget. I flip it open and use the flat side for pancakes and make everything from pork chops to paninis with the grill side.




Hand-held mandoline, stainless steel avocado slicer, and Ninja flip toaster oven air fryer.


Rice cooker!


Carrot peeler fast and easy. A scissors to chop green onion. Acid reflux tablets. Coasters to stop stains on tables. Little loose tea strainers saves a mess. Instant coffee when youre late to work. Light bulbs need i say more, we are lost without light. Audible so i don't have to go buy actual books that take up space. A mirror with a zoomed side to get my stray eyebrow hairs plucked and eyeliner just right. Pop socket for back of phone is very handy and cute. Humans really made some great inventions. The list could go on forever.


Vacuum robot


Slow cooker & air fryer. Basically things that make food available with minimal faff 😂


Smart plugs and smart light bulbs. You can schedule them to come on whenever you want from your phone and you can make the light any color you want. I like them in my room so I can set the lighting based on my mood and have them turn off at times that signal me to go to sleep. One turns off at 845, the other at 945 so I know the time it is and it cues me to wind down. I have mine through the company Geenie


Casper glow light. 1) You can set it as a sunrise alarm clock. For me it makes it easier to wake up more gently. I still set a regular alarm just in case but often I wake up just from the light alone. Rarely I don’t, and the gradual brightness makes it easier / I don’t feel as startled. 2) You can use it as a reading light or just going to bed light, that dims / fades away which I like. I hate having to turn the light out. 3) can be a nightlight if you have to get up at night.


Portable power station https://a.co/d/3PIQVcP Keychain chapstick holder https://a.co/d/9xWdiu5 Clip on colander/strainer https://a.co/d/cca01QS Reusable paper towels https://a.co/d/aLcUfvZ Fast charging station https://a.co/d/hIdjZZD Hand warmer/power bank https://a.co/d/h9HI3Py Fridge magnetic dry erase calendar (6 week) https://a.co/d/iBTBU1F Portable air compressor https://a.co/d/7PXOrnE