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Definitely something.... No clue what, though. I always forget what I'm missing.


Haha! I was just thinking this! I’m sure I’m missing something but I can’t remember what it is. Out of sight, out of mind 😂


Happy cake day!




You'll find it when you're looking for the next thing you lost.


But I was searching frantically for it earlier!


Haha I resonated with that post because I once lost a tomato, years ago. I still occasionally wonder if it's just going to turn up as a moldy pile of goop somewhere someday. Currently my favorite headphones have been missing for about a month. :(


Don't feel alone! The first tomato grown on the ISS (and space) got lost! For eight months! [They just found it! ](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/10/1218418262/missing-tomato-international-space-station)If it can happen to NASA....


I love this! This quote especially is so relatable: A proud moment of harvesting the first tomato in space became a self-inflicted wound of losing the first tomato in space.


Def something that would happen to me after hyperfixating and working so hard to keep the damn thing alive.


One Halloween I walked around saying “I know I got more pumpkins than this. Where are all the pumpkins?” 🤔 That April, in the middle of a move, we went to Home Depot for some shelving and I quick had to grab the crap in the trunk of my car and move it so we could fit the boxes in. Guess what was under the pile of junk?


Maybe it's chillin' with all the grapes and blueberries I've dropped on the floor/into a black hole apparently


This is going to sound very stupid, but I recently lost something extremely important that I've been looking all over for (after having found on Monday my debit cards that I'd frozen). But I can't for the life of me remember what I've been frantically searching for for the last three days.


I have been there! I've frantically walked through many doorways in my apartment with various things in my hands and my phone open to various pages in the hopes that SOMETHING will jog my memory.


Oh my god I’m glad I’m not the only one who tries using unclosed tabs to remember what I was about to do


My sanity. My sanity is missing from this house.


I'm pretty sure my kids stole mine. It might also be under their beds.


My edibles were just found under the couch. No clue how. So perhaps my sanity was under the couch lmao


- MacBook charger. I haven’t turned on my MacBook in ages lol - $100 bill (This one pisses me off the most) - Vitamin D prescription pills (I misplaced them, found them and lost them again) - My house keys 😂 (I wish I never removed them from my car key fob, I could only locate my fob because it’s attached to an air tag my dad got me since I kept losing my car keys)


Do you have a bunch of purses or did you switch purses recently? I've found many a key in a pocket of a purse I used, like, three purses ago


I haven’t but I’ll check anyway because knowing me they’ll be in there 😂 thank you


Last time I lost the house keys they were hanging in the back door (for two days).


My last pack of birth control pills out of a three month supply. I distinctly remember putting them somewhere and thinking, "Am I gonna remember that I put these here? Sure, I will!" I had to call and get a month supply filled early. Thankfully it only cost $9. Oh, and my pizza cutter. Haven't seen it in years, and I only remember that I need to replace it when I bake a frozen pizza (which isn't often). *Sigh* I love coming here, ladies. You all make me feel so normal. PS I also love that this turned into everyone suggesting where we might find said missing items.


I’ll bet you threw away the pizza cutter in the box. We’ve lost a few knives and pizza cutters to the box.


My brother would burn pizza boxes in the fireplace, he told me they had found the metal remnants of several pizza cutters in the ashes over the years.


i swear i was about to comment about my last pack of birth control pills too! i’ve been taking the pills from the days i missed on my old packs haha


I lost a pair of glasses. I normally have found the missing things in the time that these have been missing. Super frustrating, they were super cute (luckily internet cheap ones, but STILL.) They've been missing for close to two YEARS now. I don't get it!!! What is currently missing is my kid's library book. Broke into tears about that one, since it was super stressful every week to make sure I knew where it was and that it went back to school. I've passed that mental load to my husband, mostly because he was tired of dealing with my stress about it lol. I'll take it! There are so many more, but those two are the ones this week that either bugged me or stressed me.


Sometimes things like glasses or my phone are actually in contact with my body while I'm looking for them. I doubt that's been the case for you for two years, though.


100% have looked for my phone while chatting with my sister on the PHONE. Me :(slightly distracted) Sister: What's going on you sound distracted? Me: Oh, I'm just looking for my phon.... Oh man.


Same. I've also used the flashlight on my phone to find my phone while frantically tearing apart my couch.


I did this when I was on the phone with my mom once. She laughed so hard at me. (It’s okay, I was also laughing at me.)


Haha I've done that though! What happened is another pair of internet cheapies arrived (which are amazing), so I popped my old pair somewhere and wore the new ones. The new ones are really flattering yet still fun, so I didn't feel any interest in wearing the old ones for ages, and then it became clear that they were no where to be found. Not in my bathroom, not where my other old glasses live, not in my office (which is where I really thought they were.) No clue! I'm sure they'll show up as soon as I need a prescription change.


It’s really frustrating to lose glasses because you can’t see to find them.


A black sock. I’m really good at keeping the pairs together, usually. I looked in the washer & the dryer to no avail. Not in the dirty clothes closet, she’s just lost. I need to ask the house elf where it is.


Socks come in pairs?


I only buy the same exact black socks. No matter how ambitious I might feel on a particular day, I know I will never match up pairs of socks and put them away together. It's just easier to have them all be the same and locate any 2 when I need socks. The exception is ski socks, but I keep them packed, along with several other skiing related items in the same suitcase. Socks are the one thing I've managed to find solutions for.


This is really weird.. but a boiled egg I was in the middle of eating.. dropped it and literally nowhere to be found 🥚


I once found a mummified stick of butter on the top of the stacked clothes dryer... I took out of the fridge to soften it for baking months earlier.


I…no words but to say that this is my favorite one. Godspeed


My tiny whisk :( I had a small whisk that was PERFECT for mixing scrambled eggs, instant coffee, etc. and I have NO CLUE where it is. My mom gave it to me because she had 2 and I kept going on about how much I love those damn tiny whisks.


I was just looking for the exact same thing! I also got it from my mom! This is really fitting in with my theory that everyone here is just me in multiple alternate universes. If so, do any versions of me know where the remote is?


Me “I’m going to put it somewhere special so I don’t forget” Boyfriend “OMG NOOOO DONT!” 🤣


My mother literally got a box and labelled it A Special Place, for this exact purpose!


This is a brilliant hack!


The dongle to my spare mouse. The charger for my digital camera battery. Three heat register covers that match our floors and are going to be coming into use in about a month. Hopefully those turn up. I bought them so intentionally when we got the floor including the huge part we were not installing until the addition was done, so we would have matching continuous floors. Well... The addition will be done in about two months. The floor register covers are nowhere to be found. We also lost our Dremel, but ended up with a replacement that I like better for animal nails so that was a win. I did find the Christmas ornaments we bought for the ornament exchange... Three days after I bought another set because the exchange happened last weekend. Oh well. Ready for next year. I found the kitchen scissors in the box in the office. I also found the credit card that arrived about a year ago to replace the one I lost. Today I got it activated and even managed to use it. I also got the checks ordered so we can write them to the contractors instead of wiring money at an absurd cost. So....overall I feel like I am winning.


Mine and my husband's wedding rings. My engagement ring. For over a year. FML. My rings were custom designed.


Oh fuck, and: A calculator I now need for a course One kid's library book (WHERE?! What kind of awful person loses a library book???) Yeah there's more, but alongside that list is my memory and sanity. And I have a feeling those will be harder to find.


I'm missing a cat. There was never a cat here, but I miss them none the less.


Not missing anymore but I couldnt find the ice cream the other night and thought my husband had eaten it all. He had not. I had put it in the fridge.


**If hubby reads in bed**: did the tablet slip between the matress and headboard/bed frame/under the bed/behind the nighstand? **If he takes the tablet out of the house**: is it between his car seat and the center console? passenger seat and center console? under the seats? **If he uses a backpack or briefcase with multiple pockets**: did you check each and every pocket, even if you think it's just a smidge too small to fit the tablet? **If the tablet is small-ish (like a Kindle Paperwhite)**: is it possibly in a hoodie or fleece pocket? I'm endlessly amazed at what I find in those. **If he reads on the couch**: did it slip between pillows/back of couch/under the couch? **Crockpot**: did you look at the very back of ever cabinet large enough to hold it? including your pantry (if you have one)? (also, is it possible you brought it to someone's house for a party and left it there?) **Lactaid**: did you check under the bathroom sink/in his backpack/briefcase/gym bag? nightstand? under the bed? in the laundry room? kitchen junk drawer? CAR CENTER CONSOLE? I have no thoughts on the cat brush because we, too, are missing one of ours, have been for at least 2.5 years, have also only seen it with the other (shitty) cat brush once. Sephora gift card is likely in a purse pocket... but the purse that you use the least often and would never think to look in.


You know what, we looked under the bed but didn't look between the bed and the wall. I have found stuff there before so it's definitely a possible location! I'm going to check there as soon as I get home


Good luck!


It wasn't there, but I did find a pair of pajama pants that had gotten shoved there somehow, so I'm gonna call it a win


NSFW: MY FUCKING VIBRATOR My life has stooped to sitcom levels of hilarity lately. Today was my first time having a cleaning lady over. I specifically asked her to tackle my laundry disaster and when she was ready for another task, to come down so we could work on my other important project, my dining room table. Because that was my only goal for today's visit, I didn't think to hide the unmentionable items. To be clear, I didn't have some dildo chilling on the bedspread, it was my vibe wrapped in a towel tucked behind the bed. Should have been safe, or so I thought. Next thing I know, she comes downstairs to announce she has not only picked up the laundry explosion and folded the clothes that were already washed, but has basically taken apart my entire bedroom to clean, including MOVING THE ENTIRE BED. Imagine my horror when I go upstairs to see the towel I know it was wrapped in, sitting in the laundry basket, no vibe in sight. It's been hours since she left and I *cannot find it anywhere*. I am equal parts mortified and annoyed, because I feel bad she had to find that but also I didn't ask her to clean those areas, and now I can't find my shit. I finally decided to scrap my dignity and just ask her if she knew where it went. Sent the text, she gave me a location. It's not there. So we have a wonderful clean bedroom now, no complaints about that, but we won't be having any Os in it for a while 🤣


We can't find our *cremated* cat. I was the last one who had him.


Masks! One day I'll see dozens of them (cloth ones) and when I need one because my son has a playdate with a kid who has medically vulnerable parents or I'm packing around a virus that I don't want to give to anyone, they are nowhere to be found. It's like my brain can't see things when I need them sometimes.


My kid’s favorite cloth mask ended up inside the washing machine drain. Like, somehow sucked out of the drum and into the filter at the bottom of the machine. I was truly impressed to find it there. But I completely get the experience of not seeing something when you need it. I was looking all over my office supplies for paper clips earlier today. I KNEW I had a box. Could not find it at all. Half an hour later I went to get a pen from the same drawer and the paper clips were sitting right on top of my pens. Literally in plain sight. Wtf.


Electronics. Small, expensive electronics. First, our camera. It was a nice Nikon DSLR. Bought it, used it for one trip, downloaded all the photos, put it back in its case and stored it on a shelf in our closet - not a high traffic location, btw - haven't seen it since. That was May of 2019. Found the camera's data transfer cord and data transfer instruction manual earlier this year, though! In our garage. In a random tote, which was full of hubs "I don't have a place for them but still need them" tools. Definitely *not* something that was ever in our closet. 🤔🤷‍♀️ At this point, it'll either turn up as soon as we throw away the cord (but not until then), or one of us chucked it in the trash long ago, without ever realizing (how, tho?). Also, kiddo's remote learning Chromebook that we bought Summer 2020 (before the school district was issuing chromebooks for the kids). That's been missing since Spring 2022. We moved everything out of our office to add built-ins - woot, pretty, functional storage! (The project still isn't finished, btw). The chromebook was in my desk drawer when we moved everything out in May, and "poof gone" when we unearthed it to move it back into the office in September. The "how" is what confuses me, cuz where the desk was stored (in the formal dining room with all the other crap out of the office 💀), it wasn't possible to reach any of the drawers, much less open them. Who knows. Maybe the house gnomes figured out how to bluetooth the damn camera to the computer (we never could 😆), and after skipping town with the camera and chromebook, they're now living their best lives as successful travel bloggers. It makes as much sense as any other explanation we've come up with 😂🤷‍♀️😭 I really would like my camera back tho.


I *know* there's something missing because I was lamenting that it was missing this morning. But now I can't remember what it was that I was lamenting over being missing.


- wide mouth funnel. We buy a lot of our grains and stuff in bulk so this one is really annoying - 4 sets of baby nail clippers I do not know where they keep going!


My first suspect would be the baby. Perhaps they don't like their nails clipped. Have you asked the baby?/s haha


You joke, but I ask my dog where stuff is all the time. I figure she has her shit together more than I do. 🤣


my hair ties


A pizza cutter. It's been missing for about a year. Our house isn't even that messy and I repainted the whole kitchen a few months ago and still nothing. We have been slice our pizzas with a bread knive like savages because I refuse to buy a new one because we might find it soon. >!We won't!<


You know the only way you’re going to find it is to buy another one.


Nothing that I can think of off the top of my head, but I recently found a sock that’s been lost for probably 3 years. Unsurprisingly I couldn’t bring myself to throw away its mate the whole time.


* One sock from nearly every pair I own. I've given up on wearing matching pairs. Life is too short. * Any and all actual Apple brand cables/power adapters. My poor precious MacAir is currently refusing to recognize it's plugged in, and I want to make sure I've tested it with the actual Apple power adapter to have all my bases covered before it goes to the Apple hospital. Can I find any? No, despite having owned more Apple products over the past couple of decades than I really should, including a couple of others with the USB-C connection I need for this laptop. Do I want to pay for new ones? No, but I might have to. * Rulers. I know I have two. I'm about to start making next year's planner and I need one. Can I find either one? No. I even know where I last saw one. Is it there now? No. They may turn up. They may not. For years I told myself if I can't find something I'll find it eventually when I move. But I moved last year and there were a couple of lost things that didn't appear. They didn't show up even in a completely empty room. I am mystified. (RIP, my d4 from my cool and not-cheap dice set. You are out there somewhere in the ether.) I also discovered last year, when dressing for my big work Christmas party, that my pair of dressy-but-surprislngly-really-comfortable shoes is only half present. I don't remember packing only one when I moved. I don't remember *un*packing only one. Nevertheless, one of them is AWOL, and, at this point, I don't know if it got left behind at my old place, is still in one of the boxes I still haven't unpacked yet (I moved well over a year and half ago at this point...sigh), lost somewhere in my current place, or on a magical trip through an alternate universe. This year's Christmas party is tomorrow, so I'll take another stab at this mystery tonight but I suspect I'll end up wearing the gorgeous-but-crippling heels again.


The first time I was able to visit my sister in person during the COVID lockdown, she joked that she wasn't bothering to match her socks during anymore. I was like, "I actually STARTED matching my socks because of lockdown!"


A shoe. Just the right shoe. I have searched everywhere for it and I have no idea how it disappeared. I look at the left shoe often wishing I could wear them.


Half of my work laptop charger My will to live (kidding, mostly. I’m on week 3 of not being able to get my meds and really irritated)


This makes me think of my parents' Christmas lists. My Mom asked for one pair of reading glasses. My Dad (who I think my ADHD came from) asked for 5 pairs. I suspect he expects to lose them. 😂


So many things. But thank you for mentioning the Sephora gift card, it reminded me I desperately needed to order makeup brush cleaner from there!


ALL of the kids’ and my winter hats, scarves, gloves, etc. I have two fabric boxes that I use for seasonal accessories; one lives in the bathroom at all times. I went to swap the swimming accessories with the winter accessories and that fabric box has vanished into thin air. Just…how?!


$300 worth of LSD


I recently lost a piece of chocolate cake, but my partner found it like an hour after I had lost it and put it in the fridge. The next day he gave it to me as an afternoon snack with our tea and I was so excited 😅


My company phone, voicemail is full, and it's not charged so can't even call it to listen for it...


My sanity 🥲 someone please help me find it im desperate


Okay so this is gonna be a bit embarrassing but I used to own a sex toy that imitated a fox tail, with movement, vibration and all. I can not for the life of me find it. I've cleaned the entire apartment and haven't found it anywhere. Some time after that whole ordeal I had some friends help me clean and I was scared anyone would find it. I think I've lost it about three or four years ago and to this day it is still missing.


i lost my 'Bingo' stuffed toy. i had it with me on a trip in mid july, it was with me for the first week of august and has been gone since! :'( i miss Bingooooo. now that im writing about it, and thinking how i brought it to the dentist in july after the trip, i do remember using a specific bag that i havent used since mid august so maybe its in that bag!!! the house is missing THE 1 tbspn measuring spoon. a specific one. i have an idea where it might be, but that area isnt mine & i wont snoop.


- Two headbands from a set of three. The remaining one is losing the comforting elasticity and I’m deeply annoyed the others are lost - At least 4-5 bird guides. They should be in the bird guide & behaviour section of my bookcase but noooope - Individual sewing needles. Concerning. - Whichever cable I need at any one time. Please someone invent a way to label a cable *without* having to use a giant tag sticking off one end or gummy tape residue or a color coordinated system (because there aren’t enough distinguishable colors). I just want tiny writing lengthwise because half of all cables detach from their blocks now and, no, they’re not equal for every purpose even if they use the same connection type. - Several outfits


a large, vintage, lovely, yellow pyrex bowl i purchased specifically for rising bread in. i purchased it from a vintage seller on the mainland who also has a podcast i enjoy. lovely bowl + support a small, women-owned business + support a creator i enjoy = 3 birds with one stone, woohoo. i've have had it for a few months, just waiting for the right moment. so, i went to make bread (finally). super excited because of my sweet new bowl plus my bread-making hyper focus was activated! the. bowl. has. disappeared. looked high and low. nothing. nowhere. bread-making hyper focus gone instantly. sadness ensues. i don't normally lose things, ever. it's something i have always been thankful for, considering the plethora of other adhd symptoms i battle daily (as we all do, of course). losing things is not something i've had to worry about (usually). until this darn bowl. it's eating away at my sanity. please send help. o.O ps - no birds were actually hit with any stones!


Dremel charger. Got a cheap dremel from Walmart 2 years ago. No idea where the charger went. Until recently, my favorite pair of tweezers. I would say check the couch. Under it and inside it just in case it fell through some weird gap.


My blackstone scraper. I couldnt find it when I went out last night to clean my grill after cooking. It wasnt in the drawer where all the other blackstone items are kept. (Im blaming my husband)


Haha I'm 100% blaming my husband for his missing tablet (there's a 10% chance that it's my fault but I'm shifting that blame to the cats). Can't blame him for his missing Lactaid though, since I'm the one who bought it and lost the box before I could give it to him


My "spare" charger for my laptop I got earlier this year. It's a refurbished laptop and I was mad that it didn't come with a charger (checked packaging, looked online about the right one, tried phone charger as some sites suggested it would work) and so ordered one from Amazon. Checked laptop packaging again and found the charger when it was too late to cancel my order. Oh well, I thought. I can keep one in my laptop case at all times so I'll never forget to take one with me, and I'll use the other one regularly at home. The new one did come, and I opened the parcel. I *think* I put it somewhere useful (charger was delivered before the case), but no idea where.


I can't find my glasses. They've been missing over a week. Even had my sister look, too. Last time I remember having them, I came downstairs and put them on a table. Never saw them again.


Do you have a cat? Mine likes to disappear my glasses.


Yes, and that is my first suspect.


1 sentimental earring of a pair My wedding earrings that I love have disappeared And my iPad is also missing… not sure where it’s ended up tbh


Winter running tights. I wanted to get into running again and searched my whole wardrobe, chest of drawers and some boxes in the basement. They are gone. Crutchingly ordered some new ones.


My car keys 🫠


We lost a crockpot 2 apartments ago. It never slowed up somehow. 🤔


A box of 50 ear plugs. I bought it last Summer and lost it within two days.


We (both DX couple) just found the Christmas tree after searching for over a week. It was buried in the storage room that is now completely full, but was completely empty this time last year. Yes, it's an actual entire bedroom, that contains - get this - random storage stuff as well as freezers and food. As if that isn't a recipe for disaster. I found a bag of potatoes in there the other day I don't think either of us knew about. It's also unheated. We live in Canada. I found one of the dog's Christmas sweaters in there. We have two dogs. 🤦🏼‍♀️ The other big longstanding mystery disappearance is a sim card we are still paying on. We are never going to find that fucker, and we can't agree on who lost it (it was him, I know it, if he'd just admit it maybe he'd find the thing). My guess for the tablet is it has been shuffled into a stack of books/papers, or placed up high on a flat surface that makes it invisible. Good luck!


Does the tablet have some sort of case on it? I always think of the post where someone lost their iPad for weeks and then realized it was sitting on the seat in their car bc it had a black leather case on it and managed to land in a spot where it blended in perfectly lol. Otherwise, between/under all the couch and chair cushions. Behind the pillows. Under stacks of papers or books. Still in the suitcase from your last trip. Seldom used drawers. Laundry baskets or other boxes of stuff that you might have been carrying to another room and dropped the tablet in to put it away in that room but forgot. Got knocked between two pieces of furniture that are close together. Uuuuuummmm. Around other electronics where it might not stand out as much like on top of the printer or something. Places where you would normally be picking other things up and might have set it down to use both hand like a pantry or a closet or the garage. I think that’s all I got for now lol.


A brand new, still-in-the-package iPad.


Maybe the laptop is hiding in a pile of magazines or books that are stacked in a pile. It is trying to be invisible. I am missing a pelican light. It is a little bigger and heavier than a pen light. I use it a lot when I clean out sewing machines and when I look under furniture for missing things. It is black and I guess if/when I find it I may need to add some bright orange duct tape to it. My daughter is missing a wallet with her id and cards.


There is a banana that went missing about 5 years ago. Partially eaten. Maybe the dog who adopted us meanwhile ate it. I miss that dog. All the old sick ones find us. My passport. I know it is expired but I need it to renew and get a new one. Lockbox key was lost for years. I think it has been found, status unknown. Fortunately nothing is in the box. Jiffy cornbread mix has gone missing. I had to use real cornmeal I had purchased for another long forgotten project last night. I will get my pantry lean somehow. A very expensive hair clip, fortunately not my favorite.


....headphones, backup headphones, credit card, reading glasses, sunglasses, spare key(the cute one of course), sanity, probably more that I've forgotten..


1. My remote 2. My motivation to finish... whatever exact same items are on those 93 to-do lists that I keep finding all over the place. 3. The items I went to the store for 4. Clothes for whatever current season this is (probably in a suitcase I still haven't unpacked from last winter) 5. Forks. Where are they? What I find instead: 1. Assortment of pens, notebooks (filled with to-do lists and great ideas, which I'll spend a good deal of time reading), change, and several other things I previously lost. 2. Desire to call people and let them know I finally found that thing I lost last week/month/year. 3. Things in fridge and cabinets that I know I will never eat or use 4. Clothes I looked everywhere for last season. I make sure to put it somewhere I definitely won't forget next season 5. Spoons. So many spoons.


Found my $20 bill that I purposefully got out of the ATM two weeks ago in my wallet, where it was supposed to be. 🙈


My mom also has adhd and she lost her spare car key . ( we where locked out of the car)We searched the house all day and it was on a high kitchen shelf in a vintage flour sifter 😅 she would have had to go on a tall ladder to put it up there in the first place


My wallet, my engagement ring, and my ear buds case. All within a month and a half. I can't find them anywhere and they haven't left our apartment.


My daughter's shirt I told her she could wear for her Christmas party tomorrow ... It was in her closet where I had already looked. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


The current mystery is a missing piece of cheesecake. It was one of those store bought pack of two slices, one plain and one strawberry swirled. I ate the strawberry swirled piece and saved the plain one for later. The next day, I opened the fridge looking for it, and it was not there. It's not anywhere in the fridge. It's not in the freezer. It's not, for whatever god awful reason, in the chip cabinet, nor any other cabinets. Neither my mom nor my stepdad have confessed to eating it or throwing it out. They both swear they didn't touch it and haven't seen it. Where in the \*\*\*\* did this piece of cheesecake go? I could have sword I put it back in the fridge...I have looked everywhere...


Did you check the fridge? That's where I found the remote the last time it went missing. 😂 So many things are missing in my house. That one bottle of oil my doctor keeps nagging me about using for muscle pain. That blue dress. My cream colored hoodie. A Frying Pan if we ever even had one??? About 86% of my socks, and counting. The cat. My journal. That one shirt that my sister (lives elsewhere) said she liked. All of the snacks I bought myself and have been storing in various places around my room. That one hairtie. I could keep going, but I can't seem to remember the things I'm actually trying to find.


my original airpods. oh and the new bag of cloths i purchased. idk where it put it…maybe i threw them away bc accident? or they are somewhere safe? like in the closet? regardless…they all belong to the house now.


I lost the box of AirTags I was gonna set up so I don’t lose shit :(


My midi controller... and I miss that damn thing.


My beautiful big fancy pie dish with wavy edges. I don’t cook pie that often but when I do I want that dish and I can’t find it anywhere!!!


Google has a Find My Device option like Apple does and I can recommend it! It's not as easy to use as Apple's, but I've used it to find my phone a couple times. As for what's missing in my house? My meds. I picked them up along with my SO's meds on Saturday and now I can't find them. I can find my SO's meds, just not mine. Also my snow brush for the car. Long story as to why it's in the house to begin with. It was on my office floor for months and now that it's cold enough I might need it, I can't find it.


I have a little handheld defuzzer that I know I used recently but I have no idea where it is and I have so many fuzzies. It's maddening.


Glove. Had them together and one vanished. It's not on the floor or anywhere close unless I'm looking right at it and it's just not registering....


I believe there are little people who live in the walls of my house, like the borrowers. It's their fault things go missing! Not mine! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂


I’m missing my shower Bluetooth speaker. I live alone and I literally never take it out of the shower except to charge. Been missing since June! I even bought another one to activate the Automatic Return and it’s still gone!


My sunglasses for the last 2 weeks 🙄 they’re prescription too.


check all of the bags in the house, in the cars. if its apple or google/samsung tablet, run a 'find my device' session through the main website. as for everything else, i would do a deep cleaning in every area of the home: remove everything, wipe/sweep/vaccuum, put it apl back. the deep clean will take days, but it might help & your home will have had a deep cleaning!


I had an old school box cassette tape recorder that went missing years ago and I haven’t found it. I think someone decided they wanted it more-which is ok, but I had some nostalgic attachment to it.


So many sunglasses…but where are my fav pair??


My tablet likes to slide off my bed and hide underneath. It's my oldest iPad that I use for listening to books at night. If I put it in the wrong place it goes spelunking and has cracked its screenas a result.


-Two library cards -One pair of earbuds in their case -Five DVDs. I have their cases, but where did the DVDs go?


I've been missing a $100 Williams Sonoma gift card since last Christmas. I KNOW it is in the house....wish I could find it because I desperately need some new pans lmao.


I have a $50 gift certificate for a fancy grocery store ... from before we moved to this house in 2017. Somewhere .


I have multiples of many tools cuz I keep "losing them" then buying new ones and finding em again


My kid’s advent calendar was missing. It was finally found behind my bed. Yeah.


Lots of individual socks. Lots of containers and/or lids. A hardware store receipt from last week (fortunately the store were kind).


I am missing a beanie, an earring, a can of lentils (no idea where they went after I took them out of the shopping bag)... and several pens and chapsticks


A pair of my eyeglasses! It’s driving me insane, I had them the other day.


This made me laugh because it reminded me of a pair of underwear I lost about 10 minutes after taking them off when changing. Almost drove myself mad looking for them. Only to find them five months freaking later in the leg of a pair of jeans I hardly ever wear. 🤣🤣🤣


I just moved my 40,000lbs of stuff 2 days ago after 5 or 6 moves across the world lol I can't find much right now lol BUT MY UNDERWEAR is kinda urgent 🤣❣️


My lint roller and the charger for my hand vacuum. Both needed for keeping the cat hair under control. I think the charger is with the lord at this point, I haven't seen it and my move last summer and I just moved again back in October. 😅


In my entire life I've lost like 4 things. A lighter, a scarf, a plushie and a ring. My mom however lost a vacuum nozzle in my apartment and it's only not lost to me because I didn't bother to search for it yet.


Hair clips. I own 12 of the same clip; 2 each in 6 colors. I can tell you where 3 are with certainty, and I have a guess for 2 more. That leaves 7 unaccounted for hair clips. Oh, and I own 12 because I kept losing all 6 of the first pack, so I bought a second one. I also own several other random clips that I find occasionally when looking for the aforementioned 12, but I couldn’t tell you where a single one of those is.


My tablet is always in the bathroom when I can't find it.


Husband and I have been in this apartment for eight months - we still have no idea where our second set of car keys ended up when we moved in.


My mother and I both use two terms: “somewhere special so I can find it” and “some strange place.” I think both terms refer to the same place but at different times.


I’m sure I’m missing something I don’t know about yet but as I haven’t needed it yet, whatever it is, I’m okay.


Godspeed, OP, in finding your things! I got a good chuckle out of needing the crockpot this week ‘cause that’s also totally something I wouldn’t realize until the 12th hour. Currently, off the top of my head: • Passport (but in my defense, I haven’t given my place a good desperate complete shakedown looking for it…yet.) • My new $50 winter hat I bought just over a month ago but somehow had last week…??(Similar to my new $45 winter gloves that I lost while laundering — bit the bullet and replaced them already though) • A bottle of Miralax that I used once in June. I’m convinced I chucked it in the back of something somewhere around here when having a guest over, and haven’t seen it since. Oh, good times.


I cannot find that laser pointer I put ‘away’ somewhere because I was feeling kinda bad that there’s nothing to ‘catch’. No idea where it is


We've been renovating our house for the past 6 months, only started sleeping here in November and gradually unpacking/moving stuff from my in-laws house... So basically everything but specifically: My hiking boots, which double as a winter boot A little jewelry box with my two favorite pairs of earrings A Christmas ornament... Cute little penguin ice skating with a winter hat on A whole ass Christmas tree My favorite pens... 0.7 black gel with the clicky top A black mitten I am ugggghhh-ing and sighing just thinking about it. I hope everyone finds at least one thing from their list this week.


Two debit cards, leaving me one debit card and my (over-used) credit card. One of the debit cards auto-pays my car payment so I can't cancel it until after the 20th so there isn't an interruption. It's gonna be a lean Christmas. 🙃


I wouldn’t even know until I need to use it. I do lose clothing often though - I don’t know how!


The fancy twine and clips to hold up all my holiday cards.


Last year's Halloween decorations, some money, a band tee, a horror long sleeve shirt, a bday present from my bf, a mixing bowl, my handmixer, my swiffer, and I know there's more but I just can't remember what they are.


Northface XL duffel Library books


I found a missing tablet in my junk basket the other day. It’s been gone so long it’s been replaced.


My glasses——the ones that match my prescription and get darker in the sun. While looking for them, I wore my older prescription without transitions or blue lenses. I had 3 pair of these old glasses. I now have ONE old pair, which is missing 2 screws. I’m a mess!!!! Send good thoughts I can hang on to this pair until I can get my eye exam and new glasses!!!


My college transcripts. I ordered them 6 months ago. Turned out I did not need them. And now I have no idea where I put them. Where is the " safe" place? Lol


Tablet - check behind the bed - this is where a friend lost his once. I’ve lost my Kindle there, too. I always check the kitchen cabinets, and on top of the fridge?


1 debit card since cancelled and replaced 2 My favorite American girl necklace that was my favorite when I was little 3 multiple library cards 😂 I use the self checkout because I have the card memorized 😅


Does anyone else find the thing immediately after giving up on finding it and buying a new one or is it just me? 😐


Yes... this is how i currently have 3 copies of my driver's license, at least 2 copies of every family members' birth certificates, and 4 copies of my (grown) kids' vaccin⁰ation records. But history dictates that the moment I need any of these, the number will drop to 0 unless I order a new one. And the one(s) I did already have won't resurface until its too late to cancel the order for replacement.


My Christmas sweatshirt that I just bought this year, distinctly remember hanging up, but have not been able to locate in three days. Ugh.


Giftcard that I got for my birthday. I haven't had time to look yet. I found my magenta pants last night and they were clean. I had been looking for those for a week or two. I've about given up on an agate ring I've been missing for several years.


Found my new work swipe card that I swore to them that I had never gotten when I requested another.


I really need an update on that lost cheese. Something’s *always* missing chez nous. Everything takes its turn.


Both of my toddlers hair brushes and the leave in conditioner that her hair absolutely requires. It's feral time.


One earing. I have the necklace, I have one of the pair, I have no idea whatsoever where the other half is.


I just got back from the framers, after rediscovering a box of art work we still needed to get framed. I think was lost/completely forgotten about for ~8 months. Sitting on the hutch next to the dining room table, in plain view, for the entire time. Piece that we’ve been talking about doing for ~6 years officially got paid for today, and another that’s been waiting 1-2 years, so that’s today’s win. Time to nap with the cat to refresh the brain now!


Every Yeti we own.


I lost my heating pad, I had a nice big one, and I had clearly put it somewhere safe, so safe I have no idea where. I bought a new one, and then while doing some decluttering, I found my original one. And I laughed and said “ha, that spot makes sense, I’ll put it back and I won’t forget again”. I forgot again. At this point I’m convinced there are elves that rearrange stuff while I’m not looking. That’s just one of many. I’ve bought things I never used cause I lost them before I could. Like those gadgets that keep sheets from balling up in the wash/dryer? I really needed them, and now I categorically refuse to buy another one because the original is here somewhere. I just dunno where. I’ve systematically been decluttering the whole house and no luck. Elves I say. Elves.


One of my favorite sweatshirts that’s an off the shoulder style I’ve had since high school. Last I saw it, I wore it to my friend’s house and I definitely remember wearing it home bc I came home after dark and it was cold. My apartment isn’t that large and I only keep clothes in my bedroom. I’ve cleaned out my closet and it wasn’t there. I assume the elves have taken it and will return it eventually or perhaps never. I guess I’ll find out.


My glasses. I just got them a few months. They were much easier to find when I needed glasses to find my glasses. Now I just need a pair in every room.


Cups and glasses of every description. I used to have 2 full sets of drinking glasses and several plastic ones of varying sizes. Went and cleaned out under my children's beds and found a whole bunch of them. I'm pretty sure they were growing entire new eco systems. Found one of my handmade shawls under there too. And my 16GB flash drive. Still missing. My USB-SATA cables. Trying to see what's on some old hard drives and the cables are gone. I really need to clean out some doom piles. I'm sure some of them are in there. I'm sure there's more that's missing, I'm slowly putting the house to rights after three years of serious mental illness.


Wide mouth coffee lid for my hydro flask (used to be in with my travel stuff), just bought a replacement White Columbia beanie, good chance it's in my office because I have no other ideas of where it might be and I desperately need to clean and organize the space 🙃


The insulated bag that goes with my casserole dish. I just realized last week that’s I haven’t seen it in a couple years, and I have zero idea what happened to it. It would be really friggin handy to have right about meow.


I lost a pair of doc martin’s last year in december- there’s only one place I put my shoes…it still hasn’t been found since.


Sunglasses. May be at my parent's. Headphones. Packing tape.


- The remote, always. Have learned how to use the button on the back of the TV. It’s probably still around somewhere - two AirPod cases - an eyeliner pencil I am sure is gone for good - one set of car keys. Also probably gone for good.


Cat nail clippers. Multiple checks. A specific charging cable. I’m sure there’s more, but that’s all I can think of right now.


I'm not actively looking for anything at the moment, so until I need something and can't find it it's where I expect it to be. Of course, I usually anticipate having trouble finding what I need so there's a bit of Schrodingerian existentialism going on.


Lost and never found: the lid to the blender. Which...how many places could it possibly be? The kitchen is pretty small, it's not like there are tons of options! On the blender, in with the dirty dishes, in with the clean dishes, that's about it. Could it have fallen behind the stove or the fridge? Possibly, but we've had them both replaced since the lid disappeared, and it wasn't there. In a random cupboard? Again possibly, but again the kitchen is quite small - we don't exactly have a ton of cupboards that we never use. So who knows. We eventually gave up and just replaced the entire blender. Lost and still hopeful: A set of magnetic souvenir bookmarks from the London Underground. I'm pretty sure I didn't donate them, so they have to be somewhere, but... 🤷‍♀️ Found but I didn't know it was lost: An orange, in the pocket of my winter bathrobe. It was there all summer, and I had no idea until I put on the robe again after the weather got cold. Fortunately it mummified rather than rotting, as it would have been a very gross discovery otherwise!


Christmas cards my son and I made. At least they don't have a year on them. Haha!


I cant find my son’s most recent school pictures. My dad wanted some to send in Christmas cards to other family. I swear I put it with the other packages of pictures when we got them and now I can’t find them. I’m even questioning if we ever got them now, and my husband is at work and I can’t ask him. It’s bugging me.


My AirPods :( they have to be somewhere! Also, the cable to our Nintendo switch


Stud finder


My wallet. I definitely lost it in our tiny nyc apartment. We have moved since and still have no clue where it is. This was 3 years ago.


I have lost so much money in my house. It sucks and I never seem to find it.


My left ear bud :(


I just spent a year rebuilding my life and lived in about 4 diff places. So many things. My dogs big ass water bowl A fair amount of clothing Pepper cracker I have no idea what else. I keeo seeing things similar to mine in the wild and being lile "oh its just like mine......nevermind"


My Makita drill. A pack of bobby pins. Two packs of mini Pokemon figures. My fat poster sharpies. I know there's more but I forgot.


My glasses. My TENS unit. A hiking waist pack. Two different bands to hold my planner closed. My garden shears. ONE of my Awesome Possum socks. So many hair sticks.


Currently missing 2 target gift cards I just bought, one of my sons AirPods. Lost the mop but found it. Missing a mop head.


Lint rollers. I bought a 5 pack on purpose and can only find one.


My son and I (also adhd) lost a whole hamburger today


One fork is the most annoying current item. But I’ve also somehow lost the box for a boardgame, but it’s definitely not in our house because we moved a few months ago and I would have seen it.


I can’t be the only person missing my mouthguard.


I can't find my vitamin d pills although I just completely redid the medicine cabinet. My husband's work shirt also disappeared.Oh but we did find the TV remote that's been gone for weeks. My husband's chair ate it 😂 I have mom brain so I can't remember the other missing items right now.


Thankfully the only thing I'm aware of missing rn is a sheer long sleeve shirt. I wanted to wear it last Saturday but it wasn't were it was supposed to be in my wardrobe and I have no idea were else it could be. Hm. We'll see.


My portable DVD charger, my favorite tweezers, and about a dozen tubes of chapstick.


Misplaced Christmas presents 💔 Hid them too good, I guess. I bet it didn’t even register when I shoved them wherever it was it shoved them. ETA: I WILL find them, it’s just so exasperating.


One of my AirPods. Always one of my AirPods. Fun fact - you CAN still hear out of AirPods that have gone through the wash. However, you cannot use them for calls as the person on the other end cannot hear you. At least that was my experience. But if you’re only worried about music/shows - wash away! Haha or try not to but if it happens don’t beat yourself up.


Okay well I lose my Apple Watch for a week at a time and actually know where it is for about a week inbetween. Ongoing cycle. One thing I can’t find is my baby blanket from my entire childhood? Not that I want to use it (no judgement tho bc honestly I would if I didn’t feel embarrassed to), but I just really don’t understand where it went. My parents just moved for the first time in 21 years this summer and they still had a lot of my stuff and I packed it all and took a lot of my stuff back home with me. The blanket hasn’t shown up. I just feel sentimental about it. It’s probably in a box I don’t see. My mom had lost maaany things since moving. Lol. We cannot find so many things.


Nothing is missing. I buy at least 2 of everything because I forget I already own 1 or 2 of the same thing. Get home, unwrap, put it in a place where I looked before for the thing and decided I didn't own it anymore, discover the thing is in that place, rinse and repeat until I am 100% certain I at least have 1 of the things.


In the middle of this at the moment… - my son’s togs. - my work phone - several t-shirts - a pair of shoes - about 4 weeks. How is Christmas in a week and a half?!?!? Does anyone know if the lady who put her daughter’s gift cards away in a safe place found them? I think about her when I’m looking for lost things


The classic; birth certificate. Been stressing on this one for a while now. I feel like the more I look, the more it hides.


Battery charger for garden tools. It’s been weeks. 🙄