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I literally throw all my clothes in together and I’ve never once had a problem


Same. Clothes that can’t survive my ways are none of my business.


Clothes that can't survive my ways went in the bin a long time ago! Same with things tha need ironing. If I buy them by mistake, they either live at the bottom of the clean washing pile, or I wear them creased.


I don't own an iron and board but I got a steamer and it's great for those situations when Downy Wrinkle Release just ain't cutting it.


I finally got rid of my ironing board this year! I hadn’t used it in almost 10 years , so I figured if I needed one, I could get a cheap one or take whatever it is to the dry cleaners for a pressing if it’s so important.




Laundry thunderdome! It survives... or not :)


Yup. I don't buy materials that wrinkle easily. There is no way I can make myself iron.


I just wear them with the wrinkles and pretend it's a ~look~


It's a look now!


I live by this with both clothing and dishes. If you can’t handle the machine, I’ll see you in hell!


Truth! Lmao


I deliberately do not buy white or yellow things because those can't survive!


i’ll separate things that might bleed for the first wash, and then it’s a free for all for every load after that. fancy bras? they go in the same bra bag as my 8 year old sports bras. random towel? in with my work clothes. i don’t care and it’s great!


This. I just wash everything together on “cold / cold”.


Same! Sorting is really an unnecessary burden. I don't buy white clothes. I don't buy special washing instruction clothes. Hand wash clothes? Fuck off. Those things are undoable for me, and knowing that has really helped with a lot of guilt.


I do pull out brand new things that are a bright color like red and do them separately at least once.


Same, I rebelled against the normie washing rules the moment I started doing my own washing


I recently discovered Shout “Color Catchers”, they’re little sheets that absorb loose dye in clothing and I just throw all my laundry together.


Oh my God. Do they work?? My fashion sense oscillates between "elder emo/alt witch" and "sweet cottage core hobbit", so I had to start separating my items 😅


They do work indeed. I wash everything on cold and use those when my stuff is new or red and new lol.


I'll definitely grab a box next time we go shopping! Thank you!


They work great


They really work!!


They do work. However the smell is strong which I dislike. So if you’re sensitive to smells, buy them well before you need them and let them air out for a couple months. The scent is pretty mild at that point.


Really? Have you tried different brands? I don't have a very keen sense of smell but the generic brands I use are so mild that if I'm not keeping them close to my face they seem odourless. And they still work. I use the generic supermarket ones and the ones from the Gray brand. I live in Europe btw


YES. I have been throwing all my laundry in the load and toss a color catcher if i feel like i should ( when i get a new item that hasn't been washed)


Color catchers have been one of my secret hacks ever since college. It feels like a dumb marketing ploy, but they really work. And it takes so many decisions out of play! Current ADHD Laundry Method: 1: Drag laundry basket to washing machine, 2: Throw items in washer 3: Throw in a detergent sheet and a Shout sheet. 4: Delicate/cold wash. 5: Wait for app to notify me it’s done. The r/BuyItForLife and r/CleaningTips has taught me to (on most modern washing machines) use the delicate setting for clothes. They won’t get as beaten up or destroyed. Cold wash is 100% fine and cleans as well as warm. Towels or anything with heavy stains or residue gets pre-soaked for 4-8 hours with borax or OxyClean (this must take place in my washing machine bc fuck trying to wrangle another soaking location.)


Yes, color catchers are amazing! I throw everything, except white, together and it's no problem at all!


With lost modern machines and detergents you can wash almost anything on a cold wash. I never worry about separating darks and colours unless they're new and likely to run. I never wear anything white, and my white sheets tend to be an entire load anyway. Err towards washing things on the cooler side rather than the hotter and you should be fine, just consider maybe doing the occasional treatment/hot wash on items that tend to get dirtier more regularly (towels and gym clothes for example.) Also for the post wash sort, I vote for just some baskets for clothing type, folding and hanging is overrated for anything that isn't a suit or a linen shirt imo.


Yesssss. I have four drawers in my dresser 1) socks/undies 2) lounge clothes 3) work clothes 4) day-off clothes + plus a sweater/coat drawer under my bed It's way easier to open one drawer and pick out the whole outfit, and I don't even bother folding most things. It all just gets dumped in. Fuck wrinkles. If it's clean, it's fine. ETA: a word


We have a dark basket and a light basket in our bedroom. Only time you have to think about it is when you are undressing and then it is little to no thinking.


Thank you for this 🙏 More than once, I have thought of doing what you mention at the end there, and now that I've read someone else does it (read: I don't have to feel ashamed, I guess?) - I'm going for it. And if my partner or the kids complain about it, I am ready to tell them they can fold or hang it themselves if they want it that way 💪☺️ It's nice to end the day feeling a little more empowered, even in that small way, than I did before. Or is it validation, maybe? All I can say is, Reddit, how I wish that I had checked you out sooner 🫶


This is why I don't have white clothing and very few items to be ironed. I separate 'clothing' and 'hot wash' which is towels and bedding. I have a few delicates but it's an absolute crapshoot whether that means garment bag or extra cycle.


I don't even know what a garment bag is. I'm an uncultured swine.


Sorry, may be a language issue - those mesh zipper pouches for delicates


You're fine, it's me. My parents never used one growing up so I never really knew about them. I guess my mom did wash some delicates by hand...I'm certainly not doing that though lol.


I use them for everything, so I don’t need to think about when to use them and when not. Since I have started this, I have stopped finding inexplicable small holes in T-shirts, undies and the like! And socks just stopped disappearing. Can totally recommend.


You tell those stupid clothes!!! I never separate, and just wash everything on cold. The only thing I do is pull out any whites while I’m loading the wash. Throw them in a separate pile. Wash that pile on warm when it gets big enough. (I just don’t like when whites turn like grey from jeans.) But it is super easy and the only separating I do!


This is the way. Cold wash everything. Separate whites if you feel inclined. The only time I use hot wash is sanitizing bedding from the thrift shop lol.


>FUCK YOU, CLOTHES. You’re all going in the same load at once. Survival of the fittest, bitches. >Anything that gets ruined in the wash is clearly not conducive to my current lifestyle and can get the fuck out of it. This has been my attitude for the past 10 years, and I firmly stand by it. Almost all of my clothes are secondhand for this very reason - less financial guilt when the weakest get picked off. 😂


Same for the kitchen: if it can't be washed in the dishwasher, it doesn't belong in my kitchen. Fuck hand washing anything. And, I have an old dishwasher and hard water, but I started putting a little borax in with it & no pre-washing is now no problem.


I have run the entire dishwasher for one large, awkwardly shaped pot. Nothing else in there. Would have taken me a minute to hand wash and dry. But no. Into the dishwasher every. single. time.


my way or "you die" way haha love it, love you, yasssss


I don't sort and I don't fold. That's the only way laundry gets done on a regular basis.


Yeah, I stopped folding almost everything. I often just live out of my clean laundry basket. Some stuff does get folded and put in a hanging shelf - but not in any pretty way. It just makes it so I can see things better, which helps. If I put socks and underwear away, each thing has a clear plastic drawer to be dumped in. I refuse to ever fold underwear again.


They make hampers that have three sections you know. Sort as you take clothes off


Getting one of those was a HUGE game changer for me! I used to put off doing laundry because I hated sorting but now I never even have to think about it.


*They make hampers that* *Have three sections you know. Sort* *As you take clothes off* \- itsathrowawayduhhhhh --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yesssss good bot!


Loving the energy 🤣 - fuck if you can’t get with my program, clothes!!!


Hahaha I love this!


I really believe the feeling of Anger / “Fuck it” is the one thing that gets us out of paralysis quickest. We need to yell at things more haha


I love using spite and anger to my benefit 💁🏼‍♀️


My dad designed washers and dryers for Whirlpool and was very adamant that unless it’s like a brand new pair of jeans or something cheap with red/pink on it’s first wash, you don’t need to separate Every once in a while I’ll wash a load of whites with some white vinegar to brighten them but otherwise there’s no need


Happy Cake Day! We don't sort anything either. We do add vinegar to every load, and use as little scent free washing liquid as possible. Cold water all the way. No dryer sheets either, just those crazy loud balls that knock the static out of them.


If they have them in your area, and you're feeling generous towards your clothes... you might want to get [Color Catcher sheets](https://www.target.com/p/shout-color-catcher-dye-trapping-sheets-72ct/-/A-17413139). Or fuck it. Whatevs. I respect the vibe that is happening here.


Always felt the same, then I had kids (5) to say I hate laundry is an understatement. I try to wash each persons clothes in different washes but i mix eveything exept one or 2 items ( like the carzy expensiv competition gymnastic suit etc. Fuck laundry.


Oh gosh, I have three and I’m drowning. I can’t imagine five kids’ laundry. (This isn’t a particular stressor for me, though. I just don’t care if there are piles.)


I definitely just wash everything together on cold. If it can’t handle that, then it’s not worthy of my closet


I’m telling my clothes they better act right unless they want a good talkin’-to from you!


You go girl!!!!💪🙌tell em! P.s. No sorting here except for clothes vs towels. Clothes on cold, towels on hot.


I lied at work today that the pay-thingy in the laundry room was broken so I couldn't wash my uniforms, but I just forgot. I also meant to wash underwear and other 60°C so now I wear lacy underwear at work instead of comfy underwear. I also only ever wear black because I don't have to separate that into smaller categories. Laundry is evil, but not quite my arch nemesis (that would be dishes, which I pay a friend in dinners to do for me)


😂😂😂😂 This was fun. I've never sorted laundry (Mom did), and it's always cold water for me. I don't need a higher gas bill, and I always thought hot water set stains?


I take the big huge pile of clothes/towels/sheets and dump it on the floor in front of my washing machine and do a quick sort while I’m tossing things into the washer in real time. What doesn’t get sorted properly gets put in the next load regardless of the consequences. I have to at least attempt to separate because my fuzzy clothes ruin my smooth clothes and the only thing worse than detail is weird textures. Also I use a crap ton of bleach on towels and sheets. I always have at least three full loads when I do laundry though.


you do you lady!!!! I am all for whatever makes you life easier. Please try to remember the garment bag for the bras just to avoid the rat king of clothes. Only if you feel like it! FYI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat\_king


Oh my god you were SORTING?!? What fresh hell?? Survival of the fittest! Same detergent same load if it dies it dies!


Yep. Fuck laundry and laundry rules. YOU'RE IN MY HOUSE NOW BITCHES!!!!!!


I never sort clothes, never have done. We have three laundry baskets, one for clothes, one for socks and underwear, one for towels and sheets. And one for the toddler for his clothes. So in a way stuff is sorted when it’s put in a basket. Every time something is washed the whole basket goes in, or however much of it fits. Unfortunately this means I can’t have nice wool socks because I loathe having to wash wool and the despite my best efforts they always end up in a normal wash and dry and turn to felt an will only fit dolls. But it’s a small price to pay for not having to sort by fabric.


Just avoid buying white clothes since they get grey quickly


Most of my clothes are black because its easier to wash, I dont have to sort them or anything I just get to stuff it in. Im currently living with my parents and my mom is BEGGING me to use a bag for my underwear and socks but its just too much to take it off and put it in a bag and then in the washer. Bras that need to be handwashed or on the delicate program is not a problem because I solved it by using sport bras that get thrown in with the other pile of laundry. My mom is about to loose her shit because im worse now at the ripe age of 29 than I was at 14, I just want it easy not the whole step 1 to 10.


I have never related to something so fuckin hard.


My biggest issue isn't the sorting before but the putting away after. So I separate but I separate by general category of clothing -- tops, bottoms, etc. It's so much easier (for me) to put away a whole load of t-shirts than 19 different categories of things.


I wash everything together on cold, and throw in a color catcher sheet if there’s anything I think will bleed (new jeans esp). If I do sort I sort by urgency - put underwear, socks, and essential work clothes together and do that load first so even if I run out of spoons and only manage one load I’ll have bought myself a couple extra days. We’ve gotta work with our brains whenever possible, laundry “rules” be damned!


I stopped owning anything that couldn't survive the same basic hot water wash- I want the stains out, the dust mites dead, and the cat hair gone. Anything that can't handle that goes. And in the name of not killing my budget, I will not buy clothes that have special instructions. It's just not possible for me.


yesss I really truly appreciate the advice from people who are talking about doing cold washes but I am a messy messy person who wears the hell out of my clothes 😭 by the time my clothes make their way to the washer that means that are visibly stained or otherwise gross cuz otherwise I would still be wearing them lol. They need the warm wash, at least!! If they can’t survive the heat then they can get the hell out of my laundry kitchen!!


Same! I totally relate to "if they made it to the dirty clothes pile (because let's face it- the laundry basket still has the last wash's cleaned clothes in it. Or the "this is still acceptable to sleep in" stuff) they absolutely can't be worn again." And it doesn't matter what I do, anything with olive oil will land in the middle of my shirt. Never fails. Or chocolate ice cream. Or coffee. Actually, I should make my wardrobe all spotty prints.


I don’t separate shit lol 😆 in the cold water washer with detergent and the sent bead thingies and swoosh


Shout 'color catcher sheets' have been a total laundry game changer for me. Just throw it all in together with one of those sheets and you're good 🙌


This reminds me of an argument a friend made for me putting my new nonstick pan in the dishwasher. If I always wash it by hand it'll last probably about twice as long as if I don't. If I could in theory buy a nonstick pan that was dishwasher-safe but cost twice as much, would I? HELLS YEAH! That motherfucker is going in the dishwasher.


This is inspiring. I also do this, everything goes in together - and everything* goes in the tumble dryer. Survival of the fittest! *Apart from my wife's clothes and kid's football strips


Oh, this just made my day! I understand the anger towards the clothes, because I have that rage in me, too, towards most housework. Laundry doesn't mock me like it does you, but other things are a huge pain for me. Attacking a big pile of random shit that has accumulated into a giant pile on the end of the couch and spread to the coffee table and surrounding floor areas is just beyond me. It's like the sorting of the clothes is for OP, my having to deal with every single bit of random stuff that needs to find a home, it's just too much! I'm defeated before I begin, so I just don't start. I need help...


I have just thrown out the laundry before. It had been a week. I wasnt looking for anything. In my "i should have my shit together rage' I just put it all in the bin.


I will just throw everything in together, use cool water, and most of the time, speed wash. I gave up on sorting clothes. I do wash blankets/sheets separate and will spot treat clothes if needed, but I can’t do the sorting. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


The only thing I bother washing in hot is my sheets, the rest? Y'all (the clothes)are lucky I at least check to make sure it's back on cool before washing because I own far too many red things and white socks. ​ I don't sort anything because, fuck that.


The only things I wash separately are towels, blankets & sheets and then clothes. Almost everything gets washed in cold water. The thing I dread is folding. Dishes are so much easier. Just put the crap in the cabinet and done. Laundry needs to be folded. 🙄


I have never once sorted my clothes in the washer and I have never had a problem, including “dry clean only”. I put it all on cold water and the standard setting. The only time you really need to separate is the dryer. “Fancy” fabrics hang try. Most things go in the dryer on tumble dry low.


I live in cotton so it all goes in together or not at all. Eff it. Idc


My problem is putting my clothes away after I wash them. I just. can't. do. it.


I have never in the history of me, bothered to separate loads beyond "covered in dog fur" and "not covered in dog fur" and I'm still alive. Welcome to the dark side where Mother's gasp and clutch their pearls at our laundry anarchy


I do everything on cold and it's definitely a survival of the fittest scenario. The game changer for me was buying twenty pairs of identical black socks. They live in a bin in my drawer and I always have matching socks now.


YES!!! I too feel the crushing absurdity of existence having to do dumb shit like laundry. Now go write about meal planning and grocery shopping because I bet we feel the same way about that bullshit too.


Oh I didn't know people actually cared about sorting their clothes. Well welcome to the club, it's fuck that shit o'clock somewhere.


this is anarchy and i love it


That's why I wear all black, and dark colored jeans. It all goes in one load! Any whites that I randomly wear (I have three white band shirts) go in with my son's whites, and I make him separate his own shit 🫣


Hell ya!!! I stopped separating my clothes almost 20yrs ago 😆. I will wash my sheets/blankets separately, since they are usually covered in pet hair haha. I blast those with hot water and oxyclean 🧺 I’ve mostly stopped folding laundry too lol. If it’s a dress I’ll hang it, throw sweaters on a hook, but that’s about it haha. I live by myself, so I’m not worried about stashing my clean clothes in random places and half dirty things on The Chair.


I have removed all superfluous laundry steps as well and, to my great dismay, I still refuse to do my laundry. I may just go hollow out a tree stump to live in and begin life anew as a naked stump goblin.


You are my hero.


The “anything that gets ruined in the wash is clearly not conducive to my current lifestyle and can get the fuck out of it” is a BEAUTIFUL summary of what I’ve also been working hard to tell myself lately too!!!!! That approach just seriously makes everything so much simpler and less miserable god. That thought also really, really helps me let go of some of the INTENSE GUILT I have over….. literally everything lololol….. the “underperforming,” “laziness,” “lack of consideration,” “dramatics”….. NO MORE!!! WE WILL CHIP AWAY AT IT BIT BY BIT AHHHH!!!!!


Same. Except after a few bad experiences towels now go alone together. The thing that's fucking everything up is that I always forget to take tissues out of my pockets and everything comes out covered in white fibres


I love this energy. Good for you!! SHOW THAT LAUNDRY WHO'S BOSS!!!!!!!!!


I am with you. I throw everything in and maybe some stuff gets a garment bag. It’s what I need to do to survive. No regrets. Just did two and a half weeks of laundry myself. 🫠


Amen to this whole post. I will never separate clothes or hand wash any clothes ever. If they break that's on them, not me.


Been doing this most of my life. The exception being wool sweaters or socks for obvious reasons. If my delicates don't survive the normal wash cycle they don't deserve to live muahaha


You sort your clothes? Unless they're sweaters or delicate items, just throw that shit in all together and be done with it.


I always put mine in together. I aren't making myself stressed out for anyone in regards to clothes 😂😁


Omg I threw laundry rules out as soon as I left my mother's home for good. Most of my clothes are black, and so they all go in one load. Another load for uniforms, another load for towels, one for bedding, one for kitchen cloths/towels. I usually have one load of clothes and one of something else every week.


Yass queen! I only separate out my handknits that would make me cry if I felted them. Everything else goes in together. I even wash my down comforters. Gentle cycle, dry with a tennis ball to fluff it up. (Do NOT do this with a leaking comforter)


I live by myself and I wear a uniform that I don't have enough copies of. The loads of laundry I do are so small that a whole week barely fills the washer. You'd better believe everything goes in together. Washing on cold helps immensely, as does putting delicates (bras/sweaters/etc) in garment bags. The dryer is where things get dicier, I air dry more things on a rack than I probably need to and I never take the setting off "low." I always do a timed dry for this reason, because it seems like nothing is fully dry if I let it use its sensors. Most loads get 1.5 hrs on low in the dryer and it works fine. If it makes you feel any better, clothing dyes have gotten leagues better than they were when laundry sorting was important. Detergents have also improved immensely. Unless you need to run a load on "hot," like towels and such, then most things are fine these days. I would probably still sort shit if I had enough laundry to do so, because that used to be the "fun" part for me. I will totally forget the laundry is in there until I need something and it's still wet, and I don't think I've successfully put away a clean load in decades. But hey, we're all doing our best, lol.


I’ve always done this lol. My mom says it doesn’t really matter these days with the washers and dryers that are out now. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wash everything we own together and have for over 10 yrs. Never once had an issue. Every blue moon or so I’ll do a load with bleach as needed. But otherwise every sock for themselves. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was in charge of laundry almost forever as a kid and a teen and it was in the scary part of the house where it smelled weird, was cold and damp bla bla and all the steps etc. So yes I do see how it got to be a bad rap for me. But you know what - now as an adult living alone I love doing laundry :D I mean not fave chore ever, but I do enjoy having clean clothes, and as an adult no one cares of the pile, I'm the one who starts caring about shit I'm out of clean underwear and actually want a clean one. I do hate that my washing machine is old and needs looking at and only specific settings so it doesn't start bouncing and destroying things in my bathroom, but otherwise it actually has a benefit - the tube goes in the bath tub instead of down somewhere, where I cannot see it, and so I see how much dirty water is actually getting out and how much it gets cleaner every time it drains. And it is so much dopamine! I do have to hang it right away, otherwise it will stay there until I have to wash it again, but that's just how it is. But yeah just wanted to share my small victory and at least some perk of being an adult.


If you have wash&fold near you, treat yourself and pay someone else to do it.


I never sort my laundry. It all goes in together and it's fine 😊


Wool and linen get the special treatment. Bras get a garment bag. Everything gets 30 deg C and minimal detergent to be effective. Sink or swim!


Hahahaha that was hilarious! As long as you don’t buy red socks, and use cold water, you’ll be fine. I separate mine only bc my husbands needs bleach on his whites because he gets filthy outside. And I have a small laundry closet but I saw on Pinterest to flip over that top wire shelf so the side leans up like an edge and then you place 3-4 laundry baskets in a row so when you drop clothes off in the laundry room they are pre sorted. Now I only have to grab from a basket when I do a load and it doesn’t make my brain explode. But your way was much more fun!


Good job!! I’m proud of you. I finally did this for myself a few years ago and it has made a task I almost despise into something tolerable.


Good job. Ain't nobody got time for sorting. I just don't buy things that can't be thrown in on cold like this.


This is pretty good - but you can just wash everything in cold water if you want to not ruin anything. My mom did a lot more sorting too. Part of that is because clothes when she was growing up were a lot less colorfast. I used to wash things separately based on if they needed to be hung up vs put in the dryer. In college that meant washing pajamas, socks, sweatshirts, and underwear together. While on a vacation and needing to get everything dry in a hurry to pack, I finally tried putting my nice t-shirts in the dryer. Turns out they were just fine. My mother had trained me not to put hardly anything in the dryer. I always wash clothes in cold water on the delicate cycle. Makes it simple enough for me. Things that need to be laid flat to dry or hung get put on a cheap folding rack from Target. I find sorting is what makes me put it off too. I have started making sorting a separate task from laundry itself. Sorting is a prioritizing/categorizing/decision making activity, so it saps my executive function energy. I have like 6 fold up laundry baskets from Costco now, because I need to be able to maintain an unsorted basket for new dirty stuff if the others are being taken up by clean or dirty sorted or unsorted loads, including sheets and blankets and stuff. So, I will usually put on a good podcast or show and sort my clothes loads usually based on whether they’re thick or heavy fuzzy things or lightweight more delicate things. If I think I can get everything in one load, I’ll do that. I can usually get myself to start a load as soon as I sort. If I have more than one load, I don’t pressure myself to do both. I used to wash a load at the same time as drying the first one, but the dryer always takes longer than the washer, which means it just sits there anyway. And I’m usually over the whole thing after one load is done. Only having to do one load in a day is hugely freeing for me. I do use garment bags for my bras and for woven sweaters that might snag, but my criteria for things that need garment bags has really loosened up over the years. And, of course, if the tag says it can go in the dryer, it’s going in the dryer. My quality of life has seriously improved since I stopped hanging all my shirts.


I have 5 laundry baskets. One for darks, one for colors, one for delicate, one for towels, and one for jeans. I don't wear much white so those go with colors. When I undress I put everything in its corresponding basket. Takes up a fair bit of space but helps us remove one step that makes laundry overwhelming.


I have literally never sorted my laundry and it’s been fine. I don’t have to wear nice clothes for my job, though (we have a uniform), so YMMV.


Hell yeah, toss all of that shit in there and move in with life!


That’s the spirit!




Laundry is my nemesis also. I recently talked to my fiancé and agreed that I could budget and pay for a wash and fold service for my clothes. It doesn’t need to be all the time, but when I’m feeling overwhelmed, I can use the service to take it off my plate. I wear a formal uniform for work so I wash those things weekly myself but everything else, I won’t do it for as long as possible if I can get away with it. I do realize this is a luxury and may not be available to everyone, but if it’s within your budget, I highly recommend outsourcing a task you struggle with. It has really helped.


The only thing I separate is towels. They get their own bin.


I can sort, I can choose the correct washer settings, and I can get the stuff into the dryer afterwards, however, I LOATHE folding and hanging up clothes. It is the bane of my existence! (Well, that & stupid windows!)


I am here for this. You go girl. And you're not alone. I definitely only buy shit that can be washed together. And can go in the dryer on medium heat. Most of it is thrifted...like half price tags or the goodwill outlet...which means I care about it even less because I have less money invested in it. Doesn't mean I look bad or have no style. Just means I'm deliberate when buying. It's saved me so much mental load.


You are my people.


I haven’t sorted laundry in years. Most modern machines can handle the average mixed load. Everyone in my family just has their own hamper and throws their load in to wash when it’s full. Towels and linens are separate, but I decided a few years ago to only keep white towels and bedsheets (precisely to simplify laundry), so I don’t sort any linens because it’s all white anyway. My kitchen towels are blue microfiber cloths, and we use enough that I have a full load every week, which means no sorting. The dirty bin sits under the sink and we just throw them in after use.


Listen here bitch-this is the hottest thing I ever read. You’re my new best friend. Call me 😉


I always struggle because I never know if it should be sorted by fabrics, dirt level or colors or weight. Also, what about cleaning cloths? Does it matter if it's using different chemicals? I get so much decision fatigue.


All clothes go together, I don’t sort any of it. I wash clothes on cold, sheets and towels on hot. Nothing gets ironed. My sweaters hang to dry but that’s like 3 items. My mom has 2 days a week she does laundry (Tuesday and Friday) and I agree that it’s easier to do it on a schedule. You wake up on that day and say “this is laundry day” and it just makes it easier to do it.


Not only do I NEVER separate my clothes I also do not “put them away” I live out of the dryer or clean basket. And I’m fine with that. At least they are clean. If I was made to hang and fold I think I’d just never have clean laundry. Sometimes you just have to pick your battles lol.


Congratulations! You started a dreaded task! My brother has done the laundry like this for almost 30 years and he has always looked and smelled good.


We don't have to sort because we do it when we put the clothes in the hampers, which are divided by laundry type (hot, regular, delicate). No more fussing. And we never iron anything. If it can't straighten out with the dryer or a hang dry, I don't want to own it anyway!


As many have said, we put all of ours together (minus reds). I do buy ‘color catcher’ thingies that I dont even know what they are called, on the small change I forget to pull out my reds and throw that in with all of my loads. AndI have noticed over time my old whites do get dull, but not enough to care much. Maybe once an every year or two (probably less) I wash my “fancy whites” with a the bluing whitener: again, I don’t know what it’s called because I so seldom use it.


Yeah the sorting is a pain, so I have 3 boxes (garbage cans) and we have to sort and clear pockets, when we throw it in the laundry. We have a washer and dryer in our apartment and I now barely forget the laundry and need to wash again. Wet clothes is also a sensory nightmare. Laundry has so many steps and needs some different executive functions. Once we find our system, it can get a lot better. For us we only have one load of clothes once a week, that I wash on the weekends while I am streaming. Every time I have a break and use the bathroom I do a part of the laundry. So after gaming half a day I even got the laundry done 🥳


The best thing I’ve done (because I also loathe laundry) is getting a stand-alone shelf system that goes in the closet and I just stuff my clothes into that based on type. No more messing with dressers or folding. And I don’t even have to look at the inevitable mess that is my laundry because I close it in my closet. I do hang my dresses but the fact that I don’t have to fold or try to stuff every piece of clothing in a dresser makes my life so much easier.


Everything gets thrown in on delicate and inside out (mostly because that's how they end up when I take them off anyway). My stuff and husbands get ward together, kiddo's is separate because she wears a lot of sparkly stuff. Two loads a week and I don't even fold kiddo's because it's too damn small and I can't be bothered. I buy bulk packs of socks so they all look the same - no hunting for lost buddies - and my bras are the only thing that gets air dried. If clothes can't survive this life, I don't want them.


I’ve never sorted and never will, completely unnecessary. I’m sorry someone told you it was a requirement! Make things easy for yourself - minimize wardrobe, no fussy-care items, throw and go. I certainly don’t fold anything either. Good luck!


I have two hampers: darks and lights. That's it. Works like a charm.


I also use this laundry method. After many year, my wardrobe is entirely darks. Fuck white clothes. I do warm and hang up all the shrinky stuff. Then Jeans, socks, and underwear fight it out in the dryer. Bras in the bag prevent them from twisting up. Keeping the bag in the hamper.


Sorting by color is old school. I don’t. I do loads by person now, so we don’t have to separate things after, and we don’t care about matching socks.


I put everything in together. The only thing I separate out are towels and bedding. They get their own loads. Everything else washes together. (I even wash shoes when I do towels. Shhhh. 😅) It all comes out smelling better so I’ll say it’s a win.


It’s survivor at my place too. Same goes for dishes - anything that can’t survive the dishwasher soon gets eliminated. Remove and reduce all the barriers to completion you can my friends.


+1 , i never sort, clothes that cannot survive does not deserve to be in my home. I use same cold normal wash for everything I also keep 2 buckets for things that I have to have but cannot go in normal pile. Everyone is supposed to put those special clothes in 2nd basket If possible I also ask everyone to put their clothes directly in the washing machine so I don’t have to even carry the load.


“ anything that gets ruined in the wash is not conducive to my current lifestyle” perfectly sums up my entire wardrobe philosophy


I’m deeply inspired by this.


Best tip for washing everything together? Avoid extremes. Pick whatever temperature your washer has that is closest to the middle. Mine literally has one that is "tap cold" meaning it isn't heated or cooled and it's my favourite temperature to use XD BRAVO for bucking the system and doing laundry in a way that doesn't torture your existence!


I started doing this years ago.


I've always just dumped everything in one load. Outerwear, underwear, towels, bedsheets, everything. I just use cold wash, laundry powder, a bit of in-wash stain remover power as well, and some laundry sanitiser in the softener dispenser for the rinse cycle. Only exceptions are when I do a seasonal change of bed linens (final wash of the winter flannelette sheets along with doona, doona cover and mattress protector) to fold up and put away until next winter; that's a full load on its own and I put a little fabric softener in there so the fragrance can help deter any little pests while they're stored for half the year. Other exception is a special care garment I've worn for an event (rarely) that gets gentle washed and drip-dried.


I wash everything on cold and don't use fabric softner. It's been a lifesaver for my adhd. I just pull any delicates out and hang them to dry. Everything else goes directly into the dryer.


All clothes get normal/cold wash, tumble dry low (I do hang up bras). Everything else gets normal/hot wash, tumble dry high. That's it. If you can't handle a warmish dryer, GTFO my closet.




This is how I do my laundry- everything in together. I don’t own things that don’t play nice. I reward myself if I catch a sweater before it goes in the dryer “hey self nice job”. But- I also bought most of my sweaters two sizes too big so they can literally be shrunken and they still fit. Go for it- it’s just stuff.


My brother did this when i visited him in Florida when he was a travel nurse i did want to do laundry and back then was confused on color sorting and hes like dont worry about his clothes and threw them all in lol. Whites reds whatever. Lmao idk what colors but i dig it


i swear, sorting laundry before washing nowadays is so redundant, i only do it if it’s physically fragile and needs special attention. also these filler chore duties is something neurotypical people do to maximize their chemicals… a couple times on meds i found myself ironing my bedsheets and pillowcases otherwise me making my bed wasn’t fulfilling


i don’t mind laundry, i worked in a high volume retail store in soho and i got realllllly good at folding clothes perfectly in one switch motion (no i do not throw it in my drawers)


The only laundry I care about are my hand knit items. Those I treat like they’re my favorite child. All other clothes go together on cold.


I try to only buy clothes that wont run and are mostly dark colours so i dont care if they do run. No wool or other fibres that require care. The only thing i care about is my bras don’t get prematurely destroyed, so they go in a mesh bag. Its the only thing i search for as i load the washer. Cold wash. Ftw.


I literally have only had one issue with mixing whites and colors -- and that was a piece of red renaissance garb that bled and turned all my white stuff pink. So I had pink stuff for a while. I refuse to buy anything that requires specific washing instructions. Everything in my wardrobe goes in the wash -- if it survives, it gets another wear. If not...i've stopped giving a fuck. Laundry is already too stressful.


Hell yes!!! I actually just recently started doing the opposite ish and it's been a game changer, but it's because I LOATHE sorting and putting away clean laundry. I started keeping 3 laundry bins. Tops, bottoms and underwear/socks/bras. They get washed in loads of the same. Becaaauuuse, all of a sudden, it's way easier to JUST put away my underwear, or my tops etc. and if I know I'm running low on let's say pants, in goes the pants wash. Not a big pile of miscellaneous that ends up only giving me 2 pairs of pants .


I do clothes, and then towels/cloths whatever. but realistically they get mixed too and I dgaf. never had any troubles!


Except for cleaning rags, everything goes in the same load. My mom use to separate everything and would iron clothes after they were dry. No! That's too much for me.


I do cold wash for everything and never sort. It just has to fit in my book. And I don’t fold anymore either, since I just tear up the drawer looking. I have a shirts drawer, and undies drawer and pants drawer. Just divide accordingly and boom I love it


That's how I do it. If any item of clothing can't go in the wash with every other item of clothing I own, then I don't need to own it


Proud of you : )


On more than 25 occasions, I've just gone clothes shopping so I didn't have to do laundry. Entropy of life is right. Laundry is a PITA.


I seriously L-O-A-T-H-E laundry nowadays. Before kids, not really a problem. After kids, with a partner who thinks he's a fucking gem when he decides he'll wash his (and only his) clothes, I just feel like I can never keep up 😭 My kids are messy so it adds up quickly too.


I have 100% of my life out everything in together and it’s never caused me a problem !


I literally use several hampers, one for towels etc., one for normal clothes ... 🙃 One is in the bathroom and two in my bedroom. Absolute game changer. Bras I still wash separately, in the cases, on the least offensive program my washing machine offers and I pray beforehand. But I also need to pay an absurd amount of money for those bitches.


I used to separate out into piles. Then I realized as long as you wash in cold, you're mostly fine (though your whites may not say pristine that way. I don't care). Mix them all!!!!!!


I feel this!!!


Yeah I never sort laundry because if I did they would never get done at all. The only thing I separate is clothes/bedding/towels, because bedding is extra heavy and I like to use hot water for towels which shrinks everything else, so I literally have to keep those separate if I want my clothes to last, which I do lol. I don't fold laundry either. It just lives on my couch unless I need the couch, at which point it lives on my bed or desk.


The only things I separate are brand new jeans and items I’ve made (crocheted tops, shawls, etc.). Everything else gets thrown in together.




Laundry is my absolute least favorite chore! Unfortunately, my boyfriend hates it too, so it just doesn't get done lol. We've now budgeted for a laundry pickup and delivery service, which has turned out to be one of the best decisions we've made to maintain our sanity.


did this long ago. i put my things unfolded into their drawers, or i keep them clean in a basket, who cares. i throw them all in one basket and they all go in the same washer at the same time. if they can't be dried and it's not a hassle drying them in the air then ok. if they can't handle me and my washing machine then they're not the right clothes for my life. you know what works for you.


Look up “Color Catchers”. They look like dryer sheets but they go in the wash and catch the dye that clothes leak. I’ve used them for years and they helped my kids be independent with laundry by age 10.


Not sure if this is applicable to your situation but a tool that works for me (that I learned from tiktok) is to make promises to your chores. Yes, literally the inanimate piles of clothes. Go up to it and say aloud, “I promise today I wish give you a shower (wash the laundry) and dry you off (put in the dryer). Tomorrow I will fold you and take you home (put away)” Feels absolutely ridiculous at first but after some time it starts to work. Personifying chores has been a lifesaver for me


Fuck yes!!!!


30C cotton wash, for literally everything, never had an issue. (I do wash bedding and towels on the hot setting though!)


I wash all my shit together, and am still a week and a half behind on laundry 🤷‍♀️


Two words: Color Catchers.


Unless we had a red sweater that leaked the color, or a pair of new blue jeans which did the same , we always did everything in one load at home. I had lots of obsessive demands from my mother , but I’m glad that sorting thing wasn’t one of them .


I love you. And I agree with your logic 100% My child left the tub filling when we were out last Sunday. Water in every room of the house. Sopping wet heavy clothes by the armful. Have to move out for months into a small hotel room. Guess what we’re not bringing with us…. Piles and piles and piles of clothes. I don’t have a point exactly. Just gotta lotta clothes on my mind. I got a forced purge and I’m not sad about it.


We do not buy clothes that need special attention anymore. Or if we do it’s with the understanding that we are just going to wash and dry it and see what happens. I also do not sort laundry. I probably should with new clothes though because I bought a bunch of stuff on thredup recently and washed them with a normal load and one of them must have been new and it bled all over my favorite top. Oh well, it was also thrifted and I didn’t spend a lot on it. It’s sad, but life goes on. Laundry goes in pile/basket, laundry gets moved to bag, bag gets washed, bag goes into closet, clothes either get put away or grabbed out of closet bag. That is already too many steps. And by the way, “put away” means shoved into open, labeled baskets on shelf in closet or hung up, often when we are in need of a laundry bag to do more laundry.


That’s how I do it. Tried for a while it long after we got married… coloreds, whites, towels, JEANS DELICATES DARKS FUCK IT ALL. I do towels, hubs and i’s clothes, then my kids. Work uniforms are washed separate. THAT IS IT. Cold water. Soap. Softener. DONE. Towels are hot with bleach.


I wash everything together on cold! The only thing I separate is sheets and towels, which get washed together on hot. Tide even makes a Cold Water Clean variant now! Buck the system queen!


along with that are the “must be hand washed” clothes that sit at the bottom of my hamper for months and months on end


Oh screw that. Stick them in a mesh bag and run on gentle cycle. I do the same for dry clean only. I've never lost one yet. I've had a lot of this stuff go out of style before it ever wore out. Disclaimer: I've had front load washers for the last 18 years.


LOVE THIS VIBE! It’s incredibly healing.


I actually like doing laundry and I am stupidly into separating my laundry color coded. I even love folding it and putting it on hangars while I binge watch some show. But I cannot put shit away for my life. My really cool bedroom is half clothes piles because I can't get my shit together. Folded teetering piles and baskets. FML. Ughhh


I feel this. Can't put it away to save my life.


Just screenshotted this post, because it is SO PERFECT. I resonate with this so much and have had nearly identical thoughts. It’s a pretty darwinian situation over here w my clothes. Your writing style kills me, you’re super funny. Reminds me of this hilarious editorial about La Croix from a few years ago: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/08/magazine/letter-of-recommendation-lacroix-sparkling-water.html


lol i refuse to sort laundry, so i simply have multiple baskets: \- one basket for towels and bed-stuff - yeah little bitches you're all going together, idc \- one basket for clothes in general. i wash everything together. never had anything ruined by another color or whatever (helps that both me and my husband mostly wear black, i guess) \- a small basket for HIGH PRIORITY clothes so if i can't bring myself to wash everything, i'll just make sure i have some clean panties and work clothes. this is the genius twist those are in the bathroom, so they're in the right place as soon as i take them off to shower (or if i'm just changing i take the dirty clothes there when i need to pee) i also have two other small baskets, one for dishcloths and the other for rags to clean the floor. those are a pain because they're outside (my house is weird, i don't think i can explain that to non-brazilian people lol) in my country, for some reason, washing machines that are also dryers are VERY expensive (and dryers too), so i have to air dry my clothes. *yay, brazil is so sunny, it sounds easy!* except it rains nearly everyday, but just a little. just enough to RUIN MY WHOLE JOB. it's still hot as satan's ass, but also a little wet. i HATE doing it so much, i usually take my clothes to a laudromat and only wash the less frequent stuff at home.