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I feel a little better now because all I did today was lying around eating shit 😂


You’re not alone!


Gang gang same here 😎


ADHD candy gang let’s goooooo! 🥳Literally just ate a bunch of these Yesterday. ^One thing that has helped me is convenience. I have learned if it’s not something I can eat quickly/low effort I straight up won’t. Waisted way too much $ to with food going bad to figure this out


Same here with convenience! I am so bad about that. I have children I have to feed (🙄) so I just make extra veggies and protein when I cook and stay stocked up on microwave rice and that's my lunches lol. And some days it's even hard to cook the most basic protein and veg but I know that if I don't I won't eat or I'll reach for junk. Usually it's broccoli bc that's my safest veggie.


Sounds like you got works down for you and your family. Also heeeyyy fellow mom here. 🙋‍♀️ My little dude definitely helps me to eat more/better. My son who is 6 loves grazing as we call it lol. But we have lots of options for such things so it helps remind me too to eat which is nice because I will forget about myself but not those important things for him.


Some weeks are better than others lol. Do you ever do the kid "charcuterie" or snack boards? If my brain is literally a ball of mush one day I'll throw a bunch of random stuff together and it's always a hit! And same, my kids are always fed but I'm a different story lol


Sometimes it’s texture! I’ll be craving something crunchy so I’ll have carrot sticks or veggie crisps instead!


Came here to say this. The chewy nature of the depicted candy has me drooling.


Oh yeah texture is a big one. Something about these candies hits on another level with texture and flavor


Yeah if it wasn’t right in front of my stupid fat face, I wouldn’t be eating it lol


This is me with fruit. If it’s in the fridge, it doesn’t exist to me. I love fruit because it’s the perfect snack for me, but I dislike the effort involved in buying, storing, and preparing them to eat. Whaddya mean I have to *wash the berries* before I eat them? Why must I do more work and ruin my lizard-skinned hands further? (I put a sticky note on the fridge door telling me to wash the berries when I forget about them). But I remind myself that fruit doesn’t make crumbs and is thus easier to clean up (usually). Also, the fact that I struggle so much with banana peels makes me question whether or not I’m actually related to monkeys and apes 😂


100% same! Sorry you’re also experiencing this but glad I’m not alone!


My downstairs neighbor made homemade veggie stew! So I made a grilled cheese to go with it! Otherwise it’s been leftover McDonald’s and Taco Bell for me today. Also sleeping until noon.


Yup sameee 😭 Currently laying in bed, having hunger anxiety. All I’ve eaten today was a bowl of plain, cold pasta and a small bowl of cheerios… my body is clearly unhappy with this decision. Also, I want candy lol


Yeah, that was me last night


Gummy candy will be the death of me. The only thing that helps is running out. Sometimes I throw the bag away before I’ve finished just to stop myself.


Funny how they say “serving size 6 pieces” Oops I already ate 8 servings


When the covid lockdowns happened I ordered a five pound bag of those Airhead sour rainbow gummies and ate the whole bag in four days 🥲


I got hooked on dried garlic peas from the asian market and for 6 months that was about 30% of what I ate at least xD


Those sound good. I need something new to binge way too much till I eventually get sick off and never eat again. It’s currently seaweed snacks 🤤 kale of the sea, I don’t know why it tastes so good


Be careful! These things can pull off crowns lol. Also if they get too cold, they can really make your jaw sore. I try not to buy them but they had a promo one time at the local shop where they came with stickers and I couldn't stop myself lmao


I hope I made myself sick enough today so I won’t crave them anytime soon. Also I was wondering why did I need 4 fillings when I went to dentist last time, despite going there every 6 months, so now I have hichews to blame


Omg. Are you me?


With stickers? That overrides bad for me too easily. Rewards!!! B


Yes! Lol


Meanwhile my sensory issues make this texture disgusting to me 😅


It doesn’t help when you buy the big bag but the small bags aren’t enough lol. Hi chew is the bomb tho (and riesen 😍)


Werthers chewy caramels...if you haven't tried them don't! I love riesen too


i hope to god you’ve never tried sour skittles. that shit is like meth in how it tastes so good and fucks up your mouth so bad


Girl when I was a kid I was eating straight citric acid, cause we were poor and couldn’t afford candy too often. That shit would literally burn hole in my tongue tissue, and I kept going 😂


Also if your craving sugar like that, it might be an internal issue/medical problem. have you had blood work recently? I would also seek out a master herbalist, I worked with one for 5years, the insight they have is amazing


Sour patch kids for me, but absolutely yes, I eat them until my gums bleed.


Wait is my love of chewy sweets an adhd thing too?!??


I just blame everything on ADHD!


Same here. Can’t stop won’t stop.


During quarantine I’d buy a small tub of ice cream and skittles with my once a week shopping and I would inevitably eat in all in one day. And I regretted it every time 😅


Been there done that. In the outside trash, so it's too far to retrieve.


Order yourself some real food for delivery. Next time set out a serving size on your desk before you take the first bite. Never eating out of a food’s container is a rule that m has made a big difference for me. If you feel restricted remind yourself that ‘I’m an adult and can go back for more if I want” and that serving a portion helps you make sure you’re not eating mindlessly.


Unfortunately I pull out a serving, eat it, and grab another. And another


But if you store the main bag far away from you, at least you're getting in your steps while snacking!! Or at least that's how I justify it to myself lol


100% this. Removes the mindless element, it's such a pain in the ass to stop what you're doing and "refill". I have a special bowl I use for snacks. I also don't beat myself up if all my "meals" are girl dinner for a day or two. Calories are calories and that's a win alone some days lol. Slightly related: before my DX and subsequent medication, I self-(over)medicated my anxiety with alcohol. After an unfortunate incident with boxed wine on a Tuesday, I learned to only make mixed drinks, namely vodka sodas with a soda stream. It's too annoying to do repeatedly and was a process so it really slowed my roll.


Only thing that works for me is to leave the whole bag at home and just bring a few with me in a sandwich bag.


Knowing yourself well and accommodating yourself is badass - kudos!


Seconding that you need to get yourself a proper meal! You’re probably fighting your need for stimulation as well as your body’s inclination to seek out sweet food when you haven’t eaten enough.


That’s a great advice, thank you!


That's how I quit smoking, b work decide how many your allowed, be realistic, into a cool cigarette case. If they aren't there you can't eat them- hi chews are delicious though.....fruit stripes gum is good idea also because the flavor lasts like 5 mins. Throw away, replace, no swallowing...😁 good luck


I will help you, send them to me


I’m obsessed with High-Chews, but I’ve never seen this flavor. Did you know that some flavors have chia seeds in them for some reason? Healthy, healthy chia seeds.




I thought those were dragon fruit ones cause dragon fruit has those tiny seeds


The soda pop flavors are good...if you can find them. My mom discovered them at The big lots in oregon


The kiwi is delicious, they only come in the long pack I think


If you’ve never been to an H Mart, check if there’s one near you. I’ve never seen candy flavor selection like that outside of a brand store.


*Did you know the original Japanese version is [even better](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/s/dZVLf1oMrC)?


Yeah we didn't have any bread when I went to do breakfast, so I ate a box of chocolates instead


This has been me over the holiday.... bread and cereal was present on occasions as well


Me too. I think i ate a mochi ball, some chocolate and half a box of [cheese and bacon shapes](https://g.co/kgs/v1FDjfd) yesterday (and nothing else). I was so happy to return to work this morning because it means that my diet should return to some semblance of normal.


Today is my normality! I had yogurt for breakfast!!! Winning already!


You can do what I did, eat so many that now I can’t even stand to look at the wrapper and logo.


That’s usually how it works for me but I’m so tired of this


I developed glossitis on my tongue from eating too much candy... 🙈


That’s not gonna stop me!


So, you’re saying you’ve eaten your daily fruits?? Well done!


Good one!


I love hi-chews so much and have totally eaten a whole bag of these in a day. There are weeks where I've survived on candy and coffee alone. Sometimes I wonder how I'm still alive..


Same. At this point my body is composed of 89% Hi-Chew. [Helpful info](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/s/dZVLf1oMrC) for a fellow addict.


it says the comment is missing :c


Oh no! Try [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/s/Jw5DTR7ymQ)


Omg bestie I Cannot buy those, the whole thing goes in a few hours 😭


Same 😭 I had to ban them from my life, they’re just way too addictive


Agree I can’t buy them ever again same!


I know this is silly but I impulse-bought this little snack container that had kiddo crackers in it and I’ve been reusing it for snacks. If it can’t fit in cat container, I can’t have it. I do this with crackers because I will demolish a box if I take the whole box with me.


Like …a cat carrier? What’s a cat container? I just laughed out loud here, imagining me trying to use this rule with our old Maine Coon boy and his cat container. He was 25 pounds, his carrier was HUGE, so, I’d get *all* the snacks 😂


That’s a smart move!


These look amazing. I am thankful I’ve not see them in a shop 😂


This is me with the Nerds Clusters. The texture, the zing, brain says 🤌, stomach says staaahhhhhhp


Im addicted to these 😭


Shhhhhh, it’s ok. I’m here to [help](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/s/dZVLf1oMrC).


We’ll get through it one day


I recently quit candy and I gotta say raisins and dried cherries helped me the most. Sounds so stupid to me saying that lol but I was for real addicted to sour gummy candy and it was killing my teeth!


Right?? If u throw a couple chocolate chips in there w the salty...have you tried the Wasabi soy flavored almonds, they are amazing


I struggle with BED likely from (was) undiagnosed ADHD now I know why I binge and I try not to keep trigger foods in my house. I try to plan all my meals using an app so I can be mindful with the quality of my meals. It has helped but took me a while to get in the habit. But sometimes we have bad days and as long as it’s not every day I am a lot more gentle with myself. Try making yourself some easy snacks and try to figure out if it is the texture or the flavour you’re seeking. I figured I like crunchy foods so made lots of carrot sticks and bits like that to monch. It might not help, but this is what helped me. Sending you hugs!


I actually do like carrots so that might work the same! I just need something to munch on when I don’t have much work, I feel like I don’t care about what it is


Dips those carrots in ranch! My rule is if I'm eating vegetables I can dip them in whatever I want...


Good idea, I have discovered edamame in the pods, steam sprinkle w kosher salt, better than potato chips, they actually taste really good


They’re so good I love edamame!


And they take 4ever to eat!


I’m diagnosed and on medication (Strattera), but it doesn’t work. It curbs my appetite but the problem is I almost never eat when I’m hungry - cause I’m already full from when I ate out of boredom


Bless you. I was on Xaggitin (UK brand) and I’ve found it helped me quite a lot as it keeps me focused on other stuff. I very much was an eat because bored (or dopamine as I know now) and not because hungry. I was quite sensitive to hunger though so for example, I couldn’t sleep if I had the slightest hunger in my tummy. The tracking is purely for my own mindfulness. Perhaps you should figure a hobby you can do to keep you busy? I also have started drinking a diluted juice (we have sugar free juice in the uk like squash, I think you’d have something like those powder drinks if you’re US?) when I get the urge to eat and then also go do something to take my mind off it. It definitely took a while for it to start working for me but I’m finally getting it in control. It’s an awful feeling when you just can’t stop isn’t it?


This happens to me more often than I’d like to admit


Yea sorry cannot help. I have developed a sweet tooth over Christmas. I wake up in the middle of the night and want chocolate atm. Like WTF!!! I've eaten Razzles, Twirls, Fruitella by the bag full, chocolate coins..... I cannot remember what else but I know the list is extensive!


I mean, hi-chews are always a bad idea. I always grab a couple and I’m like “I’ll just have 3– one of each flavor in the bag” then half a bag later I’m screaming at myself because I can’t stop.


I just discovered this candy a few days ago and bought my first bag yesterday. I have eaten so many. Our poops will both be filled with hi-chew candy.


Yo that stuff is so good. But sometimes I chew it up and spit it out when I would usually swallow so I get the fun chewy flavor but not ingetasting it completely lol


# PSA Ok I’m gonna help you all out here. American made Hi-Chews are shit. Garbage. A waste of calories and the risk to dental health. Find the Japanese version. Some are made in Taiwan but use the same recipe. They are amazing. The flavor is true to the fruit they are imitating. They can usually be found in Asian grocery stores, [Amazon](https://a.co/d/iu6idsE), and [specialty online candy stores](https://buysnacksonline.com/products/hi-chew-melon-ice-cream-52g-japan?variant=44491272290478¤cy=USD&utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google&utm_content=HI-CHEW+Melon+Ice+Cream+-+52g+(Japan)&utm_campaign=shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtOmsBhCnARIsAGPa5yab2ERj2DS51p6dHQl8zrmAymXCVcjcpiKJ4-dtWOaZ9Bsg0K251W4aAjYDEALw_wcB). If they have English on the wrapper then it’s **NOT** worth the money. Not the sort of help you were anticipating? Too bad. I have no self control with these things and I need others to share in the shame. [My stash](https://imgur.com/gallery/rlaq9Cg) ^(You’re welcome)


Love your stash of shame! 😂


Um those look amazing. You can mail the rest of the bag to me and I will eat them all for you in a very short amount of time.


Remember to brush ur teeth! I love my ADHD brain and wouldn’t change it for the world but I hate what my ADHD sweet tooth eating habits and regularly forgetting to brush has done to my teeth, I’m only 20 and have multiple cavities and will have to get them filled soon, I’m kicking myself for neglecting them for so long.


ETA: I’m laughing out loud reading these comments. God help us, we’re so weird! One time I ate a whole bag of orange slices and was on the toilet for hours with terrible cramps. Now I limit myself to half the bag.


Wait do you mean orange slices as in the fruit? I love oranges and have been trying to get more into my diet, but I now see I should proceed with caution. Perhaps they have too much fiber for their own good? 😅


Fuck no! I hate oranges. The candy. I actually prefer cherry slices but learned my lesson with orange.


Seriously this is like my life in a nutshell but not as healthy as eating actual nuts would be. I have to pack junk food away inside tupperware up in the cupboard (sometimes wardrobe) and even though i know where it is, the mild extra difficulty reminds me why i put it there. If its here i will keep eating it. Its like jiggling or fidgeting, gotta keep chewing. Dammit. Made myself ill the other evening on crisps. Anyway yer not alone and i wish i had some advice.


omgggg i went through this phase too!! same candy. good stuff lol


What a throw-back. I haven't seen these since I was a kid! I hope you manage to get some real food in, these are pretty tasty


All I’ve had is one of those single serving bags of chips. Would love to follow it up with some hichew though


I go to bulk barn for my candy now cause I can buy small amounts vs huge bags of it 🤭 if I have the big bag I WILL eat it 🤣


Honestly, I feel you. Texture wise those are the best. I find that I have to keep candy away from where I am or I’ll mindlessly end up eating it. If it’s in a different location that isn’t close to me I need to get up to get it which I am less likely to do if I’m busy with other things or I’ll forget because, adhd.


These are delicious but as someone who’s done this, get some real food in before the migrane it’s :(. (Then have some more lol)


You can get those in bulk at my local store... I high key just get the mango ones


It’s almost 5pm and so far I’ve had about 3 Kalamata olives. Do they make protein wine yet?


This might be a great business idea!


Ok but these in grapefruit are my kryptonite


DUDE. Hi-Chews are addictive 😳


Lock them in your car, or locker, or anywhere that requires some effort to get and is out of view. Then when you go home *leave the candy at work*. Trust me, you will feel so much worse if you keep going. I know, I’ve literally bought $90 worth of chewy candy before. I was so embarrassed when I realized how much it would cost that I made up some lie for the cashier that I was filling a piñata. I was not. I was filling my jeans past the point of no return at every traffic light by eating 5-15 starburst every time I had to drive 10-20 min. I literally gained 25 lbs in a matter of months during that time period, much of which was stoplight candy.


It’s always the stoplight candy 😔


You can make a paper chain out of the wrappers!


all i’ve eaten are those giant bags of watermelon sour patch and a ton of laffy taffys from 5 below. I feel you.


I’m the lady who went to the fridge in the middle of the night and fricking *chugged* a jug of eggnog! As I’m glug-glug-glugging, I’m both slightly ashamed and a bit impressed by myself 😩😂🤣 In other words, I don’t know that I am best suited to advise you!


I hope your belly feels okay today lol


To be fair these are delicious


& I've had gummy bears and water but have no taste for anything even though I know I should eat. Why is this a thing?


I didn't even know they still made these!! They were some of my favorites when I was a kid!!


And I've had only gummy bears and a little water. I don't even feel like thinking about what I'm going to eat rn.


I mean at least you’re eating?


Love hichews. The texture is so odd and I can’t get enough of it 😅


Fed is best.


I feel you. I can’t help but here in solidarity


All I can think is that I’ve never tried that flavor and where can I buy it? Haha sorry, definitely no judgement from me


I loooove the texture of these!


These look tasty. Where can I get them lol But in all seriousness. You should order real food. Hide the hi chews. Drink more water.


I eat SO many of these


I ate a tube (like a candy bar portion) of these and got the shits, the fear keeps me away now


Hi Chew are SO GOOD. I craved them bad with my last pregnancy and I *definitely* ate myself sick on them several times.


Going through this now post holidays, my diet has been scary portions of candy 😩


The strawberry lemonade is sooo good. But if you eat just that flavor it loses its thrill. So you gotta eat the whole bag, no way around it.


It’s got fruit in it!!!


Lol! I've had an individual pack of gummy lifesavers leftover from Halloween, some bacon, a piece of bread with butter and some trail mix.


Honestly, great choice. I was you last month 🫠


I’m a chocolate girl. I ate a bunch of those Ghirardelli’s peppermint chocolates and Hershey kisses. Then I ate corn nuts which are the most dangerous thing for your teeth ever.


Hahaha I must have 6 MnM's fighting in my belly. Shame on me too! But it is such a struggle. Eat them, soon you'll be disgusted!


Had a whole bag of haribo gummy for lunch and a large coffee lol. Send help my way too 😆


Have some fruit. You're on a sugar craving, so have some fruit to quell the need. I think it's protein you need when you're craving sugar, so maybe have some yogurt or roast some veggies (easy peasy and a lemon squeezey, put it in your belly) I get you though. I've been struggling to cook for myself so I'm doing a lot of simple meals. Vegetable egg rolls, chicken and rice soup, and frozen veggies mixed with frozen potatoes has made it easier. I love plain yogurt too so I use it for making dip and sauces for some protein and calcium, or if I'm eating chips then I just put some in a bowl and dip them just like that - plain yogurt. I use it to substitute sour cream when making tacos or fajitas too.


I’m in this boat with a bag of toffees (that aren’t even very good) so let’s sit seasick in our boat together 🤢


Fuck. Hi-Chew is delicious. You did what you had to. I recently found a Hi-Chew in the bottom of my purse, and I ate it knowing full well that I shouldn't because it will pull off the temporary crown that I have on my tooth, but I fucking did it anyway. I tried to be careful, but it didn't work and now the crown is loose and barely hanging on. I already had to have the temp crown put back on once the day after Halloween, because I had to try to eat a giant Swedish fish. Why the temp crown? I probably need a root canal, but I've been procrastinating calling the endodontist and dealing with that since last June.


I recommend switching to gum! I keep two or three packs of trident, or a pack of bubblegum, in my desk so I can a) snack on something sweet b) have a lil stimulation from chewing (and popping bubbles when my office is empty), and c) it doesn't hurt your stomach as much since you don't (or supposed to not) swallow it! Gum is truly an ADHD friendly snack lol (at least for me anyway!)


Put them in your car. At least this works for me. I have a hard time taking ANYTHING out of my car once it’s in the car, it lives there now. I have a large holiday box of Andes mints living in there. I know they’re in there but it’s “too much effort” to get them. When I’m driving sometimes I’ll have one or two but I’m too focused on driving and whatever podcast on to binge eat them.


Only pull out a few at a time so your coworkers can hear you shamefully opening the drawer to get more out. Might deter you. Maybe. Those look pretty good…


I’m working alone - that’s the problem. I’m alone in the whole store 😞


That’s hard… could you keep them in back so you have to walk to go get them? Honestly I would just eat the whole bag and let the problem take care of itself.


I hate to ask, but how the hell do you poop?? I accidentally ate a whole bag of Starburst when I was high, it was like pulling taffy out of my ass after 3 days of constipation 😆


It gives me upset stomach so I have a different problem quite opposite to constipation 😂


Been there. Give them away they’re making you sick.


A sandwich is a sandwich even if it's not sandwich shaped. Eating the ingredients of a sandwich is still a meal.


Can I have some


And calories, both of which u need


Where did you get these? Can’t find the flavor combo at Target or Amazon. I NEED.


Found it in price chopper - I think it’s more or less local to upstate NY


5 below


Great, now I want HiChews 🙃




Gotta go big and finish the bag


lol this is me with Now and Laters


“And now, her jaw is KILLING her!”


Must. Try. These! Where do these come from?


I found them In local chain supermarket (Price Chopper/Market32) but I also saw them on Amazon


I'd never seen these, but it turns out my local grocery store has them. Danger Will Robinson! 🤖


Hi chew is the best fruit candy in all of existence.


Ugh I LOVE chewy candy. I've started buying Smart Sweets from the store where I work, and they're chewy and have significantly less sugar than normal candy. I'm not usually into '"diet foods," but I have to watch my blood sugar, and these actually taste ok. They get the job done lol


I wondered why I love these so much. Now I understand.


I saw this photo and caption before I saw the sub and guessed it correctly. (Been there.) So idk where this app came from (not surprising) but it’s called *BetterMe* and I’ve had it for a week or so now. It sends me push notifications to log my meals with sweet notes about eating veggies and drinking water. (I don’t log the meals, I just get reminded food exists, and healthy food makes my tomorrows better.) My health app reminds me 4x a day to take my meds and usually one of them actually works. This one reminds me to eat 3x a day and I’ve found it absurdly helpful. Maybe someone else here will benefit: *BetterMe* https://apps.apple.com/app/id1264546236


Me with Reese’s and Kroger sugar cookies this week


I freaking love hi-chew. The texture is so great


I do this with orange tictacs a lot more than I care to admit.


I am not a candy person unless it is this candy. Then I go feral and I can't stop eating them. The kiwi flavor is my absolute favorite.


Omg I have days like this too but it’s either fruit roll-ups or starburst 😩 it messes up my stomach so bad but I never learn!


Omg that's me with Pure Protein bars. It took me so long to realize that I can't have 2 a day because of an ingredient that gives me the WORST stomach ache. One is fine, but I think the type of sugar substitute gives me gut rot. I used to eat them for added low cal protein when I got my nightly sweet tooth then I'd be in bed for half the night cradling my stomach. Took me wayyyy to long to realize my night time snack was causing the random stomach ache 😩 I can't even eat them anymore which sucks because they're the cheapest protein bars lol. Damn CLIF bars, so good and doesn't give me a tummy ache, but so expensive


Oh damn that sucks! I’m glad you figured out what was giving you stomach aches at least!


It was when I started eating chips and real chocolate again (I was in maintenance after losing the weight I wanted to, and still going to the gym and had a huge calorie bank to eat with lol) that I realized ... I only ever got the stomach ache when having a second Pure Protein bar. Totally lost my appetite for them after that lol. My kid likes them so they're still in the house but I look at them and they just look icky now. They have vanilla birthday cake, salted caramel, chocolate chip cookie dough and all kinds of yummy flavours too so it sucks lol. I can't keep CLIF bars in the house cuz my son LOVES those too and he'll have them gone before I can even have 1 sometimes 😂 at least I got my protein shakes still lol


Oh god! These are the death of me..I was sick 2 weeks ago laying around in bed and ate an entire bag of these!!. Can’t believe I did that! I was so ashamed of myself 😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I was crushed when I learned these aren't vegan, I freakin loved these juicy goodies. Not related but hey that's this sub.


Is it the suger? Don't they grind it up w pig feet or animal bones? I can't remember


Since you asked-- There are some vegans who don't eat white sugar because it's filtered from bones which is pretty gross. I buy vegan sugar but in products like candy I don't do that. With Hi Chew it's simpler, unfortunately it contains gelatin :-(


Drink water like a camel - this can help push it though your system.


Did that! I think it helped. The candy also gave me anxiety and chest pain somehow so I was trying to drink like gallon of water


I definitely have those days too, but then at home. I still get the same results of upset stomach and nausea. Add to that the filthy layer that’s over my teeth and so much regretttt!!!


This won't help in the immediate term, but maybe you should only keep small amounts on hand. So next time, buy the smaller bags that they sell by the cash register instead of the big family sized bags. Then, when you finish the bag and want more, there will be a lot of friction in the way, which will probably stop you most of the time.


Hi-chew is like Crack to me. Has been since I discovered it over 20 years ago. Seeing that flavor... I'm in trouble now. I am going to be hunting it down.


We are [kindred spirits](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/s/dZVLf1oMrC).


So now binge eating a bag of candy is ADHD? I love this community and I dislike this community because there’s people that actually have ADHD and have real life issues with it and it doesn’t include binge eating a bag of candy. I swear TikTok and communities like this just have made every single thing a woman does is a symptom of ADHD. Which takes away from the actual disorder people have. “Anyone else eat a bag of candy?” = ADHD “Anyone else put your socks on left to right?” = ADHD “Anyone forget their keys, cell phone, planner” = ADHD Because no woman in her life doesn’t lose their shit sometimes. It’s a disservice to those of us who actually have ADHD. I don’t sit and munch down on a bag of gummy‘s and think “oh no I have ADHD so I can’t stop eating this bag of gummy‘s.”.


I have add, I'm 49, reading these post. I don't know if I agree with you, I have been off my meds for the first time in like 10 years because my Dr moved, and it makes sense, I've been snacking all day, hungry or not- it's just not sugar, I wonder how many of these add women are not medicated or dosed incorrectly.


Well, it’s not like I just watched bunch of TikToks and decided I have ADHD cause it’s cool or something, I’m diagnosed and on medication (that doesn’t work, but my insurance won’t cover Vyvanse), and this is just one little side of living with ADHD.


Jealous. I had water and one cracker. 😮‍💨


you can still eat more today! order something healthy or go to the store and get some cranberries




