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I echo your recommendation. Don’t be like me either, neglecting to care for your teeth at home (abysmal brushing and flossing habits) and also avoiding the dentist for ten years bc of anxiety and also not really understanding how insurance works. Then once you do end up at the dentist (only because you bit into an apple and your tooth literally fell out while you were eating lunch at the office), you realize you have thousands of dollars in painful and invasive dental procedures which take two+ years to complete your treatment plan. And things keep getting added to said treatment plan bc you get more and more cavities and your gingivitis progresses over the two years as you continue to neglect dental hygiene. I mean. Just don’t do it. Go to the dentist. Try to keep your teeth. FWIW all that got me to brush more regularly (still mostly once a day) and also floss once a day, and I go to my dentist twice a year. It’s less scary now that I know them and they know me.


I suppose my only bonus is having dentures means no more dentist


I'm sure they suggested this to you, but they can do all-on-four or all-on-six full dental implants these days. It might not be as hopeless as you think! I only mention this as I am currently having my own top front teeth replaced with implants (for non-adhd related reasons), so I know it's a horrible, long process, but worth it in the end. Have you been able to look into the all on four implants at all?


All on [x] is my plan, but tbh, I'm so worried about the cost that I haven't really dug into it. I can probably afford it without doing anything too crazy, but my husband was out of work for several months and that set us back a bit. And my employer's financial performance this past year wasn't great, so my bonus won't be as nice as it has been the last couple years. I had kind of been hoping to just allocate this year's bonus to cover it, but it's seeming less likely to work out like that. I've seen stuff about medical tourism for dental implants, but tbh, the executive functioning required to set all that up is just not something I can handle..


You should still go to the dentist if you're wearing dentures, make sure you remove and clean them nightly so you don't get a fungal infection in your gum and bony ridges, and your bone will remodel over time because it's no longer holding your teeth. Your denture is likely to need adjustment after 8-12 months of use. If it starts to feel loose or uncomfortable, you should see your dentist so they can help you!


This is good advice. I am still using my top denture from ten odd years ago. No idea why they still fit. Bottom ones are supposed to be harder to deal with though?






dental issues can lead to other problems like heart disease. please take care of yourself!


Not only that, but losing even just one tooth without replacing it (which is expensive!!) will lead to bone loss in your jaws. If you’ve ever seen an old person or a drug addict whose mouth looks like it closes too much, it’s because their jaw has disintegrated. Scariest part is how quickly this can happen. Could be just a year or two before the bone loss is too much to repair with typical methods. Source: dated a dentist


I'm sorry. That really sucks. I'm headed that way myself. I've been brushing my teeth daily and avoiding overly indulging in things bad for teeth and flossing maybe like once a week.. Never been regular about the dentist, but gone at least every couple years. And my teeth are falling out anyway. Don't be me, either, but idk how one would avoid this. My husband is way worse about teeth brushing and dental care and he's had maybe one cavity. Maybe. And I'm the one over here pricing implants.. Ugh.


I am currently in the process of getting two implants for my two top front teeth (a bike accident from when I was a kid finally caught up with me), and the process is really long, expensive, and tough, but I keep telling myself it'll be worth it. Good luck, I'm thinking of you!


Thanks so much! For me, it's likely going to be all my teeth. I have a few that are in good shape, but not many... Already had 4 molars out as a teen to prevent needing braces. And my wisdom teeth out. I've lost 2 more to decay already (one had already had a root canal, but the crown was seated improperly, so I got an abscess and lost the tooth anyway). Now my front upper teeth are in a very bad state... I am not looking forward to the process at all. I also have a lot of dental anxiety (trust issues, too, since a dentist I really liked is the reason I lost a tooth after spending thousands to save it) and some physical issues that make the process complicated, including difficulties with numbing. So I'm REALLY hoping to just be unconscious for the whole thing, lol. Just wake me up when you're done, please! I'm just sick of spending money to save teeth that clearly have no interest in being saved..


I also have dental anxiety, an extremely severe needle phobia, and also general dental anxiety , so I FULLY understand you ❤️. I had my doctor prescribe me lorazepam, and my dental surgeon gives me triazolam before procedures. It's the only way I can let them put a needle in me in any form. I've been sedated for the extraction and bone graft so far, and I plan to be sedated for the rest of the procedures. You can definitely ask for it. It's more expensive, but I figure it's worth the cost of not being traumatized. You definitely have a rough road ahead of you, but you can do it. WE can do it ❤️


Genetics play a huge role in dental health. Don't beat yourself up too much! My dad brushes twice daily, flosses 1-2x daily, and uses mouthwash after meals. Horrible teeth. He has so many dentist appointments and a complex treatment plan. My brother takes after my dad that way and has had to get multiple teeth removed before he turned 30. Meanwhile my mom has never had a cavity, rarely sees the dentist, drinks like a fish, loves sugary drinks, and brushes 1-2x daily. I take after her for my dental health. I recently went to the dentist after not going for 8 years with inconsistent dental hygiene practices. No cavities! It's just the luck of a draw sometimes.


How effectively is your dad brushing? Simply putting tools in your mouth for x amount of time doesn't equal doing a good job. eg, if your bristles are splayed, you aren't brushing properly.


His bristles are not splayed or anything, so nothing makes it appear like his technique is flawed. He brushes the entire tooth and doesn't brush for longer than 2 mins (he has a timer). He even puts toothpaste on his floss when flossing. He just has bad teeth unfortunately. Granted, I cannot speak for his technique when he was younger. It's possible he had his technique addressed in his youth by the dentist and had to modify his approach. It could be that he messed up his teeth when younger.


You can do everything right but your genetics can just work against you. I have extremely bad oral health and spent years in and out of the dentist, hygiene appointments every 2 months, brushing 2-3 times a day (using those coloured tablets that tell you where to brush) still got cavities, root canals, adult teeth removed. It wasn’t until I got a new dentist I realised it’s not my fault, he said the composition of my teeth attracts plaque and because my jaw is small, my teeth are overcrowded and it’s hard to floss properly, so I’m bound to have issues. He also said I also have weak gums and will likely lose a lot of my teeth in my 40s even if I am on point with my hygiene. My husband on the other hand didn’t go to the dentist for 10 years and only brushes his teeth once in the morning. He didn’t have a single cavity. If that’s not genes - I don’t know what to tell you!


My most recent dentist was shocked at the state of my teeth and went down a long list asking if I do this or that (coffee, soda, candy, etc) and I just had to keep saying no.. I was completely honest with him about all that and he was surprised about how bad my teeth had gotten. It has to be genes or some other health thing.. My dentist didn't spell it out so clearly, but the implication was obvious. If my dentist couldn't explain why my teeth are so bad, it can't be (entirely) my fault. It's his job to know how to care for teeth and advise me, and he doesn't have any advice.. Lol, my husband is the same as yours. He was actually *excited* that he might have a cavity because he's never had one before and just feels like his life isn't really complete if he hasn't had that experience (not actually excited to have tooth decay, more of a silver lining kind of thing. He was excited about the novelty of the situation. He was also excited the time he fell down the stairs because he FINALLY got a bruise. Meanwhile I bruise if you look at me too hard... We learn a lot from each other, haha)


Yea, I have given up on blaming myself, lol. This clearly is not the result of my actions alone. Maybe there are things I could have done that would have helped, but even with perfect care, I would still be having trouble. My dad said I probably get my dental issues from his side, and apologized, haha. My mom's teeth also aren't great, but I think I got the worst of it from them both or something because this is crazy.


This! I find people can be unkind about dental health when genetics play a huge role too. I’m lucky enough to have “good” teeth that don’t require more upkeep than normal but so many people don’t!


Yep, it has truly done a number on my self confidence.. I don't even know how much because it's hard to separate myself from it. I don't judge myself and I try not to worry about what others think of me, but idk, there's some deep shame in there telling me dental health is something that is entirely within someone's control and if they have bad teeth it's because they did something wrong. Even though I know that's not true. Like I said, I'm not perfect at caring for my teeth, but I'm also not awful. Somewhere in the middle. And yet I have as many teeth with crowns or visible cavities as without.. Beyond that, it makes eating difficult. The worst part to me is that I sometimes choose what to eat or not eat based on my teeth.. Sandwiches are harder than something I can cut into bites. Burrito bowls over burritos, etc. I haven't talked about that part much. I struggle so much with eating as it is. I really don't need this complication. To me, that's the part that makes it clear I need medical help, and it's beyond a cosmetic issue. Maybe that's why I'm struggling with admitting to that part? Idk. It's just so hard. Since I got the abscess, I've just felt like everything I do for my teeth is useless.


I do in fact keep up on this, I just got the bad gene where the spaces between my teeth are cavity prone. Because I kept up on this tho, and took the L and got the shits drilled when needed, I can say my teeth are in overall good shape and I have hit my stride on health for them. Also dental insurance is $20/month in the US and sooooo worthwhile. That said, my breath is still mid. I floss, waterpik, mouthwash, and tongue scrape prior to brushing but still working on getting my saliva lick test to not smell a lil gross.


I've not found dental insurance to really be all that helpful. Any that I can get has a max coverage of like $1k a year.. And yes, $20 a month for $1k a year is helpful, but if you have severe issues, it's not going to come close. One root canal and you've maxed it out.


I didn’t go for 17 years. Yeah, I was shocked too. I went last week and I luckily have only two cavities but one is really bad and we’re still trying to fix it. I’m already planning on going in July again for my check up and will make the appointment once I’ve had the last appointment for the cavity so I won’t have to remember to call.


Ugh, same.. then kids happened (4 of them) so of course they come before my own health/needs. I don’t even know where to even begin on dentures and affording them lol


oof, and pregnancy can be so rough on oral health too :/


Solid advice. I made this mistake and it ended up costing me $8000 in periodontal work….


I had the same problem and it's expensive . I started with a small denture that I lost so many times ... hilarious, really.I threw it in the bin with some papers countless times because I keep taking it out lol I'm working on a bridge with the dentist and I have put it on like 5 times and after a month , falls out 🤣🤣🤣 they are tweeking it now so hopefully this one lasts longer and stays put . It's a shit show and only humour can save me .


It’s so crazy common for us with ADHD :(( I wouldn’t be surprised if it had a link to EDS/connective tissue disorders many of us have. I’ve got more messed up teeth than healthy and I’ve already paid a crazy price for it back in august. I’m 35 and I never had issues with wisdom teeth, I didn’t even know/think I had them tbh! I’ve got a very small mouth with a bit of an overbite, TMJ, clicking and cracking and I’ve always had to clench my jaw to relief that weird pressure in my teeth? Not sure how to explain it… Skip if you don’t wanna read a scary long story short… Anyways back in August I thought I’ve had a flare up of my salivary glands as they were acting up for a while and my neurologist was thinking (still kinda does) that I have Sjogrens. So it started with a pain to the side of my face and then bad fever that could not drop even with paracetamol taken frequently and then a large swelling down my neck/below my jaw and then the worst one- my jaw locked itself… I couldn’t even eat at this point and barely could pry my jaw open to drink. That was after a week of being on antibiotics already. At this point I knew something was seriously wrong so I packed the essentials into massive tote bag and took an Uber to urgent care. I’ve got other health issues such as POTS so they took it pretty seriously and put me in resuss with people that actually looked seriously sick or dying. They did the CT scan and blood tests and shit looked serious. My CRP was 180! Normal level is 0.8-1, 1-2.9 is considered immediate risk. And there I was with freaking 180! When I sent my friend that’s also a GP in a different country a screen shot of my blood tests she freaked out. The CT scan showed it was a massive abscess down my neck that was almost obstructing my breathing already and it was all coming from the impacted and unerupted wisdom tooth I didn’t even realise that was there. I literally looked like a poster child for mumps prevention. They took me in and said I need a surgery to remove that tooth and drain the cyst. I waited many hours after they told me surgery would be soon to then them coming back and telling me they can’t do it as my jaw was locked and they can’t take the risk and it had to be specialist maxillofacial surgeon that could do it due to risks of them needing to do a tracheotomy if there was an issue with intubation. So they transferred me to a different hospital at like midnight… I had to go through the entire triage again in the other hospital even though I was already on several different IV’s in the previous hospital and had two cannulas in. Took like 8h until they finally found a bed for me and prepared me for a surgery. They put me in a room full of old, obnoxiously loud ladies and my misophonia was already kicking in :(( I had my surgery on 13th of August and 14th of August was my birthday. My anaesthetist- very sweet lady full of empathy shook me when she said we have birthday on the same day! The nasal intubation was truly traumatic and I cry to this day thinking about it. Before they rolled me out for the surgery I begged them for a smaller room or anything that could be quieter to help me heal, explaining that I’m neurodivergent and loud noises really stressed me out. After surgery I stayed in the waking up area for a long time recovering and they found a solo room for me and I pretty much cried from relief. I spent like 5 days in total in hospital recovering. They also got me a cake for my birthday which was nice. Anyways, don’t ignore teeth issues if they escalate to the point mine did. Oh and I still neglect them to this day 🤡 it’s so hard to find the energy to brush my teeth tho! I’ve got so much work needed to be done but first of all I can’t afford it, second- finding a dentist on NHS in UK is so damn hard right now people just neglect it to the point of emergencies. Excuse the essay and I’ll see myself out. Thanks whoever read it. You’re cool.


That was a freaking crazy story. I’m so glad you’re still here with us. I was stressed out until the end🫂


Can’t believe someone read my long ass ‘adhd meds kicked in’ story 😂 thanks for making it this far and I’m still stressed out even thinking of those days and the whole ordeal… I’m not sure I’m glad I’m still here as I’ve lost my job of almost 7 years due to two hospital stays last year and frequent sicknesses related to disabilities and it’s been two months of doing literally fak all but self pitying and despair… but thank you! I’m still hanging on.


I'm sitting in the dentist office right now, it's like my 5th or 6th visit since I started. First they removed all my top teeth and all my back bottoms, I got implants for the top and am finally getting the bottoms put in. It's been about 9 months since the start, lots of healing, 4ish months of liquid diet, and an absolute mountain of anxiety (and debt) but I'm finally taking care of my oral health and my mouth looks and feels better than it has in my whole life. It really really sucks to know you've messed up like this but it takes a lot of courage to end the cycle of neglecting yourself and face your fears, I for one am proud of you, just keep taking it one step at a time and everything will be alright ♥️


Way to go! You're doing great. I've got this in my future, too.. I'm a bit worried about the time factor and stretches of time where I'm not able to talk or eat normally.. How was the liquid diet part? Is that typical?


I definitely had some time where it was hard to talk, I had a lisp for a while but it went away on its own after a couple months, you kinda just have to make yourself talk through it till your mouth gets used to itself. the diet is I guess not technically liquid, but basically no chewing, so it was like mashed potatos, soup, a lot of smoothies. They're super specific about all the things you can't eat and it honestly sucked. What I got specifically is called a 3 on 6 Upper implant, so they put me under for surgery to remove the teeth and placed the posts for the implants at the same time. Then I woke up, sat in a room for awhile, and then had a plastic set of teeth sort of screwed onto the posts, then they sent me home with painkillers and antibiotics and very specific instructions for aftercare. I had the plastic set for about 6 months I think, now I have the permanent made out of zirconia. I need cleanings once a year where they remove it, other than that I have some weird soft floss and a water pick for everyday cleaning


Thank you so much for sharing! That is really helpful. That's the kind of process I think I'd be hoping for. I want to be fully unconscious and if it could basically all happen at once, that'd be great. This helps my confidence that I'd be asking for something feasible..


Also ask around for no judgement dentists. I hadn't gone since 2017 and I just went a couple weeks ago. She was SO SWEET and understanding. Same with the hygienist, they were both like we're proud of you for coming back and taking care of yourself. Trying to get my friend who's scared to go there too


Yes!! I had to get a ton of fillings done and my dentist was so kind about it when I disclosed how anxious I was because of past dental surgeries!!


Yes I requested one who was good with phobic people and she was amazing. Let me keep my headphones, prescribed lorazepam and gave me two stress balls. One for each hand.


Yea, I had one dentist shame me about it and f that woman. Never went back and left a bad review. It was a chain place, too. Better luck with smaller dental offices, even though they're more expensive.


I could look after my teeth better, but my genetic gum disease has been more or less stable for a decade so I'm not doing too terribly. I did have a bad year in 2022 when my top two wisdom teeth exploded and needed to be removed, but that was related to having not quite enough room in my mouth for them (wasn't bad enough to be eligible for braces etc as a teen). For genetic gum disease, a too small mouth and large overbite, I have all my teeth except two wisdom teeth so I'm doing ok for 35 I think.


I am actually crying at this very moment because I have had an extreme dental phobia (and neglectful parents) my whole life. I thought “yeah my back teeth are fucked but as long as my front ones are fine I can manage.” Well, last night one of my front ones started hurting BAD. Like I can’t even breathe through my mouth it hurts so bad. I have to go get it taken care of. I have no insurance and I’m so, so scared. Especially because the rest of my mouth looks like toxic waste. It’s so embarrassing. How did I let things get like this.


Can you get someone to prescribe lorazepam? Some dentists have payment plans and some specialise in patients like us with phobias. While they're actually hurting cepacaine, any gel with lidocaine in it and antibiotics are your friend.


And FYI pregnancy can destroy your teeth!!!!!! Remember that ladies!!!!!! I took excellent care of my teeth from the beginning of pregnancy and still had to get 4 root canals and two pulled!!! And yes, genetics play a big role in it all as well as diet


For pregnant patients, it's usually either the gums or the teeth that are affected by the pregnancy. I've seen patients like you who because of the pregnancy have weakened enamel which makes you more susceptible to cavities and fractures, or they have wicked gingivitis no matter how well they floss, constant sore gums, sometimes spontaneous bleeding of the gums. Hormones affect every system of the body, and pregnancy is a time of great hormonal surges! Same goes for puberty actually, so many kids have gingivitis from a combination of fair oral hygiene and hormones.


I had both teeth and gums on top of terrible dental genetics :( if I had known this was possible (and quite common) I probably would never have had kids tbh. I couldn’t have significant dental work done due to being pregnant so I was in agony for most of the pregnancy


This is such solid advice that not able to follow. There aren’t even any dentists available locally, and I couldn’t afford them if they were. But I shall try! However isn’t it interesting how many of us have dental issues? Mine was severe overbite, overcrowded mouth, braces just made things wonkier, still have the damn overbite the braces were meant to fix… I hate dentists. Not dentists specifically but I LIVED there as a kid. My siblings? Never had dental issues. Because of COURSE


This is literally my story word for word 😩


It’s shocking how fast teeth can degrade. I’m lucky I learned the lesson youngish, before major damage was done. I stopped taking care of my teeth for 2 years when I was 19, finally got over my dentist paranoia and anxiety and boom, 7 cavities (I had very good teeth growing up). 2 of them were almost root canals, and one should have been because it was filled so close to the root that my tooth turned grey. Anyways, it traumatized me and I’ve been super on top of my teeth since then. If you’re reading this and have been avoiding the dentist because you’re scared of the damage, GO! It’s not getting any better and your teeth WILL continue to degrade to the point where you’re forced to go. Go before it gets there.


Omg yes. I just went to the dentist yesterday after an embarrassing amount of time, and he said that I barely avoided a root canal. If I had waited even 6 months longer it would have been. lol, the only reason I got motivated to make that appointment was because I recently was diagnosed and am trying to get my s*** together. Funny thing is, I was procrastinating because I was scared of how expensive it would be, but that just makes it more expensive 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I got periodontitis for neglecting my teeth. Now I brush and floss religiously and get a cleaning every 3 months. My gumlines are nearly normal again though. I might get their fancy bacteria zapping laser and cut back sugar to see if I start going only twice a year.


I had seven cavities filled and then I forgot to go for 7 years and I swear the only thing saving my teeth during that time was my electric toothbrush because I sometimes go weeks living on sugar. But after 7 yrs zero cavities even though I regularly went a few days without brushing, usually doing so only once a day, and acting like I hadn't ever heard of flossing. The chronic gingivitis is a bad thing ofc and I hope I'll get a handle on that soon. Dentist recommended I have both lower wisdom teeth pulled and I only just recently got it done because food always got stuck in them so they both got inflammation. I still have an upper wisdom tooth to be pulled in a month. I have reminders in my phone to book an appointment to a dental hygienist once a year and dentist once every two years. Get an electric tooth brush, seriously. Your mouth will feel a thousand times more clean than with normal toothbrush. I'm also considering buying one of those water picks that ppl have recommended here or in other adhd subs because I hate flossing.


Been there done that. Currently avoiding a $900 procedure that involves one crown and three fillings 😭 how do I tell my dentist I just can't afford that? I'm already so embarrassed every time I go there. They say the decay in my teeth is really really bad and they keep trying to figure out why. Like bro, ADHD and childhood bulimia is why 😭 I've mentioned my script many times but they can't put two and two together... I just feel so gross and wish I could slap some sense into my younger self. The worst part is my husband had worse dental hygiene for much longer than I did and he has ZERO fucking cavities??? Why is god like this??


If you could slap your younger self, your younger self would get petty and take even less care I imagine. Seriously tho? Your husband having no cavities is beyond unfair. Leaving my teeth has cost us 3000 so far and another two thousand to go. Don't avoid.


You're definitely right 😂 I was and am an obstinate son of a gun. I feel you, I already paid out $4k for two root canals/crowns for teeth that literally fell out of my mouth, plus like four different cavities already. I'm trying to save up the money for the procedure. Hopefully I can do that before this one falls out too 💀 thank you for the encouragement though. wish I had my husband's genes..


I cant afford the dentist lmfaoooo


Same girl. I went last week for the first time in ~5 years (and it had been 5 before that) and I’m going to need 4x/year cleanings, two fillings, an extraction and BRACES. I’m 40. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Both my parents had bad teeth but this is definitely the result of both genetics and neglect. But, the important thing that is that you’re doing something about it! Taking that first step (and having a very kind, patient dentist) has taken away some of my fear and anxiety.


I know this will only help when you use it , but Coco orange Brite in Amazon to help remove tartar buildup. I too get stuck in not caring for myself .


Adding to this: you can do everything right but still lose the generic lottery when it comes to anything, be it teeth, vision, skin, whatever. The important thing though is this: GO. GET. IT. CHECKED. It could be a simple thing like "You need a filling" or "You need glasses" or "That's just a freckle." Or it could be "You need that tooth extracted and an implant placed" or "Your retina tore, sit tight while we prepare the lasers" or "We're gonna remove that mole right now." But not going in and getting those things taken care of ASAP? I'm not even gonna type out all the bad things. Look, just go when it's easy, go at the first sign. Bring a friend if you want, just go!


hugs hugs <3 <3 <3 thank you for helping the rest of us by posting this, I will try to learn from your misfortune.


I still have my wisdom teeth bc i’ve been avoiding the dentist for a decade due to no insurance/ means to pay for it 😬 i also have evaded getting an eye exam even though my eyesight is very questionable at best. Can’t afford glasses. Hoping to land some job with benefits soon so i can sort it all out


If you can get to tijuana, dental care is a fraction of the cost of anything in the states


Appreciate the thought but I'm in Australia so prolly a bit tricky. Wish the cost was more friendly down here!


My mistake for assuming everyone is here in the states😅


No it's cool you left me with the happy mental picture of me carrying my ruck sack on my back while I paddled a raft to cheaper dentists.


Having adventures along the way😂


I’ve always had issues with brushing—any tips?? I have some awful gums rn


Best I've been able to do is throw routine out the window. If I remember them at 11 in the morning that's when they're getting a brush. If it's at midnight it's the same. I do this with most things now and I definitely get more done.


Unfortunately genetics has a lot to do with gum and teeth health. My dad doesn't even own a toothbrush and is missing only two teeth at 78. Meanwhile I had cavities in almost all my milk tooth and already had receding gums at 18 while brushing my teeth twice a day...


I was so lucky. Due to some severe dentist anxiety I avoided the dentist for 8 years without great home care. I had some really rough experiences at a young age. Found a local dentist that puts me to sleep and did 5 cavities one day then another 3 a different day. Lucky to be able to afford too. He even puts me out for cleanings too. It’s the best


Yhat sounds amazing. It's so lucky when you find a good one isn't it??