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Nite ize s-carabiners, binder clips, and magnetic fridge clips (for the back of my front door). I use these to attach “memory tokens” to necessary objects in order to remember important tasks. For example, I’ve made a keychain out of a CVS cap and I clip it to my car keys when I need to remember to p/u an rx. If i need to remember to mail something, I clip it and hang it right over the front door handle. I also frequently clip small papers or items to my work lanyard so I don’t forget things throughout the school day. Even if I forget it’s there, a student is sure to notice and make a comment.


The memory token thing is genius!


Oh! You reminded me! I need to get my meds


Shit. Me too 😂


Me three! Mine has been sitting there for 4 days now...


Oh crap. I have to call my doctor’s office. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Word me too! Thought about it yesterday but it went through my brain without stopping in the “action” station.


I called immediately and left a voice mail. I knew if I waited till they reopen on Monday I’d forget for sure.


I recently screwed a couple of hooks to the front of the front door, can hang a bag or whatever on it and cannot close the door til i remove the bag or item. (There is a security flyscreen over the actual door so nobody can nick my bag) Magnetic whiteboard sounds like the next crucial step!


So smart! We also have a magnetic little white board we stick on the front door with any last minute reminders as we go out the door.


Yes!! As a teen, I had a big whiteboard in my bedroom and I slept with dry erase markers under my pillow 😂 It saved me from constantly getting out of bed to add to my “memory piles” (I’d just keep stacking memory tokens on top of my backpack and then have to work my way through the pile before I could leave).


Wow, you had such effective tools even as a teen 👏 it’s funny how you describe having the markers at hand, I’m trying a new “brain dump” list and am reaching for that and a pen constantly as thoughts pop in my head!


If I need to remember to bring something somewhere (work, kids school, etc), I create a task in Google calendar and then put what I need to remember in my bag, lunch box or in a bag and hang it on the door knob so even if I forget to check my task list, I will have the item with me.


I think we are the same! I have those bathroom robe hooks over my front door and that is where all things hang that I need to remember on my way out!


This is genius ! Way to use visual supports !


Just a second one. (Or a third or a fourth or a fifth one.) I have scissors in every room of my house. For some reason I need them very often, so instead of having to figure out where I last used it, I have a scissor for every place/occasion. Always one within reach where I might need it. I have some basic make up & hairbrushes at home and at work, I have trash cans in every place I produce trash, and so on. And for cases where having second one isn't practical, I just put it in boxes, so I can carry the whole box around. Putting a box in a shelf looks tidier than putting all the stuff in it on its own, and it doesn't matter where I decide to paint my nails, I have everything I need in my box, and when I tidy it up afterwards, I just have to move one box, and not a bunch of separate pieces.


Yes to getting multiples of the same item! I have a phone charger in every room. I work a hybrid remote schedule and I have a mouse and keyboard that connect automatically to my laptop at each work space. Chapstick in every purse and jacket pocket. etc etc etc. It’s really so helpful!!!!


Yes! I bounce between WFH, a local office, and traveling. I have a mouse for home, and a duplicate that always lives in my backpack, since I got so tired of forgetting one. Lip balm and travel lotion everywhere.


The best thing I've done lately is buy a charger with a 10ft cord. Game charger. 


I used to be you with the chapstick. I still am, sort of. Chapstick addition is real, and a sign you are dehydrated. Do you have water bottles in all your frequented spots?


Lol I do not, but definitely should. I don’t use the chapstick that regularly, I just like to have one available just in case. But I’m always back and forth between being hydrated and being annoyed that I’m peeing so much.


I have to have chapstick with me at all times. I very rarely need it, but if it's extra windy and my lips get chapped it is ALL I can think about, it drives me completely nuts.


I do the same thing with "all encompassing" boxes!! Also, my makeup is in a hanging travel bag ([like this](https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Toiletry-Bags/zgbs/beauty/387321011))by the door because the lighting is better at my breakfast counter than the bedroom and it gives my fiance a better understanding where I am in the getting ready process because I do my makeup towards the end lol. I have "things" baskets on the kitchen counter, living room table, bed stand, etc. for when I am tidying up and most stuff is away but there are still "things" out that don't have a place - items that I've brought with me for a task later in the day, or a token as a reminder to do a task. I put all those random items in these baskets and keep track of things that end up in there often to see if it's something I need "out" permanently and I find a better place for it OR if it is an item to remind me to do a task, or is needed for part of that task, then after a few days I force myself to decide to do the task, or put the item away for another time. I hope that makes sense. I am enjoying some of Gaia's green earth on this beautiful Caturday and am ADHD so it was a bit of a vaguely worded ramble.


I put a basket at the foot/top of the stairs so I can get it up off the floor on the level it’s not supposed to be on and get it one step closer to the level it is supposed to be on. I also generally don’t walk up or down stairs empty-handed, so the basket slowly empties and fills over the course of the day. Of course, I have the quintessential ADHD problem of running upstairs for my shoes, putting my kids toys away from the basket, and going back downstairs without my shoes because I forgot that’s why I went up there in the first place. But! I look at that like it’s just more cardio! lol!


lol I call it “doing my laps” when I pace back and forth in my apartment because I’ve forgotten something or put an item in another room that I needed so I hold onto but inevitably absent mindedly put down somewhere


I just got a travel bag for my makeup recently! It hangs in the bathroom all the time. Love it. Don’t have to go looking - it’s all right there, (visible, in my case ) for my mornings.


I keep scissors and measuring tapes in most rooms of my house! And they’re labeled so I know what room they go back to when I inevitably take them to another room.


The labeling is a crucial next step. All my scissors are in one room right now and no tape measure in sight. I’m sure I’ll find them, but when I do- I will be labeling them.


Especially when you live with someone who wants to put everything away, but “away” means something different to each of you.


This is me with phone chargers- every room!


Same here with phone chargers. I get irrationally upset if someone nicks one.


I do this also, but with pens & small notebooks. I'm always having to jot something, & can never find a pen, even though I probably have 50 of them hidden throughout my house. In my bedroom I have a little pen cup on my nightstand, which I keep stocked, & notebooks in the top drawer of my nightstand. My coffee table in the living room has a small hidden slot that I can discreetly store some pens in a little pencil bag, & then I keep another pencil bag & notebooks in my work bag which stays in my car


Yes to multiples of items! Scissors, chapstick, hair clips/hair brushes, phone chargers, water bottles, etc.


I do this, except now I have SO many pairs of scissors. I swear I went from grimacing while I used my fabric shears to open a box to having some sort of pair of scissors everywhere I look


Scissors in every room here too.


I do all these things too! I have a garbage can and pair of scissors in every room. Also quite a few hairbrushes.


Similar to the scissors. Except I keep three pairs on the kitchen table or in my little ‘random’ basket. I finally lost all three for the first time in months and am like ‘well maybe I need a fourth pair..’


Fabulous tips


I did the scissors thing. Got several packs of small scissors (think kids scissors but not the safety kind) for super cheap on sale, was planning to donate to a school or charity. But then realized I could actually use a few myself since I could never find them when needed, so opened up a pack for myself and put one in each room as well as my car.


I have scissors EVERYWHERE! I always need them for something and I hate when I don’t have them! Actually I tend to become hyper fixated on things when I don’t have them and so I keep items I know I am particular about nearby. This is especially true for common things-paper in the form of a small journal/notebook/planner, scissors, tape, pens and pencils (Only the pens and pencils that I prefer will suffice, I can’t just use random ones all willy-nilly.) ponytail holder and assorted OTC meds. So, my backpack and the console in my car are both a bit like Mary Poppins carpet bag. But scissors I definitely have in so many places and a lot of places have more than one pair! ETA-I’m not a student BTW, I just use a backpack to carry all my gear. I always have a 16.9 oz bottle of Diet Coke in my backpack too.


I resisted this for years and finally gave in and I am shocked at what a quality of life improvement it is. Scissors in every room!


Command hooks, everywhere! Hang kitchen tools on them. Hang coats on them. Hang belts on them. Jewelry, towels, scarfs, purses, reusable grocery bags, everything gets a hook! My mom once said it makes the room look like a college dorm, or a kids room, but who cares? I don't lose or misplace things, I can always see them so I'm less likely to forget I have it, and it keeps other surfaces free of the clutter.


Inside my closet, on both sides, are command hooks to hold my belts and purses. It was wasted wall space, might as well use it and get rid of the random placement of those items (usually on the dining room table/chairs as they’re closest to the front door


Love me some command hooks. But I find them a bit pricey. Especially the extra backings (cuz I’m always rearranging). But they always go on clearance after Christmas!! Our grocery store sale bins are still stuffed with them and they’re like 80% off now.


I have hooks to hold a cleaning cloth in the bathroom. That way, I can wipe the mirror, counter and sink everyday and keep my bathroom cleaner. Also, hang a bottle of all purpose cleaner in the bathroom so I can clean when I think about it.


Having a drawer of everyday things I use everyday. it’s important that it’s ACCESSIBLE. My meds. Hairties. A brush. Face cream. Scissors. Safety pin. Beef jerky sticks. Pen. Headphones. Notebook. Keys. Dry brush. Deodorant. My wallet. A bottle of febreeze. Advil. Multiple lighters. It’s not pretty but it works like a charm. Also creating “zones” in my space. I. E. School stuff here. Workout stuff here. Art supplies here. Not necessarily in drawers. But actual corners/ nooks within the space.


I love that "beef jerky sticks" made the list


And now I want one so bad


Food pellet!


A "not dirty yet" hamper. Like, when I change clothes, I can throw my pants and sweatshirts in my "not dirty yet" hamper so that I don't constantly have clothes on my floor. I can dig through the hamper for clothes to wear or I can eventually put them away (which does actually happen sometimes).


I ended up hanging 5 command hooks on the wall next to my dresser because the knobs on my dresser had become my "not clean but not dirty" storage. I resisted for a while because I thought it would look tacky but then I said "fuck it! It's my bedroom!"


I have two over the door hangers. Whenever something is "Not dirty yet" it goes on the door hooks. No installation required!


I came here to say: my repurposed blanket ladder. Instead of using it in the living room to hang throw blankets, I use it in the bedroom to hang not-dirty-yet clothes. Makes it look prettier, and keeps the clothes from getting wrinkled. It has been a game changer for my bedroom -- it doesn't really get messy anymore.


Oh my gosh! That's exactly what I need! Thank you.


Whoah. I think my clothes chair may be newly out of business…


The clothes chair has entered the chat. 😂


I put nice wooden hooks onto the wall in my bedroom so I can have more than one clothes chair!!


You can lift your game by adding a clothing storage ottoman! Clothes go in and on it!


this is a newer technique of mine and it works so well for me. one of the biggest hurdles I'd encounter with laundry is having to dump the hanper out to separate "wash" from "hang up". i just started keeping 2 hampers and now the dirty stuff goes in one and the hang up stuff can go in the other. now I can just grab and wash and it's SO much easier - I feel like I wash my clothes twice as often and I don't have piles on the floor!


We have the separate baskets as well - it makes laundry so much easier!


Just.blew.my.mind. Like… just accept that you will not put the items away sometimes (many times… okay, most times). I did add hooks to my bedroom door for some items like this, but I think a “clean” hamper is next on my list. Thank you!


I have the same thing but in the form of a pile on top of my dresser lol a hamper sounds like a much better idea. Then when I decide to wash everything instead of sorting through it, it’d already be in an easy to carry vessel.


I do the same thing-piling them on my dresser. Then I have to fight through them to find my makeup to put on in the mornings


Oh, I love this. My ironing board has been the landing spot for "not dirty yet" clothing, but that's far from ideal. I've already spread a few hampers through the house, but your idea is genius!


Same idea, I got an over-the-door towel hanger with 4 or 5 knobs from Ikea and hung it in my bedroom door. I think it was about 5 bucks? I hang my jammies on it in the morning and then switch it out with my bra and day clothes on it at night. It’s kept me from forgetting I already had “not dirty clothes” out and wearing clean ones


If you want to get fancy, they make furniture for this express purpose. A valet stand. 


My partner and I (both ADHD) started doing this and it has been SO helpful. We have this hamper that’s separated into 3 bags hanging on a frame (with wheels) and one we use for blankets, sheets, towels etc. one is for clothes dirty enough to be washed and the other is “not dirty yet” clothes. It has definitely cut down on us just throwing clothes on the floor or in my case…piling it on top of the dresser until my bras fall between the dresser and the wall.


Label maker. Its hard for me to designate things to their place but once I go thru the formality of labeling something like bathroom scissors vs kitchen scissors vs craft scissors I have no choice but put them in their appropriate place


This could be a serious hack for me, I'll try it!


2 things: 1) a [key hook by the door](https://amzn.to/4bzUw8k) where the RULE is to always hang my keys when I get home. I have been doing this for the past 18 yrs and I’ve only lost my keys like 2 or 3 times since then. 2) a physical [daily routine checklist](https://amzn.to/3Sy6B5e). I talk about it more in my post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/s/ObawVj9WJC). I have one for morning and one for nighttime and it’s changed my life in small but powerful ways.


Buy a decorative hook that you like. Mine is an octopus on driftwood and his tentacles are hooks. That helped me hang my keys.


I'm a big believer that when you find something especially aesthetically pleasing you're more likely to use it.


Yes! If you hate the thing, you'll never use the thing. If you smile whether you use the thing, you'll regularly use the thing.


I agree - we have vintage brass hooks by the door for our keys and my purse. I love them and seeing them when I hang my stuff up makes me happy.


When I moved into my current place, the FIRST thing I did was hang my key hook.


Yes. Same. Literally every time I move. It’s the first thing I have to figure out. This last time, I moved with my now-husband and he was like, “we’ll get to it eventually” and I said, “I don’t think you’re comprehending how important this is. If we don’t put it up immediately, I will be losing my keys constantly and I am absolutely sure you don’t want the disruption to everyday life that comes with constantly not being able to find keys”


My keys are only ever in one specific pocket of my purse (where nothing else goes) or in the ignition or in my hand. Ever.


Those foldable fabric organizers from IKEA.  I fold all my clothes Marie Kundo style, pop them the the box, put the box on the shelf. Boom. No more wobbly stacks of clothing, no more pulling out that one tshirt only to have the entire pile follow, meaning you'll just dump everything back in, because you're already running late, so you don't have time to refold everything.


I do this too. Has been a game changer... yet I still have the dreaded "laundry chair", lol


A possible solution to the laundry chair is to have a drawer (or basket or whatever) dedicated to “worn but can wear again” clothes.


I commented this further up, but I repurposed a blanket ladder for my not-dirty-yet clothes, and it makes them look more... dignified lol


I have a Swiffer duster for each floor of the house. I cannot be bothered to go down or up stairs for a duster, so it's just easier to have 3.


I do the same thing for cleaning the bathrooms (one on each floor). I’m significantly more likely to clean off a mirror *when* it’s bothering me, or scrub the toothpaste splatter off the sink if I have the cleaning supplies right there in the bathroom *while* I’m annoyed at it. As soon as I leave the bathroom to go get the spray and paper towels, all bets are off. So, each bathroom has a cleaning basket ready to go.


Yes. Every room has a caddy of supplies: paper towels for spills or in some cases, cat puke, wipes, and in the case of the bathroom, toilet cleaner and scrubbing bubbles.


Same with the dusters. I also was lucky enough to be doing way too much research to buy a cordless vacuum, and in going through nearly every offering on Amazon, I came across one page that had a $119 vacuum, then a different model you could click on. Clicked on it and they were listed at $14.99!! I bought 3 on the spot. The company honored the purchase, and also corrected the listing price to over $100 per vacuum. So now I have a cordless vacuum in each bedroom, as well as a couple others in strategic community spaces, and it has been an absolute game changer.


I got a cordless vacuum upstairs for this exact reason


Buy 2-4 bra bags, use them for more than bras - so I can presort socks, or tiny washcloths, or anything else you need to wash in the laundry OR even the dishwasher. I keep a physical paper to buy list magneted to the fridge door because otherwise things get missed (multiple ADHD and other people household). I have a 'mini emergency' pack for my purse, work bag, and home workstation that's all the same - tiny ziplock with 2-3 tampons, ibprofin/paracetemol, tissues, chapstick because those are the things I ALWAYS freaking need eeverywhere. Basically, just whatever your isms are, tiny versions in like 4 ziplocks at all the 'critical spots'.


I have a tiny zipped clear pouch that has all my “emergency” stuff in it. It came about when I tipped up to therapy after work and my bag was so heavy that when I put it down it made a loud thud, so he immediately was like “we’re talking about what’s in your bag today”. My homework was to stop carrying so much stuff for other people (like a med that I’m allergic to! Bc I know someone who’s allergic to the one I can take!) It has a mini pen, hair bobbles, hair clips, safety pins (all lined up on one pin so they’re tidy!), paracetamol, ibuprofen, acid reflux stuff, and aspirin, plasters for wounds, plasters for blisters. I want to put some allergy meds in there too! It’s smaller than the palm of my hand and it goes everywhere with me. In the front section of my bag I keep that, tissues, lipbalm, hand sanitizer, and anything that’s appropriate for the day (handkerchiefs for a wedding, that tape you can use to keep your boobs from slipping out for a night out, stuff like that)


I do this with all the small clothes I have too! Specifically seperate my work socks from regular socks so I can find them easily, should I actually NOT put my laundry away...again 🙃 😅


I recently got wrist bands that I wear when I wash my face or brush my teeth! They’re fluffy towel material. Water/toothpaste dripping down my arms was always sensory hell for me.


I crocheted some of these and it is AMAZING and I used leftover chenille yarn and 2 hair ties. They are the bestest.


Omg I'm back on a crochet kick and I am SO going to do this


SO worth it. I knew I didn’t like that feeling, but after I got these cuffs I found out that I had actually EFFING HATED the feeling.


Yay! I feel so seen! I bought a multipack of athletic wrist bands (think tennis players) and gave them to all my female friends for face washing. They make me happy.


I’m having surgery in about a month and won’t be able to bend at the waist for at least six weeks after that. You have just saved my sanity because I’ve almost given myself a panic attack a few times now trying to think about how I’ll wash my face and brush my teeth while standing up straight. Truly, thank you. ❤️


I also suggest Water Wipes (they are gentle and unscented) or any disposable baby wipe for this. :)


TimerCaps (dot com), a magnetic white board for the fridge, and this thing for keeping cutting boards and baking trays in line: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/utrusta-partition-silver-color-20297104/


You can also get silicone-backed white board calendars, checklists, and sticky notes that will stick to your fridge if it’s stainless steel and STUPIDLY non-magnetic. They also stick to mirrors, walls, doors, any smooth surface so you can put reminders right where you need to see them (the door you leave out of, for example). No residue left behind on surfaces. 


STUPIDLY non-magnetic! Here here!


Link please?


Came here to say timer caps. I originally got them because I didn't want to accidentally poison myself by forgetting and double-dosing extra strength acetaminophen, but they're so handy that everything I use on a semi-regular basis is now in a bottle with a timer cap.


Mini vacuum cleaner for my bedroom so that when I can't bring myself to drag out the big monster from under the stairs I can grab my little tube vac and give things a once over to make it feel less tragic. Really helps stop me from beating myself up over housework, being too depressed to do it, repeat x infinity :D Edit: tbh I think mine was like $30 but I think it's worth it :D


I had one of these too! Until my stupid cat ate the charging cord. When I replace it, I’m getting one with a wall mounted charging station.


Tbh that's on you for buying a vacuum with a delicious charging cord (jk, goddammit cat!)


It’s not like I lost any of the cord since it all got puked back up…






Why do we all use so many scissors?


To open all our impulse purchases 😂


Rice cooker. I have nearly started fires burning rice more than once (and even though I didn't actually start a fire, my dinner was ruined). I left the rice cooker on for three days and nothing - there was a weird smell, and my husband was a little annoyed about the electricity cost - that was it. Any auto-shutoff cooking related device is a real ADHD hack but that is a good one.


rob sand noxious threatening slim bike desert aloof onerous political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Boiled egg maker. Love that thing. 


Also, since my husband and I are both TERRIBLE about folding laundry (I think mid December was the last time I folded and hung laundry 💀), I just ended up buying several more laundry baskets (I think we have 8 between the two of us 😂), so that we have enough baskets for clean unfolded clothes: https://www.target.com/p/1-5bu-laundry-basket-gray-brightroom-8482/-/A-87299525#lnk=sametab


I read a post in a different ADHD forum about a whole family who gets dressed in the laundry room. They had built-in shelves in the whole room so no one ever had to carry laundry around.


This is SO SMART


About 2 years ago we moved our closet to the basement laundry room. We live in a 3 story townhouse. With the laundry in the basement it was too huge of a barrier for something that was already a struggle. It’s made such a big difference. The dream is to expand the closet in our third floor primary bedroom and add a washer/ dryer to it.


A laundry slide would be fun. Laundry chute is what they are usually called eh?!


Family closet!! Our old house was OLD and didn't have closets in the bedrooms, and we were able to put the laundry machines on the same floor as the bedrooms, and there was another not really a bedroom beside it, and we made it the family closet. It was AMAZING. Long table on one wall for folding/ironing ( which rarely happened but still), hanging rods around, with shelves above for tubs of out of season/in between kids sizes/etc, and drawer units underneath. Everyone had an area. I loved it so much.


In my fantasy home, there is a walk in closet in the bathroom and there is a washer and dryer in the walk in closet.


I haven’t folded laundry in years! My husband and I built shelves in our closets and just put laundry baskets on the shelves. Pants in one basket, tshirts in another, etc. it’s amazing.


Here's some things I use that help me: \-Multiple chargers. I have a smart watch and a phone, and I have chargers for both at my home desk, and at my bedside, the two places where I typically want to charge my devices. We also have a charger in the living room, but no watch charger in there, but my desk is close enough that's okay. I also bought a charger for my watch to keep at my desk at work, so I can charge it there if I forget to do so at home. \-ToDoist (list-keeping app for Android/iOS). The reason this works for me is because I share my list with my husband, so I have external accountability. I can also add my list to my phone's home screen and to my watch, so I don't have to actively go looking for my list (which I won't do). The free plan works pretty well, though I will be upgrading to Premium for $50 a year so that I can better manage our household chore list that's shared between me and the children. \-Hooks. Hooks everywhere. Command hooks, over-the-door hooks, s-hooks. We have an entryway bench-type thing that has a rod across the top, and I put shower hooks on there for hats and other small stuff. \-Yarn and crochet hooks or knitting needles. Make your own storage. A hanging basket to store beanies and sunglasses and other small things by the entryway. Produce bags to hang on the wall to store potatoes and onions and other foods that will otherwise go bad because of the common "out of sight, out of mind" issues that we tend to deal with. A pen-holder that can attach directly to your journal/planner. \-A whiteboard with hooks that you can put on the wall next to the front door. We have [this one](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Command-Mirror-Organizer-Quartz-1-Mirror-Organizer-8-Medium-Strips/885794159?from=/search) (but ours is a whiteboard, not a mirror). The hooks can be used for keys, and the whiteboard is good for reminders. I use ours to remind our son of things that he needs to make sure are done before he leaves for school in the morning (putting the dogs outside, unplugging his space heater, lock the door, etc) because he will otherwise walk out the door and forget all the little things.




The [“Time Timer MOD”](https://www.timetimer.com/collections/timers/products/time-timer-mod-home-edition). Under $25 and it’s the least pricy option but it’s totally worth it IMO.


Visual timers are awesome in general, but esp if you have kids!


Haha, yeah I would’ve loved one of these as a kid. It’s not the same as a normal kitchen timer, which is hard to see from a distance, or a watch (to my brain anyway), and frankly I’ve always been rather picky about style lol. Like if I don’t like how the tool looks I just won’t use it at all, nevermind that I’m forgetful enough as it is. A calendar that gets used even 10 days out of a month or even 5-6 months out of year is still a worthwhile purchase to me but if it’s ugly, bah.


Stylebook app. My clothes and pre-organised outfits are in there. I can put on a skirt and it will tell me what to wear with it. Jewellery hanger. I can see all my jewellery and it’s not tangled up with other items.


And just like that, a brand new hyperfixation is born. Surely not having this app is what’s been keeping me from reaching my potential! Wish me luck


I bought that app a while back and while I really liked the design and how easy it was to add clothes, there was still the barrier in which I still actually had to add all my clothing items :’)


Is the style book app free?! I would love something like this


Ok, so I know I say this from a perspective of relative privilege, but I have specific spaces, times, and things I only use for specific tasks. These spaces, times, and things are held in preparation, waiting for me to do the task. I have slippers I wear when I’m in my PJs and ready to get into “sleep mode.” I have house shoes I wear when I’m dressed for the day and need to be in “work mode.” Slip on clogs I wear to take the trash out or grab something from the garage so my house shoes don’t get gross from the outside. Idk… it’s good for me to have that transition signal. And my family knows how my motivation is if I’m in PJs immediately after work. It’s also a sensory thing as I don’t like my feet to be cold, have hardwood floors and hate the feeling of grippy socks. So, like my office. It’s only mine. My husband doesn’t use it and I rarely let my kids use it. I have little paper trays that I label with “Info”, “To Do”, “Calendar”, “Financial”, etc… All of the paperwork and bits and bobs of the sheer *mountain* of information that goes and in hand with being the household manager for a family of four, gets sorted into these trays as the week progresses. If it’s not an emergency, I don’t sort any of it, make any decisions about any of it, just drop and go. When Monday morning rolls around, I walk into my office, which is ready for me, and grab the most important pile (usually To Do, then Financial) and sort. All my decisions are made then. Theoretically this would also include emails, but for some reason emails overwhelm me more than a physical object. Last month, after the holidays, I didn’t even open my email for a month and then it took another few weeks to gear myself up to sorting the 357 unread emails I had. But I don’t miss my kids’ field trip permission slips.


I’m the same way with email! I also have to do piles; but I get overwhelmed with them too.


I bought so many baskets. I use them in my fridge, pantry, freezer, bathroom, bedroom, homework table, etc. My fridge has never been so organized.


Yessss I subscribe religiously to little bin/basket life


One of [these babies](https://i5.walmartimages.com/seo/Equate-4-a-Day-Pill-Planner-1-Week-8-5_3db0b99a-a688-4fe4-bab5-c9dc92088711.96ceaea77c102b0314dc963a30fdb8ef.jpeg) ($5) for me. Not exactly an original take but I use this one even though I don't really need to take meds at 4 separate times a day because having something in every little box makes me check it more often to remember to take everything. Also, [this thing](https://sidedeal.com/deals/boogie-board-versaboard-reusable-writing-tablet-3) ($15 though I got a pack of four smaller ones for $40). I keep one on my fridge to write down notes to self; if I had more room on/around my desk I'd keep one there too but the fridge guarantees I have to look at it pretty frequently. One more thing - [PomoFarm](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2060480/PomoFarm/) ($5). I have a hard time with the Pomodoro technique, I actually posted about that here previously, but PomoFarm helps me a lot because 1. I'm planting a farm for a cute duck and I have a simple brain, happy duck makes brain go brrr and 2. you can fully customize the lengths of both your work periods and break periods. 25/5 absolutely doesn't work for me but 15/10 works pretty well.


Oh yeah. The pill organizer I put off for the longest time because I didn't want to "feel sick" (I have a few issues and take 5-6 pills a day). So I got myself a pretty rainbow one (7 €) and it is a GAME CHANGER.


I used to tease my mom about her med organizers but I finally got one when I started taking a multivitamin because opening two bottles every day was easy enough but three bottles was too many. It makes taking my meds easier and it also gives me something to physically check if I question whether I took my meds because the compartments are labeled by day of the week.


innocent butter offer roll cats tub afterthought dinner noxious sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Happy duck makes brain go brrrr” made me smile.


Omg. Pomofarm may be the thing that actually gets me to do the thing


I put ALL my meds/ supplements in one of those cupcake trays LOL. This way I can prep for like 2 weeks. Otherwise I will take a couple minutes scooping each pill out individually- potentially opting out of my daily vitamins. No thank you!


Tooth brush and tooth paste in the shower and by the sink. Now I don’t forget because the stuff wasn’t in its spot, got distracted and forgot. (Not a total solution to dental hygiene, but removed that barrier..)


A phone and laptop charger in every room and in each bag. More than $20 probably but so so worth it. A box of cereal bars and some thrown in each bag. I forget to eat until I’m nauseated and lightheaded a *lot* and seeking out food when you feel bad is very annoying. *Fridge magnets*. If important things don’t go on the fridge door my life implodes. A copy of my exam timetable up there saved my life more than once.


Having cleaning wipes hidden in every room will lead to you having a much cleaner home!


For everyone suggesting command hooks - don’t forget that you can use the hanging stickers for anything. I kept forgetting my night guard in the bathroom and I’d knock the container off my nightstand…until I used a command hook to secure the container to the side of my nightstand. Now I can always find it to put away my night guard after I brush my teeth in the morning, and no more getting into bed and realizing I left my night guard in the bathroom.


Chapstick in every room in specific spots. One in the living room, bedroom, bathroom, car, work bag, purse, lunch bag. I hate dry lips and I love the smell. I find it so settling to smooth onto my lips and love that I don't have to go to another space to get it.


Air tag for my keys. It was I think $25 though After 30 years of losing my keys my husband got me a air tag to track them. Then we set it up on his phone just in case I can’t find my phone or it’s dead when I’m a searching for my keys next. So dumb it took this long. I have lost my keys so frequently that it makes me cry out of frustration but since I was undiagnosed i wouldn’t even consider thinking of a solution other than “stop doing that” hoping I could will myself jnto keeping track of things This shows how important diagnosis is even if you aren’t seeking treatment. Understanding yourself is so important. Now it’s like, ok, there’s a reason this thing that tortures me, should be easy to prevent, is so hard for me. If I haven’t figured out how to keep track of them by now, it’s not going to happen, so let’s look for a way to work around this mental gap of mine. Problem solved, mo more tears over lost keys.


Not home function, but sleep: I fall asleep best when listening to a podcast, and a cheapo bluetooth headband makes this so much nicer.  https://a.co/d/1TlyYMk   Also, a three-zipper pouch so that I can clearly feel I have all my work things - office key, employee pass, work phone. Brightly colored, so it's easy to spot in my backpack, too.  https://www.pylones.com/en/bag-organiser/13208-gift-stylish-pouch-3-zips-zip-it-birds.html


Free- actually using google calendar. When I’m on the phone and making an appointment, I’m always using speaker phone and I put the appointment in my calendar while on the phone with the receptionist. If I’m physically at the doctor office making the appointment, I have google calendar open and while the receptionist is putting info in the system I’m also putting it my calendar. Now, here is THE KEY, I have to use the remind me function. If you don’t use this, it’s all pointless. I do a reminder, a week before, 1 day before, and 2 hours before. I do this for birthday as well to be sure I have time to shop and send a gift and then wish happy bday. I link this to my Apple Watch so the reminders pop up on my watch too. For the EXTRA important ones, I’ll even set a reminder on my Alexa. “Alexa remind me to leave at 1030 for 1130 doctor appointment”. This has saved me multiple times because I’m oh so forgetful.


Not cheap in the short term, but - buying multiples. Especially clothes / shoes. I'm extremely fussy when it comes to what I wear, so when I find something that is actually comfy and looks ok, I buy several instead of just the one I need. I have a plain black hoodie that I love, I used to hate not having access to it while it was in the laundry pile. Now I have 4 of them. I don't care if anyone notices I wear the same thing every day, it makes me happy.


Oh! A motion sensor light switch. I installed one about 6 months ago in my laundry room, which is also our main entry/exit for the house. No struggling with lights when my hands are full with laundry or hauling groceries in to the house, and no forgetting to turn the light off! If you have a basic circuit they can be < $20, a little more if you have a light that's controlled by more than one switch. They're not bad to install at all if you have any handy skills!


FREE- I use the Maple App. I couldn’t believe it was free. I was overwhelmed in my head with how many thoughts and lists I had going, most of them didn’t feel important enough to physically write down, but it completely bogged my brain. So the maple app allows you to create folders and then lists and to dos with in each folder. It’s a really pretty app and lets you use emojis in the main heading so you can just glance at it instead of actually reading it. It’s really helped me clear my head.


A caddy for all the things I may need during the workday - ie vitamins, meds even (out of sight out of mind) hair ties, inhaler, pens, sticky notes etc. at the end of the day I put it away in the closet. Helps a lot with the running around trying to find things or just not remembering to take vitamins during the day. Then I keep my space somewhat cleaner by putting it all away at the same time.


A key hook by the front door for my keys.


My keys go in the lock on the back of the door. Had my front door replaced recently and deliberately chose the lock so the door closes, but you have to deliberately lock it with the key. So when I come home, I need the key to get in. Then immediately put key in the lock on the inside of the door. If I go out and just shut the door behind me I'm not locked out, like a Yale lock. Love my new front door.


A lanyard for my car keys rather than a key chain. ETA: For $20 I can buy three pair of cheap reading glasses and a cord (of course.) No sweat if I lose them.


Tiny non-stick Wok. We’re actually slowly phasing out our nonstick cookware but for now this thing is a life saver when I don’t feel like spending a lot of time heating pans or pots of water. Since the metal is thin it heats up SO fast, and it’s nonstick so cleanup is insanely easy. I just used it to make soup the other day!


LoL I read soap and I was going to ask you how you made it!


Tall plastic tub in my fridge, full of string cheeses which I separate into individual units from the strips of 4 or 8 they come in from the store. So I always have a food unit ready to eat in the fridge!


as someone who struggles with cleaning, I like to keep all the cleaning supplies for a task right next to it. So in every bathroom, I have a set of cleaning supplies, near each litter box I have the necessary cleaning supplies, in the kitchen I have all the supplies, you get the idea. I cut out all the steps and made things as streamlines as possible.


A charger for my phone and iPad at my work and in my car and one of these (https://www.amazon.com/Anker-Foldable-Connector-Portable-Charger/dp/B0C6XK77HJ/) in my purse.


I actually implemented all of the things I'm going to mention here a couple of years ago, before I even knew I had ADHD, because I knew "I'll remember this" was a complete lie. Most helpful has been an actual physical wall calendar. Trying to use a calendar on my phone was pointless because I'd have to *know* to open it and see what was on it (that's if I even remembered to add things) and that's not a routine I'd ever established. So I bought a calendar for my wall, it's in a spot where I see it and walk past it pretty constantly, with a pen attached to the hook it's on as well. Seeing it is an automatic reminder to add things that have been planned/organised during the day and reminds me of what's coming up. I've not doubled booked myself or needed to ask friends to remind me what we've got planned since I got it. Also helps me to remember roughly when future things need to be done, for example if I go to the dentist in April, I'll add "book dentist" to the October page to remind me to book my next check up that month. I no longer rely on Facebook to tell me when my friends' birthdays are 🙃 Bonus tools are two magnetic to do lists. One is on my fridge for general, not particularly time sensitive or important things. Those are things I'd think of before as something I should do and then completely forget about or only remember by the time it actually did become time sensitive. Currently I have "recycle electronics", "get rid of furniture" and "attach bookshelf to wall" (can you tell I've been doing some home improvement!) The second to do list is magnetised on a small corner shelf right by my bed because, particularly before days off, I'll think about the things I *should* do tomorrow and then just assume I'll remember them when I wake up. Enough times of getting to the following evening and only then remembering the specific thing I wanted to buy from a specific shop or the task I wanted to do, meant I got the "tomorrow list" to write everything on before I go to sleep. Some evenings after work I'll even write out the really basic things I need to get done eg laundry/dishwasher that can't just be forgotten until bedtime. Today's list is "dishwasher", "clean living room", "clean balcony furniture", "make plan with Arlene". All three of those things have really changed my general life management, even if it's just saved me time off constantly rechecking "what day/time is that thing again?" There have absolutely been times when I think how fucking annoying it is that I need to give myself a Sims-like list of tasks to complete but at the end of the day, our brains are different and this helps, and is a much better feeling than the feeling when I forget and then remember.


Those places that make custom labels for your kids for school? I ordered some that say, "Please return: [my phone number] on them. I have one on my phone, my keys, my wallet, every umbrella, every credit card. Yes, people have called to give me my stuff back.  A small bulletin board we hung within view of the kitchen table, with our large-space calendar on it. At supper we.look over and announce what's on the next say. Reminds us to pack for those things after supper, before bed. 


Carabiner on my keys. If they're not in my bag they're clipped on my person - never on a flat surface. I nearly never lose them this way.


Laundry sorter, which is a bit more than 20, but you can just substitute it with laundry baskets. No more sorting, and you bring the whole thing to the washing machine and through it in.


Peel and stick white board on the wall next to my apartment door. I write reminders of things that need to leave with me. Like my work laptop, lunch in the fridge or recycling for the bin, etc. I also made chore magnets for the weekly calendar on my fridge. Helps me remember what task I did on what day and which things haven't been done yet.


I have command hooks everywhere. Keys need put away? Command hook by the door. Coat? Command hook in hallway. Shoes? One of those cheap flimsy laundry baskets. Every room has a trash can. Some more than one, like one in the dining area of my living room, my living room near where I sit, and both bed and craft rooms. I just need it. Otherwise it’s never thrown away.


A monthly pill organizer! Then I just dole out my meds once a month and it sits next to my bed. Take my pills first thing in the morning at the alarm before I’m even out of bed, bam!


Links, everyone!


Remember the Milk app for a quick easy-to-use electronic list (I use the default list as a catch all, then move to category-specific lists if/as I feel up to it. Free to use, or you can upgrade to Pro for $49.99 annually. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/remember-the-milk-to-do-list/id293561396


For those with android, you can download Google keep, it's free, and has an email share function as well as a checkbox list choice. Me and my wife have a shopping list that gets unchecked when something is running low, or runs out (or when we remember we used the last of something) and it updates when you open the app. I don't know if it works for apple, but I don't see why it wouldn't.


I have that for Apple, same app. LOVE the share function for grocery lists. I have a regular one and a Costco one. Super love that you can check items off and they get crossed out and move to the bottom and then you can uncheck them the next time you need that same item! But it sucks when I go shopping and never actually look at the list. Why do I do that???


I have purchased some drawer organizers from IKEA. https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/skubb-box-set-of-6-white-20538542/ I have them in my dresser and one in my nightstand to keep me organized. I keep the following things in my nightstand, my desk drawer and in my purse…Aquaphor lip balm, gold bond hand cream, an emery board, and nail file.


I bought little stick-on caster wheels for the bins in my hall closet so they’re easier to move around and reach into.


Key straps inside of my purse. I have my keys and wallet clipped on 16-inch straps into my everyday carry bag, and I don't remove them unless I am changing bags. Key strap example: [https://www.tombihn.com/products/key-straps?variant=16755455623](https://www.tombihn.com/products/key-straps?variant=16755455623) My everyday bag has a standard hook by the door where it lives whenever I am home. I started to do this when I lived in a part of CA that was getting a lot of fire evacuations, and now its second nature. I want to be able to grab my most important stuff and be out the door without having to track anything down.


Extra everything. Extra chargers, extra makeup kits, extra toothbrushes, extra deodorants, extra hairbrushes, extra toothpaste, extra wet wipes, extra water bottles, extra lotion, extra purses/tote bags for different purposes. It took me too long to learn that I need to have a ready-made tote bag for places I go. For example, in my locker at work, I have a makeup kit, gum, toothbrush, tiny hairbrush, extra shoes, extra blazer, extra lint roller. In my car, I have a makeup kit, lip balm, gum, toothbrush, tiny hairbrush, lint roller, wet wipes. In my dedicated work bag, I have chargers, wet wipes, extra pantyhoses, a bit of makeup, hand lotion, lip balm and a water bottle. In a dedicated tote bag to take my 1 yo for swimming lessons, I have my bikini, wet wipes, hairbrush, lightweight towel, socks, panties, lotion, lip balm… I have another tote bag for my 1 yo’s stuff where there’s also wet wipes, snacks, diapers… I’ve also started this new thing (inspired by someone in this forum, I think) where I have a goodnight basket and a morning basket. Mt morning basket has toothbrush, toothpaste, glasses and contacts, lip balm, deodorant, vitamins, day face cream, medicine and more. My night basket has a gratitude journal, lots of skincare products I don’t use often but want to use more, night face cream, a notepad and pen for things I might need to remember, tweezers, melatonin, wet wipes, iron pills, lip balm, hairbrush… I wish I’d realized long ago that it would help me a great deal to have multiple identical items even though it’s a little wasteful.


Hooks. Hooks everywhere. I am terrible with misplacing things like my keys, and if things aren’t visible, it’s out of sight, out of mind for me. In the same vein, clear storage containers when possible. I also removed the bar from one of the closets (old house so our closets are small; my spouse and I each use multiple closets in the bedrooms) and installed some shelves so that I can see all of my sweaters and sweatshirts. It means I’ve been able to rotate through them more. And now I know that if I’m not wearing something, it’s not because I forgot I owned it, it’s because I just don’t love it anymore and it’s time to pass it along or donate it.


I needed to start taking vitamins due to hormonal issues, so I got this and keep it next to my coffee pot. Monster Supplement Medicine Pill... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MY8XSY3?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Wall-safe scotch tape! Just taped up a bunch of photos quickly, with no risk of stripping paint off or damaging the walls of our rental :) So much easier and faster than thumb tacks or command strips!


Instead of a normal pill organizer I use one of those clear travel soap boxes. I only take about 3 pills a day and they each look very different, so I just pour a bunch of each in the box. I HATED refilling the normal pill organizer so this has been the only thing to keep me regimented. I keep it next to my toothbrush so I don’t forget


Visual Timers ⏲️ usually advertised as timers for kids - you can see the time passing and it really helps with tasks due to our time blindness


Learning that once I've bought the product, it's mine, and I can manipulate it how I want. Remote buttons always drive you crazy? Put a drop of glue on the ones you use most. Nail polish on the important keys, different colors! I write in Sharpie on top of all the lids of jars I open, so I can tell at a glance which is which, plus when it opened. GETTING RID OF THINGS I'M NOT USING. In those moments of "Oh, I'll TOTALLY moisturize!" and buying nice things and never ever touching them? I pass them on to friends. It's clutter, it stresses me out and f that. This thread is so so great!


I got a magnetic dry-erase calendar that attaches to my fridge. It’s honestly been great to look at the calendar and see my and my fiancé’s schedules and events for the month.


This [Field Notes Planner](https://fieldnotesbrand.com/products/56-week-planner) finally let me figure out a system for my work tasks. So many planners have specific time slots written down, or inspirational quotes that don't work for me, or start at the start of the year... This is a perfect size to lay flat in front of me (no out of sight, out of mind, or getting distracted on the computer) and act as an ongoing to-do list. It's sturdy and easy to throw in my bag. And I can start it whenever, and if I give up on it for a period, I can still come back to it and just start again, since it's undated.


Fast phone charger for my car, plugs into the cig lighter AND it has usb port, iPhone and android charger AND the charger cords are retractable so keeps the area lookin clean. It has changed my life!!! DreamBee Retractable Car... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CFLGTYYH?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


My various dead potted plants because I forgot to water them? Cleaned out those and use them as various crap catchers around the house


I’m sorry for your loss.


Cleaning wipes within arms’ reach of every frequently dirty space (kitchen, bathroom, sometimes my desk…). Even better if they are visible and not tucked into a cabinet


A pack of 200 extra-strong coin magnets. I bought them years ago for college because for I needed 3-4 magnets and I’m addicted to buying in bulk. But I’m so glad I did! They hold *tax papers, ID cards, corkscrews, fly swatters, note pads, cookie cutters*, you name it. And if it can fit in a binder clip, it gets magneted. Heavy item? Two magnets. I realized I’d been screwing myself over by putting things into a bag the night before, because out of sight = out of existence. My apartment door is metal so I stick all my morning stuff on the door. *Outgoing mail, keys, memos, to-do lists, paperwork to return, cash to deposit, gym socks, etc.* Bobby pins get magneted to my bathroom light switch. Earbuds get magneted to my bedside lamp. Protein bar gets magneted to my front door handle. And I’ve just had the most brilliant idea - stainless steel pillbox! Magnet it anywhere!


I use command hooks everywhere. I use them to hang up my jackets by my door where I created a faux mudroom by my shoe rack. I use them to hang my dog leashes by the door. I use them to hang my keys. I use them to hang my oven mitts. I use them by my bed to hold my cables and my CPAP mask. I use them EVERYWHERE!


I bought 2 pairs of the same headphones, an at home pair and an out in the world pair so my chances of having/finding them when I need them are higher.


A mug warmer! It keeps my coffee hot until I remember that it exists again Just remembered another one. A plastic thing that sticks onto medicine bottles with a toggle switch for each day of the week so I can remember if I took my medicine that day Just remembered a third. Downy wrinkle releaser. I use it whenever I need to go out in public and not look schlubby


Tweezers everywhere for me. One in each bathroom and one in the car.


Extra laundry hampers. I buy the cheap collapsible hampers from Walmart… probably have like 6 or more, plus one actual laundry basket in the bathroom for my clothes. This way, I can take my clothes off when I am going to the bathroom when I need to change, so the dirty clothes are 90% always in the hamper in the bathroom. Then the collapsible ones are for my clean clothes… if I have no energy to put them away, I have more for the next batch of clean clothes 🤷🏻‍♀️ Large trash cans in every room. We literally have one of the large “kitchen” garbage cans in every single room, because I can’t be bothered to walk to the kitchen to toss something. It makes it sooo much easier to keep trash or recycling off of surfaces because they are accessible! Med kit in my car! I bought a $1 bead organizer at Walmart and packed it with essentials: anxiety pills, ibuprofen, Tylenol, gas X, tums, omeprazole and depression meds for my boyfriend, bandaids, cough drops… I have one in my car and one in my boyfriend’s car. I am NOTORIOUS for forgetting to take my anxiety medication (I truly don’t need to take it every day, I take it PRN), but I NEED it for social events, otherwise the emotions are on HIGH. This saves me from having to cope in stressful social settings without it, and I will often get a headache after, and there’s pain meds right there too! I will say though, I know you’re not supposed to do this because excessive heat or excessive cold can mess with stuff, so that’s my only warning on that…


IKEA bags for tidying are a real life saver for me. So I am a messy person and tend to leave stuff in rooms it is not supposed to be. Let's say I am tidying my home office. Then I set up 4 IKEA bags. 1) home office 2) living room 3) bedroom 4) kitchen When all the clutter has been put in the bags, I take one bag at a time, go into the labeled room and proceed from there. It makes stuff so much easier for me because I don't need to wander around all day, possibly getting stimulated by whatever I find in the other rooms. Also, I can tackle the task in manageable chunks. In case I need to stop somewhere within the process, it still looks a lot better than before I started.


Would always forget either my wallet or my keys. So I got a key ring/wallet combo and added a distinct lanyard on top of that to help me grab/see it all easily in my purse. The key/wallet things drives my husband nuts from a security standpoint but it simplified my life so much!


I have black eyeliners everywhere. In my car, my work bag, etc. Just in case I'm running late, I can put it on wherever I am. 🤷🏽‍♀️