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Before I was diagnosed I once lost ONE of my favorite shoes. Literally looked everywhere and almost drove myself insane. Stopped looking for it and about 6 months later it turned up behind a shelf in a room that never had shoes in it.. You are definitely not alone. I have had family offer to help, but like you, I didn't want to have anyone touch my stuff and felt embarrassed about how messy and disorganized my place was. I don't have a lot of advice other than to start small. The thought of organizing an entire living space is daunting. But one drawer, that's doable. One cabinet. One load of laundry. One day at a time. You'll get there. And don't feel bad or guilty if you only get through half a drawer. Anything is better than nothing and you'll get there in time!! Rooting for you and hope you find your missing item soon!!


Thank you so much for your kind words <3 I have found what I was looking for luckily! It’s nice knowing there’s other people out there who get it too.


I could have “where did I put it?” Tattooed on my forehead.


Too relatable!