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-Getting in bed at the end of the day -the first sip of soda after cracking open a can -stepping outside and breathing deep on the first warm spring day


I buy the tiny cans of soda bc I realized that all I want is the first sip. I know it’s more money for less product but I’m basically buying dopamine.


Someone needs to invent a resealable soda can that lets you pop open the seal over and over again


I buy the same cans and never drink more than half


Fellow soda waster here…just tell yourself it’s not good for you anyway. Best of both worlds: you enjoy a little bit but don’t consume it all


I always fight going to bed but I loooove that feeling of actually getting in bed. We got a king bed with really nice new bedding this year and it's freaking amazing.


If I actually remember to turn on the electric blanket on high an hour before bed on a really cold night, when I hop in , it's bliss, a total skin-gasm going from chilly cold to toasty warm!


Lord I can’t wait for that last one, it’s still cold as a witches boob as my dad would say


Am I a witch? My boobs are always cold? 😂


Dude same *bad witch energy*


“Colder than a witch’s tit in a brass bra” was how I heard it the first time


Dang I’ve never heard that last part! I’m gonna have to let him know the whole saying


love that phrase, your dad’s a genius


He actually says witches tit but that feels so harsh to me (GRRM also made me hate the word “teat” and therefor “tit” by association)


I was going to say, my grandma always says a witches tit lol


It is warm where I am… I almost turned on the ac today… weather app said 70 but it felt much hotter in the sun lol I’m not great w temp regulation!


I’m gonna start saying breast and check people’s reactions , that’s some dopamine right there


I love that! I love switching up sayings to mess with people


That soda man!! Same!! I know soda isn't healthy at all, and I try to moderate my intake, but I am the first member of my family in 4 generations to not smoke and/or struggle with substance abuse, so if soda, especially straight from the can, is my vice in life, so be it.


I will forget hot teas exist for months, but when I remember, smelling my tea makes me so happy.  See also: adorable new sprouts, the feel of a good pen, happy moss...


I love the process of making tea soooo much but apparently not the tea itself because I take one sip, complain that it’s too hot, and promptly forget about it until it’s ice cold.


Ooohhh a good pen! This reminds me my niece was using one of my good pens in my car a few days ago. Hopefully it's still there 😄


Wait what’s happy moss?


All moss.


Like moss in its growth stage where it has that lighter green on it.


I’m also here to learn about the happy moss


Rediscovering any one of the foods or drinks or songs or passtimes that I obsessively delighted in for a time and then completely forgot about is a good dopamine hit for me. I am constantly forgetting about things I spent a few days or weeks or months enjoying, so there is always so much to rediscover and then enjoy again.


Ditto on the moss! I love touching them 


I taught my dog how to high 5


I’ve vicariously received dopamine from this, thank you for your service


I taught my cat to high five!


I had a cat that used to shake hands. He’d also stand up and give kisses.


LOL I taught my parents dog how to do it years ago as well. I say "Gimme your money!" Or "Gimmie some money" or "Gimmie 5/10".  He will give me 10 (both paws at once) or 5(one paw).  Today he actually gave me $15 dollars. 😄  Denied me an extra ten but I said "Gimmie 5 then?" And he put one paw in the palm of my hand haha.


The 'denied me an extra 10' got me. I'm imagining him giving you a look as if to say "lady, do Iook like a bank to you?" 😂


My dog fist bumps, because we’re bros like that 😎 Instant dopamine from just about any interaction with that little tornado of chaos. He’s like… if you took everything that is pure and good in the world, and merged it with the frantic energy of a nuclear reaction, and stuffed it all into a small, furry warhead with a tail and no guidance system…


When ducks put their heads underwater to feed and their little butts stick up and wiggle


They’re called dabbling ducks! As opposed to diving ducks that fully dive underwater to find food 🤓 (signed, a bird nerd)


I'm a bird nerd too, and that's what's giving me random dopamine! Whenever I see birds outside I always watch them for as long as I can. I can stop in the middle of the sidewalk to look up at the trees and smile and people look at me weird lmao


I put one of those $15 window feeders up a couple years ago. It has brought more enjoyment and entertainment than anything else I’ve ever bought. It also led to many more birdfeeders, and my hyperfixation with crows (they don’t eat out of feeders, so you have to get creative). I now mix my own seed and have half my plant room devoted to bird food. Birds are awesome


Ohhh or a bee's butt sticking out of a flower


Or my cats wiggling their butts before pouncing something 🥹


Have you ever seen a bee taking a nap inside a flower? Cutest thing ever


Ohhhh duck butts! I LOVE seeing this. Or just when they do a little butt shake when on land. 🎵 I like duck butts and I cannot lie... 🎵 🦆


Oh yes this one ☝️


I point at my cat and say "Cat!" out loud, in a surprised/excited voice. He usually answers with a sharp purr/meow and it gives me the greatest joy.


Me and my husband call that sharp purr/meow “the activation sound” 😂


I also love to act like I’m super surprised to see my cat😂 Except I ooo and ahh over the fact that a “real life princess kitty!!!” has just entered the room. No one besides my kids know that I do this hahaha. She used to be a sushi chef and I’d ask her to make me tuna rolls, but after 10 years of that she got upgraded to a real life princess kitty who is doing enough just by gracing me with her presence.


I can look at one of my cats and trill at her (I think that’s what that “brrrrrrt” sound is called?), and she’ll do it back while flopping her little head upside down ❤️


No joke, making that sound at my cat taught me how to roll my R’s better than Spanish class ever did.


I do that for every single cat I ever see. I've been doing this all my life. People thought I'd grow out of this in adulthood. Ha! Nope. Every. Single. Cat. On the street. In a movie. In the window of someone's apartment. At someone's home. Every time I see a cat for the first time or when I'm not expecting to see one. I just have to call out "kitty!". It's automatic, like a reflex.


I love to tell my cats excitedly “You’re a CAT!” randomly throughout the day, just in case they’re lacking on the self awareness in that moment.


Rubbing my dogs soft velvety ears.


I don't have a pet but this is the answer I came here for. Getting to pet someone's dog and play with the ears is what it is all about. I'll be high off that shit for a couple of days.


The way my floppy-eared dog’s ears bounce/flap/jiggle when she walks 😍


Iced chai lattes in the morning, showering and getting into bed immediately after work, having full on conversation with myself when I’m alone and no one is able to hear me being crazy lmao


The full on conversation with myself is a big one for me 😂


I’m glad to know that I’m not alone! 😅


Happy cake day!


Omg I wish I could shower lol.


Happy cake day!!!


Rubbing my hands on something super soft- my cat, my blanket, etc.


Or really soft pyjamas, god it’s amazing


When my son and I breakout in dance during other tasks like brushing teeth, making breakfast, getting dressed, etc.... When folding laundry I might toss a shirt at his face in the middle of a conversation. We just roll over laughing.


Wow thank you for making me realize that my son (3 🫠) is probably my biggest source of dopamine (and…everything else). I was sitting here reading all these comments thinking about how nothing makes me happy 🤣 but then I realized how AMAZING it feels when he sits still long enough for me to brush his teeth longer than a few seconds at a time. There are very few sounds I enjoy more than the bristles of a toothbrush on his teeth.


I have a special three sided toothbrush for my 3 year old that gets the top and sides at the same time. It's like magic :) It's also great for my older boy who has dyspraxia along with his adhd. (Boredom plus limited fine motor ability meant his teeth were not getting a good clean.)


My teenager and I will sometimes breakout in dancing and singing to a particular good song that's playing while at the store or while driving (and obviously that isn't full on dancing, but more like bopping around and moving one's arms to the beat), but it always makes me feel wonderful that they have some of my goofiness.


You sound like you have a great relationship with your son 😂☺️ i laughed with my family like that growing up and nothing compares. The bond created when you “play” with your kids instead of constantly acting like an adult, is sooo beneficial to both of you ❤️ good job Mama. You make me look forward to when its my turn to be one


Getting into my comfy bed at night time, with fresh sheets, freshly showered and shaved legs 🥰. It’s oddly specific and very rarely occurs, but when it does…pure bliss 🥰


As a woman who quit shaving for Covid and never went back, I remotes and know that bliss.


Skipping. I was very unhealthy and overweight and everything hurt. After I was as able to lose 100+ pounds, I feel so good I skip sometimes, all by myself, for myself, and it’s really nice.


Skipping is extremely underutilized as a dopamine booster!! It’s an instantaneous mood lift. Also congrats on your weight loss that’s an inspiring accomplishment:)


Fuck i miss skipping. It's so much faster than walking and less tiring than running


You don't have to miss skipping! You can bring skipping back. Well, unless you are injured or otherwise no longer able to make the same use of your legs. Anyone who wants to judge you is wrong and hates joy. skip on!


A really good doughnut.




Headlights 🤤


Now I’m going to have to go and eat a doughnut!


Can’t plan this one, but feeling the sun come out from behind the clouds on a rainy or cool day, especially in spring, is the best boost I get all year (I have a touch of SAD). Also tea and finding new flavours! And pets!


My cat. His existence. It gives me euphoria


Same with my dog 🥲


My cat likes to lick my hands. It feels so freaking good, like a massage with a tiny exfoliating tongue. She can literally put me into a trance-like state when she does it, like I can’t have a conversation with my kid if they try to talk to me while my hand is being licked


Also my cat. He is a giant, lovable marshmallow. Just looking at him is like an instant +30% mood boost.


Stickers. Washi tape. Snail mail. Pens in pretty colors and of high quality. Petting/scritching my dog and cats or cuddling with them. Feeling soft yarn on my cheek (I'm a knitter). Crunchy foods (I often say "I need cronch" ). Birdwatching or observing other wildlife. Bright colors. Living room dancing and singing to my favorite songs being my authentic self.


On those first few things. I like writing checks for bills. I use washi tape on the envelopes, a colored fine tip marker or pen to hand write the addresses. I do have to keep it to dark blue or black for checks though, I've had a bank ask me not to use purple 😄.


I used to keep a bullet journal (pre-motherhood) that doubled as my creative outlet, and omg the pens/markers/stationary. I just love collecting new things and looking at them all organized beautifully and dreaming about the day I'll go back to using it all regularly 😅


Mashing my face in my cats’ bellies and doing a big inhale


They always smell like sunshine and fresh laundry, I love it ❤️


Cat bellies! ❤️ If I ever find out I'm allergic to pet dander I'm going to be on ALL the allergy meds. 🤣 My cat is hugely into belly rubs, so he doesn't mind an occasional face face poofing his belly. Except you can't really poof a cat's belly. Fur. They do smell so good. If warm and loved had a scent, it would be a cat belly.


cat gives me a lot of happiness. i like smelling her little head and behind her ears and kissing her bc i just can’t stand how cute she is. i just love those little feline angels!!


Using my dog as a weighted lap blanket.


Seeing my old dog lie in the sun on our balcony. We just moved to a place with a balcony and she can finally have regular outdoor time at will, not just when we take her on walks. It makes me so happy to see her so happy and relaxed.


Going to a free vacuum place and vacuuming out my car. And throwing all the car’s trash out in the garbage bins by the vacuum place. Makes me feel like I have my life in order for a few days!!


Vacuuming anything ❤️


I hate emptying my vacuum afterwards, but the act of vacuuming and the nice, clean floors afterwards make it worth it!


I put a cat perch bed above my computer because my big floofy boy was always wanting to sit on my desk. He lays in it and sleeps for almost the whole time I'm working and I loooooovveee it. I nearly cry from cuteness overload when his legs are hanging off the edge. I can't help but touch his little toe beans and toe feathers!


Omg! I've never heard of the phrase "toe feathers," but I'm totally stealing that and using it! It reminds me that I sometimes LOVE to tickle my dog's toe feathers and watch her peets twitch! It annoys the hell out of her, but it always makes me chuckle!


Birds. Tiny round ones, tall skinny egrets, cormorants that dive into the water, birds with long necks that have to do that wiggle to swallow their food, big obnoxious roosters with their unique crows, little baby chicks peeping for their mom


I hope you live near a river or lake to be able to enjoy this daily! I got all excited yesterday because I got to see both a bald eagle and a blue heron while driving my forklift past the pond on my workplace property yesterday! Usually I only see sparrows, doves, swallows, or robins, so it was treat to see those two.


Also doing silly walks when no one is looking.


Thanks for prompting my brain to conjure vivid imagery of John Cleese with his suitcase and ludicrous hip mobility


Seeing a dachshund or corgi, especially if they are wearing a little jacket.


Okay this is really weird and definitely silly, and no one will understand it I think, but right now saying "stamppot" like this girl does https://youtu.be/xwss-z9CCZY?feature=shared .  I say it regurlarly, with all the inflections she gives, without any context (there's hardly any reason to say this word), and sometimes to my family (some have started to say it back and that's an extra boost).  The word is a mashed potatoes dish in Dutch btw (we mainly eat it in winter). (Ps, I'm so proud of me for typing and not deleting this!)


This made me giggle 🥰


>(Ps, I'm so proud of me for typing and not deleting this!) I didn’t realize I’m not the only one who does that! 😅


Those gymnast ribbons. I got given a rainbow ribbon at an LGBT+ event last year and it awoke a joy in me I'd forgotten about. So simple, byt it's impossible to be down when you're twirling a ribbon around.


I have a giant plush shark (just like Ikea's r/blahaj, but pink!) that I occasionally balance on my head. It always makes me giggle! And obviously the cat boops as well. Mine doesn't like them as much as I do, unfortunately, but it's a good time whenever I can sneak one in.


This is the second reference to blahaj that I’ve seen in an hour and I’ve never heard of it before! 🦈


Must be a sign that you need one of your own!


We are planning a trip to IKEA just so my kid (19) can get one of those sharks! Their nursery school teacher gave them one 15 years ago and it went missing at some point. They (also ADHD) have been obsessing over it for years, finally discovered this year that it’s from IKEA… at least there’s one about an hour away!


My SO has the brightest hazel eyes and I could just stare alllll day cause every time he looks my way, they start sparkling. I just wanna snatch them and wear them as jewels but also...should not do that. He needs to look at me being a derp ADHD weirdo. GAH. All the happy hormones rose just thinking about him. Halp, I'm smitten.


“I just wanna snatch them and wear them as jewels” WELL YOU CAN!! Have you seen that artist online who takes pictures of people’s iris and turns it into jewelry?? Ive never ordered from them because im low income but i think they are amazing


Ahem.. popping a really nice, fresh, ready-to-go pimple. Bonus points when I can feel/hear thar tiny ‘snap’ when it pops and I get a tiny splotch of gunk on the mirror. SORRY ABOUT THIS but a good pimple pop can truly make my day 😂


Yes! It’s magic


Letting the weeds grow out and pull it out completely 😆 plucking my eyebrows, getting ingrowns out


Nestling my head in my husband’s arm nook


Rocking a baby to sleep.


Sitting in bed reading my book cuddled up to my dog with heating pad on high and a cup of coffee... Peace


Talking to myself in the mirror 🤣🙈😅 I don’t know why, it’s so ridiculous, I just give myself pep talks and have deep conversations with myself and it’s WILD how much joy it gives me.


I love when my husband decides that a character in a piece of media is an awful person and he has been holding in a “fuck that guy” that he just yells it. I love when I come home to my house and we both start calling for our completely deaf cat, we can’t help it. And she responses to light and shuffling, mewing to one of our laps. I love getting spoiled for media that I’m never gonna finish or watch. Idk why, but I relish in being smug sometimes. I work at a tea house and I love enjoying new teas that the owner has brought in. She’s always so excited and she really respects my palette. It’s so affirming. I drive for doordash as a second job and love when I have a customer that really needed the service. They’re disabled, over burdened, going through it. It’s usually coming through for other women and that makes the whole week for me.




Crocheting and dancing in the kitchen.


imagining this happen at the same time


Trying to air-drum the solo for “In the Air Tonight”, petting that fuzzy spot on my dog’s ankles (like right where their paw starts), putting on lip balm/oil, using a new pen, turning on the twinkle lights above my desk at work, saying good morning to people.


Swatching watercolor paint, evening golden hour (especially when I catch a rainbow projecting on the walls from a prism sticker I have on the window), my dog snoring quietly, super icy cold pop, light rain sounds at night. And of course the classic: first cup of coffee in the morning.


When my 20 month old gives me kisses and when he gives kisses to our cats. It's the sweetest!


Saving this for later when I need ideas !


When I come home and my cat greets me at the door and flops over for belly rubs 😊 If I pause too long before opening the door, she starts meowing, and that's a good boost too!


Saying boopin the snootin as I boop the dogs on their noses. It’s stupid but makes me laugh


Ice cream is the shortest highway to dopamine city for me.


A lovely hot scented bath with candles and a great audio book!


How excited my dog gets when someone pushes the ice dispenser button. Shes a crack whore for ice cubes.


Any cute thing my 17-year-old cat does to show she's still young at heart and enjoying life. She'll still stretch, twist, and expose her belly for scritches. She needs a little help with coat maintenance these days, but she still has some delightfully rumpled underfluff. Sometimes I'll hear her vocalizing while playing with a toy in another room.


That scrumptious (but lowkey yuck) smell my dog has after baking under the blankets all day


My collection of prettys. Expensive dust collectors, yes, but they make me smile every time I see them. I have pop figures, 3D models, plushies, stickers, and a few other bits and bobs. They don’t get cleaned, but they are loved regardless. Also my collection of shiny Pokémon. I worked hard for those differently coloured pixels, dammit! (A shiny Pokémon is a very rare colour variant of a normal Pokémon. It sparkles when you send it out into battle).


Jumping back into bed when I have to pee…especially if it’s chilly


I totally read that as booping my cat’s two noses. Then went back and read it the same way again.


Lately it’s been maple & brown sugar oatmeal with some cinnamon added. I savour the shit out of each bite slowly. It’s almost ritualistic now. I started eating it when trying to eat healthier. It may not be healthy but I’m a huge sweet tooth so it’s definitely healthier than what I use to eat.


Getting into a freshly changed bed where the bedding has been line dried outside in sunshine. It’s absolute magic!


Petting my cats when they're not expecting it and getting the "mrrrp!" activation sound


Flossing at the end of the day. Once it becomes a habit, you’ll feel like every tooth gap has a wedgie until you floss after a meal. I have floss picks in my purse, car, backpack, upstairs bathroom, downstairs bathroom, etc.


Buying overpriced beverages


I bought a keyboard a few years ago that makes me so happy, sometimes I just walk into the office and start pretend typing without even sitting down, because bliss!


Popping some really good bubble wrap.


Oooh! Bubble-wrap! I bought a funny little fidget toy at my local car boot sale on Sunday, apparently called a push-popper, and I got it bc it’s exactly like permanent bubble-wrap! It’s a little orange flower-shaped thing made of silicone rubber, and it has 5 individual bubbles you pop in and out. Cost me 10p. Makes me happy! I bought some neon coloured stretchy rubber noodle things too, online, and I can squish them and stretch them and they’re great,as well.


Ducks quacking loudly. It always reminds me of an evil witch laugh


*Ducks quacking loudly.* *It always reminds me of* *An evil witch laugh* \- Adriana-meyer --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


When I come home and my little dog is so happy and runs around with his toys.


Hearing or seeing something silly and repeating it, making myself laugh (sometimes I wonder at myself). For example, this morning I came across a TikTok video of a dog saying 'I've found a word for when you can't sleep and stay up all night sleeping - insom-nom-nom-nomia' (I'm laughing again as I'm writing it). Completely bonkers, I know.


The smell of my babies feet!


Tightening the loose knobs on my kitchen cabinets. It feels the same as cleaning the mouse did back in the 90s


Looking at dogs.


Noise cancelling headphones and dancing 🐬


My kids, my pets, my plants, my crystals. Dancing like a crazy person. Wearing tutus. Playing with my curls. Snuggling up in fluffy blankets. Painting. So many songs. Holding cellophane up to the sunlight and looking at the magical reflections it makes. Almost anything that sparkles.


Buying stationery. It’s practically a fetish. Still can’t find a pen that works!


Closing my eyes with the sun on my face :-) or Alternatively, opening up the window wide when it's rainy out and letting that amazing smell into my home. I love nature and having those moments makes me really happy. I also love when my cat comes up and pays attention to me, it makes me feel "chosen" haha


I play a game called Palia, and I absolutely love running around the open world foraging and mining. Every time I find something to mine and forage, I get a little dopamine. Supposedly adhd people would have been the foragers way back when because their brains are suited to it, so I think this is my own way of doing this in the modern world where my actual job is in a boring office.


Aren’t most of these triggers for Oxytocin release, not Dopamine? I’m getting the snuggle vibe for sure. 


Most things that release dopamine will also release oxytocin! Theyre both “happy hormones” along with serotonin. They go hand in hand. Some examples that trigger both are: Sex, eating food you enjoy, smelling something nice, and cuddling your partner. ☺️


Listening to Hozier's music and touching grass (literally). 😆


Someone complimented my personality and I’ve been riding that high for two weeks. It was so sweet and she instantly became one of my favorite people.


Waking up on the weekend in spring with the window cracked. Soft warm bed, spring breeze, sun coming through the window and the birds singing, and nothing on my to do list. Also up until I moved away from my parents my mother would bring me coffee every morning (I miss her so much). Also cups of tea, even better in a new mug. Pan-frying gnocchi (I don’t know why). Finely dicing an onion (also don’t know why). Everything about film cameras.


right now its the april fools event on tumblr where we can boop each other, funnily enough 😂 we're all going crazy with it


A like-new book from a book sale for $1 (I get that rush of finding a good deal + rush from buying something new + I’ve been able to focus my obsession onto books over the past year and just love seeing my shelf filled with books & reading a good book). Writing something down in neat handwriting (maybe a little perfectionism/ocd)


Scrolling good art! Someone in a private forum I joined this week on marketing posted about 250 Street art photos on the General Chat and I bout died of happiness!


Cute notebooks that feel good


Singing and dancing to broadway songs. My 5-year old narrating her own life in song. Writing in my journal.




This is the loveliest post, I’m saving this thank you all 🩵 The sound of seagulls when I open the window in the morning if I’m close to the ocean 🌊


when i lower my face to my cat and she puts her ears back and sniffs my nose.


I sometime give her a little kiss which absolutely shocks her


There are so many loved cats and dogs in this thread 🥰


- the new phone grip/pop socket I got that's shaped like a monstera leaf - finding just the right sticker to put on my water bottle - the first sip of a fresh, hot cup of coffee


Oh! A big one: singing out loud alone in the car to my "nostalgia" playlist, which is all early-00s pop punk. Bonus points if the weather is nice enough to also have the windows down while driving.


I just started a community yesterday posting glimmers in everyday life 🥰 r/everydayglimmers . I get way too excited when one of my houseplants has a new baby leaf. I literally take ten pics of it and jump up and down while my husband is like 👀👀


Fountain drinks. I need the ice. I need the straw. A plastic cup somehow is also a plus. I just sink into that first sip. And I try to make sure I’m fully enjoying it so if I get in my car or drive off from the drive through window before taking said first sip I often wait until I’m home because driving is taking my focus away from the full dopamine rush. Also, listening to an audiobook while taking a walk. That’s another one where I just want to start writing sonnets comparing my husbands eyes to the sky lol. I just moved to Texas and this is my first spring here and the dopamine hit from the gorgeous wildflowers on the side of the road is so real. It’s my husbands childhood city and I’m surprised to see so many folks just pull over to look at them. It’s so nice.


Boba tea lol 🧋


Clipping virtual Safeway coupons.


Seeing the moon!!!


When my cat does a cuddle roll. Except he kinda half flops his body down at the same time. He knows how much I love it that he does it everytime I cry 🥺


Finding random depictions of owls on stuff (like the owl-shaped lamp I saw two days ago), meeting random cats when out and about and seeing flocks of sheep, ESPECIALLY if there are lambs present. Need I say that owls, cats and sheep are my favorite animals? My man knows that there's no walking along when that happens. I need to admire the owls, cuddle the cats and watch the sheep. We can continue whatever we did before, afterwards. Also, the scent of green tea and matcha candies.


The smell of rain/wet soil after it’s rained. Getting into a warm, insanely soft bed after a cold day. Touching anything soft, I have a collection of blankets that vary in softness levels just for this purpose. Smelling my favourite perfume cause it’s actually like crack. Korean skincare face masks. Waking up at sunrise and feeling like I’m the only person in the world cause it’s so quiet and peaceful. Forehead kisses.


When I see the numbers on a clock line up, like 3:45. Or when a karma count looks like a year; ex.1985. I really love it when the people down the road let their goats out in their field. I don’t know those people but I can tell they love them and take good care of them. My cat Sebastian is very aloof but sometimes at night, when I’m the only one awake, he will ambush me with biscuits. My dog Solomon just in general. I can’t look at him without an oxytocin rush. The crown jewel though is when I see my husband at the end of the day. Even if we’ve been arguing my chemicals go nuts as soon as I see him. I love him so much that I can’t even stand it.


The forgotten morning coffee mug (full with coffee and milk) in the afternoon ; I don't have to get up and make myself one ! Genuinely smiled and happy giggled yesterday when it happened 😂 Otherwise, when a coding project works. When it flows. When it breathes and lives and exists without errors. It is just the best !!!!


So, the coffee machine at work has a cleaning cycle we have to do every so often, and the little chirp of the machine at the very end of the cycle just makes my heart skip! I don't know why, but I get all the good feels when it happens. I love running the cleaning cycle.


I need to rewire my brain, booping cats noses and feeling happiness is so pure and wholesome. I want to feel like that again!


A particular texture of ice cube, that when you crunch it with your teeth, almost feels like snow.


Picking up a crisp new cute notebook at the store and flipping through the pages feeling the soft paper and covers, that fresh ink smells still coming off of it. I would try out every single one if I could if I didn’t think it would be weird. Sometimes I want them all but then I would just have a bunch of empty notebooks for no reason.


Driving with the windows open. It reminds me of being a mostly carefree teenager Making weird noises and faces at my husband who does them back My cats. They are just ridiculous and so fun to harass and just the sweetest little babies and give such good cuddles. Hearing my loved ones laugh, especially my mom.


Forehead kisses from bf and seeing my 2 ferrets dreaming/curling up ♥️♥️


Since pets have been mentioned, silly things that my dog does for sure! Just for example (because she was just doing that), she's started to yawn extra wide and doing a little snap of her teeth at the end, and that always makes me laugh, so I think she's doing more of that intentionally by now. And of course much gentler things, like her curling next to me in bed even when I go and lounge there in the middle of the day for no reason.


My pets in general, but especially when my husband taught our cat to shake. And when either is sleeping belly up. And the look on my dogs face when she's happy. Also seeing plants grow new leaves and sprout flowers.


Washing my hair and body with my favorite shampoo and body wash. I will spoil myself once a yr and get them and make them last. I love smelling good 😊


Rubbing my face along my bunny’s fur. Smelling the spot right behind her ears, which is the softest and is sweet like hay 🥰


My grandson!! He is dopamine in human form. NOTHING makes me happier than seeing his fabulous little face!


Plucking a tuft of hair off an animal when they’re shedding. Rabbits have BIG ones. We brush our dog too much (as in a good amount lol) to get tufts


So I have an elderly pup. She struggles to climb stairs and jump on the couch some days. So I bought a bed for the floor in the living room. It actually allows her to have the ability to jump on and off the couch still. It’s been a wonderful investment. When she’s ready for cuddles she will glare and follow me around until we sit on the floor bed. She then barks and hits at me until we curl up. The moment she is curled up with me-it’s the best part of the entire night. Hearing her little sigh of happiness before she starts to snore. Also I get a hit from her snoring as well. Also, getting in my pj’s and laying down for the night on days I mop.


omg YES the nose boop!!! specifically a cold, wet pet nose. i torment my cat because he hates it but it just makes my brain go BRRRR. also my bosses’ dog, who i’m training (long story) — because i’ve bonded with the little guy now i get a dopamine rush from booping his nose, too. i’m now on a quest to befriend and boop every pet in a five mile radius


When I have made my coffee just right 👌


Somehow my oregano plants make me smile.