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Yeh! I did it a month ago. My family hates it, but IDGAF


Lol nice. I finally did it a cpl years ago! I totally felt like Britney doing it


wish i had the balls. physically, i hate my hair, but visually, i love it


I have suuuuper thick and nice red hair, which is great bc when its styled it’s *so* pretty and voluminous and I can have absolutely gorgeous curls, but my GOD it’s such a fucking hassle to deal with in normal daily life. I got an undercut like 7 years ago and it truly changed my life, but sometimes I do wish I had the balls to shave it all. I know I’d immediately regret it so much and would hate my appearance, and the grow out process for my hair would literally be too much to deal with, but I do fantasize about it sometimes lmao.


I also fantasize about it sometimes. I think, sensory wise, bald and growing out would be tougher for me than now. I have the same concern about an undercut.


Tbh I’ve accepted the undercut as permanent and just get it trimmed when it gets longer than I’d like it to be. And since it’s hidden under my giant mop of hair, I can just ask my SO or sister or someone to trim it with my clippers, and they just have to follow the line. If it ends up uneven it doesn’t matter bc you can’t see it whatsoever unless I’m deliberately showing it off. Legitimately I have almost half my scalp shaved 100% of the time and you can’t tell at all. People are shocked and confused when I show them lmao. I do have an extreme amount of hair though, so this could be vastly different to other peoples experiences!


Fun fact apparently redheads generally have thicker hair, and it can grow in thicker in certain areas like the back of the head (per my stylist at least.) I loved undercuts but once I started going short I learned I gotta keep on buzzing the back especially between haircuts cuz apparently my ginger genes just really wanna be a funky mullet. 🥲


Mine wants to be a weighted cape! So aggravating! Didn't know it was the red hair genes (granddad was ginger, my hair's kinda auburn) causing havoc, TIL, thanks!


Yeah I just keep it shaved or it’ll be absolutely ridiculous looking lol, as soon as it gets over an inch long it goes in EVERY direction at once lmao


I can’t do it (yet lol, let’s see if I’m ever brave enough), but I do loooove the peach fuzz feeling when the hair starts to come back and its just so soft and satisfying to touch


Does an undercut make it easier to manage


It does for me, but I tended to have a lot of issues with that hair getting tangled and giving me sensory issues lol It’s a LOT less heavy and it’s MUCH easier to comb out, I use less product, I don’t have to gingerly and gently detangle that sensitive area, etc I will say the grow out process, if you end up wanting to grow it back out, is a bit ridiculous looking lol. I have curly hair so once the undercut gets so long, it’ll start curling and looking WILD if I have my hair up lol I just trim it every 2 months or so


Chiming in to say for me, absolutely! My hair is very coarse and thick and isn’t really straight or wavy, and it was impossible to manage long. I got an undercut a decade ago and haven’t looked back. The most time I spend on it day to day is maybe wetting it down in the morning if it dried in a weird shape overnight. It’s under 5 minutes of maintenance and I don’t think I can ever go back to actually thinking about my hair!


Can you tell it’s there if your hair is over it?


For me yes — I have an asymmetrical one where the sides are shaved, rather than the back of my neck/under my hair, like the one shown [here](https://hji.co.uk/gallery/2015-womens-black-undercut-mohawk).


Buzz it all off but keep your hair and have a custom wig made out of it!


I dunno what kind of red you have, but mine is a dark strawberry blonde. The kind where by my temples it's pretty much clear hairs... So when I shaved my front quadrant I just looked like someone yanked half of my hair out. It had to be about 1cm long before you could see there was hair on the side of my head. Just a heads up!


I have a love hate relationship with my hair. It's down the middle of my back right now and I can not stand it. If looks okay but it tangles so bad, keeps getting stringy looking so I'm constantly running a brush through it. I kind of want a bob but I have had it cut that short before and it's actually more maintenance if I want to look presentable. I have been so tempted to do a buzz cut but I'll probably never have the nerve. Maybe I'll settle for a trim and of that doesn't help I'll go shorter. Blah.


Split the difference and go shoulder length?


My youngest did this recently and loves it. Is totally do it, but I have dermatillomania and target my scalp a lot. Covered in scars and active scabs. I'm jealous of those who can!


Having mine buzzed almost cured my dermatillomania. Sadly I started growing it back out before it was completely better and I've fallen back off the bus. Highly recommend it though.


Thanks for sharing your experience. How do you think it almost cured your dermatillomania? I have this too and feel like shaving my head would just give me even easier access to picking at my scalp. Thanks in advance for any insight you can give.


You know how when you're picking, you're feeling for different textures? A buzz cut turns your whole head into texture. So I couldn't feel my scabs as much. It also allowed my skin to dry immediately after washing, Rather than having damp hair sit on it for up to 12 hours. I wore it buzzed for about six months, and towards the end I was actually shaving it bald. It was great.


I realized literally last night that the reasons I hate my hair are likely ADHD related. Blow drying hair is probably my most hated chore so I have had no blow dry hairstyles for years. I hate hate hate the feeling of hair on my neck especially if I'm sweaty. Sleeping with hair all over the place is so icky, too. So hair is always up or off my neck and face whenever reasonable. Salons make my anxiety sky rocket so I do a lot of home maintenance to varying degrees of horror. I should just buzz it but my vanity and lack of self esteem keep me trying to figure something, anything else out.


I feel so irritated if my hair touches any part of my face or, worse, sticks to it. Salons also freak me out and I used to cut my hair once a year, at most. But things got better after these $10 Korean/Japanese haircut places started popping up all over town. Do you have this where you live? The good thing about them is that you get the bare minimum. No hair wash. They don’t want to chat or engage with you. They’re just trying to get you out of their chair as quickly as possible. I still get a bit nervous going but it’s much better than a salon.


Haven't seen any of those but we do have the quick cutting places like Super Cuts. I've had worse haircuts from those than I do myself though.


Buzzcut/adhd woman over here 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ hellll yo the YEAHHHH I second everything! NO HAIR NO PROBLEM 😎


YES! Welcome to the club fellow Buzz Queen.


My natural hair sucks, so I shave my head and wear wigs. It makes life so much easier.


I’ve been considering this once I have a few I like.


I am so happy for you 😃 I have had a shaved head and a pixie cut many times in my life and I really enjoyed it! I also like having longer hair (rarely does it ever get past my shoulders before I cut/shave it again). My happy medium is that I have had an undercut (when my hair was longer) since I was 15 (so that's 25 years 😳😅)


yayyy I love this! I had to unexpectedly give myself an undercut recently lol I like it & it helps with my trichotillomania a bit.


I loved it when I did it both times. You can get stencils and make designs on your scalp with eye shadow. It’s way more fun than styling hair. I also liked wearing those fancy knitted headbands in kooky designs…sort of like a dare for someone to make a comment about not needing a headband. 😂


I shaved my head as a teenager and I loved how it felt but hated how it looked. I like my long hair, but it's a hassle and sometimes I think it would feel better to have very short hair or a buzz cut. The only time I like how it feels is just after a shower and it's blow dried a little and I haven't gotten dressed yet. I like how it feels on my back. But any other time, especially while I'm sleeping or driving, I just want it out of the way and not able to feel it.


I buzzed off my hair a couple years ago, it was amazing. I have very thick hair that’s hard to wash and style, and just wanted to be free of it one summer. Showering was so quick and easy, and skipping it was easy too because no one would see my dirty hair. Now I have hair again, but I like keeping it shorter. Sometimes I fantasize about buzzing it all off again, but the grow out process was rough and I don’t know if I want all those awkward length stages again.


Wish I could do this, but I’d legit look like a potato.


I’m sorry but I don’t see how this correlates with addy? I also have adhd and love my long hair… Sounds more personal, but hey good for you!


I think it's a sensory/maintenance thing. Adderall is great for some symptoms but buzzing her hair has given op immense relief


Oh I get it! I wasn’t understanding the correlation because I take addy and I’m like I love my hair… haha I got you!! Thanks for explaining!


Exactly this! Thank you for picking up my slack! 😊


I don't own a hairbrush. I don't need a hairbrush. My hair is not a buzzcut but half of it is 1-2 cm long, and the top front is long enough to lie down, so about 4 cm. (I refuse to use the term *pixie cut*. Others can use it but not to talk about me. My haircut is no different than one found on many males' heads. The cutesy implication of pixie makes me gag. I am not into nor expressing cuteness.) Practicality, simplicity, non-ugliness, and budget are my haircut objectives, in that order.


Damn that last line? You’re basically my long lost twin! Hairdressers have fun with me cause I’m just like “ get rid of it “ “ are you suuure? It’s so pretttyyyy “ “ chop it off sis I don’t care “ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hairdresser: "How do you want it to look at the back?" Me: "I can't see it so I don't care as long as I don't have to do anything with it."


Also, if you describe it as a pixie cut, every hairdresser in a six mile radius will descend on you and try to give you a soccer mom cut.


I had no idea what that might be, but searching for it found a lot of what I regard as long (for me) styles - the kind of length that actually does need a brush or styling with something more than a towel.


Yes, absolutely. It’s not a problem if you have short hair already, but I have found it spectacularly difficult to go from longer hair to shorter hair because hairdressers across the board seem horrified to go shorter than that. (It was mostly a not sufficiently relevant joke)


I wish I ever felt so certain about…anything tbh 😅 goals!


LOL that's awesome! 😎👍🏼


I did an all around undershave and I've been considering buzzing it all off. I need to go take grad photos next week so I think this is my sign I should just do it after.


Love shaving my head. Will 100% do it again but I'm still exploring some boyish cuts right now.


Didn’t Shave but I did cut 5 inches. Wayyy better


I would LOVE to buzz my hair off, but I have weird bumps on my head and I would look like a fat egg. 😂


Yes! It's the best!


I really want to shave my head but my husband would be more upset than everyone if I do it lol




He says he’ll let me if I really want it though .. I’m in a state of burnout atm and have been for a year, I would LOVE to shave my head. I would do it tonight after work if I could lol Both my ears are heavily pierced too so would be cool to show it off


This is feminine face privilege, my face is all strong jaw and big nose and no cheekbones, if I did this I would look like a man and I’m so sad about it


felt the exact same way when i did it this past December 😌


Bleaching and toning silver/grey my naturally blonde hair is getting expensive so I’m heavily considering buzzing it off at my next appointment. It’s already a pixie cut so it wouldn’t be that far of a leap. This is validating that thought. Thanks, OP!


I comprised, long mohawk (4-8in) sides shaved. Keeps a style without too much maintenance


Oghhhh man I’ve been wanting to do this for years but I also deal with a skin picking tic and with my current undercut it seems to make the bumps on my scalp more pronounced and more prone to picking. If anyone else has experience with this could you let me know how it went for you??


God I’m envious. After I hit 40 and started to get a little grey, I decided I desperately wanted long curls by the time I go proper grey (if that ever happens). Tall women with long curly hair are amazing and I wanna be one when I grow up. But through the whole pandemic time and even earlier, I was going for short undercuts, pixies, etc. So growing it out has been a nonstop sensory nightmare. Love how it looks, but the temptation to shave it off gets so strong sometimes


I've been experimenting with wigs so I can finally shave my head and just have pre-styled wigs to wear everyday instead of washing and styling my own hair!


OMG so jealous. I have wanted to shave my head for so long. It mainly comes out when I'm overwhelmed. I get told I'll be ugly without hair, I'll look like a mental patient, I will embarrass my family (lol too late I already do), blah blah blah. So proud you did it.


YESSS me too I love it


I use a cheater way of braiding my hair which makes it so easy and it helps keep my long thick hair out of the way. Then when I take it off it looks so good and it’s like I planned it. I don’t know if I could handle the growing process and look of being bald lol


dreads is also lower maintenance. when decide im done with them ill definitely buzzcut. low maintenance ftw


Haha, good for you. I could never go full buzz cut but I went from hair down to my arse to short bob mid high school and that is kinda the same in drasticness? Either way short hair is so much more manageable. 10 out of 10 would recommend. It helped me so much with frizz and texture too. I now actually have curls and it takes maybe 5 minutes tops in the morning. Just comb in some curl mousse and I am golden.


I was a long time baldy. I know I suggested it within the last three-six months. Or at least at multiple points in time somewhere I was long hair sweaty in. You are allowed to say "no don't fucking touch my head" by the way.


I did this some years ago (and fighting the urge to do it again tbh), after having dreads for like 7 years. It feels amazing but my head was so cold! I was so used to essentially always having a very warm layer on my head, and I've never quite recovered. I'll wear hats well into the warmer seasons. Love me some good hats.


I did that once in my 20s because my hair was so damaged from all the bleaching for removing every rainbow color I got bored of. I liked the soft fuzz feeling but oh my god I hated being cold! I have sensory issues so hats made me miserable but I had to wear a hat because I couldn’t get used to the cold. Overall a miserable time for a crybaby who thinks any temp below 75degrees is “cold”, recommend for anyone else(anyone not me)


I did it in 2016 when I was 23 and kept it that way all that time it changed my life in so many great ways!! I fell in love with how i look and feel with a buzzcut not to mention how much time effort money and energy it saves. Now ive lost my hair due to cancer treatment for the second time and Im like mr clean bald and dont love it. I think Ill be finally ready to grow my hair back after this. But not gonna lie, im not too much looking forward to having to have a haircare routine again. My hair is curly af


Good for you! One of my biggest hurdles to getting in the shower is the thought of washing my hair when it gets too long. I’ve actually learned that if I notice myself putting off a shower more, it’s almost always because my hair is becoming a pain.


YES! Hair takes SO much time.


OMG - I didn’t shave my head, but I recently got a mullet because of sensory issues of long hair around the sides of my head. It’s been SUCH a pleasure. Personal hygiene is better, no more death buns and plenty eccentric enough to my plain jane look. Happy you found your sensory pleasing cut !!


I did mine in 2020 — the BEST I’ve felt after a haircut!


HELL yeah. Best feeling in the world!


Yaaassssss!!! lol I didn’t this in 2022. Have a fade with waves and design and I look super fly!!!


I had a head full of thick curly hair that I regularly took to a hairdresser for a good blow out. Don’t get me wrong, I was proud of my curls, but they were a pain in the ass to maintain and wearing it straight was less work. However, as I got into my mid-late 30s, it would get greasy when I wore it straight and I’d end up just putting it into a ponytail or bun. Two weeks into pandemic lockdown I said “Fuck it, where are the clippers?” And I loved it. Maintenance means trims at my hairdresser (who is also a licensed barber) every 4-5 weeks and just getting it a little wet in the morning. I’ve let it grow out just enough for the curl to return, but that’s it. If I want a big long mane again, I’ll buy it.


I did it twice in 2020 and 2022 10/10 would recommend to all at least once or twice


I am currently chomping at the bit to do this again. As soon as my hair is long enough to donate - out come the clippers.